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530 Teacher Observation Video

Nicholas Liberato

Grand Canyon University

EAD 530 - Improving Teacher Performance and Self-Efficacy

Dr. Gary McDaniel

March 31 2021
My school utilizes the Danielson Model for our evaluation tool. I see this as an effective

and efficient evaluation tool as it targets multiple different domains ranging from the academic

information, engagement, classroom environment, proper planning, etc. This model really allows

for a variety of teaching styles to be scored comparably and fairly in my opinion. Our model is

also set up to offer positive feedback as well as constructive criticism for areas in which the

teacher can improve.

For this assignment I selected the “Content Knowledge” video based on a math class. I

though the teacher did a great job overall making the content interesting and engaging the whole

class. The teacher clearly has efficient procedures in place because students were on task and

working for the duration of the period. The teacher also calls on students by name and connects

with their ideas. The teacher even takes advice from a student on organizing a graph. The teacher

also has a student come up to the board and graph a problem live along with the class. Also, the

teacher goes through examples on the project so the whole class can see and follow along during

the work session.

Off of the Danielson Model, I would score this teacher a 3.6 our of 4. I feel they did an

excellent job connecting with the class and making the information relevant and important.

Calling on students by name and having students engaged in skills and question response clearly

establishes a positive learning environment. The teacher also overs many forms of informal

assessment to gauge where the class is with the information. Asking students to check their work

and if they agree or disagree with what is graphed on the board draws on critical thinking skills

that are necessary to create long lasting connections to the information. The teacher also praises

the students as they accomplish work throughout the class and the teacher offers a very positive
tone when speaking to students both individually and as a whole. Overall, I feel the teacher did

an excellent job on the lesson that is why I gave a high score.

There are many areas and points to touch on for positive feedback for this lesson. Subject

area knowledge, positive classroom environment, different forms of assessment, and overall

engagement in class are major high points of the lesson. The teacher is clearly a well seasoned

veteran teacher and it shows in his planning, organization, and instruction. There were never any

blank moments where students didn’t know what was coming or what they were supposed to do,

all students were on task for a majority of the period. Getting students engaged in the lesson is a

huge positive as well. Having the one student graph up on the board and calling on students to

provide answers and rationale doing the lesson allows for students to demonstrate mastery of the

skills and to achieve success.

The only constructive criticism I would offer to this teacher is to provide more interactive

technology to further engage the students during the lesson. I know the teacher used a projector

to demonstrate examples but offering some sort of interactive quiz game or quick video to

further enhance the learning process would be a welcomed addition. Other than adding in some

interactive technology pieces there aren’t any other areas I would recommend feedback for. I

think the teacher did an excellent job overall engaging the class and making the information

interesting and relevant.


Content Knowledge. (2015, January 13). [Video]. YouTube.


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