Anatomi Ginjal Blok Sistem Urinaria 2021

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Anatomi Sistem


• Retroperitoneal
• Bean shaped
• Ren dextra lebih rendah
• Ventral terhadap m.quadratus

Posterior view
Arcus costovertebralis =
costovertebral angle
Lapisan pembungkus ginjal:
1. Fascia renalis:
• Pars anterior = fascia renalis Gerota
• Pars posterior = fascia renalis Zuckerkandl
2. Corpus adiposum perirenalis
3. Capsula fibrosa
At the lateral margins of each kidney, the anterior and posterior layers
of the renal fascia fuse. This fused layer may connect with the
transversalis fascia on the lateral abdominal wall.
Above each suprarenal gland, the anterior and posterior layers of the
renal fascia fuse and blend with the fascia that covers the diaphragm.
Medially, the anterior layer of the renal fascia continues over the
vessels in the hilum and fuses with the connective tissue associated
with the abdominal aorta and the inferior vena cava. In some cases, the
anterior layer may cross the midline to the opposite side and blend with
its companion layer.
The posterior layer of the renal fascia passes medially between the
kidney and the fascia covering the quadratus lumborum muscle to fuse
with the fascia covering the psoas major muscle.
Inferiorly, the anterior and posterior layers of the renal fascia enclose
the ureters.
In addition to perinephric fat and the renal fascia, a final layer of
paranephric fat (pararenal fat) completes the fat and fascias associated
with the kidney. This fat accumulates posterior and posterolateral to
each kidney. (Source:
Struktur ginjal
•Cortex renalis
•Medula renalis
•Pyramides renalis Malphigi
•Papilla renalis
•Basis pyramides: Proc. Ferreini
(medullary ray)
•Columna renalis Bertini
•Lobus renalis
•Calyx renalis mayor
•Calyx renalis minor
•Pelvis renalis
•Sinus renalis
•Hilus renalis
Segmen ginjal
pembungkus ginjal

Dari luar ke dalam:

Fascia renalis (Gerota)
◦ Fascia prerenalis (fascia
◦ Fascia retrorenalis (fascia

Capsula adiposa (corpus

adiposum perirenalis)
Capsula fibrosa

Fascia Toldt??
Malformations of the urinary
Horseshoe kidney: 1:600 kelahiran
U-shaped kidney setingkat vert.lumbal.

Aberrant renal
arteries (multiple
renal vessels;
arteries): 3%

Polycystic kidney: death occurs at or shortly after birth

if bilateral.

1. Pansky B. Review of Medical Embryology. Macmillan Publishing. 1982.

2. Snell RS. Clinical Anatomy by Systems. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Pansky B. Review of Medical Embryo-
logy. Macmillan Publishing. 1982.
Daftar Pustaka:
1. Waschke J, Böckers TM, Paulsen F. Buku ajar anatomi Sobotta. Ed 1.
Elsevier: 2018
2. Drake RL, Vogl W, Mitchell AWM. Gray’s anatomy for students. 3rd
Ed. Elsevier Churchill Livingstone: 2015
3. Agur AMR, Dalley AF. Grant’s atlas of anatomy. 12th Ed. Lippincott,
Williams & Wilkins: 2009
4. Pansky B. Review of Medical Embryology. Macmillan Publishing:
5. Liang JT, Huang J, Chen TC, Hung JS. The Toldt fascia: A historic
review and surgical implications in complete mesocolic excision for
colon cancer. Asian Journal of Surgery. 2019:42.

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