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School Profile

My internship
school is Great
Neck Middle
School, located in
Virginia Beach, VA.
Floor Plan
Principals of the School:
- Dr. Gene Soltner
Assistant Principals
- Tamara Cornick-Leonard
- Thomas Quinn
The mascot of Great Neck is the stingray.
History of Great Neck
Great Neck Middle School used to be housed at Cox
High School, but was recently rebuilt in 2012.
Great Neck opened as a middle school in 1983 with
only grades seventh and eighth. However, in 1993,
sixth grade was added to the school.
Awards and other Claims to Fame

Great Neck Middle School is a fully

accredited school and a National Blue
Ribbon School. This ribbon recognizes
exemplary elementary, middle, and high
schools yearly.
Teachers of
the School
Sixth Grade
Penguins, Waveriders, and Orcas
Maureen Malla, Math

Lisa Weiss, Social Studies

Christine McCune, English

Tanna Mezacapa, Science


Melissa Negele, Math

Iwalani Wilson, Social Studies

Carolyn Summy, English

Benjamin Stahl, Science

Kailey DiFerdinando, Math

Sandra Polk, Social Studies

Sally Northcott-Mayes, English

Amy Saunders, Science

Brian Allen, Math

Patricia Camarda, English and Social Studies

Christi Lyons, Science

Seventh Grade

Dolphins, Beachcombers, Riptides

Brandi Cotton, Math

Dylan Fetterman, Social Studies

Jessica Wilson, English

Liane Long, Science

Jeff Jucksch, Math

Ann DeTorres, Social Studies

Alycia Ott-Bales, English

Michelle Jackson, Science

Christine DeAngellis, Math

Isabelle Shepard, Social Studies

Matt Robinson, English

Sandra Brown, Science

Eighth Grade

Marlins, Islanders, Seahawks


Carolyn Hedrick, Math

Carolyn Turner, Social Studies

Jane Julian, English

Joshua Whitlinger, Science


Marsha Bishop, Math

Scott Morra, Social Studies

Suzanne Bruehl, English

Ian Morrison, Science


Joshua Wilks, Math

Taylor Lovejoy, Social Studies and AVID

Melissa Hogan, English

Nancy Woodhouse, Science

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