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Physical Therapy in Sport xxx (2017) 1

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Physical Therapy in Sport

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Medical Acupuncture: A Western Scientific Approach Outside of musculoskeletal applications the book also covers the
use of acupuncture for gastro intestinal conditions, mental health,
respiratory problems, obstetrics and palliative care. Each section
Jacquenline, Filshie. Adrian, White. Mike, Cummings. Medical provides clinical application notes and is excellently referenced
Acupuncture: A Western Scientific Approach. 2nd ed. ISBN 978- throughout providing support for the use of acupuncture as a com-
0-7020-4307-9. plementary therapy in these areas. The initial chapters detailing the
peripheral and central effects of acupuncture were of particular in-
This book provides a handy reference text with clinical applica- terest, commentating on the neurophysiology of pain and the sci-
tions in a multiple of clinical fields. The editors have pulled on the entific basis of the method of action of acupuncture techniques.
knowledge of several authors to provide clinical expertise in their The book is ideally suited to the experienced acupuncturist who
fields for the reader to use in a suitably sized text. Many acupunc- is looking to extend their depth of knowledge in acupuncture or
ture texts can provide a great deal of information about clinical ap- who is expanding their scope of practice. In summary, the book is
plications such as point location and needling however this text not well referenced and well written by the authors. The use of high-
only delivers appropriate information about points but provides lighted ‘clinical points’ allows the reader to have quick reference
more detail into the application of acupuncture as a treatment ‘take homes’ in each section. As a reference text it would be a
technique. fantastic addition to an acupuncturist, providing a collection of sup-
For the musculoskeletal physiotherapist with an interest in porting evidence for the application of acupuncture as a technique
acupuncture it provides information on the use of western for a variety of health presentations.
acupuncture techniques and additional techniques such as perios-
teal acupuncture, superficial acupuncture and electroacupuncture. Stuart Elwell, Physiotherapist
All sections cover a variety of aspects aside from clinical applica- Birmingham, United Kingdom
tion, for example the use of self-acupuncture and the legal aspects E-mail address:
of the approach and patient training.

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