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2500 8202

3000 9843
3800 12467
4000 13123
4500 14764
5000 16404
5100 16732
5600 18373
6000 19685
abastecimiento (m) n. supplying, provision, purveyance; waterworks, system for providing water
agua subterránea ground water
Aguilucho Buteo polysoma / Red – Backed Hawk
ajuar (m) n. bottom drawer; trousseau
alcanzar catch up
aleación (f) n. alloy, composition metal, mixture of metals; precious metal (i.e. gold or silver) mixed
ancho adj. wide
ancho (m) n. width, breadth; gage; depth
andesita andesitic-rhyolitic volcanism,
animal de carga (m) pack animal, beast of burden
arbusto (m) n. bush, shrub, arbutus
arrecife (m) n. reef; shelf
arrinconar v. corner; lay aside; shelve
arrugar v. wrinkle, crease; seam; shri
arsénico adj. arsenic, arsenical
asfixia (f) n. suffocation, asph
avestruz (m) n. ostrich,
basura (f) n. rubbish 'rʌbɪʃ, refuse, garbage; dregs; manure, animal dung, fertilizer
bautizar v. christen, baptize into Christianity; give a name to (a child, ship, etc.)
Blanquillo Silvery Grebe, Podiceps occipitalis
brillo (m) n. brilliance, brightness, shininess; glitter, splendor; sheen, luster, shine; eclat, big success, triumph
bronce (m) n. bronze, type of metal; items made from bronze
cabecera (f) n. headboard, board at the head of a bed; bedside
cabildo (m) n. chapter; lobby
cada, cada uno each[iːtʃ]
cadera (f) n. hip; hunker
Caití Recurvirostra andina / Andean Avocet
calabaza (f) n. calabash, gourd; pumpkin
caliza limestone
camarón (m) n. shrimp,
captura (f) n. capture, catching; arrest, apprehension; trapping
Carancho Cordillerano Phalcoboenus megalopterus / Mountain Caracara
Carancho Cordillerano Phalcoboenus megalopterus / Mountain Caracara
caza y recolección hunting and gathering
ceniza cinder[cin·der || 'sɪndə], ash
Chirihue verdoso Sicalis olivascens / Greenish Yellow-Finch
Chorlo de la puna Charadrius alticola / Puna plover
clastos clasts
colectar v. collect, gather
Cometocino de dorso castaño Phrygilus dorsalis / Red- Backed Sierra-Finch
Cometocino del norte Phrygilus atriceps / Black-hooded Sierra-Finch
conceder v. concede; grant, award; confer; allow
conceder deseos wish-granting
corretear v. scamper; pursue; loiter
crustáceos (mpl) n. crustaceans
cumplir, cumplir reach[rɪːtʃ
de pacificación adj. peace keeping
delgado adj. thin, slim, slight; flimsy
derretido adj. runny; molten, melted
designado termed
desordenado unordered
diatomeas (f) n. diatom, type of single-celled algae
difunto adj. late, defunct; deceased
distribución (f) n. distribution, delivery; allocation; hand out; divide into stages or classes
divinidad (f) n. divinity; divination
dolor de cabeza (m) n. tension headache, headache
durazno (m) n. (Latin America) peach
dureza (f) n. harshness, hardness, toughness
endemico endemic
enfriado chill[tʃɪl]
enterrar v. bury, inter; thrust; forget
envergadura reach[rɪːtʃ
espiritual (m) n. supernatural, something supernatural, phenomena which does not conform to known
espumoso frothy['froth·y || 'frɔθɪ
estanque (m) n. pool, pond, small lake
estaño (m) n. tin, aluminum; pewter,
estólica atlatl , spear thrower
estrato strata
estribo (m) n. stirrup,
explotación (f) n. operation; exploitation, utilization; development; running, working; mining
extracción (f) n. extraction; mining; evulsion; abstraction; parentage
extraer v. extract; abstract; mine; dig out; fetch; win
farallón (m) n. steep rock, cliff, bluff
fertilizante (m) n. fertilizer, person or thing which fertilizes; organic or chemical substance added to soil to enrich it (i.e. manure)
feto fetus
filo edge
filtrar v. filtrate, leach; percolate, purify
frijol beans
funcionario (m) n. functionary, official, one who holds a certain office (especially in government); servant; clerk
fundición smelting
fundir v. fuse; melt; merge; overwhelm; burn
garganta (f) n. throat, gullet; neck; coomb, ravine; abysm
generativo adj. generative, pertaining to generation; able to produce offspring; creative; productive
germinar v. germinate, develop; sprout, bud; cause to sprout
granada (f) n. pomegranate, type of red fruit that has a tough skin and many seeds; grenade,
grueso adj. thick; heavy; fat; gross; coarse
haba (f) n. bean, leguminous plant; small edible seed of the bean plant; beanlike seeds (i.e. coffee beans)

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hacia prep. towards, toward, unto, to; circa - tә'wɔːdz]
Halcón Perdiguero Falco Femoralis / Aplomado Falcon
Halcón Peregrino Falco peregrinus / Peregrine Falcon
higo (m) n. fig, fruit of this tree; thrush, fungal disease of mouth and throat
higuera (f) n. fig tree, type of tree
hombro (m) n. shoulder,
huella tread
huella (f) n. tread, stepping, walking; sound of walking;
imponer v. impose, require, compel, force upon; enforce, institute; force oneself on others; impute
impulso (m) n. impulse, urge; pulse; impetus; drive
laminilla (f) n. lamella, thin layer, thin scale (of bone, cell, tissue, etc.)
larva larva, cresa
lateralmente adv. sideways, sidelong
Lechuza Tyto Alba / Barn Owl
liberado adj. released, liberated, set free; delivered
lodo mud
mal de altura acute mountain sickness
maleabilidad (f) n. malleability, flexibility, ability to be molded or shaped
manto mantle
mareo (m) n. sickness, queasiness; dizziness, giddiness; seasickness; airsickness
membrillo (m) n. quince, either of two trees that produce small round yellowish fruit
minería (f) n. mining
misionero (m) n. missionary,
molusco (m) n. mollusk, (also mollusc) invertebrate animal with a soft body and a hard shell
monje (m) n. monk, male member of a religious order
monte (m) n. mountain, mount; outskirts, environs; woods
montura saddle
náusea (f) n. nausea, qualm
nicho (m) n. niche, recess, alcove
níquel n. nickel, hard silvery metallic pliable element used in metal alloys (Chemistry)
ñandú (m) n. Rhea
obsidiana obsidian[əb'sɪdɪən]
ofrenda (f) n. oblation, offering or sacrifice
Pájaro Plomo Phrygilus unicolor / Plumbeous Sierra-Finch
paredón (m) n. thick wall; wall, partition; rock face
pariente (m) n. relative, relation; dad; old man
Pato Jergón chico Anas Flavirostris / Chilean Teal
Pato jergón grande Anas georgica / Yellow - billed Pintail
Pato Juarjual Lophonetta specularioides / Crested Duck
Pato puna Anas puna / Puna Teal
pedernal (m) n. flint, variety of silica, chert s. tipo de cuarzo o pedernal
pedir v. ask, request, inquire; require
Pequén Athene cunicularia / Burrowing Owl
perdiz (f) Puna Tinamou n. partridge, quail,
Perico cordillerano Bolborhynchus aurifrons / Mountain Parakeet
pico (m) n. pick, pickax; spout; beak; extremity; peak, pinnacle; lip; capstan
pisada tread
pizarra shale
placa (f) n. plaque; shield; shingle; plate
Pollito de Mar Tricolor Phalaropus tricolor / Wilson`s Phalarope
pómez 'pʌmɪs adj. pumice
porfídico porphyritic[pɔrfɪ'rɪtɪk
poroto (m) n. kidney bean, bean plant that is cultivated for its edible seeds and pods;
producción (f) n. production; engineering; yield, output; bearing
punta (f) n. bodkin; tip; end; extremity; peak; nib, pen nib; hustler
quitar v. weed; remove; brush off; turn off; encroach on; lend; tidy away; relieve; weaken; excise; pinch
rastro (m) n. step; trace, trail, track
rebaño (m) n. drove, flock, herd
recordar remind
recostado adj. recumbent, lying down, reclining
recurso (m) n. recourse, resort, resource; remedy; refuge
refinadora n. refiner, clarifier
relieves (mpl) n. pelf, riches
resfriado chilly
resistencia (f) n. resistance; resilience; endurance; underground
reverenciar v. hold in esteem; honor, respect; revere, reverence
rezar pray
rienda rein
riñón (m) n. kidney, one of a pair of organs that filters metabolic wastes from the blood
rio subterráneo subterranean river sʌbtә'reɪnɪәn
rogar v. pray, petition; cry; request; invite
sacerdote (m) n. priest, parson; deacon; pilot
sacrificador (m) n. sacrificer, one who surrenders something for the sake of something more valuable
Salir afuera, irse, rajarse get out
salitre n. niter, saltpeter, nitrate
sembrar v. sow; seed; strew; sprinkle
soldar v. braze, solder, weld
sumisión (f) n. obedience, complaisance, submission
tales such[sʌtʃ ,sətʃ]
talón heel
tectónica (f) n. tectonics, structural geology, study of the changes and processes taking place in the Earth's crus
tobillo (m) n. ankle,
Tucúquere Bubo virginianus / Great Horned Owl
tuna (f) n. prickly pear, prickly pear-shaped fruit of a kind of cactus
uno al otro, mutuamente, each other
vacío void
vasija (f) n. crock; vessel
virreinato (m) n. viceroyalty, office or authority of the viceroy; area ruled by a viceroy
vómito (m) n. vomit, stomach contents which have been expelled through the mouth

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