General Linear Model: Warnings

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umur uk pendik pjk BY eg


General Linear Model



Box's Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices is not computed because there are fewer
than two nonsingular cell covariance matrices.

Post hoc tests are not performed for emesis gravidarum because there are fewer than
three groups.

Between-Subjects Factors

Value Label N

emesis gravidarum 1 sedang 10

2 6

Descriptive Statistics

m Mean Std. Deviation N

umur ibu sedang .70 .483 10

2 .83 .408 6

Total .75 .447 16

umur kehamilan sedang .50 .527 10

2 .67 .516 6

Total .56 .512 16

pendidikan sedang .90 .316 10

2 .83 .408 6

Total .87 .342 16

pekerjaan sedang .10 .316 10

2 .17 .408 6

Total .12 .342 16

Multivariate Testsb

Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig.

Intercept Pillai's Trace .882 20.593a 4.000 11.000 .000

Wilks' Lambda .118 20.593a 4.000 11.000 .000

Hotelling's Trace 7.488 20.593a 4.000 11.000 .000

Roy's Largest Root 7.488 20.593a 4.000 11.000 .000

eg Pillai's Trace .118 .368a 4.000 11.000 .827

Wilks' Lambda .882 .368a 4.000 11.000 .827

Hotelling's Trace .134 .368a 4.000 11.000 .827

Roy's Largest Root .134 .368a 4.000 11.000 .827

a. Exact statistic

b. Design: Intercept + eg

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa

F df1 df2 Sig.

umur ibu 1.503 1 14 .240

umur kehamilan 1.094 1 14 .313

pendidikan .530 1 14 .478

pekerjaan .530 1 14 .478

Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent
variable is equal across groups.

a. Design: Intercept + eg

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Type III Sum of

Source Variable Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model umur ibu .067a 1 .067 .318 .582

umur kehamilan .104b 1 .104 .380 .547

pendidikan .017c 1 .017 .135 .719

pekerjaan .017d 1 .017 .135 .719

Intercept umur ibu 8.817 1 8.817 42.080 .000

umur kehamilan 5.104 1 5.104 18.641 .001

pendidikan 11.267 1 11.267 91.000 .000

pekerjaan .267 1 .267 2.154 .164

eg umur ibu .067 1 .067 .318 .582

umur kehamilan .104 1 .104 .380 .547

pendidikan .017 1 .017 .135 .719

pekerjaan .017 1 .017 .135 .719

Error umur ibu 2.933 14 .210

umur kehamilan 3.833 14 .274

pendidikan 1.733 14 .124

pekerjaan 1.733 14 .124

Total umur ibu 12.000 16

umur kehamilan 9.000 16

pendidikan 14.000 16

pekerjaan 2.000 16

Corrected Total umur ibu 3.000 15

umur kehamilan 3.937 15

pendidikan 1.750 15

pekerjaan 1.750 15

a. R Squared = ,022 (Adjusted R Squared = -,048)

b. R Squared = ,026 (Adjusted R Squared = -,043)

c. R Squared = ,010 (Adjusted R Squared = -,061)

d. R Squared = ,010 (Adjusted R Squared = -,061)

Estimated Marginal Means
emesis gravidarum

emesis 95% Confidence Interval

Dependent gravidaru
Variable m Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound

umur ibu sedang .700 .145 .390 1.010

2 .833 .187 .433 1.234

umur kehamilan sedang .500 .165 .145 .855

2 .667 .214 .208 1.125

pendidikan sedang .900 .111 .661 1.139

2 .833 .144 .525 1.141

pekerjaan sedang .100 .111 -.139 .339

2 .167 .144 -.141 .475

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