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KCIS Weekly Schedule 康橋國際學校週行事曆

Date Schedule


(10/22) San José State University
(1F Cafe)



Sports Day
(10/25) Dutch University


B Page
KCIS Weekly Activity Notice 康橋國際學校活動訊息
DSA 學務處
Discipline Section 生輔組
<All 全校>
1.【Asking for leave on Sports day 校慶運動會當天請假相關說明】
2019/10/25 is Sports day. Sports day is an important event. If you want to apply for leave on that
day, you should hand in your absentee request with supporting evidence before 10/24. We won't accept
any absentee request for Sports day on October 25th.
108 年 10 月 25 日(五)舉行校慶運動會 Sports Day,屬學校重大集會(比照開學典禮與結業典
2. From 2019/11/05(Tue) on, weekly assembly needs to wear on a blazer, necktie, and leather shoes.
擬訂於 108 年 11 月 5 日(二)起週會將穿著西裝外套+領帶+皮鞋,如說明。
(1)Senior high weekly assembly:
G10→blazer+necktie+leather shoes、G11/G12 jacket+necktie+leather shoes
高中週會:G10 西裝外套+領帶+皮鞋、G11/G12 黑色外套+領帶+皮鞋。
(2)Junior high weekly assembly:
G7→blazer+necktie+leather shoes、G8/G9 jacket+necktie+leather shoes
國中週會:G7 西裝外套+領帶+皮鞋、G8/G9 黑色外套+領帶+皮鞋。
(3)Boys need to wear pants (not shorts) when they wear a blazer. That's basic etiquette.
3. In order to maintain campus safety and order, it is forbidden to bring contraband items onto enter the
campus. Offenders will receive serious punishment. (See attached poster)

Activity Section 訓育組

<All 全校>
【Halloween Activity 萬聖節活動】
Our annual Halloween event is coming! Have you all prepared for the costumes

The Halloween event for this year will be held at 10/31(Thu.)

We also have special event this year ---- the “Pumpkin Trick or Treat” !!!
Students can go knock the door with the pumpkin stickers for trick or treat!
I’m sure that you have listened to our introduction during the assembly,
we are also holding the Breaking through activities in Gym 3F to celebrate halloween!!!!!

And also don’t forget to take photos by the picture wall for the lucky drawing activity!!!

Time of the Game:

Senior 12:00-12:30
Junior 12:30-13:00

Lucky Drawing
Upload your pictures by the picture wall before midnight 00:00 onto Instagram,
tag @southerhousefirebird or @only_1_tiger, and we’ll hold the luck drawing activity on November 1st

The Prize is the Tiffany Fragrances ️ & Official NBA Basketball!!

Students need to change their clothes and costumes after entering school at morning!!

一年一度的萬聖節就快到了!大家準備好扮裝的 coustom 了嗎

今天的萬聖節活動將在 10/31(四)萬聖節當天舉辦

今年 special 就是可以到去放有南瓜照片的班級去要糖果!不給糖就搗蛋喔!!!

我們今年會在中午 3F 體育館舉辦『闖關遊戲』的活動來慶祝萬聖節


闖關時段:高中 12:00-12:30

國中 12:30-13:00


當天晚上 12:00 前上傳 IG➕tag @southerhouse or @westernhouse 我們將會在隔天的晚上 8:00 進行抽獎!

抽獎獎品為 女生 Tiffany 香水 ️ & 男生 NBA 店的籃球


10/31 快到囉!扮裝扮起來!讓自己的青春不留白!
【2020 Brumjam International Scout Camp 暑期英國童軍大露營】
For registration and more information for the 2020 Brumjam Scout Camp, please click here. For
more information, please contact Mr. Huang
【2020 Love in HuaLien Volunteer Workcamp 2020 愛在花蓮志工服務學習營 】
For registration and more information for the 2020 Love in HuaLien Volunteer workcamp,
please click here. For more information, please contact Mr. Chen.
Tel : 02-8195-2053 Mail:
【2020 Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer Workcamp 2020 泰國清萊志工服務學習營】
For registration and more information for the 2020 Chiang Mai, Thailand Volunteer Workcamp,
please click here. For more information, please contact Mr. Chen
Tel : 02-8195-2053 Mail:
【2020 Hsinchu Volunteer Workcamp 2020 新竹尖石志工服務學習營】
For registration and more information for the 2020 Hsinchu Volunteer Workcamp,
please click here. For more information, please contact Mr. Chen
Tel : 02-8195-2053 Mail:

Class Without Wall Section 活動組

<All 全校>
2020 G10 Cycling Around Taiwan First Notification 單車環臺-單車裝備相關訊息
Giant Bicycle Company at Kang Chiao 捷安特至學校辦理行動商店
1. Date 日期:Oct. 17th and 24th Nov.7th and 14th
2. Time 時間:10:00 to 15:30
3. Place 地點:Building 1 Next to DGA 教一大樓第一穿堂
※G10 Students are welcome to purchase any items they need. 請 10 年級同學自行前往參考選購。

OP DAA 國際部教務處
【IHBB is open to register, for more information please check the attachment.】
If you are interested in IHBB, please fill out the survey.
【IHBB 校內開放報名,詳細資訊請見附檔】有興趣的同學,請完成報名表

DCA 藝文中心
<All 全校>
【The KCIS Teachers and Students Joint Exhibition of Arts 2020 康橋師生美術作品聯展】
The KCIS Teachers and Students Joint Exhibition of Art 2020 will be held in the Chang Yung-Fa Foundation
International Convention Center from Mar 21 to Mar 24. You are highly welcomed to provide contribution to
this annual event, don’t miss this great chance to show your work.
「2020 康橋師生美術作品聯展」,將於 3/21~3/24 在財團法人張榮發基金會國際會議中心展出,歡迎
●Type of the works 作品種類:
1. Including- Sculpture, sketch, watercolor painting, oil painting, printmaking, ink and wash painting, Chinese
calligraphy, graphic design, digital design and photography, etc.
2. Invitation card and poster design. 邀請卡、海報設計(電子檔)。
●Submit your art work 注意事項:
1. In order to have your work considered in a timely manner, please bring your art works to Art teachers
before Dec 26,2019. 繳交作品日期:108/12/26(四)前繳交。
2. Art classroom on the second floor of a Building 1. 收件地點:教一大樓 2 樓美術教室。
C Page
KCIS Policy Notice 康橋國際學校宣導訊息
DSA 學務處
Discipline Section 生輔組
There is an attachment about warning letter statistics.

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