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PNP Office: 4-0287 (voicemail) text pagers: Patti Smouse 410 283-0998 Kristen Byrnes 410 743-4906

Osler 2: 5-5829 Suzanne Rubin 410 283-4773 Jo-Ann Swartz 410 283-1335
Osler3: 5-5664 Krista Kline 410 283-5991 Cathy Baldino 410 283-6139
Nursery: 4-0340

Name/DOB Info Feeds Diagnoses/issues SW F/U To Do by NICU

Wilson, BGA-Tia 36 5/7 week, 2470 grams, Bottle O pos, neg coombs Missed Canton
4666609 Twin A Stable appointme Crossing
1/1/11 28 year old para 2042, O pos, GBS CBC normal nts
neg, Mono di twins
C/S, repeat Apgar 8/9 NAS scores for maternal
Magnesium, pen g x 2 doses oxycodone use prior to
delivery consistently 1-4
Feedings improving
Wilson, BGB-Tia 36 5/7 week, 2190 grams, twin b Bottle Stable Above Above
466 66 12 28 year old para 2042, O pos, GBS O pos, neg
1/1/11 neg, Mono di twins. Normal CBC
C/S repeat, Apgar 6/9 NAS scores for maternal prn
Magnesium sulfate, Pen G x 2 doses oxycodone use prior to
delivery. NAS 2-6.
54666853 3532 gm apgar 8,9. 40 weeks . 33 yo Breast No bleeding disorder per Lisa Preston,
Muhl, bb Sheila p 0, A=, GBS-, mother thought she hematology. Cbc 37/ Hanover
1/2/2011 had platelet d/o , seen by heme, no 20/59/244 4 b, 74 p, 11 l, 10 family clinic
syndrome or problem identified. m, 1 eo.
LSTC for NRFHT. 8’9’ Bili 5.5 @32hrs, 6.2@ 55 hrs
Ped Gu called 1/5 for concern
re: penis s/p circ and
decreased voiding-penis nl,
nl abd u/s
Tsb 6.2 at 55 hours
41 hrs without void, voided
finally 3pm 1/5
Breastfeeding plus supps of
pumped breast milk
Hawkins BB 39 wks, 3440 gms, 27 yo para 2002 bottle Stable HLPC
Teond A+ gbs neg, repeat CS rom at
1/3/11, delivery, apgars 7/9 to NICU after
54714996 brief obsv.
Scott bb Amy 40wk 3900gr GBS pos clinda 9hrs Breast Sepsis r/o - Bld cx neg; depression Gable NOT A PRIVATE
DOB 1/4/11 prior to deliv s/p Amp and gent PEDIATRICIAN
471 50 95 36yr A+SVD 4hr ROM 6,8 B hydroceles
NICUx7hours-no O2 Resolving
Sanders, BB 39 week 2640 grams, GBS positive, 1 Br and Cbc nl times 2 Mat h/o LeBlanc
Amand dose of pen IAP, 4 min ROM, SVD- bottle Crp <0.1 times 2 depression
a precip. to a 31 year old para 3003 A Stable
1/4/11 positive mother with right bundle
5 471 51 93 branch block, apgars 8,9,
Berrain, BG 41 0/7 week, 2980 grams, 19 year Breast Stable Poor HLPC
1/5/11 old para 0, O pos, GBS pos, A neg, neg coombs. compliance
SVD Rom 4 ¾ hours, Pen G x1 3.5 with
hours prior to delivery, Apgar 8/9 prenatal
Jasper-Fields, 38 weeks; 4000 grams Bottle IIDDM – initial glucose 62
BB Mom 31 yo; para 3013; O pos; GBS
471-52-60 neg; DM since age 17 on insulin at
1/5/2011 age 19
C/S repeat; ROM 2 min; Apgars 9/9

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