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An attempt to challenge yourself as a leader, or implement a unique

strength. This can be an event or situation that happened during the class
or recently. Ideally, use the concepts from class to challenge yourself in
some way, and then write about the outcome.

I was part of a scientific research project which was made up of several

researchers. As part of this project, we had to present a final deliverable as a
scientific publication where the results obtained were detailed in a highly
technical way. This work had to be delivered to a rural community near the city
where the study was carried out. To achieve this, as leader of the team, I had to
meet a series of objectives in a given time to accomplish the goal. Once the
project started, I had the idea to modify the deliverable for a more didactic and
more useful one for the community to whom this information was directed. At
this time, I tried to persuade my colleagues to use another deliverable format
that contains all the information collected in order to make it more interactive
and useful. I prepared a presentation for my colleagues and made my points
open and detailed. Once the presentation was over, we started a talk where I
received feedback from them and in the end, I decided that the best option for
both the team and the community was to present both the technical publication
and the didactic one. At this time, activities were delegated, and specific jobs
were assigned for each member of the team according their preferences. As a
result of this research, we obtained two well elaborated and detailed
publications which were well received by the community. A clear example of
what was learned in class and applied in this situation is that of persuasion and
how to handle this process in order to achieve an objective that is different from
the one shared by most of the team members. With this example we can see
that it was learned and practiced receiving feedback in an open and objective
way. In the same way, the delegation of specific activities to the different
members of the group according to their affinity was practiced encouraging
effective work.

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