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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris (Wajib)

Satuan Pendidikan : Sekolah Menengah Atas
Kelas/Program : X ( Sepuluh ) MIPA / IPS
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Please choose the correct answer !

The following audio is for questions number 1

Riska : Have you seen, Zayn?

Syifa : I think he left about ……………… (1)
Riska : Oh my … Did he ………. (2) something for me?
Syifa : He left a novel on your desk.
Riska : Thank God, I ……………… (3) reading it.

1.The correct words to complete the dialogue are ….

A. an hour a go , leave, finished
B. an hour a go , leave, haven’t finished
C. hours a go , leave, finished
D. an hour a go , left, didn’t finished
E. an hour ago , left, finished

The following audio is for questions number 2

2. The statement of finished action is ….

A. I lived there in 2001
B. I’ve never been to Bali
C. I really want to go there
D. I still have family there
E. Have you ever been to Bali ?

The following audio is for questions number 3

3. The finished action which still has connection to the present is ….

A. My friend offered me a slice of cake just now.
B. I had to refuse it
C. I have already eaten
D. She baked it herself
E. She has said that

The following audio is for questions number 4 to 7

4. The following are correct about Beethoven, EXCEPT....

A. He was a pianist and a composer who was born in German
B. Ludwig Van Beethoven displayed his musical talents when he was very young
C. His works includes 9 symphonies,1 violin concerto, 32 piano sonatas, and 5 concerto for
D. he was thought by his father and by Neefe
E. He kept conducting and performing in public when he almost lost his hearing

5. Beethoven showed his musical talents at an early age. The underlined word has the closest
meaning with ....
A. little
B. lately
C. old
D. young
E. child

6. When did Beethoven's hearing start getting worse?

A. When He was taught by his father
B. When He performed in public
C. In the last decade of his life
D. In the year around 1.800
E. When he was at early age

7. He was taught by his father....The underlined word refers to....

A. Johann Christoph Bach
B. Christian Gottlob Neefe
C Wolfang Amadeus Mozart
D Ludwig Van Beethoven
E. Ludwig Van Haouten

The following text is for questions 8 to 11

8. What is the text about?
A. The description of Cut Nyak Dien.
B. Cut Nyak Dien as a guerrilla’s commander.
C. Cut Nyak Dien was the only feminist in Indonesia.
D. The life story Cut Nyak Dien.
E. Review Cut Nyak Dien story.

9. Why is Cut Nyak Dien called a true feminist?

A. She broke through the barrier of segregation between men and women.
B. She was one of the first female warriors recorded in Indonesian history.
C. She was a strong and persistent female leader.
D. She led the fight against the Dutch with her husband.
E. He awarded as as a heroine Nation.

10. In what year did Cut Nyak Dien marry her first husband
A. 1848.
B. 1860
C. 1964.
D. 1899
E. 1908

11. The main idea of paragraph 2 is ….

A. her remarriage
B. her first husband
C. her pursue
D. her death
E. her determination

The following text is for questions 12 to 16

When I was 14, I took a trip to Paris, France. I had been there once before, when I was 10. The
first trip wasn’t as memorable, except for the fact that it had been my first time out of the country.
My second trip was meaningful, thought-provoking, and of course, fun.
We left on my birthday, when I was in freshman year. I had made up my mind that I was going
to have a wonderful high school career. When I got off the plane fifteen hours later, I was hit with
the fact that I was in a beautiful new city. After going through airport necessities, we caught a cab,
and entered the heart of the French lifestyle. Entering the city was like unlocking many levels of a
jewelry box. On the topmost level, there were the apartments and tall industrial buildings. The
further in we got, the more and more precious it became.
The next morning we started out on our excursions. Down two blocks from the front door of the
hotel was the glorious Galleries Lafayette. Down a few more was the famous Paris Opera House. A
short ride on the Metro took us to the Louvre and Tuileries Gardens in front of the Egyptian Obelisk
and Place de la Concorde where the Tour de France finishes. A walk across the Pont de Alexander
brings us to Le Hotel des Invalides, where Napoleon’s tomb lies. The Eiffel Tower standing at 1,063
ft tall, looking over the city as a mother looks over a child playing. The object of many a photograph
and painting, the subject of poems and stories, it looms there like a statuesque figure on the pages of
a magazine.
The beauty of the city changed my way of thinking. The elegance and sophistication made me
mature in a week. I appreciated the history of the artwork and architecture. The city freed me from
my fear of individualism at home. I arrived back in San Diego wanting to be a Parisian. I came back
with a love of haute couture and impressionism. But perhaps the most important change that
occurred within me was the one of self esteem. I came home more confident than ever before.

12. What is the main purpose of the text?

A. To retell the writer experiences in Paris
B. To tell how to go to Paris
C. To describe the writer’s feeling about Paris
D. To show the writer’s schedule in Paris
E. To inform what to do in Paris

13. When did the writer start the journey to go around the Paris?
A. at the same day
B. at the 1st day
C. at the 2nd day
D. at the 3rd day
E. at the 4th day

14. …………., it looms there like a statuesque figure on the pages of a magazine (paragraph 3 )
The word it refers to …………
A. Galleries Lafayette
B. Paris Opera House
C. Egyptian Obelisk
D. Eiffel Tower
E. Napoleon’s tomb

15. What can we conclude from the paragraph 1?

A. The writer has visited Paris once
B. The writer has visited Paris twice
C. The writer has lived in Paris since he / she was a kid
D. The writer always visits Paris
E. The writer has never visited Paris
16. The  Orientation from the text is ?
A. Paragraph 1
B. Paragraph 2
C Paragraph 3
D. Paragraph 4
E. Paragraph 5

17. It is part of series of events in recount text !

A. the complication finally solved
B. activities that occur and told in sequence
C. the main characters in the story
D. who, what, where of the writer
E. stating personal comment

Hendra : Did the boys study after class last Friday?

Ayu : No they didn’t.
Hendra : What did they do then ?
Ayu : They ……. Football.
18. The suitable verb for the blank is…
A. Play
B. Plays
C. Played
D. Playing
E. have played

Lucy : “Last night a thief broke into my brother's house “ .

Sam : “Really? So, last night what the thief ......from the house?”
19. The suitable verb for the blank is…
A. take
B. took
C. takes
D. taken
E. has taken

Re arrange the following sentences into the correct and meaningful !

1. The long and tiring journey has taught me a lot of life lessons
2. When i was young, i wanted to cycle around the world
3. I faced many difficulties, such as being arrested and running out of food or money, during
my journey, but there were always kind people to help me out.
4. When i reached 25 years of age, i cycled for more than 15.000 km to India
5. I was enchanted and amazed by the beautiful scenery a long the way especially when I
reached the country side.

20. The correct arrangement for the story above is ……..

A. 2 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 1
B. 2 – 3 – 1 – 4 – 1
C. 2 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 5
D. 2 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
E. 2 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 1
The following text is for questions 21 to 26

A beggar found a leather purse that someone had dropped in the marketplace. Opening it, he
discovered that it contained 100 pieces of gold. Then he heard a merchant shout, "A reward! A
reward to the one who finds my leather purse!"
Being an honest man, the beggar came forward and handed the purse to the merchant saying,
"Here is your purse. May I have the reward now?"
"Reward?" scoffed the merchant, greedily counting his gold. "Why the purse I dropped had 200
pieces of gold in it. You've already stolen more than the reward! Go away or I'll tell the police."
"I'm an honest man," said the beggar defiantly. "Let us take this matter to the court."
In court the judge patiently listened to both sides of the story and said, "I believe you both. Justice
is possible! Merchant, you stated that the purse you lost contained 200 pieces of gold. Well, that's a
considerable cost. But, the purse this beggar found had only 100 pieces of gold. Therefore, it
couldn't be the one you lost." And, with that, the judge gave the purse and all the gold to the beggar.

21. The passage mainly tells about ….

A. A scoffed merchant
B. A stolen purse
C. A wise judge
D. Valuable purse
E. A beggar and a merchant

22. What is the character of the merchant?

A. Deceitful.
B. Reckless
C. Immortal
D. Ambitious
E. Vulnerable

23. Which of the following statement is true?

A. The beggar got 100 pieces of gold.
B. The purse contained 200 pieces of gold.
C. The merchant admitted losing 100 pieces of gold.
D. The beggar wanted to keep the purse for himself
E. The judge only listened the problem from the merchant side

24. ………Therefore, it couldn't be the one you lost (paragraph 6). The underlined word refers to?
A. the court
B. the purse
C. the beggar
D. the merchant
E. the 100 pieces gold

25. From the text, we know that ….

A. the beggar was scoffed
B. the purse belonged to the merchant
C. the merchant was a very good person
D. the court could solve the problem wisely
E. the court concluded the purse belong to the Merchant
26. What is the moral value of the passage?
A. Use your time properly
B. There is money can’t buy
C. Much wealth bring many enemies
D. Being honest produced trusted
E. Being a beggar is valuable for living.

The following text is for questions 27 to 30

The COVID-19 outbreak has had a huge impact on both physical and social well-being of a lot of
Americans, including me. Stress has been governing the lives of so many civilians, in particular
students and workers. In addition to causing a lack of motivation in my life, quarantine has also
brought a wave of anxiety.

My life changed the moment the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention and the government
announced social distancing. My busy daily schedule, running from class to class and meeting to
meeting, morphed into identical days, consisting of hour after hour behind a cold computer monitor
to count on some lectures and assignment. Human interaction and touch improve trust, reduce fear
and increases physical well-being. Imagine the effects of removing the human touch and interaction
from midst of society. Humans are profoundly social creatures. I cannot function without interacting
and connecting with other people. Even daily acquaintances have an impact on me that is only
noticeable once removed. As a result, the COVID-19 outbreak has had an extreme impact on me
beyond direct symptoms and consequences of contracting the virus itself.

This situation is far from ideal. From my perspective, touch and in-person interaction is
essential; however, we must overcome all difficulties that life throws at us with the best we are
provided with. Therefore, perhaps we should take this time to re-align our motives by engaging in
things that are of importance to us. I learned how to dig deep and find appreciation for all the small
talks, gatherings, and face-to-face interactions. I have also realized that friendships are not only built
on the foundation of physical presence but rather on meaningful conversations you get to have, even
if they are through a cold computer monitor. My realization came from having more time on my
hands and noticing the shift in conversations I was having with those around me. After all, maybe
this isolation isn’t “social distancing”, but rather “physical distancing” until we meet again.

27. From the text we know that the writer occupation is a….
A. Health worker
B. Civil Servant
C. Student
D. Volunteer
E. Secretary

28. The main topic of paragraph 2 is…

A. The result of COVID 19 outbreaks
B. Humans are social creatures
C. How life Changed because of the COVID 19
D. The impact of the COVID 19
E. The lost of routine and daily activities

29. How the writer overcome the situation ? ( paragraph 3 )

A. Stay in touch with others virtually
B. Stay away from others and doing nothing
C. Having close friends around.
D. Making some to do list for next meeting
E. Rescheduled all delayed plan that have made

30. “I cannot function without interacting and connecting with other people. ( Paragraph 2 )” has
the Same meaning with….
A. match
B. suitable
C. work
D. adjust
E. collaborate

Please re arrange into the correct order !

1. We left our house at about 5 o’clock in the morning. We took a taxi to the railway station.
2. Finally our train came. All of us rushed to get on the train.
3. Last Christmas, my family and I went to our hometown. We decided to take a train because
it is more comfortable.
4. It took about 5 to 7 hours to get to our hometown. We enjoy our journey.
5. We took the carriage no 3 according to our tickets.
6. But our train was late for about fifteen minutes so we had to wait a bit longer.
7. After finding our seats, we sat comfortably.
8. We arrived at the station at six. Our train would leave at 6.40.

31. A. 3-8-1-4-5-6-2-7
B. 3-4-5-8-1-2-6-7
C. 3-5-4-2-7-8-1-6
D. 3-1-8-6-2-5-7-4.
E. 3-8-4-6-5-7-1-2

The following text is for questions 32 to 34

“I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn’t go
off. Then, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. After
breakfast, I got dressed so quickly that I forgot to wear socks.
Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I wanted to take a
taxi, but I didn’t have enough money.
Finally, I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it was Sunday! I hope I never
have a day as the one I had yesterday.”

32. What happened to the writer yesterday?

A. He has a terrible day.
B. He got a terrible day.
C. He gets a terrible day.
D. He have had a terrible day.
E. He had a terrible day.

33. “……………………..? He forgot to wear sock”. How should you question if the answer is
stated above ?
A. What is he forget about?
B. What did he forget about ?
C. How can he forgot ?
D. Did he forget ?
E. What have he forgot about ?

34. Which statement is not represent terrible according to the text ?

A. He woke up late
B. He forgot to wear sock
C. He skipped the breakfast
D. He missed the bus
E. It was Sunday

The following text is for questions 35 - 37

Workers at the Springfield Furniture Factory went on strike yesterday. All ….. .. at the factory has
stopped. Employees promise that they will not return to work until they negotiate a new contract
with the factory owners.
The Springfield …….. has been strong since last February when three new factories opened.
Unemployment is …..….an all-time low. Due to an increase in job availability, workers can now
demand higher pay.

35. All ….. .. at the factory has stopped.

A. produce
B. producer
C. production
D. productive
E. Product

36. The Springfield …….. has been strong since last February when three new factories opened.
A economy
B economic
C economize
D economical
E. Economite

37. Unemployment is …..….an all-time low. Due to an increase in job availability, workers can
now demand higher pay.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. into
E. onto

38. Dessy : What have you just done? Your desk full of papers !
Danang : I……….. a letter.
A. am writing
B. have been write
C. have wrote
D. wrote
E. have just written

39. Cher : “Who is teaching you English now?”

Dave : “Ms Rina”.
Cher : “Owh, She was my teacher too. Miss Rina…….. English since 2004.
A. was teaching
B. has taught
C. is going to teach
D. taught
E. was taught

40. Mark : “ Excusme Mrs Fitri, I would like to pick up Dimas to go school together”
Mrs Fitri : “Owh Mark, but Dimas.............. to school with his friends”.
A. has already walked
B. was walking
C. had walking
D. walked
E. walking

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