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UVB radiation generates sunburn pain and affects skin

by activating epidermal TRPV4 ion channels and
triggering endothelin-1 signaling
Carlene Moorea, Ferda Cevikbasb,1, H. Amalia Pasollic,1, Yong Chena,2, Wei Konge,2, Cordula Kempkesb,2, Puja Parekha,
Suk Hee Leea, Nelly-Ange Kontchoua, Iwei Yehb, Nan Marie Jokerste, Elaine Fuchsc,d,3, Martin Steinhoffb,3,
and Wolfgang B. Liedtkea,f,3
Liedtke Laboratory, Departments of Neurology and Neurobiology, and eJokerst Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Duke University, Durham,
NC 27710; bSteinhoff Laboratory, Departments of Dermatology and Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94115; cFuchs Laboratory of
Mammalian Cell Biology and Development and dHoward Hughes Medical Institute, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY 10021; and fClinics for Pain
and Palliative Care, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27705

Contributed by Elaine Fuchs, July 10, 2013 (sent for review June 7, 2013)

At our body surface, the epidermis absorbs UV radiation. UV found critical in signaling the proinflammatory actions of the UVB-
overexposure leads to sunburn with tissue injury and pain. To damaged noncoding RNA molecules. However, this study focused
understand how, we focus on TRPV4, a nonselective cation chan- on molecular mechanisms of acute inflammation in the skin.
nel highly expressed in epithelial skin cells and known to function We intended to identify pain mechanisms that mediate the
in sensory transduction, a property shared with other transient pain associated with UVB-mediated tissue injury. Pain in re-
receptor potential channels. We show that following UVB expo- sponse to external environmental cues has been understood
sure mice with induced Trpv4 deletions, specifically in keratino- better because of scientific progress in the field of transient re-
cytes, are less sensitive to noxious thermal and mechanical ceptor potential (TRP) ion channels that have been found re-
stimuli than control animals. Exploring the mechanism, we find sponsive to such cues, and which were found expressed in DRG
that epidermal TRPV4 orchestrates UVB-evoked skin tissue dam- and TG peripheral sensory neurons, which are the cells believed
age and increased expression of the proalgesic/algogenic media- to be the primary transducers. Indeed, TRPV1, one of the founding
tor endothelin-1. In culture, UVB causes a direct, TRPV4-dependent
members of the TRPV channel subfamily, has been identified as
Ca2+ response in keratinocytes. In mice, topical treatment with
relevant for pain, including pathological pain, response to ther-
a TRPV4-selective inhibitor decreases UVB-evoked pain behavior,
mal cues, and most recently for itch (22–31). However, TRPA1
epidermal tissue damage, and endothelin-1 expression. In humans,
sunburn enhances epidermal expression of TRPV4 and endothelin-1,
(transient receptor potential ion channel, ankyrin subfamily, family
underscoring the potential of keratinocyte-derived TRPV4 as a ther-
member #1) and TRPM8 seem to be involved in transduction of
apeutic target for UVB-induced sunburn, in particular pain. pain-inducing stimuli as well (32–36).
Also a family member of the TRPV subfamily, TRPV4 is
calcium-permeable channels epithelial–neuronal cross-talk | a multimodally activated, nonselective cation channel that is in-
photodermatitis phototransduction volved in physiological pain evoked by osmotic and mechanical,
but not thermal, cues (37–40). For pathological pain, it is rele-
vant for inflammation- and nerve-damage-induced pain sensiti-
T he surface epithelium (epidermis) of skin provides barrier
protection against dehydration and the potentially harmful
external environment (1). Accordingly, skin is the site of first
zation (41–43). Of note, Trpv4−/− mice exhibit impaired skin-

interaction between ambient environment and immunologically Significance

competent organismal structures, and also the site for sentient
responses (2). Sensory neurons in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) Skin protects against harmful external cues, one of them UV
and trigeminal ganglia (TG) are endowed with sensory trans- radiation, which, upon overexposure, causes sunburn as part of
duction capacity for heat, cold, mechanical cues, itch, and pain, the UVB response. Using genetically engineered mice and cul-
and their axons directly interface with skin epithelium (2–4). tured skin epithelial cells, we have identified the calcium-
Against a background of suggestive findings (2, 5–7), we permeable TRPV4 ion channel in skin epithelial cells as critical for
wondered whether the epidermis as a “forefront” of sensory translating the UVB stimulus into intracellular signals and also
signaling may function in sensitizing pain transduction in re- into signals from epithelial skin cell to sensory nerve cell that
sponse to naturally occurring irritating cues. To elucidate mech- innervates the skin, causing pain. These signaling mechanisms
anisms, we used a mouse sunburn model and induced a state of underlie sunburn and in particular sunburn-associated pain.
Thus, activation of TRPV4 in skin by UVB evokes sunburn pain,

lowered sensory thresholds associated with tissue injury caused by

UV radiation (8–10). UV-sunburn-evoked lowering of sensory highlighting the forefront-signaling role of the skin and TRPV4.
thresholds shares major hallmarks of pathological pain, a valuable
Author contributions: C.M., N.M.J., E.F., M.S., and W.B.L. designed research; C.M., F.C., H.A.P.,
feature of this model. Skin tissue injury caused by UVB has been Y.C., W.K., C.K., P.P., S.H.L., N.-A.K., I.Y., and W.B.L. performed research; W.K., N.M.J., and
elucidated to be mediated by cytokines and chemokines, known M.S. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; C.M., F.C., H.A.P., E.F., M.S., and W.B.L. analyzed
from immunological responses, such as IL-1β and IL-6, which are data; and E.F., M.S., and W.B.L. wrote the paper.
also known to cause and facilitate pain (11–19). Another more The authors declare no conflict of interest.
recent study identified a proinflammatory chemokine, CXCL5, as Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.
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proalgesic in response to UVB overexposure of rat and human 1

F.C. and H.A.P. contributed equally to this work.
skin (20). An exciting new arena pertaining to molecular mech- 2
Y.C., W.K., and C.K. contributed equally to this work.
anisms of the skin’s response to noxious UV was recently opened 3
To whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail:, steinhoffm@
by an elegant study that reported the role of UVB-mediated, or
damage to noncoding RNA molecules in the skin (21). Unrav- This article contains supporting information online at
eling a molecular mechanism, the Toll-like receptor 3 gene was 1073/pnas.1312933110/-/DCSupplemental. PNAS | Published online August 8, 2013 | E3225–E3234

barrier function (44, 45). That said, TRPV4 is expressed in formalin, eliciting the established biphasic nocifensive response,
a number of different cell types, including robust expression in which manifests within 1 h (48). In this assay, conditional epi-
epidermal keratinocytes and also is detectable in skin-innervating dermal knockdown of TRPV4 had no effect on direct peripheral
sensory neurons. This “dual-location expression” of TRPV4 leaves chemical irritation (phase I) or the early maladaptive neural
the cellular mechanisms involved in the channel’s function and the response (phase II) (Fig. 1D). Taken together, the level of epi-
functional contribution of environment-exposed keratinocytes vs. dermal Trpv4 knockdown was the determining factor for the
skin-innervating sensory neurons unclear. degree of attenuation of nocifensive behavior caused by UVB
Against this background of dual-location TRPV4 expression irradiation. We notice a selectivity for sunburn pain because
and the role of TRPV4 in inflammatory and neuropathic pain, chemical irritant-induced nocifensive behavior was not affected.
we now address whether epidermally derived TRPV4 is patho- In additional experiments, we attempted to verify eventual
physiologically relevant in sunburn pain and tissue damage. TRPV4 expression in epidermal Merkel cells because they play
Using Trpv4 gene-targeted mice, selectively inducing targeting in a role in tactile discrimination and light touch (49, 50), which
postnatal keratinocytes, and topically applying selective TRPV4 becomes allodynic in sunburn. We could not detect TRPV4
inhibitors, we demonstrate that epidermal TRPV4 plays a prom- protein in Merkel cells (Fig. S1E), possibly indicating low-level
inent, hitherto unrecognized role in UVB-evoked skin tissue dam- expression because Trpv4 mRNA has been detected in these cells
age and pain of sunburn. (51, 52). Detectable TRPV4 would have allowed us to address
whether there is a reduction of expression by inducible K14-
Results CRE, given that a portion of Merkel cells (∼25%) has been
Epidermal-Specific, Tamoxifen-Inducible Trpv4 Null Mouse: Nocifensive found to express K14 (53, 54). In view of these considerations,
Behavior. To circumvent developmental issues that can arise in we cannot exclude a possible ancillary role of TRPV4 channel
gene-targeted mice with ubiquitous deletions, we developed an expression in skin Merkel cells in the pathogenesis of pain, in
inducible conditional system to assess the roles of TRPV4 in particular touch allodynia, in sunburn.
sunburn and pain. Using mouse ES cells, we first built Trpv4lox/lox Additional controls showed us that Trpv4lox/+ heterozygous
mice that were mated with Keratin-14 (K14)-CREER transgenic mice had virtually identical behavioral sensitization (similar to
mice, described previously (46). Additional details are shown in WT) in response to UVB, irrespective of CRE induction with
Fig. S1 A and B. tam or vehicle (Fig. S1F). These findings exclude a functional
We focused on adult glandular mouse hind-paw-pad skin for role for CREER on its own and reiterate the specificity of our
our analyses, because it more closely resembles human skin (47). approach in targeting Trpv4 ablation to keratinocytes.
Tamoxifen induction at 8 wk of age resulted in efficient ablation
of Trpv4 expression in skin epidermis, as judged by anti-TRPV4 Activation Markers of Skin-Innervating Peripheral Neurons Support
immunolabeling, quantitative RT (qRT)-PCR, and Western Behavioral Findings. In WT mice, the paw pad is innervated by L5
blotting (Fig. 1A). Given the established dependence of skin DRG sensory neurons. Significant subpopulations of DRG and
renewal on keratinocyte Ca2+ signaling, it was surprising that TG sensory neurons express TRPV4, allowing us to examine
Trpv4 knockdown did not result in gross alterations of skin whether there are changes in their TRPV4 expression in re-
structure or in induction of the terminal differentiation-specific sponse to induction of K14 (46). TRPV4 expression was un-
marker keratin-1 (K1), which is known to be governed by ele- changed with paw-pad exposure to UVB, an external cue known
vated Ca2+ influx suprabasally (Fig. 1A and Fig. S1C). Although to sensitize innervating neurons (10) (Fig. S1D). Interestingly,
basal progenitor marker K14 was aberrantly sustained supra- whereas sensitization could be verified in control mice, it was
basally in these mice, overall cyto- and layer architecture of the absent in tam-treated iKO mice, as documented by labeling for
epidermis (also discussed below in the histopathology analysis) phosphorylated ERK (pERK), a known marker of sensory neuron
appeared normal, and no obvious visual changes of the skin/ activation in response to inflammation and irritation (43, 55) (Fig.
epidermis of tamoxifen (tam)-treated inducible Trpv4 knockout 1E). Furthermore, size measurements of pERK-expressing L5
(iKO) mice were detected. DRG neurons revealed them to be small to medium-size (<30 μm
Peripheral sensory neurons innervating the paw pad still in diameter), suggesting their possible involvement in relay of
showed robust expression of TRPV4 (Fig. S1D). This enabled us noxious stimuli (Fig. S1G). These results underscore a role for
to evaluate whether epidermal Trpv4 deficiency critically affects epithelial-expressed TRPV4 in governing UVB-induced activation
UVB-mediated nocifensive behaviors. For this purpose, we of skin-innervating DRG sensory neurons in sunburn pain.
assayed two relevant sensory submodalities, thermal and me-
chanical, and compared our iKO mice to pan-null Trpv4−/− and UVB-Induced Tissue Damage Depends upon Epidermal Expression of
their WT controls (Fig. 1B). Forty-eight hours after UV expo- TRPV4. To understand how loss of TRPV4 affects UVB-induced
sure, both tam-treated iKO and Trpv4−/− mice displayed signif- tissue damage, we performed light microscopy and ultrastruc-
icantly reduced sensitivity to noxious radiant heat (Hargreaves’ tural analyses (Fig. 2 A and B and Fig. S2 A–C). In response to
test), and also toward noxious mechanical stimulation (auto- UVB, robust signs of sunburn tissue damage appeared in control
mated von Frey hair testing), compared with their respective skin, as evidenced by intraepidermal infiltrates of granulocytes
controls. Thus, surprisingly, epidermal-specific TRPV4 defi- and focal blistering. In skin of tam-treated iKO mice with in-
ciency seemed to be equivalent to Trpv4 pan-null in reducing complete targeting, damage was present, perhaps moderately
UVB-induced behavioral sensitization, namely in attenuating less severe. In striking contrast, however, in skin of tam-treated
thermal and mechanical allodynia. iKO mice with complete targeting, no signs of tissue injury were
Further underscoring the importance of epidermal TRPV4 in seen. These data demonstrate convincingly that epidermal
regulating nocifensive behavior, a correlation existed between TRPV4 is necessary for skin to show a tissue-injury response to
UV-induced sensitization to thermal stimuli and the level of UVB with epidermal structural changes and reactive cell recruit-
Trpv4 gene knockdown, particularly at <0.45 times the WT levels ment, and tissue injury is attenuated when epidermal TRPV4 is
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of Trpv4 mRNA (Fig. 1C). This indicates the presence of a knocked down.
threshold for Trpv4 knockdown to influence nocifensive behavior. We next extended our characterization of TRPV4-dependent
For comparison with a well-established pain model in which epidermal injury by using suitable immuno-histopathology mark-
the injurious stimulus has sufficient involvement with both epi- ers for the different cell types involved. We used IL-6 as a marker
dermis and skin-innervating sensory neurons, we used the for- of activated keratinocytes. In addition, IL-6 is inherently algo-
malin model and induced irritation with paw-pad injections of genic (14). IL-6 immunoreactivity was robustly up-regulated in

E3226 | Moore et al.

UVB-exposed epidermis of control mice and, in contrast, virtu-
ally eliminated in iKO and pan-null Trpv4−/− skin (Fig. 3A and
Fig. S2D). Because it reflects epidermal activation by UVB and is
also causing pain, we assessed Il-6 gene expression by determining
its mRNA abundance with qRT-PCR. We compared Trpv4−/−
with WT skin at time points 2 h and 24 h. In WT epidermis we
found a significant early up-regulation at time point 120 min,
sustained at 24 h. In contrast, the absence of Trpv4, Il-6 mRNA
was not regulated. These findings suggest early activation of
the skin epithelium by UVB and its maintenance by ongoing
tissue injury.
Both macrophages and neutrophils are known to contribute to
pain via proalgesic/algogenic mediators (56). As evidenced by
immunostaining for CD68 (macrophages) and neutrophil-specific
elastase [known to enhance nociception (57)], UVB-induced
tissue infiltration of both cell types was markedly reduced in the
skin of iKO mice (Fig. 3 B and C). In contrast, mast cell abun-
dance was not different (Fig. S2E). Taken together, these findings
show that keratinocytes’ TRPV4 expression is critical for their
UVB-mediated activation. Epithelial activation attracts macro-
phages and pain-enhancing neutrophils in response to UVB.

TRPV4 Sustains the UVB-Induced Ca2+ Response in Primary Mouse

Keratinocytes. To image Ca2+ dynamics of primary mouse epi-
dermal keratinocytes (1°MK) following UVB exposure, we built
a customized device that enabled us to apply specific and narrow-
band UVB stimulation in vitro (Fig. 4 A and B and Fig. S3 A–D).
The elicited Ca2+ signal was diminished by a UV-refracting glass
coverslip, underscoring the dependence of the Ca2+ response on
UVB (Fig. 4C and Fig. S3A).
Next, we asked whether the UVB-mediated Ca2+ response is
dependent on extracellular Ca2+ and recorded affirmative find-
ings by sequential exposure to UVB-extracellular Ca2+ (Fig. 4D).
This finding prompted us to directly query the role of TRPV4 in
the UVB-mediated Ca2+ response. Indeed, 1°MK from Trpv4−/−
mice exhibited a greatly diminished response relative to their
WT counterparts (Fig. 4E). Moreover, when a selective TRPV4
blocker, GSK205 (43, 58, 59), was used, WT 1°MK showed
responses similar to those of Trpv4−/− 1°MK (Fig. 4F).
In view of the known TRPV3 expression in keratinocytes (60,
61), we also addressed TRPV3’s role in UVB-mediated Ca2+
increase but observed no effect with the TRPV3-selective in-
Fig. 1. Keratinocyte-specific ablation of Trpv4 leads to alterations in noci- hibitor isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP) (Fig. 4G). The same
fensive behavior in response to UVB. (A) Epidermal TRPV4 expression and dose of IPP was effective in inhibiting camphor-evoked Ca2+
its loss upon keratinocyte-specific ablation of Trpv4 in tam-induced iKO transients (Fig. S3E).
mice. (i) TRPV4 immunofluorescence. Note TRPV4 in epidermis of vehicle
Together, our experiments indicate that epidermal UVB ex-
(oil)-treated control, but not tam-induced iKO mice. (Scale bar, 10 μm.) (ii)
Western blot of epidermal lysates from paw-pad skin. Note knockdown and
posure elicits the influx of extracellular Ca2+ through TRPV4,
more complete loss of TRPV4 following induced Trpv4-ablation (β-actin used and not TRPV3, channels. Because both channels are present,
for normalization). (iii) qRT-PCR for Trpv4 mRNA from paw-pad skin is our data further suggest that TRPV4 channels are selectively
shown, indicating significant Trpv4 knockdown in response to tam treat- activated by UVB light. We obtained corroborating findings by
ment vs. carrier (oil). P < 0.0001, t test. (iv) Immunofluorescence for chemically activating TRPV4 with GSK101, which directly
epidermal lineage markers. In WT skin, basal epidermal marker K14 is down- stimulated TRPV4 in WT 1°MK. The GSK101-mediated re-
regulated and suprabasal marker K1 is induced upon commitment to
sponse was dependent upon external Ca2+ and was eliminated by
terminal differentiation. Upon knockdown of TRPV4, this balance seems

perturbed, with some spinous layer cells showing colabeling. (Scale bar,
the TRPV4 inhibitor GSK205 (Fig. S3F), similar to UVB-evoked
10 μm.) (B) Nocifensive behavior in response to UVB exposure. Time course (in Ca2+ dynamics.
hours) for nocifensive behavior elicited by either a noxious mechanical To assess whether TRPV4 is sufficient for the UVB-evoked
stimulus (automatic von Frey hair assay, Left) or thermally evoked noci- Ca2+ influx, we ectopically expressed TRPV4 in HEK293 epi-
fensive behavior (Hargreaves’ assay, Right). Note significantly less sensitiza- thelial cells. Directed TRPV4 expression resulted in appreciable
tion in Trpv4−/− and in tam-treated iKO mice, relative to oil-treated (vehicle) Ca2+ signaling in response to UVB (Fig. S3G), which could be
iKO and WT mice. n ≥ 10 animals per group; **P < 0.01 ANOVA. (C) Cor- blocked by GSK205. Thus, heterologous TRPV4 expression is
relation between nocifensive behavior and level of Trpv4 knockdown; n = 12
sufficient for UVB radiation to cause Ca2+ transients.
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animals are shown for which both parameters were available and Trpv4
mRNA levels <0.45. Note the four vehicle-induced animals (green symbols)
vs. their tam-induced counterparts (red symbols). (D) Loss of epidermal
TRPV4 shows no significant effect on nocifensive behaviors caused by for- sections are shown for oil- and tam-treated iKO animals ± exposure to UVB.
malin injection. Bars depict average cumulative nocifensive behavior within Note that only UVB-exposed control mice show pERK expression in the paw-
the first 10 min (phase I), and 10–45 min (phase II) postinjection; n = 4 per pad-innervating L5 DRG. Quantifications are shown at right; n = 3 animals
group. (E) pERK in L5 DRG neurons. pERK immunofluorescence of L5 DRG per group, six sections per DRG per animal, **P < 0.01 ANOVA.

Moore et al. PNAS | Published online August 8, 2013 | E3227

volved. It also hinted at possible involvement of G protein-coupled
receptor signaling.
Using a candidate approach, we focused on endothelin receptors
[ET(R)s], which are known to be expressed in skin keratinocytes
(62). ET(R)s were suitable candidates because they are known to
function in pain signaling (63) and because their cognate peptide
ligand, endothelin-1 (ET1), is elevated when keratinocytes are ex-
posed to UVB (64). When 1°MK were exposed to ET1, they
exhibited a significant increase in UVB-induced Ca2+ signaling (Fig.
5 A, i). This response was dependent on TRPV4, because it was
greatly diminished by GSK205. Consistent with this result, ET1
augmented chemical TRPV4 activation with GSK101 (Fig. S4A).
We next blocked ET1 secretion by applying the proendothelin
convertase inhibitor CGS35066. This inhibitor significantly di-
minished UVB-induced Ca2+ signaling in 1°MK (Fig. 5 A, i).
Could autocrine/paracrine ET1 signaling to its cognate ET(R)s
underlie the observed Ca2+ signal, which depended on TRPV4?
In agreement, ET(R) inhibitors attenuated the Ca2+ signal in
response to UVB/ET1 coexposure. Interestingly, antagonism of
ET-R(A), using BQ123, eliminated later phases of the Ca2+
response, while leaving the initial rise unaffected; by contrast,
ET-R(B) antagonism, using BQ788, converted the UVB–Ca2+
response into a more protracted one (Fig. 5 A, ii). Coapplication

Fig. 2. Structural and ultrastructural analyses showing that UVB-mediated

skin tissue injury depends upon keratinocyte TRPV4. (A) Toluidine blue
semithin (1-μm) sections. Micrographs show representative findings of skin
in response to UVB, sampled 48 h after UVB exposure. Note that upon UVB
stimulation oil- (TRPV+), but not tam-treated (TRPV−), iKO mice exhibit
separations at the epidermal–dermal boundary and robust signs of tissue
injury including influx of neutrophil granulocytes. Note also that just be-
neath the stratum corneum (SC) the upper epidermis shows extensive
structural damage, which could also be seen in skin of tam-treated iKO mice
in which Trpv4 knockdown was incomplete, but not in those animals in
which it was more complete (Fig. S2A). (Scale bars, 20 μm.) Der, dermis; Epi,
epidermis. (B) Ultrastructural findings by EM. Selected areas from 1-μm
semithin sections of paw skin were examined by transmission electron mi-
croscopy. a and a′ and c and c′ show normal epidermal (Epi) structure for
both oil- and tam-treated iKO mice, in the absence of UVB stimulation. a and Fig. 3. Immuno-histochemical analysis demonstrates that UVB-mediated
c show an intact epidermis. Basal (BL) and spinous (Sp) layers are magnified activation of keratinocytes and recruitment of macrophages and neutrophils
a′ and c′ displaying a normal organization with no evidence of epidermal depends upon keratinocyte TRPV4. (A) IL-6 up-regulation in keratinocytes as
damage. b, b′, b″, d, d′, and e, e′ show representative findings of skin in re- a marker of epidermal activation. IL-6 immunofluorescence reveals a re-
sponse to UVB, sampled 48 h after UVB exposure. (b) Disrupted epidermis in duced ability of TRPV4-deficient mice to elevate keratinocyte IL-6 expression
oil-treated iKO mice. An area equivalent to the boxed area is magnified in b′, in response to UVB exposure. Quantifications for protein are shown next to
where granulocyte infiltration of epidermis is evident (Gr) and blistering with micrograph. Densitometries are for n ≥ 3 mice per group, showing signifi-
detachment of the epidermis from the dermis (double arrows). (b″) Upper part cant up-regulation for oil-treated iKO mice, and lack thereof for tam-treated
of epidermis in contact with SC, showing extensive vacuolization and deposits mice. (Right) Bar diagram shows Il-6 mRNA quantification and time course.
of fibrin inside the vacuoles (asterisks). (d) Tamoxifen-treated iKO mice with Il-6 mRNA was determined by qPCR after isolation of total RNA from paw-
incomplete knockdown of Trvp4 show skin phenotype similar to oil-treated pad epidermis. Note the early and robust increase, albeit with variation, at
iKO mice, with robust signs of tissue damage to basal and spinous layer, fibrin the 2-h time point, in WT control epidermis, in contrast to the very moderate
deposits (asterisks), and intercellular spaces (arrowheads in d′). (e) Intact epi- increase in Trpv4−/− epidermis. Note also the sustained robust up-regulation
dermis in iKO with complete knockdown of Trvp4, with normal basal and at 24 h, again moderately up-regulated in Trpv4−/− epidermis. Quantifica-
spinous layers in e′. Dotted lines indicate the dermal–epidermal boundary. tions are for n = 8–12 mice per group. *Statistically significant (P = 0.011,
(Scale bars, 20 μm for a, b, c and d; 10 μm for b′ and e′, and 2 μm for the other t test). (Scale bar, 20 μm.) (B) Recruitment of macrophages in UVB-exposed
micrographs.) skin. Note that the numbers of dermal CD68+ macrophages induced by UVB
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exposure in control mice is significantly reduced when Trpv4 is ablated in the

Endothelin-1 Is a Critical Epidermal Effector of the UVB–TRPV4–Ca2+ epidermis. Quantifications are shown at right (n = 3 mice per group; *P < 0.05
t test). (Scale bar, 20 μm.) (C) Recruitment of elastase-expressing neutrophils
Response. The UVB–TRPV4–Ca2+ response depended on phos-
to UVB-exposed skin. Shown are representative immunofluorescence micro-
pholipase C (PLC), because it was virtually eliminated by the graphs and respective quantifications. Note a strong increase in abundance of
specific PLC inhibitor U73122 (Fig. 4H), suggesting that lipid elastase-expressing neutrophils in control mice, and a lack thereof in tam-
products of PLC [e.g., inositol trisphosphate (IP3)] might be in- treated iKO mice. n = 4 mice per group, *P < 0.05 t test. (Scale bar, 40 μm.)

E3228 | Moore et al.

response was significantly attenuated by ET(R)-A inhibition and
greatly diminished by ET(R)-B inhibition (Fig. 5B). There were
a few slight changes to the UVB response, namely, codependency
of both ET(R)s for UVB, and recruitment of ET(R)-B more
than -A for 4α-PDD. These minor differences were not sur-
prising, given the pleiotropic effects of UVB. These results
provided compelling support for the interdependency of TRPV4
and ET(R) signaling.
Unstimulated 1°MKs produced appreciable levels of ET1,
whose secretory behavior was dependent upon TRPV4 and PLC,
as shown by use of specific inhibitors and Trpv4−/− 1°MKs (Fig.
S4B). We therefore tested whether UVB caused ET1 up-regu-
lation in a TRPV4-dependent manner. Given the exquisite
wavelength dependence of ET1 expression in 1°MKs (64, 65), we
resorted to the UVB light-emitting diode (LED) stimulation
device as for Ca2+ imaging (Fig. 4A and Fig. S3 A–D). UVB-
exposed 1°MKs showed increased ET1 immunolabeling, which
was diminished when cells were preincubated with TRPV4 inhib-
itors GSK205 and RN1734 (Fig. S4 C and D). Consistent with its
effects on UVB-evoked Ca2+ transients and on unstimulated ET1
secretion, PLC inhibitor U73122 also down-regulated ET1. To-
gether, these findings suggest a limited feed-forward mechanism
that involves TRPV4-dependent ET1 secretion and increase of
ET1 expression in response to UVB, and autocrine/paracrine
signaling via ET(R)s. This signaling involves TRPV4-dependent
Ca2+ influx, which in turn amplifies ET1 signaling in a paracrine/
autocrine fashion.
To assess the physiological relevance of our findings in vivo,
we exposed mouse paw pads to UVB. An interesting time course
of Edn1 mRNA expression was apparent in paw-pad skin of WT
mice, where it peaked after 120 min and relented at 24 h, but
remained significantly elevated (Fig. 5C). In contrast, there was
no regulated expression of Edn1 in paw-pad skin of Trpv4−/−
mice. These findings suggest a more direct regulation of Edn1
gene expression by TRPV4 in response to UVB. Edn1 over-
expression in epidermal keratinocytes is likely caused by UVB-
mediated Ca2+ influx at the time of exposure. Protein synthesis
Fig. 4. Ca2+ influx into keratinocytes in response to UVB depends on TRPV4. and secretion follow, and the process seems to be maintained in
(A) Custom-built UVB cell illumination apparatus (see also Fig. S3). (B) Fluo-4
a delimited feed-forward mechanism, very likely leading to
Ca2+ imaging in 1°MKs. Fluorescent micrographs of 1°MKs after loading with
Ca2+-sensitive dye, fluo-4, before (Upper) and at the end of UVB exposure
downstream effector mechanisms that enhance tissue damage
(Lower). (Scale bar, 10 μm.) (C–H) UVB-evoked Ca2+ dynamics. Fluo-4 imaging and pain. Moreover, ET1 protein was readily detected in control
was used to detect Ca2+ transients in 1°MKs following UVB exposure. y axis epidermis but reduced in TRPV4-deficient epidermis (Fig. 5D).
indicates the increase in fluorescence, ΔF, normalized for prestimulation TRPV4 was critical for the facilitatory effect of ET1 on noci-
signal, F0 (ΔF/F0). The signal shown is that averaged from ≥50 cells. (C) Ca2+ fensive behavior. Mechanically induced withdrawal behavior af-
signaling is dependent upon UVB, and is strikingly reduced when quartz ter subepidermal ET1 injection was significantly sensitized in
coverslips are replaced by glass coverslips. Analysis of UVB permeation for control but not in Trpv4−/− mice, both pan- and conditional null
glass vs. quartz indicates that 13.7% of the UVB permeates glass vs. 88.9% (Fig. 5E). For the pan-null mice this is a very interesting finding.
for quartz (see also Fig. S3A). Given the attenuation of the UVB-evoked
For the inducible null mice this finding is highly surprising be-
signal with glass coverslip, this provides clear indication of a dose–response
relationship. Note also that the Ca2+ signal with quartz coverslip in WT
cause it suggests that ET1’s proalgesic/algogenic effect is fully
1°MKs persisted after UVB, as was sometimes observed. (D) UVB-evoked Ca2+ dependent on TRPV4 in keratinocytes. Although previous
signaling is dependent on external [Ca2+]. (E) UVB-evoked Ca2+ signaling is studies had shown that ET1 is sufficient to elicit nocifensive
not seen in Trpv4−/− 1°MKs, revealing the importance of the TRPV4 ion behavior (66, 67), the elimination of ET1’s proalgesic/algogenic
channel. (F) UVB-evoked Ca2+ signaling is strongly down-regulated in the effect in iKO mice was completely unexpected given that both
presence of TRPV4-selective inhibitor, GSK205 (20 μM). (G) The UVB-evoked ET(R)s and TRPV4 are expressed by sensory afferents (63), all

Ca2+ signal is not inhibited by the TRPV3-selective inhibitor, IPP. For valida- of them unaffected in tam-treated iKO mice.
tion of IPP’s activity, see Fig. S3E. (H) The UVB-evoked Ca2+ signal can be
strongly reduced with specific PLC inhibitor, U73122. Clinical Relevance of Epidermally Derived TRPV4 in Sunburn. In-
terestingly, TRPV4 was significantly increased in human epi-
dermis of patients with sunburn and UV overexposure [Fig. 6A
of both inhibitors completely eliminated the UVB-induced Ca2+ (acute) and Fig. S5 (chronic)]. Compared with healthy skin,
response by 1°MKs (Fig. 5 A, iii). a robust increase was also seen for ET1 immunostaining in acute
Taken together, these findings indicate that UVB-mediated overexposure (Fig. 6 A and B). These findings suggest that
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ET1 secretion contributes significantly to the UVB–TRPV4–Ca2+ TRPV4 is likely to be involved in the skin’s acute tissue response
response in vitro. The data further suggest that ET1–ET(R) to overexposure to UVB, one of the various responses of human
cosignaling amplifies TRPV4-dependent Ca2+ signals. In support skin to damaging UV radiation.
of this notion, the UVB–Ca2+ response could be recapitulated In view of the observed impact of epidermal-specific TRPV4
by omitting UVB exposure and instead cotreating 1°MKs with deficiency on mouse nociception in response to UVB, and be-
ET1 and the selective TRPV4 activator 4α-PDD. This specific cause of the effects of selective TRPV4 blockers on 1°MK in

Moore et al. PNAS | Published online August 8, 2013 | E3229

Fig. 5. Central role for keratinocyte TRPV4 in UVB-evoked Ca2+ signaling and nocifensive behavior: effects of ET1. (A) Effects of ET1 on UVB-evoked Ca2+ signaling
in 1°MKs. (i) Averaged Ca2+ transients in 1°MK in response to UVB, their augmentation by coexposure to ET1 peptide, and their significant attenuation by either
GSK205, which inhibits TRPV4, or ET-convertase inhibitor CGS35066, which blocks ET1 proteolytic processing. (ii) ET-augmented, UVB-induced Ca2+ transients as in
i, but in this case, their attenuation by selective antagonism of ET(R)-A (using BQ123) and ET(R)-B (using BQ788). (iii) The complete elimination of the ET1-aug-
mented Ca2+ transients when both subtypes of ET(R) are blocked. (B) The 4α-PDD-evoked Ca2+ signaling in 1°MKs: ET1-related findings. (Left) Ca2+ transients (as per
fura-2 ratiometric imaging) in response to the selective TRPV4 activator 4α-PDD. A significant increase in the response can be observed by coapplication of ET1, and
this is partially dependent on ET(R)-A and completely dependent on ET(R)-B. (C) Up-regulation of ET1/Edn1 in mouse paw in response to UVB. Edn1 mRNA was
determined by qPCR after isolation of total RNA from paw-pad epidermis. Note the early increase, at the 2-h time point, in WT control epidermis, and its complete
lack in Trpv4−/−, and sustained up-regulation at 24 h, slightly reduced vs. the 2-h time point, again complete lack of up-regulation in Trpv4−/−. Quantifications are
for n = 4 mice per group. **Statistically significant (P < 0.01, t test). (D) Immunohistochemistry reveals a significantly stronger ET1 signal in UVB-exposed skin of oil-
treated control vs. tam-treated iKO mice. Note positive labeling of endothelial cells. Quantifications are for n = 3 mice per group. ***Statistically significant (P <
0.001, t test). (E) Nocifensive behavior in response to ET1 paw-pad injection depends on epidermal TRPV4. Bar diagram summarizes behavioral findings for Trpv4−/−
vs. WT and for oil-treated vs. tam-treated iKO mice. Note that in WT and oil-treated iKO mice paw-pad injection of ET1 leads to significant levels of mechanical
allodynia. Trpv4−/− and tam-treated iKO mice fail to respond. Quantifications are for n = 7–8 mice per group. **Statistically significant (P < 0.01, ANOVA).

vitro, we assessed the translational-medical relevance of our applied drugs, and the effects obtained with 5 mM GSK205 were
findings. For this purpose, we applied TRPV4 inhibitor GSK205 consistent with those observed in tam-induced iKO mice.
to WT mouse paw pads topically and subsequently exposed Histopathology of GSK205 topically treated skin showed hall-
animals to sunburn-inducing doses of UVB (Fig. 7A). Whereas marks of UVB-mediated sunburn in vehicle-treated paws, strikingly
vehicle-treated control mice showed normal thermal hypersen- contrasting to GSK205-treated animals (5 mM), whose paws showed
sitivity, mice treated with 1 mM GSK205 showed an ∼24-h delay virtual elimination of damage (Fig. 7B). In view of the TRPV4 de-
in sensitivity, and increasing the dose to 5 mM GSK205 resulted pendence of ET/Edn1 expression in skin, we measured Edn1
in a sustained attenuation of thermally evoked nocifensive be- mRNA abundance in GSK205 vs. vehicle-treated paw-pad skin. We
detected an early up-regulation in vehicle-treated mice at the 2-h
havior. This treatment also resulted in a significantly reduced
time point that was still significantly elevated over preexposure
sensitivity to von Frey hair mechanical stimulation.
animals at 24 h, resembling Edn1 regulation and time course in
To assess specificity of the external topical treatment, we ap-
untreated WT mice (Fig. 7C, compare with Fig. 5C). In striking
plied 5 mM GSK205 to Trpv4−/− mice vs. vehicle control mice contrast, and in keeping with histopathology, Edn1 mRNA ex-
(Fig. 7A). Nocifensive behavior did not show any intergroup pression in GSK205 topically treated skin was found unchanged.
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differences, yet was significantly different from prestimulation. To validate these finding, we tested UVB absorption in
Thus, topical treatment with 5 mM GSK205 in vivo did not elicit GSK205-treated paw-pad skin, and whether GSK205 thus func-
off-target effects on other channels or signaling pathways that tions as a sunscreen. Results were negative, as demonstrated by
might measurably influence withdrawal behavior. Although equal UVB permeation of GSK205- vs. vehicle-treated paw-pad
GSK205-mediated antagonism of macrophage and neural TRPV4 skin, yet valid, as demonstrated by significant decrease of UVB
cannot be excluded, the epidermis is the initial target of topically permeation with SPF100 sunscreen (Fig. 7 D and E and Fig. S6 A

E3230 | Moore et al.

Beyond rather acute effector responses of the keratinocyte
UVB-sentinel system, longer-term adaptive changes elicited by ET1
are relevant. One of these is UVB-induced pigmentation, where
endothelins act as a potent inducer of melanocyte differentiation
(68–70). Given our finding that epidermal TRPV4 regulates ET1
secretion, TRPV4 becomes poised not only to orchestrate the acute
sentinel function of keratinocytes, which induces pain and hyper-
sensitivity, which leads to protective temporary rest and nonuse,
but also to provide longer-term protection. Notably, UV der-
matitis with subsequent protective pigmentation is a widespread
occurrence in the vertebrate kingdom (71), yet pigmentation
disorders in humans might also be linked to TRPV4 signaling.
In terms of skin pigmentation, another recent paper reported
expression of TRPA1 in human melanocytes and their selective
activation by UVA (72), preceded by an earlier report of TRPA1
activation by UVA in heterologous cellular systems (73). The
authors demonstrate direct Ca2+ signaling in response to UVA
that enhances pigmentation in human melanocytes, depending on
TRPA1 and opsins. This finding indicates perhaps a molecular
spectrum of the skin to match the natural wavelengths that animals
encounter so that organismal and skin protection against noxious
light/radiation is enhanced. These mechanisms comprise different
nonneural cells of the skin. These cells have a TRP ion channel
as a central component of the molecular apparatus, and light/
radiation-evoked transduction of the channel leads to Ca2+ influx.
Shorter UVB wavelengths transduce via TRPV4, expressed in
keratinocytes, which in the first place leads to tissue injury and
Fig. 6. Epidermal TRPV4 and ET1 are elevated in human skin overexposed to pain and secondly to protective hyperpigmentation via the action
UV. (A) Representative micrographs of TRPV4 and ET1 distribution in UV-over- of ET1 on melanocytes. Longer UVA wavelengths transduce via
exposed epidermis, compared with healthy human skin. Immunostaining for TRPA1, expressed in melanocytes, which enhances their pig-
each antigen is increased in the acute tissue response vs. healthy skin. [Scale mentation. The role of TRPA1 expression in human keratinocytes
bars, 50 μm (Left), 100 μm (Right).] (B) Quantitative analysis for immunoreactive in response to UV radiation remains to be determined (74 and see
TRPV4 and ET1. Findings reveal significantly increased immunolabeling for the also 75).
two proteins in UV-overexposed epidermis compared with healthy human skin
Finally, our discovery places TRPV4 as a prime therapeutic
(n = 3 subjects for normal, healthy skin and 3 with UV overexposure).
target for treatments aimed at alleviating the pain, tissue damage,
and skin blistering associated with sunburn. To this end, we have
and B). These results corroborate that effects of topically applied shown that the mechanisms uncovered here in mice are likely to
GSK205 are caused by TRPV4 antagonism, likely by affecting operate in UVB-exposed human skin, and we have demonstrated
TRPV4 in epidermal keratinocytes. the effectiveness of topically applying TRPV4 inhibitors (76).
Thus, UVB-evoked epidermal signaling was reduced both
Experimental Procedures
when TRPV4 was antagonized by topical application of specific
See SI Experimental Procedures for more details.
small-molecule inhibitors and when Trpv4 was targeted geneti-
cally in iKO mice. This suggests ion channel function of TRPV4
Animals. The Trpv4 genomic locus was engineered so that loxP sites sur-
to be the critical factor common to both experimental approaches. rounded exon13, which encodes TM5-6. This mutation was propagated in
Together, these findings render topically applied selective TRPV4 mice that were crossed to K14-CRE-ERtam mice, so that ((Trpv4lox/lox)X(K14-
blockers excellent candidates to reduce tissue damage and pain CRE-ERtam)) mice could be induced by tam administration via oral gavage for
caused by UVB exposure in humans. five consecutive days at 6 mg/d in 0.3 mL corn oil, at age 2–4 mo of age, plus
a one-time booster 2 wk after the last application. Male and female mice
Discussion were induced equally. Efficiency of targeting was verified by qRT-PCR for
In this study, we discovered that TRPV4 ion channels in skin Trpv4 using primers sense 5′-CCTGCTGGTCACCTACATCA and antisense
keratinocytes are critically involved in the organismal hypersen- 5′-CTCAGGAACACAGGGAAGGA, with the former primer located in exon 13.
All animal experimentation described here was conducted in full compliance
sitivity response that results in tissue injury and pain following
with National Institutes of Health and Duke University internal guidelines,
acute UVB overexposure, as in sunburn. We found that UVB and under a valid Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee protocol.
triggers TRPV4 channel activation, which leads to Ca2+ influx

into keratinocytes. In turn, this transforms the cells to function in Behavioral Assessment of Withdrawal Thresholds and UVB Stimulation. Behav-
a proalgesic manner. ioral tests were performed to evaluate the decrease in withdrawal thresholds
Specifically, we document TRPV4-dependent early up-regu- in response to mechanical von Frey hair or thermal stimuli applied to hind paws.
lation of Edn1 mRNA expression, ET1 secretion, and action on Tests were conducted as previously published (37). These withdrawal thresh-
ET(R)s. Although some details of UVB-induced TRPV4 chan- olds were ascertained before and after UV exposure. Mice were exposed 3–5 d
nel activation await further definition, we have identified PLC as after the last application of tam/oil, using a Bio-Rad Gel Doc 2000 UV trans-
illuminator (302 nm) for 5 min with an exposure of 600 mJ/cm2. This represent
a key player, necessary for production of high-activity small-
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5–10 times the minimal erythema-inducing dose (77–79), in keeping with our
molecule intermediaries such as IP3. Moreover, we find that rationale of inducing sunburn and studying sunburn-evoked pain.
ET1–ET(R) signaling, which activates PLC, is also essential for
Ca2+ signaling by epidermal TRPV4, and here, ET1–ET(R) In Vivo Topical Interventions. ET1 injections. After determining baseline
seem to function in an autocrine/paracrine feed-forward loop. withdrawal thresholds, each animal received an intraplantar injection of
Epidermal TRPV4 is absolutely needed for injected ET1 to 10 μL 100 nM ET1 plus contralateral vehicle. Thresholds were again evalu-
function in a proalgesic manner. ated 1 h after injection.

Moore et al. PNAS | Published online August 8, 2013 | E3231

Fig. 7. External topical application of a selective TRPV4 inhibitor attenuates UVB-evoked nocifensive behavior and skin tissue injury. (A) UVB-induced nocifensive
behavior. Pain behavior is attenuated by topical application of GSK205. (Upper) Diagram shows withdrawal thresholds after UVB exposure in response to noxious
thermal cues (Hargreaves’ test), and their modulation by two doses of topically applied GSK205 (1 mM and 5 mM, applied 60 and 10 min before exposure). The
higher dose led to a significant attenuation of thermal allodynia at 48 h post-UVB; n = 6 mice per group; **P < 0.01 ANOVA. (Lower) Diagram shows development of
moderate thermal allodynia in Trpv4−/− mice, and similar sensitization for vehicle-treated vs. 5 mM GSK205-treated mice, indicating lack of off-target effects of the
compound at 5 mM for topical application; n = 5 mice per group. (B) UVB-evoked sunburn tissue damage is attenuated in mice treated with GSK205. Representative
H&E micrographs of paw-pad skin are shown. (Scale bars, 20 μm.) Treatment of UVB-exposed skin with GSK205 improved the skin architecture in mice compared
with vehicle-treated mice after 24 h. (i and iii) Representative skin sections of UVB-exposed skin after GSK205 treatment showed markedly reduced cellular in-
filtrate, less spongiosis, and dermal–epidermal blisters with remaining epidermal thickening. (ii and iv) Vehicle-treated paw pads after UVB exposure were
characterized by signs of severe acute sunburn damage such as spongiosis, epidermal hyperkeratosis, disrupted dermal–epidermal border (blister), and a marked
cellular infiltrate with dilated blood vessels and dermal edema (arrows). Also note the erythrocyte accumulation in blood vessels, indicating tissue damage and
hyperemia. (C) Topical treatment with a TRPV4-specific inhibitor attenuates up-regulation of algogenic ET1/Edn1. Edn1 mRNA was determined by qPCR after
extraction of total RNA from paw-pad epidermis. In vehicle-treated skin, note increase of Edn1 expression with robust early up-regulation at the 2-h time point, and
sustained moderate elevation up to the 24-h time point. This time course resembles that seen in WT control mice, compared to Trpv4−/− mice (Fig. 5C). Importantly,
topical treatment with 5 mM GSK205 results in complete lack of this regulation; n = 4 mice per group, *P < 0.05 t test. (D) GSK205 does not function as sunscreen. The
schematic illustrates the experimental setup. (E) GSK205 does not function as sunscreen. The bar diagram shows results from n = 7–8 mice per group; note absence
of a change in UVB permeation with 5 mM GSK205, topically applied as for A, vs. vehicle control, yet significantly reduced with sunscreen SPF100.

GSK205 topical treatment. A viscous solution of 68% (vol/vol) EtOH/5% glycerol plus device was built (more detail is given in SI Experimental Procedures). The
1 mM or 5 mM GSK205 (none for control) was applied to hind paws by rubbing system comprised a printed circuit board for electrical interconnects and
in 20 μL, applied at time points 1 h and again 10 min before UV exposure. mechanical support and a UV LED. Customized provisions at the cellular
Formalin-induced nocifensive behavior. Formalin (4%, 10 μL) was injected into end included a quartz coverslip as the bottom of the cell culture dish plus
the right hind paw, following previous protocols (48). Mice were then video- a thermal equilibration stage (HW-101; Dagan Corp.), fitted to an Olympus
taped for 50 min and behavior analyzed by blinded observers. BX61 upright microscope. The UV LED was a III-nitride-based type (UVTOP-
295 BL; Sensor Electronic Technology). The operating wavelength was 295
Mouse Tissue Processing for 1-μm Semithin Sections and EM. Samples were nm (Fig. S3A), with a full width at half maximum of 12 nm. The optical
processed and subjected to EM as described previously (80). power was 500 mW. The focal point was aimed at the plane of the upper
surface of the quartz coverslip, which was used to minimize UV absorption
Mouse and Human Tissue Processing for Immunohistochemistry. Routine proce- along the optical path toward the cells (Fig. S3 A–C). The optical intensity at
dures were followed as described previously (37, 80, 81). More detail is available the focal point was estimated to be 150 mW/mm2.
in SI Experimental Procedures. Human tissue was processed under institutional
review board approval (University of California, San Francisco). Informed Keratinocyte UV Irradiation Using 295-nm LED and Immunocytochemistry. The
consent was obtained from all human subjects involved in this research. 1°MKs were exposed to UVB using the UV optical system (295-nm LED).
Twenty-four hours later the cells were fixed and immunolabeled for ET1.
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Primary Mouse Keratinocyte Cell Culture. Primary mouse keratinocytes were Digital images were subjected to morphometry.
derived from back skin of newborn mice following previously described pro-
tocols (80, 81). Statistical Analysis. Numeric signals or values were averaged for their respective
groups and the statistical mean ± SEM (as shown in all diagrams in the figures)
Ca2+ Imaging of Cultured Keratinocytes. Ca2+ imaging of 1°MK was conducted were compared between groups by using a fixed-effect one-way ANOVA and
following routine procedures (59, 82). For UVB stimulation, a customized post hoc Scheffé test or Student t test, at a significance level of P < 0.05.

E3232 | Moore et al.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Drs. Sidney Simon and Joerg Grandl AR059402 and Deutsche Forschugsgemeinschaft [German Research Foun-
(Duke University) for critical comments. Mouse ES cells were generated dation; DFG] STE 1014/2-2 (to M.S.) and DFG Ce165/1-1 (to F.C.); DFG
at the gene-targeting facility of The Rockefeller University (Dr. Chingwen Ke1672/1-1 (to C.K.); and NIH/NIAMS Grants AR31737 and AR050452 (to
Yang, Director). This work was supported by National Institutes of Health E.F.). E.F. is a Howard Hughes Medical Investigator. We also acknowledge
(NIH)/National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research Grants NIH/National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Grant
DE018549, DE018549S1, and DE018549S2 (to W.B.L.); NIH/National Insti- P41 EB015897 for confocal core support (Dr. G. Allan Johnson, Principal
tute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) Grants Investigator).

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E3234 | Moore et al.


Correction for “UVB radiation generates sunburn pain and af-
fects skin by activating epidermal TRPV4 ion channels and trig-
gering endothelin-1 signaling,” by Carlene Moore, Ferda Cevikbas,
H. Amalia Pasolli, Yong Chen, Wei Kong, Cordula Kempkes,
Puja Parekh, Suk Hee Lee, Nelly-Ange Kontchou, Iwei Ye,
Nan Marie Jokerst, Elaine Fuchs, Martin Steinhoff, and Wolfgang B.
Liedtke, which appeared in issue 34, August 20, 2013, of Proc
Natl Acad Sci USA (110:E3225–E3234; first published August 8,
2013; 10.1073/pnas.1312933110).
The authors note that the author name Iwei Ye should have
appeared as Iwei Yeh. The corrected author line appears below.
The online version has been corrected.

Carlene Moore, Ferda Cevikbas, H. Amalia Pasolli,

Yong Chen, Wei Kong, Cordula Kempkes, Puja Parekh,
Suk Hee Lee, Nelly-Ange Kontchou, Iwei Yeh,
Nan Marie Jokerst, Elaine Fuchs, Martin Steinhoff,
and Wolfgang B. Liedtke

15502 | PNAS | September 17, 2013 | vol. 110 | no. 38

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