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2.12.2 Force Needed to Open a Submerged Gate

Objective: A gale, hinged al Ihe lOp, covers a hole in Ihe side of a waler filled lank as
shown in Fig. P2. l 2.2 and is held againsl Ihe lank by Ihe waler pressure. The purpose of Ihis
experimenl i s 10 compare Ihe Iheorelical force needed 10 open the gale to Ihe experimentally
measured force.

Equipment: Reclangular lank with a reclangular hole in ils side; gale thaI covers Ihe hole
and is hinged al Ihe lap; force Iransducer to measure Ihe force needed to open the gate; ruler
to measure the water deplh.

Experimental Procedure: Measure Ihe height, H, and widlh, b, of the hole in Ihe lank

Ihe gale. Fill Ihe lank wilh waler 10 a deplh h above Ihe bOllom of Ihe gale. Use Ihe force
and the distance, L, from Ihe hinge 10 the point of application of Ihe force, F, Ihat opens

transducer 10 determine Ihe force, F, needed to slowly open Ihe gale. Repeat Ihe force mea­
surements for various water depths.

Calculations: For arbilrary waler deplhs, h, delermine Ihe theorelical force, F, needed to
open Ihe gale by equaling Ihe momenl aboul Ihe hinge from Ihe waler force on Ihe gale to
Ihe momenl produced by Ihe applied force, F.

and Ihe waler depth, h, as abscissas.

Graph: Pial Ihe experimenlally delermined force, F, needed 10 open Ihe gale as ordinales

Results: On the same graph, pial Ihe theoretical force as a funClion of water deplh.

Data: To proceed, prinl Ihis page for reference when you work Ihe problem and click hal'
10 bring up an EXCEL page wilh Ihe data for this problem.

'�-II-- Water

1- . -1
• FIGURE P 2 . 1 2. 2

(Con t )
2- 1 ';- 1

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