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3 2.2. Some animals have learned to take ad­


vantage of the Bernoulli effect without having

read a Huid mechanics book. For example. a typ­
1.07 Vo
ical prairie dog burrow contains two entrances­
% ,
a Hat front door. and a mounded back door as

shown in Fig. P3.7.1..When the wind blows with
velocity Vo across the front door, the average

velocity across the back door is greater than Vo
because of the mound. Assume the air velocity �
across the back door is l.07V•. For a wind velocity FIGURE P3.27.
of 6 m/s. what pressure differences, PI - p,. is
generated to provide a fresh air How within the

fit (lv,1/2. + if.l, fl2 +:fP� Oi!2

+ 2. ;: +

-rhvs. wilh I'}eJ//(Jib//! 9ravila!ional

effeds (t:P. 2,zZz)

fJ! -I':l- ;: � P (V1.2 _ �')

III (0.07 (b Iff-)t
�(t.7-3!!i.s) - (6 ;'?)
II f:J.
== 3.2/-ft,.


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