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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : IV / Ganjil Nama : ………………………..
Hari / Tanggal : Jumat / 04 - 12 - 2016 Kelas : ………………………
Waktu : 09.30. – 11.00. WIB No. Induk : ………………………

I. .Chose the best answer to each question from the alternatives given a, b, c, or d !
Hi ….My friend
My full name is Diandra Dewi Kusumaningrum
You can call me Diandra .
I am four years old
I am moslem
I study at TK ABA Al- Hikmah Mriyan.
I live in Jln. Parangtritis numbers 22.
My hometown is Kretek
My hobby is swimming .
My phone number is 081802696312

1. What is her full name? c. She is four years old

a. Diandra Kusumaningrum d. She is eight years old
b. Diandra Dewi 4. What is her hobby?
Kusumaningrum a. Dancing
c. Dewi Diandra Kusumaninrum b. Singing
d. Dinda Dewi Kusumaningrom c. Cooking
2. Where does she lives ? d. Reading
a. She lives in Samiran 5. What is Diandra religion?
Parangtritis. a. Swimming
a. She lives in Kretek b. 081802696312
Parangtritis c. Moslem
b. She lives in Parangtritis d. Kretek
Kretek 6. Where does diandra study?
b. She lives in Sono Parangtritis a. Kretek
3. How old is Diandra ? b. Jln. Parangtritis no22.
a. She is nine years old c. TK ABA Al- HIKMAH MRIYAN
b. She is five years old d. SDUMuhammadiyah Kretek.
Dandi’s Family

Hello my name is Dandy, I have big Family in . Mrs. Ning is my mother.

She is a teacher in Junior high school. My Father is Kurniawan. He is a
Businessman .I have 1 sister, her name is Vivi. I also have uncle and aunt,
they have a child ,his name is Ody. Ody is my cousin And the last I have
beloved grandmother.

7. Who is Dandi’s Father? c. Mother

a. Mr. Kurniawan d. Cousin
b. Mr. Andy
c. Mrs. Ning 13. How many people in Dandi’s
d. Mr. Ody Family?
8. Who is Mrs.Ning? a. 7
a. Dandi’s mother b. 8
b. Dandi’s father
c. 6
c. Dandi’s brother
d. 5
d. Dandi’s sister
14. She is my ……
9. What is his father’s job?
a. Grandmother
a. Teacher
b. Grandfather
b. Businessman
c. Sister
c. Doctor
d. Student d. Mother

10. Who is Dandi’s sister? 15. ……the window !

a. Vivi a. sweep

b. Ning b. clean

c. Ody c. close

d. Francissca d. wash

11. Who is Faiz’s sister ? 16. …………. The chair !

a. Nadia a. move

b. Ocha and Ochi b. wash

c. Ana c. clean

d. Francissca d. sweep

12. Ody is Dandi’s …………

17. My pencil was ….. (patah )
a. Sister
a. cut
b. Brother
b. dirty a. patah

c. broken b. jatuh

d. drop c. sobek
d. tumpah
18. We need ….. to make a cakes.
20. sobek in English is …………….
a. Butter
b. Sugar a. drop

c. Chocolate b. tear

d. Jam c. break
d. cut
19. BREAKS is mean ….
II. Fill the blank with the correct answer!
( No 21 – 25 your Identity / identitasmu sendiri)

21. Hello my full name is …………..

22. My hometown in ……………
23. I am ………………….. years old.
24. My hobby is …………………
25. My religion is …………….
26. Paman dan bibi in English is ………………….. and ………………………..
27. Please ………. (menyapu)The floor!
28. Please ……….. (buka) the door!
29. cantik in English is ………………….
30. cakep in Indonesian is ……

1. Make your identity card!

2. Mention 5 (five ) food matter (bahan makanan)

3. a. Please ………….. the floor.

b. Please ……….. the window
c. Please …………. The curtain

4. mention five family!

5. Break is ……
Drop is ….

***********GOOD LUCK***********

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