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Alamat : Jln. Jendral Sudirman No. 21 Telepon (0458) 21062 Tentena




This text is for questions This dialog is for question 4 to 6

This table shows sudents’ interests in Hilmy : I’ll tell you what! Several Indonesia
certain tourist destinantions for their students achieved success int the
coming study tour. Internasional Olympiad in
Mathematics, Physics and Computer
Class Medan Padang Palembang Science.
VIIIA 28 4 8
VIIIB 8 22 10 Fanny : That’s great! What medals did they
VIIIC 22 8 10 receive?
VIIID 14 8 18 Hilmy : They received three gold, there
VIIIE 10 18 12 silver and one bronze.
VIIIF 12 14 14 Fanny : it really is national pride. Anyway,
Total 94 74 74 how do you know it?
Hilmy : I watched the news on television
this Morning.
1. How many students are there in
each class ?
4. What is the dialog?
A. Thirty.
A. Indonesian athletes’ achievements.
B. Thirty-five.
B. Theree medals in the Internasional
C. Forty.
D. Forty-five.
C. The International Olympiad in
2. What can we conclude from the
Mathematics. Physics and Computer
A. Most Students in Class VIIC
D. Indonesian students’ achievements
choose Palembang.
in the Internasional Olympiad.
B. There are more students in Class
VIIIE who choose Palembang
5. How many medals did the Indonesian
students get?
A. Six.
C. There are fewer students in Class
B. Seven.
VIIID who choose Padang than
C. Eight.
D. Nine.
D. Fewer students in Class VIIIB
6. When did Hilmy hear the news?
A. Yesterday.
B. This morning.
3. Which is the favorite place to visit ? C. This afternoon.
A. Medan. D. Just now.
B. Padang.
C. Palembang.
D. None.
This text is for questions 7 and 8 Dropping them into the jug. As the pebbles
I’m Icha Bonita with the local weather filled the jug, the water level rose. Soon it
forecast. Tomorrow morning will be sunny in was high enough for the crow to drink. Its
this town. However, if you want to go outside, plan had worked!
don’t forget to carry an umbrella or a raincoat.
It will be cloudy in the afternoon with a 60 per 11. What did the crow search for?
cent chance of rain in the late afternoon. A. Pebbles.
However, it will no be stormy. B. Water.
C. A jug.
7. What is the text about? D. Another crow.
A. The weather forecast in several
towns. 12. Where did the crow find the water?
B. The weather forecast in several A. At the field.
capitals. B. In the pond.
C. The weather forecast in a certain C. At the lake.
town. D. In the jug.
D. The weather forecast in a certain 13. How did the crow raise the water level?
country. A. It dropped the jug.
B. It pushed the jug down.
8. According to the text, when will it be C. It dropped pebbles into the jug.
sunny? D. It picked the jug up.
A. In the morning.
B. In the mid-afternoon. 14. “Soon it was high enough for the crow
C. In the late-afternoon. to drink” (Paragraph 4)
D. At night. The word ‘it’ refers to
This text is for questions 9 and 10 A. the water
Good morning. I’m Sandy Permana with B. the jug
Today’s weather forecast for several cities in C. the pebbles
Indonesia. In Bengkulu, it will rain. On the D. the field
contrary, it will be sunny in Bandung and
cloudy in Pontianak and Samarinda. Finally, This text is for questions 15 and 18
Denpasar will be stromy. Thank you. Mudik is an Indonesian term of the
activity wich migrants/migrant workers
9. Where will be scattered showers today? return to their hometown. Mudik is identical
A. Bengkulu. with an annual tradition that occurs ahead of
B. Bandung. major religious holidays such as before
C. Pontianak. Lebaran,
D. Denpasar. An opportunity to gather with relatives.
Mudik exists in developing countries with
10. What will the weather be like in muslim majorities, such as Indonesia and
Pontianak Bangladesh.
and Samarinda? The government of Indonesia
A. Stromy. provides additional transportation to handle
B. Cloudy. the massive surge of travelers several days
C. Sunny. prior to and after lebaran. In 2013 there
D. Rainy. where around 30 million people traveling to
their hometowns during the lebaran holiday,
This text is for questions 11 and 14 who brought and spent a total sum of around
One hot day, a thirty crow flew over the 90 trilion rupiah (around US$ 9 billion) from
Fields looking for water. For a long time, it urban to rural areas, plusing economic
cloud not find . It felt very weak, almost giving oppurtunities and business from cities to
up hope. villages. The numbers of Indonesians that
Suddenly, it saw a water jug below and mudik or pulang kampung is quite
flew straight down to see if there was any water phenomenal, equal to the population of
inside. Yes, there was water jug! Malaysia, causing massive congestion usually
The crow tried to push its head into the occurs along Java’s Northem Coast Road.
jug. Sadly, it found that the neck of the jug was Additional, the wealthier classes often go to
too heavy. local hotels or even overseas to
It though hard for a while. Then, looking accommodate
around it saw pebbles. It had a good idea. the absence of their domestic helpers, driver
It started picking up the pebbles one by one, and even security guards.
15. The text is about 20. What does Deden hope for ?
A. an annual tradition. A. The clock will remain tick-tocking all day.
B. the government of Indonesia. B. He and Ratna will always be together.
C. migrant works. C. He and Ratna will have better life.
D. additional transportation. D. The New Year will come soon.
16. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. The general classification of mudik. This text is for questions 21 and 22.
B. The efforts of the government to add Join us at a party
transportations. to celebrate the GRADUATION of
C. The impacts of mudik tradition. Aprilia Sekar Wangi
D. The countries which mudik tradition from SMP Bakti Nusantara
Exists in. At our house Jl. Merpati 40
17. What is the benefit that people get during on Saturday, June 25, 2016
mudik tradition? at 1 p.m
A. An opputunity to gather with relatives. Mr. and Ramli Aprilio
B. Massive traffic jams.
C. The decrease of volume of
transportation 21. The purpose of the text is to invite people
D. Bussiness and economy opportunities to
at the city A. study at SMP Bakti Nusantara
18. “The numbers of Indonesians that mudik B. a wedding ceremony
or pulang kampung is quite phenomenal…” C. a graduation party
(Paragraph 2) D. a school meeting
The synonym of ‘phenomenal’ is
22. The party will be held
A. in the morning
B. at noon
A. ordinary. C. in the afternoon
B. spacious. D. in the evening
C. delicate.
D. incredible.

This text is for questions 19 and 20.

Dear Ratna

The clock tick-tocks all day and weeks have

passed by.
Unnoticed a year wiil soon pas by.
Many memories have filled our lives with
Sadness and happiness.
However, we are still here together.


May the coming year be filled with joy,

Success and prosperty.


19. When does Ratna receive the card?

A. At the beginning of the year.
B. At the mids of the year.
C. At the end of the year.
D. All day log.
This text is for questions 23 and 24. This text is for questions 28 and 30.
As part of our organisation’s anniversary
Commemoration, we in cooperation with
Indonesia Red Cross will hold a blood
Donation social activity.
On Saturday and Sunday, April 9 10, 2016
From 8 a.m. 11 a.m
At Derma Bakti Foundation
Jalan Rasuna Said number 80
23. Which flight is due to depart next?
A. Garuda Indonesia GA 250. Fpr detailed information, please contact us
B. Lion Air JT 565. on 025333000.
C. Air Asia AK 595.
D. Garuda Indonesia GA 203. 28. What is the purpose of the text?
24. Based on the schedule we know that A. To inform of the anniversary of derma
Bakti Foundation.
B. To inform of a fund-raising event for
A. Batavia Air Y6 232 is due to depart at a social organization.
09:05 C. To announce an event to commemorate
B. Garuda Indonesia GA 250 will land in Red Cross Day.
Jakarta D. To announce a blood donation social
C. Air Asia’s passengers are currently Activity.
D. Lion Air JT 553’s passengers are 29. When will event be held?
allowed to board A. At weekdays, in the morning.
B. At weekdays, in the afternoon.
for questions 25 and 27. choose the correct C. At a weekend, in the morning.
words to complete the next. D. At a weekend, in the afternoon.
Let’s make a key holder with a cartoon 30. What should the readers do when they
character. We need a key holder, flannel fabric, Need more information?
cotton, thread, a needle, glue, a pair of scissors A. Read the announcement board.
and a pencil.
B. Contact the organisation on 025333000
First, sketch a pair of cartoon character on
the flannel fabric using a (25) . Then, C. Make an appointment with the board
take a needle and thread. Sew and fill the of the foundation.
cartoon characters with cotton. The characters D. Visit the organisation office between
wiil be (26) , then sew completely. 9 a.m and 12 p.m
This text is for questions 30
After that, draw the eyes, mouth and nose on
the flannel. (27) them with the Dear Tiara,
scissors and attach them to the characters you
haw sewn, using glue. Next, attach the key bolder Luna was looking for you during your
to the character. Done! piano course. She wanted to borrow your
biology handouts. She asked you to contact
25. A. ruler her as soon as you’re home.
B. needle
C. pencil I’m dropping mom off at the supermarket.
D. glue
26. A. flat
B. gentle
31. From the text we know that
C. hard
A. Luna attends a piano class
D. swollen
B. Luna would like to return Tiara’s
27. A. Cuts handouts
B. Cut C. Tiara tried to call Luna, but there was
C. Will cut no answer
D. Cutting D. Doni and his mother are going to the
B. Read the text and answer the following questions bellow.

Long ago, the crow used to be a white bird. In its neighborhood, lived an owl who had a
dye shop. The crow was fascinated by the myriad of colors. It flew down to the owl’s shop
and asked if its white body could be colored. “I want to be the most beautiful bird in the
world, “it said.
The owl agreed ana asked the crow to return the next day. The owl was slightly blind,
but it was too vain to wear spectacles. While mixing the colors for the crow, it poured black
instead of lilac.
The crow arrived early the next day. “There you are!” said the owl. “Your colors are
ready. Just dive into that pool of dye.”
The crow lost no time and dived in. But alas! When it emerged, it saw that it was dark in
color. It seethed with anger and cawed at the owl,”Why you made me black? Wait till I catch
The frightened owl flew away and came out only at night when the crow was asleep.
Since then, crows are black and owls venture out only a night.

Questions :

1. Who are the characters of story?

2. Who had a dye shop?
3. What did the crow ask the owl to do?
4. What was the owl’s response?
5. How did the owl change the crow’s body color?

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