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J. Dairy Sci.

© American Dairy Science Association®, 2018.

Invited review: Microbiota of the bovine udder: Contributing factors

and potential implications for udder health and mastitis susceptibility
Hooman Derakhshani,* Kelsey B. Fehr,* Shadi Sepehri,† David Francoz,‡ Jeroen De Buck,§
Herman W. Barkema,§ Jan C. Plaizier,* and Ehsan Khafipour*#1
*Department of Animal Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N2 Canada
†Children Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, R3E 3P4 Canada
‡Département de Sciences Cliniques, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire, Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC, J2S 2M2 Canada
§Department of Production Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, T2N 4N1 Canada
#Department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, R3E 0J9 Canada

ABSTRACT known about contributions of various biotic and abiotic

factors in shaping overall diversity of udder microbiota.
Various body sites of vertebrates provide stable and This review summarizes current understanding of the
nutrient-rich ecosystems for a diverse range of com- microbiota within various niches of the udder and high-
mensal, opportunistic, and pathogenic microorganisms lights the need to view the microbiota of the teat apex,
to thrive. The collective genomes of these microbial teat canal, and mammary secretions as interconnected
symbionts (the microbiome) provide host animals with niches of a highly dynamic microbial ecosystem. In ad-
several advantages, including metabolism of indigest- dition, host-associated factors, including physiological
ible carbohydrates, biosynthesis of vitamins, and and anatomical parameters, as well as genetic traits
modulation of innate and adaptive immune systems. In that may affect the udder microbiota are briefly dis-
the context of the bovine udder, however, the relation- cussed. Finally, current understanding of the effect of
ship between cow and microbes has been traditionally antimicrobials on the composition of intramammary
viewed strictly from the perspective of host-pathogen microbiota is discussed, highlighting the resilience of
interactions, with intramammary infections by masti- udder microbiota to exogenous perturbants.
tis pathogens triggering inflammatory responses (i.e., Key words: bovine, mastitis, udder microbiota, teat
mastitis) that are often detrimental to mammary tis- canal
sues and cow physiology. This traditional view has been
challenged by recent metagenomic studies indicating
that mammary secretions of clinically healthy quar-
ters can harbor genomic markers of diverse bacterial Mammalian colostrum and milk not only serve as
groups, the vast majority of which have not been asso- complete nutrient sources for offspring, but also con-
ciated with mastitis. These observations have given rise tain a complex array of bioactive molecules capable
to the concept of “commensal mammary microbiota,” of modulating intestinal immune homeostasis of new-
the ecological properties of which can have important borns, preparing for a microbe-rich extrauterine envi-
implications for understanding the pathogenesis of ronment (Morrow and Rangel, 2004; Stelwagen et al.,
mastitis and offer opportunities for development of 2009). Immunoglobulins, lysozyme, lactoferrin, anti-
novel prophylactic or therapeutic products (or both) microbial peptides, and oligosaccharides are some of
as alternatives to antimicrobials. Studies conducted the immunoregulatory components of milk (Gill et al.,
to date have suggested that an optimum diversity of 2000; Korhonen et al., 2000; Newburg, 2005; Tao et al.,
mammary microbiota is associated with immune ho- 2009) capable of targeting and deactivating pathogens
meostasis, whereas the microbiota of mastitic quarters, individually, additively, and synergistically (Isaacs,
or those with a history of mastitis, are considerably less 2005). In addition to supporting the immature innate
diverse. Whether disruption of the diversity of udder immune response of neonates, these immunoregulatory
microbiota (dysbiosis) has a role in determining masti- compounds can also act as important components of
tis susceptibility remains unknown. Moreover, little is the defense mechanism of the udder itself and protect
it against IMI by pathogenic and opportunistic micro-
organisms (Oviedo-Boyso et al., 2007). This is an es-
Received April 2, 2018.
Accepted August 5, 2018. sential property for mammals, as their intramammary
Corresponding author: Ehsan.Khafipour@​umanitoba​.ca ecosystem, due to the availability of a wide range of


nutrients and optimum temperature, is an ideal envi- ecosystems (Goodman et al., 2011; Lagier et al., 2012;
ronment for growth of bacteria (Stelwagen et al., 2009). Lau et al., 2016). Being able to isolate representative
The teat canal (TC), owing to its complex biochemi- strains of the vast majority of bacteria detected through
cal and structural characteristics, can be an effective parallel sequencing of universal genes, these new
barrier against the entry of environmental microorgan- methodologies have served as critical tests to validate
isms into the udder (Paulrud, 2005). However, certain results of metagenomic studies regarding the immense
conditions (e.g., prepartal loss of the keratin plug of the diversity of microbes that inhabit the gut ecosystem.
TC or postmilking dilation of the sphincter muscle of Unfortunately, such culturomic techniques have not yet
the TC) can compromise this first-line defense mecha- been optimized for exploring the uncultured portion
nism of the udder and increase susceptibility to invasion of udder microbiota. Nevertheless, high-throughput
and colonization by a wide range of microorganisms sequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA genes have revealed
from various extramammary sources (Paulrud, 2005; that colostrum and milk samples obtained from non-
Jones and Bailey, 2009). Once invasive microorganisms, mastitic quarters of dairy cows contain genetic markers
particularly bacteria, breach the TC and gain access to of diverse bacterial groups that usually go undetected
the teat cistern of the udder, despite the presence of with conventional culture-based techniques (Kuehn et
robust innate and acquired immune responses (Sordillo al., 2013; Oikonomou et al., 2014; Lima et al., 2017).
and Streicher, 2002), the intramammary ecosystem These findings do not provide undeniable evidence for
seems to provide them a permissive environment to viability or functionality (or both) of detected bacterial
thrive. This can be evidenced by the ability of the ma- groups (Rainard, 2017). Nonetheless, they can be an
jority of mastitis pathogens to survive and proliferate important first step in understanding the complexity
within the intramammary ecosystem at a relatively fast of the udder microbial ecosystem and its role in modu-
pace, despite triggering varying degrees of inflamma- lating udder homeostasis and mastitis susceptibility.
tory responses (Rainard, 2017). Insights from recent Comprehensive metagenomic and metatranscriptomic
metagenomic investigations of bovine milk microbiota investigations are required to develop a holistic un-
(Addis et al., 2016) suggest that in addition to mastitis derstanding of genetic diversity and functionality of
pathogens, which usually have a variety of virulence various bacterial groups within the udder ecosystem.
factors that enable them to resist the defense mecha- Moreover, these novel molecular techniques can also
nisms of the udder (Barkema et al., 2006; Melchior et provide an exciting opportunity for investigating the
al., 2006), a diverse range of opportunistic and com- role of traditionally neglected components of the udder
mensal bacteria can also inhabit the intramammary microbiome, including fungi, protozoa, and viruses, in
ecosystem. However, genetic traits and mechanisms by modulating mastitis susceptibility.
which commensal bacteria evade or control immune re- This review provides an overview of the potential
sponses of the udder are poorly understood. Lactic acid origin(s) of intramammary microbiota; our current
bacteria isolated from the milk or TC, for example, can understanding of various niches of the udder microbial
adhere to and internalize bovine mammary epithelial ecosystem including teat apex, TC, milk and colostrum
cells and modulate production of pro-inflammatory microbiota; host and environmental factors capable of
cytokines by these cells (Bouchard et al., 2015). Re- influencing composition of udder microbiota, in partic-
gardless, emergence of the concept of intramammary ular cows’ physiological status, housing conditions, and
microbiota contradicts the traditional view that milk antimicrobial use; and how microbiota may influence
in a healthy udder quarter is sterile (Rainard, 2017). susceptibility of an individual dairy cow to mastitis
Discrepancies between these 2 concepts can be largely pathogens.
explained by methodological differences between novel
DNA sequencing techniques and conventional culture- POTENTIAL ORIGIN(S)
based approaches. Although metagenomic techniques OF INTRAMAMMARY MICROBIOTA
offer universal coverage of coexisting microbes within a
complex ecosystem (Franzosa et al., 2015), conventional From an ecological perspective, the mammalian body
culture-based techniques are usually optimized based is considered a complex ecosystem (metacommunity)
on growth requirements of certain mastitis pathogens consisting of various, albeit interconnected, ecological
and hence fail to identify other bacterial lineages that niches (i.e., body sites; Costello et al., 2012). Although
have different, sometimes more fastidious, growth re- each ecological niche in the mammalian body harbors
quirements. Based on recent developments in microbial distinct and specialized microbiome profiles, interplay
culturomics, if proper and extensive culture conditions among various body sites makes colonization and as-
are provided, most previously “unculturable bacterial sembly of their microbiota far from an isolated process
species” can be readily isolated from complex microbial (Costello et al., 2009). In the bovine udder, milk se-
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 12, 2018

creted from healthy cells was historically thought to strains, including L. fermentum CECT5716, L. salivar-
be sterile (Tolle, 1980), and therefore, colonization of ius CECT5713, and L. gasseri CECT5714, has proven
internal niches of the udder, more specifically milk, to be more effective in treatment of infectious mastitis
with microbial communities, has been traditionally in humans than administration of antibiotics (Jiménez
considered as an IMI that occurs upon transgression et al., 2008; Arroyo et al., 2010). Indeed, detection of
of environmental microbial contaminants past the TC aforementioned probiotic strains in the milk of treated
(Paulrud, 2005). This traditional view has been chal- patients following oral administration provided further
lenged by recent reports supporting the existence of an evidence for entero-mammary translocation of live bac-
entero-mammary pathway in humans and mice through teria in humans (Rodríguez, 2014).
which live bacteria can be transferred from intestines Leaving aside the controversy as to whether or not an
to the mammary gland (reviewed by Rodríguez, 2014). endogenous route contributes to development of udder
This hypothetical endogenous pathway proposes that microbiota, it is widely accepted that microbial coloni-
upon internalization of live bacteria by intestinal den- zation of the teat apex and TC have principal roles in
dritic cells (DC) and macrophages, these bacteria can development of IMI. As indicated earlier, prepartal loss
be transferred to the mammary gland via lymphatic of the keratin lining of the TC and postmilking dilation
and peripheral blood circulation. Although intestinal of the teat sphincter can compromise the barrier function
DC and macrophages usually degrade engulfed bacteria of the TC and increase the risk of IMI by environmental
before migration to lymphoid tissues such as the spleen microbes (Dingwell et al., 2004; Krömker and Friedrich,
and lymph nodes (Banchereau and Steinman, 1998), 2009). Consequently, composition and functionality of
evidence indicates that DC and CD18-expressing microbial communities that colonize the teat apex, teat
phagocytes can alternatively retain and translocate orifice, and TC lining could influence intramammary
limited number of live intestinal bacteria to lymphoid microbial colonization and, as a result, modulate ud-
tissues (Vazquez-Torres et al., 1999; Rescigno et al., der health status. This has been exemplified by several
2001; Macpherson and Uhr, 2004). In ruminants, how- studies (Haveri et al., 2008; Taponen et al., 2008; Quirk
ever, the link between the immune system of the udder et al., 2012) indicating that microbial colonization of
and intestinal immune system is very poor, and the the TC with certain staphylococcal species can serve as
majority of lymphocytes providing local immunity orig- an important reservoir for development of new IMI. In
inate from peripheral lymph nodes rather than mucosal addition, comparative analyses of microbiota profiles of
sites such as intestines (Kehrli and Harp, 2001). Hema- milk, teat skin, feces, and bedding materials have also
togenous and lymphatic translocations have been sug- suggested that teat skin is the most important source of
gested as potential endogenous routes by which certain milk microbiota, with the microbiota of herd feces and
pathogens (e.g., Mycoplasma bovis and Mycobacterium bedding material being the next most prevalent sources
avium ssp. paratuberculosis) can cause IMI (Sweeney, of intramammary microbiota (Doyle et al., 2016; Fehr
1996; Fox et al., 2005). However, it should be noted et al., 2017). These findings underscore the important
that simultaneous detection of referred pathogens in contribution of the microbiota of various niches of the
milk, body tissues, and lymphatic nodes (Sweeney et al., udder, particularly teat skin and the TC, as well as
1992; Streeter et al., 1995; Biddle et al., 2005) does not various environmental sources (e.g., bedding material
conclusively prove that IMI with these bacterial groups and milking equipment), in shaping the intramammary
are caused by endogenous translocation, rather than microbiota.
breaching the TC from extramammary sites. Similarly,
concurrent detection of certain gut-associated bacte- MICROBIOTA COMPOSITION OF VARIOUS
ria in feces, milk somatic cells and blood leukocytes NICHES OF THE UDDER
of healthy cows (Young et al., 2015) does not prove
there is an endogenous route for migration of intestinal Teat Apex Microbiota
microbiota to the udder. Gut-associated bacteria are
omnipresent in the dairy environment, and therefore To date, a combination of culture-dependent and
IMI through environmental sources (e.g., bedding ma- DNA-based approaches (Woodward et al., 1987; Braem
terials) are a more likely source for circulating lympho- et al., 2012; Verdier-Metz et al., 2012) have been de-
cytes containing these bacteria. Nonetheless, these find- ployed to explore diversity of bacterial communities
ings warrant further investigations for identification of colonizing the teat apex of dairy cows. These studies
potential mechanisms for entero-mammary pathways in have revealed a wide diversity of commensal, pathogen,
ruminants, which could open new doors to applications and skin-associated opportunistic bacteria from 4 major
of alternative therapies for mastitis (i.e., ingested pro- bacterial phyla, namely Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes,
biotics). Oral administration of probiotic Lactobacillus Firmicutes, and Proteobacteria, can reside on the skin
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 12, 2018

of the teat apex of dairy cows. The most commonly teat disinfection. Gut-associated bacteria, including
identified genera include Acinetobacter, Aerococcus, Clostridiaceae and Lachnospiraceae, were identified as
Corynebacterium, Enterobacter, Facklamia, Lactoba- predominant members of the TC microbiota when cows
cillus, Lactococcus, Micrococcus, Propionibacterium, were housed in freestall/tiestall arrangements (Gill et
Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus, among which non- al., 2006). Corynebacterium, Ruminococcus, Aerococcus,
aureus staphylococci (NAS) have gained the greatest Bifidobacterium, and Facklamia were other prevalent
attention. The NAS species, previously referred to as bacterial genera within the microbiota of teat cistern
CNS, are omnipresent in the dairy environment and and TC of healthy cows kept in indoor freestall barns
considered the leading cause of IMI (Pyörälä and Ta- (Falentin et al., 2016). In the latter study, TC micro-
ponen, 2009; De Visscher et al., 2014; Vanderhaeghen biota of cows with a history of clinical mastitis (CM)
et al., 2014). Staphylococcus chromogenes, followed by contained higher proportions of bacilli compared with
Staphylococcus simulans, Staphylococcus xylosus, Staph- healthy cows, and the proportion of this bacterial or-
ylococcus haemolyticus, and Staphylococcus epidermidis, der was positively correlated with proportion of NAS.
are the NAS species most frequently isolated from Conversely, clostridia and Bifidobacterium were propor-
cow milk (Vanderhaeghen et al., 2014; Condas et al., tionally higher in healthy (i.e., nonmastitic) quarters,
2017a). These species have contradictory behavior with leading the authors to hypothesize that the bacilli to
respect to udder homeostasis (Pyörälä and Taponen, clostridia ratio could have a role in determining udder
2009; Vanderhaeghen et al., 2014), whereas some are health. Another interesting finding of this study was
detrimental to udder health (i.e., resulting in clinical or lower diversity of TC microbiota of quarters with a
subclinical mastitis; Thorberg et al., 2009; Supré et al., history of CM compared with healthy quarters. Insights
2011; Condas et al., 2017b), others confer protection obtained through the Human Microbiome Project indi-
against IMI with major mastitis pathogens (Matthews cated that exogenous perturbants, such as antimicrobi-
et al., 1990; De Vliegher et al., 2004). Indeed, the abil- als, can reduce diversity of bodily microbial ecosystems
ity of some NAS species (e.g., Staph. chromogenes) to and enter them into alternative stable states with
produce a wide range of bacteriocins capable to inhibit reduced species richness and diversity (Lozupone et
the growth of major mastitis pathogens (Braem et al., al., 2012). The resilience of the postantibiotic state of
2014; Carson et al., 2017) is a good example of mecha- commensal microbiota to invasion by exogenous patho-
nisms by which commensal microbiota may contribute gens and overgrowth of endogenous opportunists can
to the modulation of mastitis susceptibility. Other than determine susceptibility to new infections or recurrence
NAS, Acinetobacter, Aerococcus, and Corynebacterium of previous ones (Lozupone et al., 2012). In the context
are among the most frequently identified genera on the of the bovine udder, however, it is not yet determined
skin of teat apices (Braem et al., 2012). Acinetobacter whether the postantibiotic state of commensal micro-
and Aerococcus are normal colonizers of human skin biota is associated with increased susceptibility to IMI
(Grice et al., 2010; Fyhrquist et al., 2014), but their (Figure 1).
association with udder health and IMI are barely un-
derstood. Corynebacteria consist of a large number of Milk and Colostrum Microbiota
species that are frequently detected in cow milk and
are usually associated with low SCC IMI (Quigley et Due to their importance to the dairy industry and
al., 2013; Oikonomou et al., 2014). Similar to NAS, animal welfare, the epidemiology and pathogenesis of
Corynebacterium spp. also have contradictory function- major mastitis pathogens, such as Staphylococcus au-
alities with regard to conferring protection against IMI reus, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Streptococcus uberis,
with major mastitis pathogens (Woodward et al., 1987; Streptococcus agalactiae, Klebsiella spp., and Esch-
Hogan et al., 1988). erichia coli, have been widely investigated. These inves-
tigations have implemented a wide range of culture-de-
Teat Canal Microbiota pendent or molecular techniques (or both), which have
been optimized for qualitative and quantitative analy-
Due to methodological difficulties of aseptic TC ses of these major mastitis pathogens in milk samples
sampling under farm conditions, only a few studies obtained from healthy and mastitic quarters (Zadoks
have investigated global diversity of the microbiota of et al., 2011). To date, however, only a few studies have
this niche of the udder (Gill et al., 2006; Falentin et used high-throughput sequencing technologies to deter-
al., 2016). From these studies, it appears that Staphy- mine global diversity of milk microbiota in relation to
lococcus spp., in particular NAS species, are among udder health and disease (Bhatt et al., 2012; Oikono-
the most prevalent colonizers of TC microbiota, even mou et al., 2012, 2014; Kuehn et al., 2013; Ganda et
when cows are subjected to pre- and postmilking al., 2016, 2017; Bonsaglia et al., 2017; Derakhshani et
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 12, 2018

Figure 1. Potential sources and composition of udder microbiota. (A) Environmental sources of microbes contributing to microbiota of vari-
ous niches of the udder. (B) Microbiota composition of various niches of the udder. Proportions of main bacterial phyla were estimated based
on studies that used 16S rRNA gene sequencing to explore udder microbiota. Color version available online.

al., 2017a; Lima et al., 2017). Overall, based on these et al., 2013; Oikonomou et al., 2014; Ganda et al., 2016,
studies, we inferred that regardless of the inflamma- 2017; Bonsaglia et al., 2017). Staphylococcus, Prevotel-
tory status of the udder, and whether or not a quarter la, Ruminococcaceae, Bacteroidales, Clostridiales, and
is diagnosed as having CM, intramammary secretions Pseudomonas have also been identified as predominant
(i.e., colostrum or milk) can harbor far more diverse constituents of healthy colostrum microbiota (Lima et
bacterial communities than traditionally thought. Simi- al., 2017).
lar to microbiota of the teat apex and TC, Firmicutes, Although the microbial profile of milk samples
Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Actinobacteria are obtained from healthy quarters has not always been
main bacterial phyla shaping the structure of milk consistent among referred studies, a common finding
microbiota. Staphylococcus, Ruminococcaceae, Lachno- has been the association of mastitis with dysbiotic mi-
spiraceae, Propionibacterium, Stenotrophomonas, Cory- crobiota, based on differences in microbial composition
nebacterium, Pseudomonas, Streptococcus, Comamonas, (β-diversity) and/or richness and evenness (α-diversity)
Bacteroides, Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, and Fusobac- when comparing milk from mastitic quarters to healthy
terium are the most frequently detected bacterial taxa quarters. For example, comparison of the microbiota of
within the microbiota of milk samples obtained from milk samples from clinically healthy quarters and those
clinically healthy quarters (Bhatt et al., 2012; Kuehn from culture-negative mastitic quarters revealed that

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 12, 2018


the latter group contained higher proportions of genera and metabolic profile during different stages of lactation
Burkholderia, Sphingomonas, and Stenotrophomonas, cycle (Leslie et al., 2000; Barkema et al., 2006; Goff,
whereas genera Pseudomonas, Psychrobacter, and Ral- 2006), and implementation of mastitis control practices
stonia were overrepresented in the microbiota of healthy such as antimicrobial dry cow therapy, postmilking teat
quarters (Kuehn et al., 2013). Alternatively, milk mi- disinfection, and milking hygiene (Barkema et al., 1999;
crobiota of clinically affected quarters was less species- Green et al., 2007). Due to the important role that each
rich and diverse compared with those obtained from of the above-mentioned factors has in modulating im-
healthy quarters (Oikonomou et al., 2014). In the latter mune homeostasis of the udder and resistance to IMI,
study, genera Sphingobacterium and Streptococcus had it can be postulated that they also have direct/indirect
a positive correlation with SCC, whereas Nocardiodes influence on the composition of udder microbiota (Fig-
and Paenibacillus were negatively correlated with ud- ure 2).
der inflammation, suggesting potential contributions
of these genera to maintaining mammary homeostasis. Candidate Genes Associated with Mastitis
An unexpected finding of this study was detection of Susceptibility and IMI
sequences belonging to Strep. uberis in both healthy
and mastitis milk samples. Streptococcus uberis has A main approach for identification of genetic markers
long been considered a major environmental pathogen for mastitis susceptibility is to focus on genetic varia-
able to provoke udder inflammation and cause (sub) tions within candidate genes of interest, most impor-
clinical mastitis (Leigh, 1999; Bradley, 2002). Detec- tantly those associated with systemic and local immune
tion of this bacterium within the microbiota of healthy responsiveness of the udder against mastitis pathogens
quarters led the authors to suggest that some strains (Pighetti and Elliott, 2011). Direct or indirect associa-
of this bacterium may be normal constituents of milk tions with antigen recognition, leukocyte recruitment,
microbiota and therefore CM caused by them may be and pathogen elimination are the most important func-
sometimes as a result of microbial dysbiosis rather than tional criteria, based on which the majority of candidate
a primary infection (Oikonomou et al., 2014). Other ex- genes have been selected and screened for associations
amples of mastitis-associated dysbiosis were changes in with mastitis susceptibility (Detilleux, 2009). Particu-
composition of milk microbiota in response to naturally larly, genes encoding the major histocompatibility com-
occurring (Ganda et al., 2016) or experimental (Ganda plex (MHC) molecules, also known as bovine leukocyte
et al., 2017) IMI with pathogenic strains of E. coli. Un- antigens (BoLA), have gained increasing attention due
der both circumstances, members of the family Entero- to their critical roles in modulation of innate and ac-
bacteriaceae proportionally dominated the microbiota quired immune responses (Rupp and Boichard, 2003).
of infected quarters shortly after infection. Congruent Furthermore, selection of phenotypic traits that can be
with temporary shifts in milk SCC, Enterobacteriaceae used as direct or indirect measures of mastitis suscepti-
dominance spontaneously resolved a few days after in- bility is also an important component of genetic marker
fection, and the microbiota of infected quarters became discovery protocols. Despite being an indirect measure
as diverse as uninfected ones, even in the absence of of mastitis, SCC is one of the most useful and widely
antimicrobial therapy. Microbiota dysbiosis may also accepted traits for assessment of mastitis susceptibility
be a potential predisposing factor for IMI by mastitis (Heringstad et al., 2000). Indeed, SCC measurement
pathogens. The colostrum microbiota of quarters that has several advantages over direct phenotypic traits
developed CM during the first month postpartum were (i.e., CM records), namely (1) ease of measurement and
markedly less diverse than the colostrum microbiota of low cost, as SCC is routinely recorded in DHI programs
quarters that remained healthy throughout early lacta- and is available on a much larger scale than records
tion (Lima et al., 2017). of CM; (2) high genetic correlation between SCC and
CM (usually >70%); and (3) slightly higher heritabil-
HOST AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ity coefficient of SCC (0.05–0.25) compared with CM
WITH POTENTIAL TO AFFECT UDDER MICROBIOTA (usually <0.10; Detilleux, 2009; Pighetti and Elliott,
2011). Therefore, along with CM records, SCC has
Defense mechanisms of the udder against microbial been the most widely investigated phenotypic trait for
colonization are modulated by several host-associated evaluating associations of candidate genes of interest
and environmental factors including, but not limited with mastitis susceptibility (Heringstad et al., 2000).
to the following: cows’ genotype in particular genes en- Structure and Function of BoLA-DRB3
coding various components of the innate and adaptive Genes. The class II region of the BoLA gene is located
immune systems (Heringstad et al., 2000; Rupp and within 2 distinct regions of chromosome 23 and consists
Boichard, 2003), changes in cows’ physiological status of 2 subregions, specifically class IIa with functionally
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 12, 2018

Figure 2. Determinants of udder homeostasis. Defense mechanisms of the udder against microbial colonization are modulated by a complex
interaction network among (A) cow genotype, physiological status, and udder characteristics; (B) invading microorganisms, their cross talks, and
virulence factors; and (C) management practices that can influence metabolic and immune homeostasis of the cow. Color version available online.

expressed DR and DQ genes, and class IIb, which is the role of APC in discriminating between “self ” and
currently uncharacterized (Takeshima and Aida, 2006). “non-self” antigens: upon internalization of exogenous
The BoLA-DR subregion of cattle consists of a single, antigens by APC (via phagocytosis or endonucleosis),
usually nonpolymorphic DRA locus and at least 3 these antigens are degraded into smaller peptides and
DRB loci (DRB1–3), with only one of them, the DRB3 bound to MHC class II molecules. The MHC class II-
gene, being fully expressed and functionally important antigen complex on the surface of the APC will then
(Takeshima and Aida, 2006). The BoLA class II genes be presented to CD4+ helper T lymphocytes and trig-
are responsible for encoding highly polymorphic gly- ger complex cellular and humoral immune responses
coprotein molecules on the surface of antigen present- against non-self antigens of exogenous infectious agents
ing cells (APC) including macrophages, DC, and B (Sordillo, 2005).
lymphocytes (Takeshima and Aida, 2006). The main Associations Between BoLA-DRB3 Alleles
function of these MHC class II molecules is to facilitate and Mastitis Susceptibility. As indicated in the

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 12, 2018


previous section, the BoLA-DRB3 gene has a critical interactions have also been investigated in the context
role in various aspects of immune responsiveness of the of disease susceptibility, suggesting that certain MHC
udder, including recognition of exogenous antigens and class II genotypes can increase resistance to Salmonella-
leukocyte recruitment, and consequently, elimination induced enteric infection in mice (Kubinak et al., 2015).
of infectious agents. Therefore, potential associations In this latter study, microbiota transplantation from
between allelic variations of this gene and phenotypic mice with resistant MHC genotypes to recipients with
traits of mastitis have been the focus of much research susceptible genotypes increased resistance of the latter
(Rupp and Boichard, 2003; Takeshima and Aida, 2006; group to oral challenge with Salmonella typhimurium,
Behl et al., 2012). Polymorphic variations of this gene without changing the profile of their immune response.
family are largely located within exon 2, named BoLA- Consequently, the authors speculated that unique pro-
DRB3.2 (Hameed et al., 2006; Takeshima and Aida, files of microbiota formed in mice with resistant MHC
2006). The most widely used technique for studying genotypes can affect host susceptibility to disease, inde-
polymorphism of the BoLA-DRB3.2 has been PCR- pendent of the immune response, suggesting a potential
RFLP, using restriction enzymes RsaI, HaeIII, and mechanism of underlying MHC-mediated patterns of
BstYI, followed by PAGE of resulting products (van disease susceptibility. In a recent study, polymorphism
Eijk et al., 1992). To date, more than 130 BoLA-DRB3 of the BoLA DRB3.2 was associated with distinct mi-
alleles have been identified in various breeds of cattle crobiota profiles in colostrum samples collected imme-
with their nomenclature/sequence information on the diately postcalving (Derakhshani et al., 2017b). In this
website of the Immuno Polymorphism Database (http:​ study, each of the identified BoLA-DRB3.2 haplotypes
/​/​www​.ebi​.ac​.uk/​cgi​-bin/​ipd/​mhc/​view​_nomenclature​ (n = 3) was associated with enrichment of specific op-
.cgi​?bola​.drb3). Several studies have reported the fre- erational taxonomic units within colostrum microbiota,
quency of BoLA-DRB3.2 alleles in various breeds of with the most notable differences for certain NAS
cattle and evaluated their associations with SCC or species, namely Staph. chromogenes, Staph. sciuri, and
susceptibility/resistance to CM by major pathogens Staph. succinus. As indicated earlier, the role of NAS
(Behl et al., 2012). Frequencies of BoLA-DRB3.2 alleles species in modulating udder homeostasis is controver-
(RFLP haplotypes) appear to be breed dependent. For sial, with some species considered the most important
example, the most frequently detected alleles in Cana- causes of subclinical mastitis during the periparturi-
dian Holsteins were BoLA DRB3.2*3, *8, *11, *16, *22, ent period, whereas others are reported to protect the
*23, and *24 (Sharif et al., 1998; Rupp et al., 2007), udder against invasion by major mastitis pathogens.
whereas in Japanese Shorthorns BoLA DRB3.2*8, *9, These observations may be indicative of a potentially
*21, *27, *7, and *24 were identified as predominant indirect mechanism by which MHC genes contribute
alleles (Takeshima et al., 2002). Associations of these to modulation of udder homeostasis via modulation of
alleles with SCC and mastitis susceptibility have not intramammary microbiota. This hypothesis warrants
been consistent among studies. For instance, BoLA further mechanistic investigations of links among BoLA
DRB3.2*16 has been reported to be associated with gene polymorphisms, immunomodulatory components
high (Dietz et al., 1997; Kelm et al., 1997) or low of humoral and cellular immunity, and microbiota of
(Starkenburg et al., 1997; Sharif et al., 1998) milk various niches of the udder in large cohort studies.
SCC. Similarly, BoLA DRB3.2*23 has been reported
to be associated with increased (Kelm et al., 1997) or Periparturient Immunosuppression
decreased resistance to CM (Sharif et al., 1998). One
possible explanation for inconsistencies among above- Defense mechanisms of the udder undergo consid-
mentioned studies is that cows’ susceptibility to IMI erable changes throughout lactation (Sordillo and
can be modulated by multiple genes, differing based on Streicher, 2002). The periparturient period, usually
the causative pathogens, and the collective contribu- defined as the period from approximately 3 wk before
tion of these genes to determining phenotypic traits calving to 3 wk after calving, is the most critical stage
of mastitis may outweigh the effect of BoLA-DRB3.2 of the production cycle of cows with respect to udder
(Pighetti and Elliott, 2011). health (Oliver and Sordillo, 1988). During this inter-
Potential Links Between MHC Genes and val, several aspects of the innate and adaptive immune
Commensal Microbiota. Studies in humans (De Pal- systems, such as the barrier function of the TC and
ma et al., 2010), mice (Toivanen et al., 2001; Kubinak recruitment and phagocytic activities of leukocytes,
et al., 2015), and fish (Bolnick et al., 2014) have dem- become compromised and as a result cows become sus-
onstrated that polymorphism of the MHC genotype can ceptible to IMI by both environmental and contagious
influence composition of commensal microbiota along mastitis pathogens (Pyörälä, 2008). The TC is consid-
the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Microbiome-MHC ered the first line of defense of the udder against the
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 12, 2018

entry of microbes from extramammary sites (e.g., skin period is expression of the MHC class II molecules;
of the teat apex, milking machine, bedding material, consequently, their ability to present exogenous anti-
and so on) into the udder (Paulrud, 2005; Jones and gens to CD4+ T lymphocytes is impaired. This can,
Bailey, 2009). Sphincter muscles of the TC are respon- in turn, impair main activities of both cell-mediated
sible for maintaining tight closure of the TC between and humoral (acquired) immune responses, including
milkings, preventing microbial penetration into the production of soluble factors such as cytokines, comple-
udder. In addition, the keratin lining of the TC also ments, and immunoglobulins (Sordillo, 2005). Immu-
provides biochemical and anatomical barriers against noglobulins, the principal soluble components of the
microbial migration into the udder (Paulrud, 2005). acquired immune response, are produced by specific B
During the dry period, the keratin lining has a princi- lymphocytes (i.e., plasma cells) following formation of
pal role in occluding the TC duct and preventing IMI MHC class II-antigen complex. In the bovine udder, the
by environmental microorganisms. However, as calving principal immunoglobulins responsible for opsonization
approaches, accumulation of large amounts of intrama- of invading bacteria and complement fixation are IgG
mmary secretions (mostly via colostrogenesis) results in (IgG1 and IgG2), and to a lesser extent, IgM and IgA.
increased intramammary pressure, dilation of the TC, Periparturient decreases in intramammary and serum
and leakage of intramammary secretions. Collectively, concentrations of these immunoglobulins, in particular
these compromise the anatomical barrier of the TC and IgG2, can increase susceptibility to IMI and mastitis
pose a greater risk of IMI (Sordillo and Streicher, 2002). (Mallard et al., 1998).
Meanwhile, various aspects of the innate and adaptive
immune systems also become compromised (Pyörälä, Metabolic Profile: Reflection of Nutritional
2008). Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) are Management on Udder Homeostasis
considered the most important components of innate
immunity during early stages of udder inflammation. During the last few decades, an emphasis on genetic
As the main responders of the udder immune system to selection for maximizing milk production has exposed
bacterial infections, PMN travel from blood to the ud- periparturient cows to major physiological challenges
der to engulf and kill bacteria via various mechanisms, that can compromise their metabolic profile and immune
including production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) responsiveness (Sordillo and Streicher, 2002; Waller,
and secretion of small bactericidal peptides such as 2002). During the periparturient period, the nutrient
defensins (Persson et al., 1993; Selsted et al., 1993). supply and DMI of dairy cows and heifers lags behind
However, during the periparturient period, elevated their energy requirements for body maintenance, udder
blood glucocorticoid concentrations reduce expression involution, fetal growth, colostrogenesis, and milk pro-
of adhesion molecules (L-selectin) on the surface of duction (Grummer et al., 2004). This unavoidable state
PMN (Weber et al., 2004), impairing their ability to of negative energy balance (NEB) results in develop-
migrate from the endothelium of blood vessels to intra- ment of various metabolic disorders and consequently
mammary sites of infection (Monfardini et al., 2002). an impaired immune system (Esposito et al., 2014).
Concurrently, other important functions of neutrophils, For example, NEB-associated hypoglycemia results
including phagocytic activity and production of ROS, in increased mobilization of fatty acids from adipose
also become impaired (Sordillo and Streicher, 2002). tissue, which can in turn increase the blood concentra-
Another important component of innate immunity tions of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) and glycerol
are macrophages, whose primary role is to initiate and (Suriyasathaporn et al., 2000). Under normal condi-
facilitate innate and acquired immune responses of the tions, when the animal is not experiencing NEB, NEFA
udder by releasing cytokines, leukotrienes, and other are translocated into hepatocytes and subsequently
immunomodulatory molecules. In addition, similar to oxidized to NADH and acetyl-CoA, which are required
neutrophils, macrophages also contribute to elimination for oxidative phosphorylation and ATP production.
of invading pathogens by phagocytosis and secretion of However, excessive oxidation of NEFA during the peri-
ROS (Sordillo, 2005; Rainard and Riollet, 2006). How- parturient period results in accumulation of acetyl-CoA
ever, during the periparturient period, the phagocytic and upregulation of an alternative pathway that results
activity of the udder macrophages also decreases. This in biosynthesis of ketone bodies such as acetoacetate,
functional impairment may be partly explained by re- BHB, and acetone (Duffield, 2000; Suriyasathaporn et
duced concentrations of certain immunoglobulins (i.e., al., 2000). Increased blood concentrations of NEFA and
IgM) and their opsonizing activity in periparturient ketone bodies have been associated with impairment
mammary secretions (Detilleux et al., 1995; Sordillo, of key immune functions including phagocytic activity
2005). Another critical function of udder macrophages and ROS production of macrophages and neutrophils,
that becomes impaired during the periparturient recruitment of neutrophils and their translocation from
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 12, 2018

endothelium, secretion of inflammatory cytokines, pro- plausible hypothesis worthy of further investigation
duction of complement factors and acute phase proteins with respect to the underlying mechanisms of effects of
by hepatocytes, activation of adaptive immune system, nutrition on udder microbiota is potential involvement
and secretion of immunoglobulins (Leslie et al., 2000; of a microbiome-gut-brain axis (Cryan and O’Mahony,
Zerbe et al., 2000; Esposito et al., 2014). It is noteworthy 2011). The interaction between microbiota and the
to mention that PMN, macrophages, and lymphocytes central nervous system is multi-directional, including
prefer glucose as the main source of energy rather than potential signaling from GIT microbiota to the central
fatty acids or ketone bodies (Ingvartsen and Moyes, nervous system and from the central nervous system to
2013). Therefore, periparturient immunosuppression microbiota of various body sites via neural, endocrine,
can be largely due to inefficient glucose uptake by im- immune, and humoral mechanisms (Carabotti et al.,
mune cells as a result of NEB-associated hypoglycemia 2015). In ruminants, nutritional challenges during the
and the state of insulin resistance that normally oc- periparturient period can modulate composition and
curs during late pregnancy and early lactation to shift functionality of GIT microbiota, resulting in altered
glucose supply from skeletal muscle and adipose tissues microbial-driven metabolites along the GIT (Wang
to uterus and udder (De Koster and Opsomer, 2013; et al., 2012; Lima et al., 2015; Derakhshani et al.,
Ingvartsen and Moyes, 2013). 2017c). An altered GIT microbiome can in turn affect
Although adverse consequences of NEB on bovine im- systemic metabolic profiles (Shabat et al., 2016). As
mune responsiveness are relatively well characterized, such, changes in the GIT and circulating metabolite
little is known about potential influences of periparturi- profiles may extend far beyond the GIT and affect
ent metabolic disorders on the composition of udder overall physiology and immune homeostasis, resulting
microbiota. Subacute ruminal acidosis, a metabolic in modulation of microbiota profiles at various body
disorder attributed to dysbiosis of rumen and hindgut sites. In a recent experimentally induced SARA chal-
microbiota during adaptation to high-grain lactation lenge (Khafipour et al., 2017), we observed concurrent
diets (Khafipour et al., 2009b), has been linked to shifts in microbiota profiles of various body sites of
enrichment of pathogenic and opportunistic bacte- periparturient dairy cows, including the udder, GIT,
rial groups, including Stenotrophomonas, Streptococcus, and vagina. Particularly with respect to udder, our
Pseudomonas, and Alcaligenes, in the milk microbiota correlation network analyses revealed that induction
of primiparous cows during early lactation (Zhang et of SARA was associated with enrichment of negative
al., 2015). Inductions of systemic and local inflam- interrelationships among milk microbiota, a common
matory responses are potential mechanisms by which indicator for development of competitive microbial eco-
SARA can regulate immune homeostasis of the udder. systems (Nemergut et al., 2013).
It has been suggested that during SARA, increased Apart from metabolic disorders, periparturient de-
shedding and accumulation of free LPS (immunogenic ficiency in micronutrients such as trace minerals and
component of the outer cell membrane of gram-nega- vitamins can also affect resistance to IMI in 2 major
tive bacteria) in the GIT of ruminants can trigger a ways, namely (1) loosening the primary defense line,
systemic inflammatory response (Plaizier et al., 2008). TC integrity, by impairing the keratin plug or epithelial
Indeed, SARA-associated disruption of the epithelial cell integrity; and (2) compromising leukocyte respons-
barrier of the GIT accommodates translocation of free es to bacterial infections and changing mechanisms by
LPS from the gut lumen into the blood circulation which phagocytes move to the infection site (Sordillo
and the lymphatic system, where it can bind to spe- et al., 1997). Selenium and vitamin E are both impor-
cific acute phase proteins called LPS-binding proteins tant components of the antioxidant defense mechanism
(LBP; Khafipour et al., 2009a; Plaizier et al., 2012). (Smith et al., 1997). Vitamin E is the most important
The resulting LPS-LBP is an immunomodulatory com- lipid-soluble antioxidant that protects lipid membranes
plex capable of translocating from blood circulation/ of cells from damage due to high concentrations of ROS
lymphatic system to various body sites, including the (Rice and Kennedy, 1988; Smith et al., 1997). Selenium
udder, and modulating local immunity via activation is an integral component of the enzyme glutathione
of the NF-κB pro-inflammatory pathway (Bannerman peroxidase, which has the main function of inactivating
et al., 2003; Plaizier et al., 2012). However, whether ROS within the cytosol of the cell, therefore protecting
SARA-associated changes in the composition of udder the body against oxidative stress (Tappel, 1984). Vita-
microbiota are a result of the activation of inflamma- min E and Se deficiencies have been linked to impaired
tory immune responses, or perhaps due to translocation functionality of PMN (e.g., impaired intracellular kill-
of bacteria from the GIT to the udder, remains un- ing of internalized pathogens; Smith et al., 1997). Con-
answered and warrants further investigation. Another versely, dietary supplementation with vitamin E and Se

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 12, 2018


has decreased the incidence of mastitis, shortened the ing early stages of lactation and usually immediately
duration of CM, and lowered SCC (Weiss et al., 1990; after calving (Barkema et al., 1998; Green et al., 2007;
Smith et al., 1997; Sordillo, 2013). Other important McDougall et al., 2009). Underlying reasons for associa-
minerals and vitamins with potential contributions to tions of IMI with parity and stage of lactation remain
antioxidant defense mechanisms and immune homeo- poorly understood. Increased susceptibility of multipa-
stasis of the udder include zinc, copper, vitamin A, and rous cows to IMI during later stages of lactation, or by
β-carotene (Spears and Weiss, 2008). increasing parity, may be partly caused by anatomical
damage or hyperkeratosis (or both) of the teat end over
Parity and Stage of Lactation time (Neijenhuis et al., 2001b; Breen et al., 2009). Age-
dependent impairment of the immune system may also
Knowledge regarding potential effects of parity and contribute to increased susceptibility of multiparous
stage of lactation on the overall diversity of the udder cows to IMI (Paganelli et al., 2006; Green et al., 2007;
microbiota is limited. Lima et al. (2017) reported that Breen et al., 2009). For instance, PMN in blood and
the colostrum microbiota of primiparous cows was sig- milk of multiparous cows have less efficient phagocytic
nificantly richer (based on Chao1 estimates of species activity and reduced ROS production compared with
richness) than that of the multiparous cows, though neutrophils of primiparous cows (Mehrzad et al., 2002).
there was no difference in diversity (Shannon’s index) Carryover of chronic IMI persisting from previous lac-
of the 2 microbial communities. In the same study, the tations can also be a possible explanation for increased
proportion of the phylum Firmicutes was considerably susceptibility of multiparous cows to recurrent mastitis
higher in colostrum microbiota of primiparous cows, or even development of new IMI.
whereas colostrum microbiota of multiparous cows con- During early lactation, the changeover from colostrum
tained a higher proportion of the phylum Fusobacteria. to transitional and then mature milk is accompanied by
Interestingly, colostrum samples of primiparous cows considerable shifts in composition of metabolites and
had a higher proportion of the genus Staphylococcus immunomodulatory components of mammary secretions
compared with multiparous cows. Other studies have (Gopal and Gill, 2000; Stelwagen et al., 2009). Many of
also reported higher prevalence of Staphylococcus spp. these component (e.g., milk oligosaccharides) can affect
in colostrum and milk of primiparous cows compared microbiota composition of mammary secretions and the
with older cows (Matthews et al., 1992; Tenhagen et GIT of newborns consuming these secretions (Addis
al., 2006). In fact, susceptibility of dairy cows to IMI by et al., 2016; Aakko et al., 2017). Longitudinal studies
various Staphylococcus spp., in particular NAS, varied exploring the dynamics of the bovine udder microbiota
based on both parity and stage of lactation. When con- during various stages of lactation are currently lack-
sidered as a single group of bacteria, NAS IMI was more ing. In humans, comparison of the microbial profile of
prevalent in heifers than multiparous cows (Pyörälä colostrum and milk collected at 1 and 6 mo postpartum
and Taponen, 2009; Condas et al., 2017a). However, revealed changes in diversity and composition of mam-
this trend varied among NAS species. In Canadian mary secretions at various stages of lactation (Cabrera-
dairy herds, Staph. chromogenes and Staph. simulans Rubio et al., 2012). In that regard, microbiota richness
were more prevalent in primiparous cows, whereas of colostrum was considerably higher than those of
Staph. epidermidis, Staph. sciuri, and Staph. gallinarum milk at 1 and 6 mo postpartum. In addition, propor-
were more prevalent in multiparous cows (Condas et tions of genera Weisella, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus,
al., 2017a). With respect to stage of lactation, Staph. and Lactococcus were higher in colostrum microbiota,
chromogenes was reported as the most frequently iso- whereas proportions of common colonizers of the oral
lated NAS species throughout lactation, whereas the cavity, including genera Veillonella, Leptotrichia, and
prevalence of Staph. simulans decreased after 4 mo of Prevotella, were enriched in microbiota of 1- and 6-mo
lactation. The prevalence of less frequently detected milk samples (Cabrera-Rubio et al., 2012). This could
NAS species, such as Staph. haemolyticus and Staph. be indicative of potential microbial exchange between
gallinarum, also decreased after 5 to 10 DIM (Condas mammary gland microbiota and microbiota of the in-
et al., 2017a). fant’s oral cavity over time, most likely via retrograde
Apart from inter-species differences in prevalence of flow of milk from the infant’s mouth back into mam-
NAS, in general, increasing parity is associated with in- mary ducts during suckling (Fernández et al., 2013).
creased susceptibility to CM (Green et al., 2002; Whist However, to what extent the composition of the bovine
et al., 2006). The prevalence of subclinical mastitis udder microbiota changes among stages of lactation,
and incidence of CM in multiparous cows are higher and potential influence of various extramammary
during mid-lactation, whereas in primiparous cows, sources of microbiota on dynamics of udder microbiota,
both incidence and prevalence of CM are higher dur- are unknown.
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 12, 2018

Anatomical Characteristics of the Teat This may be indicative of the detrimental effect of teat
end hyperkeratosis on the integrity of the TC and its
Given that the TC is considered the main route by ability to inhibit intramammary colonization by oppor-
which microbes gain access to the intramammary en- tunistic/pathogenic bacterial groups.
vironment, presumably, anatomical characteristics and The sphincter muscles of the TC also have an impor-
integrity of the TC have important roles in shaping tant role in regulating TC barrier function by blocking
composition of intramammary microbiota. Teat-end hy- leakage of milk and by preventing IMI caused by envi-
perkeratosis has long been identified as a potential risk ronmental bacteria (Paulrud, 2005). However, for ap-
factor for development of CM (Neijenhuis et al., 2001a; proximately 1 h after milking, these sphincter muscles
Zadoks et al., 2001; Bhutto et al., 2010). Hyperkerato- remain dilated, thereby increasing susceptibility to IMI
sis refers to increased thickness (i.e., callosity) of the (Neijenhuis et al., 2000; Mein et al., 2004). Several fac-
stratum corneum (i.e., keratin lining) at the teat end, tors such as the inherent diameter of the TC or the
which usually occurs in response to chronic stimulus shape of the teat end can alter duration of postmilking
(e.g., trauma due to poor milking practices; Neijenhuis dilation of the teat sphincter and consequently suscep-
et al., 2001a; Breen et al., 2009). Several studies have tibility to IMI by environmental microbes (Slettbakk et
demonstrated positive associations of teat end hyper- al., 1995; Chrystal et al., 2001). Prepartum teat edema,
keratosis with higher microbial load and prevalence of which is usually accompanied by leakage of milk, is also
IMI (Zadoks et al., 2001; Breen et al., 2009; Paduch et considered a risk factor for development of IMI (De
al., 2012). In our recent study evaluating the effect of Vliegher et al., 2012), and therefore can be considered a
cows’ physiological status and teat end hyperkeratosis contributing factor to shaping udder microbiota during
on microbiota profiles of the TC and milk (Derakhshani the late stages of pregnancy (Figure 3).
et al., 2017a), we failed to identify a strong association
between teat end hyperkeratosis and overall diversity Management Practices with Potential
of microbiota at either niches of the udder. Nonethe- to Affect Udder Microbiota
less, we identified a positive association between teat
end hyperkeratosis and proportion of operational taxo- Apart from nutritional management of the herd, the
nomic units belonging to Sphingobacterium, a bacterial most important management practices relevant to udder
genus further associated with future incidences of CM. health are those recommended by the National Mastitis

Figure 3. Speculative fluctuations in susceptibility to IMI and diversity of udder microbiota in relation to changes in physiology and environ-
ment of the cow before and during the first lactation. Color version available online.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 12, 2018


Council (NMC) under the “10-point Mastitis Control types on prevalence of major mastitis pathogens on the
Program” including (1) establishment of realistic goals skin of the teat apex, or to further assess the influence
for improving udder health; (2) maintenance of a clean, of bedding management on the incidence rate of IMI by
dry, and comfortable environment; (3) proper milking mastitis pathogens (Godden et al., 2008; Leach et al.,
procedures; (4) proper maintenance and use of milking 2015; Rowbotham and Ruegg, 2015). Recently, we com-
equipment; (5) comprehensive herd record-keeping; (6) pared udder microbiota of cows housed in 3 dairy farms
appropriate management of CM during lactation; (7) with various bedding materials, including sand, straw,
effective dry cow management, including implemen- and recovered bedding material. Not surprisingly, com-
tation of appropriate dry cow treatment (DCT); (8) pared with all other contributing factors, such as cows’
maintenance of biosecurity measures to control conta- parity and SCC, farm environment, in general, had the
gious pathogens; (9) regular monitoring of udder health greatest effect on the composition of milk microbiota
status (e.g., monitoring of SCC, udder cleanliness, teat (Fehr et al., 2017). In this study, milk samples collected
end hyperkeratosis, and so on); and (10) periodic re- from the farm using straw bedding material had lower
view of the herd’s mastitis control program (Middleton bacterial richness (based on the Chao1 species richness)
et al., 2014). Although an extensive body of research compared with the other 2 farms. The proportion of
has used conventional microbiology to explore effects the phylum Proteobacteria, the predominant bacte-
of each of the above-mentioned managerial practices in rial phyla detected in the milk microbiota across all 3
controlling IMI by major mastitis pathogens, limited farms, was also higher in the farm using straw bedding
knowledge is currently available regarding the potential material compared with the other 2 farms. Although
influence of these practices on the overall composition in this study we were not able to differentiate the ef-
of udder microbiota. fect of farm bedding material from the effect of other
The housing conditions of dairy cows (indoor vs. confounding environmental factors on the composition
pasture) has been reported to have a central role in of udder microbiota (e.g., management practices, nutri-
shaping the composition of udder microbiota, whereas tion, herd size, and so on), we inferred that microbiota
the effect of teat preparation on composition of milk of bedding materials may also have a pivotal role in
and teat apex microbiota appears to be housing de- shaping the overall composition of mammary microbi-
pendent (Doyle et al., 2016). In this study, whereas ota. In addition, within the farm using straw bedding,
premilking teat disinfection did not influence milk both milk and teat-apex swab samples collected during
microbiota of cows housed indoors, during the outdoor winter contained more species-rich microbiota profiles
grazing season, milk microbiota of cows subjected to than samples collected during summer. This observa-
premilking teat preparation was more diverse than the tion underscores potential contributions of seasonal
nontreated group. In addition, for cows that underwent factors, such as ambient temperature and humidity,
teat preparation before sampling, the microbiota diver- on the composition of microbiota of cows’ surrounding
sity of teat apex samples was higher during the pasture environment and consequently udder microbiota.
season compared with the housing season. The milk mi- Overall, based on information in previous sections,
crobiota of samples collected during the indoor season the intramammary environment, specifically milk,
contained a higher proportion of gut-associated genera seems to offer a welcoming ecosystem for a wide range
such as Ruminococcus, Eremococcus, and Prevotella, of environmental bacteria. This can be most likely due
whereas the proportion of gram-negative genera such to the low microbial biomass in intramammary secre-
as Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter were higher in the tions and lack of intense interspecies competition over
milk microbiota of samples collected during the pasture available nutrients. Compared with the flexible micro-
season. Despite limitations of the above-mentioned biota of intramammary secretions, microbial popula-
study regarding total numbers of cows and farms inves- tions associated with intramammary tissues most likely
tigated, these findings provided valuable insights into encounter greater competition over attachment sites/
contributions of environmental factors, particularly internalization processes, and therefore may be com-
housing management and milking hygiene, in shaping positionally more stable in response to environmental
the overall udder microbiota. perturbants. A wide range of commensal, opportunistic
Bedding management is another important aspect of and pathogenic bacterial groups including Staphylococ-
mastitis control programs that can influence the micro- cus spp. (both Staph. aureus and NAS), Streptococcus
bial profile of the cow’s environment, and consequently, spp., E. coli, and lactic acid bacteria can adhere to and
microbial colonization of the udder (Leach et al., 2015). internalize epithelial cells of the bovine udder (Almeida
Similar to other practices related to control of mastitis et al., 1996; Dogan et al., 2006; Tamilselvam et al.,
pathogens, conventional microbiology techniques have 2006; Bouchard et al., 2015). Unfortunately, metage-
been extensively used to explore effects of bedding nomic studies have almost exclusively focused on
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 12, 2018

microbiota of intramammary secretions and therefore resistant to invasion by gram-negative udder pathogens
overlooked the importance of tissue-associated micro- such as E. coli, but may also resist extended exposure
biota in modulating udder homeostasis. to broad-spectrum, third-generation cephalosporins.
Systemic and local administrations of antimicrobials Whether or not other classes of antimicrobials may
are undoubtedly the most important control measures have a long-lasting influence on the composition of ud-
capable of modifying microbial communities of the ud- der microbiota is not clear. Also, to what extent routes
der. In the context of bovine mastitis, antimicrobials of administration (systemic versus intramammary) can
are regularly used to treat CM during lactation (thera- influence effects of various classes of antimicrobials
peutic) or to eliminate chronic IMI and prevent acquisi- on composition of udder microbiota remains largely
tion of new ones during the dry period (therapeutic unanswered. It was recently reported that both the
and prophylactic; Hillerton et al., 2017). In the absence class of the antimicrobial and its route of administra-
of effective alternative therapies, judicious use of an- tion can affect prevalence of antimicrobial resistance
tibiotics for treatment of CM is a well-justified prac- in NAS species isolated from udder quarters (Nobrega
tice with respect to animal welfare and public health. et al., 2018). Whereas systemic use of penicillins,
However, due to growing concerns regarding emergence macrolides, and third-generation cephalosporins were
of antimicrobial resistance in mastitis pathogens with strongly associated with prevalence of drug-specific
zoonotic potential, prophylactic use of antibiotics in resistances in NAS, intramammary administration of
farm animals has become a subject of great concern for these antimicrobials was not associated with prevalence
public health (Oliver et al., 2011; Tang et al., 2017). In of antimicrobial resistance in NAS. In addition, despite
addition, despite widespread and occasionally injudi- the aforementioned 3 antimicrobial classes, neither sys-
cious use of antibiotics, mastitis remains the most chal- temic nor intramammary administration of any other
lenging disease of primiparous and multiparous cows antimicrobials investigated in the study of Nobrega et
worldwide (Pyörälä, 2008; De Vliegher et al., 2012); al. (2018) was associated with altered antimicrobial
underscoring the need for thorough evaluation of the resistance in NAS. Therefore, we inferred that the re-
effect of common antimicrobial regimens on microbial sponse of udder microbiota to various classes of antimi-
communities inhabiting various compartments of the crobials may also vary by route of administration, most
udder. likely due to varying intramammary concentrations of
antimicrobials achieved after each route of administra-
Effect of Intramammary Administration of Antibiotics tion. Another implication of the aforementioned study
on Composition of Udder Microbiota for udder microbiota would be the potential effect that
systemic administration of antimicrobials for purposes
Although numerous studies have investigated effec- other than treatment of mastitis and DCT may have on
tiveness of various antimicrobial products in eliminat- proportions and quantities of various commensals and
ing/controlling major mastitis pathogens (Wilson et pathogens in the udder ecosystem.
al., 1999; Barkema et al., 2006; Barlow, 2011; Schukken Intramammary administration of long-acting antibi-
et al., 2011; Suojala et al., 2013; Oliveira and Ruegg, otics at the end of lactation (i.e., dry cow therapy) is a
2014; Royster and Wagner, 2015), there is only scant key component of mastitis control programs. Whether
knowledge regarding effects of therapeutic and prophy- used to treat every quarter of every cow (i.e., blanket)
lactic usage of antimicrobials on overall composition or every quarter of cows diagnosed with active/recur-
of udder microbiota (Derakhshani et al., 2018). Longi- rent IMI (i.e., selective), DCT continues to be one of the
tudinal profiling of milk microbiota following natural main reasons for the use of antibiotics on dairy farms
(Ganda et al., 2016) or experimental (Ganda et al., (Bradley and Green, 2004; Hillerton et al., 2017). Inter-
2017) IMI with pathogenic strains of E. coli suggested nal teat sealants have also been widely used in lieu of,
that extended intramammary administration of ceft- or in combination with, antimicrobial DCT to prevent
iofur hydrochloride cannot substantially shorten the new IMI during the dry period (Berry and Hillerton,
duration of mastitis or accelerate the elimination of 2002; Bhutto et al., 2011). However, despite imple-
pathogens. In both experiments, resolution of mastitis mentation of abovementioned intervention strategies,
was accompanied by a quick return of milk microbiota a high prevalence of periparturient mastitis remains a
to its healthy profile within 8 d after infection, irrespec- major problem worldwide (Pyörälä, 2008; De Vliegher
tive of whether quarters were treated with ceftiofur. et al., 2012). This underscores the need for further
Similarly, extended exposure of healthy udder quar- improvements of mastitis control programs, as well as
ters to ceftiofur did not have a long-lasting effect on a thorough evaluation of the effects of current DCT
the composition of milk microbiota. Therefore, it was strategies in modulating microbiota of various udder
inferred that intramammary microbiota are not only compartments. In a recent study conducted by Bon-
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 12, 2018

saglia et al. (2017), DCT using ceftiofur hydrochloride an alternate dysbiotic state with reduced species-rich-
and an internal teat sealant did not decrease postpartal ness and dominance of pathogenic and opportunistic
proportions of bacterial genera commonly regarded as microorganisms). However, pathogen dominance within
major mastitis pathogens, including Escherichia, Kleb- an udder ecosystem usually does not persist and is re-
siella, Mycoplasma, Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus. solved either spontaneously, due to activity of immune
However, it is worth noting that by failing to explore the cells and clearance through regular milking, or with the
microbiota of colostrum samples collected immediately aid of therapeutic interventions (e.g., systemic or in-
after calving, this study remained inconclusive regard- tramammary antimicrobials). Regardless, resolution of
ing persistence of various bacterial groups throughout pathogen-induced inflammatory responses of the udder
the dry period. In partial agreement with the results is followed by subsequent microbial successions (Ganda
of the referred study, colostrum microbiota of mul- et al., 2016; Ganda et al., 2017) that can either result
tiparous cows receiving blanket DCT using cloxacillin in full recovery of depleted commensals or partial recov-
benzathine also had a high proportion of Staphylococ- ery of depleted species and development of a degraded
cus, unclassified Enterobacteriaceae, and Pseudomonas state of udder microbiota. The extent of recovery of
(Lima et al., 2017). Obviously, DNA-based profiling commensal bacteria relies partly on the spectrum of
of the udder microbiota is not a sound approach for activity of antimicrobials used to treat mastitis, but
drawing conclusions with respect to viability of vari- also largely on virulence factors of invasive pathogens.
ous bacterial groups and persistency of their infections. Virulence characteristics such as biofilm formation and
Nonetheless, these findings emphasized the need for ability to internalize mammary epithelial cells enable
thorough evaluation of the effectiveness of current DCT certain mastitis pathogens to occupy distinct niches
strategies in eliminating various mastitis pathogens of the udder for extended intervals (Melchior et al.,
and modulating the composition of commensal udder 2006), and by doing so, suppress regrowth of commen-
microbiota. As mentioned earlier, another common yet sal bacteria. Depletion of commensal bacteria may have
critical shortcoming of above-mentioned studies was deleterious effects on udder homeostasis and mastitis
overlooking the effect of antimicrobials on microbiota resistance. Commensals can resist colonization of exog-
profiles of udder compartments other than milk. Earlier enous pathogens and inhibit overgrowth of indigenous
studies indicated that microbial colonization of the TC opportunists via several mechanisms, including meta-
with certain staphylococcal species could serve as a bolic competition over limiting nutrient resources, pro-
potential reservoir for development of new IMI (Haveri duction of inhibitory peptides (e.g., bacteriocins) alter-
et al., 2008; Taponen et al., 2008; Quirk et al., 2012). ing ecosystem conditions to disfavor pathogen growth
Hence, simultaneous investigation of microbiota from (e.g., lowering pH), competition over attachment sites
the TC and intramammary secretions (i.e., colostrum on surface of epithelial cells, and regulation of pro- and
and milk) would not only deepen our understanding anti-inflammatory responses of the host (Konopka,
regarding ecological relationships among various niches 2009; Hooper et al., 2012; Kamada et al., 2013). Hence,
of the udder, but also enable us to evaluate effective- partial recovery of commensal bacteria following IMI
ness of various mastitis control programs (e.g., DCT) in and antimicrobial therapy may facilitate both develop-
a more comprehensive and precise manner. ment of new IMI and recurrence of persistent infections
(Figure 4).
Growing interest in development of novel therapeu-
As mentioned, evidence is growing that the inci- tics for treatment of bovine mastitis dictates the need
dence of CM is associated with decreased diversity to gain a better understanding of various factors capa-
and altered composition (i.e., dysbiosis) of intrama- ble of influencing mammary homeostasis. Commensal
mmary microbiota. However, it remains a matter of microbiota that inhabit various niches of the udder, in-
debate whether microbiota dysbiosis is the cause or cluding teat apex, TC, and intramammary ecosystem,
consequence of infectious mastitis. Mastitis pathogens can modulate a cow’s susceptibility to IMI by mastitis
usually have a variety of virulence factors that enable pathogens via direct microbe–microbe cross-talk, indi-
them to overcome immune-mediated colonization of the rect stimulation of immunity, or both. Although still
udder (Barkema et al., 2006; Melchior et al., 2006). in its infancy, current understanding of the microbial
Consequently, following initial colonization, pathogens ecosystem of the udder suggests that optimal diversity
can rapidly overgrow the udder ecosystem and deplete of intramammary microbiota, composed of a healthy
its resident commensal microbiota (i.e., development of balance between commensal and opportunistic bacterial
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 12, 2018

Figure 4. Potential role of microbiota dysbiosis in modulating mastitis susceptibility. Mastitis pathogens along with prophylactic and thera-
peutic use of antimicrobials are major forces affecting development of microbiota dysbiosis within the udder ecosystem. The diagram depicts
potential contributions of healthy and eubiotic status of the udder microbiota in maintaining udder homeostasis and modulating mastitis resis-
tance. Color version available online.

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