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Science of the Total Environment 557–558 (2016) 562–570

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Indonesia palm oil production without deforestation and peat conversion

by 2050
Dian Afriyanti a,⁎, Carolien Kroeze a, Asmadi Saad b
Environmental System Analysis Group, Wageningen University, Droevendaalsesteeg 3, 6708 PB Wageningen, The Netherlands
Soil Science, Agriculture Faculty Jambi University, Jl. Jambi-Muara Bulian KM. 1, Mendalo Darat, Jambi Luar Kota, Muaro Jambi, Jambi Province, Sumatra 36363, Indonesia


• We explore scenarios for sustainable

palm oil production in Indonesia in
• Indonesia can stay a major oil palm
exporting country in our scenarios.
• Our scenarios assume no further defor-
estation or peat conversion.
• Most sustainable palm cultivation is en-
visaged in Kalimantan and Sumatra.
• Potential yields are much higher than
the current yields of plantations.

Potential production of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) in the year 2050 on potentially available suitable land in Indonesia,
and the total global demand for CPO in PalMA scenarios (PalmAM, PalmOS, PalmTG and PalmGO), representing
interpretation of Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) scenarios, including Mosaic (AM), Order from
strengths (OS), Techno Garden (TG), and Global Orchestration respectively. All assume no further deforestation
and no oil palm plantations on peat soils. Dian Afriyanti, Carolien Kroeze, and Asmadi Saad.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Palm oil is a promising source of cooking oil and biodiesel. The demand for palm oil has been increasing world-
Received 27 August 2015 wide. However, concerns exist surrounding the environmental and socio-economic sustainability of palm oil pro-
Received in revised form 3 March 2016 duction. Indonesia is a major palm oil producing country. We explored scenarios for palm oil production in
Accepted 6 March 2016
Indonesia until 2050, focusing on Sumatra, Kalimantan and Papua. Our scenarios describe possible trends in
Available online xxxx
crude palm oil production in Indonesia, while considering the demand for cooking oil and biodiesel, the available
Editor: Simon Pollard land for plantations, production capacity (for crude palm oil and fresh fruit bunches) and environmentally
restricting conditions. We first assessed past developments in palm oil production. Next, we analysed scenarios
Keywords: for the future. In the past 20 years, 95% of the Indonesian oil palm production area was in Sumatra and Kaliman-
Scenarios tan and was increasingly cultivated in peatlands. Our scenarios for the future indicate that Indonesia can meet a
Crude palm oil considerable part of the global and Asian demand for palm oil, while avoiding further cultivation of peatlands and
No further deforestation forest. By 2050, 264–447 Mt crude palm oil may be needed for cooking oil and biodiesel worldwide. In Indonesia,
Avoiding further peat cultivation the area that is potentially suitable for oil palm is 17 to 26 Mha with a potential production rate of 27–38 t fresh
fruit bunches/ha, yielding 130–176 Mt crude palm oil. Thus Indonesia can meet 39–60% of the international
demand. In our scenarios this would be produced in Sumatra (21–26%), Kalimantan (12–16%), and Papua

⁎ Corresponding author at: PO Box 47 6700 AA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

E-mail address: (D. Afriyanti).
0048-9697/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D. Afriyanti et al. / Science of the Total Environment 557–558 (2016) 562–570 563

(2%). The potential areas include the current oil palm plantation in mineral lands, but exclude the current oil palm
plantations in peatlands.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction running the model in flat and coastal areas mislead the potential yields
in peatlands. Peatlands are environmentally restricted, as well as nutri-
Crude palm oil (CPO) production plays important roles in both tionally and biophysically limited (Hoffmann et al., 2015). Our study
the local-global environment and socio economy. Between 2000 and approaches this problem through the exclusion of peatlands. Never-
2014, exports and consumption of CPO in Indonesia have increased theless, it is still debatable whether increasing yield would decrease
from 5 to 22 Mt and from approximately 3 to 11 Mt respectively expansions (Carrasco et al., 2014). We expect policy enforcement on
(USDA, 2014). The production of CPO has resulted in economic im- minimizing deforestation and peat conversion could play important
provement within rural areas through providing jobs for local people roles in the future.
(Basiron, 2002; Hirawan, 2011). CPO generates cooking oil (Corley, We explore scenarios for CPO production in Indonesia until 2050,
2009) and biodiesel (IEA, 2011). As fossil fuel reserves become depleted, focusing on Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua. Our scenarios describe
we see an increase in petroleum prices (Tan et al., 2009), which in turn, possible trends in CPO production in Indonesia, considering the demand
increases demand of CPO (IEA, 2010, 2011), an inexpensive source for cooking oil and biodiesel, the available land for plantations, produc-
(Miranowski and Rosburg, 2012). Renewable energy uses promote tion capacity, and environmentally restricting conditions. This study is
the mitigation of carbon emissions (Cork et al., 2005, IEA, 2010). How- novel in that it explores future trends under the condition that no
ever, oil palm expansion has resulted in the conversion of peatlands further deforestation takes place, and that oil palm is not grown on
(Miettinen et al., 2012) and arable lands (Koh and Wilcove, 2009), in- peatlands. We developed our scenarios based on the Millennium
creased carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions (Inubushi et al., 2003, Hooijer Ecosystem Assessment (MA). This resulted in a set of, so-called, PalMA
et al., 2006), resulted in annual fires (Hooijer et al., 2006), as well as in- scenarios including Palm Global Orchestration (PalmGO), Palm Techno
creased both subsidence and flood risk (Sumarga et al., submitted for Garden (PalmTG), Palm Order from Strengths (PalmOS), and Palm
publication). Palm oil mill effluents (POME) are eutrophying, acidifying, Adaptic Mosaic (PalmAM). The MA scenarios are global scenarios
and toxic compounds, which pollute terrestrial and aquatic systems and requiring further inclusion of local process complexity. PalMA scenarios
release greenhouse gases (Reijnders and Huijbregts, 2008). Social prob- represent the low-high demand of cooking oil associated with con-
lems associated with conflicts over land rights (Dhiaulhaq et al., 2014) sumption level, population growth, and low-high demand of biodiesel
and livelihood (low income) of smallholders due to decreasing price due to renewable energy demand interpreted by MA scenario at the
of fresh fruit bunches (FFB). The negative effects of palm oil production global level and downscaled to the demand of CPO in Indonesia. The
impact upon the marketability of CPO within the international market MA scenarios were interpreted in relation to South Africa and Europe
(Disdier et al., 2013). (van Vuuren et al., 2010); in Indonesia, for Jakarta Bay (Arifin, 2004)
Several sustainability standards and policies promote no further and for palm oil production in South East Asia covering Indonesia,
deforestation and peat conversion. The Roundtable Sustainable Palm Malaysia, and Thailand (Asmaryan, 2012). Our scenarios provide
Oil (RSPO) provides principle, criteria and best management practices a basis for broad analyses of sustainable palm oil production in
for sustainable palm oil production (RSPO, 2014). European Energy Indonesia and may facilitate future decision making. These scenarios
Directive prohibits biodiesel from peatlands (Lendle and Schaus, may predict Indonesia's future contribution to palm oil demand.
2010). Similarly a moratorium agreement restricts new concessions in Such local interpretation of the global MA scenarios are highly rele-
forests and peatlands (stipulated in the Instruction of The President of vant for local stakeholders (Kok et al., 2007).
Indonesia No. 6/2013). The Indonesia President Decree No. 32/1990
forbids agriculture in deep peatlands (3 m depth or more). The world 2. Methods
research institute (WRI) has sustainability standard that oil palm can
be grown on soils containing b35 t carbon/ha, in areas with a low biodi- 2.1. Study area
versity and without conversion of forest and peatlands (Gingold et al.,
2012). Recently, the newly set President Decree No. 71/2014 stipulates This study focused on CPO production in Indonesia. We specifically
that the water table in peatlands should not exceed 40 cm below sur- focused on an area covering Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua. These
faces to prevent fires. ASEAN restricts fires based on an Agreement on islands were selected because Sumatra and Kalimantan have been the
Trans-boundary Haze Pollution (AATHP), ratified on October 14, 2014 major oil palm plantation areas. Further expansion in these islands be-
(stipulated on UU No. 26/2014). comes limited in mineral lands, while expansions would further take
Avoidance of deforestation and peat conversion results in uncer- place in peatlands. Nevertheless, environmental problems become
tainties related to potential areas and production capacity of CPO within more pronounced in these islands. This situation implies the necessity
Indonesia. Miettinen et al. (2012) observed 7 Mha containing potential of trade-off measures to promote good practices of palm oil production
areas of degraded lands in West and Central Kalimantan. While the min- and mitigation of environmental problems. Papua would provide large
imum size of these areas is 5000 ha, while we expect that smaller-scale areas for oil palm plantation in the future, but moratorium and environ-
areas (minimum size 1.5 ha) could be available for smallholders playing mental concern may restrict oil palm cultivation in Papua.
important roles in expansion of oil palm in the future given the exten-
sion of moratorium. Conversely, Sumatra requires a trade-off between 2.2. Past trend of oil palm expansion
environmental problems and palm oil production as Papua is rife with
potential areas for future expansion. Hoffman et al. (2014) simulated Our analysis of past oil palm development focused on the area and
potential FFB yield in Sumatra and Kalimantan through a palm simula- types of plantations in the period of 1990 to 2010. We used data on
tion (PALMSIM) model. The simulation implies much higher potential plantation area available from an online database of the Agriculture
yield than the actual yield. Although the model simulates yield in opti- Department (Deptan, 2014) and provided by Tropenbos (personal com-
mal conditions (good planting materials, water, nutrients, absent pest munication, 2012). The Agriculture Department database presents the
and diseases), improved yield is possible as several field assessments annual area of oil palm, but does not distinguish oil palm plantations
approach the potential yields. However, limited by solar radiation, in mineral lands from those in peatlands. We analysed the trend of
564 D. Afriyanti et al. / Science of the Total Environment 557–558 (2016) 562–570

conversion of mineral soils and peat to oil palm plantations based on Table 1
data from Tropenbos (personal communication, 2012) in Sumatra, Kali- The storylines of PalMA scenarios for future palm oil production in Indonesia. All four
mantan, and Papua. The conversion trends were grouped into the pe- scenarios assume that no further deforestation and peat conversion takes place.

riods of 1990–2000, 2000–2005, 2005–2010. Past trends of oil palm PalMA scenarios
expansion were used to predict how the areas would develop in the fu-
Palm Global Orchestration (PalmGO):
ture with the absence of policy enforcement.
▪ CPO demands increase as cooking oil consumption and biodiesel uses increase.
▪ Cooking oil consumption increases because of population growth and high
2.3. Scenario analysis consumption per capita.
▪ Biodiesel mandates play an important role in biodiesel demand. This is
Scenario analysis provides an exercise as to how the future would associated with the replacement of fossil fuels to mitigate greenhouse gas
evolve under some plausible situation. The scenario analysis in this emissions.
▪ Demand for palm oil mostly comes from Europe and Asia, driving exports from
study aims to explore palm oil production in restricted condition (no
further deforestation and peat conversion), while CPO demand ▪ The environmental management is reactive, thus current policies remain but
increases for cooking oil and biodiesel. We conducted qualitative are not strengthened: RSPO remains at the current principles and criteria, the
(storylines) and quantitative scenario analysis. moratorium of forest and peatlands remains as well as the sustainability
criteria for renewable energy. Global environmental problems like global
warming and emission from peatlands prohibit cultivation on peatlands. Oil
2.3.1. Qualitative scenario analysis palm is widely cultivated in areas that are not constraint by the international
We developed PalMA scenarios for the year 2050, describing CPO concerns; but reducing other main agriculture commodities.
production in Indonesia based on the MA scenarios. The original MA ▪ The reactive environmental management leads to careless waste manage-
scenarios, published as part of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, ment.
▪ Mills are located in areas of big companies where independent smallholders
consists of four scenarios combining two types of socio-economic devel-
have limited access. Smallholders can sell FFB through middle men who buy
opment and two approaches of environmental management. The and resell to mills.
four MA scenarios are Global Orchestration (GO), Technogarden (TG),
Order from Strength (OS) and Adaptic Mosaic (AM). GO and TG assume Palm Techno Garden (PalmTG):
globalized socio-economic developments with either a reactive (GO) or ▪ CPO demands increase as cooking oil consumption and biodiesel uses increase.
a proactive (TG) approach towards environmental management. OS ▪ Cooking oil consumption increases because of population growth; despite low
and AM assume regionalized socio-economic developments with either consumption rates.
a reactive (OS) or proactive (AM) environmental management ap- ▪ Biodiesel mandates play an important role in biodiesel demand; this is
associated with requirements for green energy and CPO from sustainable
proach (Cork et al., 2005). Our four PalMA scenarios for CPO production management.
are local interpretations of the four original MA scenarios. The PalMA ▪ Demand for palm oil mostly comes from Europe and Asia, driving export of
scenarios consist of PalmGO, PalmTG, PalmOS, and PalmAM, for the in- CPO and its derivatives from Indonesia.
terpretation of GO, TG, OS, and AM, respectively (Table 1). The PalMA ▪ The environmental management is proactive. Thus current policies are
strengthened. RSPO improves at the principle and criteria of RSPO for
scenarios, consider socio-economic development including population
peatlands management, which ban further expansion in peatlands and
growth, level of consumption, and biodiesel requirement as well as pol- reduces utilization of peatlands in existing plantations in 2010. Markets only
icies about forest and peatlands. We qualitatively interpret MA scenari- buy RSPO-certified palm oil which encourages the participation of Indonesia
os into PalMA scenarios with respect to: (i) CPO demand for cooking oil to promote a certification mechanism and strengthen the roles of ISPO.
and biodiesel as affected by population growth, consumption level, and Nevertheless, the moratorium on forests and peatlands is stopped as it is
seen to be less effective than the certification mechanism. As well, consumer
biodiesel mandates; (ii) environmental management and underlying awareness of the negative effects of oil palm cultivation on peatlands itself
reasons for prohibition of forest and peatlands; and (iii) mill manage- improves sustainability. Oil palm is widely cultivated in suitable areas while
ment considering environmental and socio-economic aspects (relations maintaining other main agricultural commodities.
with smallholders). The interpretation is based on our judgement on ▪ The proactive environmental management leads to environmentally friend-
ly waste management in mills. This is accomplished by reducing discharge of
the relevance of MA scenarios with the current debates on palm oil de-
nutrients and waste to water bodies through closed system POME
velopment and how it would evolve/change along the scenarios. (See management, and application of solid waste like empty fruit bunches (EFB)
Table 2.) for organic fertilizers.
▪ Mills are located in large industrial areas. Nevertheless, good transportation
2.3.2. Quantitative scenario analysis ensure shareholder accessibility to mills.

Quantitative analysis of the PalMA scenarios is based on our inter- Palm Order from Strengths (PalmOS):
pretation of qualitative PalMA scenarios. Some values are consistent
▪ CPO demands increase as cooking oil consumption and biodiesel use increase.
with MA scenarios (population, biofuel requirement and production in
▪ Cooking oil consumption increases because of population growth and high
Asia) and how the implication of values to CPO production in cooking oil consumption.
Indonesia. The consumption levels influence the demand of CPO for ▪ Biodiesel use increases due to the depletion of fossil fuels.
cooking oil; we used low-medium-high consumption levels. The con- ▪ Demand for palm oil mostly comes from Asia, particularly China and India,
sumption levels are based on MA scenario assumptions including con- driving exports from Indonesia.
▪ The environmental management is reactive. Thus consumers of CPO
sumption at: (i) a low level applying for TG and AM, hence PalmTG
from Indonesia do not care about sustainability of the product.
and PalmAM, (ii) a medium level applying for GO, hence PalmGO, and Nevertheless, concerns about environmental problems may only be
(iii) a high level applying for OS, hence PalmOS. Further interpretation associated with trans-boundary haze problems related to Indonesian peat
of consumption levels of cooking oil is based on Corley (2009). We as- fires. Therefore, Indonesia bans further expansion in peatlands for oil palm
sume two CPO extraction rates (oil extraction rate/OER). The first rate plantations.
▪ The reactive environmental management leads to careless waste manage-
we assumed was 23% OER for proactive scenarios, based on the target ment. Thus, most waste is damped on land or water systems (EFB is not
of Malaysia (ETP, 2015) which is lower than the target of Indonesia utilized for organic matter, and POME discharges nutrients to water bodies).
Palm Oil Research Centre (PPKS, 2014). We used the lower number to ▪ Mills are located in large companies, causing limited access to smallholders.
make the scenarios become more realistic and a lower extraction rate Middle men play an important role in selling FFB to mills.
(20%) for reactive scenario based on the current OER from Deptan
Palm Adaptic Mosaic (PalmAM):
We calculated the demand for CPO for both cooking oil and biodiesel ▪ CPO demands increases as cooking oil consumption and biodiesel use
by 2050. The CPO demand for cooking oil was estimated by multiplying
D. Afriyanti et al. / Science of the Total Environment 557–558 (2016) 562–570 565

Table 1 (continued) Table 3

International demand for cooking oil and biodiesel to be produced in Asia in the four
PalMA scenarios PalMA scenarios for 2050.
▪ Cooking oil consumption increases because of population growth; although
PalMA Demand (Mt/year) Required area if
consumption rate is low.
scenario production
▪ Biodiesel use in Asia increases as renewable energy policies penetrate in Asia. Cooking Biodiesel CPO for CPO for Total
remains at 3.6 t
▪ Demand for palm oil comes mostly from Asia, specifically China and India. oil cooking biodiesel CPO
CPO/ha (Mha)
▪ The environmental management is proactive. Thus Indonesia produces oil demand
sustainable CPO. This is caused by the awareness of Indonesia of better natural
PalmGO 202 175 253 194 447 124
resource management and sustainable production. ISPO is strengthened and
PalmTG 176 118 220 106 326 91
national policies enforce utilization of suitable areas for oil palm while
PalmOS 186 56 233 62 295 82
banning oil palm in peatlands.
PalmAM 100 78 125 139 264 73
▪ The proactive environmental management leads to better waste management.
Integrated mills are developed which are connected with sewage systems,
producing biogas and organic fertilizers.
in Asia includes biodiesel and bioethanol, of which biodiesel production
▪ Mills are located in plantations, and independent smallholders perform
small-scale mills in every district to improve benefits for smallholders. The shares 67% with bioethanol (Koçar and Civaş, 2013). Then, we assume a
government supports the establishment of smallholder mills. rate of 90% extracted biodiesel from CPO.

2.4. Potentially suitable areas for oil palm cultivation in Indonesia by 2050
the associated global and Asian population as envisaged in the MA sce-
narios, by per capita cooking oil consumption levels from Corley (2009). We spatially identified potentially suitable areas for oil palm planta-
We assumed a rate of 80% extracted cooking oil from CPO. Biodiesel de- tions in Indonesia. ArcGIS 10.2 is used. Potential suitable areas are divided
mand was derived from renewable energy requirement in Asia of MA into two categories based on environmental approaches of the scenarios
scenarios by 2050 (Alcamo et al., 2003). The CPO demand for biodiesel (reactive and proactive). Areas are identified from the maps of land sys-
was based on renewable energy requirement from Asia based on MA tem, land uses, moratorium, and conservation areas. Spatial analysis
scenarios (Cork et al., 2005). We assumed renewable energy production was done following three sets of suitability criteria. They are physical
properties, land uses, existence of moratorium and conservation areas.
Table 2
Quantitative aspects of PalMA scenarios. All four scenarios assume increasing demands of 2.4.1. Step 1: Selection of suitable areas based on physical properties
CPO for cooking oil and biodiesel as influenced by population growth, consumption levels,
The first set of suitability criteria included physical properties (slopes,
and renewable energy requirements as including green energy demand (climate change
mitigation) and depletion of fossil fuels. terrains, and soil types). We identify the suitable areas from land system
maps provided by National Soil Agency (BPN) (personal communication,
Palm Global Orchestration (PalmGO):
2014). Suitable areas for reactive scenarios (PalmGO and PalmOS) in-
▪ By 2050, 8095 million people (Cork et al., 2005) consume 25 kg cooking clude: areas having slopes b 30% and terrains of non-mountainous
oil/person (Corley, 2009); and 384 Mt biofuel/year is needed, of which 261 areas, and hilly areas. Suitable areas for proactive scenarios (PalmTG
Mt is produced in Asia (Cork et al., 2005). and PalmAM) include areas having slopes b30%, non-mountainous and
▪ Companies assist independent smallholders to improve their yield through
non-hilly. Thus, the reactive scenario differs in the uses of hilly areas
best management practices. In return, independent smallholders sell FFB to
mills via ramps, the FFB collectors of companies. Consequently, much more from proactive scenario. Nevertheless, the slope mostly ranges from 8
time is needed to transfer FFB to mills, causing low OER (20%) of current OER to 25%. This selection has eliminated mountainous areas which are not
calculated from ratio of FFB:CPO (Deptan, 2014). suitable for oil palm in terms of soil properties and low yield due to
limiting radiation in higher altitude (Hoffmann et al., 2015).
Palm Techno Garden (PalmTG):

▪ By 2050, 8821 million people (Cork et al., 2005) consume 20 kg cooking oil/-
Table 4
person (Corley, 2009); and 281 Mt biofuel/year is needed, of which 176 Mt is
Potentially suitable areas for oil palm plantations and the associated potential FFB yield in
produced in Asia.
the PalMA scenarios for 2050 for Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua.
▪ In plantations of smallholders and companies, high-tech nutrient
management, and effective pest and disease controls are practiced. Mills are Soil types in the Reactive scenarios Proactive scenarios
established in the areas where most raw materials of private companies and three islands a
smallholders area available, resulting in high OER (23%) with assumptions Area FFB FFB Areab FFB FFB
made from the target of Economic Transformation Program (ETP) (ETP, 2015). (Mha) yield production (Mha) yield production
(t/ha) (Mt) (t/ha) (Mt)
Palm Order from Strengths (PalmOS): Sumatra
Entisols 1.0 35 35 1.0 35 35
▪ By 2050, 5023 million people (Cork et al., 2005) consume 37 kg cooking
Inceptisols 8.3 32 265.6 6.5 33 214.5
oil/person1 (Corley, 2009), and 172 Mt biofuel/year is needed, of which 84 Mt
biofuel/year is produced in Asia (Cork et al., 2005), with the majority being Ultisols 7.7 35 269.5 1.5 35 52.5
exported to China and India. Kalimantan
▪ Private mills are accessible by smallholders, and FFB is accepted without Alfisols 0.1 27 2.7 0.1 27 2.7
quality control as long as materials are available to run mills. Middle men play Entisols 1.5 37 55.5 1.5 37 55.5
an important role in selling FFB to mills. These practices cause lower OER Inceptisols 0.6 36 21.6 0.6 36 21.6
Mollisols 0.1 32 3.2 0.1 32 3.2
(20%) (Deptan, 2014) due to long distance and storage of FFB before processed
Spodosols 0.6 38 22.8 0.6 38 22.8
in mills.
Ultisols 5.2 31 161.2 3.9 31 120.9
Palm Adaptic Mosaic (PalmAM): Papua
Alfisols 0.1 27 2.7 0.01 27 0.27
▪ The CPO production increases due to increasing CPO demand associating with Entisols 0.3 37 11.1 0.30 37 11.1
low level cooking oil consumption and biodiesel uses. By 2050, 4992 million Inceptisols 0.3 36 10.8 0.30 36 10.8
people (Cork et al., 2005) consume 20 kg cooking oil/person(Corley, 2009). Mollisols 0.01 32 0.32 n.a n.a. n.a.
Approximately, 207 Mt/year biofuel is needed, of which 116 Mt biofuel/year Ultisols 0.5 31 15.5 0.4 31 14
is produced in Asia (Cork et al., 2005). The majority is exported to Asia, Potential areas 26.3 27–38 877.5 16.8 27–38 564.9
particularly China and India, which also raises concerns about environmental a
Potential areas for oil palm plantations in reactive scenarios, this includes areas of
other agriculture commodities, this may associate with displacement effect.
▪ The close distance transport of FFB and better management causes high OER b
Potential areas for oil palm plantations in proactive scenarios, these areas exclude
(23%) (ETP, 2015).
areas for other commodities.
566 D. Afriyanti et al. / Science of the Total Environment 557–558 (2016) 562–570

Table 5 potential FFB yield with a resolution of 0.1°. The model calculated yields
Potential CPO production by 2050 in the four PalMA scenarios assuming 20% OER in affected by solar radiation parameterized with slopes, azimuth, and
reactive scenarios and 23% OER in proactive scenarios.
cloudiness index. The model figures out FFB yield under optimal condi-
Island Potential production (Mt) Potential production (% of CPO demand) tions (sufficient water and nutrients, no damages of pest and diseases as
PalmGO and PalmTG and well as uniform planting materials (Hoffman et al., 2014). Due to high
PalmOS PalmAM solar radiation in flat and coastal areas, higher yield would be simulated
CPO CPO PalmGO PalmTG PalmOS PalmAM in peatlands (Hoffmann et al., 2015). Nevertheless, our study excluded
(20% OER) (23% OER) peatlands. The model used in this study does not simulate effect of
Sumatra 114 69 26% 21% 39% 26%
water limitation on oil palm production. Water limitation can decrease
Kalimantan 53 52 12% 16% 18% 20% FFB production (traditionally called trek) and exists in dry seasons, al-
Papua 8 8 2% 2% 3% 3% though Indonesia is characterized by high rainfall. The newest version
Total 176 130 39% 40% 60% 49% of PALMSIM incorporates a water limitation effect. Many regions expe-
rienced periodic drought, but these regions are not within the scope of
the current study. Therefore, the first generation of PALMSIM is still suf-
Furthermore, we reclassified soil types (ordos) following the key to ficient to provide information on national scale (at the level of islands).
soil taxonomy of United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The
land system map contains soil type data at the level of soil families. 2.5.2. Calculation of FFB and CPO production
After reclassification, we observed that information on peatlands is These overlays resulted in identified yields based on individual soil
not intensively available in the land system map. Thus, we overlaid types. We converted tables of attributes from maps to excel, then omitted
the identified suitable areas from the land system map with peat layers, and calculated average yields per individual soil type. Yield map
maps from Wetlands International Indonesia Program, comprising a for Papua is not available and we applied the average yield per soil type
peat map of Sumatra (Wahyunto et al., 2003), a peat map of Kalimantan in Kalimantan to calculate potential yield in Papua, as this is the nearest
(Wahyunto et al., 2004), and a peat map of Papua (Wahyunto et al., geographical position which has the most available data. Thereafter,
2006). Then we identified suitable areas excluding peatlands. This total potential FFB yields were calculated by multiplying individual soil
stage results in individual maps for each island presenting suitable type areas with the average yields. To calculate CPO production, we mul-
areas based on physical properties. tiplied the FFB yields based on soil types (resulted in Section 2.5.1) with
assumed OER (Section 2.3.2), which are a 20% and a 23% OER of FFB to
2.4.2. Step 2: Selection of areas based on land uses CPO, for reactive and proactive approaches respectively.
We overlaid the individual maps generated in step 1 with land use
maps of the National Soil Agency (BPN) (personal communication, 3. Results
2014). We identified areas complying with the second set of suitability
criteria including areas not used for rice fields (paddy), forests (natural 3.1. Past trends
and production forest), water bodies, industrial areas, and villages/set-
tlement. The land use maps of BPN do not present specific areas classi- Oil palm plantations in Indonesia have expanded from about 6.7 Mha
fied as oil palm plantations. Instead, the maps classified plantations in in 1990 to about 9 Mha in 2013. 95% of the plantations are in Sumatra
general, which could include overall plantations based on Deptan and Kalimantan (Deptan, 2014; personal communication of Tropenbos,
(2014). They are about 7.6 Mha in size, which include 7.4 Mha of land 2012). In Sumatra, oil palm plantations increased rapidly between 1990
for other commodities. These include Cocoa 1.77 Mha, Rubber and 2010, particularly between 1990 and 2005. The rate of increase de-
3.46 Mha, Coffee 1.23 Mha, Nutmeg 0.18 Mha, Nilam 0.03 Mha, Pala clined after 2005. Similarly, in Kalimantan, oil palm has rapidly expanded
0.12 Mha, Vanilla 0.02 Mha, Pinang 0.15 Mha, Lemon grass 0.02 Mha, since 2000. Oil palm plantations increased from b 1 Mha in 1990 to
Siwalan 0.03 Mha, and Sugarcane 0.45 Mha. These are cultivated in Su- 2.9 Mha in 2010. Since 2005, expansions have mostly taken places in Kali-
matra (6.2 Mha), Kalimantan (1.3 Mha), and Papua (0.1 Mha) (Deptan, mantan and in Sumatra. Oil palm plantations have also increased in Papua.
2014). Since 1990, oil palm production areas have increased from 29,000 ha in
1990 to 48,000 ha in 2000, and from 69,000 ha in 2005, and 84,000 ha in
2.4.3. Step 3: Selection of areas out of moratorium and conservation areas 2010 (personal communication of Tropenbos, 2012). (See Fig. 1).
The third set of suitable areas included areas of non-moratorium and Oil palm has increasingly been cultivated in peatlands. In Sumatra,
non-conservation areas. We overlaid maps indicative of moratorium pro- peat conversion increased over time while that of mineral land de-
vided by the National Soil Agency (BPN) (personal communication, 2014) creased (Fig. 2). In Kalimantan, the conversion of peatlands to oil palm
with the map of conservation areas provided by Forestry Department and plantation increased, with a rise in both peatland and in mineral land.
maps generated in step 2. Then, we selected areas of non-moratorium and In the period of 2000 to 2010, oil palm plantations increased from
non-conservation areas, and classified these areas as suitable areas for oil 0.6 Mha to 2.5 Mha in mineral lands. As well, oil palm plantations in
palm plantations. Finally, we selected polygons representing areas of at peatlands increased from 0.02 Mha to 0.3 Mha. In Papua, oil palm plan-
least 1.5 ha to present potentially profitable areas of plantations for small- tations were unchanged in both peatlands and mineral lands with areas
holders. Six maps of potential suitable areas for oil palm plantations in- encompassing 0.002 Mha and 0.05 Mha respectively.
clude two maps (of reactive and proactive scenario) of potential
suitable areas in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua. 3.2. Future trends in palm oil production in Indonesia

2.5. Potential production of fresh fruit bunches and crude palm oil in 3.2.1. CPO demand
Indonesia by 2050 In the PalMA scenarios, by 2050, the global demand of CPO for
cooking oil and biodiesel ranges from 264 to 447 Mt/year. The CPO
2.5.1. Overlaying the maps of potential areas and yields gathered from demand for cooking oil is higher than that for biodiesel, ranging from
PALMSIM model 125 to 253 Mt/year and 62 to 194 Mt/year respectively. The larger pop-
We gathered maps of potential yields of PALMSIM models (personal ulation in the globalized scenarios (PalmGO PalmTG) causes a larger
communication), and overlaid the maps with potential areas for oil demand for CPO for cooking oil, while the consumption levels are as-
palm plantations in Sumatra and Kalimantan. The PALMSIM model is a sumed to medium to low level. In the regionalized scenario PalmOS, a
model simulating potential growth and yield. This model plotted high consumption level creates a high demand for CPO for cooking oil;
D. Afriyanti et al. / Science of the Total Environment 557–558 (2016) 562–570 567

3.2.3. Potential CPO production in Indonesia

Potential CPO production is defined here as the CPO produced from
projected FFB yields in areas deemed suitable. Indonesia can produce
large amounts of FFB and CPO, meeting a considerable part of the inter-
national demand for CPO. By 2050, the Indonesian CPO production
amounts range from 130 Mt in the proactive scenarios to 176 Mt in
the reactive scenarios. The total CPO production capacity in Indonesia
ranges from 39 to 60% of the global demand in reactive scenarios, to
40 to 49% in proactive scenarios. Indonesia can supply 39–40% of the
global demand in PalmGO and PalmTG. Assuming that Indonesia merely
exports CPO to Asia, Indonesia can supply 49% of the demand for CPO in
PalmAM and 60% in PalmOS (Table 5).

4. Discussion

This study explored future trends of palm oil production in Indonesia

Fig. 1. Areas of oil palm production in Indonesia according to Tropenbos (2012) (dotted considering CPO demand for cooking oil and biodiesel. It remains uncer-
lines) and an online database of Department of Agriculture (Deptan, 2014). tain as to how Indonesia would shift towards more sustainable palm oil
development, considering environmental and social problems associat-
ed with palm oil development (Inubushi et al., 2003, Reijnders and
although the population is smaller than in the globalized scenarios. On Huijbregts, 2008; Koh and Wilcove, 2009; Disdier et al., 2013,
the other hand, the regionalized scenario PalmOS has the lowest CPO Dhiaulhaq et al., 2014, Sumarga et al., submitted for publication).
demand for biodiesel. In the other regionalized scenario (PalmAM), This study presented global scenarios (MA) that consider the current
CPO demand for biodiesel is higher than that of PalmOS. To meet national conditions in Indonesia. The existing MA scenarios include
these demands, large areas of additional plantations are needed. If the assessments at the global, regional, and local levels (Kok et al., 2007).
productivity remains at the current level (3.6 t/ha, in average), an area Interpretation of global scenarios at the local level is important. Such
is needed that is about 10 fold the current plantation area (Table 3). downscaling were conducted by others, for instance, South Africa (van
Therefore, population and consumption levels play important roles in Vuuren et al., 2010) and Jakarta Bay (Arifin, 2004). Local interpretations
CPO demand and the areas required for plantations, unless productivity provide insight in the effects of global development to local-national
increases. development, which is applicable to the palm oil development in
Indonesia presented in this study. The scenario analysis could facilitate
decision making to explore plausible trajectories on how to develop
3.2.2. Potential suitable areas and potential fresh fruit bunches yield in the palm oil sector in Indonesia under restricting conditions (no further
Indonesia deforestation and peat conversion). However, it remains uncertain as to
The potential suitable areas range from 17 Mha (in proactive how Indonesia would relocate existing oil palm plantations. This re-
scenarios) to 26 Mha (in reactive scenarios). The difference associ- quires further stakeholder consultation.
ates with exclusion and inclusion of other agricultural areas in pro- In this study, it is assumed that the demand for palm oil increases
active and reactive scenarios respectively. These areas are smaller due to population growth, consumption levels, and renewable energy
than those are required to meet the CPO demand (Table 3), if FFB demand as also suggested by EIA (IEA, 2010, 2011). The increasing de-
productivity (yield per hectare) and oil extraction remains at the mand would require expansion and/or intensification (to increase
current level. In the proactive scenarios (PalmTG and PalmAM), yield). With the absence of policy enforcement to avoid deforestation
smaller areas are available for oil palm as these scenarios aim to and peat conversion, this trend would indicate a threat to peatlands
maintain the commodities (7.2 Mha) and exclude hilly areas in Indonesia. This threat is an agreement with our observation that
(2 Mha). These areas cannot be seen clearly in maps. We therefore in the period of 2000 to 2010 (the past trend), palm oil production
provide maps for reactive scenarios (Figs. 3, 4, and 5). The dominant in Indonesia was associated with increasing expansion of oil palm
soils are Ultisols and Inceptisols. These soils are highly productive plantations in peatlands. Similarly, Miettinen et al. (2012) expects
according to the PALMSIM model. The mineral lands can produce increasing use of peatlands for oil palm plantation in their projec-
565–880 Mt FFB. tion up to 2020.

Fig. 2. Area of peat land (left) and mineral soils (rights) that were converted to oil palm plantations in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua during the period 1990–2010.
(Source: Tropenbos, 2012)
568 D. Afriyanti et al. / Science of the Total Environment 557–558 (2016) 562–570

Fig. 3. Potential areas for oil palm cultivation in Sumatra in the reactive scenarios.

Our scenarios explored palm oil production without further defores- palm plantations. By 2050, the requirement for rice fields is projected to
tation and peat conversion. We found this constraint can maintain be approximately 11 Mha. This area requirement would be fulfilled
Indonesia's place within global palm oil production rates. Hence, this through the establishment of new rice fields (sawah cetak) in Java, Sula-
strategy could enhance the role played by Indonesia in climate change wesi, and Eastern parts of Indonesia (BIN, 2012), with the rice fields cov-
mitigation. Indonesia can expand oil palm plantations up to 17 Mha ering 12 Mha (Deptan, 2014). In addition, this study is not able to
where about 7.6 Mha are maintained for other agricultural commodities address competing uses between potential area for oil palm plantations
(Cocoa, Rubber, Coffee, Nutmeg, Nilam, Pala, Vanilla, Pinang, Lemon and industrial forest (Acacias and Eucalyptus plantations). This is result-
grass, Siwalan, and Sugarcane), or up to 26 Mha where aforementioned ed from lack of data about dynamic of changes of assigned agricultural
commodities compete with oil palm. This assumption stands for rubber areas to industrial forestry purpose; although we exclude forest zone
given the current low price of latex, which increases the interest to con- areas.
vert rubber plantations to oil palm plantations (Koh and Wilcove, 2009). In terms of intensification, this study found that the potential yields
Our scenarios do not project rice demand within Indonesia as supplied are double than the current yields (18 t FFB/ha with 20% extracted CPO).
by current rice fields, nor how this would compete with oil palm. How- The potential yield implies the required increase yield approximately
ever, to avoid error, we exclude rice fields from convertible areas for oil 0.9 t FFB/ha FFB annually up to 2050, while recent Indonesia palm oil

Fig. 4. Potential areas for oil palm cultivation in Kalimantan in the reactive scenarios.
D. Afriyanti et al. / Science of the Total Environment 557–558 (2016) 562–570 569

Fig. 5. Potential areas for oil palm cultivation in Papua in the reactive scenarios.

productivity has been stagnant (Sheil et al., 2009). The low yield may be large plantations, unless smallholders are trained in best management
associated with the use of infertile soil like peatlands, bad seedlings (not practices including improvement of plant materials in replanting
from tenera seedlings), insufficient nutrients, pests, a prolonged dry programmes. Some planting materials can yield between 6.9 and 8.4 t
season, and long transport periods from field to mill (Sheil et al., CPO/ha/y (PPKS website).
2009). Closing the gap of the current to potential yield requires some
efforts. These include choosing suitable lands (lands indicated in this 5. Conclusion
study, for instance, see Table 4, Figs. 3, 4, and 5), replanting with good
planting materials, providing sufficient nutrients, sufficient water, and Our analyses of past trends indicate that expansion of oil palm plan-
preventing threats of both pests and diseases as suggested by PALMSIM tations in peatlands are more likely in the absence of policies to avoid
model. However, solar radiation, as one parameter of the model, cannot deforestation and peat conversion, such as a moratorium. During the
be controlled. Sufficient nutrients can be monitored by foliar analysis; past 20 years oil palm production areas have been expanding fast in
however this requires knowledge and technology (accessible laborato- Sumatra and Kalimantan. In Sumatra, oil palm expanded in particularly
ries) in all levels plantations (big companies and smallholders). This in peatland areas and the rate of expansion decreased in mineral lands;
measure may not yet be applicable at the smallholder level in Indonesia. while in Kalimantan, the rate of oil palm expansion increased in both
Sufficient water would be limited in a (prolonged) dry season, when pro- peatlands and mineral lands. Oil palm cultivation in Papua is not yet
duction decreases (locally referred to as trek season). Replanting with developed. In 2010, oil palm plantations covered about 3 Mha peatlands
good seedlings would be the barrier for smallholders to improve their and about 5 Mha in mineral lands in Indonesia, of which most in Sumatra
plantations, because of the inevitable high costs which smallholders can- and Kalimantan.
not typically afford. We presented scenarios that can be considered indications of the
Although the potential yield was observed in some trials and compa- potential to produce sustainable palm oil in Indonesia. Our scenarios as-
nies plantations, when considering the aforementioned hurdles, this sume that oil palm can expand, but not on forested land, conservation
study may overestimate the yield that could potentially be obtained. areas, peatland or rice fields. Thus our scenarios imply effective sustain-
In practice, the highest attainable CPO yield was 6–8 t/ha at large scales able land use planning. Our scenarios furthermore assume that yields
in leading plantation groups in Indonesia and Malaysia (Donough et al., are higher than they are today. This can only be reached through imple-
2009). Meanwhile the maximum theoretical yield is 18.2 t/ha (MPOB, mentation of better varieties and best management practices.
2014). While maximizing yields, it is important to minimise detrimental We conclude that Indonesia can stay a major CPO producing country
impacts to the surrounding environment (Huth et al., 2014). Research is while avoiding further deforestation and peatland conversion. The
being done to reach the potential yield by organizations such as the demand for CPO from Indonesia could increase by 264 to 447 Mton by
Indonesian Oil Palm Research Institute (PPPK). PPKS aims to increase 2050, following the international demand for cooking oil and biodiesel.
palm oil productivity about 9 t/ha (from 35 t FFB with 26% extractable In our scenarios, Indonesia produces 130 to 176 Mton CPO, from 565 to
oil) (PPKS, 2014). Oil palm production is more responsive to best man- 880 Mton FFB, cultivated on 17 to 26 Mha of land that we consider suit-
agement practices than to soil types; although soil type can be a limiting able. Thus our scenarios indicate that Indonesia may meet 39–60% of the
factor (Fairhurst and McLaughlin, 2009). In order to improve produc- international CPO demand, while avoiding further deforestation and
tion, evaluation of limiting soil factors and yield is needed (Hoffman expansion in peatlands.
et al., 2014). Potential FFB yields differ with soil type, implying that This study finds that socio-economic development and environmen-
best management practices also are soil-specific. The potential suitable tal management approaches could influence international demand and
soils are marginal soils, which can be managed for oil palm plantations CPO production in Indonesia. Nevertheless, Indonesia can maintain its
(Paramantan, 2013). This study assumes that smallholders produce FFB place in global palm oil production without further deforestation and
at a comparable rate to large companies. However, the plantations of peat conversion. This requires enforcement of policies regarding zero
smallholders may have much lower productivity when compared to deforestation (moratorium) and banning of peat conversion. In the
570 D. Afriyanti et al. / Science of the Total Environment 557–558 (2016) 562–570

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