Psychology Module 7.edited

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Reading Analysis for Chapter 6



Chapter Reading Analysis for Module 7


Evidence Interpretation
On page 81, the authors dive into some I agree with the authors' reasoning that the

definitions and overview of consciousness. level or type of stimulus is essential to

The authors back up claims from various produce varied neural reactions. When

scientists stating that consciousness arises human beings are asleep, some of their

from synchronized human brain activities. senses are usually aware of their

They argue that the brain produces neural surroundings, unless influenced by a specific

events as a response to a stimulus. If the range of stimuli. It is not easy to wake

brain registers a strong stimulus, the reaction someone up by whispering, but loud noises

will have a significant neural impact can scare someone out of sleep. The same

compared to a weak stimulus. applies to an individual who is wide awake.

If a stimulus passes a specific range of

thresholds, it will be able to realize a

On page 81 and 82, I read about selective I wonder if selective attention is a survival

attention. The authors explain that even mechanism that helps human beings to

though our brain behaves like a develop and advance. Even though the

supercomputer that can take in 11,000,000 human brain can carry out numerous

bits of information in a second. Our activities at a time, selective attention enables

consciousness tends to focus on single bits at the brain to work in an organized manner so

a time. This concept is essential because it that human beings can achieve their goals

explains how our senses can selectively focus sufficiently. If the human mind were

on some factors while ignoring others with a incapable of focusing on important factors

higher impact/frequency. due to rational decisions, it would be difficult

to carry out and complete various activities.

On page 83, the authors elaborate on the idea I recently had an experience that is similar to

of selective inattention. They argue that the concept of selective inattention. One

human beings are responsive to a tiny bit of morning, I was desperately looking for my

visual stimulus at some level of awareness. flash disk because I was late with my

This form of blindness can be attributed to assignment. I remembered placing in a

the human ability to focus on specific factors. cupboard, which I searched thoroughly

As such, they can be ignorant of other factors without success. After some time, I searched

in their immediate environment. for the disk only to find it on the same

cupboard, but for some reason, I did not see

it a couple of times. I realized that my mind

was focused on the books and other items

that interfered with my concentration on the

flash disk every time.

I read about change blindness on page 84, I can now picture how magicians use visual

and some factors that may facilitate this form concepts to make their plays more effective.

of inattention. The authors explain that a If a magician manages to distract their

small shift in human attention can prevent audience while performing, they can get

them from realizing small changes in their away with anything. After a brief visual

immediate environment. This concept interruption, the authors explain that it is

explains why individuals may not be aware challenging to realize changes because our

of the changes in their environment even brains continue taking in information from

when looking at the factors in play. where attention was distracted.

I read on page 85 about the concept of dual I remember a classmate who did not like

processing and blindsight. The human brain paying much attention in class. Nevertheless,

works in mysterious ways, and it is amazing he was very good at remembering various

how the brain can process information concepts that the teacher highlighted in brief.

without our awareness. According to these Additionally, he could answer surprise

concepts, human beings have two minds, and questions in case our tutor caught him

they both react to visual stimuli. Our unaware, which was fascinating. I reckon that

conscious mind reacts based on decisions, my classmate could concentrate

and the subconscious mind processes its subconsciously, which facilitated his mind

information. These concepts may explain wandering off from time to time. The concept

instances like flight or fright due to stimulus. of blindsight is well depicted in this scenario.


David, G., Myers, D., & Nathan, C. (2019). Exploring psychology in modules-pack (10th

ed.). Worth Publishers Incorporated, US.


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