Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Cycle I


Class / Semester : VIII / 2

Academic Year : 2020/2021

Skill : Writing

Text Type / Theme : Recount Text / My Experience

Time Allocation : 4 x 40 ( 2x Meetings )

a. Standard of Competence
Expressing meaning in functional writing text and simple, short essay in the form of a
recount and narrative to interact with their surroundings.
b. Basic of competence
Expressing meaning and rhetorical stages of short essay simple by using a variety of
written language accurately, fluently and thankful to interact with their surroundings.

1. Indicator

At the end of the lesson, students can write short, simple text in the form of a recount
by step the correct rhetoric.

 The students character expected:

 Trustworthynes
 Respect
 Diligence

2. Learning Material

Short text from recount text:

 Definition of recount text

 Linguistics of recount text
 Rhetoric step of recount text
 Example of recount text
My First Experience to Ride Motorcycle

One day, when I was ten years old, my father bought an old motorcycle. That was
“Honda 75”. I think it was small light object and easy to it. I persuaded my father to teach me
to ride ”Honda 75” firstly, my father reused my request and promised that he would teach me
two or three years later. But I still whimpered. Finally, my father surrendered and promised to
teach me. He began to teach me riding the motorcycle around a field in my village. My
father was very patients to give me some directions. I was very happy when I realized my
ability to ride a motorcycle. “Yes, I can”.

One day later, when I was alone at home, I intended to try my riding ability. So,
myself tried bravely. All ran fluently in the beginning, but when I was going back to my
home and I must passed through a narrow slippery street, I got nervous. I lost my control and
I feel to the ditch. After that, I told my father about the accident. I imagined my father would
be angry and never let me ride again. But the reality is exactly on the contrary, my father was
very proud of me. He just gave me some advices and since that accident, I got my father’s
permission to ride motorcycle.

3. Teaching Learning Method

Explain Riddle Game

4. Steps Activity

First meeting

1. Pre Activity
 Teacher give greeting to students
 Teacher and students pray together
 Attendance of students
 Teacher explains competence, purpose and the material being taught

2. Main Activity
 Teacher explain the material of Recount Text
 Definition of recount text
 Linguistics type of recount text
 Rhetoric step of recount text
 Example of recount text
 Teacher apply and explain about riddle game
 Divide students into 2 groups, namely red and blue group. Each group
consist of 4 student
 The red group reads out several clues or describe them
 The blue group must guess the answer on the card according to the clue
 If the blue group is sure of the answer in the first clue, the blue group
can answer immediately.
 If no one can answer on the first clue, than continue until the end clue.
 If the answer has been found, the red team that gives the clue and the
blue team who answers the clue must mention simultaneously what the
vocabulary means

C. Post Activity

 The teacher asks them whether they have some difficulties to answer the questions
 The researcher summarize and concludes the lesson
 Teacher give feedback about student mistakes
 Pray and greeting

Meeting 2

1. Pre Activity
 Teacher give greeting to students
 Teacher and students pray together
 Attendance of students
 Teacher explains competence, purpose and the material being taught

2. Main Activity
 The teacher gives post test to students about Riddle game
 The teacher ask students to group vocabulary that related each other
 The teacher gives evaluation to the students
 The teacher review by playing vocabulary with Riddle Game

C. Post Activity

 The teacher asks them whether they have some difficulties to answer the questions
 The researcher summarize and concludes the lesson
 Teacher give feedback about student mistakes
 Pray and greeting

5. Learning Resource
 Relevant text book
 English story book
Lesson Plan

Cycle II


Class / Semester : VIII / 2

Academic Year : 2020/2021

Skill : Writing

Text Type / Theme : Recount Text / My Holiday

Time Allocation : 4 x 40 ( 2x Meetings )

c. Standard of Competence
Expressing meaning in functional writing text and simple, short essay in the form of a
recount and narrative to interact with their surroundings.
d. Basic of competence
Expressing meaning and rhetorical stages of short essay simple by using a variety of
written language accurately, fluently and thankful to interact with their surroundings.

1. Indicator

At the end of the lesson, students can write short, simple text in the form of a recount
by step the correct rhetoric.

 The students character expected:

 Trustworthynes
 Respect
 Diligence

2. Learning Material

Short text from recount text:

 Definition of recount text

 Linguistics of recount text
 Rhetoric step of recount text
 Example of recount text
My Worst Holiday

Last semester break was my worst holiday, I have ever passed. It was two weeks long
and just stay at home. I just did the same activities routinely, over and over again.

I woke up and had a breakfast in the morning. Then I fed my Persian cat and play
with it. In the afternoon I have lunch and then took a nap on the couch. In the evening, I
dined and watched my favourite TV shows. There was nothing special on my daily activities
during the last holiday. So, I was sure that it was the worst holiday I’ve ever had.

3. Teaching Learning Method

Explain Riddle Game

4. Steps Activity

First meeting

3. Pre Activity
 Teacher give greeting to students
 Teacher and students pray together
 Attendance of students
 Teacher explains competence, purpose and the material being taught

4. Main Activity
 Teacher explain the material of Recount Text
 Definition of recount text
 Linguistics type of recount text
 Rhetoric step of recount text
 Example of recount text
 Teacher apply and explain about riddle game
 Divide students into 2 groups, namely red and blue group. Each group
consist of 4 student
 The red group reads out several clues or describe them
 The blue group must guess the answer on the card according to the clue
 If the blue group is sure of the answer in the first clue, the blue group
can answer immediately.
 If no one can answer on the first clue, than continue until the end clue.
 If the answer has been found, the red team that gives the clue and the
blue team who answers the clue must mention simultaneously what the
vocabulary means

C. Post Activity

 The teacher asks them whether they have some difficulties to answer the questions
 The researcher summarize and concludes the lesson
 Teacher give feedback about student mistakes
 Pray and greeting

Meeting 2

3. Pre Activity
 Teacher give greeting to students
 Teacher and students pray together
 Attendance of students
 Teacher explains competence, purpose and the material being taught

4. Main Activity
 The teacher gives post test to students about Riddle game
 The teacher ask students to group vocabulary that related each other
 The teacher gives evaluation to the students
 The teacher review by playing vocabulary with Riddle Game

C. Post Activity

 The teacher asks them whether they have some difficulties to answer the questions
 The researcher summarize and concludes the lesson
 Teacher give feedback about student mistakes
 Pray and greeting

5. Learning Resource
 Relevant text book
 English story book

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