AISC 1988v05

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of Steel

an Original
... I __frn,m Here to Infinity
No " Boxes" on the Coastline
No. 10
2" Bridge Form
(Stay In Place Steel Forms)

. '" .. 0 '" : , '" .

' . \ ". ". Y

I pitch >;j
~: 7:8': 12
(Also available in 5'h", 6'h" + 7'h " pitches)
y 3 2
Concrete Volume = 12 + Cv, Ft. I Ft.
(2" x t2" not shown)


2" X 6"
Cv . 0.0833

2" x 7"

2" x 8"
Cv = 0.0625

2" x 12"
Cv = 0.0764

1. Maximum spans are based on USFHA loading

a. construction load = 50 psf ; minimum deflection load = 120 psf.
2. Allowable deflection = the least of 1/180 or 0.5" . •
3. Allowable deck stress = 29 ksi.
4. Concrete weight taken at 145 pef; deck and rebars estimated at 5 psf.
5. Deck Span is usually edge to edge of stringers less 2"
6. For some states the slab design depth is Y; for others the slab design depth is measured from the
centroid of the form - - estimate this as Y + 1".


PO 80 X 662. 47 5 sPRINC flUD AVF .
SUMMIT. NEW IERsH 0 790 1 ' 20 \1 2 77 161 7
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Structural Detail. . . Made AHordable.

I!bigh prices have kept you from upgraclable product will multi·
automated detailing. wait no ply the productivity of your de- Structunol So/Iwo", Company
etrechU'aJ a.ftw....
c:.. lo nger. FabriCAD 1 is a robust
sub·set of tbe Structural Soft·
ware Company's oomputerized
tailing department immediately.
And. FabriCAD 1C3n grow witb
you asyoUfneeds changt. Runs
PO Box 19220
5012 Plantation Road NE
Roanoke. VA 24019
steel detailing system. This fully on mM-AT or oompatible. (703) 362·9118
7 Minnesota Cen te r
MODERN STEEL To Define an Image


12 Steel Notes

American Institute
of Steel Construction, Inc.
The Wngley BUl ldmg
400 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago. IlhnOI S 60611 -4185 13 NashVille Metro Airport
Phone 31 2 1670-2400 A Cascade of Steel

Samuel Y. Golding
Ralph H. Clarbour
First Vice Chairman
Stephen E. Egger
Second Vice Chairman
Oscar W. Stewart. Jr.
Treasurer 21 Riverside Drive Viaduct
Neil W. Zundel Re-creating an Original
Willi am W. Lanigan
Secretary & General Counsel
Lewis Brunner
Vice President, Membership Services
Geerhard Haaller
Vice President , Technology & Research
Morns Camlner
Vice President, Finance/Administration

23 House on Ihe Rock
George E. Harper
Sleel-from Here to Infrnrly
Director of Publications
Brenda Follmer
Assistant Editor
Lona Babblngton

Enc K. Nreman
476t West Touhy Avenue
lincolnwood , ilL 28 Stamford Landing
3121679-1100 No ''Boxes'' on the Coastline

Steelworkers near tiP
oj Inhnlty Room high above
valley floor See story on p 23


""'.' ...............••••••• "

~ ..
- ,-

If an $1 ,800 base price seems too low for advanced Taken as a whole, SCADA represents the "nest
"OIIe element analysis and design software, you can Integrated deSign and analYSIs sottware available
always spend ten limes more on a competitive pro- today SCADA's Integrated modular configuration
gram But look what you'll be missing. makes It the only program that can grow without any
.. The world's most powertul and versatile 2-D and change to ItS architecture Add flat·slab or shear·wall
3-D desktop fiOile element analysis system. design - even buckling and nonlinear capabilities
.. Graphics capabilities only available in far more Whether you re a big organlzalion deslgnIOg some of
expensive programs today~ largest structures, or a smaller flfm With Slm·
.. SEDIT. A state-of-the·art, InteractIVe and menu- pier reqUirements. you 'lI fIOd SCADA adapts eaSily to
driven preprocessor offered by SCADA at no extra the Prolects at hand
charge. and unlike anything attempted by any AIV'E F It ..A SCADA IS available exclusively throogh Amencan

other FEA developer Computers & EnglOeers. For a brochure detailing the
.. Plus the ability to add, for $1,000 more, either AMERICAN COMPUTERS & ENGINEERS full scope of ItS capabilitieS, Simply contact us at the
concrete or steel design capabilities Including address below And prove to yourself that a powertul
11726 san Vlcenle Blvd" Suite 212,
AISC 's latest Load ReSistance Factor Design lOll Angeles, CA 90049 englOeering program needn't come with an over-
(LRFD) COde. Tel.: (213) 820·8998 Telelt' 493·0363 ACE IJ powering price
System Selection

To Define an Image
by David J . Galey

D eveloping a speculative ofllce bUild-

Ing IS always a balance between ar-
chitectural design leasing trends 01 the
marketplace and I,nanclal constraints AI
Mlnnesola Center In suburban Minneapo-
lis Ihe demands of the highly competitive
marketplace mandated very specific re-
qUirements The leasehold space had to
be effiCient and extremely flexible so a
Wide variety of tenants could adapt the
bUltdlng readlty to indIVIdual needs tn ad-
dillon the owner wanted the maximum
number of amenities and special features
to Insure attraction of stable tenants
Wth,n thiS context the developers paid
close attention to system and material se-
lections ThiS Involved thoroughly examin-
Ing not only Initial costs but also value
engineering and life cycle costing Bud-
getary deCISions were based on mainte-
nance and flexibility requrrements as well
as InItial one·llme expenses
The bUilding IS a luminous set of rectan-
gles Intersecting at 45' angles The diS-
tinctIVe prolrle changes With every shift In
direction. creating a unique. highly Identi-
fiable structure that distinguishes Minne-
sota Center from a number of nearby sub-
urban office bUildings The blue/green
curtalnwall IS punctuated by pearl-toned
mullions and a rich. warm Kasota stone
entrance canopy
In the lobby the space expands IntO a
two-story atrium defined by panerned
marble and graMes. and sleek detailing
Office space begins on the second floor
Below ground are two levels of heated
parking a five level parking ramp IS locat-
ed ad,acent to the bUilding on the nOrlh
After thorough consideration of the de-
• sign faclors and the cost analYSIS. slruc·
lUral steel was chosen as the primary
framing system for the bUilding

Number 5 1988
Site Considerations and Foundations
Previously the site 01 a drive-In movie the-
ater, this valuable commercial location had
somewhat d,lf,cult soil conditions Origin-
ally wetland with seven to 15 It of peat. the
current site had accumulated a subs tan- ra
tlal layer of uncontrolled fill dUring the •
1950s and 60s
The unsUitability of these upper sOils for
vertical or lateral support mandated the
use of a deep piling foundation system
which could accommodate the load of the
17-story bUilding ThiS was accomplished
by uSing groups of 150-ton capacity to-y,-
In dla steel pipe piles driven to depths
ranging from 100 to 175 It Battered piles
provide resistance to lateral loads from
wind and unbalanced earth pressures
Steel strapping field-welded to the top of
selected piles provides resistance to uptlft
forces Because of ItS relatively tight
weight the structurat steet superstructure
resulted In substantlat foundation cost

Lateraf Load-resisting System

The baSIS of the laterat system at Minneso-
ta Center IS a Single concrete shear core
ThiS monolithiC etement was chosen after
TYPlCallloor {rammq plan companng a number of braCing schemes
and moment-resisting frames It was de
termlned to be the most effiCient and cost-
effective means to provide drift control for
both tateral and torsional translation _
Located very close to the wind pressure •
centrOid In both of the bUilding s primary
axes the core measures 30 It x 30 It and
encloses three etevators a stair and other
fixed spaces Wall thickness IS typically 12
In except for the walls In the transverse
direction betow Level 8 Here an 18-ln
thickness was reqUired to achieve the
Punches &Dies necessary strength and IIgldlty for the link
beams which span the large elevator lob-
• 24 Hour by openings Concrete strength was var -
Shipments Ied hom 6 000 PSI at the base to 4 000 PSI
by Levet 5
• Lowest Shear force at the base of the core was
Prices distributed to piles directly below and to
perimeter foundation walls through dla-
phram action of the first floor and P2 level
parking floor A computer model was used
to determine the relative stlffnesses and
r force distributions to these etements
Above the shear core. which terminates at
Levet 14 diagonal steel braCing carnes
Wind forces from the top three levels
Stabilizing the shear core . a series of
Write forcafalogs.
outrigger beams span In the transverse di-
rection of the bUilding on each level
Call 1-800-446-4402 These girders extend from each of the four .
corners of the core 10 exterior columns
THE CLEVELAND STEEL TOOL CO . Rigid, fixed-end connections were made
474 E 105th Street . Cleveland, Ohio 441 DB to the concrete core, while Simple pinned-
end connections were used al exterior col·
Dr 1'!UitJC k.-t br e~pi:1nas fflIO two-story allium
wah sleek patterned marbles and granites

Column free corners created by usmg

can(l/evefed 11 or 'rammq

umns These outrigger beams serve to re-

duce the amounl of lateral drift. And of
equal Importance they minimize the over- STRUCTURAL DESIGN
turning force at the base of the core thus USING
allowing lor significant savings In piling LOTUS 1-2-3® + ENERCALC'"
Gravity Framing System
The gravlly framing system for this
300 OOO-sq ft slruclure IS fairly typical
floor construction With a IYPlcal floor-Io-
floor helghl of 13 ft and a nominal 30-ft x
33-fl bay size an approximate steel
weight of 10;" psf of framed area was
The IYP,cal floor slab conslrucllon IS 3 v.
In 01 lightweight concrele (3 000 pSI) over
3-ln 20-ga phosphatlzed painted com-
posite metal deck The resulting 6 'I, In
thick slab typically spans 10 ft and IS rein-
forced with 6 x 6 - WI 4 x WI 4 WW M
draped over continuous No. 5 support
bars localed high In Ihe slab over purlln
locations Additional No 4 reinforcing
bars were placed high In the slab above Usc LOruS 1-2-3 ' llS)'ourpc:I"SOI'UII '>tNCCuraj dc:sIK"'"' YourSN'Ii.
26 prt)t:r..m " hbnary " Mlpphes dc\ lgn :u\al )'s l~ In \1«:1. umber .
and perpendicular 10 girder locallons as
relammg walb . Concn: IC: . ma'iOflry and cliln perform ,U\Klur..1
well as where compcslte deck cnanged anal )' ,,~
span dlrecllons to minimize cOi1crete Forc.. iltd thllu. ln! c ng ll'l«l'\ .... 111 ~ah /.t chi" soft'*~ 1\ R[QU IRlJ)
MATI:RJAI. In lo.:;by's COOlpelall\ CdesIgn IlfflCC. and our nallon.... idc

u!>Cr\ .tIC .nallablc a~ Impamal refere nce .. Rccel\ e our broI.hure or
TYPical ftoor framing members are A36 dcmon)trallon pad.age.. b} l:onlacllng
purllns and girders. deSigned to act com-
positely with the concrete floor sla bs
Shear transfer for composite behaVior was ~
3432 Oporto 207
~-por1 Bcac:h. CA 9266l • " ....,2).429S
achieved through the use of Y,-In d,a x 5-

Cantilevered frammg and shear core

In long headed , shear studs, Ileid-weided

to the top flanges of purllns and girders
once the metal deck had been placed
Floor purl,n members 20 ft and longer

were shop-cambered to compensate for
deflect ions caused by wet concrete
These cambers created special conSider-
ations for the contractor, Since concrete
floor slab elevations were monitored by a
laser leveling device Top-of-slab eleva-
tions had to be adjusted to compensate
for sequenllal loading of the cambered
purllns to achieve the reqUIred slab thick-
ness Girder members were reqUIred to be
shored unlll 75% of the reqUired concrete
design strength was achieved An allowa-
ble live-load deflection of 0/,. In , required
to accommodate the curtalnwall system
selected for the bUilding , governed the
deSign of edge beams around the perim-
eter of the bUilding All floor framing mem-
bers were spray-fireproofed to achieve the
reqUired ratings.
TYPical purlin and girder end connec-
lIons were SImple. pinned connections us-
Ing double clip angles and A325 Type N
bolts ThiS connection was used In both
steel-to-steel member connecllons as well
as steel-to-concrete shear wall connec -
tions, except for the outrigger beams pre-
Viously mentioned Clip angles at concrete
Window Wall/ Curtain Wall Mockup Testing shear wall locallons were field-welded to
embedded steel plates anchored Into the
concrete With shop-welded headed shear

- • Testing Facility is 45-

(oot high by 70-(oot long;
300 psf loading capacity.
Column-free bUilding corners were ac-
complished In four locations by uSing can-
tilevered floor framing construcllon . Two
• Per ASTM and AAMA such locations use bolted end-plate con -
Sped flcations. nections on W18 perimeter beams framing
into column webs to create a 13-ft cantile -
• Computer aided data vered projection. The remaining two loca-
acquisition with instant
lions employ bolted top and bottom flange
deflection readings '1- / _
.001 inch. plates With double-clip, angle-web con -
nections to cantilever W18 floor purllns
• Dynamic Tests using past W 18 edge girders at the same top
2000 HP Aircraft Engine elevations Additional No 4 reinforCing
w / 13.S (OOt propeller. bars were placed high In the concrete slab
at these canillevered purlin locations to in-
crease sllffness of the cantilevered floor
Granite and Aluminum /Glass I area, as well as to prOVide crack control. In
for Dynamic Watt'!' In/ileration TelL all cases , cantilevered member sIZes were

governed by sllffness requirements to ac-
commodate curtalnwall live-load deflec-
Tile Full ~t I(~ JnJ~'nd(TIf TeJllng LUmaron, £Jlab/uhd 1904
tion Criteria.
781 East Washington Blvd., 1...os Angeles, California 90021
213/ H9-3411 • F", 213/ 74&7228
Columns are typically Gr. 50 W14 sec-
tions varying from W14 x 257 at the base of
the bUIldIng to W t 4 x 43 at the top COl- met by onslallong shop-welded cover ArchitecUEnglneer
umns were desIgned for gravIty loads only plates to the column flanges and W8 dlag Hammel Green and Abrahamson Inc
the.eby slmphfy,ng cotumn sphce desIgn anal b,aces InSIde the bUIlding from the Mlnneapo Mlnne'Ola
and details and minimizing the section column flange to the underside of Infram·

sIzes requlled Base plates shop-welded Ing roof beams These braces engaged Generaf Contractor
to base lIer columns anged In sIZe up to Ihe sllffness of roof beam members from Bor·Son Construction
25 In x 25 In x 3 .. In thick InSIde the bUIlding allOWIng fa' a rooftop Mlnneapolrs Minnesota
FramIng trans'tlons at the top of the mechanIcal space unencumbered by dI- Steel Fabricator
bUIldIng necessary to creatIng the de- agonal braces L l LeJeuf'le Company
slled stepped prof ole reQulled a number The completed bUIldIng represents a M nneapo M nm iOta
of column transfers at the lower penthouse good example of well-Integrated archItec-
floor level (14) These were accomplished ture and englneellng Characterized by Steef Erector
by us,ng rolled sectIons up to W33 depths elhclent deSIgn and a thorough sens,t,v,ty L H Sow "" Co
",th Gr 50 steel as requIred To aVOId In- to the developer s goals the structural Mlnneapol,C: Mlnne'iOta
terferences these deeper sectIons would system of Minnesota Center received a Owner Developer
have created wIth the mechanIcal and 1988 Grand Award from the M,nnesota Homan Development Co
electrical systems within the tenant ceiling ConsultIng EngIneers CounCil To date Ihe Ch :a90 ,nolS
space In the level below the floor-to-floor profect has been an unqualified success
heIght was ,ncreased t 2 In between Lev- for the developer meeting both aesthetiC
es 13 and 14 and budgelary expectations and offering
Scre n wa ' S at Ihe top of the bUIldIng a cOmpet,llve advantage In a very light
used to shIeld rooltop mechanIcal equIp leaSIng market For the community In
men! And crea!e Ine stepped profile are whIch It IS located the bu'ldlng has be-
atera y Sl,pported by cantIlevering Ihe come an ,mage-def,n,ng struclure that
upper ~1OSt lIer of per meter columns up represenls a sense of arch,tectural ele- DaVId J Galey IS BSSOO81A VIce preSident
past It e roof s ab Curlalnwafl stll1npss en Hammel Green & Abrahamson Inc arch,rects
gance and sophisticated suburban plan-
and engmeers MmneapollS Minnesota
ler a lor tnese cantilevered columns was nng

• Nul1"bCr 5 1988 11


Winners have been named for thl Following the first acceptance of the
25 TYPES OF BEAM TO COlUMN AISC / Klingelhofer Scholarsh ip, thl new AISC Load and Resistance Fac-
CONNECTIONS, BEAM SPLICES AND Stupp Bros . Bridge & tron Co. Scholar tor Design Specification for Structural
BEAM TO GIRDER CONNECTIONS ship and the AISC USS Scholarship. Steel Bui/din.qs by members of the
MOMENT CONNECTIONS Thomas E. Conneen , a student at Building Officials and Code Adminis-
SHEAR CONNECTIONS the University of New Hampshire, was trators International in June 1986 for
BOLTED AND WELDED awarded the $5 ,000 AISC Klingel- inclusion in the 1987 BOCA National
hofer Scholarship. Conneen expects But/ding Code, regulatory bodies in
MATERiAl PROPERTIES AND I to receive his Bachelor of Science de-
gree in ciVil engineering (structures
the northeast U.S. continue to accept
the new design approach.
INCLUDED option) in May 1989. • New Jersey- adopted In Apnl 1987
The AISC Klingelhofer Scholarship • New York City- adopted in July
FOR INFORMATION CALL OR WRITE TO: Award was offered to undergraduates 1987
in civil or arChitectural engineering • Philadelphia- adopted in Septem-
OYNITECH ASSOCIATES schools in the New England states ex-
P.o . BOX 7!l1 ber 1987
BERKElEY. CA .. 707 cept Massachusetts. The Klingelhofer • Massachusetts-adopted In Janu-
(4151 52&-1328
Memorial was established to provide ary 1988
financial support for those students, • Rhode Island - adopted In April
thus benefiting the steel fabrication in- 1988
' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--.J dustry.
• Virginia- adopted in April 1988
Arizona State University student. • New York State Fire Prevention and
Structural Engineering
Brian von Allworden was selected to
receive the $5,000 Stupp Brothers
Build ing Code Council- adopted
April 1988
Software For Your IDM Scholarship. He plans to obtain his Acceptallce by the remaining north-
Bachelor of Science degree in civil en- eastern states is expected shortly. Ad-
Personal Computer or gineering in December 1988. He ditlonal mformatlon about steel specifi-
Compatible, ,. hopes to pursue a Master of Science cation adoption In the northeastern
degree focusing on the design of steel U.S. can be obtained from Daniel M.
domes so that they are self-supporhng McGee, regional director of construc-
during construction . The Stupp Broth- tion codes and standards, American
ers Scholarship Award was available Iron and Steel Institute , P.O. Box 3" ,
in the states of Nevada, Arizona, Alas- Matawan, NJ 07747 ; 201 583-5700.
ka and non-urban areas of Californ ia,
Steven J. Barz of the University of NUMBER OF AISC-CERTIFIED
S l r u cl uraI /U1la l'y~o:>t Lit"
North Carolina, Charlotte , was named PLANTS GROWS
Frame{fru ss/Continu ous Beam Ana lysis win ner of the $5 ,000 A ISC / USS
(Includes Shearwa ll Frame Interaction) The number of structural sleel fabricat-
Scholarship. Barz will study bolt-nut in-
.. ""'"."""."'''''''"."'''".".".,, .. ,,,,.,, $435.00 , teraction in fasteners and expects to ing plants achieVing AISC certification
Load Analys is Program """""""" $275 .00 . continues to grow to an all-time high.
Mov ing Load Anal ySIS ."""",,.,," S450.00 receive his Master of Science degree
in December 1988. The AISC USS Currently, 188 plants , representing
Concrele Beam DeSIgn .".,,""""" S 175 .00 '
• PCSAP (3· 0 Frame (Tru ss) """"" $200,00 , Scholarship was offered in Tennes-
157 companies- l07 of which are
• Retaining Wall "",,'''''''''''''''''''''''' S275.00 . see , North and South Carolina
AISC members- are cerlified under
• Concrete Spread FOOling "."".".". S250.00 schools. the AISC program . Four applications
Pile Group "".".,," .""" .. "."."".,,. S 150.00 ' All three annual scholarships were await inspection.
• Shea r Wall ""."."."""".".,,"""",,. S275 .(KI , offered by the AISC Education Foun- The purpose of the AISC Quality
dation. Next year, the AISC Klingel- Certification Program is to confirm to
: ENGINEERING SOFTWARE : hofer Scholarship will be available to the construction industry that a certi-
• SERVICES, INC, • schools in the Los Angeles area. The fied structural steel fabricating plant
has the personnel, organization , expe-

Stupp Brothers Scholarship will be of-
1 97M Dotlglu AH:nuc. SUIIC l ().t I fered to schools in Ohio. The AISC rience, procedures, knowledge. equip-
I AllamonlC Spn ng.'). R onda 127 1" I USS Scholarship will be available to ment, capability and commitment to
C all Our Ii oilint 1·800· 257·8087
I FlOrida RC' ~ ldC'nls lO!i ·K62· 7755 I schools in the New York City area and produce fabricated steel of the re-
1.-----------.1 New Jersey. (continued on p 34)
Creative Engineering

A Cascade of Steel
by Dr. Stanley D. Lindsey and Jack Horner

T he new Nashville Airport Terminal

serves as a much-needed replace-
ment faC ility for the rapidly growing Nasn-
prompted the use of extra concrete thick-
ness for floor vibration damping to eltml-
nate the perceptibility of the foot traffiC VI-
al reqUIrements dictated the use of an ex-
posed , three-dimensional pipe truss as
the main element to span the distance
ville-area brations The trusses made from A36 pipe . were
State-of-the-art design al lows oper- The 3.500 Itn ft of runway concourses also to cascade and stope to match the
ations convenience and passenger flow to are also steel-framed composite floor sys- three dillerent roof elevations A cross
work at an optimum within an aesthetically tems supported With a senes of two- and section through the truss reveats a tnan-
pleasing architectural enVIronment The three-bay ngld frames At the center of the gular pattern With two top chords and one
complex bUilt on the opposlle side of the south concourses IS a Six-story service bottom chord With web members In each
runways more than doubles the flight ca- hub tower for Amencan Airlines . complete of the three planes
paclly of the older lermlnal With Admiral's Club and ground support The spans were either 48 ft -6 In . or 73 ft
The terminal bUilding a 350.000-sq It control lower. With the bay spacings 20 ft . 30 It or 36 ft

steel-framed bUilding has Independent The wide -liange roof purltns match the
floor levels for service baggage and tick- Dominant Aesthetfc Feature truss panel points and connect to the top
eting The floor system IS composed of The dominant aesthetiC feature of the ter- chords The purllns supported a roof
composite steel beams and Itghtwelght minal bUilding IS the sloping glass skyltght deck, roofing and celtlng In the flat areas
structural concrete The large open bays roof spanning the ticket lobby. Archltectur- of the trusses, while skyltght framing was
Number 5 1988 13
· '1 S10. PIPE


... SID.P!H IOf' CItOfI)

. .. k-S1JlOljG"I"(/
EntW"WtI ".. . . . RlIK . . .
IIOTATtoNAl. $11111'1$$ ~ I'U/fLiNS



7 C/fAVltr WAD SrA.~ILlrr

Partial seclJon olltusses (I ) 1/ purllns made sImple pm-sheaf connection

to both lap choras system would be unstable

employed over 1he sloping laces To lur-

Iher compllcale 1he problem Ihe trusses
21 Years of Software were 10 bear on the bottom chord and In
some Insrances beyond the canlrlever
Development & Support..... The bearing was to appear to be perched
on top 01 a concrete column as II to be a
single-point p,n-type connection There
Buy All Your Software from was to be no truss bridging Three-dimen-
Sional models were genera led on a VAX
the Professionals. 11 /780 Intergraph CAD syslem 01 all the
d,IIerent truss elements Visual graphiC
* general structural analysis representation was performed With surlac-
* concrete beam. column. slab. shearwall and Ing and hidden line removal to observe lor
data Integrity
frame design
** steel
post-tensioned frame design
beam, column, truss and frame design
Engineering Complicated
EXisting In-house three-dimenSional anal-

* foundation and timber analysis and design YSIS software was modl"ed to add a mod-
ule lor member SIZing lor pipe elements

* CAD software and details The vertical load stress analYSIS was
straightforward but the braCing and sta-
* Job costing and billing software bility of the trusses reqUIred a more-than-

* Macintosh software now available!

, - - - -- - -- - ------ - -- - ---- )
meels-the-eye type 01 an Investigation
Normally It might be conSidered that
purllns or bridging might brace the truss-
I YESI Please send more Informat/on. I es Not so In this case For all practical
NAME: COMPANY- purposes the small bottom-chord bear-
I STREET ADDRESS I Ing offered little or no rotational stability for
I ZIP: PHONE : / I erection or "nal position Further, since Ihe
I I 21 VEARS" ENGlNEEOING SOfIWAAE I loads came Into both of the top chords, the •
I Structural Analysis Inc. I uneven bay spacings generated differen-
301 W. Camino G ardens Blvd., BOCa Raton, FL 33432 (407) 392-6597 tial loadings on each Side of the truss
which resulled In a nel rotallonal torque on




WI Z' ~'0 AJ25 BOl TS 12" PlR.IN SEE Pl


TYpical purim splice over truss

Ticket lobby wIth sloping skylight root features

exposed three·d,menslonal pipe trusses

Number 5 1988

Mode' of (Otally new Nashvlde Metro AJ(poft

.... ...

'.C.8.0. Listed
Full range of certified A325 and A490
bolts and complete complement of
tools for installation, including 'Tone"
tools and the new TSW 60Le high
speed, swivel head tool.

..... . ... +


r Construction Fastener

OF LIGHT Systems Division
TOOLS .. t
630 E Lambe road
1R Brea CA 92621 . 714·990·6555
WATS 1·800·8726587 1
Interior vIew of staIr-step trusses In
airport atflum

the system If the purlln connection beared

on the centerline of truss cross seclion. the
truss could slill rotate If the purllns made a
simple pin shear connection to both of the
top chords the system would also be un-
To Insure a resistance to rotation and a
stable situation. purllns ran continuous
over both of the top chords and were
spliced With moment connections (see fig-
ure) Then. the rotallonal stiffness of the
purllns prevented the truss from roiling
over In the computer analYSIS the purllns
were modeled along With the truss so the
addilional stability moment could be de-
termined for the purllns The roof loads
were applied directly to the purllns See
the three-dimensional screen display of
one of the truss and purlln models The
three chords of the truss were at vertIces
of a 60' tnangle. With the c to c. of 6 ft or 4
It depending on the span. The chord sec-
tions were 6 In to 8 In. In diameter and the
diagonals placed In each of the three
planes were smaller than the chords to
facIlitate welding Work points were per-
mitted In certain kinked areas 10 be moved
to eliminate overlap on the diagonals

• All T K and Y diagonal pipe connections

were made With complete penetration.
pre-qualified JOint welding details accord-
Ing to the Amencan Welding Society Sect

Number 5 I 1988
(contmued on p. 20)

The supponers are the super I ng span Vulcraft Impressed with the aesth rio Impressed with Vul-
joists high above the floor of the onhern tate CoI- craft's design experience. Impressed with the ease of
I~ Barnett Center in Arerdeen, South Dakota. And construction. And impressed, too, with the low cost.
super long isn't all they are. They're also super strong. The joists f, r the Barnett Center are 191 feet long
The architect first considered a 5p<'lCC frame type and they arrived in three pieces at the job site and \.
of structure. But he chose super long span joists be- simply bolted together. Which made it a very fast
cause he was impressed by what he had seen n ther simple method of doing thing;.
Vulcraft jobs. Impressed with the strength f the joists. And Vulcraft helped keep the job on track by

making sure that the materials arrived on site exactly

when they were scheduled. And that includes the
a1mC6t 99,(XX) square feetof steel deck \\Ie supplied too.
A 0.,,.,,. c( N.oror Cuporo"""
So if you're into dynamic designs, now you know PO Ilo< 637, Bnghnm Qry, UT 84302 V7J4.!>! lJ, ' PO Ilo< F2. F1orma. SC
a re you can find easy to install super long span joists
29502 !O.lI662-Q38I, PO Ilo< 169. fUrr fbyne. AL 35%7 W/84\.2460. ' PO Ilo<
186. O"'lxUuvi. rx 75844 40'/687-4665, ' PO Ilo< w. N~ NE 68i'JI
_ will fit right into your game plan. Contact your «l2!644-8XU ' PO Ilo< IOCU Se Joe. IN 46185 219/337- '\41 I • Dtt:k man""",,'"
' 'Ig Iocu_ ArdutttlEngmm,. Spo~ Inc, and H_K,,·c!.wul<'I'·Geu/er &
nearest Vulcraft plantar take a look at Sweet's 05100 eo.l.IITI,..
AilOOl'lI!I, ContmCtJl> Kybn" ·C,,,w.. on, I"" , eo._
NUL and 05300NUL product review. MwlllJl.'" The Ch""""". Cuporo••n, Seed Fabnca ... MIli·Ammal s..L In,
Photo 01 truss under constrUCtion

10 13 All shop and field bull splices were

Single-bevel. complete-penetration
groove welds wllh backup rings
Total structure steel tonnage for the con-
courses was 2 230 tons The terminal
bUilding contained 2.205 tons of structural a
trusses 202 Ions of which were atrium .
trusses The truss weights were approXi-
mately 10 psf of roof area L.

Arbed 's rolled 40" beams, availa-

ble in 16 sections from 149 to 328 r-----------, Architects
Robert Lambert Hart
New York. New York. and
Ibs., has now been expanded to TradeAR BEO. Inc., 825 Third Ave ..
include our new rolled 44 " beams, 241h floor. New York. NY 10022 Gresham & Smith & Partners
available in 4 sections from (2 121 486-9890. NashVille. Tennessee
FAX 212-355-2159/2421 .
198 to 245 Ibs. They all offer Structurat Engineer
Dom. TX (>N.V) 125 159.
the same benefits we' re famous Inn TX (ITT) 421 -180. Lindsey & ASSOCiates
for: high section moduli , great lat- NashVIlle Tennessee
In Canada: TradeAA BED Canada,
eral buckling resistance, and the
Inc. 3340 Mainway, Burlin gton,
ability to compete economically Ontario. Canada L7M lA7 Construction Manager
with both fabricated sections, as (416) 335-5710. Turner Construction Company
well as reinforced precast and FA X: (416) 335-1292. TX: 0618258. NashVille. Tennessee
prestressed concrete . Please send me the NEW literature Steel Fabricators
Arbed's rolled " Tailor-Made " on AABEO's 40" , 44 " and
Fisher Steel (terminal & pipe trusses)
"TAILOR-MADE" rolled beams
series (up to 42.45 " x 18.13" x MemphiS. Tennessee. and
848 Ibs) ... lets you specify the Kingston Steel (concourses)
Name Tille
beam weight you need, other NashVille, Tennessee
than what is normally available. Firm
Result? Big savings in fabrication Owner
costs and weight. City of NashVille
Get all the facts now ... send the
coupon for information including
complete specifications.
L ___________
Sial. IIp
.J Stanley D LIndsey, Ph,D IS founder and pres/ . •
dent of LIndsey and ASSOCiates, NashVille.
Jack R Horner IS vice president of Lmdsey and
Inc . ASSOCiates, NashVille, Tennessee


Restoring a Landmark

Re-creating an Original

Planning an accurate restoration of an

ornate, turn-of-the-century, Iron and steel
highway structure IS not a routine profes-
overlooking West 125th Street, the entire park
roadway eventually extended from its starting
point at West 72nd Street to Manhattan'S
decades-during which time It has been
able to support significant traffic growth,
Typical span construction conSists of four
sional aSSIgnment. ThiS IS particularly true north end, where It met Spuyten Duyvil steel-laced cofumns (two at each end, shared
when the structure IS a heavily traveled , Creek. Begun in 1870, the drive was com- With adjacent spans) connected With trans-
2,1oo-tt Viaduct from West 125th Street to pleted In 1920. A key link on the roadway was verse and longitudinal latticed arches. Span-
West 135th Street on New York City's River- the Visually dramatic elevated portion, 60-80 ning between columns, across the tops of the
side Drive. The complexity of the undertak- ft above 12th Avenue, known as The River- longitudinal arches, are 5-tt deep box girders
Ing reqUIred a Wlde range of engineering Side Drive Viaduct. supporting transverse floor beams- Originally,
competence and the distinctive capab,llty of The Viaduct's Victorian-age englneenng the transverse beams supported longitudinal
re-creating the Original structural concept. planners and deSIgners were F. Stuart stringers which carned a steel buckle plate

In the last decades of the 19th century, Williamson and John W. Ripley, his principal and asphalt deck. Sidewalks, supported by
Riverside Drive was created Within RiverSIde assistant engineer. Their deSigns were ap- steel brackets- cantilever from the box girders
Park by the preeminent landscape architect, proved in December 1897 and the viaduct on both Sides of the Viaduct and an orna -
Frederick Law Olmstead While Olmstead's was completed and opened to traffic In the mental ralhng of wrought Iron with cast Iron
plan for the drive terminated at the bluffs fall of 1900. It served the city for over eight posts prOVided secUrity for pedestrians. Gas

Number 5 1988 21
Ornate RIVerside Dove Viaduct remodeled
dramaroeally /Of sa/Bly and aesthetICS

necessary 10 develop ItS rebuilding WIth •

careful reflection of the original architectural
design In order to mamtaln the corca-l900 0(-
nale /Ton and nveled steel Image
Working closely With the New York State
Olflce 01 Parks, Recreation and H,stonc Pre-
servation, "In-kind" rehab,htallon was de·
SIgned With close anentlon to means to man-
taln the structure's h,stonc character Within
current deSign and safety code requrre-
ments, the structure's exposed elements
were replICated as closely as poSSIble. Bolted
fabncallon was chosen for the replacements
to maintain. as closely as poSSIble, the ap-
pearance and detaris of the onglnal nveted
structure. Salvageable wrought and cast /Ton
elements were refurbrshed and re-used
where these mementos 01 a by-gone era had
WIdest publIC exposure. Also. the COnclUSIon
was that. In the Interests of safety and
economy. total replacement of all structural
elements was necessary
ThiS notable landmark-a compelhng
structure of 19th·century englneenng and
construction-was totally restored and re-
opened to 20th·century traffiC In June 1987

hghts. later convened to electnc. were In-

PRODUCTMTY·PROFITABILITV? stalled on Ihe rallmg al each column lIne.
II's All Hen in Black QIId White Despte normal maIntenance. recent years DeSigner
WItnessed the need lor an IncreaSIng number Goodklnd & O'Dea. tnc
of reparrs and rehabriltallon elfons, and Ihe New York. New York
• STRESS Plus senousness of the raptdly accelerallng de·
tenoratlon of the structure was IntenSIfied by Consulting Engineer
the viaduct's role as Omnl Engmeerlng
• t A structure that was off'Cially declared
New York, New York

h,stoncally Slgnlflcanl by the New York General Contractor ~OInt venture)

State Hlstonc Preservallon OffIcer, Yonkers Contracting and
Detailina and Schedulin& Argre« Enterprises
2 A cntlCally Imponant Irafflc lInk on an
anenal parkway servmg an average of New York, New York
over 14,000 vehicles dally and
aVU.50FT has been an Steel Erector
3 The sole vehICular access 10 a large high·
Industry leader linee AmerICan Bndge
rise apanmenl complex at West 134th
1976 in providinl hip PIttsburgh. PennsylvanIa
quality dui", and
The prospectIve loss of the Vladuct's func· Owner
.naJysls softwlre for the
lIonally useful and safe hfe for Ihe molonng City 01 New York DOT
profcsstonll engjneer.
PUblIC, and the total loss of a unIque V,ctonan
Image, became of great concern. Analysrs
Call us and find out why
of recent Indepth Inspections showed Ihat
OYer 7,OCXJ 0( your fcHow
hmlted repair programs could neither allevl'
enginec~ have put their
in aVU.50Fr
t .....
ale nor correct baSIC problems. but Ihat ex·
tenSlve restoration and poSSIbly a total re-
placement would be needed

Restonng thiS historIC Vladuct to liS role as
a safe and Vital pan of Ihe city's transpona·
tlon network was, of course, the pnmary mis-
SIon However, SInce the structure had re-
ceived landmark recognrtlon, It was also


Imaginative Design


Steel-from Here to Infinity
by Rolf T. Klilingstad

Air VIew 01 InI,fJlty Room Rock ourcrop (c) supports 140·h cantilever over valley

he InfiMy Room IS one of the more abcve Ihe top of a sleep-sided hili It has Infinity Room and enJOY Ihe sensation of
T spectacular displays at the unique
House on the Rock. at Spnng Green
grown 10 Incorporate three floors of unusu-
al construchon. topped by a deck with a
walking down a space tunnel
The room. triangular In plan has a base
W,SC In the rough and tumble Wyoming magnificent view of the valley Alex Jordan. at the House abcut 23 It Wide and a length
Valley of Iowa County The topography the owner creator and arllst of the facility 01 200 ft In sechon. the room IS pentago·
consists of rock outcrops steep slopes conceived the Idea of the Infinity Room . nal , with a hOrizontal floor, outward sloping
and hardwood forests punctuated by oc· which projects from the first level of the walls and a pitched roof The height of the
caslonal flat fertile valleys and rolhng up- House across a second rock oulcrop room at Ihe house. the largest cross sec-
• lands abcut 50 It away and then cantilevers for tion, IS about t 6 It to the ridge The ridge
The onglnal House was bUilt on a vertl' 140 It over the valley The free end IS about slopes down and meets the floor at Ihe
cal rock outcrop prolectlng some 30 It 165 ft above ground V,s,tors stroll Into the apex of the triangle so that. on enlerlng
Number 5 1988 23

Tube 01 wide· flange sections caffy cantJiever moment~ of dramatic In/mlly Room (above and, J

the visilor has the Visual sense that the rock outcrop (secondary rock) over which W12x 19 sections form the top and bottom
room goes on forever Ihe structure canlllevelS was prepared by chords of the sloped trusses Where re-
poullng a concrete cap to prOVide a flat qUired the W 12x 19s are doubled to pro-
Design base to support Ihe frames and beams vide add,l,onal chord capacity The dia-
The structure was conceived as a tube of The floor from thiS support back to the gonals are all posilioned to be In tension
Wide-flange sections carrying the cantile- house rock was filled With t2 In of con- and are fabrlcaled from tubes and double-
ver moments. wllh sloping Irussed Sides crete 10 act as ballast The lube IS de- and smgle-channels as reqUired for
supporting the vertical shear loads Bay Signed uSing 20-ft long W12x19 seCllons strenglh The pentagonal frames at each
spacing IS 10 It At each bay a IIgld penla- The number of Wide· flange sections in- bay use a variety 01 steel shapes Includ-
gon frame IS prOVided to help reSISI tor- creases and decreases 10 match Ihe mo- Ing structural tubes Wide-flange and an-
Sional forces The base of the structure IS ment envelope and all splices and con- gie seCllons The sizes vary from lighter at
anchored 10 the house rock oUlcrop (main nections are welded the apex end to heavy at the supports
rock) With epoxy-set expansion bolts The In addition to their being tube members Connections are moment resisting These

Ehn TM is the graphic, original model. ItS fas~ easy

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analysis. All you do is draw ing. See for yourself. Order
the structure and specify the Elm "hands-on" demon-
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Or call 800·233·1798.

Stressless Analysis


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frames provided lorslonal sllffness and In wood honzontal muntlns spaced about allOWIng materials 10 be broughl near
help 10 Iransfer laleral forces 10 Ihe rock 1 floc The wall IS compleled wllh panes enough 10 snake and hOlsl Ihe resl of Ihe
found allons where Ihey can be removed of glass or plastiC placed In Ihe spaces way by cable All fabrlcallon was done al
The roof. a Ilghl-gauge sleel roofdeck wllh '-In. x I-In. wood glaZing beads The the slle. uSing lorch . hand gnnder and
such as used In the metal bUilding Indus- Window panes. from floor to roof. presenl a eleclrlc arc welder
Iry IS faslened 10 the slructure by self-dnll- grand view The slruclure was begun by conslruct-
Ing screws The floor beyond the pOint of Ing a level concrele platform on ll1e small-
cantilever IS f.-In plywood deck faslened Construction er suppor! rock near Ihe House rock. A
10 Ihe beam flanges wllh self-drilling The site has no access by road or a space sleel cnb was bolted to Ihe rock and forms
screws The walls. Infilled In Ihe plane of where crane or olher equlpmenl could conslrucled 10 conlaln concrele which
Ihe Iruss. are made of 1 In x 4 In. wood work or area for slorage ot fabrlcaled ma- was pumped In place from Ihe base of Ihe
mullions screwed 10 Ihe sleel Slruclure lenal The owner permltled a very pnmilive hili. Llfllng of malenals was accomplished
and spaced aboul 1 It 0 c . wllh I-In x 4- road 10 be bulldozed pari way up Ihe hili . wllh a s!lffleg made of wood limbers and


WE At St. Louis Screw & Bolt, we make a
FULL range of structural fasteners.
PUT We produce Types I & III A-325 bolts,
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YEARS to YOUR specifications. Our prod-
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2Q. B_A' S I' _1.Q' "=:
",-' _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __
>------------- 30" 140' CANT.


<2 200'-0"



Roor PLA N
<2 200'-0"

II;> •
- SU I'I'O RT 1


FI()()I and fool p an and eleVdl,Of) 01 Jnl, 'f R

powered by hand and laler a fracllonal

horsepower electrical motor
" bming: This prodl/ct is Wllh Ihe platform complete a temporary •
shore was sel up belween Ihe main and
implicated in increasing profits. secondary rocks Beams were then ex·
tended between til Iwo rocks to which
Ihey were anchored These beams pro-
Vided Ihe floor of the struclure After meta,
deck was Installed on Ihe bottom flange
the space between the beams was
pumped full of concrete to prOVide baliaSI
for fulure construCllon The W 12x 19

r~ TransCalc lets
beams are spaced approxo'Tlately 2 ft a c
and Ihe clear span valles from 10 10 20 ft

l _~ you develop
any of these in
Aboul 54 yds of concrete were used 10 fill
the I ft deep space between lop and bal'
10m flanges

Out into Space

W 'Iransc,~~o:~r~::p~~(:t'inch '
Next the Irames were Installed at the pan-
el points Truss members were placed be·
tween the frames and the roof steel erect·
ed Now wllh the structure f"mly anchored
fraction input and prints layout instruc·
10 the rock the construction of the cantlie·
tions. For thc\r.! and many other shapc~ . ver could begin
U sing IBM PC or compa tible computers. All fabrocatlon of materoals was done on
DXF and CNC IIIterfaces availahle. the platform formed by thiS forst section
between the rocks With most matenal IIfl-
Structural Software Company ed up In 20·ft lengths Cutting coping and
Dept. MSC40 fitting was done With cutting torch and
PO i30x 19220 gronder A small. portable sllffleg was used .
Roa noke. VA 24019 to place the smaller members and a larg.
(703)362·9118 er moveable sllffleg was moved bay by
bay on Ihe end of Ihe cantilever to place
the wide-flange longitudinal members load of 2.000 Ibs was lifted off the end and whiCh seems to go on and on. gaze out
The trussed exterior walls were placed t"st a deflection of :y, In recorded over the beautiful Wycmlng Valley and
by extending the bottom chord member The structure was completed by plaCing sometimes feel the minute movements
with the first diagonal attached and con- the plywood floor With self-drilling screws caused by the Wind blOWing against the
necting at the panel POInIS Then the first The roof Incorporales an overhang of 3 It structure
• verllcal and top chord were placed Final- Steel tube (TS4x2) outriggers were placed
ly. the second diagonal and vertical The at 2 It 0 c With an eave gift between the ArchltectfStructural Engineer
structure advanced 20 It at a time. or two outriggers Finally. the steel rool deck was Roll T Kllhngstad
bays A temporary support was placed at screwed to the longitudinal rool steel and Mad ison WisconSin
the far end and lloor beams placed Next. the walls completed as previously de-
bottom cross members were welded In SCribed
Nelson Steel Erectors
posItIOn . Finally. a temporary support was The InSide IS decorated With a carpet
MadiSon . WisconSin
posilioned to receive the longitudinal roof floor and carpet ceiling . which exposes
members and transverse members were the roof structure LIVing plants are hung Owner
Installed to complete the frames This se- overhead and placed In pots on the lloor House on the Rock
quence 01 operations was repeated until The vIsitors walk down the Infinity Room Spring Green. WisconSin
Ihe structure was complete
The deSign draWings prOVided dimen-
sions locating working points at the top
cenlerllne of all longltud.nal members
Field fabrication was accomplished uSing
these dimenSions Additionally. deflection
Plattzinc " 85/15
calculations were made to determine the Zinc/Aluminum Metallizing Wire
cumulative deflection at each bay as con-
struction proceeded Camber was bUilt
Into the structure so the floor Will be level
when the structure supports full live load
A fixed base was welded to the struc-
ture on the centerline at frame line A to
support a bUilder's transit used to survey
In all members An Interesllng phenom-
enon was observed as construction pro-
ceeded The aXIS of the structure IS gener-
ally north and south With the supported
• end to the south As the morning sun heat-
ed the red steel the eastern steel expand-
ed . moving the cantilever end west As the
sun moved to the noon sky. the top steel
expanded moving the end down Finally.
the western sun moved the end back east For Corrosion Protection In Marine &
ThiS precIpitated contusion until the situa-
tion was understood by the erectors.
Industrial Environments.
These movements were Incorporated Into
the positioning of members Cross brac- Metallizing structural steel with Plattzinc@ 85/15 ensures
Ing of 2-ln. x 'I.-In strap was placed In all years of protection in harsh atmospheres. Available for name
roof bays and In the floor bays beyond the spraying equipment in 1/8" or 3/16" diameters in coil or fiber
concrete portion
A safety net was advanced under the
structure to prOVide security for the crew.
Since the construction was over a heaVily
• An inorganic coating • No VOC I No Solvents
wooded area fire from welding was al- • Bonds instantly • Longer maintenance intervals
ways a threat Every evening after work
stopped a sprinkler was turned on to wet • Minimizes out of • Passive & galvanic
down the trees and ground under the service losses protection
structure to prevent lire
The structure was topped out when the For More Information:
traditIOnal evergreen tree and American Platt Bros. & Co.

Flag was mounted on the last member
When the Irame was completed . a test
P.O. Box 1030
Waterbury, CT 06721

Rolf T Klllmgsiad. PE . IS associate professor.
department of Engineering Pro/ess/onal Devel-
opment, University of WisconSin -MadiSon

Number 5 1988
Telex #64-3340
Fax #203-753-9709 PLRTT.
Architectural Sculpting

Standard Steel Framing-
but No "Boxes" on the Coastline
by Alex McDonald


A comb1na'tOn of Influences brought
about the choice of steel framing for a
condomJnlum bUlldJng the Village of
Stamford Landing overlooking Long Is-
land Sound The SIX stones are onented to EFHCIENCY OF DRAFTSMEN
enfoy the seascape with each floor adfust-
ed to provide penthouse quality terraces THAN DRAFTSMEN?
These amenilles for the residents gave oc-
casion for an architectural sculptunng that
pleases and avoids the common appear-

ance of residential warehouses thinly diS-
gUised with bnc-a-brac The architectural Ex.-draftsmen,
conlrol IS again exhibited In the Individual Robert Pettitt and
apartment unit layouts, uncompromlsed Lawrence Shinka ruk.
by the demands of the external configura- creators of the
tion. Nor was any compromise permitted STEELCAD U
In the bUilding frame The structure was Software Program
reqUired to be cost-compelitlve and at the ~ r structural
same lime meet Ihe highest standards for steel detailing.
luxury hOUSing To meet these demands.
an open-web fOist system was selecled
Standard details were Improved 10 Insure
this lightweight steel framing did not trans-
late Into a bouncy floor. sometimes thought
to Indicate flimsy construction
The onglns of the highly arliculated steel
framing sprang from a cooperative effort ALL TIIE STEEL FABRICATORS
between the developer and the local city
planners Controls were established to as-
sure Sight lines from the sea that were both HAVE ONE TIlING IN COMMON
Intereshng and unique They would not
permit a coastal view of box bUildings
marching up to the shoreline Incorporat-
Ing a manna also did much to soften the
Advers ity to Advantage
What might have been seen as an archl-
tectural adverSity was turned to advan- 550 Alden Road, Sui te 201
• tage The Incorporated setbacks devel- Markham, Ontario LJR 6A8
oped Into the archilectural deSigner's
moM He pressed the permitted envelope TELEPHONE (4 16) 479-0399
to get a 10 ft-8 In floor-to-floor dimenSion
Number 5 1988 29
IS 2S ISIS2 ! S ZS A/s2Is IS lSIS? 1 I e:::: IS 2S2S /,}, ZS is x/I. . . X2S2S?J

M ~ f'L.

-""c"=---===:::=::!~""===4=*0 ~'-t-j- - SL LY

Bending and deflecllon diagrams for continUOUS and Simple spans

800-331-3002 FREECATAWG
Custom squares and r-----------
shapes. Order squares from I
12" to 24". Rectangles I
from 4" X 20" to 24" X 30". I
Single lengths from 5' to I
40 ', spliced lengths to 60 '.
A500 dimensions.
No minimum quantity.
Material grades ASTM A36
10 A572-50. Contact John

Six-story bUlldmg provides penthouse-
quality terraces tOf owners to enJOY
seascape Steel made It all possible


,t ,I

TYPical floof construction

Ceilings were specilled al 9 1t-4 In 10 cre-

ate an interior appearance of luxury Con-
sequently the structural-mechanical
sandwich between the ceiling and floor
was reSlrlCled 10 16 Inches
The owner emphasIZed no personal
preference lor any particular structural
framlng syslem He dId Impose restramls
on COSI and lIme schedules To lhal end

ne expressed IntereSI In precasl planks
and concrele block beaflng walls This In-
clination was based on observing the
prevalence of Ihal syslem In Ihe local mar-
kel \1arkel lorces are known 10 operale
and allOw only survival 01 Ihe I'llesl ThIs
marketing Of lent at Ion also dictated winter
construction Some In-place construction
was needed for spnng and summer sales
10 Ihe saIlors on Long Island Sound Sleel
construction If II CQuid meel the pnce
cOmpellltOn began 10 suggesl Iisell
PrelimInary Iramlng plans were made for
bolh casl-ln-place concrele and slruclural
sleel construclton Interesllngly beaflng
walls and precast concrete were Immedl- DON'T DELAY- ORDER YOURS TODAY!
alely dlsqualilled In Ihe lace ollhe predls-
poSlllon Thai syslem would nOI permll
large wIndow openIngs In he end walls lor
rS:;:;;h;k;P~;'-:O;1~=e;:r:;;rsl d~~n;S:u:';y~
Ihe sea VIews Also II could nOI conlend I QUANTITY I
with the Irregularities al he terraces where I NEW 2ND EDITION DIAPHRAGM DESIGN MANUAl. $38.00 ea I
walls above do nOI line up wllh Ihe walls I tSi EdlilOn Otapltragm OeSl9n Manual. $28.75 ea I
belOW POSI and beam conslructlon was Steet Deck OeSIQn Manual. 59.50 .. I
more amenable In cast-In-place con- I USCurrency Tolal _ __
struciion Ihls Imposed a COSI burden 01 I OUI 01USA surcharo•• 1O'!4t I
non reuse 01 lormwork Added 10 Ihls the I I
e elallvel Y small area 01 lloor slabs caused
crew IneffiCIency On Ihe olher hand by
plaCIng columns and girders t61t apart al
L ____________ ~~~~
Add on lor Altmall
__ ~

the locallon 01 the partlltons bel ween STEEL DECK INSTITUTE, INC .
P.o . BOX 9506 . CANTON . OH IO 44711 • (216) 493 -7886
Number 5 1988

The Best Selling
Civil/ Structural Program
Since 1987
20 3D Fnme Truss Pbte Shell
Sutl( P-Delu Oy~ RSA ANlym
C~ble of 1000's of IOtnn and 100's of Io.1d ta~
Intenctlve ,eometry. deflectIOn, mode $h; plou
Intencuve war and moment dlll&ram plots
AISC llbl-lory tnduded

• Intencuve lraphlc menu dn¥en dnil"
• ContInUOUS bevn. weltOn propertieS. f~
• ,A,ISC code check and j,lll"&
• ACt column, beam. looMI MS.I"
• 06trn dtuJb un be outpUt to AUTOCAD
• bcelent WI t"eJIOI'l pre.seoUoUQm

IIGUARAN TEE I Teo Iced teel /fame

H -$'fRUDl "supenor If'! productiVIty and power-

It hu ut.remdy Oe:..t. InfIUl output opuons M1Ct
suppot'"u most PC XT AT PS2 ~rdware
rooms shallow depth 10lSlS mel the bud· open-web JOists as Slender construction
get and permitted duct runs Within the Fear was expressed that prospective buy·
As k for a b r ochure t odayl
reslrlcted depth of construCllon (see ers might perceive discomfort slandlng In
[«1.11. P.O. Box 7326
draWing) the middle of a span when fOOl trallic
Fremont, CA 94536-7326
(415) 795-0509 Cerllng-wall Intersections were artlculat passed nearby Any rumors to thai ellect
I.·",·. \
_10, . " '\1

ed because of Ihe girder depth but In would compound the problem Positive
such a way as to create some architectural and effecllve sleps to overcome Ih,s per·
Interesl The detail was coordlnaled wllh a cepllon were necessary lor Ihe deSign to •
SAVE TIME AND MONEY slmltar concepi at the corners of Ihe walls proceed The relallvely Inexpensive rem·
CALCULATE CONNECTIONS where column sIzes Intruded tOto the edy of cor,IInulty for performance under
rooms Thus a plcture·frame·t,ke mold,ng live loads was chosen ThiS conSisted of
with CONNECre version 3.0 was made to surround Ihe walls II reo specllylng 10lsts wllh bottom chord ceiling
Software and Data Base
malned 10 verify price estimates which had eXlenSlons to be welded to Ihe girders
for IBM PCs and Compatibles
indicated economy aller Ihe concrete slab had been placed
Proven, easy-to-use, moderate price
Sleet framing enloyed a greater advan· IntUlt,vely II can be seen Ihat deflecllons
DETAILERS. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS lage than precast concrele framing an Will be minimIzed With continuity The ap-
design, documen~ cIIectc advantage den'ed to casHn· place con proach of uSing stallC deflections to as·
crele framing The 01l ·511e fabrrcatlon sess Vibrations IS conSistent With the rec-
Framed Beam Connections opened compelilion 10 a large number of ommendations 01 Allen and Rainer' who
Seated Beam Connections suppliers The 550'lon proieci was 01 Inter slale 'For short·span floors Ihe persons
Eccentric Connections est to a large number of suppliers which Ir1volved both the one causlr1g and the
Connections in Tension made lor a buyer s markel Opposed to one feeling Ihe vlbrallon InteraCI With the
Moment Connections thai Ihe concrele framing allernat,ve reo floor 10 damp out Ihe vlbrallon qUickly For
Hip and Valley Details strlcled Ihe fob 10 a small number of quail' these floors Ihe mOllon due 10 static de·
Oblique braCing with Setbacks lied local subcontractors a backlog flecllons of the walker has more ellect on
Web Stiffeners which produced a seller S market The d,s· human response than the tranSient v,bra-
Triangulation tinction In unIt pricIng found tn eHher a tlons ,n Ihe lundamental mode. static de·
and more. buyer s or a seller s markel had a prepon· flect.on Crller,a under concenlrated load
Print a hard copy of calculations derant ,nlluence II was so dominating thai Iherefore appear 10 be more approprIate
and/or save on disk. preliminary deSIgns and estImates could In Ihese cases
have been misleading Such preliminary The approprIate concentrated load IS
Demo package avett.ble @ $12.50.
estimates musl always oe remembered as taken to be the Inilial peak of load 01 600
Write or call today: preliminary F,nished contract documents Ibs for a heel Impact suggested by Len·
H... Technlc.1 Services cannot be counted as final until preirml- zen and Murray The approprIate section
2389 Mill Grove Road nary estimates have been confirmed or properties are taken to be a composlle of
Pittsburgh, PA 15241 denied In Ihe marketplace 10lst and concrete slab as suggested bY.
(412) 831·2010 or (412) 833-7525 the Sleel JOISI Institute 3 ThiS produces a
Rumors Dispefled calculaled deflecllon of 0 06 In for Simple·
The final problem was the perception of span construction and 0 03'ln lor mull"
From foundation to roof
Haydon is your one
source. Quality bolts to
ASTM standards at
competitive prices. Direct
from the

ple·span construction The deflections References:

would be further reduced If the JOist-slab 1 Allen. 0 E and J H Rainer V,bral,on
floor system IS taken to be a two-way plate Criteria for Long-span Floors Cana
system with a number of JOists elfecllvely dian Journal 01 Civil Englneeflng , Vol
partlclpahng ThiS would result In trivial 3, No 2 June 1976
defieclions leading 10 Ihe susp,c,on of no 2 Lenzen, K Hand T M Murray Vibra-
slgnlflcanl problem Such was lound to be tion of Steel Beam Concrele Slab Floor
Ihe case Even prior to the Inslallatlon of Syslems Reporl No . 29, Umverslly 01

« he damping effects of parlltlons ceilings

nd rugs an exaggerated Impaci test
found no perceptible response In a senSI-
Kansas. 1969
3 Steel JOIst InS/llute V, bra lion of Sleel
JOist-Concrete Slab Floors Technr-
tized observer SpeClhcally when an over- cal Digest No 5
weight man tried to Induce vlbrallons. an
observer who was trying to perceive them Architect
found no response It was concluded that Robert E Schwartz
the expedient of reducing SialiC live load Greenwich Connecticut You
deflections In half by Inducing contlnully
Structural Engineer
was at minimal cost. gOOd Insurance for the structural anchor, bolt,
McDonald & van der Poll
producing comfortable floors
II might be noted that. In a conventional Stamford Connecticut nut or rod you need in the
dynamic analYSIS, the Increased stillness Construction Manager size, metal and finish you
of multiple-span construction would tend TIshman Construction Company want. Either we have it in our
to Increase the natural frequency of the New York. New York large inventory, or we can
system and higher frequencies are 10 be make it for you in a hurry,
discouraged However thiS IS more than Steel FabricatorS
compensated for In a conventional analy- Post Road Iron Works We've been known for quality
SIS which also conSiders amplitude In Stamford, Connecticut. and and fast service since 1864.
fact Prof Murray of the University of Okla- Bennington Iron Works And, we'll quote prices and
homa conSiders the product of frequency Bennington, Vermont give details right over the
and amplitude In determining a minimum phone. Try us, Call :
Steel Erector
requlled damping The product of fre-
Post Road Iron Works
quency and amplitude In the multiple span
Stamford Connecticut
(215) 537-8700
construction proves to have been Im-
proved by 20% and the damping prOVided
by the syslem IS acceptable
Ownerl Developer
Paclhc Development Corporation
Since lopping out. sales of Ihe condo- Adams Ave. & Unity St.,

.n,ifi:0 ·.,...,·. ·.........·. .

Inlum units have been brisk Certainly Alex McDonald PE IS a prrnclpalln the 'Irm of Philadelphia, PA 19124
• any faclers conlrlbute but It IS clear Ihe McDonald & van der Poll and a profeSSional o .... ~. , . ..
aura of success tends 10 Justify the chOice member of the AISC lJ , D ..... r . .... . .

of a steel framing system Ll

Number 5 1988 33
STEEL NOTES (conllnued from p. '2)
mIm ing: stand clear of more quired quality for a given category of
product going out the door. structural steelwork. The program is
open to all structural steel fabricators.
., ~,
For more information on the
StairCalc: lets " Quality Certification Program . ~nrlt"c
you £"1g1U'e stairs 1" Charles Peshek . director of fabricating
without staring
at £"agares.
i operations and standards. AISC . 400
N. Michigan Ave .. Chicago, III. 60611 -
4185 ; 312670-5412.

,"uu I)ul in Ih~ ~asy num - SPECIAL SALE OF PUBLICATIONS

ber ... ·- \uch a, the length
. t ..... _
... ...... J
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AISC is making a special offer on tech-
of th e h~l\c. th e di!lo H\llcc
hClwccn Ihe Ooors. and
... '"''
nical manuals. One copy of Engineer-
ing for Steel Construction (M014) is
th~ nUmhl!T 01 risers. nalC!<! 1010 mca.., urcmcnt, off the available for $10 with each purchase
face of the stringer. Also calculates of a Load and Resistance Factor De-
Slai,,'ak doc'!' th ~ dirt~ the nllier bevel. 10 properly male sIgn (LRFO) Manual of Steel Con-
\wrk. and gives )OU the stri nger to upper and lower beams. struCtion (MOI5). 1st Ed . or Manual of
oc\d . .)Iopc 10 di.:grecs, Steel ConstructIon (MOIl ). 8th Ed . En -
\\or\.. r)(.') lnl to \\orkpoint StairCalc usc\ the sa me measure-
gineermg for Steel ConstructIon regu-
dl"ancc. height of first ments you usc -- feel/inch/frac- larly sells for $39 to Institute members.
TP-.eT. ri~r height, tread tions, II1chc50/fractions, or declOwl
$52 to non-members. the Manual of
\\l(.lIh. and po int -ta-poin t inchl!s. And, includes a triangle
Steel Construction is $36 to members.
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11Pk' Manual of Steel Construction is $42 to
Structural Software Company members. $56 to non-members . The
S",irCulc runs on MS-
Dept. MSC40 sale continues through Nov. 1. 1988.
DO computers and can
PO Box 19220 To take advantage of th is price
position hall holes pre-
Roanoke, VA 240 I 9 break. send check . money order or
ci,c ly. trans lating dimen-
Visa MasterCard Information of
sions In vertical coo rdi - (703)362-9 11 8
card. number and expiration to
AISC Publications Dept. . P.O .
806276 . Chicaqo. III. 60680-4124 .

.. ---


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Design Manual of Steel Constructio n at 556.00 eac h

N:.ame & Titlc,_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
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