COMSATS University Islamabad Sahiwal Campus: Assignment:no:01

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COMSATS University Islamabad

Sahiwal Campus


Submitted By



Submitted to


Department of Management Sciences

COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus

COMSATS Road, off G. T Road, Sahiwal.
Phone: 040-4305001-7
She spent her day effectively: She scheduled her tasks with the blend of relaxing and working
modes. She gave proper time and attention to her tasks and project related commitments along
with the free time to relax and refresh. She is really good at socializing. She keeps in touch with
her subordinates as well as colleagues. She gives time for her current project as well as behind
schedule project. Hence, she is extremely good at planning whole day.

If there is no communication breakdown and weekly meeting, only 20 minutes are left for
listening to team members which is quite less. Hence, it should be increased. The interaction
between manager and other team members is quite significant for keeping the project on track
and build their positive relationship. They can have positive qualitative discussions about the
project. Hence, she has scheduled her day quite effectively which is the basic necessity of project

Project manager is quite different from other managers as the project manager has dual
responsibility. He has to perform routine tasks as well as project tasks. Project manager needs to
be an active communicator in order to make his team work well. He has to face daily challenges
and have to deal with the uncertain problems at regular basis. Project managers being at the
central position between their boss and team members have direct link with both entities. They
also have to face pressure from both sides.

This case represents that project managers are multitasking, and it represents project managers
efficiency. Hence project managers need to be really good at management skills which includes
the management of costs, time, human resource and risks etc.

Most important is to manage technical as well as socio cultural dimensions of the project by the
project managers. They should be best at both dimensions. Rachel here shows her technical skills
of being organized and scheduled with her to do list. Her socio cultural dimension is about being
a good leader and communicating well with her boss as well as team member’s.

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