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COMSATS University Islamabad

Sahiwal Campus


Submitted By



Submitted to


Department of Management Sciences

COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus

COMSATS Road, off G. T Road, Sahiwal.
Phone: 040-4305001-7

How effectively do you think Rachel spent her day?

Rachel spent her day quite effectively. She keep the blend of hard working time along with
relaxation. She properly manages her tasks as per schedule and also spare free time to relax and
refresh. Along with scheduling she is really good at socializing and communicating. She
effectively socialize with other project manages and her team which helps her with the project
and project management. His s due to her effective management skills that her project remains
on the track and is according to the schedule designed. She is really good at planning the day.
She is using her technical as well as socio cultural approach to manage the project in such an
effective manner.

The time required for communicating with the manager and problem solving. Rachel uses 20
mins time to communicate with the group members which should be increased for better
working. Hence, the project remains on the track when there is effective communication with all
the channels.

Rachel uses her technical skills to schedule her routine tasks as well as project tasks as shown in
this case. She comes early before any other group member and leaves at the last. She checks her
mails and messages at regular basis in a day. She actively responds to only issue occurring and
takes the report on any issue. Then she comes up with the opportunity solution to solve that
problem. As the vocations project was taking behind, along with her tasks she manages to keep
the project back to the back by having a fine deal. This show the smart work and intellect of the
project manager to make timely decisions with appropriate solutions for the given problem.
Hence problem solving is one the technical aspect of project management.

Moreover, Rachel keeps on eye on the activities taking place in the workplace. She keeps on
socializing and identifying any politics taking place in the organization. This is a good nation as
it keeps Rachel alert and prepared for any uncertain situation that might takes place from within
the organization. Socializing and having on alert active status donates to socio cultural aspect of
project management. Rachel frequency communicates with her team members in a day which is
quite necessary as being a project manager. As more she is in touch with her member, the more
effective performance is guaranteed by the team. Rachel along with all the responsibility also
gives time to herself to relax and refresh her mind. As active mind is needed for better decision
making and good leadership. Hence, Rachel using her socio cultural and technical dimensions
has been successful in managing her day well.


What does the case tell you about what it is like to be a project manager?
Unlike other managers, project managers are not confined to simple regular tasks. Their
responsibility is double as they have to perform project tasks and project management along with
their responsibility of regular to do lists. Project managers have the critical responsibility of
solving problems and dealing with any uncertainties occurring during the project life. They have
to deal analytically on daily basis using their leadership and management skills. Project
managers are all the middle spot between the managers and other group members. They have
dual responsibility to command their group members and report to their bosses. So, they are in
pressure from both sides and have to works well for keeping the chain accurate.

According to the case, the project managers must be multitasking. As Rachel was bound to do
her personal tasks communicate with team member, report to boss, manage the project and also
remain alert about the messages and emails, So, project managers must be multitasking for
effectivity of the project. Along with multitasking the project manager must have advanced
management and skills. These management skills must include cost efficiency, human resource
efficiency, time efficiency, and risk management. An effective project manager is one who has
advanced management skills and is able to manage the resource easily also remain alert about the
messages and emails. So, project managers must be multitasking for effectivity of the project.
Along with multitasking the project manager must have advanced management skills. These
management skills must include cost efficiency, human resource efficiency, time efficiency, and
risk management. An effective project manager is one who has advanced management skills is
able to manage the resource easily.

Good project manager is one that has technical as well as socio cultural dimension of project
management. Rachel follows the both the dimensions for effective results. As her schedules and
resource allocation points out for the technical aspect she is the one that visits the office first
along with project commitments that refers to her technical aspects of project management. She
accurately reports to her boss and also collaborates with the other group members.

In this case, Rachel leadership skills and problem-solving skills are highlighted. This is the
socio-cultural aspect of project management. She also looks for politics and negotiates with the
group members. Hence, she also prefers teamwork. She has these socio-cultural aspects along
with technical which are necessary for a project manager.

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