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Revadulla, Queennie Doreen D Dr.


BSN 2I-22 (NCM 101 Professor)

NCM 101 Adult

What is your attitude toward aging?

The client is very positive and accepts that aging is a natural occurrence and happens naturally
when people gets old. She thinks that she can still work even though she is old already and this is to
provide for her needs and her family.

How do you perceived yourself as an elderly person?

As for the client she perceives herself, as a still productive person because even at her age she
can still work. She perceives herself as a person with a strong will to survive despites of all the difficulties
that she had encountered.

How can you rate your over-all health status at present?

She rates her over-all health status 7 because she works early and rarely gets sick. She can still
ambulate and can cope with the environment change.

What are the usual Health Problems/concerns you experienced at present?

The client is currently experiencing joint stiffness especially in the morning when waking

How do you manage these health problems/concerns?

The client usually puts on mint ointment or Pain killers.

Aside from the mentioned health problems, what are the other problems do you experienced
at present? (like retirement, economic change and self esteem? How do you deal with these

The thing that I worry about is that when I can’t work anymore who is going to provide
for my needs and for my family because the living today is very hard so I am concerned for my

Are there any changes in your cognitive abilities while aging?

Now that the client is aging a lot of times I forget where I put my wallet or my shoes or
even the money I just spent and I easily forget the names of the people I just met.

Can you describe your spiritual belief?

The client is religious she goes to hear mass every time she can and do pray often. The
client has a strong belief in god.

What values and belief patterns are important to you as a person?

The client she beliefs that only god can take away a man’s life and also believes that
you don’t have to do illegal things just to live, like her she did her best, worked hard for the
survival of her family.

What is your view of aging and death?

She views aging as a natural occurrence to a person’s life and does accepts the fact that
she is already old and she is not anymore as strong and healthy as before, and view death as a
will of God and that she is ready whenever the time comes. Just hopes for the best in her life
and for her family.


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