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THTR10019 Clear Speech and Communication Week 8 Worksheet


Exercise 1: Practical English Expressions (Idioms)

Take turns to read the following sentences. Pay attention to clarity of words and try to apply the appropriate
stresses and linking sounds within each sentence

You’ve hit the nail in the head.

1. In our current situation, you’d be playing dangerously with fire if you don’t wear a face mask in
public. taking a huge risk
2. The ring that George bought for his girlfriend cost him a bomb! was extremely expensive / cost me an
arm and a leg.
3. I only go to the movies once in a blue moon as I’m studying full-time and working part-time. on rare
4. Laura thinks her sister’s new boyfriend is a bad egg because of the people he frequently hangs out with.
a very bad influence
5. Jun hopes all the effort he’s put into studying for the final exam will bear fruit. produce good results.
6. Can you please stop beating around the bush? I’m getting very confused. get to the point.
7. Despite her passion and talent for performing, Jane still has to work two day-jobs to make ends meet.
to pay the bills.
8. Kai decided to take a sick leave as he was feeling a little under the weather. ill/unwell.
9. Our group decided to change our presentation topic because we could not see eye to eye on the last one.
come to an agreement.
10. The first two assignments for Clear Speech and Communication were a piece of cake! very easy. A
cake walk.
11. I had butterflies in my stomach before it was my turn to speak, but once I got up on stage, I felt fine.
was very nervous.
12. Casper has been down in the dumps since receiving the 30-day eviction notice from his landlord.
feeling lost and depressed

very easy on rare occasions get to the point was very nervous

© Mark Wong 2020

THTR10019 Clear Speech and Communication Week 8 Worksheet

to pay the bills was extremely expensive feeling lost and depressed come to an agreement

ill / unwell produce good results taking a huge risk a very bad influence

Exercise 2: Practical English Expressions (Phrasal Verbs)

Read the following sentences and re-write the expressions that is synonymous to its original version


If you keep falling behind in your studies, you

Failing to catch up, moving really slowly
might not do well in your final exam.

Jess flipped out when she saw Mitch hanging out

Lose it, spending time with, going out,
with his ex this afternoon.

I’ve decided to pull out from the singing

competition due to laryngitis.

I have stayed up two nights in a row just to finish

this one assignment.

We were all torn apart when we found out that

Rita had been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

This afternoon’s conference meeting has been

called off due to the unexpected bad weather.

If you keep making up stories like that all the

time, people will stop taking you seriously.

John came up with the idea of going skiing

because he has never skied before.

I hope to set up my own business by the time I am

forty years old.

© Mark Wong 2020

THTR10019 Clear Speech and Communication Week 8 Worksheet

Everything will work out fine if you just obey the

rules and follow the instructions.

© Mark Wong 2020

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