Bhopal Master Plan 2005 English

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Bhopal Development Plan 2005 Published under the provisions of the M. P. Nagar Tatha Gram Nivesh Adhiniyam, 1973 oo DIRECTORATE OF TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING oo MADHYA PRADESH ‘The Draft Devélopment Plan 2005 Bhopal was published on 17-10-94, under the provision of Section 23 (2) read with Section 18 (1) of the M. P_ Nagar Tatha Gram Nivesh Aathiniyar, 1973, for inviting objections and suggestions. The Draft Plan was exhibited in Directorate ‘Town & Country Planning, Bhopal Development Authority, Munieipel Corporation snd OF fice of the Commissioner, Bhopal Division from 17-10-94 to 15-11-94, for explaining the proposals tothe citizens. In all 1216 objections were received. The Director and the Addi- tional Director heard the objections from the public, instiations, Government Departments and other orpeaisctions. After giving due considerations to all objections and suggestions, the modified plan was submitted to the State Govt. for approval ‘The Bhopal-Development Plan, presented here has been approved by the State Govemetnent under section 19 of the Madhys Pradesh Nagar Tatha Gram Nivesh Adhiniyam, 1973 vide Notification No. 3773-32-95, dated 9-6-1995 published in the Madhya Pradesh Gazecte Extraordinary No, 273, dated 9th June 1995. ‘The Bhopal Development Plan has come into operation from 9.6-1995 the date of publication of notification in the gazette under the provision of sub-section (5) of Section 19 of the said ‘Adhiniyam, Contents Foreword Preface Planning Team List of mlusuations List of Tae, Chapter: Approach to Planing of Stae Capital Bhopal Chapter 2: Development Perspective and Proposed City Sueture CChaper3: Proposed Transporation Network and Urban Tnfrasreture (Chapter: Development Regulations Caper: Plan tnmplementition Schedule Annenure Appendix Page, o Givi) co) (vit) Gen) 12 23.49 S179 81134 135-148 149.162 163-167 169.171 0 FOREWORD Bhopal the nerve centre of socio-economic, and political life of the State of Madhya Pradesh, a symbol of the most beautiful metro-city and the capital of the largest ‘Stato in the country, is assuming great eminence among the national cities of India. ‘The city’s splendid toporgraphy is unique to give it a distinet personality and picturesque urban setting in the global context as well, Bhopal is growing at unprecedented pace during the last 4 decades. The city planners have managed to contain its growth within its planned frame. work except ‘with some aberration along regional roads. ‘The coming decade, as the city enters the 21st century throws, a challenge for the planners. To meet this challenge the city needs to be adequately equipped to ‘manage its growth to a 25 Lakh population city during the next phase of its plan. ‘The planners face a gigamtic task to integrate the sub-cities and the natural endowment with the modem city development needs into a wholesome entity. ‘The concems of planning are clear i, e, (a) inhabitants are able to live in safe, self contained lively surroundings, (b) the city should provide opportunities to improve. their economic capability and share the fruits of the modem urban economy, (¢) the city should function efficiently to meet te aspiration of its people. ‘Lessons of learning from the first plan BDP 1975-91 have to be gainfully utilized to give new urban structure to the city which is capable of absorbing the modem. challenges in the field of urban planning. ‘The task before the town planners in the Directorate is gigantic. understand that in preparing the development plan the planning team hes taken cognizance of the restructuring taking place in the urban economy. The ideas thrown in the last years seminar have been helpful to guide the planning team in siving shape to the proposed urban structure, The effort to preserve the magnificient topography is laudable. The development of Metro-Bhopal in terms of self contained sub-cities integrated with the Bhopal Urban Complex seems to be appealing. 1 am confident that through this plan it would be possible to preserve the pride, the people of Bhopal possess. me eye (K.S, SHARMA) Principal Secretary GOVERNMENT OF MADHYA PRADESH HOUSING AND ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT PREFACE Bhopal nestles in a picturesque seiting. The vast expanse of lakes dominate the city scape while the elements of Urban Heritage punctuates the sky line. The relatively low rise development with dense vegetation that has taken place so fer, the physical features have substantially retained the I character. These characteristics in wotality identifies Bhopal as a beautiful city. Bhopal as a capital city of the largest state is a national priority city as identified by the National Commission on urbanisation. ‘The pattern of future growth of the city must establish a balance between conserving the critical, natural and Usban heritage areas, based on opportunities and constraints evolved in the synthesis of ecological studies of the planning area while optimising Urban Development. A national seminar was organised at Bhopal to formulate guidelines for evolving future city pattern. The recommendations of the seminar have been incorporated to.a desired extent, within the limitations of the M. P, Nagar Tatha Gram Nivesh Adhiniyam 1973. ‘The proposals contained in this report lay emphasis on fuuue city structure, the process of plan implementation through active public participation, The organic ov patter has been honoured, incorporating the committed isolated develop- ‘ment in the northern pret of the city. For implementation of plan proposals itis preforred that large chunks of land are developed with necessary physics! and Social infrastructure in priority areas, to ensue desired land supply. ‘The proposals are in the form of the modification of the adopted plan i. ¢. 1975 1991 plan. This report is produced in 5 chapters. The frst three chapters deal with identification of the city in regional context, conceptualising of parameters of the city development and delineation of a logical frame work for the plan proposals. ‘The chapter four details the development regulations in comprehensive manner while chapter five details the options of plan implementation process, emerging cot of local aspirations and past experience, The citizens of Bhopal, Govt. deptts., Regional chapter, Indian Institute of Archi tects, Builders Association, Chamber of Commerce had given their valuable sug. gestions which were helpful in finalising the plan. ‘The Directorate is indebted to the citizens and the institutions for their valuable suggestions. The suggestions were considered after personal hearing with a postive attitude and on the basis oF this, the plan has been finalised. The role of citizens and the implementing agencies is most important. ‘The implementation of the proposals by the develop: ment agencies shall be critical for continued identity of this boautful lake city. o Acknowledgement ‘The Directorate is obliged 10 various Goverment Semi-Government Departments, organisations, citizens and individuals for assistance rendered by them, We ace-also thankful to the Commissioner, Bhopal Division and the Collector, Bhopal, Environmental Planning and Co-ordination organisation, Information and Poblicity, Central Railways, Civil aviation, M, P.E.B. and MP. Housing Board, Bhopal Development Authority, without their suppert this document would not have taken this shape. ‘We lock forward to the active participation from the citizens of Bhopal for -whorn the plan has been prepared. wv. Mee Director ‘Town & Country Planning o BHOPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN- 2005 PLANNING TEAM DIRECTOR P. V, DESHPANDE JOINT DIRECTOR M.Y. KHAN D.K. SHARMA DEPUTY DIRECTOR 8.8, RATHORE VIIAY SAWALKAR KP. BAIPAL M.RAZA KHAN, ASSTT. DIRECTOR 2AHID ALL P.P.BHATIA LK. VUAY SUNITA SINGH OTHER STAFF BR, CHATURVEDI AK. MUKERJEE U.S. TIWARI JAMAL KIDWAL AMOL SIRASAO K.M, CHOURASIA P.8, BATAV GANGADHAR NAGIN BARKIYA RH. DESHPANDEY N.P. SAKWAR D.D. PATIL, N.S. SHRIRAME, AJAY AGRAWAL OFFICERS AND STAFF ASSOCIATED WITH THE PLANNING TEAM FROM TIME TO TIME EX. DIRECTOR RS.GATTANI JOINT DIRECTOR UC. SHAH 3 DEPUTY DIRECTOR RC. SARAF V. P.KULSHRESHTHA ASST, DIRECTOR SANTAY MISHRA 8. MUDGAL A.K.SANDRE OTHER STAFF B.S. SAHARE S. RATNAMMA RR. SHARMA U.S, GAUTAM RAJDA NAIM INDU UPADHYAY CHITRALI PAUL ROY USHA SURI BIS, BISHT. GEEIO VARGHESE, J_ASHAPURE, SITOKE VUAI SHRIVASTAVA 0, u 2. B 4 1s. 16. vy. «i LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Pantculaes Existing Land Use Physiography & Wind Direction Natural Drainage Natural Resource Base City Image 8 Urban Heritage Regional Seuing Planning Ares Plan Concept City Level Land-Use Allocation Proposed Development Plan 2005 Proposed sub-cities Proposed Planning Units Estimated Population Sensitive Areas Proposed Road Network Proposed Road Section First Phase Development Page No. s@ B@ 16@) 9 2640) 26 (b) 2840) 280) 30) 30 0b) 31 44@) 64a) esta) 142(a) wo LIST OF TABLES ee SnNo, No.ofthe Title ofthe Table Page No. Table Land Use Variation 1975-94 s Geology and Soil B Identification of Landscape Potential Areas 16 Land use Allscation atthe City Level 30 Estimated Population 30 Provision for Informal Sector 3233 Housing Shorage & Requirement 36 , ‘Proposed Population Density By Areas 40 Development and Regeneration Areas a Incompatible Uses and Proposed Lozations 48 [Namber of Buses Operated and Routes covered 55 Operation of City Bus Service 55.56 ‘Operation of Mini Buses 5657 amber of Accidents sk Growth in Number of Mechanised Vehicles (Bhopal Distiet) 58-59 ‘Taffic Volume on Main Rondsin Old City Area oe Proposed Widths of Roads 6 Phasing for Road Developinent (No, of Lanes) 66.68 Capacity of Water Distribution n Requirement of Water-2005 B Consumption of Water (LPCP) n Land Requirement for Proposed Electric Sub-Station 76 Educational institutions n Use ZonefUIse Categories 88-49 'Nov.1s for Residential Area Developmen a Fivectier System of Commercial Area 95-96 Norms for Shopping Area 7 ° St.No. No.ofthe Title of the Table Page No. Table 28, 4-T-5.__Layout Norms for Whole-sole Commercial Development 99 29, 4-7-6 Coverage, FAR and Set hacks for Industrial Arcas 101 30, 4-1-7 Recommended Noms for Services in Industrial Area 101 31, 4-7-8 Coverage, FAR for Public AmenitiesFaciities 102 32, 4-7-9 Standard for Commonity Facilities and Amenities 103-104 33, 4-T.10 Open Spaces and Recreations! Areas 105 34, | 4-7-1 Norms for Transpor/Machanic Nagar 106 35. 4-TA2 Standard for Facilities in Transport Nagar 106 36, 4-T-13__Norms for Roads and Sweets 107-108 37, 4M Access Standards 108.108 38, 4.7.15 Dimensions for on Street Car Parking Space 110 39. 4-716 asking Standards 0.1 40. 4-7-7 Permission of Use Promises in Use Zones 116.117 41, 418 Permission of Secondary Use Permises in Use Zones net 42ST: Components of First Phase 143 43, $72. Targes for Monitoring Plan Implemention 145.146 Chapter 1 Approach to Planning of the State Capital. Bhopal Page 1.11.3 Planning and Development Context 34 1.4-1.6 Implementation Status 48 17-19 Concept underlying the Perspective Development Plan 2005 89 1.10 Bhopal has tobe plarmed as an integral part of its Region and 9 Sub Region 1.11 Beological Study of Planning Arca 9 112 Ecological Parameters 910 113 Phystography 10.16 1.14 Identification of Potential Area 16 115 Synthesis of Studies 19 1.16 City Image and Urban Heritage Areas 19221 L.A7-1.18 Planning and Urban Design Control Areas 20.22 Chapter 1 Approach to Planning of - the State Capital Bhopal Planning and Development Context 1 Planning for @ city is a continuous process. It involves initiation of change in the regional, urban end ceighbourhood context, 10 achieve development of the economy and fulfilment of the aspirations for better quality of life and to absorb growth pressures. This becomes a critical exercise in planning for Bhopal, which is the Capital of the largest State in the country, and is one of the most beutiful metro tities in the councry. Today, the evelopment of Bhopal is at an important milestone as it enters the 21st century and fulfills its. strategic role as the capital of a rapidly developing state, occupying its place in the netional scene. 1.2 The Development Plan for Bhopal 1991 (BDP-1991) which was conceived in 1973. 75 will remain an important document 2s it was the plan for the city which envisaged the ‘comprekionsive urban perspective for the newly formed Stare Capital 1.3 The basie postulates of the Development Plan for Bhopal 1991 are reproduced bolow— — Integration of various units of "Bhopal Capital Revi — Development of Inter-city tansportarion and communication network to discharge regional functions with efficicncy. — Give shape to the urban structure with the city funetions being acquired by Bhopal in the process of iss growl, — Functional disposition by urban use so'ss 10 achieve-— [Efficient and judicious utilisation of land. Harmonious and coherent inter-relationship between various uses and activites. Functional Distribution of work centers and living areas, minimise travel istances and increase efficient functioning of activities, and Compact city development. — Hierarchical city structore in terms of self-contained planning, unit, and ensure disposition of services and amenities on the basis of hierarchy of the planning entities. — Gradual removal of existing disorder. — Functionally efficient transportation network and circulation system, ensuring safe and at the same time speedy movement of Urban and Regional waffic. — Separate pedestrian ways, where such waffic is excessive and segregation is desirable. ‘Implementation Status 114 The goals set out in Development Plan 1991 were intended 10 be accomplished during its implementation through a process of detailed planning (formulation of programmes and projects) and public acceptance, This did not always happen and the Plan was often vitiated at various stages of iis implementation, mostly in qualitative terms and provision of public facilites. lt may be concluded that in some spheres of development, the intent of che proposals ‘were not adequately trnslated into the eavisaged physical [rame-work thus ereating disjointed ‘and undesirable urban spzesd in both planned as well as unplanned arcas. This can be seen jn the distorted land use intensities, proliferation of informal sector setlements, lack of land use control, particularly in critical areas. In addition insufficient developroent of social infra- siructure, inadequate supply of developed land and its disposal, lack of coordination in the provision of uiility neworks, and inability to provide effective mass transport network, have been among the host of problems which have over-whelmed the development plan in the process of its implementation. Particularly the Plan has suffered for want of adcquste man- ‘agement in the following areas: — Absence of institutional framework for supply of land, and the process of Urban Land Management. — Lack of Institutional Co-ordination. — Availability of timely and adequate finance for development of urban infrastructure. — Absence of mechanism for motivating resource mobilisstion to channalise private — The operational management of the physical environment. — A system of continous monitoring of the Plan implementation, its feed back and setting up required corrective mexsures, LS Thus, in absence of effective control und implementation, there has been large areas of unintended growth, development of unauthorised colonies, squatter setlements particularly in low lying areas (polluting the drsinage channels leading into the lakes), and development of areas with poor levels of physical and social infrastructure. 16 This prognosis necessarily leads to the re-evaluation of the existing plinaing and development management process Evaluation of Plan Implementation ‘Bhopal Development Plan was published in 1975 forthe planningiatea of 241 sq. kms. “Total arch envisaged for development under diferent land uses was 1120.00 hect, under differen uses for 1000 Takis population, Forces of development took cupid pace after ‘doption of the plan. Invesument of nearly Rs. 200 to 250 crore was made by public and private agencies for developmental works fr ehe implementation of plan proposals, Activities Felated to implementation of the suid proposols are evaluated in the following table. BHOPAL : LAND USE VARIATION 1915.94 (Area in eottes) -T-1 S.No, Landuse Land Allocation Habited Variation (7) ‘of adopted Area 1994) 4) level of Pron (1991) inp wo @ @ @ @ @ 1. Resideatia oso = 3660.00 390009037 * 2, Commercial 405.00 243.00 16200 60.00 3. Indust 13800 uo -443.00 0.96 4. Public and Semi public, 1215.00 1200-30300 78.00 5. Public Utes 280.00 20000-3000 71.42 6. Recreational 141500175300” 262.00 81.48 7. Transportation 1620000 1062.00 55800 65.55 Tout 117000 7922.00 2198.00 7828 Includes developed and partially developed areas in the Planning area. “The above study reveals thy more than 78.28% of the proposals have been implemented, “The tevel of implementation is not up t0 the mark in some of the use categories because of the vertical development hich took place in commereis] areas and in the old city residential recs, resulting in sub-standssd living condition, Dewils of the implmentation of afferent landuses are discribed as under — Residential 1é 405000 Heet, of land for residential ‘Nearly 90% of the areas proposed were “The development plan (1975-91) envisa evelopment whieh inelodes areas around the ci 5 utlized under the same use. Some of the arcas between Railway station and BHEL are ying ‘undeveloped, because of some technical, financial and legal problems. Residential aeas of [Narela Shankari and village Semarakela are under wilized. Therefore, the spill over area, of ‘near about 400 hectares of land is lying vacant. “The pressure of urban development is sround Hoshangabad and Raisen Raod. On these roads new colonies and group housing societies have stared development works without ‘permission. The wend of unauthorised development towards these directions created a pressure fn land disposal, Now the Government has notified additional 92 villages under planning area vide H & E Deptt's No. F-1 G7) 86 xxvii Bhopal dated 22-3-93, ‘The growth of population has increased three fold since publication of the plan in 1975. At least 1.25 lakhs dwelling units have been added in the differen residential areas out of ‘which 70,000 as plotted development and 55,000 as corporate housing. Further analysis revealed that out of 1.25 lakh Duslling Units added during last evo decades, 405% comes under public seetor in new-Bhopal-area and rest ofthe development was under private seer. [As pet studies carted out by the Dirctorate of Town and country plaoning nearly 1.? Taki popolation is living in juugg!-Jhopdt and slum setlements, accupying strategic and precious Jocations Commerci Development plan 1975-91 envisaged lund uillsation rate for commercial-use 0s 04 Hiectare per thousand person, ‘The land which was reserved for commercial use was 40S Hecjare distributed under efferent categories acvording 10 the requirment of plsaning unis, ‘out ofthis total 60 percent land of commercial use has been developed. Tre general commer ‘ial use proposed in between Berasia and Diwanganj road (for Mandi ete) and other major ‘reservation of land which was on Obedullagan) zoad near village Ahmadpur could not be Geveloped fully, i €, 40 percent commercis! land could not be developed causing excessive pressure on the few city-centes, planning.unit centres, sub-ity-centes, developed during the limplementation peried vic CBD of Old Bhopal, New Market at Roshanpura, Major shepping ‘centre at Habibgan} etc. “From the above discription its evident thatthe commercial use could not emerge s per aspectations, the reason appears to be the tedious legal procedure for development of new shopping centre, Industrial [A close appraisal of land use distribution of Development Plan 1975-1991 indicates that ‘except the industrial use proposed along Bhopal Diwanganj road and on the other side of the railway line in village Sajdabad, Maholi snd Bhanpur, the other arees proposed for industnal activities in addition to the existing have, come up. This forms 75 percent of the total land ‘proposed under the industvial se, while che 25 percent indusiial land could not te developed ie to non availablity of concession for industrial development from the concerned Dept, 6 Public and Semi-Public “The plan 1975-1991 envisaged 12 percent land for PSP purposes. The review of the plan indicates that out of 1215 Hectares land reserved for this use 912 hectares land developed under the PSP. “The land for PSP use which could not be developed and still availble for development includes areas on Arere Hills and PSP uses in all the ten Planning units have score of development for this punpose. Public Unites und Facilities Land proposed under Public tities and facilities in the plan 1975-1991 has fully con- summed except few chunks for grave yards and cremation grounds near Singurehol, Khudagani, ‘Khejéa Baramad and Bagmungalia. Recreational ‘The reeeational use which was envisaged in 1975-1981 plan vas of the onder of 14 percent of the total purposed land for city development. Fromm the sty of the recteational ‘evelopment under the heading lake frost development an city parks. Iti evaluated that lake front and vty park development is of the order of 50 peroent of ie total proposed area. Areas which could not be developed as city parks, afe near Lalghatl joneion, near Aish Bagh Stadium, opposite to Vidhan Sabha, adjacent to western Side of Regional College, westem slope of MACT hillock and area around the PHE treatment unit in PUS near Sai-Baba Mandir. “The major reason of low percentage of implementation of this land use may be atibuted to the Shuggi-Thopadl activities and the yrauthorised construction in private azeas which were proposed far green area development. The implementing agencies or reereaional develop Trent gould not take action at proper time due to Financial constraints and practi! problems. ‘Transportation “Most of the proposed roads in South Bhopal have been developed except few, which could not be developed due to topographical coafigurations and site conditions. These roads Jn South Bhopal 1. Road from village Chunabhats to Bhadbhada. 2 Road from Asha Niketan to the proposed Ring road slong Bhopal-tersi Reway line. 3. Ring Road from Obedullaganj Road 10 Bhopal-Bilkisganj Roxd In North Bhopal 1. Road from Obedillaginj to Raisen Road. 2. Road from near Pulboghds (0 Ring road in northern direction. 33. Road along Bhopal-Delhi railway line from Ring rosd to Pulboghdla, 7 : Ring road from Reighat (o Karbala along the lake (lake drive road). Road from Karond kala to Narels Shankari via Bhanpur. Road from Regiment gate to Chhola road. ‘The osher sector roads within planning units remains to be developed as per plan proposals, pee “Under the transportation land use category grade-crossings and verminal-centres for road trans prt which were supposed io be implemented are yet to be developed: ‘Terminal Centre Habibganj ipliya Chamaran Garam Gaddha Semra Kalan Palbogda. vappe Grade Crossing Gade crossing near Bhanpur on the proposed road, to Karod Kalan to Narcls Shanks Grade crossing on Ring road near village Misrod Grade crossing near Habibganj Railway Staton Grade crossing on Bhopal Sehore Railay line near, Bairagarh. ‘Truck Terminal ‘Truck Terminal proposed near Railway crossing in village Karod could not be implemented. Parking sites Parking sites proposed in 1975-91 plan could not be implemented. Though there was 10 technical problem for the development, the reason may be the poor eecognisation ofthis public demand, Concept Undertying the Perspective Development Plan 2005, 1.7. The proposed Development Plan for Bhopal is now conceived in accordance with the provision of the M. P. Nagar Tatha Gram Nivesh Adhiniyam, 1973 and the modified docu- tment is entided "Development Plan for Bhopa 2005" 1.8. The Development Plan for Bhopal 2005 is evolved on the basis of che BDP-1991 and envisions s-system of self contained sub-eitis, «9 accommodate the future growth of city's population, based on planned intervention in ertcal aeas/Sectors of urban development like the provision of effective mass transport system, provision of physical and social infrastmcture and the provision of public uiliy systems to guide its development along desirable directions. 1.9 The Bhopal Development Plan 2005 thus comprises a set of coordinated development policies, concerned with ll aspeets of development in the city, and is derived from the following broad principles: Bhopal has to be planned as an integral part of its Region and Sub-Region 1.40 The mejor issue of urban growth pertains to the growth of Bhopal as a metropolitan city and its emergence as « National Priosty City. ‘Tae implication of city growth therefore, originates both from the regional and sub-regional context and results inthe change of its sts from primarily a State city to that ‘of # multifunctional ety strscting industrial and other socio-economic sectors in its fold, ‘Tae employment potential of the ety as a growing State Capital and its emerging role as a muli-funetional city has 10 be transformed into new impulses of growth. It requires ‘rough restructuring of tational investment paterns towards key development sectors, sich ‘as appropriate regional transport network, landuse management policies and new economic land fiscal policies, in consonance with she initiatives of economic Hberalization and its resuructuring being undertaken by the Central Government. ecological Study of Planning Arca LAL Boology is @ study of inter telaionship berween organisms and its environment, which hes proved 10 be the single integrative science which permits both diagnosis and prescription for planning physical and sacl environment. Is also vital input inthe search ‘of both comprehension of form-in nature and for cretion of urban fer, Beological Parameters LIZ Nature isnot uniform but varies as function of geology, physiography, climate, sells, plants, animals and iniasc resources and Tand uses, For example forest felling results in foods, droughes, pollution of ground water, ec: ‘The main tsk is w identify the natural process, their own values and prohibitions for Jhuman vse and following this objective, the natural processes. have been identified ro sty the opportunities and constraints for synthesis of urban form of Bhopal city. The methodology adopted forthe study of the planaing area is indicated in the diagram. ECOLOGICAL CONCEPT Physical Onponuias pres erry —{ torreon: vate ster Comsints mise itis lolol Petition foe onus proves lind wee Foxmation of chess Foe nciving 2 planing oad [> Grocer |— Physiosery Physics press | niysetoay DATA soit ‘Bologial poeas | voqoution | —ctinate | wits ite Physiography — 1.13 Bhopal city nestles in w hilly rain whiet slopes towards north and south-east Hillocks of differen alstudes ae situsted slong the south-west and north-west porion of the city, Those hillocks form a contnious belt rom Singarcholi upto Vindhyachal range. The bight of Singarcholi near Lalghati is 625 M1 which is mexirmum in this area. The general ‘ound level is however, nearly 460 M. along the souct-esstern and north-eastern porto of the city, The remarkable topography of the city provides enchanting and pansromic views of the city and of natural scenic beauty, There are immense possibilities for landscaping and ‘Water Front Development for reereston. However, hills and lakes are at present a grest = Botanical Garden 257 A site covering 150 hecres of land for Bornical gan is earmarked on areas sound the Kelisote and the Kerwa reservoir as apart of regonal park. Zoological Park. 2.58 Zoological park fs already established to exploit its tourist potential Fish Farm 2.59 The existing se of Fish Farm near Bhadhbbads is propose to be expanded to cover ‘an area of 50 hectares. The area around the large ponds is earmarked for planning and the ponds will provide facies for boating ochre. Picnic Spots 2.40 Th existing important pion spots vie. Birla Temple Complex, Hthaikheds,Lalghat, Gufa Temple Complex, Bhadhbheda and Kerwa, Kallasot, Lakarpur, Bhojpur, BhimBeies, Islam Nagar, and Ajmal are propoved wo be improved and developed. Valley and kill deveiop- ‘ent spos will lso serve a picnic spots City Porks 2261 There ae he city level parks located vie. Yadgare Shahjahani (near Lady Hospi ‘al), Kamla Park Complex (covering Kamla Park, Kilol Childern Parc) « Neelam Park (aba) on the bank of lower lake, Mayur park complex (Mayor Park, Deer Pur, 24 Bungalows Park) ‘could als fonction as city park Bada Bagh cn be developed as city park, The expansion and evelopment ofthese parks is proposed in the pla. Clty Forest 2.62 The environs of metro Bhopal offers eat scope for development of city forest. “The major locations aze Bhojpar areas noth of Hathlkhed, Singarcholi are around Kaliasoe and Kerwa occupying four comers ofthe city. Golf Course 263 The development of Golf Course in western Bhopal, and north-eash of airport and ‘near NRI coloney in village Bhouri are envisaged. Suitable areas identified in Agricultural zone may also be permitted for development of Golf Course. (Central Exhibition Ground 12.64 The plan envisages provision of central exhibition ground in the area presently in ‘ccupation of poulry farm, which is proposed to be relocated in Bhadbadha area, This would ‘bein adtion wo the other exhibition groond in use in different sub-ciies. REDEVELOPMENT AND REGENERATION AREAS Redevelopment Areas 2.65 In the process of developmenvety expansion certain existing built arcas become central forthe city growth acquiring high land values, shall be identified as redevelopment fareas. The plan envisages redevelopment of such high value areas which are inefficiently ‘lized. ‘The strategy for development of such areas shall be governed by the following — "Under utlisod and of inefficienly utilized high value lands subjected to tanduse pressure shall be identified as redevelopment areas — Redevelopment schemes shall be treated as special projects. Planning and Design of such projects shall be evolved using urban design approsch. — Activities. permissible shall be governed by the consideration of performance standards achievable and compatibility levels with adjoining uses. The scheme shall be framed as a zoning plan to be published as per the procedure prescribed inthe Adhiniyam. — Intensity of development permissible shall be governed by the carrying capacity of the utility infrastructure and sustainability of waif loed and its impact in adjoining areas. Regeneration Areas 266 Certain areas which have become central to the city growth occupying high Iand value and which ase subject to land uso pressure due to adjacent commercial areas are ‘proposed is be trated as regeneration areas. the strlegy of development of such areas shal bbe as per those given under preceeding para — Development scheme which would help in improving the quality of life or modernising the productivity provess and would bring qualitative change in city’s ‘economic fanctioning. 46 Jn the light of above consideration the plan envisages areas for redevelopment and "regeneration, 25 oulined below — BHOPAL: REDEVELOPMENT AND REGENERATION AREAS 276 ‘Areas Proposed for Areas Proposed for ‘Regeneration Redevelopment o @ (®) Managaivora Chhawani (1) South 7.7. Nigar and other Tow density areas of T.T. Nagar 2) Laxmiganj Mandi @)_Delipidated Areas within the ‘walled city (8) Mhugpi setdements occupying (@) Areas aroond Banganga basin high value Land basin, (5) Areas vacated hy existing industries. @ Tougeisetlements in ‘Mandies, Depot, Warehouses, Unani- BHBL and other areas. Shafakhara, Central Keraali, State Garage. ncompatible Uses: Relocation 2267 The effors to work on the incompatible uses relocation have made some headway which includes, Kabadi market, Imamigare, cule breeding, central area, vegetable maker ‘Azad market and Mangalwara, veicle epar, at Royal masket are some of the important proposals which could be implemented. 2.68 ‘There has been paral success in cemain areas which includes residential buildings butting Upper lake within 200 m of FTL, Irani Market, Graveyard of central area, Vetemiary ‘entre; Bove mil, Dal and Oil mill, distillery of Pul-bogda where efforts are proposed to be persed further to achiove he end objesive 2.69 Some of the uses listed under incompatible uses have remained wnimaplementd. “The list of such uses/actvities have been reviewed accordingly. ‘The reviewed framework of a proposal to deat with the incompatible uses is sumshesised in the table placed below — BHOPAL : INCOMPATIBLE USES AND PROPOSED LOCATIONS 207 S.No. Usestobe Existing Location Proposed Location Us after shifted ‘vacation —_— 1. Saw Mills ‘Around Bharat Talkies Timber Mavket ‘Transporation Jece Factory and cconamercial Hamidia Road. Raison Road Siess for Tuber ‘Transporation rmarkess snd PSP 2. Bone Mill Pulbogsa Obnoxious Industrial Flatted Arca uctries & ‘Commerc! 3, Distillery Palbogds Obnoxious Industrial Flatted Factories! ‘Arca ‘commercial/PSP 4, Slaughter Howse Jehangirabad ‘Obpoxious Industil —-Residentialy Ara PsP 3. GluFactory ——_Pulbogda Obnoxious Industries Commercial? Arca Flated Factory 6. Bhopal Oi Jehangirabad Industrial area-Agro _Flattedactories Mills based Industries Commercial 7, Daland O11 Mill Around Laxmi [Near New Grain Commercial Grain Mandi Mandi Residential, 8, Dhobighat Lower lake DhobighatJeangirabad Recreational 9, Straw Product Chola road Location approved by Commercialf the M,. Pradushan ‘Residential Niveran Mandel, Recreational Industries Deptt. and the owner. a “The stag Govt. shall be empowered to allow use after vacation and such permission for change in oceupuncy shall be dered to have been granted under the Dev. Plan proposal “8 In addition to the reloction of industries indicated above any industry prefering relocation ‘outside the planning area, on its own or under the direction of the State Govt. may be allowed se of their land for other occupancies subject to conditions that — @ A redevelopment plan for the ares be prepared based on the norms indicated in chapter 4, Gi) The compatibility withthe adiecent use is ensured. Gil) the activities to be permitted shall be based on the conditions fixed by the State Govt. while allowing relocstion of industry. Gv) The docision of the State Govt. in this respect shall be considered to be a development plan propose! Grave yards and Cremation grounds 2.70 ‘The grave yards and cremation ground situated in the rural zone shall continue 10 function, ‘The cremation grounds and grave yards presently functioning in the cxisting builmp area are proposed to be retained. In the proposed developed area the graveyards could continue 10 be retained with proper landscape buffer but their operation may be discontinued 15 soon as the area becomes inhabituied. Likewise the cremation grounds presently function- ing in existing proposed development area shall continue to operate till such time the area around it gets habitated and there is a public demand for relocating them elsewhere, To mect the situation the nearest cremation ground could be considered as a site for relocating such cremation ground. Any proposal in respect of new site identified by the collector on public ‘demand shall also be acceptable. Such decision taken shall be deemed to have been taken in ‘conformity withthe development plan proposal 49 328 3293.35, 336.359 3.00.70 3nam 3.73 Chapter 3 Proposed ‘Transportation Network and Urban Infrastructure Proposed Transportation Network Present Status of Trafic Personalised Transport Public Transport ‘Accidents Porposed Mass Transportation System (Rail) ‘Proposed Mass Transportation System (Road) Proposed Road Sections Grade Separster Intedinkages of Development on either side of Railway tack ‘Teanspomation System (Ait) Goods Traffic “Transporation for the Old City ‘Terminal Centers and Truck Stations Physical Infastructare Long Range Plan for Physical lfrastructure Distribution Services (Milk and L.P.G) Socio- Cultural Facilities 31 Chapter 3 Proposed Transportation Network and Urban Infrastructure Proposed Transportation Network BAL Bhopal ccenpies a strategie location on the national uansportstion netwerk which include Rail, Road, Airways linking the cixy with various state capitals in the country and Regional and districts centers in the State, Geographically Bhopal is a central place and as ‘such has 2 potendial to play role of a Ragionsl conter for distribution of goods and services both atthe national level as well as state level, Bhopal has advantage of two railway tines and five regional roads which gers converged in the city. The inter-mixing with ia-cty raffc ‘creates tific disorder in the management of trafic movement and call for appropriate modi- fication inthe network of regional roeds, and roads catering to for inma-cty movernent. 32 Planning the wansportation network to serve both intre-city and inter-eity ‘movement isa racial task, as it iflences all sectors of urban economy. 3.3. The quality of life and economic elficiency ofthe city functioning depends upon how best we manage to reorganise and re-structure the activity configuration and living areas in relation to the transport network, taking into consideration various options and choices, ‘The strategy for planning of transportation network for the capital city have been evolved as at road junctions, 5. Polytostnic Polytecnic Kilo 1205-30 Mes . Chowe Chowk, Park Kilbl pak Polytechnic Chowk 1132 30Mis 6 te Potytechnic Gandhi 2091248 Mis . Chowk Bhavan Gani Potyenie Bhavan Chowk 198 128M to. Polytechnic Raj 1616 ents ¢ Chowk Bhavan ‘Raj Bhavan Polyechnic Chowk 1902 18M a to Polytechnic Shama wo ams Chowk ws Sharla Poigrctinc Hills Crowe 2s 9. lon Polytechnic Bangonga 186 3OMis . Chom Banganga ‘Polytechnic Chowk wm 30am 10, Royal Royal Peete 1787 IRM Market = art Peewate Royal 613 18-24 Ns Market Mo Royal ‘Shahjshanabad 1536 18 Mis % ‘Matkct Shabjananabad Royal wey Mis market a 2 a 4 5 6 7 12 Repl Royal alphas 56901824 Ms The analysis ho a veals Marwet Masset atthe ood wid sable adhe capacity of ds, ‘elie double he apy. ‘AS asl cident, delays dard enecrmenal ean ‘eeu. Ths problems cue soa jctns. alpha Roya 295 128s Mer 13, Bassand —Bussund = Bhs «20230 3 Tales Bhopat Bassond 3884 30Mis ‘Talnes Ma aestrd Nanas 2M . keFacwry Nabatsles —BurSiant 257 30M Foxy 1s Bussund Choy 10KS TR Me a Chick assum 9382 6 ae BusSunt eri 6512 Mi . Gate James Bus Sand 510.2 Mie cae 17, Pole Patiee Laty 98 2a Ne “ Satin Saton Hospi Taaya Tala Bhar: Take) Lady Poles 130324 Me Hospal ——_Saion (Bharat Talkies) Talay we Poles Jehengrtaad 2001 30Ms ; Staion Tilia sanagienbad is 30M 19, dy Price 16 128M « Station Taaya Budhware Police 1205 IZ Mts Sun Tala a1 Nartoéa lee Fciory PalBogda Narada eo Facey Bus Stand see Feet) away Station Nabada Tee Factory Bharat ‘Talkies Palborda ‘Hoshangabaa Pultogda HEL Puttogda ‘Bassund Naibeda 10s Factory Railway ‘Satin Narada lee Factory Bharat Talkies Nevado Toe Factory oshangatoc Pulbogss BHEL Patbogsa Barat Taller hace Talkies Pal Bogda 26% 2021 7 331 3980 4004 om 10 aan 2001 1902 1835 Proposed Mass Transportation System (Rail) 30% 30M eM 18 Mis 30 Mis 20M 1M 1M 1824 Mis 18:24 Mis 18:04 Mis 18:24 Mis ‘The analysis ofthe data reveals atthe ond width available andthe capacity of roads, traffic double te capacity. ‘As aesul accident, deeys 38 Bhopal has already auained metro status. In view of this provision of efficient mass rapid intra-city passenger movement hss become a necessity. Such a system needs to be considered to linkup sub-cties with al the major work centres, and traffic gencrating zones, ‘both existing and proposed in the Development Plan, Provision of such a mass rapid transport system calls for a detail investigation and requires feasibility studies to be carried oat. The feasibility study should lead to the kind of most appropriate rapid inira-cty passenger movement suitable for the city 10 serve present as well as foture intracty movement needs, ofthe State Capital Bhopal Io Proposed Road Widths iY So Proposed Ped teu 2 if de { ep RL) Dyns Bhopal art Proposed Road Section sentient det con ET eg Oe ti i = Toa er Pe ee veoh wom * : — ae ae teehee hae Te . — om Tame Ses ‘ eo ao ee aE hi co Take as au Sa el St a aa ou.” ST pees ea BM Te gee noranons oe Pree ema . ele, ee Sasa, 1 oo a. ae roe 0m ‘uno Ts AStUnL conten BHOPAL : PROPOSED WIDTH OF ROADS a7 ee kd RAW beyond ‘Within Urban# S.No. Name of Road urban spread spread (a) (m) a @ @ @ 1 Ralsen Road @ 30-45 2 Berasia Road @ 30-45 3. Vidisha Road o 30.45 4 Bilkisganj Road 0 30-45 5. Koler Road 45 30-40 6 Chiklod Road 45 30-40 * Subject to the maximum available right of way and possibility of widening. Proposed Road Sections ‘316 1 is proposed to adopt road section for various categories of roads as per provisions iven below. These provisions shall superseed those formulated under traffic management plan and transportation plan envisaged from time to time by the Staie Gov. in consultation ‘withthe Director, Primary Arterial Roads (ARP) 30 M.60 M. 37 ‘These include major city roads to cary heavy volumes of mass traffic having sece8s contol. It is proposed to have Primary Arterial Roacs, which would Drovide intracity linkage with sub-ciies having right ‘of way 60 meters within proposed extension and 30- ‘50 meter within the existing areas as may be feasible, ‘Secondary Arterial Roads (ARS)30 M- 45M 3.8 Secondary Arterial Roads are also proposed hhaving 45 meter right of way through proposed de- velopment and 30-40 meter through existing. orcas as may be feasible on different road sections, Sub-Arterial Roads (SAR) 25M - 40M 319 These roads are meant to connect arterial roads and sector roads linking residential area with the ‘main city roed network, the recommended minimam right of way in the proposed urban extension is 40. ‘merers and within present developed area as 25-30 ‘meters. In this group, wherever required and feasible, ‘separate cycle track shall be provided, 6s Sector Roads (SR) 20 M- 24M 3.20. These include roads meat 10 cary heavy volume of tafe including mass tensport vehicles route. The suggested ministum RW in the proposes cexiension is 24 mis and within existing developed ates 185 20-24 meters, at may be feasible on diferent 1083 ‘Sub-Sector Roads (SS) 15 M- 25M 3.21 These nas ace means vo collec walle from local sugets within one resideacial sector, The ‘eocammended right oF way in tke propused trban exrension is 18 meversf 25 meters aid within the present developed area as LS-18 meters ss may be. fear sible on differen road sections. Local Strcets (LR) 15 M - 20M 3.22 These are intended 10 serve resident! neighbourhoods on which through wallic need tobe diseouaged. The recommended right of way is 20 ‘mater in the proposed. development & within present developed ances a3 15-20 weve. Reesmmended roxd ‘wigihs in present ané proposed develope azeas shall bbe governed iy the aforesaid proposition for various exteguries of road network suiject to availability of road widin as tay be avilable on site. In pomions ‘providing access mazkel complexes, shops ard sich Other non residential activities che construction or developaient permission stall be granted after making ‘provision of service cos with pasking bay with access controls 28 may be required. BHOPAL : PHASING FOR ROAD DEVELOPMENT (No. of Lanes) 378 SNe Giereory Tite Nanserent Re oflaes ‘Comiteraon| & tag Olas fie Phase a a o © o @ ee Nason] Highvay = acoive rong mafic ow ee and ve ic ove seeped tise = Accesscomtal and si ‘Pep sores ons or alse deepens. 66 0 ® 3 @ oo + Goode tough ific oly ‘trough alia ligaments ‘wherever developed. her Jocal goods ai nly i ight ous. Revional 2 4 6 tale Local 4 4 5 valle 2 State Highway = Exchasve trough afc ea rote and lea ac reste segregmel by diver ‘Aceessconuol and mast ‘trough sic oak for All ne dBvelopmens. Goods though ai only Toe goods wali oly ving night hous Regional 2 4 6 ‘mtfie Lexa 4 ‘ 8 vlc ter Regional Separate urough wale ends 3) lanes, + Acoso bilsngs only ‘irough ereice race, Regional = 2 2 4 ‘elie eal 2 2 4 vic 4, Ameri Road + Separate mass rant may (ARP) oes aed Hoes wae ruts Regionsl 2 ‘4 6 = Abcess cont vale ‘Leeal 2 2 4 vate teria Reed ~ Separue Lanes for mass 2 4 ‘ Seeomlan (ARS) ——_Tanspartgnd oer vehicular vesien. + Access Conta. 6. Sub Arerial + Mass anspor aie 2 4 6 Road (SAR) ‘local afi eco. 1 Sete =e veheaar wate ana 2 2 4 Road (SR) Residon wet, or 0 @ o o o © 8 Sob-Sector(S8)- inva Secor Trae 2 2 4 9, Local Roads ~ Local Regen Tec 2 2 4 — Footpath, service roads with lane segregation strips shall be provided as per detail design of roads as per requirement — Separate light vehicular ones shall be provided auleast one lane each direction on aerial roads and Sub-artrial roads and sector roads, wherever the road provides the access, tothe residential plots facing the main road, — Separate eyele/two wheeler taffie moverment tracks shall be provided along arterial roads, sub-arterial road, wherever needed. Grade Separater 3.23 The transport network plan for'2005 indicate intersections to be developed sith ‘grade separater atthe following locations = Imer-section at Banganga (near 45 bungalows). — Inter-section at Ahmsdpur (Inner Ring Road & NH-12) Intersection neat Bhanpor village (Railway Line and Ring Road and Divanganj Road), —Underpass at Cholakechi- — Chillod road Intersection wi [NH-12, (near Chiklod road T-Junction), 3.24 Based on the trafic movement and directional spits, the design of the fiyover will be worked out at the time of implementation of the plen proposals. Road junctions at the ‘mporant roads will be designed according to the desired condition. Interlinkages of Development on either side of Railway Track 3.25 Throughout the railway tack, passing through the existing and proposed evelopment the plan envisages following provisions for establishing movement linkage on cither side of the railway trac —_ Overbridges as indicated on the proposed transportation plan — Detail investigation shall be caried out to provide linkages on ether side, atleast for light traffic so that each such linkage service area do not excced 3 Kis. of railway track as far as possible. 6 Feasibility of converting existing railway bridges over natural nallahs as railway under pass for Tight traffic shall be examined and wherever such linkage are possible; the scheme shall be taken up for implementation, ‘Transportation System (AIR) 326 The existing airport in the west of Bhopal city at Bairagarh is serving the domestic aie passengers only, 16 flight (both way) from this sport operate from Delhi and Bombay and special aircraft's from the other main citics of India, Though, the air traffic isnot significant at ‘resen: but in years to come when economic prosperity will attend its maturity more end more ‘ir travel will be pecformed, for which reservations for land and infrastructure will have to be done at this stage. Goods Trattie 327 With increasing growth of commercial and industrial activity in the State Capita it is necessary 10 suggest goods trafic routes linking regional roads, goods terminal-centers and ‘warehousing areas. ‘The plan provides for suitable location to cover all important areas for collection and distibution of goods produced in the city and produce brought srom outside for consumption in the city. The major locations for freight complex (warehousing) and tack termival areas shall have 10 closely linked with Railway stations, and Road Transpor: terminals. ‘Transportation for the Old City 38 Tris proposed to consider provision of a medium capacity mass transit system to cover the main rouces Which may inelude Sultania Road, Hemidia Road, Kamala Park-Poly- technic road, Pasi Bazar, Goal Ghar. ‘Terminal Centres and Truck Stations Railway Station 329 Exeopt the main railway station which provides Rall passengers facilities like ‘waiting rooms, reservation counter, retiring room and other amenities and facilities, the other railway stations within metropolitan area are lacking in terms ofthe above requirements. 3.30 The work of development of Habibganj Railway Station is in progress 2s a modera railway station. The space needs forthe same is 10 be ensured. The other Railway stations including mandideep, Bairagarh, within the Metropolitan stea, ure also proposed to be equipped sper requirement of each station, 3.31 The entry to the main Railway Station Bhopal from Hamidia Road side needs large stale improvement to faciktate the access to the sation which happens 10 be most inconven- jent forthe parent city at present Bus Station 3.32. The existing bus-stand for regional buses on Hamidia Road is inadequate to accommodate a fleet ofthe M. P. S. R.T. C. buses and private buses. Ii proposed to provide for multi nodal Regional Bus Terminal facilites following regional bus staions should be veloped according to the oeds and the volume of the bus users. [Near Habibgan] Railway Station towards BHEL. inter-state) Jawahar Chowk [Near Bhanpur Village [Near village Ahmadpuit Near village Anandnagar [Near Garm Gedla ‘Near Lal Ghat Jonetion 3.33. Practically Habibganj ruilway steion and interstate bus terminal site is the physical centre of Bhopal mett-cily this Multi-nodal Regional Bus-stand isto be developed 8 a inier-state bus terminus, The sito which is proposed is 20 hect. approx., BHEL ‘Adrainistration is expected co share the space requirement for terminus development in larger interest ofthe city. This terminal andthe six other regional terminals may be inter linked with the computer system for reservation and Docking facilities. The operation of the Regional passenger traffic willbe organised according tothe time based requirement, 3.34. The design of the tenminals should accommodate the locality bus terminal and properly segregated entry/exists. Location for bus depots need to be worked out in Consultation with the departments coneeriéd to minimise the dead mileage. Proposal of pick ‘up stations eeady proposed in the previous plan, regional rotd are retained as such with few additions. ‘Terminal Centres (Goods) 335 Goods Yards/Marshaling-yards at Nisatpura Railway Sttion is eatering 10 the ‘of 00d trafic of Indian Railways, Truck staions and goods-yards are intr related activites for which reservation of lands is of utmost importance. Truck traffic and Godowns can be elosely located, depending upon the bulk, nature of goods and the Goods traffic Volume. Sites for ruck stations are proposed keeping in view the directional movement of goods. — InBhori village on bye pass road = Near village Bhanpur = Nesr village Bhairopur » PRESENT STATUS OF ROAD DEVELOPMENT Most of the proposed roads in South Bhopal have been developed except few, ‘which could not be developed due 10 topographical configurations and site conditions. ‘These roads are-— 1 2, 3 4, Road from village Chunabhtti to Bhadbhada Road from Asha Niketan to the proposed Ring Road along Bhopal-ltarsi Railway Tine Ring Road from Obedullahganj Road to Bhopal Bitkisganj road In noth Bhopal -— 4, Road from Obedullahga) to Raisen road Road from near Plbogada to Ring Road in northern direetion Road along Bhopal Delhi railway lie from ring road wo Pulbogsds Ring road from Reighat to Karbala along the Iake (Lake drive road) vy. Road from Karod kala to Narelashanka via Bhanpur vi. Road from Regiment gate to Chola rond ii. The other sector roads within planning units remains to be developed as per plan proposals Under the tranportation land use category grade crossing and terminal comes for road transport which were supposed to be implemented are yet to be developed. ‘Terminal Centres veepe Habibganj Pipatiya Chamaran Garam Gada Serra Kalan Palbogads. Grade Crossing Grade erossing near Chola Kanchi on the existing road to Dewanganj Grade cressiag on ring road oear village Misrod Grado crossing near Habibgenj Rly. Staion Grade crossing on Bhopal Sehore Railway tine wear Bairagarh Grade crossing near village Bhanpor ‘Truck Terminal Proposed near railway crossing ut village kared could not be implemented Parking Sites Parking sites proposed in 1975-91 plan could not be irplemented. Though there was not technical problem for the developmen, the reason may be the poor recognitation of this public demand. n Physical Infrastructure 3.36 Quality of fife in any ura area is very much eondtoned by level of availability, accessibility and quality of pysical and social infastucture it can provide and could te ‘forded by itsinhsbitan. The apid growth of popoltion necessities avgmematon of water, ower, sewerage, drainage and sold waste management along with new utben development Extensions. Major reasons for uoan ditcomfor cecoed ¢s a result of level of satisfaction offered in these areas, by the urbun management authorities. Sewerage, solid. waste manage- tment are comparatively ileal affairs but supply of water and power as well as dsinage sre interregional, sub-regional issues an are, dhs more crical. Appropriate interventions ae required forthe management of water and power as well as drainage inehading uiban waste in the regional context forthe adequate provision of physical infestacture neede to support the ‘rowing population and other econonic Functions. 3.37 The existing availability and projected need for water supply is indicared as under— BHOPAL : CAPACITY OF WATER DISTRIBUTION 319 Rescrpsion ‘Water in omg.) Source Prediction Disuibution a @ 8 @ Present developed 28 med %6 26 ‘pacity (Upper lake) 34 mgd 2 2 (Kola) Lsmgd 1s Ls awikneda) Smad 5 3 (Under ground tube well & other) Toal CaS mee 35 335 Present requirement @ A0Gallonfiay (1993 population 14lues). ‘Total requirement 56 mga ‘Present inadoquacy Ting Requirement for @ A0Gallonidey 25 lacs population oral requirement 100 mgs. Potential exising SiS mea ‘Source :P. H.E, Department, Bhopal n Water 3.38 Bhopal had only one major source i, ¢. Upper Lake. Subsequently the two other sourees got developed by construction of dam on Kolar and Kerwa river have also been added as additional water souree for the city. With this the toal water source capacity from the three sourees assuming nommal ran fall works out to be only 100 mgd. At present water production ‘capacity from three sources is only 70 mgd, BHOPAL : REQUIREMENT OF WATER 2005 3-710 Sr.No. Present Presentdrawal Present water Unuilized ‘Water Sources eepacity —_porduction eapacity capacity (gd) (med) (gd) a @ : @ “o ° 1. Upper Lake 8 26 2 2 Kolar 34 21 B 3. Hataikheda 1s 15 - 4. Under ground tbe wells & 3 3 Other sources Toul aS 335 5 339 The above tble reveals that availablity of water shall be the critical factor for future growth of the city. As per the water source potential around Bhopal, the urban area may fot be able to support population beyond 20 lacs. In view of this, it would be necessary to explore, new water sources 10 meet the city growth need beyond 1 lacs or so. Bringing vatter from Narmada which is sround 40 Kins on the periphery on the existing development, needs tobe explored as possible water sources, 340 In that case, the physical urban spread would zlso be guided by the consideration of procurement distance of tapping the water souree. WATER REQUIREMENT 3.41 The requirement of water supply has been worked out @ of 180 litre per capitaltay with breakup as follows BHOPAL: CONSUMPTION OF WATER (Liters per Capita per day) BT Domestic 200 Industrial Commercial e » Community requirement 45,000 Lhafday Garden @ 6,000 Limaiday 30 ‘Floating population and mise. uses. 30 “Minimum water supply in residential area should be aileast around 25 gallonfo- 4 B Sewerage 32. Collection and disposs! of sewege from living arees and urban waste from smanufacturing areas is essential fo muntsn environmen] and good sincty ving condions in the city. The presen habiated areas of the ity are paraly served by sewerage. sySem which incluie BHEL and‘. T. Nagar sobcites. Sewerage project forthe olf city 1s in advance stage of its competion. The areas at present, which are not served by sewerage system inchce old city areas served by old conservaney sytecvirdvidual septic rank with effulant flowing into open stllage cain. Some ofthe post development aftr 1960 which have come up though grivate sector investment are having their own community septic tanks vith their, effluent cischarging ino the open sullage drsins witimately joining the maura drainage. 343 The present method of collection and disposal of sewage noeils to be examined more seriously, Present system of disposal using water as a medium of transport through sewage pipes to the city outfall involves huge cost and resomrees. This is a key area which calls for innovative solution which promote use of modem technologies. It may be worth while 10 examine the possibility of providing urban service areas around cach sub-city for disposal of treated sewerage effluent use for market Gardening and Agricultoral operations in the shape of green wedgc. Such a system coukl be replicated for eae sub-city as per the natural topography. Using mechanism which promote reeyeting of sewage water and its use for generation of energy, and other urban waste need io be explored, 3.44 It isvalso clear that the present treatment plants are not adequate to serve the population which itcan command, The capacity of treatment plant will have t9 be augmented as per dhe system designed and envisaged for various areas. Drainage 345 The natural drainage of the city is provided by three main steams, which are, of course, joined by small nallahs and rivules. the city areas of north-eastern zone, drains into river Halali and those of south-eastern zone, and south zone by Kaliyasote river, Both the rivers ultimately drains in to Betwo, Halali reservoir near Vidisha and Kaliasote near Bhojpar. (On the south-westom side, the drainage is provided by various small nellahs which drains in 10 Kolar river, which ultimately joins river Nazmads. ‘3.46 River Halali is potential water source whieh could be utilised as a possible source of water supply for future needs of the city. In that case, it will not be possible to discharge city sullage and industrial waste in Halal crainage system. The city drainage which at present joins Halali reservoir will have to be diverted after treatment so as to meet Betwa directly or 10 utilise water forthe purpose of irrigation. 347 River Kaliasote which provides drainage on the south-eastern side joins Betwa near Bhojpur in Raisen District. There is hardly any possibility of utilisation of this water for imigation purposes as it passes through a hilly terrain. The water polluting industries located in this zone discharge their wastes in river Kaligsote ulimately polluting source of water supply to Vidisha. ‘The problem needs 10 be dealt objectively in the regional context “ Solid Waste 3.48 Collection and disposal of domestic and other-urben area solid waste is another important area which require immediate etiention. Thore are eeonomie aspect of dealing solid waste management issues which require careful attention, requiring installation of a efficient solid weste management system including waste reeycling, 3.49 There is no compost plant existing in the city. There is a need to provide a comprehensive well worked out solid veste collection system and is disposal through sanitary Jand fills and other metheds 2s may be considered appropriate, 3.50 Special care is required for the collection and disposal of waste from hospital, ‘nursing homes, frait and vegetable marker, dairy farm and congested area from old 3.81 Provision of dust bins at convenient location should be planned taking in consid eration the norms of solid waste around pound 6 kg. per. d Power 3.82 The present power source is from hydel grid system. The pattera of power supply is satisfactory with consumption shared mong various use-zones with break up a8 industrial - 30%, Commescial- 20%, Residential 40% and miscellaneous 10% 353 The capacity of the present system will have to be augmented as per the lood requitements, to cover all the areas included in the proposed plan 3.54 Madhya Pradesh Electicity Board has proposed the scheme of power supply to ‘ect out the increasing demand of the power in Future. the Boned proposal for 20 years need is to be developed in two phase. A multi-creut rower ring is proposed having two eirouts of 132 KV and 32 KV each, The ring will be linked with the enisting 132 KY sub-station 43.85 In addition to exiting power supply sub-staions following 7 sub-staions of 133, KY ate proposed for instllation during frst phase having capacity of 20 MVA each, — Ayodhya Nagar — Gandhinagar - Khafuri Sadek — Near Nabibagh — Sukhi Sevania — Misrod — Anandeagar — Kolar Road 356 _Itis proposed thet an aiklivional wansformer of 20 MVA would be installed in ‘each sub-station tomect the further lemand of power during its second phase. 1 3,87 On the basis of distribution system of power supply: 26 new sub-staions of 33/11 KV are proposed for coming 10 years (upto 2005). ‘The capacity of these sub-stations ‘would be 129.65 KY. To meet the further demand of power (2005-2011) the capacity of each sub-station would be enhanced by 5 MVA. Land Requirement For Power Supply £358 Land requirement forthe proposed sb-stations is given below — LAND REQUIREMENT FOR PROPOSED ELECTRIC SUBSTATION arn ‘S.No, Substation Capacity Number of subsections Area Requirement in ha 1 Kv 6 24 2 smKy 26 30 ‘Total Land Required = 5 ha 3.89 In addition 10 above area provision of land between the tower of 132 MVA circuit ring shall be required. A power corridor has to be proposed along the muhi-cireut ring. ‘The area around the ring would be proposed for conservative green and under major roads. Long Range Plan for Physical Infrastructure 3.60 It is considered essential o workout long range plans for the physical infrastruc- ture, with reasonable details for implementation, during the plan period. These plan should be prepaced by the concemned departments viz. waicr and semerage by PHED, power by MPEB solid waste disposal by Local authority, in consultation with the co-ordinating authority. Infrassructwre Healt 3.61 Higher onder health facilites in Bhopal is meant to serve health needs ofthe city and the region, Study reveals that there are several poly-clinies, heath centres and aursing, hhomos well distributed through out the city, eaters 10 the population wich can afford treatment offered but ther isa large target group inadequately serviced by the available. Gove. hospital facilities in the city. 46 Bhopal being a regional level city snd the State capital demands specielised ‘neal facilites to serve is large region, vo met cviical ailments 6 Bdueation 163. Bhopal offer liigher onder educaion lacitses caering 10 the regicinal and loa roads, Prosent facilities nex! to be mocerniseal Ws serve che changing demancs in Ths ata, Present stas of available Pacis ave sueamerived telow > BHOPAL. : EDUCATIONAL INSTILUTIONS Insisation No, fo astute Remaris College/Seheol Suate and 6 {univers de Medical Engineering ‘Regional Level Forest Collepes. Yeutiical & professionat instante, Cay evel 3 + Science Colleges ~ Ars ane Commerce Colleges Sub-city level 180 1 Peepeimary 50 2 Primary 6 3 Secondary ALG4 ‘The provisions for wducarional iDieas tor differed age groupe catering 10 vverioty of educational and training 129s, have been lesommended, for Toya the sidan ‘presérited idee table sball be adopted. (-T-13) ‘Comemanication 465 Level of communication pay via vole in urban econemy, uced for the sam is ‘contizuousy growing, An efficient and medem commaication system, comm bates inwards reducing travel tips and whiewely an the energy needs af city management. Languse man agement policies would be gered w meet these mew der nas 3.66 Present teleconnpunication faeiliyy ncimerk in hopal is aanaged theough saree telecommonication zones, Five telephone exchange contre having 0 total capacity of 25.9000 ines. These are 11,250 applicadons peneing wich depart of tlecommunicaton far le- hone comections. 3.67 Planning nomns ervisiged for telecommanication feces are given below -— “J lephone excharge with a capacity of 40.000 lines one aut or 4 lakhs population @ tO Dhones per 104) population Area of lad seqrsted 19,000 Sq, mt. Tr includes the administrative area, stares, ‘workshops et 7 — departmental telegraph office, one for I lakh population is 10 be provided in community centre, ‘Area of land 900 Sq. m. — booking nd delivery office one for § lakhs population is to be provided in District centre 1000 Sq. m. — post office counter without delivery one for 10,000 to 15000 population is to be provided in local shopping cenue. — head Post Office with delivery office, one for 2.5 lakhs popolation is to be provided in community centre/district centre. Arca of land 600 Square meter. — head Post Office cum Administrative office, one for 5 lakhs population in the district centre. Area of land 2500 Sa, m Security 3.68 Security requirements in urban areas, is continuously placing new demands, due to increasing urban violence. At present chere are 8 police siations and 8 police posts in Bhopal. Provision of these facilities shall be governed by the standard stipulated a3 under table 47-10. Fire 369 Bhopal Fire Services are meant wo meet exigencies arising out of human sufferings and save life and properties which occure duc 10 fire, house collapse, accidents and other ‘emergencies, These facilities are algo meant co serve areas around Bhopal, There are at present 4 fire sttions in Bhopal, which are highly inadequate. ‘The provision of these services having ‘easy access to all areas will have to be considered while formulating detail plans for various activity zones, 3.70 Provision for fie services in mul storeyed buildings needs special attention Building bye-laws or regulations in this regard needs to adhered to more closely. Bhopal Fire Service Department should be fully equipped to deal with the view demands of muli-storeyed buildings, In congested and built up arcas avcess for fire Fighting needs to be ensured while preparing the re-development plans, forthe old areas. The provision of fire services shall be ‘governed by the following norms— 1 Fire Station or sub-Fire Station within Ito 3 km. to be proviced for 2 lakh population. ‘Area for Fire Station with essential residential aecommodition 1.00 Ha ‘Area for Sub-Fite Station with essential residential accommodation 0.60 Ha, 8 Distribution Services : MILK 3.71 The present milk supply in Bhopal from the Mother Dalry is 2.5 lakhs lies per ay and from private dairies 1.5 lakhs literes per day. As per estimations the demand for milk ‘will be 5 lakhs litres per day by the end of 2005. Development plan will have to take into ‘consideration neceds of milk producing and porcessing centre particular within urban service area of various sub-cities. Provision for Sites for the milk processing plants with urben service ‘zea (Rural zone) shall be permitted as per need of the city. Liquefied Petroteum Gas (LPG) 3:72 Bhopal has bout 1.25 lakhs L. P. G. connections against a need for 2.5 Takhs in 1991 and projections of conneeticks for the year 2005 is worked our to-be 4 lakhs connections, Provision for these facilites shall be governed by the norms given under table 4-7-9, Socio-cultural Facilities 3.73. The development plan for Bhopal envisages enhancement of quality of tife. Te ‘meet the various community needs in the area of socio-cultural facilities, the detsiled plans for various zones will take into consideration provision which shall be governed by the norms given under table 4-T-8 & 4. T.9. n 4a 42 43411 42 43416 47 48 419 420 421 422.426 an 428 429 430 431-433 434 435 436 437 438 439.440 44142 443 Chapter 4 Development Regulations x Page Tawoduction 3 Applicability 83 Jurisdiction 53.85 Definitions 88.87 Establishment of Use Zones and Use Premises 87.92 Low Density Area 2 Group Housing 2.93 ligh-ise multi-unit construction 93.94 014 Chy 94 PPloor Area Ratio 9495 Commercial Area 95.98, [Non-formal Sector Shops/Thelas 98.99 ‘Norms for Fuel Filing and Filing cum Service Staion 99-100 ‘Norm for Cinems Hall 100 Norms for Hott 100 "Norms for industrial Development 200-102 [Norns for Reuse of Industrial site afer Relocation of 102 Industrial Unit "Norns For Sociol Infasrrarure 102-108 Education & Research Centres 104-105 ‘Norms for Transportation Negar/Mechanic Negar 105-106 Amenities 106-107 ‘Recommended Rosd/Street Widths 107 ‘Mode Spli of Circulation Necwork: 107-108 "Norms for Slow Moving Vehicles 108 444 A544 447 4.48 499 450-456 ASIA. 439 400 461 402 ‘Access Standards for Public Pactities [Nonns for an Street Parking for Cars and Buses Regulations for Sensiive zones Regulations for Urban Heritage Areas Regulations for Urban Design and Architectural control Mixed use Regulations Pernission of use promises in use zones Use Premises which are not petmited in the Use Zones Permission of Use Permises in Low Density Use ‘Zones (Residential) 10 DUSYHect. Permission of use premises inthe Remaining Use zones, Uses/Use activites penmited in Use Premises a Page 108-109 109-111 niu n2u3 3 uss 115-120 120 120 120.123 133.134 CHAPTER IV : DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS INTRODUCTION 4.1 The purpose of the regulations detailed in this chapter isto promote quality of life of ‘people of Bhopal by organising the most appropriate development of lind in accordance with the ‘development policies and landse proposals conned in the Plan “These are systematic regulations wedecide the use setvity (use) in twolevels:() conversion ‘of use zone into use premises (layout: and (ti) pectission of use activities on use premises. The code differentiates between the use zone ard use premises APPLICABILITY r 42. Development and consiruetion except as herein after otherwise provided, these regulations shall apply 10 9) ANI development in Planning Area, Gi) Making any material change in land and includes subdivision of land and use of land in terms of occupancy. (ii) The corporate development inclusive of group housing projet. (iv) Any type of building including height of building ee (9) Development of land: construetionjalteraion, demolition of building‘in area beyond ‘Municipal crea but wih in Planning area, Juristction 43 "The development regulations prescribed in this chapter shall be appicabel within the Planning Arex delineated by the State Govt. Ufs 13 (2) ofthe M. P Nagar Thata Gram Nivesh ‘Adbinivam, 1973 vide notification No P-1 37/862XX1/Bhopal, dated 22-9-93. Noss and regulations which are nor specified inthis chapter, in such matters the provisions those contained in Madhya Pradesh Bhoomi Vikas Niyam, 1984 shall be applicable. 44 The Development Plan proposals sal be dese in zoning plans. There isa posibiiy thatthe proposals indicated inthe Develop nen Plein respecto¥cinuliin. use zanedelineston ‘mi need modification based onthe engineering requirements for implementation. The decision of the State Gove. in respect of such modification sal be inal a shall be considered as prt ofthe plan proposals 4.4.1 The proposals indicated inthe Developmen: Plan are indicative and broud in nature provide forthe contents of Section 17 of the Act. The residential aone, for instance indicated in the Development Pla map embodies the inherent provision for intemal roads, open and green spaces, essential areas foreducational and health facilites ultiesand services and unusable Lad in shape of cut up land, existing vegetation. The locations and area spread of such provisions in residential zone are therefore not show inthe mp. 4.4.2 The srvoures permixed by the Competent Auorty and exiting inany use zone are proposed to be retained in its present form and forthe ue dhe Sructres are used at presen 443 Tho residents of jhyisis are the service population for werk centres and residential areas, disribuced i all use zones. Relocation of juggs in the use zones, except in catchment areas of lakes and recreational area and area of proposed roads, shall be permissible 444 The map of the Development Plin report is nt tobe used fo calculation of areas and leniar measurements. Such exercise shall be conducted on otsal survey pon a scale of 1:40. "The map primed and enclosed inthe Development Planreporisthermchineveduetion of Khasara mp. 4.5 The zoning plan preparation isa similar processtothatof Development Pan preparation, Seperate development zoning regilsion= miy be necessary depending unon the character of development. Tll such time the zoning plans are 901 published and adopted, the planning permission shall be granted under the regulations prescribed in this chapeer. The Zoning Plan preparation shal have toe taken up Foe the areas inclcated in the frst phase development anc fren stound upper la in village llr and Khanongaon immediatly after the sdaption of plan ‘The agencies identified by the State Govt. shall continue toundertake preparation of zoning plans as 4 cominuous process. 4.6 The location and boundaries ofeach use premises given inthe detailed layout plan/2oing plan shalt have reference tothe existing roudidcainand exer physical features as obiaining onthe 47 Aporoval granted to layout pans, by dhe competent aushority under ther M.P. Nager ‘Tathn Gram Nivesh Adhiniyam, 1973 or recommended for diversion ufs 172 of MPLRC by Deputy Ditecir, Town & Country Planning, Bhopal Division and if is validity stil holds good. ‘on the day of publication of this Developrnent Plan, shall be deemed to have been approved in conformity with the development plan proposals 4.8 Under exceptional, circorsstances involving public purpose, development permission ‘could be granted by the State Govt. involving developments of National, State level ancity level activities benefiting the city population collectively 49 Any structure or aotvity connected wih wy infrastructure shall be permissible inany’ ‘of the se zone as per requirement of ste and wilt infrastruc planning ané design daly tobe approved by the competent authority. 4.10 in specific areas where cetsin recictions are tobe imposed from security angle the ‘State Govt, willbe competentto pass such orders in consultations with the Home Department. The -eightrestition end restriction of apenings may be usedasatoolin developed areas. The norte slopes of Sharla hls shall be totally protibites for development ‘Whe set hee means MP. Nagar Tatha Gram Nivesh Adhiniyam, 1572 oy 4.11 In ease if eomestions inthe drawings, submiued for approval re found essential, the sanctioning authority should rarkll suc.eorrecionsand enum the duly conected drawings Toe resubmission. The approval shal be reoarded onthe corrected drawings ony. 4.12 DEFINITIONS USE ZONE, [USE PREMISES LAYOUT PLAN LAND USE PLAN ZONING PLAN MIXED LAND USE ZONE URBAN VILLAGES URBAN HERITAGE AREAS PLOTTED DEVELOPMENT FORSINGLE/JOINT FAMILY ONLY. Use zone means an area for any one ofthe specific dominant uses of the Urban functions as provided for in Table 4T-. Use premises means one ofthe many sub divisions of a use zone, designated atthe ime of preparation of te layout plan, for specific main use or activity and includes the use premises doseribed in Scheduled Layourplanéansa sub division planindicaing configuesion and sizes ofall ue premises Lan use plan neans the plan in defined in 47-1, ing all the use zones as Means plan for one of the zones of the Planning Area ‘containing detiled information regarding provisions of social frasructure, parks and open spaces and circulation syste Such ailing shallincludeall uch useswhichcanbepermiied for perinisible vide table 4-117, 4:T-18 and subsequent ‘provisions made in pares 4.58, 4.59, 4.60, 4.61 and 4.62 of Development Contol Regulations Mixed land use 2one meane a use zone i the land use plan Consisting of more than one use zones, in such case use premisey/use activities pemmited i both the use-zones shall be applicable Urban villages weans the village Abs falling within the proposed use zones indicated inthe land use plan ‘Means the premises occupied by historic buildings of archaeological importance and the area around suc buildings. Ploued development with all its lieral and grammatical variations, would mean the sub-division ofa pisce of land (Layout) emergingina No. fcarved premises (plot for Usha use, predominantly for single fomilyoine family residential uso. Such premises will have the provision of additonal accessory Dock for garage garages, a GROUP HOUSING MULTIUNIT PLOTTED DEVELOPMENT. HIGH RISE APARTMENT DEVELOPMENT COVERED AREA BUILDABLE AREA Group Housing means group or rutistoried housing for more than ofe dwelling unit, where land is ownet¥er eld under or legal right join (as in ease of Co-operative Societies or the public agencies such as. local Authositis or housing bosrd) land the construction by one AgencyfAuhority. Ploited development in new areas, especially designed to accommodate the number of families based on rule 82 of Bhoorni Vikss Niyar, withthe provision of adequate utilities ‘and services and amenities and facilities to be implemented after approval of the Compecent Authority. Minimum size of plot for such development shall not be less-than 288 sq. m. High Rise Apartment Development would mean Housing Development i mukiple unit apartment or group Rovsing form, with he excepsion ofthehefght restriction beingenhances 10 30m height. This type of Development shall have to satisty the noxms for high rise buildings as specified in M. P. Bhumi ‘Vikas Niyam 1984 ‘The ares ofthe land covered by the plinth of the building atthe {ground floor level shall be counted as the ground coverage. “This shall exclude the area covered by projections atslab level and erea ofthe plinth not covered by roof at top. Cantilevered, projections upto an extent of one third of de setback shall be ponmissible on the upper slab level with a clear leight for ‘ohicolar/pedestrain movernent. These projections cannot be made at heights below 2.5 meter from the ground level. This projection shall nor construe to be covered area. In group housing, areas, covered on the secofd and third floor levels ‘with atleast 5,3 meter clear space below for movement, bunt within che stback/marginal open space, shall not be counted in covered area. All areas in the building, shall be counted in ‘covered areas except for service ducts, lft wells. ‘Thebuildablearea, withallits litera and grammatical variations, ‘would mean the total area butldable’on a piece of land on all Floors inclusive of wall thicknesses, corridors, oiles, Sar case ‘rea on ground floor. Duets eutouss with railing or parapet on. all sides, lift wells shall not be counted én.the buildable ares. ‘Basements if used for parking with appropriately sloped ramp for approach and discharge of vehicular wraffic and“olumn specings in co-relation to parking geometries shall not be ‘counted inthe buildable area. Basements found inappropriately designed for parking function shall be construed to have been designed for other uses und shall be counted in the buildable ‘rea, Mezzanine floors, not sub-divided by walls or petitions with atleast one side open without walls and toan extent of one third of the floor helow shall not be counted in the buildable tea, Mezzattne with more than one thirdof te floor are ofthe {oor below and/or sub-divided with walls or partitions, andlor enclosed on al sides would constitute an independent #loer, such areas shall be included in the buildable area. Machine rooms and staircase, mumtee atthe top floor shall be excluded from the buildable aea along with terraces open to sky. FLOOR AREA RATIO ‘The flor area ratio shall be the ratio of total buildable area in building onal eos, Gnelusive of basement if nt use for parking) othe oul plocarezoftheland in question. The ratio. ‘Spulates the mazimam of boil quantity nd no variations or luttudesoresceptiorsar tobe ivenonthateaceptspeifialy provided inthis chapee. HEIGHT OF A BUILDING The Height othe building shall be measured from reference level which shall be the level ut the conte ofthe approach road from which the seces is being taken. This level shall be construed 35 the grouncl level and the height of the stracuze shall be calculated from this level tothe 1p of the slab ofthe topmost floor. Spaces below this level shall be considered as| ‘basement. Ifthe built form below the road level is used a5| hbitableaccommodation, becanseor the advantage of exiting topography such area shall be permitted as habitable area and shall be counted in FAR, Mechine roms, mumiee, lift and AC srueture on topmost floor shall be exempred from height cealeulaton, SENSITIVE AREAS ‘Anarea delineated as sensitive one on ecologies and heritage considerations. CONTROLLED AREA Area delinented onthe basis of drainage divider in respect of Catchment area of akes and areas of potential visual quite. ESTABLISHMENT OF USE ZONE AND USE PREMISES : 4.13 The Planning area Bhopal is divided inio39 use zones as mentioned in teble 4-7-1. ach use zone shall be further sub-divided into numberof use premises. Each se premise shall be permitted to have specific usesfuse activities with or without conditions. ‘An areain respect of which there is no approved layout plan shill Ye governed by ihe provisions ofthe Development Pla/Zoning Plan fr Land use delineation. USE ZONES DESIGNATED : 4.14 There shall be 39 use zones classified in9 categories namely; Residential, Corumercial Industrial, Utilities, Pablicand Semi- public, Recreational, Transporation, Agriculture and Water bodies. 7 USE ZONE/USE CATEGORY Use Zones 3.0. Use Categories 1 Residential Housing) 3 ‘Commercial 3 Industrial 4 Utilities Public and Semi Peblic fe RD ca n 2 ut v2 v3 ua us v6 ur Psa Ps ps3 ‘Reside (actuding village ‘Ata ) ‘Low Density Housing (10 DUS lor ess per Rect. City Centre Subscity Contre, General Commercial Including ‘Business and Service establishment ‘Wholesale Mandi WareHousing, Cold Storage. Light and Service Industries eluding lated groups of factories). Industrial Bsate and Major Sndustrial establish. Obnoxious Industries. ‘Water (Treatment Plant ect) Sewerage (Treatment Plant ete.) Blecrriciy (Power House, sub- station ete.) Solid Waste (Senta tad Sill. ee) Fie Satsion Communication Ceemation/Buril ground Administrative (Complex) ‘Other Adriinistative “Estableshoent/nsiitate [Educational and Research S.NO. ‘Use Categories Use Zones Psa pss 6 Recreational RI R2 R3 84 RS R6 1, ‘Transportation. a T2 ite 14 TS T6 17 Agriculture Al AL Aa ‘Water Bodies wi w2 Health Central Exhibition Ground Regional Pari/Botanial Garden Cay Park. Play Fields/Stadiom city ForesvA forestation Picnic Spot Lake front Airpot Railway Station Inier-sate Regional Bus Stand ‘Bus Stand ‘Transport Nagse/Truck ‘Terminaly/Mectanic Nagar/Ware Housing. Ronds Railway lines Forest Green BelyAgriculure Rural zone (Villages abadi as residential area) Lakes Rivers, Nallahas and Canals, ‘SUB-DIVISION OF USE ZONES INTO USE PREMISES : 4.18 The objective of these regulationsis to guide the preparation of layout plans for different use zones. These regulations also include norms for provision of facilites and ec tion system. “The service plans corresponding to these layout plans for provision of physica infrastructure ike water supply, sewerage drainage, ete, shall conform to municipal byelaws. AAS.A. ‘The width of plotand depth of plot, preferably shall be in ratio of ts 1'%,'¢ 12 oF smaximom up t0 13, 4.46 The noms for residential developmentinrespectto plot sizes type of plot, Far, Ground coverage, heightof building and pertissibledwelling units ae requiredby the builders/Architects oconceive their biiléing plans. The schedule of coverage and setbacks for Residential areas ie iven nthe tle No. 4-T-2, Theplotssizes indicated inthe table must bea partof approved layout And site must be fully developed for grant of building permission. 4.6. 4 The leyout (in new areas) disigned 1 aecommedate more than 4 dwelling units in cone plot halle permite provided the adequate provisionsare defor water supply, Sewerage, parking faites aac are physically ensured before grant of such permission. 4.16.B The area developed as plotted development situated in the existing developed areas, ‘excluding low density area folly or partially developed, at present identified a as familyoint family unit may be penmitted for conversion as multi unit pltted development construction, only after auginentation of uty and services are physically ensured 4.16C The State Govt has issued circular for reservaton of 15% area forinformal sector of ‘the society. ‘The minimum area of layout for such reservation is 4000 Sqm. 13% arca, out oF tho layout area hove 4000 Sqm. shall ave o be reserved aad handed over wo slum clearance Board for providing housing ste(dwellings tothe informal sector of the society 46D The layouts, exclusively or low income group housing shal be prepared as per the requirements of APPENDIX -M (Rule 94) of Madhya Pradesh Bhoori Vikas Niyam, 1984, The table 47.2 provides for additional categories of developed plots. 0 = Sindhi Colony 125 Kaji Camp 125 Regiment road, 125 Arera Colony E-I to E-S/Shamla Hills!Char Imli/Kolar Road upto river and Vijay Nagar areas falling in catchment of Upper Lake: ‘The holding eapacity ofthe above areas is extremely conditioned by the avaitable phycical {nfrassructare and constrains in respect of water pollution. The FAR in these areas shall be 0.75, ‘with height restriction of 12 meters. Other Conditions ‘Area listed above, the control for building/ouildings within the use premises as follows: () maximum ground coverage and FAR shall be sie as for residential pfot in ploited development. (i) the building shall be permitted to be constructed in the same formand style as existing as for as possible. (ii) multi-unit plotted development shall not be allowed in these areas, on pooled plows and individual plot ‘Commercial Area : 4.22 The commercial activities in the metropolices area classified in the form of five tier system as follows : BHOPAL : FIVE TIER SYSTEM OF COMMERCIAL AREAS T 1 ri Ww v (Cig Cense ——Subety centre Community Cente Local Shopping Convenience Shopping conte cae Population Served GityLevel About Sak aout ak) about 15 ubousand abot Sousand Area athadters 5408. 076. onthe ‘Lakh population) Land Requirement pee Thousand Persors 880 Som 540 San. 306 Som. 08am. Activities Allocivisee ot Whole sale markt. eet ‘Shopping real, Shopping Retsil Shopng Retsil Stopping Rel service, repair serioevepaif) service repar) serve, repai). and lined whole Informal sopping. Informal sions, Informal shopping. Sle) Infcmal — Cormmeccial Offices, Commer Oit- Shomping Commec- Cinema, Hotel, i685. al Offices, Guest House, ‘Cinewa, Hotel, Nursing homes. 9s Guesthouse, ‘Nursing Home. Service indus- Serve Indussies. Acaltriin, CConmnity Hal Musearn, Library, and Library, Science Gente, ‘AsvCratyesic Dance Schoo “MelefBook Bazer, ‘Weokly markets (onclase days) Des. Aubry snd Minicpal Ofies. Bus sop, Post Otte, ieee wb-suonBlewiesubsution [Fre Pos, Pole Dsporsry, Pow conveniences. Conveniences, Pox, Teepane Pump (ling station change, Fectric on) Weekly Market Substation, Pos (chose day) ‘aud Tekegraph—Sub-staton Office, Peco! conveniences Pump conve. sions resident Note : Besides the above, retail shop ‘centres and transpotation nodes. (of desired level shall also be provided in all work Design Guidelines for Commercial Areas 423 The City/Sub-city has the following components Retail Shopping Commercial Offices Service Centre Facilities (Cultural Complex Hotel Landscape (Component) Wholesale (Where provided) “4.24 In certain situations it may be possible to prepare an integrated plan forall of the above components. In ether eases because o ftor like the time required between the land development and disposal, tenure conditions or even certsn design requirements such as solution may not be posible. The components like facilities, hotel and wholesale may be equired-o be demarcated separutely for development, Possibly the other gruop ie, rezil, office, cartural coraplex and ‘residential could be more easily integrated in the same building space or area chrough landscape 96 and cretion, Thsit wos be desibletoleave iti the designerto repre ines plan forallorsome of he componens. “The area provided for landscape as partof the city/sub-city should weave through the entre ‘istrict centre to eret a pleasant environment, A cltytub-city should be accessible from the surounding esidonial areas through the padestan approach or by subways et BHOPAL : NORMS FOR SHOPPING AREAS 4n4 S.No. Cuegory Location Coversge® FAR @ @ @ @ ® 1, City Contes. Walled city, Moharame son 28 Pratap Nagar 2. Subscity Centre Misred and Neort 80% 20 3. Community Centre a8 per proposals of 80% 175 Location Zoning Plan. 4, Local Shopping ;Cenre — —do— 80% 1.50 5. Conveniences * do 80% 1.00 shopping * & of premises formed out of land sub-division, + In areas where che FAR for residential development is 0.75 the FAR for commercial development. ull be 0.75 ony. [Note : For planning and development purposes the provision of table 4-7-3 shallbe followed. For * buildin, errection purposes on approved developed plo, building bl shall be controlled ‘by the provisions of Table 4-T-5, Commercial Area : old city 4.25 Maximum coverage in existing built up coromerciel areas wil be BOS ofthe area of premises delineaed for commercial use on te ground foot. On subsequent upper floors the ‘overage and other stipulations shall be regulated in conformity tothe premises occupaney, Floor ‘Area Ratio permissible for various commercial sites is given below -— entreal Core 200 Inner Ring Rosa (Central o” Commercial Roads in between inner 2.50 rings with 18 mrs, and above width ‘Other roads less than 18 mts. width 2.00 Commerval areas cuter ting 986 250 Gurubux-KicTallaiya area 230 426 In case some areas ave left by the ower of his own plot for public use such as road, footpath or parking ee, cwo times of normally permissible F. A. respect ofthe are left for publicuse, will be permitted o be adled tthe structure onthe remaining plot. Ths will offset the loss of are’ to great extent and will encourage leaving of some area in font ofthe building plots, Non-formal Sectors Shops/Thelas 4.27 Whileplanning new commercial centes, space reservations for sree vendors: hawkers “and ther such activites shoul be made. Following norms in retail trade com moaity level, local level and convenience shopping. Retail trade: ©) City Cente, Sub-City Centre, 3 0 units per 10 formal shops or as Community Contre, Loca! specified i the norms separately shopping, Convesience shopping Informal shopping in other premises: (Government and Commercial $10 6 units per 1,000 employees. offices (i) Wholesale trade and freight 31044 units per 10 formal shops. complexes dy) Hospital 310 4 units per 100 beds. (@) Nursing Home 2 Unis. (Bus Terminal 2 units per 1 bus bay. (i) ——_Schoois Primary Seeondary/Senior 30 A units Secondary/Inregraed 5 6 units, (vii) Parks RegionalDisiiet Parks 820 10 units at each major entry. [Neighbourtiood parks 210 3 units (Residential | uniy100 population (Industrial, 5 0 6 nits per thousand employees. (Relay Terminus ‘To be based on survey’ at ihe time of preparation of the projet. BHOPAL : LAYOUT NORMS FOR WHOLE SALE COMMERCIAL, DEVELOPMENT 405 ‘S.No Category Oo @ 1. Area under plots 50% Max. of tbe total area ‘Area uncer circulation & parking 40% Max 3. Areas under facilities including, 10% ‘open spaces 4 Road widths — Minimum width of major through 15 meters fore within the market. Minimum width of tuck bay 18 meters strip & driveway combined in front of shops — Minimum width of pedestrian S meters ‘ways abutting shops. 5. Shop Sizes — Shop sizes Depending upon demand survey and projections. Auction platform 1030 m (Preferably) — Block length Bovween 100200m 6. Parking 1.50 ear space per 100 Sqm. floor area, 428 Norms for Fuel Filling and Filling-cumservice stations = ‘The following regulations are recommended for locating the petrol pump-cum-service stations. 1, Minimum distance from the road imer-seetion, (@) for minoe roads having ess than 30 mes, RAW 150 m (©) for major oad having R/W of 30-m. or more 250 m 2. The distance of pump pedestal from the centre line of the road shall be as per stipulation of LR.C.nonms. 3, Minimum plo size s— () Only filling station 30m x 17m (®) Filing cum service station minimum size 36m x 30m snd maximom 45m x 33m, (©) Frontage of the plot should not be less than 30m. (@) Longer side ofthe plot should be the froatage. 4. New petvol pump shall not be located on the road R/W less than 30m. 4.29 Norms for Cinema Halls: Rosé width “The road width on whieh the cinema plots is abutting should not be less than 18m wide, Parking “The parking requirement in addition to marginal open spaces, should be 1.87 ECS per 100 Sqm. of floor space ot one ECS per 150 seats which ever is minimum. ‘Area requirement The area requitemont shallbe worked out @ 2.3 Sqm. per seat Plot Coverage ‘The maximum permissible coverage shall be 33% of the plot area. Ser back 15m min. 45m 43m ‘Norms for Hotels 1430 Recommended norms for Hotels areas follows -— (Maximum ground coverage 20% (@)— Maxieum FAR 120 Gi) Maximum Height am Gv) Other Controls 5 % ofthe FAR ean be used forthe commercial space related to hotel function. - Basement below the grou floor and io the maximumextent of ground coverage shall be sllowed and if sed for parking and services shall not be counted in FAR. Parking shall be provided as per Table 47-16 [Norms for Industrial Development Layout Norms 431 Recommended norms for Industria! area's lsyout areas follows -— Arca under plots Max 65% Gi) Are underrouds, parking, open Min 25% (i)——_Area under shops, other amenities Min 10% and facilites. BHOPAI (OVERAGE, FAR AND SET BACK FOR INDUSTRIAL AREAS 4.76 S.No, Plot Range Coverage Setback FAR Front ‘Side__‘Rear o @ @ @ a © a 1, upto 05 Heer 50% 3 3as 1s 10 2. Above 05 Heet 53% 5 42 20 08 to.1 hect 3. Above to. 2Hect. 50% 9 34s 30 ons 4. Above 02Heet. to 45% 10 6065 3.0 ons 1.0 ect. Above LOOHeet.t0 45% 2 66 43 ors 2.00 Heer. 6. Above 20 Hee 30% 1s 66 45 ons 2 Flattedfactories- ‘Minimum Plot Sizo 1500 Sqr, (0.15 Hect.) Coverage 50% FAR 15 'M.O. (Bet back) as per site conditions/Layout norms Parking facili 4.32 The provision of requisite Facilities in industrial development shall be conforming to the following abe fran industria esiateof 20,000 employment size. Inan industrial sub-division plan minimsm area reserved for provision of facies shall be @-2.05 squn. per worker. The employment in industrial estate shall be worked out @ 300 workers per hectare of the gross se, BHOPAL : RECOMMENDED NORMS FOR SERVICES IN INSUSTRIAL AREA _ 477 S.No. Uso Premises ‘Area in hee, 1 SubFire sation 0.60 2 Police Station E 1.00 3 Industial Area Centre (Commercial 100) (Cente) to accommodat essential ‘comimercial and other Facilities required for industrial esate. 4 Electric Sub-sations (as necessary) 050 5. Parking area for ucks, tempo, tixi 1.00 and three wheelers et. [Nowe :Fér water pollutingindustris the efflunt shall be treated at common treatment plant before fs discharged into regular sewers ao Flatted Factories 4.33 Maximum coverage and F. A. R, for flit fuciosies will be as follows Coverage 30% EAR 120 ‘Minimum Plot Size 1500 Sqm, ‘The coverage and F. A. R. of residential in central core shall be applicable for household {industries permitted in central area. ‘Norms for Re-use of Industrial Site After Relocation of Industrial Unit 434 The norms indicated in this ehaptes for occupancy, occupancies shal be Followed, for preparing redevelopment plan, Ifthe area is more than 1000 Sqm. the PAR stipulation shall be ‘worked outafier deducting efficiency areasi.e. circulation areus, parking spaces and open spaces. “The use of the adjoining land on the basis of compatibility shal be allowed on such relocations by the Stare Govt. as per the procedure stipulated in para 2.70, Norms for Social Infrastructure 4.35 Norms for social infrastructure are as follows‘ BHOPAL : COVERAGE, FAR FOR PUBLIC AMENTITIES/FACILITIES ans Se _Gagnny___—=~=~C~S*«Mi ice coverage FAR T. Educational Buildings a) Nursery Schoo! 40% ors b) Primary Schoo! 33% 100 OHS. School 30% 1.00 @) College 25% 1.00 ©) Educational & Reaseerch Cente 20% 08 2 Bialik 4) Health Conte/Nursing home 33% 1.00 {Primary Health Centre 33% 1.00 6) Hospital 3% 1.00 3. Public Utes and facilities 4) Police post 35% 070 ) Police Staion with staff quarters 25% 1.00 ©) Community Hall 30% 00 @) Sub-fre station 25% o7s ©) Fire Station 25% 075 Post & Telegraph 30% 1.00 )Electsic Sub-station - 4 Religions Buildings 0% 100 5. Govt & Semi-Govt, Offices 25% 1.00 ‘Note: Facilities not covered in the above it, shall have coverage upwo 40% and FAR wot exceeding 1.00 102 BHOPAL : STANDARDS FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES AND AMENTITIES Senieefarmeniyy Popolavon served +19 ‘Area revommended per facility (ha) Education Norsery, pre-primary, creche Primary School Secondary Schoo! College Engineering College Medical College ‘Tochrial Bdoeaton/ Professional College Uviversity Compus Health Despensary Narsing Home Polyetinie Inwrmodiate hospital ‘General Hospi Social and eutturat ‘Art gallery and museum ‘Audiorium (Genital library hob ‘Community all and brary Religious building Regious/spriwal ceae Security Police post Police station Diss Office Police) Police lines Diserict Jit Home guards zonal office Fire station Others Milk booth “Telephone exchange ‘olegrahp office Head post office 2,500 3,000 3,000 0 4000 7,300 10,000 (0180 t0 1 take to lakh 10lakh TWlakh Wo 15 kh Metropolis 203 lakh Metropolis 1 3 lakh 15,000 5,000 V0 3 lakh 40,000 to 30,000, (0.751009 lakh lakh lakh lakh 1010 20takh lakh 5,000 3 103 lakh 5 lakh 25 lakh 0.08 00.1 O4t0 10 1.6102 sons 75/10 0.08 002 02105 0205 101030 6010 100 05010 03010 051010 051010 021004 004 035 016 11510150 4.01050 4.01060 19 20 20 .002 081010 021005 0.061001 Head post afice (Aran) Sto 10k 025003, LPG godown | 40,0001050.000 0.51006 ‘Tax! & Thies whedler stand 35,000 os Boriaeremation ground 15020bkh 20 lec. sub-ation (65 KV) Tink 10 lec, sub-section (1 KY) 7,500 10 10.000 "Note: Higher value be adopted for low valu sites and lower vale for high vale sites [Education and Research Centres (Large Campus-Above ha) 436 Lange campuses of Universities, Medical and Engineering Colleges and other ‘educational aad esearch instigates sall be covered acer these regulation. The campus wil be ‘divided into three parts end the regulations shall apply, given as allows (4) Academie including administration (45% of de total land area) including creuation Maximum ground coverage 20% 045% area Maximum floor ares ratio 0.80 ‘Basement below the ground floor and othe max. extent of ground coverage shal bellowed nd if ed for parking and serves should not be counted in FA, () Residents! 259% of toa land wea _ including roads “This willbe developed ata density of400 pph. gross. Theland shal be reserved for residential facies @ 92 sqm. pot person. Subdivision and regulation a given for group hovsing shall ppl (©) Sport and colrora aniviis (15% of the cota area) Maximum ground coverage 10% of 15% sex ‘Maximum Moor aeuraio 0.15 (@) Parks and landscape (15% ofthe toa land area}; suitable land seape plan tobe prepared for this ares. {€) Where specific regulation have notbeea sven, following norms will beadopted forpublic and semi-puiie premises, Maximom ground coverage 25% ‘Maximum floor areamatio. 1.00, ther Controls ‘Rasement below ground flor to the maximum extent of ground coverage shal be allowed and if used for parking and services should rot be counted in FAR,

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