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Prot, Dr. Subhash Ranade wat formerly Principal of Ashtang Ayurveda College, Pun, Indiaandisthe author of more than 92 books on ‘Ayurveds, which have been published in German, Polish, Talis, English, and many Indian languages. He has the honour of being sting Profesor tall the colleges of Ayur ‘veda in USA andother insite like Sew Akademie German, ‘Ateneo Veda Wasa in Italy, Foundation of Health in Poland and ‘Ayurveda Intemational Diusing Association of Japan. Since 1981, he has visited and has conducted hundkeds of Ayurveda ‘courses for medical practitioners Europe, US.A. and Japan 0 aaa ve! Constant and Head of Department of 1 ‘Ayurvedic Physiology at Ayurvedic College, NNigd. Pure. He has done’ double post Wetton io inte aber ofan Medicine and Ayurvedic Paysiolgy. He his given many radi and television iteriews on various opcs of ‘yurved od has contributed many arels in varios Journals He has writen many books on Ayurveda in Mra, English and ‘German Languages He bas vsted Switerand, USA, Geman, Tal and Spa for Ayurvedic propagation De. Swatl Chobhe is Associate Profesor, Physiology Deparment a Ayurveda college, ‘Aud, Pane ad bas been eching the ject Since 1991. De. Chobhe is member of Intemational Academy of Ayurveda ad hs been teaching Physiology t foreign students forthe last? year. De. Chobbe bas also tutored book on Prats Shia Kriya Vina in Marah language whichis wellaceptedby Ayurvedic Sent, & (CHAUKHAMBA SANSKRIT PRATISHTHAN DELHI- 110007 PRICE : Rs, 178.00 A TEXT BOOK OF Saree ei CaN AIL) eet eS Skee a © ueufi, eAy-eseYys Pec Pom ee Pare) ATEXT BOOK OF Sharira-kriya Vijnan [PART-2] THE (CHAUKHAMBA AYURVIJNAN STUDIES 8 ATEXT BOOK OF Sharira-kriya Vijnan (acon tthe yas of CCM, New Di (PART - 2] By Prof. Dr. Subhash Ranade Chonan ltl Acdey of Apes, Pane Prof. Dr. RR. Deshpande MD Keene & sherrabre) rot 8 Head, Dep of Share hia ‘Ayureds College, Aku Dr. Swati Chobhe baw es. MD AnocieProfeoe Dep. of Shavikia Ayurveda College, Akard CHAUKHAMBA SANSKRIT PRATISHTHAN DELHI ACTIX BOOK OF SHARIRA-KRIVA NANA Pate (CHAUKHAMBA SANSKRIT PRATISHTHAN. S8U.A.Bunglow Rord,owahar Nagar Delhi 11007 Phone: (11) 28886301, 41530902 comm: xpdesalev@grilcom, © AMRights Reserved Repent / Delhi, 2009 ISHN B70 9589 08) ISBN 1-7863555 (HB) Pace: Re 17500 78) x 400008) Al a be bf (CHOWKHAMBA VIDYABIIAWAN (Chowk bid Bank of Burd Bung Pour Bux No 108 Xunmas 21001 (CHAUKIAMBA SURBHARATI PRAKASHAN KS7/I7, Gopal Ndi Lage (CHAUKHAMBA PUBLISHING HOUSE 1497/2, Ground Por, Set No 2-8 Aas Road, Days Gan} ‘New Det 30002 AK. Lithographers, Debi PREFACE, Sharira-kriya isthe fundamental subjece forthe study of ‘Ayurveda. This subject explains all the basic concepts starting from Tiguna, Panchamahabhuta, Tiidosha 8 theie sub-rypes, Dhatu, Upadhaea, Mala, Prakriti, Agni, Dietetics, Digestion, Nutrition, Respiration and Circulation. The subject also deals wich the Fundamental ‘concepts of Embrylogy and the formation of fetus. If the concept of Sharra-riya is understood correctly all ‘cher subjects, which depends on this subject like Viki Vijnana and Kayachikitsa are also understood in proper way. Many important concepts in Kayachikisa like how ‘bast acts on Vata dosha, how bast treatment is effective in join disorders, why Sama Pita is digested by herbs and minerals having good smell are all based on the concepts in Sahrirakria, We have taken great care © include all the necessary references from various lasscal texts like Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Sangraha and Asheanga Hridaya with ehcir explanations. These explanations are according tothe references and wherever necessary, we have made them easier 0 understand by adding examples from day to day life alo. Syllabus of ‘Share kriya has an excellant blend of treasure of Ayurvedic knowledge, supplemented by essential concepts from Modern physiology (like cardiac cycle, ECG, Lung function tests, Digestion etc). This matter has been included propery. So Students will not nced to refer any ‘other book for modern physiology. (i) We have also taken cate to include line diagrams at proper places to explain the points mentioned in the text, so that the students will understand the subject better. The entire book:has been written as per the syllabus of CCIM, New Delhi and like our other text books, we are sure that students and teachers will appreciate our work. Prof. Subhash Ranade ajar, 367 Soar Nagae 1 Pune, 411,009 | Tel. 912026224427 EMail sbranade@redifai com Prof. RR. Deshpande 9-A, Kapila Housing Soiey Gokhale Nagar, Pane, 411016 “Tl 91-20.25653630 E-Mail: diedeshpande@yahoo com Dr. Swati Chobhe Saris Vaibhav B/3.24 Siahagad Road, Pane, 411,030, Tel 91-20-24250528, CONTENTS Chapter 1 Insroduction Datu it Relation (Dharesast) 8 Health 1] -Deliniion a Dhateposkara Nayar 3) “Typer 9 Concept of Sots 3| “Clinical Imporance 9 Exymology of Sroas 4|Upsdhacs Secondary Tse) 9 Definition of Sroxs 5] Dhara Maa (Waste Produces Functions of Sots 5] of Dhaw) 0 Roos of Sos 5 |Symproms of Dharu Vidi Concept of Kala 6) fe Kshaye n Formation of Kala 5 | Ansi:pramana n “Time Requied for Dhara Embeyoogial Development Formation 7| of Orgene 2 Main Functions of Dhates8|Outin for Sudy of Dhara 12 “Tae Eesence Chapter 2 ‘ara Rass Concept oF Ahinerain —_14| Circulation & Formation [Absorption of Ahaeease 14] of Ahar-rasa “ Chapter 3 Ras Dhatw Exymology 16|Disorder of Rasadhatn 19 Synonyms 16| Importance of Rasa data 20 She 16| Body ids, plasma and Panchabhautlea Consiuion 16| lymphatics 2 Meabolam 16] Plasma 20 Quales 17|Tancllaar aide a Quantiy 18| Ieee Bide 2 Fancions 18| Lymph and Iymphacic sytem 22 Spraproms of Rasssarata 18] Formation ffmph 2 Upadhatus 19|Composiion ofiymph 23 Mala 191 Functions of ymph 2 (viii) Chapter 4 ‘Rakta Dhar Exymology 24] Oxygen Caine of Spoonyat 24) Hoemogisbin Ea Ske 24| White Blood Cele Meabolism 25) eukocyees) 38 Meaoism ofRaktadharu 26| Physiologica Vatiation of Consiution of Rakes dhatw 26] WBC Coune 38 Qualier 26| Levcopoierie 38 Symptoms of Vihuddha | Development of Granular lea dba 26) Leveocyes 39 Functions of aka dhatw _28| Development of Lymphocytes39 Roleof Reka dhacu inthe |Lifespanof Leucages 39 formation of various organs _|Perentge of WBC 3 iptnwauteinelife30/Funcions of WBC 0 Rakew haters 30| Clini Significance of Disorder of Rakes huey 31| ror WB. count 0 Imporance of Rakeadhaty31|Thrombocyres (cles) 41 Blood 32) Functions of Pale Composition of Blood 32 | Haemosuais and Blood CConatisenteof Blood 32|Congulcon a Fancdons of Blood 32] Vascular Spas 2 ‘Blood Corpuscles, 33) Place plug formation 42 Enythrocyer (RO) 33) Blood Coagulation a Normal Couns of RBC 34| Disorder of Coagulsion 44 anctons of REC 34 Blood Coagulation Tens 44 Source of Energy of REC 34 Blood Groupe “ Development of REC §4|Rhayzem of Blood Group 45 Suger of Enhopoies_35| Hisar of Incompatible Fare of RBC 36) Blood Tsnsfaion “6 Hemoglobin 137 Clini Significance of Rh Functions of Hemoglobin 37| System 46 [Normal vue of Hemoglobin 37|Sigifcance of Blood Group 46 Chapter 5 Mamsa Dhara Synonyms 47|Mamszdbara Kala a Siteof Mama Dhatw _47|Meaboiam of Maes Dhara 47 (ix) CConstiution of Mamsadhatu 48 | Histology of Muscle Tse 52 Qual of Mama dhats48| Physiology of Muscle (Quanity of Mama dhars49| Contraction sé Funcons of Mama dhatu 49| Energy Source for Muscle Secondary Tissues of Conteaction and Relation 55 ‘Mamas daca 49| Clini Application of Symptoms of Mamsasarea 50] Muscle Contaction and Disorder of Mama diane 50| Energy 36 Male Tisue Types of Muscle Contracions 57 Spec Feautesof Muscle |Diordrs of Muscular Sytem 57 Tine 3 Chapter 6 ‘Medo Dhatw Exymology 58|Symproms of Medsh arta 61 Synonyns 58] Upadharus of of Medo dha 61 She 58| Waste Products @ Medora Srota 58| Disorders of Medo dharw 62 Mesodhars Kala 59| Adipose Tissue Panchabhauciea Consiation 59|Adipoyes 6 Meabolism 58|Distibson of Adipose Qualities of Mado dha 60) sue 63 (Quantity of Medo dhars 60|Functions of Adipose cisue 63 Functions of Medo dhace 60 Chapter 7 ‘sti Dhass Synonyms 64 | Wase Producsof She ‘Ath dhacs o Root sie 64|sympiomsof Ashisaraa 67 Kale (64| Disorder of Aathidharu 68 Panchabhaudla Consiewion 65 Skeletal Tissue ‘TyperofAnhidhars— 65|Mineal Sle ofBone 69 Meaboism 65 | Calle of Bone diasue 6 Functions of Asti dharu65[ Type ofBonytasue o Secondary Tissues of (Compact Bonedssue 9 “Athi dha 67 anesonsof Skeletal sytem 70 [Disorders 7 (2) haper 8 ‘Maja Dharu Synonye 71 |Qqales of Maja dary 74 Sie 71|Sympromsof Majarica 74 Moolsthana 7}funcions of Majsdhana 74 Majd de Meelangs —72|Sesndary Tico Maj Consiaion 72) dior % Menai 42] Disrdee of Majin dhs 75 Wise Produc of Maja dh 73|Bone marow 6 Quatiy of Maja dhs 74] Fanon of Bone arom 76 Chapter 9 Shula Dhatw Eymology 77|Funcionsof uke daca 80 Syoonyns 77|Symproms of Shskisraa 80 Ste 77| Secondary Tie of Salen Shukrvaha Sros 7) anes 81 anchabauil,Consuion 78| Wave Produc of Shura Shuia chats in Female 78] ahava 8 Meabolim 1a] Diodes of Shaka dhs 82 Formetion of Shika dhs 78 lis of Shaken dha 79|Pysiloy of Mle Quant ofShokndhare $0 Repoducion Spaem 83 Chaprer 10 Definition 89) -Ojomapt 93 Synonym 18) Ophrkshaya 4 Formation of js 90|Vahamacs (amin) 94 Oj & Food 31 ipa 35 Dilla opinion sqguting | Lmtauniy 96 Om 91, Type of nmuniy o Ques of Oa 92] immunisation 9 Funcom of Os 92] ari lmmuntve 9 Disorders of Ops 93| Dore Immane Ojon 93) Sem 100 (i) Caper 10 ‘Upadhaus - Secondary Tissues | — — ameter tty 101| Oectn “Eyl | orang phase rs ef gn o sicafSanyrta Sse 12] Cote Ll Ipecac 13 eSuaega rr Siiowot beam 1s pe Fenton ofr il “Eatnober ——,,r— a Raja a (2) Kandara (Tendon) Don Acne 1st Mama Pac oon 1s (8 ade Formation of Arcava, 105; Paecdoa of i " ‘Riu kala — whan Dh — ‘Site of Artavavaha srotas 106) na Dhacus 6 Ce Aprace yp] Totton f kn Factors Responsible for lr ela ter Menara cle 107] Méordingte Chara efter eke ing Sa ‘on Female body 07} “Concept of Chaya 8 sonst anna a7] Reta Dora os 1g) Vn cle a Physiology of Menstruation 108] “Propersis of Vasa Pe tes] Roto an __ ~ Fc ofOwie, —_1o(Suy ogmenn) Prowl falida 11 Suet Saye Gaatanflide "11 “Enso ofS Orton ace in] Sypca Sy Monasloxe 11] Paton ofS um 12 12 ns. us. 13, 4 na m4 us, us 6 47 7 Ww 7 120 m1 m1 ma ies wm m m2 13 13 (i) | -Releonship beeen Da en 1244 “Does Dero Tech | incon of ech Chapter 12 Mala - Waste Products Denon of Mala 126/Urers Pade, 127| Nol Conn of Gals 127] Une Stet Formation 127 Facog Urine Quansiy 1o5] Wine Functions of Purisha 128 | Diurerics Disorders of Puisha 129 |Abnormal Connie iy ne Phytlogy oFFomaton of | dad Seat Fees t2p|Evmology Physi of Deen 13 Patel Contnon DirdesofFees {3 /boaon 2 | Conscitucions & Sweating, Fenton of Sede SteotMutaha Sous 131 Panchabhautika Constit Lapa oe onof Urine ra Gabiect ioe 2 ase re of ae Ayurvedic concept of Sey ‘Urine Formation 132 | Mase prouct of Ras feces SESS Bl Mater or Keds are prac oF Ashi ‘Anatol Condens 134, Mqnesmane oA Ince! Sees 135) Poco of Hae Phyl of Une “Reanip een feematon 136] “Toma & Rea dan Precoer ied easnipbrween Uinefomation ——136| “Loma fe Conation “Gloneriar Flewtion 136] -Renconipberwe Tela Reerpion 137} “Hair Comiton ada Section 138| Wane pod of Ah Functions of Knee 138) have 124 15, 138 139 40 141 “0 ut ms “i a a a M6 “6 “a 5 M5 us 146 146 M6 (xii) -Retaionhip of Naito | Wise roduc of Maja osha, Dhar & Nas 146] hace wr Chapter 13 India Vian Definition 14a Syronys 14s] Opie Pawsy 161 Type India 14a] Seuctre of cil 1S Panchabbauck Concion 49] “brows Tinie 161 India Pancha 150) “scl Tn 12 “See oe 150] -Newous Tinie (Rein) 163 edie des 150] neo af bal st “Aas 150]Vious Chanter 168 “ana 150] nal Feld ofthe e168 wry 10] espn Vil ay 16 Cemersf Sen orans 151] Vinal pathway Prana yuand Secon 1312)Gary away 18 Mind and Sere ons 151 Type of apilae 16 ‘Ayurvedic Concept Gesexory Gls onains Reception 152] aie proces 170 RaleofSene orpnsin. (3) Olfcaory patiway 172 Imsintenance ofa 152) Olfcory aes 2 Seme npn Sound 153) Olfcory piu 172 Ayurvedic concep of Payinlog of OlGcion 172 TereptionofSound 154) Auary aay 175 Seoucorgan oF ouch 154) Paro Ear us Sena onsnof Vnion 136] External Er 5 Ayureticconeptof Middle ear v5 Visual Peeepion 157) eal Ear 1% See oganofTute _157]Diionof Labyiwh 178 Ayurve concept of Charter of Base Reception Tae 158| Membrane v8 Sese organ ofSmell_—_159| Cine Imporence of Ayurve concept of aircl 9 Pecepion ofSmell —160|Phyilogy of Hering 179 CCovrdination of Five semes 1605) Pathway Touch 182 RoleoFlndyainmine | WharigaSesaion? 183 nance of Hed rool Whar Repoe, 18S acwsy oF Light euch & (xiv) Pathway for Diseiminaive Pressure 183] touch & Vibrations Pachvay of Pan Tract of Burda “Temperature 1s Chapter 14 Division of Nenous Tite 187 Cri Nerous Tatue Neuron ‘Aone Nerve ber Neuroglia Cals ‘Cells of CNS ‘Cll of PNS Physiology of CNS Parts of Brin Functions of Medull oblonga Pyramids Doral side of Medals shlongata Functions of Pons Fnetone of Midbsin Functions of Thats Factions of Hypothalamus Functions of Carcbrum Function of SP Blood Supply of Brain Bal Ganga, (Cerebral uc) Functions of Baal Ganglia Lobes of Cerebrum imbie System Cerebral Cortex Prec Function of ‘Sensory ares Elecroenceplogrrn (EG) Nerves 187| Cereals 188] Functions of Cerebellum 189| Gray Mate of Spinal cord 211 190] 1 1] 1] 193] 193] 194 194 14 195| 196| 197| 17] 198] 195] 199] 200| 201 201 202 203 thie Mater of Spinal ond ascending Tracts of ‘Spinal cord Descending (Mote) Trees Reflex Center Deiniion of Snetion Physiology of Sensory Pasay unctons of Posterior Column Pathway Functions of Spine lame Pathway Physiclgy of Motor Padwsy Estes Pyramidal ace Physiology of Autononic Newous System | Parsvertebral Ganglia Prevercbal Ganglia Paraympatetic Nervous Sysem Ditlerence bern Symp: hex and Parsympatesic Newous system | Autonomic Newotane- 204) mere Nowa 2071 Eymeogy 184 186 207 308 209) a2 23, a 26 a7 28 23 24 225, 5 26 29 (0) Ashuanga Yoga of Prajli 230) Chandrabheli Pranayama 233 Concept of Yogic Nadis231|shatchakes 234 Sushurnn 231) Imponance of Resionship Llaand Pagal 282) of Organs and Sharchakess 236 Surjabhedi Pranayama 233) Chapt 15 ‘Mana-Atma-Nidra & Sapna ‘Manas (Mind) Ama Labanas 245, Importance of Mind 237) Shodasha hala Purusha 246, Syronynsof Mind 237] She of Mind 238] Phyiclogy of Seep 247 CCharscernicof Mind 239|Benfiof Sleep 27 Qualities of Mind 239] Typerof sleep 28 Reltiontip beeen Sharra_ | Esc of lp occuring nd Manat Doar 239| in Night 48 Sabjecs of Mind 240| Ber of Seep during Functions of Mind 240] Day cine 249 Relsionship of Mind with | Sleep 29 Vata doshs 241] Requiremene of Sleep 249 Reltonthip beeen Pans [Non Rapid ye movement ‘yu and Mind 241) Seep (NREM) 249 Functions of Pana Vaya 242 Rapid Eye movement Functions of Udana vayu 242] Sleeps (REM) 250 Sidhak Pia and Mind 242| Newocansmier and Sleep 250 Pycho-somati Relaonship 242| Dream 20 ‘uma Soul) Natit of Dress depends Eymelogy 243] on Consiution 251 Significance ofSoul__-246|Typeof Dreams 251 Charactrisic of Soul 245) Chapter 16 Granthi-Samsthan (adocrine Glands) Hormones Picitary Gland Casifction of Hormones 252] (Hypophysi) 253 Endocine Glands inthe | Hormones of Anetior ‘ody 252), Phair land 254 Hormone of Poxtrie Pray snd Foncons of Human Growth Hormone Disorders of Growth Hormone Dost Cig “Aeromep Fonction of TSH Fonction of ACTH Function of FSH Function of LE Function of Prolactin Malanogtestimeling Hormone Hormones of Ponsior Pecny “HymidGland ‘Anatomie portion of Thyroid dnd Hormone rtd by “Thyroid and Spel ture of Thyid and pili fnctions of hyo and Spot ety Symp Hypo i Fonction of Cakitonin ‘Supracnal Gland Hormones sored by Seprarenal land Functions of Minralo- ‘oro (xi) |nction of he Glco- 254 eonicoids | Function of Avena 254) Androgens [Functions of Adrenal 255 Medal 285 Hormones of Adrenal 255| Medals 236 Symptoms of Addisons 256| Dene 236 Spmproms of Cushing’ 256}, Syndome 204 265 265 266 266 267 257| Disorder of Sex Andeogens 267 257 Hounonal Functions af Testes Funcrons of Feosteone 257|Hormonal Functions of ‘Ovaries 258 Funcions of Esvogen 258 Function of Progeerone Functions of Relais 258 Functions of Inhibin Dacre 259 Functions of Glucagon Functions of alin 260 Disorders Fes anthtoid Gland ~ 1260| Anatomia! Poston anetions of PTH 261 Hyperyciinn Hypothyroidism 261 | Thymus Gland 262 Pia Gland Metaonin lAdrenoglonerulotopin 263] Hormone Kids 266| Adipose Tissue 268 269 269 270 270 270 am 22 an 2 co 24 m4 74 25 25 275 275 Chapter 1 Introduction In Paper One of Saria-kriya Vijnan we have discussed the physiological aspect of Doshas. The main components of Jhuman body are - Dosha, Dhatu & Mala. Now inthis Paper ‘Two, we will earn about the remaining components eg, Dhatu & Mala Human physiology depends on balanced state of dosha, cdhatu & mala. Doshas ae the main bio-enespis which are responsible forthe physiological asivities. These activities ‘ake place chrough the media of dhacu & mala, Dhatus or tissues can be called as the stabilizing pillars of the body (Caron, 19", Malas are excretory products formed during metabolic activity of the body. “There are seven types of dhatus such at Rasa 2) Rakta—3} Marsa 4] Meda 5) Asthi 6) Maja 7) Shukea ‘To understand the concept of health & disease, one should firs understand the concept of dhacu. Exymology of the word dhatu is‘ - et’ which means harana, or to support the body. Dhatus are those constituents which support the body. Well nourished dhacus give strength to body & maintain health 8 immunity Dhatus of weak quality are prone ro diseases. Immunity & strength of dhacu can be improved by rasayana chikiesa. ‘Dhatus ite Relation to Health ‘ada er ate 1 “The human body continuously undergo wear 8¢ tear process. 2 shi ir Kriya Vijnan Formation of new dhatus & destruction of old one is 4 continuous proces. Dating childhood ate of sue formation (anaboism) i rapid while in od age rate of ise deterioration (catabolism) i more Tissues ate replenished by food, at 8 water. Ingested food. undergoes ransformaton. The proces of tansformation of foods called as Pachana (Digestion). Digestion in annavaha srotas i called as sthoola.pachana (Drimary phate of digestion) Sthula pachana is divided ino thee sages according to predominance of raat (aste) in food. Madhura tvachapaka, amla avashapala, karw avathapaka ate the three phaser of sthoolapachana. During this process ahara rai formed from the ingested food, under the inflence of samana vayu 8 Aga This ahara risa ges absorbed from agahani (small ncesine) &¢ is brought to the heart. Ahara rasa consists of nutrients of seven dhatas, Datu receives ahara rasa, which is pumped 8 propelled from heat 10 various channels. Nutrients of each dhacu undergo farther teansformation. In secondary phase of digestion, stable tissues or thay dhatas are formed Dha-agni or dese fie, anjaka ite and wana vay are essential forthe tistue formation during sukshma pachana. For the formation ofeach dhatu a separate dhatu-ag or athawga i equied. There are seven dhat-agnis for seven hats. ‘Agni locsted in each dhaty is called dhatwagni. Hypo- activity of hyperactivgy of dharsagai celts in exces or depletion of tse rexpecively ‘exerenen rahen: | an fea gee (Ass. 1130) The above verse also explains in ctclationship beween Introduction 3 jatharagni & dhatu-agni. The normal state of dhatu-agni is ‘sential for proper nourishment & formation of dha Following table indicates types of Agni inthe boy iain 1) 2, Dhaagni 7 [Panchabhauteagel | 5) Formation of Akaa rasa isa esulrof Shula pachana Aara rasa consists of mtn of even dats, Sushma pachana involves formation of sthayidhacs (table sis) fom he poshaka dhas unstable sues or muerte) presen in Bara (Theories of tissue formation) 1) Kshira-dadhi ayaya - Theory of total transformation 2) Kedari-kulya nyaya -Theory of isgation 3) Khale-kapota nyaya- Theory of selectviy We have already seen the detailed information ofthese chee ‘theories in the fest volume of Sharirakrya vijnana. Proper formation of dhatu depends on balanced state of dhatu-agni £& also on well functioning of sorasa because, ‘auctor we ma afar: | ‘Sie a wees ey FA FE (Chachi 3/39) Poshaka dhatus (nuteients) are acted upon by their respective dhatu-agnis inthe respective sotasas and from hat poshy ddhatus or stable issues are formed. (Cha. Chi- 8) This verse explains importance of dhatu-agni as well as srotasas Deranged state of srotas also leads co malnutrition & ‘malformation of dhatus. Concept of Srotas ‘The term ‘rota’ means channel or system in which some tissue of other materials formed, secreted or transported. ‘ Sharir Kriya Vian ‘Niu (Etymology) of Srotas qam! “The word stoas is derived from the Sanskrc dara - “sr! Meaning of ‘su! is to secrete, r0 permeate, ro flow. The structure chrough which substance is either secreted ot circulated or teansported i called a rots Srotasas ae innumerable bu grossly there are 16 seotaas in the body as follows: 1) Prana vaha srocas 2) Anna vaba srots 3) Udaka vaha srotas 4) Rasa vaha storas 5) Rakea vahasroras 6) Mamsavahasrota 7) Medo vaha seotas 8) Asthivaha srotas 9) Maja vahasroras 10) Shukra vaha srotas 11) Purih vaha sroas 12) Matra vaha seotas 13) Sweda vaha stotas 14) Arava vaha stots 15) Stanya vaba srotas and 16) Mano vaba sot. ‘The following verses give information abou colour, shape 8 structure of toes ‘an sie (Dathas on SuShs 9/10) “Those structures having kha’ (cavity or space) are called as raga eget w) atts ahem NerGMIPA = (Cha.Vi. 9/25) Introduction 5 Colour of srotasas is similat to that of dhatus they carry. Srotasa ean be staight or tubular in shape, some are very ‘smal in size or some ae be large in size Definition of Srotas ‘erect 88 gt et ea Fe fray tI (Gu Sha. 9113) Srotas can be defined at a structure whose moolasthans (oot has kha’ (cavity) in tie is different than chat of sia & dhamanis. Eunctions of Sromsas 1) Formation of dhatu takes place in sroas. 2) Transportation of nutrients takes place in srotas. 3) Transformation or metabolism occurs in stots. 4) Excretion of waste products is the main functions of Roots of Srotasas (Moola sthana of srotasas) ‘Moola sthanas (root) of srotas are the controling organs of, ‘Moola sthanas ate the sites of urpati (formation) or vahana (transportation) ofa particular substance to which the sroras belongs. They can also be the easiest sites for the ‘examination ofthat sroas. Moolasthana of ota controls ll ‘other organs related co that channel. Some time the root of channel is the exsest one for its examination. Hence ‘examination of the moolasthana is important for clinical From the above description, it is clear that jatharagai (digestive fire), dhaeu-agni (css fre) and srorasas are the important factors on which proper formation of dhacus depends. Along with doshas, dhatus & malas, srotasa also 6 Sharir Kriya Vijnam, phy import role in maintaining health. Unobstructed srorasas allow manufacture of new tissues and proper flow of nutrients & waste material, Impsired functions of srotas leads to stagnation of doshas, dhatus &¢ malas in the srorasas, thence they must be kept clean to maintain health ‘The following table indicates mula-sthana - controlling organs of every dhatu ‘No Dhara [eae hana ‘Resa vba or) Heid, S Tala va war | Val, plecha, al ha se ‘Mama vaha rout | Smayu, twacha ‘Medo vaia ota | Vale, vapavaliana ‘Athi va sors | Med dhata, jaghana ‘Maja vaba sous [Asti dhatu, saodhi 7 Shukrsvakasotas_| Vashana,sephas ‘Concept of Kala Definition of kala is stated i the following verse “srreeree (Sasha 415) Internal lining of the diferent dhatus, organs is called as “kala, Kala can be compared with mucous membrane or the snembrane that produces particular substance, Formation of Kala Kala ie formed inthe intrauterine life ‘eer Pe: EE teKOTATSD STE EATEN th (AMe Sha. 3/9) Kleda (moisture) is presen inside the dhatus & ashayas or organs. Due to heat, Kleda inside the dhatu 8 ashayas get converted into kala. Seven Kalas & their location are shown in the following, cable Introduction 7 [ne [ae Tocston 1| Manse-dhaes als [Sis nay, oa 2 | Rakea-dhara tla "Yar, plecha, dharani 3_| Medo-dhara ala | “Udara, an ash (mall bone) “4 Shleshns-dhar ala | Sandhi 5 | Purishacdhara kala | Paleashaya (Clon) (S| Pia-dhara ala | Grahani (smal incestne) 7 Shulra-dhara Kala Sarva sarees (whole bod) ‘Time Required for Dham Formation “are oe eftey ETE | (Cha.Chi. 15/21) Formation of dhatu is a continuous process. Charaka has compared dhaeu formation to fetching of water with pulley from well. Charaka further elaborates that dhatu formation depends on activity of dhacu-agni Due to hyperactivity of dhamu-agni, the process of dhara formation becomes rapid. On other hand data formation ‘will slow down if there is hyposcivty of dhatu-agni According to Charaka Samhita in one week al seven dhatus are formed, Rasa dhata is formed on frst day after ingestion of food & shukra dhatu is formed on the 7th day. Sushruta has expressed different opinion about time factor regarding dhatu formation. According to Sushruta after formation of ahara rasa every dhatu i formed serially on every Sth day Rasa dhara is formed on Ist day of ingestion of food & on every Sth day, other new dha is formed, ence shukra dha is formed on 30th day. Dies | Ferree and | Ferman avg feCherksmiae® | w Sabra Samba a Tey Tidy Ta dd Say Mam Sid ay Today Meds thy iy 8 Sharir Kriya Vijnan Dh ‘Ashi Maja ‘Shu 30th day “Time taken for dhata formation is importane to understand duration & effet of chiktsa (weatment) of particular dhatu Fore. effect of haematinic medicines on akta dhatu can be observed only after five days fiom the onset of chikitsa ‘because rakta dhata is formed on Sth day. Twenty one days reqjired for healing ofthe fractured bone, as archi dhacu is formed on 20th day. ‘Main Functions of Dhatus ‘oe ae Su: Sk ee ara gt Hes RETR (AHeSu, 11/4) ‘Ne_| Dhan | Function 1 [Ress | _Preenana (Grin) 2 [Rakes | eevana (Mainsenance of Tf) 3” | Mamsa_[Lepana (To cover various organ) Z| Meda ~|Snchana (Lrieation) 5 [Ashi | Dharana (To support) [Maja | Parana (To fil he bony cave 7_[ Shula | ~ Guebhotpadans (Reproduction) ‘Tissue Excellence (Dara Sarata) ‘Tissue excellence or dhaty sarata isa quality assessment of seven dhatus. Examination of dhatu sarata is done at physical & psychological lve Detailed symptoms of dhats saata are explained in the concerned chapters Definition of Dhaw-sarata ‘Pry: A AE: SH’) (CVi. 8/102, Chakrspanid Introduction ° Vishuddhatara dhatu is called as Sara dhawu. This means dhatu with excellent or optimal qualities. ‘Tops of Dhatusarata Sarata of seven dhatus 8 the eighth Satevasaraa (oprimal ‘quality of mind) have been explained as fellows: 1) Uteam Sara dhacu~ Bese qualcy 2) Madhya Sara dhatu - Medium quality 3) Asata Sara dha - Low quality Glinica of 1 ‘Quantitative asessment of dharus must be done. 1) To assess the strength ofeach dhatu, and 2) To assess immunity of dha (Uteama Sara ~ best dhacu sarata has good stength & good immunity. Asara dhatus ae tissues with poor quality and they are very weak. Hence they are prone to diseases. Asara cdhatus can be strengthened by rasaysna chika, ‘Upadhatus (Secondary Tissues) Secondary tissues are byproducts of tissues hence called as secondary tissues, ‘ca et a oy: rs: fer sian ae: 3 REE ETEENE' (Cha Chi, 1507) fate abehe dal Be caren Saretbias oY ie egy Sort eto (Sharmgadhae 1/5116.17) “Table showing dhatus & their respective upadhstu: Te | Die The dane 7 Tp Re 7 Sys ea i) Repcmensl 10 Sharir Kriya Vi Dhiw ‘| tha dias =| Rakes 1 Sire blood veel i) Kandar- tendons es | en 1) Masa fain the mde { Si) ‘Tacha skin | Meda Seay fat muscle 5_| Ashi Dantateth [(eE Mais ‘Kea “baie 7 [Shere as “Recording Sharngidhara Samhita dana & Kesha are upadhatw of ashi" 8 maja. dhaty respectively, while according co Sushrua Samhita, Ojai the secondary sue of shukes hace. ‘Upachatu o sub ssues are byproduct of dhats. They do not suppor the lifelike dhatis. When damaged secondary tases takes longer time for healing than che main tissues, Generally main tissues exept shukra, donot eave the body, while upadhacu can leave the body without giving harming, the body. (IF the tissues leave the body then i ean create serious conditon). Upa dhatus donot fallow the chain of nourishment like dhats fala Waste of Dat mal is formed during metabolism of dha “fed ery wa se see er a 1 (A HeSha 63) epee fogs, wet | fe, sinen aren, a: ce ACH ‘eam fe eo, (1 (Cha Chi 1518-19), [Dhatus & their respective waste produets [Ne Dhan [Dh male [tes emt aa [eke Pie Introduction n [ie Dian [Dh mala 3 | Mama | Kh-mala [Meda — | Sea [Aki Hii ail (| Maja [Alvi cha 7 | Shuless | ~ Of ‘According to Ashtang Sangraha Ojs is a warte product of shukea dhatu (Symptoms of increased & decreased dhatu) ‘Symptoms of dhatu vriddhi & kehaya are explained in che ‘concerned chapters. These symptoms are the applied study. ‘of every dhatu, so one should learn the symptoms & causes ‘of dhatu vriddi 8 kshaya. ‘Anjali-pramana ‘Anjali pramana is a measure to assess quantity of various ‘constituents of body. One anjali is the unit equal to one handful ofa person. ‘agch aston, ase: plement: ‘c! sarees, af titre, ea give, we Sem, oe fee, aed ee, Ta rm, hee, cal swe, wReoremlate: GET crnte at, ake stem 1 (Chas, 715) “Table showing Anjali pramana of vious body constituents Body Contents Tidak Ras Ral Faces ‘apha Pina Usine 2 Shari Kriya Vij [aja pra ‘Vasa (ain muses) 3 Meds 2 Malis L ‘Masicika (bai) | % Shukea “ Embryological Development of Organt ‘Dhawus participate in che embryological development of various organs. Sushruta in Sharrasthana has mentioned embryological development of organs. snterapeciet vis, vite Fey, via frpwea args." ngs: eee: | eon feta ergareger reser are 1g ina ie 1 3 CoRR PTT swat wef Tar | (Su.Sha. 426-28) cera et erger: ence yeh TT we! (SuSha.481) Gada, unduka (anal canal), antta Ginestine) & basi (bladder) are developed from rakta dhatu 8 tridoshas. ‘Veikka (kidneys) are developed from medo dhavs, Sira 8 snayus (vessels and tendons) are developed from meda & rakes dhato. Vihana (teste) ate developed from meda cdhatu 8 kapha dosha. Jivha (congue) is developed from rake, mama dhatu 8 kapha dosha Hea is developed from rakta dhatw 8 kapha dosha. Phupphusa (ngs) are developed from shonita-phena Outline for Sy of Dasa For the systematic study of dhatu one should follow the specific pattern which i as follows: Inuroduction 3 1] Nirukti of dharu (Exymology) 3) Metabolism of dharu 4) Functions of dhata 5] Properties of dhatw 6) Anjali pramana of dhacu 7) Upadhatu & mala of dhae 8] Symptoms of dhatu Veiddi 8 dhatu kshaya, Chapter 2 Ahara Rasa (Concept of Ahara-asa Living body is continuously subjected to wear & tear process. Dhatus needs constant nourishment. Nourishment ofthe body or dhatu depends upon the quality of food. Food Js converted ro body constituents by the proces of digestion, Panchabhautika food which consists of al sx rasa is able 0 nourish Panchabhautik bod: co onsirees caflen pe fees arteries agree ere MENTE: AGT: BE TOS: wah aaa | Susu. 14/3) “The Panchabhautiks, shadrasatmaka (oweat, sly, sour biter, pungent, astringent tates ) food undergoes the process of digestion & sara, sukshma (sulle), ejobhuta shara rasa is formed Absorption of Ahara-rasa cz fre; A: OMI RE; TATA: fet ee rf (Stangadhan meg et a A | (Sharngahar) Due to action of jatharagn, aara rasa containing all the nutrients (sarabhuta) is formed in prahani, du to action of samana vay, ahararsais absorbed from grahani& brought co the heart. From here i is circulated throughout che body ‘oall the els Girculation & Formation of Abara-rasa re swift © re & en re AO to a sear ei age 1 use. 14/3) Absra Rasa, 15 ‘Abara-asa which is brought ro eat enters che twenty four ‘dhamanis arising from heart & set nto circulation, There are ‘swenty four dhamanis emerging from the heart, out of which ten branch off in upward direction, ten branch off inferiorly {& four branch off laterally. Ahara rosa which has entored heart 8 its dhamanis i circulated. through these dhamanis in superior, inferior and lateral deeeions. Tarpana (nourishment), vardhana (growth), dharana (co support), preservation (yapana) are the functions of ahara cadets oft ard, ome she aephger| a ot F stermteer | (SaSha, 14/3, Dalhan) According to Dalhana, functions of ahara rasa vary at differen stages of if. Tarpana & vardhana are predominant in children while in old age ahara rasa maintains the physiological activities which ate called ae ‘yapand. In ‘middle age body is fly developed & dharana (suppor?) of developed body is the chief fanetion of ahara rasa during, middle age. In this way ahara rasa is formed from food. Ie consists of nutrients of seven dhatus. Nourishment of dhatu is the ‘important function of ahaa rsa. Improper food, behavior, imbalanced agni can affect ahars-asa therefore one should have balanced diet, for proper formation of shara rasa 8¢ ‘ultimately for proper nourishment of body. Chapter 3 Rasa Dhatu Rasa dhatu is the Fins dhata in the body being nourished from abararas Se ym TH (SSB) ‘Nirah (eymalogy) Dhara whichis being continuously circulated inthe body is called as rasa dhat. ‘Synonyms Soumya dhats, ahara prasads, dhatu sara, ahara tea, agnizambhava, arkkara ae the synonyms of rasa dhats. Site ewe Faw Hea eat eA, ree seh: A srw ee, ef, ee a (Susu. 143) Hare & ewenty four dhamanis emerging from heart isthe site of rasa dhatu, Rasavaha seotas is che site of rasa dhatu Heare & dhamai rasavaha stor Panchabhautika Constitution oF | (@hanumat on, Suu. 15/8) Jala mahabhua i predominandy present ‘Metabolism i dal eee sep Aes stor ah, ae rr Toe RH, Te Ta AAT HH ‘ep art rm, amr TE (Dathan on Suu, 14/10) ing from heart ae the moolasthana of rasa dhatu Rasa Dhat "7 Rasa dhatuis formed from the poshaka rasa (nutrients of rasa cdharu) present in ahara-tasa. Poshya rasa dhatu is formed from the poshaka rasa dhatu, Rasa dharu is formed in rasavaha srocat, Dhatvagn of ra dhatu plays vital role in the metabolism of rasa dhacu, Rasa dhatvagni eransforms nutrients of rasa dhata into poshya rsa Poshaka Rasa Rasavaha stotas, 1) Formation of poshya Dhawvagni of ” rasa dhat. sasadhau 2) Formation of poshale. sala dhata 3) Formation of ‘upadhatus, caja 8 sranya 4) Formation dhaeu mala = kapha Quality of food ean affect metabolism of rasa dharu. Cold, liquid, unctuous food promotes formation of rasa dharu while dey food, lighter food like toast, popcorn, or fasting leads to malnutrition of rsa dharu. “Time taken for she formation "aa Fae g& Ra WH MEH’ | (Dalhan on Suu, 14/15) Resa dhat is formed in ewenty four hours. Qualities ‘ashe SAR (FY (A. He Su. 1108) While describing qualiies of asa dhacu, Vaghhata in sya says that rasa dhata is similar to Kapha Liguidigy, coldness, unetuousnés, dullness are the qualities of rasa dhatu. These qualities help rasa dharu to make preenana of the body. Colour of sasa dhacu is white like Shleshma. 28K. 8 Sharie Kriya Vijnan ‘a seme ea sete: te aft sa 1 (Chashe.7115) Quantigy of rasa dharu is 9 anal. Proper functioning of rasa dhatu, absence of symptoms of rara vriddhi or rast-kshaya indicates normal (9 anja) quanciy of rasa dhatu. Eunctions ‘she tet ae a TOR nen: & gt A aH HAMAR (Ash Su. 1/4) ‘a: GE sk gt a af | (SuSu.15/51) Preenana (gratification) & raktepushti (nourishment of rakea dhatu) ate the functions of ras dhatu, Preenana means to provide enough fluid to all the cells in the body. As the Atied plane becomes fresh ater receiving water, smilaely all In presence of oxygen > CO,+H,0 This process needs oxygen, socalled as cellular or aerobic respication In absence of oxygen fllowing events takes place: 1) Pyruvic acid in absence of oxygen is converced into lactic acid 2) Lactic acid produces energy called as glycogen lactic acid system. Some lactic acd may leak in blood. Liver can convert lactic acid into glucose. 3) Glycogen - Lactic acid sytem provides energy for 30 to 40 scconds of muscular activity. ‘Clinical application of muscle contraction and energy Knowledge of muscle contraction, energy supply of muscles is importance in sport. -Adhletes consume large amount of carbohydrates just before ‘the event, this i alld as carbohydrate loading Carbohydrate loading supply - additional energy to athletes. For 100 meter running event, phosphogen system can provide energy For 400 meter running event, glycogen lactic acid system provides energy for 30 to 40 seconds, ‘Mansa Dhate a ‘Types of muscle contractions Irometric contraction, isotonic contraction, tetanus, ueppe and witch Disorders of muscular system Fibromyalgia, muscular hypertrophy, muscular atrophy, myasthenia gravis, abnormal conuactions like spasm, remors fibrillation. Chapter 6 Medo Dhatu Medo dhatu isthe Fourth dhaeu formed 8 nourished by shara rasa, ‘Eymology (Nirulti ea Fer 9 1 ‘The word meda is derived fiom the Sanslrie word meaning cleation oF o apply oil. Medo dhacu is the unctuous dhats like ghee, ‘Senanyms ‘Mamsaja, mamsatej, asthikrt,vapa, vasa, god, Site 1) Medo dhatu is distributed throughout the body. 2) Icis deposited under che ski. 3) Bur mainly i is deposited on buttocks, breast and abdomen. Medovaha srotas ‘oem eel peat awee 1 (Cha Vi, 5/10) ‘Vrikka (kidneys), vapavahana (omentum) are roots of medovaha stots, In intrauterine life kidneys are formed from medo dhatu ‘Anatomically large amoune off is deposited around both kidneys whichis called as perinephric fe, The organ which has been formed from medo dhatu, controls the formation ‘of medo dharu afier birth. Omentum is a rtorchouse or depot of medo dhatu. According to Sushruta, kati (pelvic fire) isa root of medo dhatu Medo Dhatu 39 Soa i wae aT (Susha. 972 ‘Medodhara ala Medodhara kala holds 8 nourishes medo dhatu. “fe hr Cwm) Bn ee rey TG om + (SuSha. 4/2) Medodhara kala occupies peritoneum and small bones & mamsa. Medo dhat is present inside the small bones Seah eet A A STE RRA (Chakspaidara on Cha Vi. 6728) Small amount of medo dhata is also deposited around amashays (somach) anchabhautila Constinution 1) Medo dhatu is made up of Jala and Prithvi smahabhutat 2 caerTeE | Bhanumat on Suu, 15/8) 2) According to Charaka, medo dhatw is made up of Jala mababhura, ‘Metabolism “am aire Red eer: eta (@ithan on SuSu. 14/10) ‘Afr nourishment of mamsa dhatu, ahara-rase nourishes redo dhacu. ‘wish Prrterorrre: we, opto Re, RE ste (Daan on Su. 14/10) 1) According to Kshiradadhi nyaya, medo dhanu is formed after mamsa dhatu 2) Oily sof food products undergo digestion 8 accord- ing to Khale-kaporanyaya immediately medo dharu is produced in medovaha sot. 3) Poshaka medo dha is acted upon by Agni of meds 60 Sharir Kriya Vijnan dhana and poshya medo dhats, its upadhatu and mala are formed in medovaha stots: [Nutrients of |Medovaha sroasa_ 1) Formation of poshya smedo dhaea “Agni of meda smeda 2) Formation of poshakasthi 3) Formation of uupadharu 8¢ mala ‘Time sequited for tansformation of medo dhatu ‘reset (ara) 2 gum, me a: ee won| (SeSa, 144) ‘On 15h day stable medo dhar i formed Qualivies 1) unctuousness, 2) sofness, 3) heaviness and 4) stably. ‘at cw (sity 1 (Cha. Shs. 717) ‘Ajai pramana of medo dhacu i 2 anal. Absence of symptoms of increase or decrease in medo dhatu indicates normal quantity of medo dhatu. ‘eugene ag Fea a5. 1515) ‘Eunctions of Medo dbatu “ee Gee 3 1 (anese 116) Ste: Bete Ge Greet | (SaSu. 1515) 1) To lubricate every cel ofthe body isthe most important function of medo dhatu. 2) Iecontros sweat formation, 3) Ie provides strength, energy 0 the body 4) Ie controls dryness of Vara While emphasizing lubricating action of medo dhar, ‘Charaka has given following example He says that Meo Dhatr o leather becomes more sturdy and song due to application of ilo feof any machine can be improved by lubricating it with oil In che sme way segular application of il on the body, provides strength to body consituens. Oily massage increases longevity. 5) Proper nourishment of medo dha gives proper shape the body 6) Medo dhaea acs as shock absorber. 7) Medo dhata procects body fom excess cold oF hot cli 8) In sarvaton energy canbe obtained fom medo dha 9) Aschiposhan isa another imporant Function of medo date (Chai. 81105) Person having uttam meda sarata has unctuous complexion, sweet voice. Eyes of such person are very unctous && moist. Person having good qualry of meda sarta has abundant ‘unetuousnes in hair, nails, ip, urine 8 feces and teth, ‘Such individuals are endowed with wealth, power, happi- ress, enjoyment, chatty. They are very delicate (cannot wichstnd hard work) hence unable co bear physical strain ‘Remepiatoyat yest areata | GaSe. 35/16) In spite of bulky body such person cannot perform hard work. Upadhatus Fee: EN | (Chachi 15117) Snayu is the upadhatu of medo dhacu (Refer ‘Upadhar’ for detail information of say) a Sharir Kea Vijnan, ‘Waste products "ae Bem: RY (Chachi 1518) ‘Sweat isthe waste product of medo dharu Disorders of Medo dhatu (Meto vida) ‘apices A ew eRe | (AHe Su. 1/10) ‘Overeating of sweet, ily heavy food, lack of body exercise leads to increase in meda dhatu Fatigue, dyspnoea, pendulus growth of buttocks, breast, abdomen due to deposition of exces of medo dhru, Hot, light & dey food, heavy exercise, drugs like Triphala suggul, Yogaraja guggule reduces medo dhacu (Medah lahays) ‘Rate each ew: het fe FAT | AH. So 11/17) Symptoms of medah kshaya ar loss of sensation (sup) in the waist region. Enlargement of spleen, emaciaton of the body: Due co loss of medo dhacu spleen becomes palpable. But it should be noted that spleen is not enlarged in this condition, Substances homologues to medodhatu ie. heavy, oly, sweet food along with proper rest, oil massage is advised in Medsh kchaya. Feet haate: sere det Egutemén v1 (aS0, 15/13) Spleenomegaly, numbness around joints, dryness, craving for nonveg food are alzo che symptoms of medah kshaya ADIPOSE TISSUE ‘Adipose tissue ie a sype of loote connective tissue Medo Dhats eo fig 5: Histology - Cell of Adipore time - adipocytes Adipocytes Calls of Adipose tissue are called adipocytes. Shape of adipocytes: Large, oval or round shape, Adipose tissue is Found in following structures: 1) Omeneum 4) Around heart surface 2) Mesentery 5) Marrow of long bones 3) Perinephrc region 6) Mammary glands (breast) 1) Eyelids 2) Scrotum 3) Labia minora 4) Cranial cavity 5) Langs (except their root) Functions of adipose tissue 1) Gives specific shape to body, 2) Regulation of body temperacure, 3) Storage off, 4) Provides energy, 5) Keeps the viscera in positon, 6) Acts as shock absorber and. 7) Te secretes hormone Leptin, Chapter 7 Asthi Dhatu “The hardest dhacu inthe body is asthi Ghats oF bone ‘Synonyms Kikas, kulya, medoja, medoteja, sara, karkara are the smnonyms of ashi dhats Site Tei present unde the sin allover the body ‘Moola shana eet nd ete) Cu) Medas chars 8 fla pelvic bones (ghana) tremon of ath dan CO Medas is formed before asthi dharu, s Nunivion of ashi dharu depends on || proper nourishment of medo. dbsr Pelvic bones, ae plas ofthe body, which | ceneengerecm | the function of asthi dharu, hence jaghana is aoa toot of achivaha sos, dy Kala Fig 6 : Asthi Dhacu “a ete gee we ae | (Daan om Su Kal 4/40) Prshadhara fal is che Sch Kala which exit in large Intestine te in pakvashay, Function of pusbadhara bala is tosepatateconsticuents of kta o” waste products in colon Vays which fs produced in palvashaya (ab anna-mala is pothala vay, which nousishes poshya vy ofthe body. Ath Dats 65 Pakvashaya and asti, both are main seats of Vata dosha ‘Therefore increased or decreased formation of Vata and pusisha affects all sites of Vata, especially asthi dhatu. Hence pprisha-dhara Kalai also called a asthi-dhara kal anchabhautika constinution ‘ate suerte | (Bhanumasion Suu 15/8) In spite of presence ofall 5 mahabhutas, asthi has predomi nance of prithvi and vayu mahabhurs Qualities fe eat He Tm: ok ls ea TA et a | (Cha. Chi. 15831) Due to predominance of prithvi mahabhuta, asthi dhavu is very strong, rough, and dry and hard, Due to action of vayu and Agai and prithvi mahabhutas,asthi become dry, ough and hae. ‘Types 1) Nalakasthi ~ Long bones 2) Kapalasthi + Fat bones 3) Mandalakar ashi - Vertebrae 4) Ruchakasthi Teeth 5) Tarunashi + Cartilage ‘Metabolism ‘rsh Prmfgrorrrsa: ve: eM ey yesh, aisha rarer: Societe, ete, ey | (Dahan on Seu. 14/10) ‘aah ear eA Fey ERTL ETO (Chakrapari on Cha ¥i 5/12) Precursor of asthidhatu (Poshakasthi) i formed ac the time ‘of formation of medo dha Meabolisem of Asthi dharu takes place in the Asthivaha SSK. 66 Sharir Kriya Vijnan Nutriens of _Ashivaba sous _ 1) Formation of asthi dharw “Ag of ahi poy ath (Poshaks ah ahaa 2) Formation of asthi mala Bea upadhaca 3) Formation of poss maja ahaa “Time taken fr formation “According co Prashar, Asti dha is formed on che th day ‘a fe conker eet (Chakepai on Cha Chi. 15/2035) According wo Surat, Asti char is Frmed on 20h dy. ‘rere (urea) & rq: RE a ee wee (Suu. 14/4) Eunctions “are (ee 1 attesu. 174) ower wt wa fe | itera wr Be ee eH HAL SuSha 5721) 1. Anti dhara supports the body, keeps body in erect position. 2 Alsofe structure lke mamsa sr, and snayus are stated round ashi dhara or bones. Snayus connect skeletal muscles to bones, Snayus act ike anchor hence muscles ean contrat or relax. 3, Asti dha forms skeleton of he body Function of ashi ‘dha is compared tothe hardcore of bark of the te. 4, Asti daca protects various important organs, for © skal bone protects brain, ribs protects lungs and heart. 5. Maja poshana is a nction of ath dar. ‘Asthi Dhate 67 ‘et Rewre og: Sw (6a5s. 15/5) Proper nourishment of maja dhata depends on proper ‘metabolism of ath, because poshaka maja dha i formed during the formation of ashi dhatu. Secondary Tissues - Upadhatus of Asthi dhatw "an Re S| (Adhamalla on Sharngadhar 1/5/16-17) ‘According to Sharngadhara, teth are upadhatus of ashi dat. (Deal information of eeth is given in chapter on upadhatu.) ‘Wase products of asthi dharu ‘Sree OY | (Chachi 15/30) ‘ae Reborn (SS, 46529) ie and nails are waste products of asthi dhatu. ‘Spmpioms of Ashi sarata ‘telgerareibrategatee tage: epmeeracte we ae 8 ae Soe wa, eer: wa S| (Chai. 109) “Heels (parshn), ankles (gulp), knee joints, elbow (rat, clavicls (jar), chin (chibuka), head, metacarpo-phalangeal joins, nails and teeth bones of asthi sara person are larger, and stronger. Ashi sara individual is very enthusiastic in nature Since the bones gives good strength and power, chese persons can catry out heavy manual work or exercise. They are endowed with stable Body and longevry. ‘ware RCAC ARE Suu. 35016) ‘According co Sushruta, head, shoulders, teeth, nails, bones, ‘mandible of asth sara person are prominent and are lage in 68 Sharir Kriya Vaan (stil “memoria | (a5. 15/18) Extra bones like cervical spine or calaneal spur (adhyasthi), ‘over crowding of teth are (adhidanca) the syraptoms of asthi vida ‘Asti dhatu and Vata dosha are elated to each other: Thee relationship is elled as 'ashrayashrayisambandha’ (Ashikshaya) ‘atest SraM tet 1 (6uSe. 15/13) acre! 1 ‘Pewteast we aia (Chau, 17167) Prinfl joints, pain in bones, fling of har, breaking of mail, unhealthy, weak teeth are the symptoms of ashi kshaya Excess of Vata has a reciprocal effect on asthi dhatu. This ‘means that if the patient has excess of vata, he may suffer from asthi kshaya due 10 rarefaction of bones (osteoarthritic changes). Effees of ast kshaya can be observed on the waste products of asthi dhatu i.e. on mail, hair and tech “Triphala guggulu, Yogaraja guggulu, oil masage and bast are very heli in asthikshaya ‘SKELETAL TISSUE ‘Skeletal tissue or bone is a connective tue, Skeletal system consists of all bones, joints and cartilages berween joins. Bony tissue consist of following structure: Bone matrix: Ite inter cellular substance. It surrounds cells ‘of bone tissue Intercellular substance contains (1) collage nous fibers, (2) mineral sales Ath Dhat 69 ‘Mineral sls of bone Calcium phosphate, calcium casbonate, magnesium hydroxide and fluoride ec. These salts ae deposited in the framework of collagenous fibers, Because of these salts bone tissue hardens. Calls of bone sissue 1. Osteogenic cell give sse co osteoblast cells, 2, Osteablas cells ae related with bone formation. 43. Oxtecytes are mature bone cells or principle bone cells 4. Oxteoelasts cells function in bone degradation. ‘Type of bony tssie ‘Compact bone issue & Spongy bone tsue Compact bone tissue. 1. This typeof bone tissue is present at diaphyss. 2. Provides protection and support to long bones. (Compact hone contains few spaces Histology compact bone consist of 1] Cental canal (Haver Osecyar incre Cote sian canal) 2) Concentric lamellae - These are rings of hard imtercellular substance and ae present around central canal 3] Lacunae ~ Spaces bet- ween the lamellae are called as lacunae, Lacunae «contain ostcoetes. 4) Canalicli - These are small canals radting from 70 sharir Kriya Vian lacuna. Canalicl connect with cent canal. They provide nutrients to ostescytes and remove waste products ‘Cental canal + concentric lamellae + Ieunse + Canaicl = Hiversian sytem, Volkmanns canals Blood vessels and nerves from the peviosteum enter compact bone dough Volkmanas canals Spangy bone: 1) Consss of lage spaces (2) These spaces are filled wih red bone maazow. Shor, a iceular bones, «piphyses of long bone consis of spongy bone tse. Histology of spongy one tus Spongy’ bone rsse consis of rabecule. These ae iregule erwork of thin plates of bone. The spaces inside ze filled with bone marrow osteocytes and ae present in martow avi Eunctios of sheer tem 1. Skeletal sytem supports che body 2) This sytem provides frame work 3. Gives support to soft organ 4, Muscles ate tached to Bones, hence movernens are posible. Ris proce heat, lags. Cranial bones protect rain. Bones store minerals Red bone marrow produces blood cells Disorders 1) Facer -brea in the bone structure i lle face. I say be partial simple, compound, hairline or green stick 2) Riches -Vieasin D deficiency in children produce thi sea 3) Oseoporosis- Bones become porous, weak due co removal of elem fiom bones, 4) Osteomyosytis Infectious disease of bone. ° Chaper 8 Maja Dhatu "The sixth dhatu nourished afer sth dharuis maja dha, It is embedded deep within athi hence itis called as maja. ‘Synonyms aie ty (cca nee ah ha) ig? : Maja Dharo ‘Asti sneha, ast sambhava, shukrakara, vimaljana sara are the synonyms of maja dhatu Site ‘woe del sels vee (Chavi. sis) ‘The cavity inside the long bones is filed with maja dharu, ‘Maja dhata is deeply situated in the boy. re 8 (seg) a | lng Fo on at ‘1 (Sash, 4/12) ‘Moola sthana Bones & joints are roots of majavaha srs. Sharie Kriya Vian 1] Maja dharw resides in the long bones, poshaka maja ddhatu is obtained from asthi dhatu, hence bones are oot of ‘majjvaha stoas. ‘The another view must be highlighted here ro explore relationship berween hard, dry asthi dhats & unctuous hheay & soft maja dhaw. Asch dha is very light and dey. The hollow part in ashi cdhatu is the main site of Vata dosha. Long bones have cavity (kasha) inside chem. Uncruous maja dhacw inside the long bones keep the balance berween arthi dhatu & Vata dosha, 2] Joints ae also roor of maljavahasroas, “of fore Heme (we (Dathan on, Su Kalpn 4140) The sith Piteadhara kala is considered as maja dhara kala. Maja dhatu.& Mastulunga (Brain) “abe Ge) a Rens weno aioerst meg (Asha, 5/4) ‘Mastulunga (brain) is 2 sadyahpranahara marma, Mastu- Tunga is present inside che flat bones of skull. Astanga San raha desribes masculunga asa maja dhatu & appearance of| rmastulunga is like solid ghee. Mastlungg isa raja dat Constitution "omr-E ate) (Bhanumat om SuSu. 15/8) There is predominance of Jala and Prithvi mahabhuca in maja dhatu ‘Metabolism ‘ea A (Chachi 1516) fe ets gb Cy 1 (S850, 15/5) Poshaka maja dhasa ie formed during th transformation of ashi dhara fold Maja Dh 73 Unctuousnes of meda oozes through porous ashi dhatw 8 accumulates in the cavity of bones &¢ afer the action of -dhatw-agni of maja, stable maja dhatu is formed, caiahe vormarna: rctaregr TE fil gE He: ao eI Tp oe HH, er (Dahan on Sou. 1410) Nteienss of Maijvahasroasa_ 1] Formation of maja dhatu: “Agni of maja dhata maja dhaeu (Poshake maja 2] Formation of haw) poshaka shukra haw 3] Formation of ‘maja mala According to Khale-kapota nyaya, nuttents of maja dhats are directly transported co maljavaha sttas to form mila dha Almonds, walnuts, pure ghee are some maja ‘promoting substances ‘Time taken for formation of maja dhauw “awe sos fing WERE (ChaChi 15721) ‘wereat (Cat) A me. AE ee wet (Susu. 144) According to Charaka, dhatu formation isa cyclic process According to Susheuta Samhita maja dhats is formed on 25th day after formation of abursrasa According to Parashar malia dhatu is formed om che 7eh day fe ete fe 1 (Chskrpani on Cha Chi 15132) ‘Waste products of maija dhatu ‘ea STARA | (Caachi 1519) cong WS: OH HEY (Suu. 46527) ™ Sharir Kriya Vijnan Sneha (oly substance) excreted through eyes, faeces 8 skin is a waste product of maja dhat, Quantity “Tal (ia) oma | aeureN sea" (Cha, 7/15) Anjali pramana of maja dhanu is one anal Anjali pramana cof masishla is Ys anal Qualities (Maja dhatu isa heawy and unctuous ‘Symptoms of Majia sarata "a ewe: femenean: ere rene | # ‘txigh sae: aphtearerrsTaraa | (Chai. 8/110) Person endowed with bese quality of maja sarata has soft skin, & strong body. Complexion of such person is uunccuous, voice is sweet. Joints ate big, long & rounded Such person is endowed with longeviy, sengeh, intl tence, wealth, creative, he loves children 8 gets respect in the society ‘cape seed forecaster ahd eb (Susu. 35116) According to Sushruta big eyes (maha netta) is a differentiating symptom of maja saa. Functions «Maja dhata ‘pei (wae wy (AHrSa. 104) ‘om Sg we I Ew AB | (GaSe. 15/5) 1. The mose important function of maja dhata is purana as this dharu fils cavity inside the bones, and controls Vata dosha 2. As maja isan unctuous dhat, it lubricates the body. 3. Nourishment of shukra dhatw isthe Function of malia Maja Dhatu 75 ddharu, Poshaka shukra dharu is formed during the meta- bolism of maja dhat, Secondary sss (apadhatn) RR: Ce: BMY | (Sharngadae 517) ‘According 0 Sharngadhara hats are secondary tissve of maja dharu, Disorders of Maja dharw Symptoms of Decreased Malia dha (Maja kshaya) ‘ect oa te fice 1 (AHS. 1119) Osteoporosis (ath soushinya), giddiness fainting. are the symptoms of maja kshaya (Maja vidati) ‘wea hy A Fe Fa (antisu. 1) Heavines of body & eyes, formation of painful nodules at interphalangeal joints (runs) are the symproms of excess of maja dhacu. MYELOID TISSUE ‘Gone marow) Bone martow is present in the medully cavities of the tones Bone marrow sche connective dase Types Red bone marrow Yellow hone marrow 1] Redbone marrow Ie consists of sem cells which recalled as haemocytoblast, Haemocytoblasts of red bone marrow ives rise 0 red blood calls, white blood cell & platelets 76 Sharir Kriya Vijnan 2] Red bone matrow is abounded in che of long bones, skill bones ibs 8¢ vertebrae & pelvic bones. 3] Yellow bone marrow Ie chiefly contains fi cells 8 in the cavity of long bones. Functions of Bone mar 1] Formation of blood cells 2} Storage of ron in the form of ferritin & haemosidesin. 3] Bone cll are formed in bone marrow. Chapeer 9 Shukra Dhatu “This isthe ase dha formed 8 nourished fom sharers. Egmology “The word shukra is desived fom the root ‘sucha! which means pr Synonyms Shula, abshaya, nnmale, maja samudbhava, anande- pabhay, Kinavajta, pumsava and vir, dharusaa, reas, Paurasham, cj, bia areal dhe synonyms of shukea dha Site “eh yor (8) ate ene | (Sasha 4/20) ‘Shukea dhatu is preset in entire body. wa ee eft ht a ea hg ayo POR) Gu Sha, 4/21) As milk contains ghee, sugarcane contains juice, but ghee in mille, juice in sugarcane is invisible, that way sbukra daca ‘occupies the whole body. General body examination is important in case of male stcrily o infer as shukra dhatu i localized in every part of the body: ‘Shukravaha srotas Formation, transportation, ejaculation of shukra dhatu takes place in shulkra vaha srotas. cpa amt yet ter) Cui sii7) Roots of shukra vaha stots ate testes & penis. 78 Shari Kriya Vijnan Sharngadhara have described i According to Susheuta Samhita breasts & testes are r0088 of shulravaha stots ‘ap Bott wis eat yeh Gusta 9722) anchabhautika Constitution "a ore | (Bhanumac SuSu. 15/8) In shukra there is predominance of Jala mahabhuta Shukra dhatw is reated with Kapha dosha: hence shukra cdhatu is a soumya dhatu ott EL (Susha, 33) ‘Shura dhatu in Eemale “as ware a Ye: we snes fen wit a fee (Bharapratsh, Gbhapataran 3187) Shukra. dha in female has been described by Bhava- prakasha According to im function of feminine shukra is to moisten vagina during coitus. “eet a ms tg ee | (Chakradata on Sue. 14/14) In female, arcava (strebesa) is responsible for reproduction Metabolism ‘Shura is the last dhatu which is formed after maja dha, peat ehteceret ae ab gents sebtoek eet ere ef | (Chakrpani on Cha Chi 15/20) ‘According to Khale-kapotanyaya mil sistant aphrodisiac substance. ‘Formation of Shukra dhama ‘aisha weRoME Tegheet Be, a Shukrashaya (tests. Shura Dhat 79 Fan, BGA me GE ToREGI ave}, area, ae ge (athan on Suu. 14/10) Poshaka shulra is formed during the metabolism of maja

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