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7 Filtration Control

A basic drilling fluid function is to Potential problems from excessive
seal permeable formations and control filtrate invasion:
filtration (fluid loss). Potential prob- 1. Formation damage due to filtrate and
lems related to thick filter cakes and solids invasion. Damaged zone too
excessive filtration include tight hole, deep to be remedied by perforation
increased torque and drag, stuck pipe, or acidization. Damage may be pre-
lost circulation, poor log quality, and cipitation of insoluble compounds,
formation damage. Adequate filtration changes in wettability, changes in rel-
control and the deposition of a thin, ative permeability to oil or gas, for-
low-permeability filter cake are often mation plugging with fines or solids,
necessary to prevent drilling and and swelling of in-situ clays.
production problems. 2. Invalid formation-fluid sampling
Potential problems from excessive test. Formation-fluid flow tests may
filter-cake thickness: give results for the filtrate rather
1. Tight spots in the hole that cause than for the reservoir fluids.
excessive drag. 3. Formation-evaluation difficulties
2. Increased surges and swabbing due caused by excessive filtrate inva-
to reduced annular clearance. sion, poor transmission of electrical
3. Differential sticking of the drillstring properties through thick cakes, and
due to increased contact area and potential mechanical problems run-
rapid development of sticking forces ning and retrieving logging tools.
caused by higher filtration rate. Erroneous properties measured by
4. Primary cementing difficulties logging tools (measuring filtrate-
due to inadequate displacement altered properties rather than reser-
of filter cake. voir fluid properties).
5. Increased difficulty running casing. 4. Oil and gas zones may be overlooked
because the filtrate is flushing hydro-
carbons away from the wellbore,
making detection more difficult.

Mud flow
Fine solids

Filter cake

Bridging solids

Filtrate invasion

Sand matrix

Formation fluids

Figure 1: Filtration characteristics.

Filtration Control 7.1 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


7 Filtration Control

Fundamentals of Filtration
Drilling fluids are slurries composed filtration characteristics. More sophisti-
of a liquid phase and solid particles. cated, labor-intensive tests using lab-
Filtration refers to the liquid phase of oratory instruments are available for
the drilling mud being forced into a measuring dynamic filtration, but they
permeable formation by differential are not practical for routine testing.
pressure. During this process, the solid
The API has particles are filtered out, forming a filter

standardized cake (see Figure 1). If the liquid phase also The API has standardized two static fil-
contains an immiscible liquid — such as tration test procedures. One is the low-
two static pressure, low-temperature test and the
a brine in an oil-base mud — then the
filtration test immiscible liquid droplets will also be other is the HTHP filtrate test. Normally,
procedures. deposited in the filter cake and will the low-pressure, low-temperature test is
assist in filtration control. Permeability referred to as the “API filtration test.”
refers to the ability of fluid to flow The API filtration procedure is run for
through porous formations. 30 min at ambient temperature with
Mud systems should be designed 100 psi differential pressure across the
to seal permeable zones as quickly as filter paper. Temperature variations affect
possible with thin, slick filter cakes. this test, so care should be taken to run
In highly permeable formations with it at about the same temperature each
large pore throats, whole mud may time. In the temperature range from
invade the formation (depending on 70 to 140°F, the filtrate volume will
the size of the mud solids). In such increase about 50% or approximately
situations, bridging agents must be 10% for each 15° of temperature increase.
Mud systems The API filtrate is reported as the cubic
used to block the openings so the mud
should…seal solids can form a seal. Bridging agents centimeters (cm3) of filtrate collected
permeable should be at least one-half the size of after 30 min. The thickness of the API
the largest openings. Such bridging filter cake deposited during the API fil-
zones as tration test is reported in 1⁄32 of an inch.
agents include calcium carbonate,
quickly as ground cellulose and a wide variety In some areas, operators require metric
possible… of other lost-circulation materials. measurements, and the filter-cake thick-
Filtration occurs under both dynamic ness is reported in millimeters (mm).
and static conditions during drilling The HTHP test is run for 30 min
operations. Filtration under dynamic at 300°F or a temperature near the
conditions occurs while the drilling formation temperature with 500 psi
fluid is circulating. Static filtration occurs differential pressure across the filter
at other times — during connections, paper. This test is run at temperatures
trips or when the fluid is not circulating. as low as 200°F and as high as 450°F.
The American Petroleum Institute (API), The HTHP filtrate is reported as two
low-pressure, low-temperature and the times (2x) the cubic centimeters (cm3)
High-Temperature, High-Pressure of filtrate collected after 30 min. The
(HTHP) filtration and filter-cake meas- filtrate volume is doubled because the
urements made by the mud engineer HTHP filtration cell has one-half the
are static tests. These tests are very good filtration area of the API filtrate cell.
at evaluating the overall filtration ten- The thickness of the HTHP filter cake
dencies of the mud and are somewhat deposited during the HTHP filtration
indicative of the laminar flow, dynamic test is reported in either 1⁄32 of an inch
or millimeters (mm).

Filtration Control 7.2 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


7 Filtration Control

The filtrate receiver for HTHP testing During drilling, a fluid is circulated
is pressurized to prevent heated filtrate through the well. Permeable zones
from flashing off as steam. This pressure such as sandstones are drilled, and
must be greater than the vapor pressure the hydrostatic pressure of the mud
of water at the test temperature. At test column is usually kept at a pressure
temperatures of 300°F or lower, the higher than the pore pressure. Once
receiver pressure is run at 100 psi with these conditions are satisfied, a filter
the cell pressure at 600 psi. For test tem- cake of mud solids will build up on
peratures greater than 300°F, the receiver permeable formations. Meanwhile, the
pressure in the HTHP test should be liquid phase of the mud, the filtrate,
determined from the water vapor pres- will flow through the filter cake and
sure at the test temperature. The top into the formation. The filter-cake
assembly or cell pressure is run at the thickness and depth of filtrate inva-
receiver pressure plus 500 psi, to create sion are controlled by the concentra-
the standard 500 psi pressure differen- tion of solids, differential pressure,
tial. Whatman No. 50 filter paper or its permeability of the filter cake and
equivalent is used at test temperatures length of exposure time.
This high below 350°F. Filter paper chars (burns) At the initial exposure of a permeable
rate of initial at temperatures approaching 400°F. formation to a drilling fluid, when the
Dynalloy X-5 stainless steel disks or an mud solids are building a low-perme-
filtration is equivalent should be used instead of fil- ability filter cake on the wellbore, a
called the ter paper at test temperatures greater high rate of filtration occurs and fine
spurt loss. than 350°F. Dynalloy X-5 disks are mud solids invade the formation. This
NOT reusable. high rate of initial filtration is called
Another type of HTHP static filtra- the spurt loss.
tion test, the Permeability Plugging
Apparatus (PPA), is used occasionally to
evaluate the filtration rate through sim- Static filtration occurs under static con-
ulated cores (aloxite or ceramic disks). ditions, i.e., any time the mud is not
This test is called the Permeability circulating. Several factors control the
Plugging Test (PPT) and measures a filtration rate under such conditions.
Darcy’s law, “spurt loss” and a 30-min fluid loss at Darcy’s law, a classical fluid-flow model,
a classical very high pressures (500 to 2,500 psi) helps to identify the factors that affect
and high temperatures. The PPA is a filtration. It also can be used to illustrate
fluid-flow filtrate volume and cake thickness.
modified HTHP cell with a floating pis-
model, helps ton and hydraulically pressurized mud Darcy’s law applies to the flow of
to identify chamber. The unit has the simulated fluids through permeable materials
core located in the top of the cell and (sand, sandstone or mud filter cake). It
the factors can be used to relate filtration rate to
filtrate is collected from the top.
that affect permeability, cross-sectional area, dif-
filtration. FILTRATION THEORY ferential pressure, filtrate viscosity and
For filtration to occur, three conditions filter-cake thickness (see Figure 2). For
are required: the flow of filtrate through a filter
1. A liquid or a liquid/solids slurry cake, the permeability of the filter cake
fluid must be present. is the controlling permeability, since it
2. A permeable medium must be is much lower than the permeability
present. of the formation. Darcy’s law can be
3. The fluid must be at a higher pres- written as:
sure than the permeable medium.

Filtration Control 7.3 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


7 Filtration Control

P1 ∆P P2 h=
VF = Volume filtrate
q FSLDS-MUD = Volume fraction solids
µ A k in mud
FSLDS-CAKE = Volume fraction solids
h in filter cake
Substituting this into Darcy’s law
Figure 2: Illustration of Darcy’s law flow. and solving (integrating) for the fil-
k A ∆P trate volume:

µh VF = A
Where: µ (FSLDS-MUDV)
q = Filtrate flow rate (cm3/sec) Where:
k = Permeability (darcies) t = Time
A = Area, cross sectional (cm2) This equation shows that filtrate vol-
∆P = Pressure differential (atmospheres) ume is related to area and to the square
µ = Viscosity (cP) roots of time, permeability and differen-
h = Thickness of filter cake (cm) tial pressure. So, filtrate volume is lower
As this equation illustrates, fluid loss is with shorter periods of time, lower filter-
lower with lower filter-cake permeabil- cake permeability and lower differential
ity, smaller area and lower differential pressure. Filtrate volume is also inversely
pressure. Filtration also decreases with related to the square roots of viscosity
increasing filtrate viscosity and increas- and the mud solids fraction. So, filtrate
ing filter-cake thickness, if the thicker volume will be lower with increased fil-
filter cake has the same permeability. trate viscosity. The effect of solids con-
During static periods, the filter-cake centrations is complex and does not
thickness increases with time, but the influence filtrate volume to the same
rate of deposition decreases with time. A degree as do the other variables. From
thick filter cake can cause a number of this relationship, it is often helpful to
problems and is undesirable. Therefore, use filtration measurements, VF1, made
static filtration is a primary concern, at one set of conditions to predict filtra-
…it is and it is desirable to have the lowest tion, VF2, at another set of conditions.
desirable practical fluid loss for any given drilling
to have The filtration rate of a drilling fluid is Time. When all other conditions
the lowest evaluated by measuring the volume of are constant (pressure, area, viscosity,
permeability), the filtration rate and
practical filtrate collected over a standard period
filter-cake growth become progres-
of time. For this reason it is desirable
fluid loss… to modify Darcy’s law to determine fil- sively slower with time, as predicted
trate volume VF. The filtration rate, q, by Darcy’s law. To predict the filtrate
is equal to the change in filtrate vol- volume, VF2, over a time period of
ume divided by the change in time, interest, t2, from a filtration measure-
dVF/dt. The filter-cake thickness, h, can ment, VF1, made at a time period, t1,
be defined mathematically as: the filtrate volume collected will be
a function of the square root of the
ratio of the two time intervals:

Filtration Control 7.4 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


7 Filtration Control





Fluid loss (cm3)




Spurt loss (constant error)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Square root of time (min-1/2)

Figure 3: Relationship of fluid loss to square root of time.

√ t2 than the true API 30-min filtrate

VF2 = VF1 volume. If the mud has a low fil-
tration rate, the volume of filtrate
which fills the empty flow path in
VF2 = Unknown filtrate volume at
the filter cell before fluid is col-
time t2
lected (hold-up volume) will
VF1 = Filtrate volume at time t2
make the doubled 71⁄2-min filtrate
t2 = Time period of interest
volume lower than the true API
t1 = Time period for VF1
30-min filtrate volume.
If the filtrate volume, VF1, is mea-
The API HTHP filtration test must
sured after 1 hr and again after 4 hr,
_______________________ always be run for 30 min. The thermal
the second filtrate volume, VF2, will be
effects and cell hold-up volume make
2 times the volume of the first filtrate,
a 71⁄2-min HTHP test meaningless.
_______________________ not 4 times the volume.
As Figure 3 illustrates, the filtration

VF2 = VF1
1 √
= VF1 x 2
If the filtrate volume is known for one
rate is linear when the filtration vol-
ume is plotted against the square root
of time or on a semi-log scale. The
_______________________ test time, the volume can be predicted filtrate volume increases in direct
_______________________ for a second test time. The API filtration proportion to the square root of time.
test time is 30 min. It is common field A straight line plotted at various times
practice to use a 71⁄2-min test time and does not ordinarily go through the ori-
_______________________ double the filtrate volume to estimate gin; therefore, at least two points on
_______________________ the 30-min API value. the line must be used to extrapolate

VF2 = VF1
7.5 √
= VF1 x 2 to longer time periods.
A high spurt loss will cause the line
Caution: This practice can lead to gross to have a positive intercept on the y-
_______________________ errors in the reported API filtrate axis, as in Figure 3. The positive inter-
_______________________ volume. If the mud has a high cept simply indicates that a spurt of
spurt loss, the doubled 71⁄2-min filtrate passed through the filter paper
filtrate volume will be greater before a cake was formed, restricting
Filtration Control 7.5 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98

7 Filtration Control


Mud 1

Filtrate volume (cm3)

15 B

10 B'
Mud 2

X- A All tests at 300°F

100 200 300 400 500
Pressure (psi)

Figure 4: Effect of pressure-cake compressibility.

the flow of filtrate. A low fluid loss and of filter-cake compressibility, however,
a dry cell with high hold-up volume higher differential pressure usually
will cause a negative y-axis intercept. causes higher filtration rates.
Filter-cake This is because some filtrate must fill Filter-cake compressibility can be
compressibility the empty flow path and drain line evaluated by measuring the filtrate
before the first drop can be collected, so volume at two significantly different
and the true filtrate volume is not collected. pressures. One method compares the
permeability This error is most pronounced during filtrate volume collected at 500 and
reduction are short-time-period measurements and 100 psi, as shown in Figure 4. The two
may be somewhat canceled by the mud samples compared had the same
desirable… spurt loss. API filtrate, labeled Point A. The high-
Pressure differential — filter-cake temperature, 100-psi tests are labeled
compressibility. When all other con- Points B and B’, while the HTHP filtrate
ditions are constant (time, area, vis- is labeled Point C and C’. (Another com-
cosity and permeability), the filtrate mon test procedure compares two tests
volume at two different pressures run at 200 and 100 psi and ambient
should be proportional to the square temperature.) These high-pressure tests,
roots of the pressures, as predicted by using an HTHP cell, can be performed
Darcy’s law. But the filter cake of most at ambient or elevated temperatures.
drilling fluids is compressible, so the If the mud solids form a compress-
permeability decreases with increasing ible cake, the higher-pressure-filtrate
pressure. Filter-cake compressibility volume should be only slightly higher
and permeability reduction are desir- than the lower-pressure filtrate. An
able features that limit filtration and incompressible filter cake will result in
filter-cake thickness. High-quality the higher-pressure-filtrate volume
bentonite, when properly hydrated, is predicted by Darcy’s law. This is equal
one of the best materials for increasing to the lower-pressure-filtrate volume,
filter-cake compressibility. Regardless

Filtration Control 7.6 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


7 Filtration Control

VF1, times the square root of the ratio cake that resembles the shingled roof
of ∆P2/∆P1. of a house. Flat particles are more

√ ∆P2 effective than spherical or irregularly

VF2 = VF1
∆P1 shaped particles since they form a more
Where: closely packed cake. In addition, as men-
VF2 = Unknown filtrate volume at tioned above, filter cakes that contain
differential pressure ∆P2 bentonite are compressible. Hydrated,
VF1 = Filtrate volume at differential high-quality bentonite is essential in
pressure ∆P1 obtaining a low-permeability filter cake.
∆P2 = Pressure differential of interest Bentonite particles are small (many less
∆P1 = Pressure differential for VF1 than 0.05 microns); have a large sur-
This relationship should not be used face area; have a flat, plate-like shape
to estimate filtration characteristics at and can be deformed easily. As the
another pressure. However, a compari- hydration of the particles is increased,
son between VF2/VF1 and the square root the permeability of the resulting filter
of ∆P2 /∆P1 is sometimes used to judge cake is decreased. Freshwater bentonite
filter-cake compressibility. A VF2/VF1 ratio filter cakes have a permeability of
less than the square root of ∆P2 /∆P1 about 1 microdarcy.
indicates a compressible filter cake. Low filter-cake permeability limits
The square root of ∆P2 /∆P1 will indi- fluid loss and filter-cake thickness.
cate the slope of the line as plotted on Filter-cake permeabilities are measured
Figure 4. Mud 1 (B’-C’) has a highly in microdarcies. Reservoir permeability
compressible filter cake as demonstrated is measured in millidarcies. A good
by a negative slope. Mud 2 (B-C) has a cake is about 1,000 times less perme-
relatively incompressible filter cake with able than the permeable formation on
a positive slope. The square root of which it is deposited. Filter-cake quality
∆P2 /∆P1 for Mud 2 (incompressible is dependent on optimizing the solids
cake) is 2.0, which approaches the mul- composition of the fluid so the concen-
tiplier of 2.23, (√500/100), calculated by tration of drill solids does not impair
Darcy’s law. the performance of the bentonite and
Filter-cake Filter-cake permeability. Filter-cake the filtration-control additives.
permeability is the limiting factor that In a highly permeable formation
permeability with large pore openings, a bridging
controls filtration into the formation.
is the limiting The size, shape and ability of the par- material may be required to prevent
factor that ticles to deform under pressure are all the flow of whole mud into the for-
important factors in the control of per- mation. Large particles must be laid
controls down first to plug the large openings
meability. Slurries with high concen-
filtration… trations of small particles form filter and start the deposition of a filter
cakes of lower permeability. Generally, cake. Such bridging agents must be at
colloidal-size particles (less than 2 least one-half the size of the largest
microns), such as bentonite, provide openings. Medium and small particles
the highest amount of the fluid-loss seal the successively smaller holes that
control. Optimum control, however, remain. The colloidal clays, other mud
is obtained by having a wide range additives, filtration-control additives,
of particle sizes. Smaller particles seal asphalt, gilsonite and drops of emulsi-
openings between the larger particles fied oil (or brine) further reduce per-
to form a low-permeability cake. meability. Bridging agents include
Flat particles with large surface area, calcium carbonate, ground cellulose
such as bentonite, can form a filter (M-I-XE II) and a wide variety of other
lost-circulation materials.

Filtration Control 7.7 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


7 Filtration Control

Viscosity Viscosity
Temperature of water Temperature of water
°F °C cP °F °C cP
68 20 1.005 300 148.9 0.184
86 30 0.801 320 160 0.174
104 40 0.656 338 170 0.160
122 50 0.549 350 176.6 0.1535
140 60 0.469 356 180 0.150
158 70 0.406 374 190 0.142
176 80 0.356 392 200 0.134
194 90 0.316 410 210 0.127
212 100 0.284 428 220 0.121
230 110 0.256 446 230 0.116
248 120 0.232 450 232.2 0.1136
250 121 0.2316 500 260 0.1004
266 130 0.212 550 287.7 0.0899
284 140 0.196 572 300 0.086
Table 1: Viscosity of water at various temperatures.

Filter-cake thickness and filtration Although water is not considered vis-

rate are square-root related to filter- cous, changes in temperature affect its
cake permeability (like the relation- viscosity enough to increase filtrate vol-
ship to time). This relationship is not ume significantly. Table 1 gives the vis-
used, however, due to the difficulty of cosity of water at various temperatures.
measuring and controlling changes in Using this data and the equation
filter-cake permeability. below, the filtrate volume at a differ-
Viscosity. When all other conditions ent temperature can be estimated.
are constant (time, area, pressure, per- The relationship of filtrate volume
meability), the filtrate volume with to changes in viscosity is:

two filtrates with different viscosities µ2
is inversely related to the square root VF2 = VF1
of the viscosity ratio, as predicted by Where:
Darcy’s law. Increases in filtrate vis- VF2 = Unknown filtrate volume with
cosity reduce fluid loss and filter-cake filtrate viscosity µ2
thickness. Many filtration-control VF1 = Filtrate volume with filtrate
additives increase filtrate viscosity viscosity µ1
and reduce filter-cake permeability. µ1 = Filtrate viscosity for VF1 (at
Increased Increased temperature decreases temperature 1)
temperature the filtrate viscosity, which in turn µ2 = Filtrate viscosity of interest (at
increases fluid loss. Due to this reduc- temperature 2)
decreases tion in filtrate viscosity, all muds have If the fluid loss at 68°F is 5 cm3,
the filtrate increased fluid loss at increased tem- then the fluid loss at a Bottom-Hole
viscosity… perature, whether the base liquid is Temperature (BHA) of 300°F can be
water, brine, oil or synthetic. One estimated by the change in filtrate vis-
exception is a newly prepared fresh- cosity. The viscosity of water at 68°F
water bentonite mud, which may is 1.005 cP and at 300°F is 0.184 cP.
have a reduced fluid loss when first Substituting into the equation, this
exposed to slightly elevated tempera- increase in temperature would
tures due to increased dispersion and increase the fluid loss to:
hydration of bentonite particles.

Filtration Control 7.8 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


7 Filtration Control

VF2 = 5
√ 1.005
= 5√ 5.46
= 5 X 2.34 = 11.7 cm 3

Caution: This example uses an extreme

change in temperatures. This type
of calculation is more accurate for
smaller temperature changes. At
Viscous extreme temperatures, clays may
polymer flocculate, increasing the perme-
ability of the cake, and filtration-
fluids can
control additives may degrade, Figure 6: Flocculated mud.
be used to making these methods inaccurate.
control This method is most useful for deter- Solids composition and orientation.
filtration mining the thermal stability of a fluid. Solids in muds range from highly reac-
Thermally stable fluids have HTHP fluid tive clays and biopolymers to unreac-
called loss values closer to calculated values. tive solids such as calcium carbonate,
leak-off… Fluids with highly viscous filtrates — barite and hematite. The shape, size
such as brines with high concentrations and distribution of the solid particles;
of biopolymers — can control fluid loss the ratio of reactive solids to nonreac-
based on viscosity alone. Viscous poly- tive solids; and the way the solids react
mer fluids can be used during both drill- to their chemical environment deter-
ing and workover operations to control mine how the solids will affect the fil-
filtration (called leak-off during comple- tration rate. Equal concentrations of
tion operations) with ultra-high viscos- different solids will have vastly different
Equal ity. This is true even when these fluids fluid losses.
concentrations contain no bridging agents and few Deflocculation and dispersion of clays
solids, so that a true filter cake is not also are important for filtration control.
of different deposited. Polymer fluids that exhibit Figure 5 is a picture of a deflocculated
solids will non-Newtonian behavior (become more mud in which there is a smooth flow
have vastly viscous at low shear rates) are preferred with no evidence of clay platelets held
for this application. As these fluids flow together by electrochemical charges.
different fluid radially into the formation away from Bentonite and clay particles are very
losses. the wellbore, the shear rate decreases due thin, flexible solids with large, planar
to the larger flow area of the increasing surfaces. It is convenient to think of a
diameter. This lower shear-rate flow bentonite particle being like a micro-
allows the viscosity to recover (increase), scopic piece of cellophane or wet sheet
reducing filtration even more. of paper. When the clay platelets are
deflocculated, they are deposited in
more of a flat orientation in the filter
cake. They overlap to obtain a low-
permeability filter cake with good
filtration control. However, if the mud
system is flocculated, the bentonite par-
ticles will not lay flat but will orient
themselves in an edge-to-face matrix,
which causes high-permeability filter
cakes and poor filtration control.
Figure 6 is a picture of a flocculated
Figure 5: Deflocculated mud.
mud in which the flow is not smooth

Filtration Control 7.9 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


7 Filtration Control

and the clay platelets form groups of low-gravity solids is a good indicator of
particles with edge-to-edge orientation its overall solids quality. The Methylene
(flocks). When this occurs, the filtrate Blue Test (MBT) can be used to deter-
can pass easily between the porous mine the equivalent pounds per barrel
flocks, resulting in high filtration rates. (lb/bbl) of bentonite in a mud and is a
This can be corrected by adding chem- measure of the CEC. The concentration
ical deflocculants, which neutralize the of drill solids and bentonite in the mud
electrochemical charges on the clays or can be “roughly” calculated from the
by using filtration-control additives, retort, chlorides and MBT with a mate-
which are more effective for floccu- rial balance solids analysis. For good fil-
lated fluids. Deflocculants allow the tration control, the drill solids content
clay platelets to disperse and overlap of the mud should be kept as low as
to provide a tougher filter cake. practical. A rule of thumb many opera-
High solids concentrations are also tors use is to keep the drill solids below
detrimental to effective fluid-loss con- a ratio of 2 lb of drill solids for every
trol. When the solids are too high, the 1 lb of bentonite, as per the PCMODE
available water is not adequate to solubi- calculated D:B ratio.
lize the deflocculants or to allow the fil- The function of weight material is not
tration-control additives to function. related either to filtration control or cake
Therefore, treatments act as additional quality. In most circumstances, the con-
solids, compounding the situation and centration of weight material cannot be
do not function as intended. This is a reduced. The use of a weight material of
classic problem in deflocculated systems higher density may improve cake quality
with lignosulfonate and complex salt by lowering the mud’s total solids con-
muds with starch. In this case, adding tent. The use of 5.0 Specific Gravity (SG)
liquid for dilution or new volume allows hematite (FER-OXT) instead of 4.2 SG
the chemicals to be effective, resulting barite (M-I BART) will reduce the volume
in a reduction in filtration rates. of weight material in a mud by roughly
The increase in filter-cake thickness 20%. Weight material does not con-
with time also can be minimized by tribute to cake compressibility, but often
controlling the undesirable low-gravity provides a particle size distribution that
solids content of the mud. Solids must aids in primary bridging and particle
be considered not only in terms of plugging of permeable formations.
the volume percent, but also with Care should be taken when evaluat-
regard to the quality and function. ing HTHP fluid loss. Both HTHP and
Desirable Desirable drilling fluids solids include API filter cakes should be examined
drilling fluids weight materials, viscosifiers, filtration- for weight material settling, which
control additives and various other will be indicated by a distinct layer of
solids include chemical additives. weight material on the filter medium.
weight Hydrated Wyoming bentonite is Weight material settling can lead to
materials… highly compressible and beneficial inaccurate filtrate values. But more
in water-base filter cakes. Drilling in important, it may indicate settling at
shales generates clay-rich drill solids, downhole temperatures and the need
but they are much less hydratable and for increased rheology.
compressible than premium bentonite.
A clay’s ability to hydrate can be pre-
dicted by its Cation Exchange Capacity Dynamic filtration is significantly
(CEC), with higher values indicating different from static filtration, often
greater hydration. The CEC of a mud’s with considerably higher filtration
rates. No direct correlation exists

Filtration Control 7.10 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


7 Filtration Control

between API and HTHP static filtra- dynamic filtration rates are considerably
tion measurements and dynamic fil- lower than under turbulent conditions,
tration. Experience has shown that and some correlation can be made to
a mud which exhibits good static fil- static filtration characteristics. During
tration characteristics and stability connections and trips, static conditions
will have satisfactory performance deposit a static filter cake and filtration
under actual drilling conditions, rates are reduced (square root of time).
indicating the dynamic fluid loss Once circulation is resumed, the static
is in a satisfactory range. cake deposited on the dynamic cake
As soon As soon as the bit exposes permeable begins to be eroded (possibly com-
rock, dynamic filtration begins. An pletely, depending on hydraulic con-
as the bit ditions) until once again it reaches
overbalance in hydrostatic pressure will
exposes cause immediate filtrate flow into the
equilibrium at a constant filtration rate.
permeable Studies have identified several impor-
formation at a high rate. As filtration
tant differences between dynamic filtra-
rock, continues, larger mud solids bridge
tion and static filtration. One difference
porous formations and a filter cake
dynamic begins to form — under dynamic con-
is the effect of emulsified oil or other
filtration immiscible liquids. While these non-
ditions. As with static filtration, the
soluble liquids reduce static fluid loss
begins. permeability of the filter cake limits fil-
and filter-cake thickness, they actually
tration, not the permeability of the for-
increase dynamic filtration by making
mation. The turbulence of the fluid
the filter cake less cohesive and more
flow at the bit and adjacent to the drill
erodible. Another difference is that
collars tends to keep these filtration
increasing the concentration of filtra-
rates high by eroding the cake. Under
tion-control polymers to decrease the
dynamic conditions, filtration rates do
API fluid loss to ultra-low levels may
not decrease with time as with static fil-
actually increase dynamic filtration.
tration. What’s more, the filter cake does
These differences are due mostly to
not continue to increase in thickness.
changing the resistance to erosion of
Instead, an equilibrium of filter-cake
the filter cakes.
deposition and hydraulic erosion is
Dynamic filter cakes deposited by floc-
established so the dynamic filtration
culated fluids are thicker but more cohe-
rate becomes somewhat constant. It sive than cakes made by deflocculated
may not be true erosion as much as it is fluids. The flocculated filter cakes’ resis-
the tendency of the fluid motion to hin- tance to erosion appears to be related to
der the deposition of solid particles in the clay solids being held together by
an organized manner. The filter-cake electrostatic charges. Filter cakes from
equilibrium is governed chiefly by the deflocculated fluids appear to be more
characteristics of the mud solids (particle erodible because their charges are neu-
size, composition and concentration), tralized. This does not mean that floccu-
and to a lesser degree by hydraulic con- lated fluids would be preferred on a
ditions (turbulent or laminar flow) and dynamic filtration basis. The undesirable
filtrate viscosity. higher filtration rate and the increased
Dynamic Dynamic filter cakes are thinner and filter-cake thickness outweigh any possi-
filter cakes firmer than static filter cakes. As drilling ble benefit from a tougher, less-erodible
continues, the wellbore is subjected to filter cake. As with static filtration, fluids
are thinner changing conditions. Once the drill col- and filter cakes containing a sufficient
and firmer lars are past the permeable formation, amount of high-quality bentonite pro-
laminar flow conditions normally pre- duce the lowest filtration rates, thinnest
than static vail and hydraulic erosive forces are filter cakes and most desirable overall
filter cakes. reduced. Under laminar conditions, filtration characteristics.

Filtration Control 7.11 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


7 Filtration Control

Fluid-Loss-Control Additives
API-grade FOR WATER-BASE DRILLING FLUIDS API-grade bentonite is the primary
bentonite is Several types of filtration-control addi- clay used in water-base drilling fluids
tives are used in water-base muds. and usually comes from Wyoming,
the primary hence the name “Wyoming” bentonite
Recommendations for treatment are
clay used in based on the mud system and its (sodium bentonite). It has one of the
water-base chemical environment. highest yields (i.e., it generates the largest
Clays. Clays are classified into groups volume of mud at a given viscosity)
drilling and is one of the most hydratable clays
based on mineralogy. Each group may
fluids… contain a wide variety of subgroups found anywhere; it is considered a pre-
with significantly different properties. mium product. Wyoming bentonite is
Similar clays can be formed in slightly the best product to use in formulating
different geological environments, and a mud with good filter-cake properties
this affects the purity and characteristics and filtration control. Bentonite not
of a particular clay source. only provides filtration control, but
Three clays Three clays are used as mud additives: also increases viscosity; therefore, quan-
attapulgite, sepiolite and sodium ben- tities should be limited in weighted
are used and high-temperature applications to
as mud are sodium bentonite (or sodium mont- the 7.5 to 15 lb/bbl range. Unweighted
additives: morillonite), which is a member of the fluids often use 15 to 30 lb/bbl ben-
smectite group of clays. Attapulgite tonite, depending on the makeup water
attapulgite, chemistry and the desired viscosity. Any
(SALT GELT) and sepiolite (DUROGELT) are
sepiolite and needle-shaped clays used as mechanical concentration above 7.5 lb/bbl will
sodium colloidal viscosifiers in high-salinity provide a good basis for filter cake
bentonite. brines. They do not provide filtration and filtration characteristics.
control and will not be discussed Bentonite particles are very thin,
further in this chapter. sheet-like or plate-like particles with a

Wyoming bentonite
Weight percent


Small _____________________________________ Particle size ____________________________________ Large

Wyoming bentonite has a larger percent of small particles as compared to other clays
and provides superior rheological and filtration properties.

Figure 7: Particle size bentonite.

Filtration Control 7.12 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


7 Filtration Control

large surface area. Under microscopic added to salt or calcium muds. When
examination, they look like thin, flat, this happens, additional treatments of
flexible pieces of cellophane or sheets prehydrated bentonite will be needed
of wet paper. Premium-ground ben- to maintain the system’s properties.
tonite has a high percentage of parti- To prehydrate bentonite:
cles of less than one micron in width 1. Add the makeup water to the pre-
(see Figure 7). While this may seem hydration pit and treat the calcium
small, clay platelets have a thickness to less than 100 mg/l with soda ash.
of only about 10 angstroms. These (Do not treat the calcium to zero,
dimensions give bentonite platelets a since doing so may result in car-
very high diameter-to-thickness ratio bonate contamination!)
(1,000 to 1) and a very high surface 2. Add 30 to 40 lb/bbl of M-I GELT or
area per unit of weight (~45 m2/g). 40+ lb/bbl M-I GEL SUPREMEE to the
…the platelet When deflocculated, the platelet struc- makeup water, through the hopper.
structure ture allows bentonite to lay flat in the 3. Stir and shear the bentonite slurry
filter cake and seal it in a manner often for 3 to 4 hr.
allows compared to shingles on a roof. 4. For low-pH, non-dispersed mud
bentonite Sodium bentonite surfaces have a systems, skip steps 5 and 6.
to lay flat high electro-charge density. This high 5. Add 0.5 to 1.0 lb/bbl of caustic
charge density promotes hydration in soda to the prehydrated bentonite
in the filter freshwater by attracting many layers of through the chemical barrel and
cake and water molecules to its surface. These shear for an additional hour.
seal it… hydrated bentonite particles deform 6. Add 0.5 to 1.5 lb/bbl of either
and compress readily under pressure SPERSENEE or SPERSENE CF T to the
and form very low-permeability, low- prehydrated bentonite through
porosity filter cakes. An indication the hopper.
of the amount of water bound to a 7. Stir and shear the deflocculated,
hydrated bentonite platelet can be prehydrated bentonite at least
seen by retorting a freshwater ben- one hour before adding it to the
tonite filter cake. These filter cakes will mud system.
contain about 85 volume percent water Dry bentonite can be added to inhibi-
and only 15 volume percent bentonite. tive mud systems (calcium, potassium,
Sodium bentonite does not hydrate salt, etc.) just to change the particle-size
as rapidly or as much in water con- distribution. These fine, bentonite par-
taining salts or calcium. In seawater ticles may act as bridging agents for
or hard water, the filtration rate will other polymeric filtration-control
be uncontrollable without the addi- agents, even though the bentonite is
tion of deflocculants and/or supple- not hydrated. However, it is generally
mentary filtration-control additives. preferable to use prehydrated bentonite,
Bentonite performance in salt or cal- if possible.
The total cium muds can be greatly enhanced The total drill solids content and the
by prehydrating it in freshwater and ratio of drill solids to bentonite must be
drill solids treating it with deflocculants before controlled to optimize a drilling fluid’s
content and adding it to the mud system. Bentonite properties and performance. The total
the ratio of that has been prehydrated and defloc- volume percent of low-gravity solids
drill solids culated may be used in saturated salt should be kept within predefined limits
systems to improve the HTHP filtra- by dilution or through the use of solids-
to bentonite tion. Prehydrated bentonite will even- control equipment. Centrifuges used
must be tually flocculate and dehydrate when
Filtration Control 7.13 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01

7 Filtration Control

for barite reclamation discard ben- the 1930s. It is widely available as yel-
tonite. Periodic bentonite treatments low (untreated) and white (modified)
should be made when centrifuging. starch. Starches can be used in sea-
Polymers Polymers. Polymers are the filtration- water, salt water, hard water and com-
are the control products used most often in plex brines. The most economical and
water-base muds. They can range from widely used starches are made from
filtration- natural starches and modified cellulose corn or potatoes, but starches made
control to sophisticated synthetic polymers from other agricultural products are
products capable of providing filtration control also available.
under high temperatures and hostile Most of the starch used for filtration
used most conditions. These polymers are some- control is processed by separating and
often in times classified by their action within a heating the starch grains to rupture
water-base mud system, as well as by their chem- their amylopectin shell. This releases
istry. The classification by action is based amylose, which absorbs water and swells
muds. on whether the polymer adsorbs onto to form sponge-like bags. Amylose low-
the solids or viscosifies the fluid phase. ers the filtration by reducing the free
Most common fluid-loss polymers water in the system and plugging the
will not only viscosify the fluid phase, filter cake’s pores. Starches processed in
but when used in sufficient concentra- this manner are said to be pregelatinized.
tion, will adsorb to solids, providing The performance of these starches
encapsulation. Care should be taken should not be affected by pH, salinity,
when adding polymers to muds because hardness or temperatures of less than
Starches of the possible interactions with other 250°F. Starches are often classified as
are often mud-system chemicals. For field opera- “non-ionic” materials, although they
tions, it is recommended that pilot may have a very slight anionic char-
classified as testing be performed before using an acter. Starch is sometimes used as a
“non-ionic” unfamiliar filtration-control additive. viscosifier in brine fluids, but starch
materials… Polymers reduce fluid loss in solutions are more Newtonian and will
several ways: not provide suspension for cuttings and
1. Plugging of openings of the filter weight material.
cake by polymer particles. MY-LO-JELE pregelatinized corn starch
2. Encapsulating solids forming a is an economical filtration-control addi-
larger deformable coating or film tive that is effective in all makeup
which reduces the permeability of waters from freshwater to saturated
the filter cake. salt water. It is subject to fermentation
3. Viscosification of the liquid phase. unless the mud is a saturated-salt system
Figure 8 illustrates the increase in or the pH is >11.5. If one of these con-
liquid-phase viscosity as the concen- ditions is not satisfied, an appropriate
trations of several filtration-control biocide (also called bactericide or preserva-
additives are increased. Figure 9 shows tive), acceptable under local regulations,
the fluid loss, plastic viscosity and should be used to prevent fermentation.
yield point of the several filtration- Once fermentation begins, bacterial
control additives in a seawater mud enzymes may be present, making fur-
with 30 lb/bbl of M-I GELT and 40 lb/bbl ther additions of starch ineffective even
of simulated drill solids. after the active bacteria are eliminated
Starch. Starch, a natural carbohy- with biocide. Starch is subject to rapid
drate polymer, has been used to con- degradation at temperatures above 250°F.
trol filtration in drilling fluids since

Filtration Control 7.14 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


7 Filtration Control

Normal concentrations of MY-LO-JELE observed. Daily treatments are required

range from 3 to 8 lb/bbl, depending on to maintain desired concentrations.
water chemistry and desired fluid loss. THERMPACT UL is a modified-starch
Starches… Starches like MY-LO-JELE often require a filtration-control additive designed for
often require minimum, threshold concentration use in most water-base systems, includ-
before significant decreases in fluid ing freshwater, seawater, salt and low-
a minimum loss are observed. Daily treatments solids muds. It has an Ultra-Low (UL)
concentration are required to maintain desired viscosity and does not generate as much
before concentrations. viscosity as many other starches or cel-
POLY-SALE is a preserved potato starch lulose additives. THERMPACT UL is not
significant used for fluid-loss control in virtually subject to bacterial degradation. Its
decreases in every type of water-base mud, from effectiveness decreases in high-salinity
fluid loss are freshwater to saturated salt and cal- (>100,000 mg/l chlorides) and high-
cium systems. POLY-SALE is an effective hardness (>800 mg/l) fluids. Ultra-
observed. filtration-control additive for drilling low-viscosity PAC products, such as
evaporite (salt) and hydratable shale POLYPACT UL, should be used for satu-
sections. It is also very effective for sta- rated salt systems. THERMPACT UL is
bilizing the filtration and rheology of subject to thermal degradation at tem-
high-salinity workover brines. POLY-SALE peratures in the 250 to 275°F range.
is thermally stable to about 250°F, after THERMPACT UL reduces fluid loss in
which it begins to experience thermal fresh or salt water. Normal concen-
degradation. trations range from 0.5 to 2.0 lb/bbl,
Normal concentrations of POLY-SALE depending on the water chemistry
range from 2 to 6 lb/bbl, depending on and desired fluid loss.
water chemistry and desired fluid loss. Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose
Starches like POLY-SALE often require a (CMC) is a modified natural polymer
minimum, threshold concentration used for filtration control. The structure
before significant decreases in fluid of CMC is a long-chain molecule that
loss are observed. Daily treatments can be polymerized into different
are required to maintain desired lengths or grades. The material is
_______________________ concentrations. commonly made in three grades, each
FLO-TROLT is a modified starch used varying in viscosity, suspension and
for fluid-loss control primarily in the fluid-loss-reduction qualities. The
_______________________ non-damaging FLO-PROT reservoir drill-in three grades are High-Viscosity (HV),
_______________________ fluid system. It is unique in that it actu- medium- or regular-viscosity (R), and
ally helps increase low-shear-rate viscos- Low-Viscosity (LV). The CMC polymer
ity in the FLO-PROT system, whereas most also is available in purities ranging from
_______________________ other starches decrease this property. It a 75% technical grade to a 99.5+%
_______________________ can be used in other water-base mud refined grade. Technical-grade CMC con-
systems, especially high-salinity work- tains sodium chloride salt, a byproduct
over and completion brines. FLO-TROLT is of the manufacturing process.
_______________________ thermally stable to above 250°F, after CMC is an effective fluid-loss con-
_______________________ which it begins to experience thermal trol additive in most water-base muds.
degradation. It works particularly well in calcium-
Concentrations of FLO-TROLT range treated systems, where it acts to stabi-
from 2 to 6 lb/bbl, depending on lize properties. CMC is not subject to
_______________________ water chemistry and desired fluid loss. bacterial degradation and performs
_______________________ Starches like FLO-PROT often require a well at an alkaline pH. CMC’s effec-
minimum concentration before sig- tiveness decreases at salt concentra-
nificant decreases in fluid loss are tions greater than 50,000 mg/l. CMC

Filtration Control 7.15 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


7 Filtration Control

is subject to thermal degradation at SUPREME R is not subject to bacterial

temperatures exceeding 250°F. degradation and performs well at an
The grade of CMC used will depend alkaline pH. It is subject to thermal
on which properties are desired. When degradation at temperatures exceeding
viscosity as well as low fluid loss is 275°F. POLYPACT SUPREME R is anionic
desired, high- or medium-viscosity and may thin in non-dispersed muds.
CMC is used. Low-viscosity CMC will POLYPACT SUPREME R increases viscosity
reduce fluid loss with minimal increase and reduces fluid loss in fresh or salt
in the viscosity. Because it is slightly water. Normal concentrations range
anionic, the addition of small quantities from 0.5 to 2.0 lb/bbl, depending on the
of low-viscosity CMC may act as a thin- water chemistry and desired fluid loss.
ner in low-solids, nondispersed muds. SP-101T sodium polyacrylonitrile is
Normal concentrations vary with the a medium-molecular-weight, acrylic
different grades, but range from 0.5 to copolymer sometimes referred to as
3.0 lb/bbl, depending on the water a sodium polyacrylate. It is a calcium-
chemistry and desired fluid loss. sensitive, synthetic polymer. It is sta-
POLYPACT R Polyanionic Cellulose ble at high-temperatures and does not
(PAC) is a modified natural polymer degrade bacterially. In addition to
designed for use in most water-base sys- increasing the liquid phase viscosity
tems, including freshwater, seawater, salt to decrease fluid loss, the long-chain
and low-solids muds. It is a high-molec- SP-101T molecule can adsorb onto the
ular-weight, polyanionic cellulose simi- edges of clay particles (encapsulation),
SP-101T is lar to CMC, but has a higher degree of further reducing filter-cake permeabil-
especially substitution. It is the most widely used ity. SP-101T is especially useful in
fluid-loss control additive and is gen- polymer systems such as POLY-PLUS,T
useful in erally a much better product than POLYPACT R seawater and GELEXT Low-
polymer CMC. POLYPACT R is not subject to bacte- Solids, Non-Dispersed (LSND) systems.
systems… rial degradation and performs well at an When SP-101T is added to the sys-
alkaline pH. Its effectiveness decreases in tem, at least 0.5 lb/bbl should be
saturated salt fluids. Ultra-low-viscosity added rapidly, then maintained at or
PAC products, such as POLYPACT UL and above this concentration level at all
POLYPACT SUPREME UL, should be used for times. This quick treatment reduces
saturated salt systems. POLYPACT R is sub- the viscosity “hump” that will occur
ject to thermal degradation at tempera- if the mud contains high solids. It is
tures exceeding 275°F. It is anionic and important to increase the concentra-
may thin in non-dispersed muds. tion of SP-101T above the critical poly-
POLYPACT R POLYPACT R increases viscosity and mer concentration to reduce viscosity.
increases reduces fluid loss in fresh or salt water. Normal concentrations range from 0.5
Normal concentrations range from 0.5 to 2.0 lb/bbl, depending on the water
viscosity and to 2.0 lb/bbl, depending on the water chemistry and desired fluid loss.
reduces fluid chemistry and desired fluid loss. SP-101T should not be used in muds
loss in fresh POLYPACT SUPREME R polyanionic that contain more than trace amounts
cellulose is high-quality polyanionic of calcium. The calcium should be pre-
or salt water. cellulose designed to function in more cipitated with soda ash before adding
demanding conditions. It can be used SP-101.T It has been used in 400+°F
in most water-base systems, including temperatures and has application in
freshwater, seawater, salt and low-solids deep, hot holes.
muds. POLYPACT SUPREME R is available in RESINEXT is a resin/lignite complex
a UL-viscosity grade, which performs which provides both filtration control
better in high-salinity fluids. POLYPACT and improved thermal stability. It is

Filtration Control 7.16 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


7 Filtration Control

non-viscosifying, and can be used at systems which also use lignite-based

temperatures in excess of 400°F and products. THERMEXE can be used in
in the presence of moderate concen- high-density muds, where viscosity
trations of electrolytes. It has broad increases are detrimental. Normal con-
application and can be used in virtu- centrations range from 4 to 12 lb/bbl.
ally any water-base mud. RESINEXT can
be used in high-density muds where
Chemical increases in viscosity are detrimental. Chemical thinners reduce filtration
thinners Normal concentrations range from rates by deflocculating the clays, by
2 to 6 lb/bbl. increasing the fluid phase viscosity
reduce and by changing the solids distribu-
RESINEXT has many field-proven
filtration benefits: tion. Quebracho,TANNATHIN,T XP-20K,E
rates… • Non-viscosifying fluid-loss control. SPERSENE CF T and SPERSENEE are effec-
RESINEXT controls fluid loss but does tive at deflocculating and lowering
not significantly increase viscosity. It fluid loss.
will have about the same effect on vis- SPERSENEE and XP-20KE help provide
cosity as an equal amount of lignite. filtration control at temperatures far
• Filter cake improver. RESINEXT reduces beyond those in which starch or CMC
the filter-cake thickness and perme- can be used effectively. They are not
ability by providing a better distribu- subject to bacterial degradation in active
tion of colloid-size particles. mud systems and can be used effectively
• Rheology stabilizer. RESINEXT stabilizes in high-salt or high-calcium concentra-
the rheological properties of water- tions. SPERSENEE and XP-20KE will reduce
base muds exposed to hostile condi- both the API and the HTHP fluid losses.
tions and helps prevent gelation. At temperatures above 315°F, more
• Thermal stabilizer. RESINEXT is tempera- XP-20KE than SPERSENEE should be used.
ture stable and controls fluid loss to XP-20KE is stable at temperatures above
temperatures >400°F. 450°F and should be used (when applic-
• Salt tolerant. RESINEXT reduces filter able) to provide fluid-loss control in
cake permeabilities in muds with high-temperature, dispersed systems.
salinity ranging from freshwater Note: SPERSENEE and XP-20KE contain
to 110,000-mg/l chlorides. trivalent chrome (a more acceptable form)
• Hardness resistant. RESINEXT func- which may not be acceptable for all appli-
tions in fluids with soluble calcium cations, depending on local environmetal
and magnesium. This makes RESINEXT regulations and considerations.
ideally suited for use in seawater, OIL- AND SYNTHETIC-BASE
gyp and lime muds. DRILLING FLUIDS
• Economical. RESINEXT outperforms The API fluid loss of these systems is
many additives on a cost/performance normally zero, or too low to be an
basis, especially in high-hardness and effective measure. The filtration rate
high-temperature applications. of oil muds, unless otherwise noted,
THERMEXE is THERMEXE is a synthetic liquid resin refers to the HTHP filtration.
a synthetic which provides both filtration control The oldest oil-base systems were “all-
and improved thermal stability. It is oil” and did not contain added brine.
liquid resin non-viscosifying, and can be used at They usually contained 1 to 5 volume
which temperatures in excess of 400°F and in percent water as a contaminant from
provides… the presence of moderate concentrations formation fluids. All-oil systems are
of electrolytes. It has broad applications still used for special applications like
and can be used in virtually any water- coring and where changes caused by
base mud. THERMEXE is more effective in strong emulsifiers cause formation
Filtration Control 7.17 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01

7 Filtration Control

damage. These systems often use of the emulsion. The emulsified brine
asphaltic materials and organophilic phase acts as a fine colloidal solid in
clay for filtration control and viscos- invert emulsion muds and the small
ity. Some systems use viscosity modi- droplets contribute significantly to
fiers designed for lubricating oil and filtration control. The brine content
other, more sophisticated chemicals affects many properties and is not
for viscosity and filtration control. increased simply to reduce fluid loss.
Most Most oil- and synthetic-base fluids This is especially true in weighted
oil- and are emulsions. Their fluid phase is an muds, where the increased brine acts
emulsion with oil or synthetic as the like a solid, increasing the viscosity.
synthetic-base continuous phase and brine as the Emulsifiers. Although emulsifiers
fluids are emulsified phase. These systems con- are not true filtration-control addi-
emulsions. tain from 10 to 50 volume percent tives, they can reduce filtration by
brine, usually calcium chloride. The increasing the emulsion strength if
emulsified brine forms colloid-sized the emulsion is unstable. Indications
droplets, which are immiscible in the that more emulsifier is needed are a
oil or synthetic. These brine droplets low or decreasing trend in the Electrical
become trapped in the filter cake and Stability (ES) and/or water in the col-
reduce filter-cake permeability and lected HTHP filtrate. A sufficiently sta-
fluid loss. Invert emulsion muds may ble emulsion should be established
contain emulsifiers, wetting agents, before treating with filtration-control
organophilic clays, asphalts and/or additives. If an emulsifier requires
amine-treated lignite, polymers, lime lime to be activated, excess lime
and weight material. The chemistry of should be maintained in the mud.
these additives and their interrelation- Wetting agents. Solids (clays, drill
ships are complex and are discussed in solids and weight material) must be
greater detail in the chapters dealing “wetted” by the base liquid or they will
with oil- and synthetic-base muds. tend to settle, increasing both viscosity
The filtration rate of invert-emulsion and fluid loss. The appropriate wetting
muds is affected by additives other agents and emulsifiers should be used
_______________________ than the filtration-control additives. in sufficient concentrations to keep all
Base liquid. The oil- or synthetic- solids adequately “wet.” If sufficient
base liquid can affect filtration rates wetting agent is not present, adding it
_______________________ and the choice of additives that must will reduce the rheological properties.
_______________________ be used to control filtration. The vis- Pilot testing can determine whether an
cosity of the base fluids will only increased wetting agent is needed.
slightly affect filtration rates, as Viscosifiers. The primary viscosifier
_______________________ per Darcy’s law. in invert emulsion muds is organo-
_______________________ In regions where extremely cold philic clay. Although this clay does
winters can be expected, anti-gellants not hydrate, it will reduce the filtra-
are added to fuel oils during the cold tion rate by providing a colloidal solid
_______________________ periods. These anti-gellants can make for forming a basic filter cake.
_______________________ diesel oil unsuitable for use in drilling Filtration-control additives. The pri-
fluids. Field tests cannot detect these mary filtration-control additives for
anti-gellants, but pilot testing can invert emulsion muds are asphalt,
determine if diesel oil is suitable for gilsonite (natural asphalt), amine-
_______________________ use in invert emulsions. treated lignite and various other resins
_______________________ Brine. Invert emulsion muds use and specialized polymers. The asphaltic
either sodium chloride or calcium materials usually provide better filtra-
chloride brine in the internal phase tion control than the amine-treated

Filtration Control 7.18 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


7 Filtration Control

lignite at equal concentrations and damaging solids to the formation. The

temperature. Some operators prohibit high salinity also inhibits the swelling
asphaltic materials for fear they may of formation clays. Although these
damage formation permeability. Local brines are not as damaging to the forma-
environmental regulations and tion as freshwater or seawater, their loss
M-I policies should be considered must be controlled. Filtration-control
before using VERSATROLT or any additives for these systems usually con-
other asphaltic materials in a sist of polymers and bridging agents. The
synthetic-base mud. most often-used polymer for viscosity
is Hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC).
Polymers are used for viscosity and
…“solids-free” The terms “solids-free” and “clear” are fluid-loss control. Bridging agents are
and “clear” often used to describe brines used for required to plug formation openings
drilling into production zones, setting that are too large to be plugged by
are often used gravel packs, and for other completion polymers. M-I supplies large, medium
to describe and workover operations. Occasionally, and fine grinds of sized calcium car-
brines used calcium carbonate and sized salt (sodium bonate (marble or limestone) particles
chloride) are used in these brines to pre- for use as bridging agents. Typical
for drilling… vent lost circulation (leak-off). Ideally, median particle sizes for these products
these brines are free of acid-insoluble are: coarse (104 microns), medium
solids (clays, sand, barite, etc.). Sodium (43 microns) and fine (13 microns).
chloride, calcium chloride, sodium bro- The average particle size for a bridging
mide, calcium bromide, and sometimes agent should be at least one-half the
zinc bromide brines are used for these size of the pore opening. Since grind
applications. Zinc bromide brines are sizes cover a much broader range than
not widely used because they are just the median particle size, there
corrosive and very expensive. will be enough large particles to
Brines can provide density for well initiate bridging.
control without introducing potentially

Fluid loss should not be considered an fluid loss of 5 cm3 or less. The mud engi-
absolute value. Rather, it should be con- neer should recommend changes to the
sidered only an indication of the filtra- mud system to obtain acceptable drill-
tion properties of the mud in the well. ing results based on the conditions for
Because many variables influence filtra- a particular well and the symptoms
tion properties, it is impossible to pre- observed, i.e., tight hole, sticking ten-
dict actual fluid loss to the formation dencies, sloughing shale, etc.
Offset well from static tests. Offset well records are Experience in an area will serve as a
records are the the best tools for determining the level guide to determine the fluid-loss speci-
of fluid-loss control required to drill fications for a drilling mud program.
best tools for a given well safely and successfully. Every effort should be made to drill
determining Formations that are not water-sensitive with the “right” level of fluid loss —
the level of can be drilled with a mud having an API that level at which drilling or produc-
fluid loss of 20 cm3. Conversely, water- tion problems are avoided. Filtrates that
fluid-loss sensitive shales that slough, heave and are lower than necessary will increase
control hydrate may require a mud with an API the mud cost and may decrease drilling
Filtration Control 7.19 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01

7 Filtration Control

rates. Filtration that is too high will cause with Table 2, can be helpful in selecting
tight hole, sticking, shale sloughing and a fluid-loss additive for a particular
other problems mentioned earlier. application. Table 2 shows the effective-
With With increasing well depth, it is nec- ness of each fluid-loss-control agent in
increasing essary to reduce fluid loss to prevent different types of mud systems.
problems. Consequently, it is common Before applying any of the fluid-loss
well depth, it to drill a surface hole with a mud hav- control agents, consider the following
is necessary ing a fluid loss of 20 cm3, then com- factors:
to reduce plete the well with a mud having a 1. Can it be used in the presence of
fluid loss of 2 cm3. It is necessary for calcium?
fluid loss the mud engineer to acquaint himself 2. Can it be used at high salt
to prevent with the fluid-loss requirements of the concentration?
problems. area in which he is working. Acceptable 3. Will it need a preservative?
filtration rates will vary from one area 4. Will it function at the required
to another and are dependent on the temperature?
formation, depth, differential pressure, 5. Will it produce an unacceptable
temperature and mud type. change in viscosity?
Once the desired value is established, 6. Will it support weight material with
fluid-loss control may be accomplished a minimum amount of solids?
by applying the principles previously 7. Is it economical for the particular
stated. Briefly, they are: minimizing drill operation?
solids, optimizing the colloidal solids and 8. Is it the most efficient agent under
using the appropriate filtration-control the given circumstances?
additive. Figures 8 and 9, combined





Apparent viscosity (cP)



20 SP




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chemical concentration (lb/bbl)

Figure 8: Viscosity vs. concentration, filtration-control additives.

Filtration Control 7.20 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


7 Filtration Control

Yield point (lb/100 ft2)

30 Plastic viscosity 60

Yield point
Fluid loss 50

Fluid loss (cm3 API)

20 40

Blank 30
Plastic viscosity (cP)

RESINEXT 6 lb/bbl
Reg. CMC 11⁄2 lb/bbl
Tech. CMC 11⁄2 lb/bbl
10 MY-LO-JELE 4 lb/bbl 20
SP-101T 11⁄2 lb/bbl
POLYPACT R 11⁄2 lb/bbl
Mud contains sea water 10
30 lb/bbl - M-I GELT
40 lb/bbl - Drill solids

0 0

Figure 9: Flow properties and effectiveness in various treatments.

Low pH
freshwater mud F F* E E E** F E
High pH
freshwater mud F E E E E** F E
Seawater or brackish-
water mud F F* E E NU E E
_______________________ Saturated seawater mud E E F F NU NU G
_______________________ Lime-treated mud E E G G NU E G
KCl mud E E* E E NU F E
Gyp mud G F* E E NU E E
_______________________ E — Excellent results NU — Not used
G — Good results * Preservative needed
F — Fair results ** Soluble calcium should be kept as low as possible
_______________________ Note: Where extremely low fluid loss is desired, starch gives better results than CMC. Where
better suspension qualities are desired, CMC or POLYPACT R will give better results than either
_______________________ starch or SP-101.T Where extremely high salt concentrations are present, starch, SP-101T or
_______________________ POLYPACT UL will give better results than CMC.

_______________________ Table 2: Effectiveness of fluid-loss agents in various water-base muds.







Filtration Control 7.21 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01

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