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Assignment Cover Sheet

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Signiture Date


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Assessment criteria
Your assignment will be assessed on the following criteria:
• Evidence of understanding of relevant concepts;
• Ability to apply these concepts;
• Quality and originality of ideas presented;
• Clarity of written expression; and
• Professional standard of report presentation (Good structure and layout. Careful
checking of spelling, grammar and punctuation).

Assessment Criteria
Guide for Students Marks
Summary Summary of the Case Study “Humanized Robots” /10

Question 1 Identification of management perspective that Jake Bowers implemented in Bowers /1

Management Machine Parts.
Perspective Definition of management perspective that Jake Bowers implemented in Bowers /3
or Thought Machine Parts.
Explanation of management perspective that Jake Bowers implemented in Bowers
Machine Parts (with evidences from the case study) /20
Question 2 Identification of management perspective that Helen Bowers implemented in Bowers /1
Management Machine Parts.
Perspective Definition of management perspective that Helen Bowers implemented in Bowers /3
or Thought Machine Parts.
Explanation of management perspective that Helen Bowers implemented in Bowers /20
Machine Parts (with evidences from the case study)
Question 3 Explanation of 2 challenges that Helen Bowers confronted /16
Challenges Explanation of 2 ways for Helen Bowers to overcome the challenges.
to wait staff /12
Application Knowledge and understanding of terms, concepts related to the topic /7
Format/Styl Logical presentation of a written format; logical explanation of ideas; spelling, /4
e grammar, punctuation, & word choice
In accordance with Harvard Referencing standards. (refer /3
Total /100
Divided by 5 equals the mark out of 20 / 20
1. Definition of management

Management principles are the way of distribution and the operating principles, the basic
usage that helps managers based on which to perform properly, properly, and optimize for
their business.

The management principle is a system of management points with a feature of orientation and
regulations and rules that require management subjects to comply in the process of
performing functions and tasks of completing objectives of the target organization. point. An
organization's performance in the effective and optimal use of resources. It is also referred to
as testing and problem solving or human activity. The manager position is called a manager,
responsible for tracking and checking tasks that have been completed according to standard

Management principles help students know about the concept of a management system for an
organization both internally and externally. Create a foundation for students to apply
theoretical principles into practice together with the basic management functions commonly
used such as planning, organizing, leading, controlling. In addition, students also have the
opportunity to learn more about the ranks corresponding to each of its own functions such as:
top-level (will undertake tasks related to planning, strategizing, and making a decision),
middle-level (related to implementing, communicating, and motivating), the lower-level is
responsible for reporting, supervising and correcting. Attaching to the ranks are the necessary
skills, after completing the management principles course will help students understand the
true nature of the types of skills for each certain level ...

1. Summary the case study “Humanised Robots”

Mr. Jake, owner of the Bowers Machine Parts business passed away, leaving Helen - his
daughter, the heir to the career of the corporation that was established 40 years ago - Bowers
Machine Parts. Because Jake and Helen's concept of business is not the same. After taking
over the property her father left behind, Helen changed her father's entire system of
management systems. According to Helen's father, competence and work did only contribute
a small part to the growth of the business, but his core views are spirit and empathy, and his
understanding. to my subordinates. Jake always gives his employees the right to speak and
give their own opinion about the business.

Contrary to Jake, Helen has her own goals and vision, she thinks her opinion is the best, she
did not want to accept any comments from employees, and She also did not care or listen to
draw experience from his father's management, she said that he was too pampering for his
staff, giving too many benefits compared to what they deserved. Although Helen is the
daughter of an equipment business owner, she has never come into contact with and really
understands how to operate the company, has not had much experience in running the
business since. For starters, she wanted to immediately enter the internationally competitive
market (heavy industry market) typically Japan - a strong competitor in the same industry.
Besides, she also applied completely different philosophies from her father. Example: From
Helen's point of view, people are only working for money and not really interested in the job,
she eliminated all low performers at work, increasing the production quota to 10 %, cut staff
salaries if they don't fulfill their quota, and also reduce time spent on recreational activities.

2. Answer The Question

Question 1: Management opinion conducted by Jake Bowers

a. Identification

Behavioral Management is the management method implemented by Mr. Jake in Bowers

Machine Parts. Behavioral management theory focuses on employee behavior and
motivation. Specifically, it deals with productivity management by understanding employee
dynamics including benefit demand expectations. Behavior management theory is sometimes
referred to as a human relations movement due to its focus on the human aspect of work. Jake
used behavioral management theory to run his business and manage his employees. That
brings success in running the business.

b. Definition

Hawthorne's research is typically the mind movement studies of the working process at
Western Electric's Hawthorne factory. This user calls the Hawthorne study. In the study, the
authors' used methods to make employees feel that they were being noticed by the
administrator such as work environment, leadership organizations, informal organizations,
team dynamics. Through Hawthorne research, we find that people play an important role in
creating productivity for businesses by satisfying the requirements of employees ars well as
the right working environment. To realize complex predictions of human behavior, Maslow
Abraham studied human needs and developed Maslow's system. Some of the needs
mentioned are: starting from Physiological is considered to be the most basic and
fundamental need because if this need is not met then all of the above needs cannot be
fulfilled. Safety Need is the next need that Maslow addresses at the demand tower because
they need something to be maintained and make them safer to grow. Social needs include a
need to be accepted and belong to a certain community. At this level, emotional needs are a
core factor influencing behavior. Esteem Needs / Ego is on the 4th floor in the demand tower.
This theory explains that people should be valued by others. The final need is Self
Actualization Needs. It is Maslow's highest self-expression need. Human potentials will be
explored and manifested by themselves.

c. Explanation

Helen's father coordinated the company as an informal organization. He saw this as his
second family and treats all employees well. Caring, communicating, motivating is what Jake
always aims at when working for his business. Employees are free to speak and express their
wishes. He has always encouraged and encouraged his subordinates. This is considered to be
his core spiritual value. It creates a mentality for his employees to feel respected, so they will
always be ready to speak out all their thoughts about a problem within the business. That
makes them self-aware of the importance and they will be more responsible for the business.

Although we can see that Jake is not only the owner of a business but also a person who is
capable of inspiring and believing others. Jake's approach is similar to Maslow's hierarchy of
needs. Physiological Needs of primary importance before satisfying other human needs.
From that, it can be clear that money is not the most important reward in satisfying the needs
of workers. In addition to making money, Jake understands that employees want more
experience and connection. McGregor is doctrinal about employee's positive behavior during
work, so he created a friendly and comfortable environment to help employees work happier
and more sociable with colleagues. Besides, it also boosts productivity to create good
products for the company and can reduce work pressure and conflict at work. Jake is always
ready to listen to suggestions from his staff to help optimize production. Because he knows
that the person who understands the production process is none other than the one who
directly takes the job and that is the reason why he applies the management theory to his

Question 2: Management viewpoint implemented by Helen Bowers

a. Identification

Management viewpoint implemented by Helen Bowers has adopted a scientific management

point of view to manage his machine covers. This is a classical and long-standing school of
management, Frederick Winslow Taylor is considered the father of scientific management,
along with the contribution and development of the scientific management school of some
researchers such as Henry Gantts, Lilian Gilbreth & Frank and Harrington Emerson  

This system perspective just concentrates on maximizing the employee’s working ability,
leading to enhance performance. It correlated to mechanistic opinion, (workers are
considered as operating machines), don’t care about remuneration and general interest of
personnel.[ CITATION Sab09 \l 1033 ]

b. Definition

Scientific management is based on the integrated assessment and analysis of work processes
in order to come up with optimal methods to achieve productivity. This form of governance is
the application of industrial engineering methods to create a system to avoid waste and many
other benefits. Besides, production methods are improved and goods are distributed fairly.

Frederich Winslow Taylor: The father of this scientific management considers people to be
part of the machines in the production line. The basic point of this management method is to
manage labor with norms, planning, and assigning functions according to each person very
scientifically. Since then, productivity increases and reduces the failure rate. Although
Taylor's scientific management theory does not bring complete advantages, thanks to this
theory, he brought a new light, a great spiritual revolution.

c. Explaination

From the case study, Helen managed the company from a scientific management point of
view. She is only concerned with the goals she needs to achieve and orders her subordinates
to fulfill the goals on time and meet the stated productivity standards or the salary will be
reduced. She ordered the management to closely supervise each production line. Idle workers
would be suppressed and removed from the company by her frontline supervisors. In
addition, she also closed the entertainment activities that her father had built. She wants to
work harder and concentrate, and minimize worker laziness. Helen's point of view is a
measure of employee productivity so based on this Taylor principle she has cut bonus costs
and thinks that the employees received it as enough,10% of salaries’ worker will be reduced
if the employee does not reach a specified yield. The human aspect is not concerned but
instead is the efficient output of energy. She followed McGregor's Principle of X theory. Talk
about the negative view that she applies. She sets strict production quota rules for factory

In parallel with that revenue is the increase in the cost of defective products and the cost of
labor training. Even though she knew the business was going down, she turned to a
consultant and they asked her to go back to the way her father did in the past, but she kept her
point of view and considered it appropriate.

Question 3: Challenges in waiting for workers

Challenges in waiting for workers includes TWO challenges faced by Helen

First, the lack of experience in employee management.

Helen is a newcomer, wet-footed into the business. Although her father is the owner of the
business, before now he has not passed on much experience in terms of his work. So she has
yet to build a relationship with her and her employees. She has changed the way she behaves
with employees differently from her father before, being less friendly, having a certain
distance in the relationship between superiors and subordinates. She thinks she has the power
to make the final decision without consulting staff. It is this factor that has created a pressure
working environment that makes employees feel pressured and difficult to adapt to this
sudden change. Compared to the way her father had managed in the past, the staff felt
dissatisfied and treated worse than before. she sets performance standards for every
employee. The main factor is the first thing she puts on her employees: wage cuts,
productivity pressures increase, and mental pressure on employees is inevitable, like
elimination. The recreational area is a soccer field where her father created for his staff to
relax, entertain, and recharge star working hours. It is these factors that affect efficiency as
well as the efficiency of making products from them because they are the main factor who
directly coordinates the machines in the production process. In fact, the firm's revenue
increased steadily with a negligible amount due to cost reduction and more product output. At
the same time, the number of waste products increased and the costs of training personnel
also increased.

Secondly, the challenge in competing with other businesses in the market of machine
components production.

Helen competes with Japanese companies in the heavy industry. Besides the opportunities
that this market brings, but somewhere there are also potential risks to businesses. Knowing
herself as a newcomer to this heavy industry, Helen has also set her own goals and has a plan
for the future direction of the business in the competitive outside market, in general, Helen
also. some basic conceptual skills in the field. However, due to the lack of awareness of
human skills from the very beginning, the internal factors of the company somewhat
negatively affect productivity, efficiency as well as product quality. That led Helen to the
decision to drastically cut wages if the employee didn't fulfill her 10% productivity increase
goal, and some rules to reduce workplace comfort. But it is only a short-term solution, these
imposing factors may in the future her employees will be exhausted, depressed, and
importantly the lack of professional labor due to a large proportion of the workers. As a
result, her employees quit their job at Bowers Machine Parts Factory because they could not
integrate as well as to adapt to this rather harsh working environment.

TWO solutions for Helen Bower to resolve the issues

After experiencing some difficulties both inside the business stemming from employees and
outside the business from the competitors, Helen finally reached out to a consultant. however,
the consultant asked her to go back to the way her father managed his employees, not only
with productivity but also on the emotional side of the staff, in order to review and absorb the
sources. ants differ from staff. It shows that Jake values employees and employees are well
aware of their importance and the respect of their employers. The working environment that
Jake provides helps them feel comfortable and ready to give their all to the business. But in
contrast, Helen is completely different from the way of her father, she has not been able to
balance her mission performance and relationship with subordinates. Although reaching out
to the expert, in the end, Helen was determined to bring her new productivity performance
index down from 20% to 10% if the employee did not meet the quota she suggested then that
meant. is that their wages will be cut. She thinks this way of cutting wages will threaten
employees and make them more active, optimizing productivity while working. And she
thought it would be more effective than her father's old way of doing it, but given her short-
term vision, she couldn't see the frustration and exhaustion of the staff in the long run. In fact,
her way of doing things will also bring some results, as salary is an important part that most
employees first consider when they apply for a working business. But Helen has forgotten
that always exists in parallel with salary and material, the working environment, the spiritual
aspect is also an important factor, contributing significantly to their work efficiency, good
deeds help employees become more comfortable and productive. She does not really
understand the nature of a high-paying job but the environment is uncomfortable, strict
management, strict, then surely her subordinates will have the mentality of doing it, enough,
not at all enthusiasm for the work they do. In short, Helen needs to pay more attention to
employees' perceptions, attitudes, and opinions and look back at the causes of declining
productivity. Helen should remember that matter and spirit always exist in unity.

Kiefer, S. (24 February 2009). Best practice series to improve entrepreneurial performance
and share understandings around scaling up a new business. Imperial College
London: Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London . Retrieved

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