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The Web Planet

Original Airdate: Feb 13, 1965

DOCTOR: I wouldn’t had thought it possible, but somehow
we’ve materialised, for a split second of time, and been
imprisoned in some kind of force. I simply can’t break its hold.
Somewhere, somehow, we’re being slowly dragged down.
IAN: Dragged down? To what?
Episode One - The Web Planet
[Planet surface]
(The Tardis materialises in a bleak landscape)
(Everyone is out of Roman garb and back to normal. The
scanner is displaying the area outside.)
DOCTOR: All responses negative. Air thin and static. Hmm!
BARBARA: Crags and pools. Oh, it’s like a cemetery, it’s so
IAN: Yeah, no vegetation, and I haven’t seen anything move
yet. We’re on the moon.
DOCTOR: Oh, what is holding us here? What force, hmm?
VICKI: That looks a bit grim. Where are we?
DOCTOR: Hmm? Oh.
IAN: Doctor, can’t there just be something wrong with the
DOCTOR: Wrong? My boy, we’ve been dragged off our
course. The question is, is it some natural phenomena or is it
intelligent, deliberate, or for a purpose, hmm?
BARBARA: Oh, you’ll find the answer, Doctor. You always
BARBARA: You’ll find the answer.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, my dear, yes, I’m confident that I can
counteract it with more power. Yes. Nowm let me see.
(Vicki winces)
[Planet surface]
(Giant ant-like creatures communicate in high-piched beeps to
each other)
DOCTOR: Good. Good, The power response is satisfactory.
VICKI: Can you hear it? Listen.
VICKI: What is it?
VICKI: Ian, Barbara, what is it?
IAN: What can you hear, Vicki?
VICKI: A sort of humming. Ooo, can’t you hear it?
IAN: Do you hear anything, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Oh, she’s probably heard an extra-sonic sound. You
know, the thing that young people and young animals hear.
Excuse me, you’re in the way.
VICKI: Oh, it’s stopped. Barbara, it’s stopped.
BARBARA: Are you all right now?
VICKI: Yes. Yes, thanks.
BARBARA: Doctor? Doctor, we must get out of here.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, I quite agree. I quite agree. The power
build up is strong enough. Yes, quite satisfactory. Well now
the motors. Wait a minute. Yes.
[Planet surface]
(A massive woodlouse thing joins the mega-ants. The Tardis
tries to dematerialise, but fails)
(The mega-ant noise can be clearly heard, and the Tardis
wobbles. Everyone is thrown about and the scanner goes wild)
IAN: What’s happening, Doctor, what’s happening?
DOCTOR: We seem to be caught! Trapped somehow. Is it
some strange phenomena? There’s no power in the ship. It’s
BARBARA: Ian, Doctor, look. I saw a flash behind one of
those crags.
IAN: Where?
BARBARA: Out there. I saw it. I saw it.
IAN: Well, it’s not there now.
BARBARA: Well I can see it’s not there.
DOCTOR: All right, all right, don’t snap at each other, my
BARBARA: I’m sorry.
DOCTOR: You probably saw some cosmic ray which is
causing the interference.
BARBARA: Well, I was almost. Vicki?
(Vicki is still on the floor)
VICKI: The noise, did it stop?
BARBARA: Yes. It’s all gone now. Come on, I think you’d
better lie down for a while.
DOCTOR: So disturbing, all this interference.
IAN: Well, Doctor?
DOCTOR: I can’t understand it. Well, there’s nothing for it,
my boy, but we shall, er, it’s a matter of exploration. We shall
have to go and find the trouble of this interference and then
learn how to counteract it.
IAN: Oh No need for the other two to come. I’ll go and tell
DOCTOR: Quite so.
IAN: Oh, how is she?
BARBARA: Oh, she’s better. Oh, Doctor? Do you have such a
thing as a sedative?
DOCTOR: Of course, my dear. It’s in the first aid box. You
know where it is. There, it’s facing you.
(The DOCTOR points to a box which is among many pieces
on a table in the alcove.)
BARBARA: Oh, yes.
(She goes to an alcove)
BARBARA: Oh, Doctor, what a mess. Honestly, one of these
days I’m going to have a jolly good spring clean around here.
IAN: She’s asleep already. Oh, er, Barbara, the Doctor and I
are going outside to have a look around. Now don’t worry. I
won’t let him out of my sight.
DOCTOR: Nearly done, my boy, hmm?
IAN: Yes, we’re ready.
BARBARA: You will be careful, both of you.
DOCTOR: Yes, yes, yes, of course, of course. Now then, I
want you to wear this ADJ.
IAN: This what?
DOCTOR: It’s an Atmospheric Density Jacket, to be precise.
Oh, I see. Is the atmosphere a bit thin?
DOCTOR: Yes, I’m afraid it’s rather sub-normal.
IAN: Hello, what’s this extraordinary thing?
DOCTOR: Oh, these are what they technically call a
respiratory compensator.
IAN: Oh, I see. A sort of advanced oxygen mask, eh?
DOCTOR: Exactly, exactly.
IAN: Well, come on then, Doctor. Ah. How do we open the
doors? We have no power.
DOCTOR: Ah, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear. Hmm. It’s one
thing after another.
IAN: (Smiling.) Hmm?
DOCTOR: Yes, well, I, er, I, er. I didn’t want to, er.
IAN: Hey?
(The Doctor takes his signet ring off.)
DOCTOR: This is not merely a decorative object. Come along,
come along.
(The Doctor flicks some switches and waves the ring in front
of an electric eye. The main doors open and he scuttles out,
chuckling. Ian follows and the doors close again)
[Women's bedroom]
(Vicki is on one of the S-shaped beds)
BARBARA: Vicki? Here, take these. You’ll feel much better.
VICKI: What is it?
BARBARA: Oh, it’s just something to make you sleep.
VICKI: May I see the container.
BARBARA: Any aches or pains.
VICKI: No, I didn’t hurt myself. My ears still sting a bit, but
that’s all.
BARBARA: Well, have you decided yet whether to take the
prescribed dose?
VICKI: It looks a bit medieval.
BARBARA: What do you mean?
VICKI: Well, you wouldn’t like it if I wanted to stick leaches
all over you, would you? And I mean, it boils down to the
same thing. They might have taken these in your time, but that
doesn’t mean
BARBARA: Now, wait a minute. You can’t blame my
generation for everything and those pills belong to the Doctor.
VICKI: He must have picked them up on his travels then
because I’ve never seen Asperin before.
BARBARA: Oh, so you studied medicine at school, did you?
VICKI: Yes, of course I did. Didn’t you teach it?
BARBARA: No. We worked upwards from the three R’s.
BARBARA: Reading, writing, ‘rithmatic.
VICKI: Oh, it was a nursery school.
BARBARA: It was not.
VICKI: Oh. I wish I’d gone to your school. We had to take a
certificate of education in medicine, physics, chemistry.
BARBARA: Now, wait a minute, how old were you?
VICKI: Well, I was ten when I took those.
BARBARA: Ten? What did you do in your time, live in the
VICKI: Live in the what?
BARBARA: Classroom. Lecture hall.
(blank look)
BARBARA: How long did you study?
VICKI: Almost an hour a week. We had these machines, you
see, and we
BARBARA: All right, Vicki. Now look, you don’t there’s
anything wrong with those pills, do you?
BARBARA: Well, why don’t you just pander to my old-
fashioned medieval superstitions and take them for me?
VICKI: Well.
BARBARA: After all, it would save me having to put make-up
on and a mask and dance round a fire in order to get rid of the
evil spirits.
VICKI: All right!.
VICKI: That’s nice, Barbara. I haven’t seen you wear it before.
BARBARA: The bracelet? No, I haven’t had it for very long.
VICKI: Was it a present?
VICKI: From Ian?
BARBARA: No. From Nero, as a matter of fact.
VICKI: From Nero? But it couldn’t have been, we
BARBARA: I haven’t had a chance to tell you before but Ian
and I went to Rome also.
VICKI: What? I, I
BARBARA: I’ll tell you all about it when you wake up.
VICKI: I’m not sure whether you’re making it up or not. I’ll
ask Ian. He’ll tell me.
BARBARA: Well you do that. He’ll be back soon.
VICKI: Back? He’s gone outside?
[Planet surface]
(The Doctor is examining a large rock)
DOCTOR: Well, well, well. That is remarkable. Gracious.
During all my travels, I don’t think I’ve ever come across this.
Magical. Isn’t it extraordinary? I say, are you there,
Chesterton? Chesterton? What are you doing, dear boy?
Fiddling and gaping over there. Come over here and learn
something. Look here, do you see what this is? Mica, hmm?
IAN: Yes, it's one of the silicates.
DOCTOR: Capable of withstanding great heat.
IAN: Quite.
DOCTOR: Have you got something sharp I can have for a
moment, hmm?
IAN: Oh. Try my pen.
(He takes out a pen which immediately disappears)
DOCTOR: That’s very clever. Very clever. You know, you’ve
never done that before. That’s a remarkable conjuring trick.
IAN: That was no conjuring trick, Doctor. That was my pen. It
vanished into thin air.
DOCTOR: Oh, my dear man.
IAN: Vanished!
(Echoes.) Vanished vanished vanished vanished
IAN: Yes, my gold pen!
(Echoes.) Pen Vanished My gold pen Vanished.
IAN: What is it Doctor?
DOCTOR: Echoes, dear boy!
IAN: I don’t mean that. I mean this place. I have a feeling.
DOCTOR: Hmm? What sort of feeling?
IAN: I have a feeling we’re being watched. Haven’t you?
DOCTOR: No. No, no, no, no, I can’t see any spooks or
anything. I don’t think so, no. Not particularly, no. I must say
that if I lived here and I heard you roaring your head off, I’d
probably come down and take a look at you.
IAN: Then take my pen?
DOCTOR: Yes, what if the power’s that’s got hold of the
Tardis has taken your pen? Of course! Ha ha! Now then,
there’s something for us to solve. Come along, come along,
come along.
(Barbara is doing her spring-cleaning, and pauses to watch the
Doctor and Ian on the scanner. Her left arm is briefly pulled
towards the door)
[Women's bedroom]
VICKI: Barbara?
BARBARA: Oh, sorry, did I wake you?
VICKI: No. The others back yet?
BARBARA: No, not yet.
VICKI: Is something wrong?
VICKI: Don’t know. You seem nervous.
BARBARA: Oh, there’s there’s something about this place.
VICKI: I know. I wished we’d materialised in some really
luxurious place, you know. Lots of lovely things to buy and eat
and wear.
(Barbara's arm gets pulled towards the door again)
VICKI: Is your arm hurting?
BARBARA: No. Vicki, I know this sounds silly, but it doesn’t
feel as though it belongs to me. A little while ago it moved
without my intending it to. Well, it’s those things we don’t
understand that frighten us. I’m sure there’s a perfectly simple
explanation. I’m just letting my imag
(Barbara breaks off and leaves the room)
[Planet surface]
IAN: Doctor, look.
(It's a pyramid)
IAN: That was built.
DOCTOR: Yes, but when? It’s old, so old. Look at the state
it’s in.
(they walk up to it)
DOCTOR: It’s a pity we didn’t bring a ladder with us. We
might be able to see what’s on the top.
IAN: Well, it isn’t Nelson.
DOCTOR: No. No, pity. Well, it certainly has nothing to do
with holding the ship here, dear boy.
IAN: Curious, though.
DOCTOR: Yes, it’s curious. Yes, yes, yes, but we must find
something more tangible, hmm? Come along, come along.
IAN: Oh, Doctor. Look.
(a small pool)
IAN: It must be water. Any form of life would need that, hey?
DOCTOR: Wait, wait, stop.
IAN: What’s the matter?
DOCTOR: You’re a little premature. Let’s have your tie.
IAN: Well, I haven’t got one.
DOCTOR: I know you’re not wearing one, dear boy, but the
one round your middle, hmm?
IAN: I hope my pants stay up.
DOCTOR: Yes, well that’s your affair, not mine.
(Ian removes his tie-belt)
IAN: There you are.
DOCTOR: Thank you. Now then.
IAN: Huh?
DOCTOR: Yes. Let’s see.
(The Doctor lowers the tie into the pool.)
IAN: Just a minute!
(The tie begins to smoke.)
DOCTOR: There you are. Look, See that? Yes, there you are.
You see?
IAN: Yes, I do see. You’ve ruined it. That was my Coal Hill
School tie. You’ve just, er
DOCTOR: Saved your life. You were about to have a wash in
there, weren’t you, or probably drink some of it? We very
nearly had the remnants of a Coal Hill School teacher in there
instead of his wretched old, ragged old tie.
IAN: Never mind about that. What is it?
DOCTOR: Yes, let's see now. Now, what have we got, hmm?
Echoes. Interference. Gold. And now, acid. Yes, similar
properties to formic acid. Yes, it’s strange, isn’t it? It’s very
(Ian throws the remains of his tie back towards the pool, and a
stone plops into the liquid from above. A mega-ant ducks out
of sight)
IAN: Doctor! There! There’s something in there! I saw a light,
it it broke the surface.
DOCTOR: A light? Is it a reflection from a planet?
IAN: No, no. It was in there. I saw something in there, I tell
DOCTOR: Now, my young man. If this is your idea of revenge
for that tie then I think it's a pretty poor effort.
IAN: Doctor, this is not revenge, I
DOCTOR: Now listen, we came here to find out the source of
interference. Now I suggest we keep our minds on this subject.
You’re rambling on. Come along. That’s it.
(The mega-ant sound starts up)
IAN: What is it, Doctor?
(Barbara is trying to block out the sound with her hands. Then
the Tardis doors open, the console starts revolving, and her
bracelet is tugged at)
(Finally, like a sleepwalker, Barbara leaves the Tardis and the
doors close behind her)
[Planet surface]
IAN: You mean, the noises are messages?
DOCTOR: It probably comes from some sentient thing, or a
machine operated by it. We must find the source of this
interference. Now come on.
[Women's bedroom]
(The console is still turning as Vicki wakes up gently)
VICKI: Barbara? Barbara?
VICKI: Barbara?
(The doors are open again)
VICKI: Barbara, where are you? Barbara! Barbara!
[Planet surface]
ECHOES: Barbara. Barbara.
IAN: That’s Vicki. Something’s wrong back at the ship.
DOCTOR: They’ve probably left the doors open. Come on.
(They run, Ian ahead of the Doctor, when)
DOCTOR: Look out!
(Ian gets snared in a net that comes up from the ground)
IAN: Doctor! Don’t come near, Doctor! Go back to the ship!
Go back to the ship!
(Meanwhile, Barbara is sleepwalking towards the acid pool)
DOCTOR: Stand still.
IAN: It stings and hurts!
DOCTOR: I’ll go back to the ship and try and find something.
Can you wait?
IAN: Yes, all right!
(The Tardis lurches, nearly throwing Vicki to the floor. She
grabs the console and starts flicking switches. We hear the
dematerialisation sound)
[Planet surface]
DOCTOR: My ship. My Tardis.
Episode Two - The Zarbi
[Planet surface]
(A mega-ant's sounds make Barbara turn away from the acid
pool at the last moment and walk around it instead)
(Ian is out cold on the ground, and the net has vanished)
DOCTOR: Chesterton! Chesterton!
(The Doctor gently touches Ian)
IAN: Ahh! Don’t touch me!
DOCTOR: Are you all right, boy?
IAN: Oh, my face. my face. What’s the matter with it?
DOCTOR: It’s a little blistered.
IAN: Oh, it’s feels as is I fell into a bed of stinging nettles.
DOCTOR: What’s happened to that weed, hmm?
IAN: I don't know. It just went.
DOCTOR: Went where?
IAN: Well, it just went. Into the air, into the ground. Oh, what
a cursed place this is.
DOCTOR: Yes, a cursed place. So barren. I wonder. Yes,
IAN: Come on, Doctor. Let’s get back to the Tardis. Get
something for my face.
DOCTOR: Oh, unfortunately, I can’t help you at the moment,
dear boy.
IAN: What?
DOCTOR: And I have a shock for you. The ship’s gone.
Vanished. (Meanwhile, Barbara is now being followed by a
giant winged insect.)
DOCTOR: There must be an answer to it, dear boy. There
must be answer! They can’t even get in the ship, let alone
operate it. The interior of my ship is inviolable.
(The Doctor suddenly clutches at his chest)
IAN: What’s the matter?
DOCTOR: It's my chest.
IAN: Can’t you breathe?
DOCTOR: Oh, yes.
IAN: Something wrong with these?
DOCTOR: Yes, it’s these ADJ coats are no use. After about an
hour, they’re useless.
IAN: Can we live without them?
DOCTOR: Just about.
IAN: Let's take them off, shall we? Get used to the atmosphere,
okay? All right?
DOCTOR: Yes, yes.
(Ian takes the jacket off)
IAN: You can certainly tell the difference, can’t you. Breathe
slowly. Deeply, like a diver. Oh, it it’s possible. Okay?
DOCTOR: There, do you see those ridges? What are those
ridges in the sand there? Have a look.
IAN: The Tardis.
DOCTOR: I heard the Tardis.
IAN: It’s been dragged away. Dragged away!
(and just to prove it, we see the Tardis travelling along,
seemingly under its own power, but accompanied by the mega-
ant noises)
(Vicki is struggling to keep her balance as she watches the
progress on the scanner. Then a mega-ant head fills the screen)
[Planet surface]
(The winged creature gently takes Barbara's arm and guides
her into a cave where there are others of its kind)
(Another of the creatures removes her gold bracelet and throws
it into a pool of acid. Barbara wakes up)
BARBARA: My bracelet. I was. Who are you? What do you
(They block her way out)
VRESTIN: Stop her! Stay where you are.
[Planet surface]
IAN: Oh, those tracks have disappeared.
DOCTOR: The ground seems firmer here.
IAN: No sign of it.
DOCTOR: Oh, all so strange, so unnatural. I’ve never
experienced anything in my life before like this. But we must
continue with our search.
IAN: Yeah.
DOCTOR: Take a look over there. Well, that’s odd. Those are
not track marks. Those are more like claw marks. Yes.
(Ian has just put his foot in an insect pupae)
IAN: Doctor.
DOCTOR: I think we’re on the right track, my boy.
IAN: Never mind about that. Look at this.
DOCTOR: Good gracious. It’s hollow.
IAN: Yes.
DOCTOR: Yes, well preserved. Yes, a vertebrate creature, yes,
highly developed, hmm!
IAN: But it’s skin is more like a chrysalis.
DOCTOR: Menoptra. Yes, does that word mean anything to
you, hmm?
IAN: No, nothing. You mean you’ve been here before?
DOCTOR: No, no, my boy. No, but it’s this rock formation
and now this creature, this object, it suggests the planet Vortis.
IAN: Vortis? What galaxy is that in?
DOCTOR: The Isop galaxy. Yes, many light years from Earth.
And yet the Vortis hasn’t the moon’s and here, there there are
several. Look, you see? You can see for yourself.
IAN: Yes. Can’t a planet attract satellites to itself, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Oh, yes, yes, yes, but it would need a galactic
explosion, you know, some kind of new force. Whether this
Vortis planet has that or not, I can’t be sure. Anyway, lets,
come on, over here.
VICKI: Help me.
(The Tardis is moving towards some sort of entrance)
BARBARA: After we’d landed, two of our party went to
explore. The last thing I remember was being in the ship, the
doors opening, and then, well, then you came.
HRHOONDA: Kill her.
VRESTIN: (female) No.
HRHOONDA: A stranger must not be trusted.
HROSTAR: (a male) You chose here when you chose to land
on Vortis?
BARBARA: I keep telling you, we didn’t choose. Our ship
was forced here.
VRESTIN: The Zarbi will treat them as enemies. If we refuse
to help them, they will not survive.
HRHOONDA: Her future is no concern of ours. Hrostar, she
was under the force of the Zarbi. Why did you break it?
BARBARA: Look, all we want to do is get away from here.
These Zarbi that you seem frightened of, maybe we could help
HROSTAR: Have you any weapons?
BARBARA: No, but we
VRESTIN: Watch her.
HRHOONDA: If we let her go, she may tell the Zarbi where
they can find us.
HRHOONDA: Even if she does not wish to betray us, they will
extort it from her.
VRESTIN: There are few of us and many of the Zarbi. She
offers help.
HRHOONDA: She is not to be trusted. I say kill her.
VRESTIN: Hrostar. The Menoptra do not act without
(Barbara takes the opportunity to knock over Hrostar and run
out of the cave)
HRHOONDA: Stop her! Stop her!
[Planet surface]
(Barbara trips, hears the mega-ants and runs again. I suppose I
should call them Zarbi now) (Elsewhere, The Doctor and Ian
are walking slowly)
IAN: Strange lights in the sky.
DOCTOR: Pulsating.
IAN: Do you think they could be natural like the aurora
DOCTOR: No, look down there, my boy, hmm?
IAN: So that’s where they’ve taken the ship to.
DOCTOR: Apparently so. We’ve got to get down there. I wish
we had more knowledge of what we were up against. Ah, this
IAN: Doctor!
(They are surrounded by Zarbi, and woodlice, which are very
curious about them)
DOCTOR: The best thing is just to stand still.
IAN: Maybe we could talk to them, make them understand?
DOCTOR: Apart from rubbing our back legs together like
some sort of grasshopper? I doubt if we could get on speaking
terms with them. Stand still! Obey! These creatures on this
planet are completely unknown to me. Just stand still and obey.
(The Zarbi start to push Ian and the Doctor forward)
DOCTOR: Remember those claw marks.
IAN: Yes.
(The Tardis has come to a halt, and the scanner is blank. Then
the doors open)
VICKI: Ian? Doctor? Is there anybody there?
(Vicki leaves)
[Control room]
(Vicki steps into a room made of tendrils, then Zarbi come up
to her)
(Ian and the Doctor have arrived outside)
IAN: Doctor, look at this. It’s growing.
DOCTOR: Organic matter, reproducing itself.
IAN: Fantastic.
DOCTOR: Yes, I wonder. I wonder how long it’s taken to
grow that size, eh? A hundred or two hundred years?
IAN: Doctor, if your assumption was correct and this is Vortis,
what do you know of it’s history?
DOCTOR: History doesn’t mean anything when you travel
through space and time. All right, all right. Don’t push, don’t
[Control room]
(One of the Zarbi goes up to the Tardis, takes a step in then
backs out again, spinning wildly. An alarm goes off. Then the
Doctor and Ian enter> DOCTOR: My ship! The doors are
(The Doctor rushes to the Tardis as Ian goes to Vicki)
VICKI: Oh, Ian! Ian!
IAN: It’s all right, Vicki, Don’t worry. Where’s Barbara?
VICKI: I don’t know. I was asleep. She must have left the ship.
DOCTOR: What’s the meaning of this, child? Who tried to get
in here?
VICKI: I don’t know! I don’t know!
DOCTOR: What do you creatures want?
[Planet surface]
(By the acid pool, Barbara is captured by a pair of Zarbi and
dragged away, holding her arms in their mandibles)
(She falls to the ground)
HRHOONDA: Vrestin, use that and we shall all be destroyed.
The Zarbi are all around us. If you break communicator
silence, they will know where they may find us.
VRESTIN: If we do not contact our forces, they face
destruction. We must warn them of the power of the Animus.
HROSTAR: And of the strength of the larvae gun.
VRESTIN: The Zarbi are massed together against us.
(She changes the configuration of the crystal device, as
Hrhoonda stands guard at the entrance)
VRESTIN: Pilot party to Menoptra invasion force.
VRESTIN: Pilot party to Menoptra invasion force. This is
Vrestin. Urgent report. Urgent report.
HROSTAR: They are in reach of the enemy locators. They will
not break communicator silence.
VRESTIN: They will. They can echo their signals to us off
satellite Taron. Menop spearhead, acknowledge reception.
HROSTAR: Vrestin, it’s no use. The cave is cutting off our
VRESTIN: Yes. We must try again from outside the cave.
HROSTAR: If they catch us, we must break the transmitter.
HRHOONDA: Vrestin! Hrostar! The Zarbi!
[Planet surface]
(Barbara is being controlled, and leading the Zarbi to the cave)
(Hrhoonda tries to stave off a Zarbi with his crystal spear)
HROSTAR: Vrestin, smash the crystals. Smash the crystals,
(A larvae grub shoots Hrhoonda)
HROSTAR: Vrestin, run! Get away! Get away!
(Vrestin escapes out the back door. Barbara enters, wearing a
large wish-bone style device over her shoulders. Hrostar
removes it)
HROSTAR: We are safe for the present.
BARBARA: How did I get back here?
HROSTAR: You were morphatised. Look!
(He points at the device)
BARBARA: I don’t understand.
HROSTAR: The Zarbi can control everyone, even us, the
Menoptra, when they use that metal.
BARBARA: It's gold.
HROSTAR: Don’t touch!
BARBARA: I see. So it was the bracelet. What will they do to
HROSTAR: We are to be taken to the Crater of Needles.
BARBARA: And then?
HROSTAR: They will put us to work. Once there you might
well wish that you had not been spared.
(A larvae pushes Hrostar away from Barbara and they force
him to his knees and ...)
BARBARA: No! (she looks away)
[Control room]
(The Doctor is trying to mime a message to the Zarbi.)
IAN: Oh, the Doctor’s not getting through to them.
(There's a beeping.)
IAN: That sounds like an alarm.
(The Zarbi push the Doctor into position under a delicate tube
that descends over his head.)
ANIMUS [OC]: Why do you come now?
Episode Three - Escape To Danger
[Control room]
VICKI: The Doctor’s speaking to someone. Why can’t we hear
what he’s saying?
(We can hear him.)
DOCTOR: Who are you? We come in peace.
ANIMUS [OC]: Peace? Is that why you attack? Where is your
main force?
DOCTOR: We are alone. We have strayed from our astral
ANIMUS [OC]: When will your invasion fleet arrive? What is
its weaponry?
DOCTOR: We are peaceful travellers from Earth.
ANIMUS [OC]: You lie. You are the Menoptra. Our detectors
show you are massing in space to attack. Speak!
DOCTOR: I know nothing of these Menoptra.
ANIMUS [OC]: We shall show you the fate which awaits all
your ships, all your people.
DOCTOR: Please listen to me. I have not finished my
(But the communication tube is raised and he is pushed to join
Ian and Vicki. A larvae stands guard.)
DOCTOR: Stand still.
(A tendril from the wall takes aim.)
IAN: Look at that, Doctor.
(It fires at the Tardis but the energy rebounds, scattering the
VICKI: Look at them! Look at them!
IAN: What’s happened?
DOCTOR: It’s unbelievable! Unbelievable! What did you do
in the ship, child? What controls did you touch?
VICKI: Well, I got thrown against the control panel and I just
pressed any switches I could see. It suddenly became alive. I
couldn’t help it.
DOCTOR: You have performed a miracle, my dear. You have
re-aligned the fluid link. The power is back!
IAN: If only Barbara were here, we could go.
DOCTOR: Trying to destroy my ship you will achieve nothing.
Nothing! I have great secrets in my ship. We could help you.
[Planet surface]
(Vrestrin is on a cliff overlooking the Zarbi headquarters. A
Zarbi comes up from behind and she flies away)
[Control room]
ANIMUS [OC]: If your ship is proof against our weapons,
remember you are not. Tell us the secret of its armour.
DOCTOR: Impossible. I cannot tell you why my ship
withstood the fire of that gun unless you tell me the principle
it’s built on.
ANIMUS [OC]: You demand my secrets? Yield yours.
VICKI: What do you think the Doctor is saying?
IAN: I don’t know. I hope he’s asking where Barbara is.
ANIMUS [OC]: The great secrets you speak of in your ship
must be used against the invaders. In return, I offer you your
DOCTOR: Where is the fourth member of our party, hmm?
ANIMUS [OC]: She has been taken to the Crater of Needles
beyond my great web. Will your secrets look into the stars?
DOCTOR: I don’t know what you mean, but I have an astral
map, if that answers your question.
ANIMUS [OC]: Will it show where the Menoptra are massing,
where they will land?
DOCTOR: I see. So it’s the Menoptra that are invading your
planet, hmm?
ANIMUS [OC]: Somewhere in space, beyond the range of our
locators, they are grouping. They scatter false trails to mislead
us. Their numbers are great. I am aware only of movement.
DOCTOR: And you are not aware of their position?
ANIMUS [OC]: This you must do.
DOCTOR: I shall need assistance.
ANIMUS [OC]: Bring your astral map out of your ship.
DOCTOR: I shall need help even to do that.
(He goes back to Ian and Vicki)
DOCTOR: Now it is their turn to receive instructions.
IAN: Tell us, Doctor. What happened?
DOCTOR: Let us go back into the Tardis.
(The Zarbi block Vicki's path.)
VICKI: I think they must want to keep me here as a hostage.
You go in. I’ll be all right.
(Outside, Vrestrin has followed the Zarbi to their headquarters)
IAN: Oh. Oh, that’s easier. No message from Barbara.
DOCTOR: I’m just beginning to relax, my boy.
IAN: Yes. Do you think that kid’ll be all right out there?
DOCTOR: Er, yes, I think so. Yes, I must do something about
this face of yours.
IAN: Those beasties are keeping their distance this time.
DOCTOR: Yes, it seems they’ve learnt their lesson. Here, dab
some of that on your face. There’s some cotton wool there.
IAN: Thanks. What do you think they are, Doctor?
IAN: Those things out there.
DOCTOR: Well, to use the term of Earth, I suppose we should
call them insects.
IAN: Ants? I’ve seen a colony of ants eat their way right
through a house. That size, they could eat their way through a
mountain. Why are they that big?
DOCTOR: Size is only relative. In this rarified atmosphere, it
appears that evolution has chosen that particular form of life on
this planet.
IAN: Ants.
IAN: So relentless, indestructible. What are we going to do?
Have you got any ideas?
DOCTOR: Well, it’s this voice. It’s this, this, this, this, this
Queen of the ants, you might say. If I can only trick her into
neutralising this section of this area. I want you to try and track
down Barbara, hmm?
IAN: Well, all right. Did you find out where she was?
DOCTOR: Well, it has something to do with this Crater of
IAN: Crater of Needles? Where’s that?
DOCTOR: The only clue I can give you, dear boy, it’s behind
a great web.
IAN: That’s not much help, is it?
DOCTOR: No, it isn’t. Come on, give me a hand.
(They start to wheel out the astral map - a sort of cathode ray
device on a trolley)
DOCTOR: Oh, and by the way, I want you to take a couple of
these. They’ll be very good for your breathing in this rarified
(He hands over some tablets)
IAN: Oh. What about Barbara and Vicki?
DOCTOR: You leave Vicki to me, but when you do finally
catch up with Barbara, see that she takes some. She’s probably
had the same experience with breathing as we have.
IAN: Mmm. Hold on a minute.
DOCTOR: No, no, no, no. Don’t unplug it. You must never do
that. You must never break the time and relative dimension
link. Come on.
[Control room]
IAN: Don’t worry, Vicki. The Doctor’s got something up his
DOCTOR: Oh, it’s useless. It’s useless! Come along, put me
through, will you? Come along, drop this hairdryer, or
whatever it is.
ANIMUS [OC]: You have the information?
DOCTOR: No, good gracious me, no. Some kind of force of
yours has jammed my instruments and whilst it continues, I
cannot use them.
ANIMUS [OC]: I cannot suspend my functions for your
DOCTOR: Very well, very well, take this thing away. I’m
afraid we can’t help you to locate your invader.
ANIMUS [OC]: I will withhold certain forces near your
instruments. If you take advantage of this, you will die.
(The Zarbi sink to the ground.)
DOCTOR: Well, it appears, my boy, they’ve obliged. They’ve
neutralised and completely immobilised this section.
IAN: There’s one way to make sure, Doctor.
(The Zarbi moves when Ian tries to leave the room)
(It turns around and sits down again)
IAN: You’ve done it!
DOCTOR: It’s time you left.
IAN: Yes.
VICKI: Where are you going?
IAN: I’m going to find Barbara. Now, you look after the
Doctor. I’ll be back.
(Ian leaves)
DOCTOR: Come along, cheer up, cheer up, my child. It’s all
right. Yes, here. Have a piece of chocolate. There you are.
VICKI: I don’t feel like that now.
DOCTOR: Oh, come, come, come, come. You don’t have to
worry about him. He’s very good at this sort of thing. Yes,
he’ll be back. He’ll be back.
(Ian dives for cover in the maze of corridors as Zarbi walk
VICKI: What are you doing, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Hmm? Oh, I’m trying to discover a little more
about this invasion fleet, my child. The more we know, the
safer it will be for us.
MENOPTRA [OC]: Advance units, rendezvous.
VICKI: Is that the Menoptra speaking?
DOCTOR: I’ll just turned up this booster. Wait a minute.
MENOPTRA [OC]: Menop pathfinder to leader one. Range to
Vortis, one four oh.
DOCTOR: Just turn up the recorder.
MENOPTRA 2 [OC]: Leader to Spearhead. Lock course on
bearing two six five. Speed point oh one. We jettisoned craft at
altitude five above Crater of Needles. Individual descent to
Sayo plateau, north of the Crater.
DOCTOR: Did you understand any of that, hmm?
VICKI: Crater of Needles, or something.
DOCTOR: Yes. That’s where they’ve taken Barbara.
(Ian is still trying to find his way out. He ends up wrestling
with a Zarbi and manages to get it on it's back. Then a wall
panel cuts off his escape and an alarm sounds. The Zarbi in the
control get up)
DOCTOR: It sounds as though we’re under attack, my dear.
VICKI: It’s Ian, I know it is. They’ve caught him.
(Ian is thoroughly trapped, with a larva pointing at him. It fires
its weapon, a panel swings open and he escapes to the outside)
[Zarbi HQ entrance]
(Vrestrin flies down and Ian runs off)
[Control room]
(Vicki has a gold collar on now)
ANIMUS [OC]: You have tried to escape. Why?
DOCTOR: I am still here.
ANIMUS [OC]: Where is the third?
DOCTOR: Why question me? Surely you can see our
ANIMUS [OC]: You will no longer be trusted.
DOCTOR: Were we ever?
ANIMUS [OC]: I can kill you all.
DOCTOR: Yes, you can, but to what end? The information I
have will die with me.
ANIMUS [OC]: Information? Of the Menoptra invasion?
DOCTOR: I am still collating the various readings of my
ANIMUS [OC]: You lie. It is another of your tricks.
DOCTOR: That is for you to decide. Am I really lying or do I
possess this information, hmm?
(The Doctor gestures for the Zarbi to remove the collar from
(It does so)
VICKI: Oh! Oh, Doctor. That thing made me go to sleep.
DOCTOR: Yes, I know, my dear, I know. I think I’ve earned
ourselves a little breathing space.
VICKI: What did you tell them?
DOCTOR: Nothing, nothing.
VICKI: Are you going to tell them about the Menoptra?
DOCTOR: Just about as much as I ever want to. We’ll see.
Come, let’s look busy. Now, I want you to nip into the ship and
bring me back a little red box and in it is a recording
compound. You’ll find it on the left near the first aid kit. Go at
once and come back immediately.
(She does)
VICKI: Is this it, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Oh, I said a white box, child! Do you ever think!
This is one of my specimens. Look.
(He shows her the contents, a spider.)
DOCTOR: Now, take it back.
(A Zarbi recoils at the sight of the tiny spider.)
VICKI: Doctor, look! It’s frightened. I’m sure it is. It’s
[Cliff top]
(Ian and Vrestin are keeping a watch on the Zarbi HQ.)
VRESTIN: Heron? Do you still intend to go to the Crater of
IAN: Yes, I do.
VRESTIN: Many of my friends are enslaved there. They tear
off our wings so that we may not escape.
IAN: What do you expect when you invade a planet?
VRESTIN: Invade a planet? Vortis is ours. We the Menoptra,
are reclaiming it.
IAN: Vortis is your planet?
VRESTIN: Of course. They are returning to the Carsinome.
They do not search for long.
IAN: Those things invaded your planet?
VRESTIN: You do not know our story?
IAN: No, I don’t. Tell me.
VRESTIN: The Zarbi are not an intelligent species, but they
were essential to the life pattern here. We lived at peace with
them, until they were made militant by the dark power.
IAN: The dark power? What’s that?
VRESTIN: The Animus. At that time, the Carsinome appeared.
Grew like a fungus. We had no weapons. We had not had the
need. And by the time we sensed the danger, the Zarbi were
too strong.
IAN: So you left the planet?
VRESTIN: We had no choice.
IAN: Where did you go?
VRESTIN: At that time, these strange moons appeared. One of
them became our home, those of us who could reach it.
IAN: Can you live up there?
VRESTIN: It is a dim, half-world and our wings grow weaker.
We must return to Vortis, for when the Carsinome encircles the
planet, it will be too late.
IAN: And now you’re ready to attack?
VRESTIN: No, we are not ready, but we must try.
IAN: I see. And what’s your part in all this?
VRESTIN: Three of us were sent here to prepare the way for
the invasion force. Now, I am alone. I do not know.
IAN: What happened to the other two?
(Vrestin whimpers.)
IAN: They were killed.
VRESTIN: One is dead. The other was taken to the Crater
IAN: (Crater of Needles.
VRESTIN: Friend Barbara?
IAN: Yes, like friend Barbara. Vrestin, we’ve both lost friends.
Come with me to the Crater. You know the country. We can
collect your friend and mine.
VRESTIN: There are many of my friends in the Crater of
IAN: All the more reason to go.
VRESTIN: Yes, Heron. We will do as you say.
IAN: Good. Come on then.
[Planet surface]
VRESTIN: That is the way to the Crater of Needles.
IAN: How far?
VRESTIN: You cannot fly. It will take two hours.
(Zarbi appear from behind rocks.)
IAN: Vrestin, quick! This way!
(They run along a cliff face to a cleft in the wall)
IAN: Vrestin, quick. In here.
VRESTIN [OC]: Get back! The ground’s giving way!
IAN: Here, take hold of my hand.
VRESTIN [OC]: Let go! You’ll be pulled down with me!
(There's a rockfall and lots of dust)
Episode Four - Crater Of Needles
(Ian and Vrestin have fallen into a chamber whose walls are
decorated with strange symbols)
VRESTIN: It seemed as if we fell a long, long way.
IAN: Yeah. Oh, look. Where are we?
(They are surrounded by creatures using crystals for weapons)
[Crater of needles]
(In a big crater, with tall needles of rock, wingless Menoptra
work for the Zarbi)
HROSTAR: You are breathing too fast, Harbara.
BARBARA: Oh, my eyes are so sore. Everything seems to to
flare when I look at it.
HROSTAR: It is the atmosphere of this planet. Rest. I will
watch for Zarbi.
BARBARA: Are your wings healed?
HROSTAR: I shall never fly again.
BARBARA: No. Why do they make us do
(A Zarbi approaches and they start work again. It leaves.)
BARBARA: Why do they make us heap this vegetation into
the acid streams?
HROSTAR: It is the raw material for the Carsinome, where the
Zarbi live. Fed into these pools, it is drawn to the centre
through underground streams, and as we pour it in, the
Carsinome grows and reaches out across Vortis.
BARBARA: Well, what lies at the centre?
HROSTAR: None of us have ever seen it and lived, but we call
it the Animus.
(A Zarbi harries them again)
BARBARA: Do you understand them?
HROSTAR: No. They are just cattle. They do not have any
speech nor motive of their own. Just controlled sentries. We
came here to liberate them. It was disaster. Vrestin, the others,
we arrived in advance of the spearhead. Our weapons proved
useless. They were taken by the Zarbi who were everywhere.
The three of us you met in the cave got away with the
communicator, but we could not contact our spearhead.
BARBARA: Well, when is it due to arrive?
BARBARA: And how will you overcome the Animus?
HROSTAR: With a new invention of our scientists. It has not
been tested but we have placed our faith in the Isop-tope.
[Control room]
(A Zarbi goes past with a weapon in its mandible.)
VICKI: Doctor? Why don’t we use the spider now as a weapon
to get out of here?
DOCTOR: Because I think we might find it more valuable
later on, child, when Ian and Barbara have returned.
VICKI: Do you think it’ll be safe where we put it?
DOCTOR: Oh, a hundred percent! A hundred percent!
(A Zarbi come in with a collar)
VICKI: Oh no!
DOCTOR: Use the spider, child!
(But she can't get to it in time, and she is controlled. The
communication tube comes down over the Doctor's head.)
ANIMUS [OC]: You delay. Now the child will die. Thus you
will learn total obedience.
DOCTOR: If the child dies, there’ll be no reason left for me to
obey. I have located your enemy. My calculations are
ANIMUS [OC]: You lie.
DOCTOR: The Menoptra are massing on the planet Pictos.
ANIMUS [OC]: Pictos?
DOCTOR: It appears they are heading straight for Vortis. If
you waste time in idle vengeance, in face of such an invasion,
you will all be annihilated.
ANIMUS [OC]: Where will the Menoptra land?
DOCTOR: If I am given peace of mind for a while, I can find
that out. That is, if it’s not too late.
DOCTOR: Not before the child is released.
ANIMUS [OC]: Go now.
DOCTOR: First, the child, hmm?
(The tubes rises, a Zarbi pushes a grub away from Vicki and
takes the collar off her)
VICKI: Oh, Doctor, it makes you feel so dizzy.
DOCTOR: Yes, I know, my dear, I know.
VICKI: Peculiar.
DOCTOR: I know. Be all right in a minute, hmm?
VICKI: Did, did you tell that thing where the Menoptra are
going to land?
DOCTOR: Just about enough for our survival. If I tell them
everything, our usefulness will be ended. Now, we’ve got to
get out of here and I want to find a place to hide this recorder. I
don’t propose to make them a present of the place of attack.
VICKI: There's another panic on by the looks of it.
DOCTOR: Yes, there’s no doubt they’ve alerted their invasion
forces. They’ve acted very quickly on the little information that
I gave them. Now, while they’re busy I want you to nip back
into the ship, find my walking stick and bring it straight back
here. Hurry!
[Crater of needles]
(The alarm goes off here. A Zarbi knocks Barbara over)
PRAPILLUS: (old man) It's some kind of alarm.
HROSTAR: I hope they haven’t found the
(The menoptra are herded into an enclosure)
(Ian and Vrestin are being 'questioned' by giant caterpillars)
IAN: We were chased! We fell!
VRESTIN: They are too simple to understand, Heron.
NEMINI: Hands in there.
(Ian is pushed so his clasped hands dunk into some liquid
which then solidifies around them. The same is done to
VRESTIN: Primitives, what is it you want from us?
NEMINI: Hetra.
HETRA: We know that from the roof comes hate! The liquid
death! Creeping destroyer of we Optera. Yet you stand upright.
We will consult the chasm of lights and if you come from
above, you will die!
[Crater of needles]
(Food is being distributed)
PRAPILLUS: Hrostar, is it the invasion?
HROSTAR: The spearhead? Yes, I think so.
PRAPILLUS: Then tell us what we must do.
HROSTAR: Nothing yet.
HLYNIA: Do nothing? But we’ve waited for generations for
this moment.
HROSTAR: And it will come, but a false move and all is lost.
Success depended on surprise. If this is an alert, how did they
know? Your Earth friends. This man of science you tell me of?
Could he be helping them?
BARBARA: No. No, I’m sure he wouldn't.
HROSTAR: How, then, do they know?
BARBARA: Know what?
HROSTAR: Our spearhead plan to land on Sayo Plateau, just
above the crater here, to the north.
BARBARA: Well, that doesn’t mean to say that the Doctor
told them. The Zarbi must be alerted everywhere, not just here.
HROSTAR: With the Zarbi weaponry, they will be massacred.
BARBARA: Are your forces armed?
HROSTAR: With useless weapons. Our plan was for an attack
on the Animus. We would have landed in secret, overcome the
Zarbi, and destroyed the force that rules them by sheer force of
BARBARA: A suicide army.
HROSTAR: It would have been suicide to stay where we were.
The invasion had to come now. We did not choose the time. It
is now, and failure will mean failure for all time.
PRAPILLUS: Hrostar, the spearhead must be warned.
HROSTAR: But how? We smashed the signalling equipment.
BARBARA: Look, we must get to the top of the plateau,
intercept them and warn them.
PRAPILLUS: Yes, we must.
HROSTAR: There is a larvae gun pointed straight at this door.
HLYNIA: I saw thirty or more Zarbi leaving the Crater by the
great web. I do not think there will be many more left to guard
BARBARA: Look, we must try. It only needs one of us to get
HROSTAR: If only we could destroy the larvae gun.
PRAPILLUS: I may do that.
HROSTAR: You? How?
PRAPILLUS: I know the Zarbi.
(Prapillus pushes away a spar at the back of the enclosure.)
[Control room]
(The Doctor uses his walking stick to drag the control collar
across the floor while Vicki uses spider to control the Zarbi)
VICKI: Good! You’ve got it.
DOCTOR: Now the question is how to make it safe, hmm?
VICKI: It’s gold, isn’t it.
DOCTOR: Yes, there’s no mistaking it, my dear. Gold and
something more than gold. Gold is the symbol of power on this
planet. Which brings me to an incident with Ian and his pen.
VICKI: Ian and his pen?
DOCTOR: Yes, it flew out of his hand just as he was about to
give it to me. A gold pen. Now, we have got to find something
to re-align this power.
VICKI: What?
DOCTOR: Yes, that is the question, isn’t it?
[Crater of needles]
BARBARA: Any sign of him?
(Prapillus is hiding behind a needle as the Zarbi moves away
from the larvae gun)
HROSTAR: It’s left the larvae gun. It’s our chance to destroy
BARBARA: Destroy it? Well, can’t we use it ourselves?
HLYNIA: Only the Zarbi can control and fire them.
HROSTAR: Get ready.
(Prapillus throws a rock to distract the Zarbi)
(Prapillus and Hrostar get the Zarbi on it's back while Barbara
and Hylnia hold onto the larva's shell. Then Hrostar picks up
the larva and squishes it against the crater wall)
PRAPILLUS: Is the gun dead?
HLYNIA: I can lead us to the plateau.
BARBARA: Well, come on then, quickly.
[Control room]
(The control collar is connected to the astral map)
VICKI: Have you finished now, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Yes, I think so, my dear. Well, now we know the
Tardis is the opposing force, the question is, which is the
stronger, hmm?
VICKI: What’ll happen if you’re wrong?
DOCTOR: What will happen? Well, the astral map will be
ruined, of course, but I’m afraid we have no choice. Now just
stand back a bit, my dear.
(He flicks a switch and, bang!)
VICKI: Doctor!
(The Doctor puts his hand on the collar, and nothing happens
to him. A Zarbi pushes him to the communication tube)
VICKI: It was nothing! Just a fuse on one of our instruments.
ANIMUS [OC]: The time to complete your findings. Report.
DOCTOR: It is still incomplete.
ANIMUS [OC]: Excuses.
DOCTOR: No doubt your creatures told you about the
explosion. (holds up the recorder) This is what caused the
delay. You must wait.
ANIMUS [OC]: What is it you hold?
DOCTOR: Oh, nothing, nothing. Merely a piece of damaged
equipment that happened
MENOPTRA [OC]: Force on bearing two six five. Speed point
oh one. We jettison craft at altitude five above Crater of
Needles. Individual descent to Sayo Plateau north of the
(End of recording.)
ANIMUS [OC]: You were in possession of the information all
the time. You will be dealt with when the invasion has been
(Vicki is wearing the control collar again. A second Zarbi puts
another collar on the Doctor)
[Planet surface]
(On a ledge the bottom of a cliff.)
HLYNIA: The plateau is just above us.
HROSTAR: We will remain here until the spearhead arrives.
BARBARA: Well, at least we got here in time.
HROSTAR: You stay on guard here, Hlynia.
PRAPILLUS: The Zarbi are moving in, surrounding the
HLYNIA: We must wait for the spearhead!
HROSTAR: Then this Doctor must have betrayed us!
HETRA: Every creature who invades our domain comes only
to prey on us. You are guilty.
NEMINI: Throw them in the fire chasm!
IAN: Will you kill your own kind?
HETRA: Listen, stranger, you are both from that wilderness
above ground where the light blinds, the air chokes, where only
destroyer races live and from where none of us who has gone
forth has ever returned. You come foraging into our world only
for new victims. Take them!
(Ian is knocked to his knees)
VRESTIN: Listen! This wilderness you speak of belongs to
you. We are coming in our legions to destroy the dark power
and its Zarbi slaves. HETRA: The Zarbi.
VRESTIN: They seized this planet long ago, enslaved your
forebears and mine who remained. They are spreading the
poisonous web of the Animus to every corner of Vortis.
NEMINI: As long as we kill intruders, we are safe.
IAN: Don’t you understand? You are Menoptra, like this.
HETRA: The Menoptra?
NEMINI: You speak of our Gods!
(They bow to the symbols on the walls)
VRESTIN: Your Gods? The Menoptra are your kinsmen. Your
wings withered on your bodies while you crawled blindly
underground, like slugs. You were born to the greatest freedom
of all creatures. To peace, beauty and light!
HETRA: It is death for us up there.
VRESTIN: This is not your element.
IAN: If you throw us into the fire, you destroy your own
NEMINI: Prove what you say.
VRESTIN: I am Vrestin, a leader of the Menoptra. We come to
destroy the dark power who rules this planet.
IAN: We need your help.
(Vrestin opens his wings and the Optera bow.)
BARBARA: They’re not here yet.
PRAPILLUS: I feel the Zarbi are watching.
HROSTAR: Quietly!
(Some Menoptra fly down)
HROSTAR: Spearhead?
HILIO: Codeword?
HROSTAR: Electron.
HILIO: Where is your pilot party?
HROSTAR: Destroyed. Your force, get it off the plateau.
HROSTAR: Our weapons are useless. The Zarbi have our
rendezvous. Disperse the spearhead. They will be massacred.
HILIO: It is too late. We are already committed to attack.
(Zarbi and larvae grubs are nearby. More Menoptra arrive, and
the grub opens fire. The Zarbi are no match for them hand to
hand either. Barbara and Hrostar run.)
BARBARA: They’re still following us.
HROSTAR: We’ll try the crater’s edge.
BARBARA: Well, come on, hurry.
HILIO: Spearhead, retreat!
(Menoptra fly off, Hrostar tackles a Zarbi)
HILIO: We are surrounded.
HLYNIA: No, follow me.
(But she's wrong, they are surrounded.)
Episode Five - Invasion
BARBARA: We’re surrounded. Come on!
(But she runs into another Zarbi. Backing away, she falls
against a section of rock face, which opens like a door, and
they hurry through. The Zarbi and grubs cannot follow)
[Control room]
(The Zarbi are paying attention to flashing lights when Vicki
opens one eye, then the other. As they are not being watched,
she takes off the collar and uses it to pry the other one off the
Doctor so he wakes up. Then she puts the non-functioning
collar back on)
DOCTOR: My dear, you’re still wearing it.
VICKI: Shh! It’s all right. I took a chance and put it on.
You’ve done it. It doesn’t work anymore.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, we must capitalise on your action. Now we
know the necklace no longer works on us, perhaps the force-
field is being reversed. I wonder. If that is so, I can control that
necklace with this power of my ring.
VICKI: What power does it hold?
DOCTOR: Now, look, look.
(A Zarbi walks past them. When the coast is clear again, he
puts the collar on himself.)
DOCTOR: Now, this is what I want you to do, child. When
you (whisper, whisper) Understand?
(They stand still, then Vicki sways forward attracting the other
VICKI: Oh, what’s happened? Where am I? (The Zarbi sees
the second collar on the floor, and bends down to it. The
Doctor puts his own collar around it's neck, then leads it
around with his ring.)
DOCTOR: Splendid. Splendid.
VICKI: Doctor, you’ve done it. How marvellous! What next?
DOCTOR: Well, I think we shall get our friend to take us out
of here. Go outside. Jeep your eyes open.
VICKI: All clear.
(The Doctor leads his tame Zarbi out of the room)
[Carsinome Corridor]
VICKI: I thought we’d have seen more of these creatures,
DOCTOR: Yes, it appears they have gone to the plateau.
VICKI: Well, there's one good thing. At least that spearhead'll
make it easier for us to get out here.
DOCTOR: Now, don’t count your chickens, child. There’s
quite a lot ahead of us. Now go on, cautiously.
[Temple of Light]
(This chamber is decorated, including Menoptra statues)
BARBARA: It’s beautiful, Prapillus. Oh, it’s absolutely
PRAPILLUS: It must be a Temple of Light. The ancient song-
spinners of our race sang of their beauty, but I thought they
could never be found again.
BARBARA: There are others?
PRAPILLUS: So the legends say. Sewn into the craters and
plateaus of Vortis, been slowly un-woven by the silence of
time and their entrances long forgotten by our species. But our
Gods have not forgotten us, Barbara. This was indeed
HROSTAR: There is no sound. The Zarbi have gone. If one of
us must explore
BARBARA: No, not yet. They will leave guards.
HILIO: All is not lost!
PRAPILLUS: What are you?
HILIO: Spearhead Leader Hilio.
HROSTAR: Codeword?
HILIO: Electron.
HLYNIA: Prapillus, I brought him.
PRAPILLUS: Hlynia! How?
HLYNIA: There was a tunnel on the lower ledge where you
left me. What, what happened on the plateau?
HROSTAR: The spearhead has failed.
HILIO: No! The spearhead must succeed. Which is the way
back to the Plateau? I will recall my force.
BARBARA: (What force? From what I saw of the battle, your
spearhead was completely wiped out.
HILIO: Who is this creature?
PRAPILLUS: Our ally.
HILIO: I do not trust her.
BARBARA: You have no choice.
HLYNIA: Hrostar, Prapillus, what shall we do?
HILIO: Is it true? Are they all dead?
PRAPILLUS: Dead, or prisoners by now.
HILIO: Then our main force cannot know where to land. They
too will be massacred. The Menoptra will be no more.
PRAPILLUS: Hilio, the Menoptra have no wisdom for war.
Before the Animus came, the flower forest covered the planet
in a cocoon of peace. Our ancestors carved temples like this for
resting places of our dead, but that was all the work we did.
There were no other plans to make. Light was our God and we
existed in light, flying above thought. Our banishment has
taught us of enemies and weapons, and my captivity has taught
me strategy. They tore my wings from me and I felt, as you
feel, that all was lost. But if our Gods favour our survival, we
must learn their lesson and use our brains and not our wings.
This Earth woman we must trust, for she can show us how to
exist without wings, to survive and flourish. What should we
BARBARA: Well, what would have happened if the spearhead
had been successful?
HROSTAR: Had we met with no resistance, we were to
proceed to the centre of the web and destroy the Animus.
HILIO: With this. Our wise men designed it for use against the
PRAPILLUS: A living cell destructor?
HILIO: Yes. The web, and the living thing behind it, grows
and spreads its evil around Vortis. This destructor would have
reversed the process, made the cells grow inwards and die.
HLYNIA: The electron guns failed to work against the Zarbi.
Would this have failed too?
BARBARA: Well, there’s only one way to find out.
PRAPILLUS: Attack the Animus. Can we reach it?
HILIO: It cannot work now. We are too few.
BARBARA: The only alternative is to stay here, perhaps for
HROSTAR: Both ways may mean our death. But hope lies in
PRAPILLUS: Then it’s decided. We attack!
(Ian and Vrestin have been freed from the glue)
VRESTIN: The Optera have promised to help. Heron, can we
trust them?
IAN: We have no choice.
VRESTIN: They have strength down here. Their fears of the
surface may grow too strong.
IAN: It’s better than being thrown into the fire.
HETRA: These tunnels breathe hate, and in the centre grows
the root of evil, Poidarac!
IAN: Root?
VRESTIN: The Animus.
IAN: Take us there.
HETRA: Nemini will lead.
NEMINI: Keep close to me.
HETRA: Come.
[Carsinome entrance]
(The Doctor, Vicki and their tame Zarbi exit the Carsinome)
DOCTOR: Oh! Most unpleasant! Oh well, my dear, so far, so
good, hmm?
VICKI: Doctor, how are we going to find the Menoptra? They
could be anywhere on this planet.
DOCTOR: Yes, the Zarbi’s left here to go to the spearhead.
It’s just about. Yes, with luck we can follow their tracks.
VICKI: Yes, look.
DOCTOR: Let’s get moving. (to the Zarbi) You may not
believe it, but you nearly ended up as lost property. (the
Carsinome makes a noise) And the same to you.
[Planet surface]
DOCTOR: Oh, must have a rest, child.
VICKI: You know, Doctor, I’m getting quite fond of Zombo.
VICKI: Zombo, it’s his name. I gave it to him.
DOCTOR: Oh, yes, I see, I see.
VICKI: He’s quite cute, isn’t he, when he’s like this.
DOCTOR: Well, I haven’t noticed it before, my dear, but since
you mention it, no I don’t think so.
VICKI: I’ve told you before not to judge by appearances.
DOCTOR: Oh, I’ll buy you a collar for him at the next stop.
But just you remember, child, if we lose him, there’s about two
hundred or more ahead of us, just like that. Now, come along,
come along.
(The passage is blocked by stalagmites)
HETRA: Break the teeth of stone.
IAN: Oh, the air’s terrible.
VRESTIN: Yes, they are more used to it than we are, Heron.
NEMINI: The tunnel breathes vapour.
HETRA: Not here, there.
(they go down another tunnel)
NEMINI: The wall is not friendly. We must break it.
IAN: What’s wrong?
HETRA: A silent wall. We must make m mouths in it with our
weapons. Then it speak more light.
IAN: Dig, you mean? Will it stand it?
NEMINI: Ha! We try.
VRESTIN [OC]: Heron!
IAN: Coming!
(Ian holds up some rocks to help Vrestin, then has to move
quickly out of the way before they come tumbling down. The
way behind them is blocked.)
IAN: Now we have to go on.
HETRA: Nemini, make mouth of light.
VRESTIN: Heron, I cannot breathe.
IAN: I know. The fall.
VRESTIN: Breathe.
IAN: Let in more gas.
VRESTIN: Breathe.
IAN: Dig!
IAN: Dig!
[Temple of Light]
(They've drawn a plan of the Carsinome in the sand)
BARBARA: The best idea is still that we create a mock attack
here in the south in order to draw off the Zarbi. Then whilst
this is happening, one of us tries to get in the centre from the
HILIO: It will fail. Even if it drew most of the Zarbi, it would
require just one larvae gun to stop the real attack.
BARBARA: Then what is your idea?
HILIO: I could fly over the Carsinome and try and cut my way
in from above.
PRAPILLUS: No, the Carsinome is strong and vigorous. It
would heal itself before you could cut your way through.
BARBARA: Then we’re left with the mock attack. It isn’t
perfect, I know, but it’s all we have.
HILIO: Very well, I will go in alone from the north.
HROSTAR: No, I will go.
HLYNIA: Quiet! There’s someone outside.
BARBARA: Locks the doors!
HROSTAR: Too late!
HILIO: Hide!
PRAPILLUS: If it’s Zarbi, the doors will not open.
(But a Zarbi does enter.)
DOCTOR: No! Do not attack him. He’s quite harmless.
BARBARA: Doctor!
DOCTOR: My dear Barbara. Where is Chesterton, hmm?
IAN: Better? It’s clearing.
NEMINI: The vapour sleeps at our feet. Move slowly.
HETRA: Nemini! Soon the mouth will appear. The walls are
NEMINI: The liquid hate from above.
IAN: The acid pools. Get away!
HETRA: No, no! She must block the mouth or we will die.
(Nemini sacrifices herself to stop the acid from getting in)
HETRA: It is danger that is always with us. Poidarac. It is
well. Try down there.
(Ian pays his respects to Nemini)
VRESTIN [OC]: Heron, They have broken the wall.
[Temple of Light]
DOCTOR: A most detailed report. Yes, it’s interesting.
BARBARA: Will it work, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Oh, I don’t see why not, my dear. What is in the
centre of the web, hmm? Do you know?
PRAPILLUS: No one knows. An alien from the darkness of
space but the shape inside the cocoon.
BARBARA: But if it arrived here from another planet, surely
some one must have seen it?
PRAPILLUS: Our legends of it only begin when it was already
thinking itself into the crannies of Vortis and the minds of the
Zarbi, spreading its web.
DOCTOR: Where does it draw its power from, hmm?
PRAPILLUS: Is there is power in the magnetic pole of the
planet? That is where the web has its centre.
DOCTOR: Yes, the magnetic pole, I see, I see. You mean it
draws and uses the power from the planet Vortis.
PRAPILLUS: Yes, Doctor. Their theory would would explain
the new moons that have appeared in the sky. They too are
drawn here by this power.
DOCTOR: Yes, I wonder why I didn’t realise that before. The
same force drew and holds the Tardis here. Yes, of course, it’s
remarkable, most interesting.
BARBARA: Doctor, do you intend to go ahead with the plan?
DOCTOR: The plan? The plan. Yes, my dear, yes. Yes, but
with a slight difference.
HROSTAR: How different?
DOCTOR: Yes, I think we’ll go ahead with the mock attack as
planned, that will be your responsibility, my dear. A time we
shall agree to.
BARBARA: Yes, Doctor.
HILIO: And this?
DOCTOR: That, I shall take along with me. The girl and I will
return to the Zarbi headquarters
(Hilio keeps the Isop-tope out of the Doctor's reach)
HILIO: Our wise men have put all their skill into this one Isop-
tope. I cannot yield it to a stranger.
HROSTAR: Wait. Can you take the Isop-tope past the Zarbi
guards in safety?
DOCTOR: Of course. I don’t see why not?
BARBARA: Prapillus!
PRAPILLUS: Hilio, he is the first friend of the Menoptra ever
to leave the Carsinome. We must trust the Doctor.
DOCTOR: Thank you.
(Hilio hands over the Isop-tope)
DOCTOR: Thank you. I have great admiration for your wise
men and their judgement. Now, my dear, is everything quite
clear, hmm? BARBARA: Yes, Doctor. You will return to
headquarters. Once you’re safely there, we start the attack to
draw out the Zarbi while you make for the centre.
DOCTOR: Precisely. Come, child.
VICKI: Doctor, have we got to?
DOCTOR: Oh, now, now, now, cheer up, cheer up. I don’t
particularly want to go back there myself.
VICKI: It’s all right. I suppose we do have the best chance.
Anyway, the Tardis is still there.
DOCTOR: Yes, what is it? What do you want? Excuse me.
Well, what do you want, hmm?
PRAPILLUS: I wondered if we could borrow this creature? I
think he would be very useful in our attack.
DOCTOR: Oh, you think so, do you?
PRAPILLUS: I have made a study of the Zarbi. I think I could
make use of him.
DOCTOR: You do? Better than I?
PRAPILLUS: Please, I have no wish to offend, but you don’t
know the Zarbi as I do.
DOCTOR: To control him, you will have to use my ring. And
that is of untold value.
PRAPILLUS: And what of the value of our Isop-tope?
BARBARA: Is anything wrong?
DOCTOR: No! No, my dear, no!
PRAPILLUS: A small matter.
DOCTOR: Our friend here has suggested that the creature goes
along with your party.
PRAPILLUS: And I was thanking the Doctor for his faith in
our Isop-tope.
BARBARA: That’s a very good idea, Doctor.
DOCTOR: Hmm? (he gives his ring to Prapillus) Here, take it!
PRAPILLUS: May I know its secret?
DOCTOR: You may not. Use it and return it.
PRAPILLUS: Forgive me.
DOCTOR: On your life, return it.
[Carsinome entrance]
(Inside the complex, the Zarbi are all motionless)
DOCTOR: I think you’d better take this, my child. (the Isop-
tope) It’ll probably be less conspicuous with you. Come on.
[Control room]
(The wall flashes and the Zarbi burst into action)
VICKI: Oh, Doctor!
DOCTOR: Leave it me, child. Leave it to me.
HETRA: Poidarac is above us now.
VRESTIN: Heron? What should we do?
IAN: We go up.
[Carsinome entrance]
PRAPILLUS: Barbara, ready for you to give the word.
BARBARA: We’ll wait. Make sure the Doctor has got to the
control section.
[Control room]
(The Doctor and Vick are bundled into the room, and a tendril
from the wall sprays a web over them)
Episode Six - The Centre
[Control room]
(As the raiding party take up positions outside, Vicki falls
away from the Doctor and the communication device
ANIMUS [OC]: You attempted escape?
DOCTOR: We have been on a slight exploration.
ANIMUS [OC]: You have been brought back to me.
DOCTOR: Brought back? We came of our own free will. We
are not to be subjected like the Zarbis, or terrorised like the
Menoptra! We are
ANIMUS [OC]: You are of no further use except for the way
you think. I need your intelligence. You will be brought to the
centre, to me!
VICKI: What do they want now?
DOCTOR: Oh, we we shall be taken to the centre, child. Try,
try not to be afraid.
[Carsinome entrance]
BARBARA: The Doctor will have reached the control section
by now. Prapillus, we should send in the Zarbi.
[Carsinome Corridor]
DOCTOR: Ah, you never let me have the web destructor back
again, child. We may not get another chance.
VICKI: Doctor, I haven’t got it.
DOCTOR: Oh yes, I gave it to you. Come along, my child,
come along, come along.
VICKI: It’s just that I haven’t got it now.
DOCTOR: Well where is it, child?
VICKI: It’s in the astral map, I hid it there.
[Carsinome entrance].
PRAPILLUS: Zarbi coming. Are we ready?
(Their tame Zarbi fights another one)
HROSTAR: Prapillus, it will throw the necklet off.
PRAPILLUS: Barbara, now!
(Barbara distracts the Zarbi, then the Menoptra run in the other
direction and shout at it.)
HILIO: Zarbi!
HLYNIA: Zarbi!
(Her high-pitched voice seems to confuse it, but she lures it
into the Carsinome, and comes out alone)
HLYNIA: It will return with reinforcements.
BARBARA: Well, that was the idea, wasn’t it?
PRAPILLUS: We must move into the corridors to make it
more difficult for the Zarbi. They won’t scatter us so easily.
HROSTAR: I will take the first larvae gun.
(The party have reached a wall with roots growing down it)
IAN: Look out! The acid again.
VRESTIN: No Heron. It is water.
IAN: Water?
HETRA: Poidarac sucks goodness from our world.
VRESTIN: Water. It sank below the surface when the Animus
choked the soil.
IAN: Well it’s still there, Vrestin. All you have to do is bring it
to the surface. You can grow your plants again.
HETRA: If we go up we meet the blinding heart of Poidarac. I
have fear. Optera, stay.
VRESTIN: Listen, Optera. Poidarac is evil. The Menoptra are
stronger than evil. The world above is good.
IAN: Vrestin, if this is a root, we can’t lose our way. Why not
leave them here?
VRESTIN: No. They are descendants of my race. They can
live in light. Come.
HETRA: They stay. I go. If there is safety, I return for them.
We go.
[Carsinome Corridor]
HROSTAR: Yes, I’m ready.
BARBARA: What are they doing?
PRAPILLUS: The Zarbi will have larvae guns.
HILIO: This is the only way we can stop them.
HLYNIA: If it works.
PRAPILLUS: Get back, Barbara!
(As a Zarbi and a larvae gun arrive, Hrostar takes the collar off
the tame Zarbi and waits for the larvae gun to come closer. He
manages to put the collar over the gun, but he still gets shot.
The tame Zarbi runs off as Hrostar falls on the larvae,
squashing it dead)
HLYNIA: Oh! Hrostar is dead.
PRAPILLUS: Then we must succeed so that Hrostar may lie at
rest in the Temples of Light. Do not cry, Hlynia, there is work
to do. Come.
HILIO: (taking the collar from the corpse) The next gun is
mine. Follow.
[Animus Chamber]
(This is a very organic chamber with bright light and
something at it's centre)
VICKI: Oh, can you see it, Doctor? Can you see it?
DOCTOR: This infernal light is too bright for my eyes.
ANIMUS: What Vortis is, I am. What you are, I will become.
VICKI: Doctor! Doctor! Leave us alone, you parasite!
ANIMUS: Parasite? A power, absorbing territory, riches,
energy. culture! You come to me. VICKI: You filthy, great
spider! You won’t get us because we won’t move!
ANIMUS: Do not fight against it. Approach, approach, both of
VICKI: I mustn’t move, I mustn’t move.
[Root wall]
IAN: There seems to be no end to it. Look out!
(A piece of root breaks off and falls)
IAN: All right?
HETRA: The blinding dark is close now.
VRESTIN: Heron, let us rest.
IAN: No.
[Carsinome Corridor]
(Barbara glances into the control room and sees the Tardis with
a Zarbi guarding it)
HILIO: How many?
BARBARA: I only saw one.
HILIO: With larvae guns?
BARBARA: No, I think he was alone.
PRAPILLUS: Do not let him give the alarm, Hilio.
[Control room]
(But Hilio drops the collar in the struggle. Barbara picks it up
and hands it to Prapillus who gets it onto the Zarbi)
PRAPILLUS: This seems to be the Zarbi nest. How does the
Animus control them?
HILIO: Look, there!
(The wall is flashing)
[Animus Chamber]
(The Animus has got the Doctor and Vicki entwined in its
VICKI: I can’t, I can’t struggle any more. Doctor, help me!
There’s no one. No chance, and it’s all my fault.
ANIMUS: What I take from you will enable me to reach
beyond this galaxy, into the solar system, to pluck from Earth
its myriad techniques and take from man his mastery of space.
[Carsinome Control room]
BARBARA: Look out!
(The Menoptra struggle with the web guns in the walls. Hlynia
stabs the wall with her crystal spear)
PRAPILLUS: No, Hlynia!
[Animus Chamber]
ANIMUS: Zarbi centre wounded! Aliens in control.
[Control room]
PRAPILLUS: This sector seems to be paralysed.
BARBARA: Oh look, this is the Doctor’s astral map.
PRAPILLUS: Does it work?
BARBARA: Yes, I think so.
PRAPILLUS: Can we speak to the invasion force with it?
BARBARA: Yes, if I can just find the right frequency. Where
would you want it set?
PRAPILLUS: To the planet Pictos, there.
BARBARA: Now, try that.
PRAPILLUS: Vortis to main force. Vortis to main force.
Warning, repeat, warning, Electron guns useless against the
Zarbi. Isop Plateau heavily ambushed. Wait for instructions.
HILIO: Either it hasn’t heard, or it doesn’t trust us.
BARBARA: Or I didn’t set it right. I don’t know, there’s
something wrong. This thing ought to light. Prapillus, look. It’s
the Isop-tope. The Doctor, he must have been captured.
HILIO: Then we must take it to the centre ourselves.
BARBARA: But why would
HILIO: There’s no time to lose.
PRAPILLUS: Hilio will take care of the Doctor.
[Under the Animus]
(The surface above is organic and yielding)
IAN: Give me this.
(Ian takes Hetra's spear and tries to cut through the roof)
IAN: It’s like trying to cut your way through treacle.
HETRA: The blind mouth of Poidarac will not let us through.
VRESTIN: Heron, try.
[Carsinome Corridor]
HILIO: Remember, the Destructor must be aimed at the dark
side of the Animus.
PRAPILLUS: Zarbi! There’s no turning back. We must rush
them. It only needs one of us to get through with the
HILIO: Barbara!
(Hilio throws the Isop-tope to Barbara, distracting the Zarbi so
he and Prapillus can get through, followed by Hylnia)
HLYNIA: Barbara! Barbara! Barbara!
(Barbara then throws it to Hlynia and she gets through too)
BARBARA: They’re not following us.
PRAPILLUS: Perhaps we were expected?
HILIO: This must be the centre. Give me the Isop-tope.
[Animus Chamber]
(They rush in and are stunned by the sudden bright light)
ANIMUS: All of you.
HLYNIA: Light! Light! Light!
PRAPILLUS: No, Hlynia, not this light! It is evil.
HILIO: Barbara, the Destructor. Take it!
VICKI: Barbara? Oh, Barbara!
BARBARA: The dark side. I must aim it at the dark side.
ANIMUS: Approach. Approach, Earth people. Your struggles
are futile.
BARBARA: It doesn’t work! It doesn’t work!
ANIMUS: Escape is impossible. Impossible.
(Behind the Animus, a familiar figure climbs up through the
ANIMUS: You are expected too. You have not the power.
(Barbara falls, with the Isop-tope pointing upwards, and the
Animus sounds worried.)
ANIMUS: Power. Master them. Master them! The universe!
(The light goes, smoke pours out of the source and the creature
collapses on top of it, dead)
VICKI: It’s dead. It’s dead!
[Planet surface]
(The Tardis stands alone, with no Carsinome around it.)
(A Zarbi scrapes at the ground and a spring starts to flow, It
drinks, and others join it. The Menoptra drive them off.)
HILIO: Hlynia. Water. Drink, Hlynia.
HLYNIA: Vicki. Vicki. Vicki. Vicki.
VICKI: What is it?
HLYNIA: Water!
VICKI: It is! Why does it appear now?
HILIO: Before the Animus, water flowed freely on Vortis.
Now the evil is gone, our streams run pure again. Our
vegetation will flourish. VICKI: Barbara.
(Barbara is playing with a larva)
VICKI: Barbara, come and look. Water.
VRESTIN: Be strong. Be strong. The light is very good.
HETRA: We fly like you?
VRESTIN: No, but your children may fly.
HETRA: We see.
(Hetra tries flapping his tiny arms, and falls)
VRESTIN: Be patient.
HETRA: Without flight, how will the gods of light be kind to
my people?
VRESTIN: Vortis is strong by thought. We will work together.
PRAPILLUS: If I had not lived til this time, I would have
counted my life entirely wasted. Doctor, we owe you a great
DOCTOR: There’s only one thing you owe me, my friend.
PRAPILLUS: And what is that?
DOCTOR: That is my ring, hmm?
PRAPILLUS: Your ring? Your ring, on my life.
DOCTOR: Thank you, thank you.
IAN: Well, they seem to be enjoying themselves up here.
VRESTIN: The light is good.
HETRA: Light is good.
VRESTIN: Heron, will you come back to Vortis?
IAN: Oh, I doubt it, Vrestin. But, knowing the Doctor, you can
never be sure.
PRAPILLUS: Vrestin, have you mended the communicator?
DOCTOR: Well, my boy, we’ve managed to come out of this
knot unscathed.
IAN: Yes. All except my old school tie.
DOCTOR: Yes, it’s quite a problem, isn’t it. It’s something to
do with coal, wasn’t it?
IAN: Coal Hill School. An old Coal Hill School tie. Black with
thin emerald green stripes on it.
DOCTOR: Yes, yes, quite so. Quite so. Come on.
IAN: Barbara, Vicki.
(One by one they enter the Tardis, and it dematerialises)
HLYNIA: It disappeared!
PRAPILLUS: Their deeds shall be sung in the Temples of
Light. Pictos shall remind us of a time as it circles Vortis.
Every time it points to the Needle of the Kings, as it does now,
then we shall weave songs to praise the gods of light and thank
them that they sent the Earth people to save us from the
Animus. Now the Zarbi larvae feed the soil, the flower forest
shall grow again across Vortis. But we must not allow the
forest to conceal another lurking Animus. Welcome the main
VRESTIN: Vortis to main force, Vortis to main force.
MENOPTRA [OC]: Main force to Vortis. Main force to
Vortis. Vrestin, where shall we land?
VRESTIN: The dark power is dead. Fly in Menoptra to the
delta of lights. We are waiting.

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