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SULIT 014/1

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1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 40 soalan. Jawab semua soalan.

2. Jawab dengan menghitamkan ruangan pada kertas jawapan.

3. Bagi satu soalan,hitamkan satu ruangan sahaja.

4 Jika kamu hendak menukar jawapan,padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat.

Kemudian hitamkan jawapan yang baru.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 9 halaman bercetak
014/1 © 2008
Each question in this paper is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the best answer from
the answers marked A,B and C or A, B, C and D. Then on your answer sheet, blacken the answer that
you have chosen.
Tiap-tiap soalan di dalam kertas ini diikuti dengan tiga atau empat pilihan. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik
daripada pilihan A,B, dan C atau A,B,C dan D. Hitamkan jawapan yang telah anda pilih di kertas

Questions 1 – 4
Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.

1 Puan Haryati loves to spend her time reading at the ____________________.

A office
B library
C canteen
D staffroom

2 Salman and his family took part in the gotong royong at the neighbourhood ______________.
A park
B field
C school
D playground

3 Mrs Chan told Ji Meng to ______________ the used bottles and containers
A repair
B rewind
C recycle
D remove

4 My pen friend Heidi wants to stay in a traditional Iban __________________when she visits
Sarawak in Spetember.
A wooden house
B village house
C longhouse
D old house

Question 5 – 7 (pictures on page 6 blue book)
Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.
Pilih rangkaikata yang terbaik bagi melengkapkan perenggan di bawah ini.

We looked at the counter. There were many ____________________.

We khew the cooks had spent a lot of time 6

_____________________ .

There was ______________________ of people waiting to buy the food.

The stall owner was smiling from ear to ear.

5 A types of food
B types of meals
C types of plates
A types of bowls

6 A baking the dishes

B cooking the dishes
C washing the dishes
D decorating the dishes

7 A a long queue
B a short queue
C a small group
A a whole group

Question 8 – 10
Study the picture carefully. Then choose the best answers.
Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Kemudian pilih jawapan yang terbaik.


A The boys are sitting on the fence and looking at the horses.
B Some of the boys ride on the horses.
C The horses are kept in their stable.
D The horses are being fed.

A Mrs Lee is waving goodbye to her husband.

B The baby is sleeping in Mrs Lee’s arm.
C Mrs Lee just arrived home from work.
D Mr and Mrs Lee are going out.


A She gave some food to the beggar.

B She gave some coins to the beggar.
C She walked past the beggar.
D She scolded the beggar.

Question 11 -15
Look at the picture carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in each picture.
Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Pillih ayat terbaik bagi situasi di dalam gambar tersebut.

A I’m sorry.
B It’s really pretty.
C I cannot afford it.
D It’s only five ringgit.


A Could I talk to you?

B Can she eat now ?
C Could you switch off the lights?
D May I borrow your calculator?


A Yes, open the window.

B Yes, clean up his room.
C Yes, keep him company.
D Yes, keep your voice down.

A Yes, I am.
B Yes, I’ll be alright.
C No, I have to go now.
D I’m sorry. I won’t do that again.


A It’s along Jalan Semantan.

B The shop is still closed.
C It’s half past twelve.
D Nevermind, I’ll go first.

Question 16 – 21
Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat yang berikut.

16 She bought cookies, buns _____________ milk for breakfast.

A and
B yet
C or
D as

17 My uncle was ___________ to find out how I did in my examination.

A interested
B interesting
C excited
D exciting

18 She was sick __________ she still wanted to go to work

A or
B and
C but
D because

19 Only ______________ pupils were absent when the Minister visited the school.
A a few
B many
C much
D a lot

20 _____________ did you shop when you were in Singapore?

A Where
B When
C Why
D How

21 The pupils are __________ to go the assembly hall immediately.

A ask
B asks
C asked
D asking

Question 22 – 23
Choose the answer with the correct spelling.
Pilih perkataan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul.

22 The ______________ is open from 9.00 a.m to 5.00 p.m.

A muisem
B muzuem
C muesum
D museum

23 This is too________________. I can’t afford it.

A espenxive
B espinxive
C expinseve
D expensive

Question 24 – 25
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

24 A Clara lived at number 8 Jalan Gurney Petaling Jaya.

B Clara lived, at number 8 Jalan Gurney Petaling Jaya.
C Clara lived at Number 8, Jalan Gurney, Petaing jaya
D Clara lived at Number 8, Jalan Gurney, Petaling Jaya.
25 A When did mahmud and his friends visit Pak Abu’s Orchard?
B When did mahmud and his friends visit Pak abu’s Orchard!
C When did Mahmud and his friends visit Pak Abu’s orchard?
D When did Mahmud and his friends visit Pak Abus orchard!

Question 26 – 30
Look at the picture and then read the passage carefully. Based on the picture and the passage, choose the
best answer to fill in each blank.
Lihat gambar dan baca teks dengan teliti. Isi tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang terbaik berdasarkan
gambar dan teks yang diberi.

I have a sister called Siew Lian. Siew Lian is ________________ vegetable seller at Taman
Indah Market. _______________ work 27 begins early in the morning at five. She sells
_________________ types of vegetables such as cabbages, carrots, brinjals, leafy vegetables, chillies,
beans and also preserved vegetables. Siew Lian’s stall is very popular __________________ the
vegetables are fresh. Many
29 ________________ and foodstall operators buy the vegetables
30 from her.

26 A a 28 A many
B an B much
C the C more
D - D any

27 A Her
B She
C Hers
D Herself
29 A so 30 A housewives
B and B housewife
C but C woman
D because D ladies

Question 31 – 35
Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah ini dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut.

Although the water buffalo can work for eight hours on a cloudy day, it will refuse to work for
more than four hours under the hot sun. An Asian legend tries to explain this.
The first buffalo and the first cow went swimming together. In the midst of this, the owner of the
pond saw them and yelled at them. In a state of panic, they threw on the wrong coast, wearing each
other’s instead. As a result, the buffalo has tight skin whilst the cow’s skin hangs loose. Under the hot
sun, the buffalo feels uncomfortable and has to soak in the water so that the skin does not get too tight.
Actually, the buffalo has thicker skin and fewer sweat glands than the other members of the
cattle family. But like the rest of the cattle family, the buffalo’s skin absorbs the heat of the sun.
However, it cannot be got rid off easily by sweating. Frequent mud baths are therefore crucial,
especially on a hot day.

31 A legend is __________________ C it stayed too long under the sun

A a very old story which is not always true D it stayed too long under the water.
B a very old story which is true
C a detailed explanation 34 The word it in the last paragraph refers to
D a series of events the ________________
A sweat gland
32 The above legend explains the ___________ B thick skin
of the buffalo. C heat
A skin D sun
B relationship
C bathing habit 35 The word crucial can be replaced with
D working habit ______________________.
A necessary
33 According to the legend, the buffalo has B unimportant
tight skin because ____________ C appreciated
A it went swimming D inappropriate
B it wore the cow’s skin.
Question 36 – 40
Study the poster and answer the questions that follow.
Lihat poster dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut.

1 4

First, get some black soil, You can buy Then, use a pair of scissors to cut the
this from the nursery. plastic bag containing the rose plant. Be
careful not to loosen the soil. Slowly lift
the soil with the plant into the pot.

Next, pour the soil into the pot but do not
fill up the pot. Leave it half-empty.
Next pour the remaining black soil to fill
up the pot, to the upper soil level of the
rose plant.

Now, attend to the rose plant in the plastic
bag. Spray some water to wet the soil, but
not too much. Use your hands to pat the Finally, spray a little water over the top
side of the bag to ensure that the soil stays level of the soil. Trim any unhealthy
compact looking leaves. Do not put the pot under
direct sunlight. Putting the rose plant in a
bigger pot will encourage it to grow faster
and better

36 The word this refers to _________.

A the black soil
B the rose plant
C the flower pot
D the plastic bag

37 Before you transfer the plant to a pot, you must have enough ___________.
A soil
B plant
C water
D scissors

38 You need to pour some water on the plant in the plastic bag so that _________________.
A the plant will not die
B the soil will not loosen up
C the soil will always be wet
D the plant will have sufficient water.

39 After you have placed the rose plant in the pot, you need to _____________.
A trim the leaves
B water the plant
C fill the pot with soil
D put it under the sun

40 In order for the rose plant to grow faster, need to plant it______________
A in black soil
B in a bigger pot
C on the ground
D always from the sun

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