Maghan Oy

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Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology

College of Engineering and Technology Department of

Electrical Engineering and Technology


Name: Ryan L. Maghanoy Section: B62 Date: March 28 2021

Instructor: Shiela Banasan Rating: _______________

1. To study a sine wave of alternating voltage and current.
2. To understand frequency, cycle, period.
3. To study instantaneous and average power.
4. To learn about effective values of alternating voltage and current.

Alternating current is universally used throughout the world for driving motors
and for powering electrical equipment. As its name implies, an alternating voltage is a voltage
which continually alternating (reversing) its polarity. Similarly, an alternating current is one
which is continually reversing its direction, going first one way, then the others. When
speaking of alternating voltage it is quite correct to consider it as being a DC voltage which is
continually in the process of changing its value and its polarity. Similarly, an alternating
current can be considered to be a DC current which is always changing and value and
reversing its direction. The number of times that a complete change of polarity or direction
occurs (one cycle) in one second, is called the line frequency. Most commercial power line
frequencies in North America are now standardized at 60 hertz (60 cycles per second) while
a large number of other countries have chosen 50 hertz.

Besides reversing its polarity periodically, alternating voltages also change in

value from instant to instant, in a manner which depends upon the type of power supply.
Thus, we could obtain square wave, triangular wave and in fact, any other shape for the
voltage that we please. Theory shows and practice has proven however, that there is one
type of wave shape which is suited for running electric machinery. This is known as a sine
wave. It is has been found that this kind of a wave permits us to obtain the highest efficiency
from transformers, motors and generators, and also results in quietest operation. Another
interesting property is that a sine wave of voltage will always produce a sine wave of current.
This would not be the case if a triangular or square wave were used. (A voltage square wave,
will not always produce a current square wave). Consequently, although a sine wave is more
difficult to draw than say, a square wave, or triangular wave, it makes calculations of voltage
and current in electric circuits and machines simpler. Because sine wave of voltage and
current are universally used throughout the world, it is worth our while to spend a little time to
learn about them. The voltage produced by a generator start at zero output. When the
armature turns the voltage increases from zero to maximum value in one direction. It then
increases until it reaches is maximum at this opposite polarity. It then decreases until it
reaches zero again. At this point, the generator armature has completed one full revolution
(or 360 angular degrees).

The following information will help you to draw a sine wave, having a peak
amplitude value of unity (1). (If you have studied trigonometry, you will see why the wave is
called “sine wave”. The wave amplitude is actually the sine – or directly proportional to the
sine – of the angle at that instant of time).
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology Department of
Electrical Engineering and Technology

Angular Wave Angular Wave

Rotation Amplitude Rotation Amplitude
0˚ 0 180 ˚ 0
15 ˚ 0.26 195 ˚ - 0.26
30 ˚ 0.50 210 ˚ - 0.50
45 ˚ 0.71 225 ˚ - 0.71
60 ˚ 0.87 240 ˚ - 0.87
75 ˚ 0.97 255 ˚ - 0.97
90 ˚ 1.00 270 ˚ - 1.00
105 ˚ 0.97 285 ˚ - 0.97
120 ˚ 0.87 300 ˚ - 0.87
135 ˚ 0.71 315 ˚ - 0.71
150 ˚ 0.50 330 ˚ - 0.50
165 ˚ 0.26 345 ˚ - 0.26
180 ˚ 0 360 ˚ 0

Sine waves having peak values other than unity can be found by a simple proportional
operation. Negative values of voltage simply indicate that the polarity is reversed. Negative
values of current show that the current direction has reversed. One full cycle is completed in
every 360 degrees of angular rotation. On a 60 hertz (60 complete 360˚ cycles of angular
rotation per second) system, 360˚ corresponds to 1/60 second. An interval of 30˚
corresponds, therefore, to 1/12 of 1/60 or 1/720 second. It is evident that the polarity changes
very rapidly indeed in a 60 Hz system.




1. Assume that the AC Generator of Fig. 13-1 has sine wave output across its terminals
A and B. The peak value of the output voltage is 100 volts.

a) On the graph of fig. 13-1, draw the sine wave output voltage of the generator. Plot
your voltage points at 15˚ intervals (starting from 0˚ to 360˚).
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology Department of
Electrical Engineering and Technology

b) Draw a smooth curve through all of your plotted points and label this voltage curve



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400




NOTE: The abbreviations for instantaneous voltage are “e” as opposed to the conventional
“E” and “V”.

2. From your graph, read off the instantaneous voltage (v) for each of the following
angles. Record your readings and state whether the polarity is positive or negative.

20˚ e= 34.2 v

40˚ e= 64.3 v

60˚ e= 86.6 v

80˚ e= 98.48 v

220˚ e= -64.28 v

310˚ e= -76.6 v

360˚ e= 0v
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology Department of
Electrical Engineering and Technology

3. If load resistance of 2 ohms is connected across the generator terminals (as shown in
Fig. 13-3) current will flow.

Knowing the instantaneous voltage polarity and value e for every 30˚ (from the
DISCUSSION section) and using the equation i = e/R, calculate and record the
instantaneous current value for every 30˚ time interval. Remember also to indicate the
polarity of the current (its direction).

30˚ i= 25 a 210˚ i= -50 a

60˚ i= 43.3 a 240˚ i= -43.3 a
90˚ i= 50 a 270˚ i= -50 a
120˚ i= 43.3 a 300˚ i= -43 a
150˚ i= 25 a 330˚ i= -25 a
180˚ i= 0a 360˚ i= 0a

NOTE: The abbreviations for instantaneous current are “i” and “a” as opposed to the
conventional “I” and “A”.

4. Plot your recorded current values on the graph of Fig. 13-2. Draw a smooth curve
through your plotted points and label this current curve “i”.


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology Department of
Electrical Engineering and Technology

5. Knowing that electrical power (watts) can be found by the product of the voltage and
the current, calculate the instantaneous power (p), supplied to the 2 ohms resistor, for
every 30˚ interval.

Remember from algebra that:

(-) x (-) = (+) and (-) x (+) = (-)

0˚ p=e 0 x 0i=0w
30˚ p = e 50 x 25 i = 1250 w
60˚ p = e 86.6 x 43.3 i = 3749.78 w
90˚ p = e 100 x 50 i = 5000 w
120˚ p = e 86.6 x 43.3 i = 3749.78 w
150˚ p = e 50 x 25i = 1250 w
180˚ p=e 0 x 0i = 0 w
210˚ p = e -50 x -25i = 1250 w
240˚ p = e -86.6 x -43.3 i = 3749.78 w
270˚ p = e -100 x -50i = 5000 w
300˚ p = e -86.6 x -43.3i = 3749.78 w
330˚ p = e -50 x -25 i = 1250 w
360˚ p=e0 x 0i=0w

6. Plot the instantaneous power points on your graph (use the right hand scale, 0-5000
watts). Draw a smooth curve through your plotted points and label this power curve
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
Y-Values Department of
College of Engineering and Technology
6000 Electrical Engineering and Technology


PWER 4000




0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

7. Examine the power curve which you have just drawn, and answer the following:
a) What is the maximum (Peak) instantaneous power supplied to the load?

Pmax = 5000 W

b) What is the minimum instantaneous power supplied to the load?

Pmin = 0 W

c) What do you think is the average power (power that the load resistor will
dissipate in the form of the heat energy) supplied to the load?

PRL = 2500 W

NOTE: The average power is actually ½ of the instantaneous peak power. This can be
proved mathematically and will be explained later.
8. Suppose now that you wished to supply the same power to the 2 ohms load
resistance using a battery in place of the ac generator. What dc voltage would you
need? You know the power required and you also know the load resistor value.
Solving for E in the familiar equation for the power (P = E 2 /R) gives an answer of 70.7
Vdc. You can now state that the effective or rms value of the ac voltage is 70.7 volts
even though its peak value is 100 volts.
NOTE: This ratio of 1 to.707 is very useful as it allows an easy conversion a peak ac
voltage value to its effective or rms value.

9. If you wish to supply the samr power using a battery and wanted to know the dc
current required you would use the familiar equation for power (P = I2R) and solve for
I. the answer is 35.35 Adc. This value is the effective or rms value of an ac current
whose peak is 50 ampers.
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology Department of
Electrical Engineering and Technology

NOTE: The voltage conversion ratio of 1 to .707 is exactly the same for the current
conversion ratio. (50 to 35.35 = 1 to .707).

10. The equation for converting any sine wave peak current or voltage value to its
equivalent rms or effective value is:

Erms = 0.707 Epeak

Irms = 0.707 Ipeak

NOTE: The rmms terms in equations (a) and (b) are usually understood (plain E or I is used
to indicate the rms or effective value).


1. One complete cycle is considered to extend for 360˚.

a) In a 50 Hz system, what is the time duration for one complete cycle?
=1/50 second
b) What is the time duration of the one-half cycle?
=1/100 second
c) What is the time duration for an interval of 90˚?
=1/200 second

2. In the space provided, make a sketch of the wave shape for a standard 120 Vdc
power line. In your sketch, show the exact number of cycles that occur during 1/10 of
the second.
Erms = 0.707 Epeak
Erms /.707 = Epeak
120/0.707 = Epeak
169.73 v = Epeak
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology Department of
Electrical Engineering and Technology



Instantaneous Voltage


0 5 10 15 20 25



Angular Rotation in Degrees

3. The standard power line has an rms value of 120 volts. Calculate its peak value.
Erms = 0.707 Epeak
120 = 0.707 Epeak
120/ 0.707 = Epeak
169.7 v = Epeak

4. An incandescent lamp, rated at 100 watts, gives a certain amount of light when placed
across the 120 Vac, power line. Would the amount of light increase decrease or
remain the same, when the lamp is placed across a 120 Vdc power line?
=The amount of light would increase if the lamp is placed across a 120 Vdc
power line, because the voltage and power is constant, while in 120 Vac power
line, the voltage, power and current is alternating, and also the average power
is only half of the instantaneous peak power.
5. How long does it takes the voltage to go from zero to maximum on a 60 Hz power
=1/240 seconds
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
College of Engineering and Technology Department of
Electrical Engineering and Technology

6. On a 60Hz power line, what is the time duration of the positive portion of one
complete cycle?
=1/120 second
7. What is the effective value of an ac sine wave current having a maximum value of 4
amperes peak?
Irms = 0.707 Ipeak
= 0.707 (4 a)
= 2.828 a
8. Explain (in your own words) what is meant by the term, effective current and effective
 Effective voltage is the enough amount of Direct Current Voltage that can
supply the same amount of power as the Alternating current voltage can
 Effective Current is the amount of Alternating Current having the same heating
effect of an amount of Direct current.
9. What other term, having the same meaning, is used for “effective” voltage or
“effective” current?
Rms, Ems, and Ims.
10. In an circuit containing a resistance load only:
a) Does the current reach its maximum peak value at the same instant in time as
does the voltage?
b) Does the current reach its maximum value at the same instant in time as does
the voltage?

11. In a sine wave:

a) At what angle, or angles, is the amplitude increasing at its fastest rate?
=0 degrees and 360 degrees
b) At what angle, or angles, is the amplitude momentarily constant?
=90 degrees and 270 degrees

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