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CTF Detailed Challenge Plan:

Sustainable Tourism: For a Better Tomorrow

Ashley Row and Kate Schneider


As part of the CTF curriculum, this challenge plan will allow students to experience a kind of
education that they would not in a traditional classroom. Students will be able to explore
potential career opportunities in an exciting, no pressure way. CTF challenge plans give
students a hands-on opportunity to explore elements of the working world that might not be
available to them otherwise. This allows students to explore their interests and personal
connections. As they develop their interests and passions, they develop themselves. This
challenge plan gives students an experience in the tourism and environmental stewardship
sectors. This challenge emphasizes the importance of place-based learning and Indigenous
ways of knowing. In this challenge plan, students will enhance their knowledge of tourism by
looking at the tourism industry around the world. Our CTF challenge is about the integration of
the core subjects of Science, Math and English into the student’s passion for the outdoors and
nature. Students will develop an understanding of the significance of environmental stewardship
and tourism. Students will be introduced to the concept of consumerism both locally and
internationally. They will learn how consumerism impacts sustainable development in the
context of tourism.

Twenty years from now, students will remember that different types of tourism have different
levels of sustainability. They will know that it is important to research but not everything you find
online is accurate. Students will be aware that research can be affected by bias or other factors.
Students will know that environmental stewardship is an ongoing commitment to implement
sustainable practices and to care for the land.

Our challenge plan will engage students by incorporating authentic, real world connections.
Students will maintain blogs or vlogs and work on projects that play to their interests. The
students are welcome and encouraged to make personal connections to their experiences in the
course with their age, race, ethnicity, religion/spirituality, gender identity, physical disability,
mental disability, family status, social/economic and sexual orientation. Students can explore
these areas of identity throughout the course within the blogs, vlogs and during assignments.
While exploring interests, passions and skills, students will be making personal connections to
career possibilities in the tourism and environmental stewardship sectors. Students will have
opportunities to connect with nature on three separate day hikes. On these hikes, we will have
hiking guides who are experts in the prairies, foothills, and mountains. These hikes will allow
students to experience what they will be planning while also seeing different sustainable
practises in action. Considerations made before this day for busing, location chosen for the hike
(student mobility and accessible), cost (possible fundraiser), and authorization from
administration/the school district/etc.. For an authentic community connection, we will bring a
local elder and an actual tour guide into the classroom.

Challenge Title Sustainable Tourism Intended


Challenge To what extent is tourism sustainable? Estimated

Question Time

- What is environmental stewardship? 50 hours

- What practices are the most sustainable? How does (21 hours
research inform/misinform these practices? dedicated
to hikes/
- What is the purpose of sustainability? 29 hours
- How has land changed? dedicated

Challenge In this challenge plan, students will explore the concepts of

Description environmental stewardship and sustainable tourism. Students will
access, interpret and communicate tourism information and enhance
their creative thinking, communication, organizational and
interpersonal skills. Students will have opportunities to connect with
nature on three separate day-hikes. All people of all abilities are
welcome and supported to complete this challenge. By learning about
the tourism industry and sustainability, students will gain an
understanding and appreciation for the world and its diverse nature.

Scenario Part 1: Come take a trip! You are a sustainable tour guide who is
taking your first tour group into Alberta. What do you need to know
before taking the group into your chosen environment? What do you
need to know about the area you are taking your tour group? What do
you need to know about the people you are travelling with (ex: ages,
ability, etc.)? Choose between a hike guide, a day guide and a long-
term tour guide

Part 2: The tour company that you are a part of is sending you out on
an exchange to the country of your choice. You are tasked with
researching the country (ex: the population, the environment, etc.) and
planning a day hike/tour. Your company wants you to report back on
your tour:
- A detailed schedule of your tour
- A rationale of the practices that are sustainable on your tour
- A comparison of the environment and how the land got into its
current state
- A report on what went well on your tour and what you would
do different next time
Occupational Areas BUSINESS
This is the list of the 28 __ Computing Science __Financial Management __Management & Marketing
occupational AREAS __ Enterprise & Innovation __Information Processing __Networking
categorized into 5 different
__ Communication Technology __Design Studies __Fashion Studies
Place an X in front of __ Computing Science __Financial Management __Management & Marketing
AT LEAST 2 AREAS __ Enterprise & Innovation __Information Processing __Networking
where the skills will be
The 2 areas may be from __ Communication Technology __Design Studies __Fashion Studies
the same cluster, or from
2 different clusters.
__ Community Care Services __Foods __Legal Studies
More info on __ Cosmetology __Health Care Services __Recreational Leadership
Occupational Areas __ Esthetics __Human & Social Services X Tourism

__ Agriculture __Forestry __Wildlife
_X_ Environmental Stewardship __Primary Resources

__ Construction __Fabrication __Mechanics
__ Electro-Technologies __Logistics

travel agent, tour guide, outdoor sport and recreation guide, travel counsellor, bus
Links Between driver, taxi driver, ticket agent
Occupational Areas
and This Challenge Environmental Stewardship
ecologist, toxicologist, soil scientist, hydrologist, greenhouse operator, interpretive
naturalist, heritage interpreter, conservation officer,

● developing a travel itinerary
Skills, Knowledge ● sustainable and non-sustainable practices used within tourism
and Technologies ● different mediums and strategies used to promote tourism
● positive and negative effects of tourism
Related to the
Occupational Areas Environmental Stewardship
● trends in the consumption and use of resources
● energy conservation and waste reduction
● the effect of human intervention on the environment
● the role of biological and chemical factors on the environment
● personal attitudes, actions and lifestyle choices related to sustainable
management of the environment

● Leave no trace principles (manage, minimize, and contain waste).

● Proper disposal of waste
Safety and/or ● Identify, assess, avoid and respond to physical hazards
Environmental ● Know the proper emergency response to follow in case of an emergency.
● Identify items to be included in first-aid and survival kits.
● Identify factors that affect the ability to cope with emergency conditions in
the outdoors; e.g., pain, cold, thirst and hunger, fatigue, boredom,
loneliness and fear
● Plan safe outdoor activities
● Describe the environmentally responsible practices demonstrated in the
accommodations industry; e.g., carepar, energy, water, disposal, recycle
and protection.
● Describe standards for sustainable tourism

Facility Type
What kind of room or Classroom with computers and internet access. Access to mountains, prairies,
facility best suits the foothills, etc..

Equipment and/or
Consumables that are computer, printer, maps, graph paper, bus, camera equipment or student phones,
required to carry out the essential hiking equipment (compass, water, snacks, etc.)

OPTIONAL _X_English Language Arts

Interdisciplinary __French Language Arts
Learning __Social Studies
Opportunities (Part A) _X_Science
Place an X in front of any __Health
subject areas that will be __Fine Arts (Music, Art, Drama)
addressed through this __Phys Ed
challenge. __FSL
Subjects that are selected must have explicit outcomes identified in part B below.

Interdisciplinary Math
Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the effect of: • bias • use of language • ethics • cost • time and timing •
(Part B) privacy • cultural sensitivity on the collection of data.
2. Select and defend the choice of using either a population or a sample of a
population to answer a question.

4. Identify impacts of human action on species survival and variation within
species, and analyze related issues for personal and public decision making

4.1 describe the relative abundance of species on Earth and in different

environments (e.g., note the overall abundance of insect species; note
that in harsh environments there are relatively fewer species found than
in temperate and tropical environments)

4.2 describe ongoing changes in biological diversity through extinction

and extirpation of native species, and investigate the role of
environmental factors in causing these changes (e.g., investigate the
effect of changing river characteristics on the variety of species living in
the river; investigate the effect of changing land use on the survival of
wolf or grizzly bear populations)

4.3 evaluate the success and limitations of various local and global
strategies for minimizing loss of species diversity (e.g., breeding of
endangered populations in zoos, development of seed banks,
designating protected areas, development of international treaties
regulating trade of protected species and animal parts)

4.4 investigate and describe the use of biotechnology in environmental,

agricultural or forest management; and identify potential impacts and
issues (e.g., investigate issues related to the development of patented
crop varieties and varieties that require extensive chemical treatments;
identify issues related to selective breeding in game farming and in the
rearing of fish stocks)


GLO 1 SLO 1.1 Discover and Explore - Express ideas and develop understanding
- talk with others and experience a variety of oral, print and other media texts to
explore, develop and justify own opinions and points of view

GLO 2 SLO 2.1 Use Strategies and Cues - Use Textual cues - analyze and
discuss how the structural features of informational materials, such as textbooks,
bibliographies, databases, catalogues, web sites, commercials and newscasts,
enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of communication

GLO 3 SLO 3.1 Plan and Focus - Determine information needs - select types and
sources of information to achieve an effective balance between researched
information and own ideas

CTF Essence CTF is exploring interests, passions and skills while making personal connections
Statements with their to career possibilities.
● I explore my interests and passions while making personal connections to
Outcomes career possibilities. (a)
● I use occupational area skills, knowledge and technologies. (b)
***NOT optional**** ● I follow safety requirements associated with occupational areas and
All 13 outcomes must related technologies. (c)
● I demonstrate environmental stewardship associated with occupational
be addressed in every areas. (d)
challenge. CTF is planning, creating, appraising and communicating in response to
● I plan in response to challenges. (e)
● I make decisions in response to challenges. (f)
● I adapt to change and unexpected events. (g)
● I solve problems in response to challenges. (h)
● I create products, performances or services in response to challenges. (i)
● I appraise the skills, knowledge and technologies used to respond to
challenges. (j)
● I communicate my learning. (k)
CTF is working independently and with others while exploring careers and
● I determine how my actions affect learning. (l)
● I develop skills that support effective relationships. (m)
● I collaborate to achieve common goals. (n)

● Critical Thinking
Competencies: All ● Problem Solving
competencies that will be ● Managing Information
addressed in this ● Creativity and Innovation
challenge. ● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being

Literacy and Numeracy: ● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them
Identify how the to make sense of and participate in the world around them.
challenge supports the ● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn
development of literacy when engaging in tasks that involve literacy.
and numeracy. ● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task.
● Students use rules of language to acquire, construct and communicate
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and
ethically use information.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to construct meaning.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed
decisions in all aspects of daily living.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn
when engaging in tasks that involve numeracy.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task.
● Students apply knowledge of quantitative information to make an
informed decision.
● Students apply knowledge of spatial information to make an informed
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital
and non-digital formats to support decisions in situations involving
● Students use efficient and effective strategies and methods or tools to
manage quantitative or spatial information.

Formative and Summative Assessments:

Safety obstacle course- Students will complete an obstacle course at the beginning of the course that will assess
their safety knowledge relevant to the challenge. This will include leave no trace principles (manage, minimize, and
contain waste), Proper disposal of waste, ability to Identify, assess, avoid and respond to physical hazards,
knowledge on the proper emergency response to follow in case of an emergency, as well as ability to identify
factors that affect the ability to cope with emergency conditions in the outdoors. Safety knowledge will be assessed
with a rating scale.

Hikes- At multiple times in the course, the class will go on three hikes. We will be hiking in the mountains, prairies,
and foothills. On these hikes students will be responsible for making notes regarding the biological diversity in the
area and how humans have affected it. Students (in groups) are given a list of questions based on the science
outcomes on the topic of biological diversity. As a group, students will then choose ⅓ of the questions they want to
answer/research for the class period. These questions and their research will be the group’s focus for the first hike
so that they have the background knowledge to interact with the environment we hike in. The students will get in
these groups and choose another ⅓ of the questions (that they haven’t covered) to research and consider on the
hike. This is done again for the last hike. This will be assessed using a checklist. Considerations made before this
day: busing, location chosen for the hike (student mobility), cost (possible fundraiser), authorization from
administration/the school district/etc., field trip form sent out for student’s parent(s) or caregiver to sign/pay, a plan
for students who could not go, and supplies and materials for the hike (water, lunch, snacks, map, compass, etc.).
Blog post or Vlog entries (living reflection)- Throughout the course, students will be responsible for reflecting on the
class in the form of an online blog or video blogs. The students will be required to integrate their knowledge on the
topic with information they get from various texts. The blogs or vlogs will be kept private. This will be assessed by a
combination of anecdotal notes and a rating scale (“how well do I connect with what I am learning?”).
Plan a hike & learn about their tour group (can be day hike, day tour or long range tour)- Students will work on
planning a tour given the following scenario: “You are a sustainable tour guide who is taking your first tour group
into Alberta. What do you need to know before taking the group into your chosen environment? What do you need
to know about the area you are taking your tour group? What do you need to know about the people you are
travelling with (ex: ages, ability, etc.)? Choose between a hike guide, a day guide and a long-term tour
guide.Students should consider: A detailed schedule of your tour, a rationale of the practices that are sustainable
on your tour, a description of the environment and how the land got into its current state, a report on what went
well on your tour and what you would do different next time.” This will be assessed with a combination of anecdotal
notes and a conversation between the student and teacher. The students will also be sharing and peer reviewing
each other’s work. This project will inform students on the layout and expectations of the final project. Students can
choose whichever modality they want to for this project as long as students feel that they can easily share their
work with classmates..
Research Activity (Wander and Wonder Exploration Activity): This project combines statistics (math) and a topic or
question that individual students want to explore within environmental stewardship, biological diversity or tourism.
Students will have the opportunity to research and share with classmates their findings online (through their blog or
vlog) and in a short presentation shown in small groups..
Checklists/Rating Scale- A standard rating scale will be used continuously throughout the challenge to mark the
students’ growth in the 14 CTF learning outcomes.
Conferences- Conferences will be a tool used continuously throughout the challenge to allow the student and
teacher to talk about.
Local FNMI Elder- A local elder will be invited to tell a story/share their experience regarding the environment.
Students ask the elder questions that they have about the story or environmental stewardship in general. The
teacher will observe and see how students’ ideas of environmental stewardship have changed.
Local Tour Guide- After the Alberta Hike Plan, there will be a local tour guide that will come in. Students will have
the opportunity to suggest sustainable practises to the tour guide. The tour guide will tell students why or why not
those practises will work in actuality. Students will think about global tourism instead of local: How does planning a
tour in another country look different than one in Alberta? What kind of things do you need to prepare for? What
kind of things do you need to be wary about? How can you plan sustainably?

Student-curated blog post/vlog entries (living reflections)- After every hike the students will choose one of their
most recent blogs or vlogs to make public to the rest of the class. Students will be able to comment on their peers’
blog/vlog posts.These student-curated blog/vlog posts will be summatively assessed in conferences using
Plan a tour/hike in another area (plan a day hike or day tour)- As a culminating activity, students will take all of their
knowledge and plan a day hike/tour in a different country. They have already gained some experience with this
degree of planning in the formative assessment assignment they did by planning a hike in Alberta. Students are
tasked with researching the country (ex: the population, the environment, etc.) and planning a day hike/tour. The
assignment includes: a detailed schedule of the tour, a rationale of the practices that are sustainable, a
comparison of the environment and how the country got into their current state, and a report detailing what went
well and what could be improved with the tour. The assignment will be assessed with a rubric. The students can
choose whichever modality they want for this project (e.g. video presentation, powerpoint presentation, website,
virtual tour, etc.) as long as students feel that they can easily share their work with the community. There will be a
‘soft’ deadline where students can submit their assignments before the deadline if they choose to. Students who
submit early will receive formative feedback. Students will all hand in their assignments on the ‘hard’ deadline.

Learning Objectives
Title Hike ePortfolio/Blog (or Plan a Hike
Vlog) Entries: Living

Purpose/Task Pre- Formative Formativ Summativ Formative Summative

- Pre- Asse e e
Assessment/Diag ssme
nostic nt

Task Proce Process Process Product Process Product

-Process ss
activities) =
-Product =
performance task,

Modality Do Do Write Write Write Write

-Write Say Say Say
(communicate) Do Do Do
-Do (explore)
-Say (perform)

Assessor Teac Teacher Self Teacher Teacher/p Teacher

-Self her eer

Device Ratin Checklist Anecdot Conversati Anecdotal Rubric

- g al on notes/ Conversati
Anchor/Sample/Ex Scale notes / Q&A Conversa on/ Q & A
emplar Rating tion
-Anecdotal notes
scale, (“how
-conversation/Q& well do I
A connect
-Heuristic with
-Rubric what I
Other am

Audience Class Individual Individu Class/Onli Individual/ Online

-Individual al ne Class

Emphasis Com Communi Create Create/Co Design/A Design/Cre

-Communicate muni cate mmunicate ppraise/C ate/Comm
-Design cate /Appraise ommunic unicate/Ap
-Appraise ate praise

Weighting -- -- -- 50% -- 50%

Groupings of Learner Outcomes Learning Activities/ Tasks

Math Knowle Knowledg

1. Describe the effect of: • bias • use of language • dge e
ethics • cost • time and timing • privacy • cultural Identify Identify the
sensitivity on the collection of data. the elements
2. Select and defend the choice of using either a element that
population or a sample of a population to answer a s that influence
question. influenc the
e the collection
collectio of data
n of data
Justify whether a
whether population
a or sample
populati is
on or necessary

Science Knowled Compre Comprehe Analysis Analysis

4. Identify impacts of human action on species ge hension nsion Evaluate Evaluate
survival and variation within species, and analyze Identify Describe Describe the the
related issues for personal and public decision the the the success success
making impacts ongoing ongoing and and
of human changes changes to limitations limitations
4.1 describe the relative abundance of species on action on to biological of local of global
Earth and in different environments (e.g., note the
vegetatio biologica diversity strategies strategies
overall abundance of insect species; note that in
n species l for for
diversity minimizin minimizing
harsh environments there are relatively fewer species
Identify g loss of loss of
found than in temperate and tropical environments)
the species species
abundanc diversity diversity
4.2 describe ongoing changes in biological diversity
e of
through extinction and extirpation of native species,
and investigate the role of environmental factors in
species in
causing these changes (e.g., investigate the effect of
changing river characteristics on the variety of
species living in the river; investigate the effect of
changing land use on the survival of wolf or grizzly prairies,a
bear populations) nd
4.3 evaluate the success and limitations of various
local and global strategies for minimizing loss of
species diversity (e.g., breeding of endangered
populations in zoos, development of seed banks,
designating protected areas, development of
international treaties regulating trade of protected
species and animal parts)

4.4 investigate and describe the use of biotechnology

in environmental, agricultural or forest management;
and identify potential impacts and issues (e.g.,
investigate issues related to the development of
patented crop varieties and varieties that require
extensive chemical treatments; identify issues related
to selective breeding in game farming and in the
rearing of fish stocks)

English Underst Commun Demonstr

GLO 1 SLO 1.1 Discover and Explore - Express anding ication ation
ideas and develop understanding - talk with others Talk with Talk with Talk with
and experience a variety of oral, print and other others others the teacher
media texts to explore, develop and justify own
and about a after
opinions and points of view
experien variety of experiencin
ce a texts to g a variety
variety explore, of texts to
of texts develop justify own
to and justify opinions
explore own and point
and opinions of view
develop and point
own of view

English Analysi Demonst Applicatio

GLO 2 SLO 2.1 Use Strategies and Cues - Use s ration n
Textual cues - analyze and discuss how the Discuss Select Select
structural features of informational materials, such as how the types and types and
textbooks, bibliographies, databases, catalogues,
structura sources sources of
web sites, commercials and newscasts, enhance the
effectiveness and efficiency of communication l of information
features informatio to achieve
GLO 3 SLO 3.1 Plan and Focus - Determine
of n to an effective
information needs - select types and sources of
informati achieve balance
onal an between
information to achieve an effective balance between
material effective researched
researched information and own ideas
s balance information
enhance between and own
effective researche ideas
ness d
and informatio
efficienc n and
y of own ideas

CTF Outcomes: Need to Know Demonst Evaluati Communi Applicati Applicatio

rate on cate Share on n
(d)I demonstrate environmental stewardship Environm Students your Students Students
associated with occupational areas. (process) (Need) ental will learning create create
stewards appraise with products, products,
(f)I make decisions in response to challenges hip and the classmate performa performanc
(process) (Need)
decision skills, s nces or es or
(i) I create products, performances or services in making in knowled services services in
response to challenges. (process) (Need) response ge and in response
to technolo response to
(j) I appraise the skills, knowledge and technologies challenge gies to challenges
used to respond to challenges. (process) (Need) s used to challenge
respond s Students
(k)I communicate my learning. (process) (Need) to appraise
challeng the skills,
es. knowledge
s used to
respond to

CTF Outcomes: Important to Know Applicati Explora Communi Demonst Demonstr

on tion cation rate ate
(a) I explore my interests and passions while making Students Students Students Students Students
personal connections to career possibilities. use explore use use use
(process) (Important) occupatio their occupation occupatio occupation
nal area interests al area nal area al area
(b) I use occupational area skills, knowledge and
technologies (process) (Important) skills, and skills, skills, skills,
knowledg passions knowledge knowledg knowledge
(c) I follow safety requirements associated with e and while and e and and
occupational areas and related technologies. technolog making technologi technolog technologie
(process) (Important) ies personal es ies s
(e) I plan in response to challenges. (process) Students ons to Students Students Students
follow career develop plan in plan in
(g) I adapt to change and unexpected events. safety possibilit skills that response response
(process) (Important) requireme ies support to to
nts effective challenge challenges
(h) I solve problems in response to challenges associate relationshi s
(process) (Important) d with ps Students
occupatio Students solve
(m) I develop skills that support effective nal areas solve problems
relationships (process) (Important)
problems in
(n) I collaborate to achieve common goals. (process) Students in response
(Important) adapt to response to
change to challenges
and challenge
unexpect s
ed events
Students collaborat
collaborat e to
e to achieve
achieve common
common goals

CTF Outcomes: Good to Know Compreh Comprehe

ension nsion
(l) I determine how my actions affect learning. Students Students
(process) (Good) determine determine
how their how their
actions actions
affect affect
learning learning

Formative Rating Scale

Adapt (3) Apply (2) Acquire (1)

I explore my interests and passions while

making personal connections to career
possibilities. (process) (Important)

I use occupational area skills, knowledge

and technologies (process) (Important)

I follow safety requirements associated with

occupational areas and related
technologies. (process) (Important)

I demonstrate environmental stewardship

associated with occupational areas.
(process) (Need)

I plan in response to challenges. (process)

I make decisions in response to challenges

(process) (Need)

I adapt to change and unexpected events.

(process) (Important)

I solve problems in response to challenges

(process) (Important)

I create products, performances or services

in response to challenges. (process) (Need)

I appraise the skills, knowledge and

technologies used to respond to challenges.
(process) (Need)

I communicate my learning. (process)


I determine how my actions affect learning.

(process) (Good)

I develop skills that support effective

relationships (process) (Important)

I collaborate to achieve common goals.

(process) (Important)
Research Activity Student and Teacher Checklist
Wander and Wonder Exploration Activity
Tourism and Statistics Checklist

Yes No Somewhat

Student has formulated a rich topic

Identified multiple sources of information

representing different perspectives

Analysis of the quality and reliability of sources

(• bias • use of language • ethics • cost • time and timing •
privacy • cultural sensitivity)

Description how statistics is relevant to

environmental stewardship, tourism or biological

Mention of population or sample of population

Reflection on individual’s learning

Resources: Identify (or link to) potential resources for teaching and learning.

Assessment Materials: teacher rubrics, teacher checklists, self-assessment and peer

coaching documents, etc.
● Formative Rating Scale above
● Tourism and Statistics checklist above

Books and Articles:

Articles about tourism and the environment:

● The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

● Maya Bay, Thailand
● Antarctic Ocean and Continent

Websites and Multimedia:

Teacher Resources:
- National Geographic Society - Resource Library - Grade 9:
- First Nations Environmental Stewardship Resources:
- Environmental Stewardship in Alberta:

Student materials (handouts, graphic organizers, etc.)

- Students can choose their blog site platform to be:
- Google Sites
- Weebly
- Another site that the student passes by either Miss Row or Miss Schneider

- Research Activity Student Handout

Challenge Plan at a Glance: Provide a general outline that describes how the challenge
Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 1 - Introduction to the Course
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- a, d, m, n

Assessments ● Pre-assessment/Formative
Evidence(s): ● Say and write
▪ Purpose ● Questions/Checklist
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Establish classroom culture, identify previous
▪ Device experience and interests, create an eportfolio
▪ Criteria

Competencies ● Communication
● Collaboration
● Personal Growth and Well-being

Literacy and Literacy:

● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make
Numeracy sense of and participate in the world around them.
● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

Learning Activity(s): - Ice Breaker

- Go through Course Outline/Syllabus with students
- Explain the unit and answer student’s questions
- Students create an eportfolio for this class. Must have:
- Their first name/last name in the title with the purpose
of the eportfolio. This is where students will post their
blogs (or vlogs) and online classwork.
- Chat/self reflection about Experiences:
- Have you ever travelled outside the province?
Where? Why?
- Have you ever travelled outside the country? Where?
- Do you remember the environments of the places
you’ve been? What did it sound like? What did it look
like? What did it smell like?
- What are your thoughts on sustainability?
- Have you ever been hiking?
Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 2 - Safety Obstacle Course Pre-Assessment
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- a,b,c,f,h,m,n

Assessments ● Pre-assessment
Evidence(s): ● Do/Write
▪ Purpose ● Obstacle Course/Observation
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Identify key safety procedures, Reflect on experiences
▪ Device
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Problem Solving
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Personal Growth and Well-being

Literacy and Literacy:

● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve literacy.
● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task.
● Students use rules of language to acquire, construct and communicate meaning..
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task.
● Students apply knowledge of spatial information to make an informed decision.

Learning Activity(s): - Pre-Assessment: Safety Obstacle Course (on campus)

- This tests student background knowledge while
informing them what to expect during our hikes
- Students will work in partners/groups of no more than
four people
- Review of Safety Obstacle course in the classroom
- First blog (or vlog) entry/living reflection (student’s eyes only):
- Students can write about their experience, draw a
diagram of the obstacle course with computer software,
post a photo and a description with the photo, ask
questions, explain their thoughts
Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 3 - Introduction to Environmental Stewardship
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- a,d,m,n

Assessments ● Formative
Evidence(s): ● Do/Write
▪ Purpose ● Observation/Questions
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Create a personal definition of environmental
▪ Device stewardship
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Managing Information
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship

Literacy and Literacy

● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use
Numeracy information.

Learning Activity(s): - Introduction to the concept of environmental stewardship/How

to research review
- Explicit Instruction (10 mins.) on historical context of
environmental stewardship
- Guest Speaker: Elder from the community
- Read an article about Environmental stewardship and talk
about the article in groups
- Students research environmental stewardship on their own
- This is so students may inform themselves
- Last 10 minutes: students write their own definition

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 4 - Environmental Stewardship & Science Part 1
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- b, e, f, h, i, k, n

Science Outcomes- 4.2, 4.3,
English Outcomes- 3.1
Assessments ● Formative
Evidence(s): ● write/do
▪ Purpose ● Checklists
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Describe the biological diversity in the prairies
▪ Device
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Managing Information
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task.
Numeracy ● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to construct meaning.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task. (Statistics students may
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.

Learning Activity(s): - Environmental stewardship and Science Part 1:

- Students (in groups) are given a list of questions based
on the science outcomes on the topic biological
diversity. As a group, students will then choose ⅓ of the
questions they want to answer/research for the class
period. These questions and their research will be the
group’s focus for the first hike so that they have the
background knowledge to interact with the environment
we hike in (prairies).
- Second Blog/Vlog entry (student’s eyes only):
- How is my research/group’s research going? What have
I learned so far? What interests me about the research?
Why? What does not interest me about the research?

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 5 - Hiking Day in the Prairies
7 hours

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- c,d,e,g,m,n

Science Outcomes- 4.1, 4.2
Assessments ● Formative
Evidence(s): ● Do
▪ Purpose ● Checklist
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Adhere to outdoor safety procedure, Identify the
▪ Device biological diversity present in the prairies
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Communication
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being

Literacy and Literacy:

● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task. (low-stress note taking for
the students to share with their groups)
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task.
● Students apply knowledge of spatial information to make an informed decision.
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies and methods or tools to manage
quantitative or spatial information. (maps, compasses)

Learning Activity(s): - Hiking Day (off campus):

- Students will meet at the school by 8:00 get on
the bus. We go for the hike. We are back at the school
at 3:00 p.m..
- Review of safety (refer to obstacle course)
- Location: Prairies
- A local tour guide with experience in the prairies will
lead the hike
- Considerations made before this day: busing, location
chosen for the hike (student mobility), cost (possible
fundraiser), authorization from administration/the school
district/etc., field trip form sent out for student’s
parent(s) or caregiver to sign/pay, a plan for students
who could not go, supplies & materials for the hike
(water, lunch, snacks, map, compass, etc.)
- Accommodations for additional support available
- YouthSafe Outdoors: Field Trip Safety for Alberta
Schools (2003)
Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 6 - Hiking Reflections
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- a,b,i,j,k,l

English Outcomes- 1.1

Assessments ● Formative/Summative
Evidence(s): ● Write (formative)/Say (summative)
▪ Purpose ● Anecdotal Notes/Rating scale (formative)
▪ Modality ● Conversation/Q&A (summative)
▪ Device ● Criteria: Describe the biological diversity in the prairies,
▪ Criteria
Describe how environmental stewardship was present in the
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Managing Information
● Creativity and Innovation
● Communication
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve literacy.
● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living..
● Students apply knowledge of spatial information to make an informed decision.
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies and methods or tools to manage
quantitative or spatial information.

Learning Activity(s): - Review of Hiking Day in the Prairies

- What did you see? What experiences did you have?
What did you learn from those experiences? Did you
consider/experience environmental stewardship and in
what ways?
- Third Blog (or Vlog) Entry/living reflection (student’s eyes only):
- Students write/explain their response to the hiking day.
They can use the questions asked during the review,
tell a story, provide pictures with descriptions, etc.
- Student-curated blog/vlog entry (shared with classmates):
- Students choose from the three entries they have done
so far to share with their classmates and teacher
- Individual conferences will be held while students are
curating to check in with students/talk about their entries
and learning

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 7 - Environmental Stewardship and Tourism
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- a, b, d, e, f, i

English outcomes- 1.1

Assessments ● Formative
Evidence(s): ● Write/say
▪ Purpose ● Checklist
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Identify key features of tourism and environmental
▪ Device stewardship, Distinguish the important information in tourism
▪ Criteria articles
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Managing Information
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve literacy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to construct meaning.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve numeracy.
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.

Learning Activity(s): - Environmental Stewardship and Tourism:

- What is tourism? Where does it take place? What kind
of tours can you take? In what ways do you think
tourism impacts the environment? How does tourism
relate to environmental stewardship? What are the
benefits of tourism? What are the cons of tourism?
- What is the difference between ecotourism and
sustainable tourism?
- Articles about tourism and the environment (six hats activity):
- Students will separate into groups. Each group will get a
different article and students within the group will
interact with the article using different roles (six hats).
They will put this information on a poster. They can post
this to their blog with a comment on the activity, the
article name and description, and their group members'
names (fourth blog entry).
- Sharing (2 mins. Per group) with classmates

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 8 - Tourism and Statistics
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- b, f, h, k

Math Outcomes- 1, 2

Assessments ● Formative
Evidence(s): ● say/do
▪ Purpose ● Anecdotal notes
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Describe elements that impact the collection of tourism
▪ Device data, Identify the statistics in the classroom
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Problem Solving
● Managing Information
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve literacy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to construct meaning.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve numeracy.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task.
● Students apply knowledge of quantitative information to make an informed decision..
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.

Learning Activity(s): - Tourism and Statistics (Math):

- How does the environment impact the tourist areas in a
country? How does tourism impact the environment in
different countries? What are the statistics? How do we
calculate these statistics? What do the statistics imply?
- Statistics in the classroom:
- This activity is an exercise where the teacher asks a
series of questions while students vote (only once) for
the one that resembles them. They will then do the
math to find each statistic!
- Is a population or a sample of a population more
- Example question: I have never been outside the

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 9 - Tourism and Statistics Research Activity
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- b, e, f, h, j, k

Math Outcomes- 1, 2

Assessments ● Formative
Evidence(s): ● Write/do
▪ Purpose ● Observation/anecdotal notes
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Identify the the importance of statistics in tourism
▪ Device
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Problem Solving
● Managing Information
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve literacy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to construct meaning.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve numeracy.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task.
● Students apply knowledge of quantitative information to make an informed decision..
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.

Learning Activity(s): - Tourism and Statistics Con’t:

- Review of last class
- Question emphasis: What do the statistics imply?
- Research Activity (Wander and Wonder Exploration Activity):
- Students will have the class to research the statistics of
any question/topic that interests them within the realm
of environmental stewardship, tourism or biological
science! They must save their research somewhere to
refer to later.
- After researching, students will write in their blogs/talk in
their vlog about the research they did: what they
researched and why that interests them, what they
found out while they were researching, the statistics
behind their research and what their research

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 10 - Tourism and Statistics Research Activity
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- a, b, e, f, h, j, k

Math Outcomes- 1, 2

Assessments ● Formative
Evidence(s): ● Write/do
▪ Purpose ● Observation/Anecdotal notes
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Describe the importance of statistics in tourism
▪ Device
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Managing Information
● Creativity and Innovation
● Communication
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve literacy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to construct meaning.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve numeracy.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task.
● Students apply knowledge of quantitative information to make an informed decision..
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.

Learning Activity(s): - Review of last class:

- What have students been doing? Why do you think it is
important? Why does it interest them/disinterest them?
- Research Activity con’t (Wander and Wonder Exploration
Activity) - Fifth Blog (or vlog) entry:
- Students are writing about their research in a blog (or
vlog) entry. They are writing (or talking) about: what
they researched and why that interests them, what they
found out while they were researching, the statistics
behind their research and what their research
implies/why it matters.

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 11 - Tourism and Statistics Research Sharing Day
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- a, b, i, k, n

Assessments ● Formative
Evidence(s): ● Say
▪ Purpose ● Checklists/rating scale
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Describe the importance of statistics in tourism
▪ Device
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Creativity and Innovation
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Personal Growth and Well-being

Literacy and Literacy:

● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task...
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.

Learning Activity(s): - Sharing Day:

- Today the students are showing their classmates their
research (Wander and Wonder Exploration Activity) in
small groups (a laptop can be passed around). Each
student shares their findings and their classmates
respond with praise/feedback.
- We will provide teas and cookies!

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 12 -Environmental Stewardship & Science Part 2
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- b, e, f, h, i, k, n

Science Outcomes-4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4

Assessments ● Formative
Evidence(s): ● Write/do
▪ Purpose ● Checklists
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Describe the biological diversity in the foothills
▪ Device
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Managing Information
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Personal Growth and Well-being

Literacy and Literacy:

● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task.
Numeracy ● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to construct meaning.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task. (Statistics students may
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.

Learning Activity(s): - Environmental Stewardship and Science Part 2:

- Students form their original groups (science
group/hiking group) and take out the list of questions
that are based on the science outcomes on the topic of
biological diversity. As a group, students will then
choose another ⅓ of the questions (that they have not
answered yet) they want to answer/research for the
class period. These questions and their research will be
the group’s focus for the second hike so that they have
the background knowledge to interact with the
environment we hike in (foothills).
- Sixth Blog/Vlog entry:
- How is my research/group’s research going? What have
I learned so far? What interests me about the research?
Why? What does not interest me about the research?

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 13 - Hiking Day in the Foothills
7 hours

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- c,d,e,g,m,n

Science Outcomes- 4.1, 4.2
Assessments ● Formative
Evidence(s): ● Do
▪ Purpose ● Checklist
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Adhere to outdoor safety procedure, Identify the
▪ Device biological diversity present in the foothills
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Problem Solving
● Communication
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being

Literacy and Literacy:

● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task. (low-stress note taking for
the students to share with their groups)
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task.
● Students apply knowledge of spatial information to make an informed decision.
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies and methods or tools to manage
quantitative or spatial information. (maps, compasses)

Learning Activity(s): - Hiking Day (off campus):

- Students will meet at the school by 8:00 get on
the bus. We go for the hike. We are back at the school
at 3:00 p.m..
- Review of safety (refer to obstacle course)
- Location: Foothills
- A local tour guide with experience in the Foothills will
lead the hike
- Considerations made before this day: busing, location
chosen for the hike (student mobility), cost (possible
fundraiser), authorization from administration/the school
district/etc., field trip form sent out for student’s
parent(s) or caregiver to sign/pay, a plan for students
who could not go, supplies & materials for the hike
(water, lunch, snacks, map, compass, etc.)
- Accommodations for additional support available
- YouthSafe Outdoors: Field Trip Safety for Alberta
Schools (2003)
Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 14 - Hiking Reflections
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- a,b,i,j,k,l

English Outcomes- 1.1

Assessments ● Formative/Summative
Evidence(s): ● Write (formative)/Say (summative)
▪ Purpose ● Anecdotal Notes/Rating scale (formative)
▪ Modality ● Conversation/Q&A (summative)
▪ Device ● Criteria: Describe the biological diversity in the foothills,
▪ Criteria
Describe how environmental stewardship was present in the
Competencies ● Creativity and Innovation
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being

Literacy and Literacy:

● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve literacy.
● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living..
● Students apply knowledge of spatial information to make an informed decision.
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies and methods or tools to manage
quantitative or spatial information.

Learning Activity(s): - Review of Hiking Day in the Foothills

- What did you see? What experiences did you have?
What did you learn from those experiences? Did you
consider/experience environmental stewardship and in
what ways? How was hiking in the foothills different
from hiking in the prairies?
- Seventh Blog (or Vlog) Entry/living reflection (student’s eyes
- Students write/explain their response to the hiking day.
They can use the questions asked during the review,
tell a story, provide pictures with descriptions, etc.
- Student-curated blog/vlog entry (shared with classmates):
- Students choose from the previous entries they have
done so far (except for the one they have already
shared) to share with their classmates and teacher
- Individual conferences with the teacher will be held
while students are curating to check in with
students/talk about their entries and learning

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 15 - Guest Speaker: A Local Elder
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- a, d, k, m, n

Assessments ● Formative
Evidence(s): ● Say/Do
▪ Purpose ● Discussion
▪ Modality ● Criteria- Identify the relationship between FNMI ways of
▪ Device knowing and environmental stewardship
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being

Literacy and Literacy:

● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve literacy.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.

Learning Activity(s): - Reflection:

- Students reflect on how their understanding of
environmental stewardship has changed in partners
- Guest Speaker: Local Elder
- Invite a local elder to tell a story/share their experience
regarding the environment
- Students ask the elder questions that they have about
the story or environmental stewardship in general
Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 16 -Environmental Stewardship & Science Part 3
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- b, e, f, h, i, k, n

Science Outcomes-4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4

Assessments ● Formative
Evidence(s): ● Write/Do
▪ Purpose ● Checklists
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Describe the biological diversity in the mountains
▪ Device
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Managing Information
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task.
Numeracy ● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to construct meaning.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task. (Statistics students may
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.

Learning Activity(s): - Environmental Stewardship and Science Part 3:

- Students form their original groups (science
group/hiking group) and take out the list of questions
that are based on the science outcomes on the topic of
biological diversity. As a group, students will research
the last ⅓ of the questions (that they have not
answered yet)for the class period. These questions and
their research will be the group’s focus for the second
hike so that they have the background knowledge to
interact with the environment we hike in (foothills).
- Eighth Blog (or Vlog) entry:
- How is my research/group’s research going? What have
I learned so far? What interests me about the research?
Why? What does not interest me about the research?
Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 17 - Hiking Day in the Mountains
7 Hours

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- c,d,e,g,m,n

Science Outcomes- 4.1, 4.2

Assessments ● Formative
Evidence(s): ● Do
▪ Purpose ● Checklist
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Adhere to outdoor safety procedure, Identify the
▪ Device biological diversity present in the mountains
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Problem Solving
● Communication
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being

Literacy and Literacy:

● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task. (low-stress note taking for
the students to share with their groups)
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task.
● Students apply knowledge of spatial information to make an informed decision.
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies and methods or tools to manage
quantitative or spatial information. (maps, compasses)

Learning Activity(s): - Hiking Day (off campus):

- Students will meet at the school by 8:00 get on
the bus. We go for the hike. We are back at the school
at 3:00 p.m..
- Review of safety (refer to obstacle course)
- Location: Mountains
- A local tour guide with experience in the Mountains will
lead the hike
- Considerations made before this day: busing, location
chosen for the hike (student mobility), cost (possible
fundraiser), authorization from administration/the school
district/etc., field trip form sent out for student’s
parent(s) or caregiver to sign/pay, a plan for students
who could not go, supplies & materials for the hike
(water, lunch, snacks, map, compass, etc.)
- Accommodations for additional support available
- YouthSafe Outdoors: Field Trip Safety for Alberta
Schools (2003)

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 18 - Hiking Reflections
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- a,b,i,j,k,l

English Outcomes- 1.1

Assessments ● Formative/Summative
Evidence(s): ● Write (formative)/Say (summative)
▪ Purpose ● Anecdotal Notes/Rating scale (formative)
▪ Modality ● Conversation/Q&A (summative)
▪ Device ● Criteria: Describe the biological diversity in the mountains,
▪ Criteria Describe how environmental stewardship was present in the
Competencies ● Creativity and Innovation
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve literacy.
● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living..
● Students apply knowledge of spatial information to make an informed decision.
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies and methods or tools to manage
quantitative or spatial information.

Learning Activity(s): - Review of the Hike in the Mountains:

- What did you see? What experiences did you have?
What did you learn from those experiences? Did you
consider/experience environmental stewardship and in
what ways? How was hiking in the mountains different
from hiking in the prairies and foothills?
- Ninth Blog (or Vlog) Entry/living reflection (student’s eyes only):
- Students write/explain their response to the hiking day.
They can use the questions asked during the review,
tell a story, provide pictures with descriptions, etc.
- Student-curated blog (or vlog) entry (shared with classmates):
- Students choose from the previous entries they have
done so far (except for the one they have already
shared) to share with their classmates and teacher
- Individual conferences with the teacher will be held
while students are curating to check in with
students/talk about their entries and learning

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 19 - Plan a Day Hike in Alberta Assignment Intro
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- all outcomes

Assessments ● Formative
Evidence(s): ● Write
▪ Purpose ● Anecdotal Notes/Conversation
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Create a plan for a hike, distinguish sustainable
▪ Device practises that can be used
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Problem Solving
● Managing Information
● Creativity and Innovation
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve literacy.
● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task.
● Students use rules of language to acquire, construct and communicate meaning.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to construct meaning.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve numeracy.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task.
● Students apply knowledge of quantitative information to make an informed decision.
● Students apply knowledge of spatial information to make an informed decision.
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies and methods or tools to manage
quantitative or spatial information.

Learning Activity(s): - Introduction to Plan a Day Hike in Alberta Assignment:

- Students will work in partners to create/plan a day hike
within Alberta. Students can borrow from the hikes we
did as a class.
- Scenario for this project: You are a sustainable tour guide
who is taking your first tour group into Alberta. What do you
need to know before taking the group into your chosen
environment? What do you need to know about the area you
are taking your tour group? What do you need to know about
the people you are travelling with (ex: ages, ability, etc.)?
Choose between a hike guide, a day guide and a long-term
tour guide.Students should consider:
- A detailed schedule of your tour
- A rationale of the practices that are sustainable on
your tour
- A description of the environment and how the land
got into its current state
- A report on what went well on your tour and what you
would do different next time
- Give students resources
- Brainstorming for the rest of the period (maybe as a

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 20 - Plan a Day Hike in Alberta (Work Day)
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- all outcomes

Assessments ● Formative
Evidence(s): ● Write
▪ Purpose ● Anecdotal notes/Conversation
▪ Modality ● Criteria:Create a plan for a hike, distinguish sustainable
▪ Device practises that can be used
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Problem Solving
● Managing Information
● Creativity and Innovation
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve literacy.
● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task.
● Students use rules of language to acquire, construct and communicate meaning.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to construct meaning.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve numeracy.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task.
● Students apply knowledge of quantitative information to make an informed decision.
● Students apply knowledge of spatial information to make an informed decision.
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies and methods or tools to manage
quantitative or spatial information.

Learning Activity(s): - Review of the assignment

- Work Day:
- Students will be researching and putting together their
- Teacher will float around the classroom and ask and
answer questions students have

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 21 - Plan a Day Hike in Alberta (Work Day)
60 min.
Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- all outcomes

Assessments ● Formative
Evidence(s): ● Write
▪ Purpose ● Anecdotal notes/conversation
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Create a plan for a hike, distinguish sustainable
▪ Device practises that can be used, appraise hike plan
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Problem Solving
● Managing Information
● Creativity and Innovation
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve literacy.
● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task.
● Students use rules of language to acquire, construct and communicate meaning.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to construct meaning.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve numeracy.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task.
● Students apply knowledge of quantitative information to make an informed decision.
● Students apply knowledge of spatial information to make an informed decision.
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies and methods or tools to manage
quantitative or spatial information.

Learning Activity(s): - Work Day (last day):

- Students will be working on their assignment
- Teacher will float around the classroom and ask and
answer questions students have

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 22 - Plan a Day Hike in Alberta Sharing Day
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- b, h, i, j, k, m, n

Assessments ● Formative
Evidence(s): ● Say
▪ Purpose ● Anecdotal notes/conversation/checklist
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Summarize day hike plans, Appraise day hike plans
▪ Device
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Creativity and Innovation
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task.
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies and methods or tools to manage
quantitative or spatial information.

Learning Activity(s): - Sharing Day (Plan a Day Hike in Alberta)

- Students will be sharing their assignments with their
classmates. This is low-stakes sharing so that students
can have conversations about their process,
challenges, successes, etc. while offering feedback and
- Students reflect on and appraise their own assignments

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 23 - Guest Speaker: A Local Tour Guide
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- a, b,e, k, n

Assessments ● Formative
Evidence(s): ● Say/Do
▪ Purpose ● Discussion
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Identify differences between local tourism and global
▪ Device tourism
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve literacy.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.

Learning Activity(s): - Guest Speaker: Local Tour Guide

- Students brainstorm questions that they have about
planning tours based on their assignments that they just
- A tour guide is invited to the classroom to share their
experiences and answer questions the students have
- Students will have the opportunity to suggest
sustainable practises to the tour guide. The tour guide
will tell students why or why not those practises will
work in actuality.
- Have students think about global tourism instead of
local: How does planning a tour in another country look
different than one in Alberta? What kind of things do
you need to prepare for? What kind of things do you
need to be wary about? How can you plan sustainably?

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 24 - Plan a Day Hike in the World Intro
60 min.
Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- all outcomes

Assessments ● Summative
Evidence(s): ● Write/Say
▪ Purpose ● Rubric/Conversation/Q&A
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Create global travel plan, Distinguish sustainable
▪ Device practises
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Problem Solving
● Managing Information
● Creativity and Innovation
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve literacy.
● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task.
● Students use rules of language to acquire, construct and communicate meaning.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to construct meaning.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve numeracy.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task.
● Students apply knowledge of quantitative information to make an informed decision.
● Students apply knowledge of spatial information to make an informed decision.
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies and methods or tools to manage
quantitative or spatial information.

Learning Activity(s): - Introduction of the final project:

- The challenge/working world scenario is read and given
to the students. In this class they will brainstorm project
ideas and how they want to present their ideas (ex: a
website, a powerpoint presentation, students can be as
creative as they want)
- Scenario for this project:The tour company that you are a
part of is sending you out on an exchange to the country of
your choice. You are tasked with researching the country (ex:
the population, the environment, etc.) and planning a day
hike/tour. Your company wants you to report back on your
- A detailed schedule of your tour
- A rationale of the practices that are sustainable on
your tour
- A comparison of the environment and how the land
got into its current state
- A report on what went well on your tour and what you
would do different next time

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 25 - Plan a Day Hike in the World (Work Day)
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes-all outcomes

Assessments ● Summative
Evidence(s): ● Write/Say
▪ Purpose ● Rubric/Conversation/Q&A
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Create global travel plan, Distinguish sustainable
▪ Device practises
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Problem Solving
● Managing Information
● Creativity and Innovation
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve literacy.
● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task.
● Students use rules of language to acquire, construct and communicate meaning.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to construct meaning.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve numeracy.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task.
● Students apply knowledge of quantitative information to make an informed decision.
● Students apply knowledge of spatial information to make an informed decision.
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies and methods or tools to manage
quantitative or spatial information.

Learning Activity(s): - Work Day (planning/researching):

- Students will plan their final project and then begin
- Teacher will float around the classroom and ask and
answer questions students have

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 26 - Plan a Day Hike in the World (Work Day)
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- all outcomes

Assessments ● Summative
Evidence(s): ● Write/Say
▪ Purpose ● Rubric/Conversation/Q&A
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Create global travel plan, Distinguish sustainable
▪ Device practises
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Problem Solving
● Managing Information
● Creativity and Innovation
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve literacy.
● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task.
● Students use rules of language to acquire, construct and communicate meaning.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to construct meaning.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.
● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve numeracy.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task.
● Students apply knowledge of quantitative information to make an informed decision.
● Students apply knowledge of spatial information to make an informed decision.
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies and methods or tools to manage
quantitative or spatial information.

Learning Activity(s): - Work Day (researching):

- Students will be working on their final project
- Teacher will float around the classroom and ask and
answer questions students have
- Soft Deadline: Students can choose if they want to hand
in their challenge at this point for formative feedback.
This is optional.

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 27 - Plan a Day Hike in the World (Work Day)
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- all outcomes

Assessments ● Summative
Evidence(s): ● Write/Say
▪ Purpose ● Rubric/Conversation/Q&A
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Assemble global travel plan, Distinguish sustainable
▪ Device practises
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Problem Solving
● Managing Information
● Creativity and Innovation
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve literacy.
● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task.
● Students use rules of language to acquire, construct and communicate meaning.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to construct meaning.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve numeracy.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task.
● Students apply knowledge of quantitative information to make an informed decision.
● Students apply knowledge of spatial information to make an informed decision.
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies and methods or tools to manage
quantitative or spatial information.

Learning Activity(s): - Work Day (putting research into a presentation of sorts):

- Students will be working on their final project for the
- Individual Conferences:
- Teachers will be checking in and supporting each
student individually on their projects during the work

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 28 - Plan a Day Hike in the World (Final Work Day)
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- all outcomes

Assessments ● Summative
Evidence(s): ● Write/Say
▪ Purpose ● Rubric/Conversation/Q&A
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Assemble global travel plan, Distinguish sustainable
▪ Device practises
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Critical Thinking
● Problem Solving
● Managing Information
● Creativity and Innovation
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve literacy.
● Students are aware of the literacy demands within a task.
● Students use rules of language to acquire, construct and communicate meaning.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to acquire, evaluate and ethically use
● Students use efficient and effective strategies to construct meaning.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students recognize that numeracy enables people to make informed decisions in all
aspects of daily living.
● Students identify what they know, are able to do and need to learn when engaging in
tasks that involve numeracy.
● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task.
● Students apply knowledge of quantitative information to make an informed decision.
● Students apply knowledge of spatial information to make an informed decision.
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.
● Students use efficient and effective strategies and methods or tools to manage
quantitative or spatial information.

Learning Activity(s): - Work day:

- Students will be working on their final research project
- This is the last day of work before we share in the next
- Hard Deadline: All students will be handing in their final
project for summative assessing. This is to ensure the
teachers know if students are ready to present.
- Final Thoughts:
- Students share their final thoughts on the course - their
favourite parts, least favourite parts, what they would
change or add, how they have changed (if they have),
would they ever enter an occupation like environmental
stewardship or tourism, etc.
- Possible online survey that students can fill out

Time Allotted:
Lesson #: 29 - Plan a Day Hike in the World Sharing Day
60 min.

Outcome(s): CTF Outcomes- all outcomes

Assessments ● Summative
Evidence(s): ● Write/Say
▪ Purpose ● Rubric/Conversation/Q&A
▪ Modality ● Criteria: Share sustainable global travel plan
▪ Device
▪ Criteria
Competencies ● Creativity and Innovation
● Communication
● Collaboration
● Cultural and Global Citizenship
● Personal Growth and Well-being
Literacy and Literacy:
● Students recognize that literacy provides enjoyment and enables them to make sense
Numeracy of and participate in the world around them.
● Students communicate to convey concepts, ideas and understandings.

● Students are aware of the numeracy demands within a task.
● Students interpret, represent and communicate in a variety of digital and non-digital
formats to support decisions in situations involving numeracy.

Learning Activity(s): - Presentation Day

- Students share their work with their classmates and the
school community, possibly their parents, other
community members, etc.
- Drinks and snacks will be provided

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