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Sustainability Report of

Gothenburg Port Authority 2018

Words from the CEO page 3

About the Port of Gothenburg 5

The Port in brief 7

Our value chain 8

How we contribute to the UN Sustainability Goals 10

Highlights 2018 11

Long-term relations 12

What our customers think 13

Material sustainability topics 14

Targets and results 15

OUR FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 17 “ We create the long-term

conditions for our customers and
OUR ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY 24 partners to grow with us. It is
OUR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 31 happening, and it has to happen
sustainably – we have to take
SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT APPROACH 37 responsibility on the financial,
environmental, and social level.”
Key figures 43
Magnus Kårestedt, CEO Gothenburg Port Authority
GRI content index 53

A growing port
– opportunities and challenges
2018 has been an eventful and exciting year for the
Gothenburg Port Authority. We have seen increasing
volumes and highest profits in the port’s history.
During the year, the Arken Intermodal Terminal and
the America Cruise Terminal opened. The new logistics
park near the port has been completed for commercial use
and the expansion of the port terminal New Arendal
has continued. We’ve also received a decision regarding
state co-financing of a fairway deepening project
– an important milestone for the company.
We continue to be committed to sustainability
and are proud of the company’s sustainability work.
Magnus Kårestedt, CEO, Gothenburg Port Authority

DEVELOPMENT OF THE FREIGHT HUB In 2018, the social partners found a national solution,
During the year, we received the welcomed news that which is now being proposed as law. We have seen a
the Swedish state will part-finance the deepening of the strong recovery in volumes and an increase of 20 per
fairway, which is important for the development of the cent on the container side, which indicates that confi-
freight hub. We are optimistic for the future and are dence in the port is recovering. The company has seen
currently engaged in a large investment programme, continued high volumes in the Energy Port, as well as
with over SEK 8 billion in investments in the company’s in ro-ro-units, ferries, and cars. The Gothenburg Port
ten-year plan. During the year, the city council decided Authority could be seen as a reflection of the industry’s
on a new owner’s directive which is very clear and health as a whole, and in 2018 we have seen that the
forward-thinking. This directive makes clear that the industry is thriving.
Port Authority will also work with port-related logistics
properties. The business sector is an important source ACTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL WORK
of income and enables the company to develop the We work actively, and with a long-term perspective, to
harbour as needed. The new logistics park at Halvorsäng minimize the environmental impact of our operations, Cruise operations have been boosted by
will help us meet market demand by providing half a and the impact of sea and land transports. The Port the re-opening of the new America
million square metres of port-related logistics land that Authority is climate-neutral and is working on an Cruise Terminal at the Stigberg quay.
is highly sought after. efficient environmental discount for ships, as well as
more onshore power supply. We also work with our
DEVELOPMENT OF TERMINALS customers to provide alternative fuels, such as liquid RE-CERTIFICATION AND EVERYDAY HEROES
The Arken Intermodal Terminal was opened in February natural gas (LNG) and liquefied biogas (LBG). In 2018, In 2018, we re-certified our management system in
2018, and will allow cargo to efficiently switch transporta­ a special facility was opened in the Energy Port, which accordance with ISO, which is an important step in
tion modes at the edge of the harbour. The new terminal enables LNG to be refuelled from landside while the becoming more efficient and increasing our quality.
will lead to higher freight capacity, more efficient vessel is being loaded and unloaded. There was great engagement around the re-certification
transportation, and cleaner air as a result of less truck and updating of the port’s processes, which was carried
traffic. Construction of the New Arendal terminal has FOCUS ON SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY out in an exemplary manner. For this, I would like to
begun and contaminated dredged spoil will be used as The Port Authority strives to be an inclusive workplace thank the organisation. In addition to major projects like
the filler-compound, thereby dealing with an environ­ where no one is discriminated against or has their rights this, I would also like to thank all the everyday heroes at
mental problem in a responsible way. Our long-term violated. This year we have placed a special focus on the Port of Gothenburg. Together, we serve the freight
development plans include a new terminal for forest this. Our core values and code of conduct safeguard a hub and ensure that operations run smoothly around
products, the Svea Terminal, which is proceeding workplace where everyone should feel safe and be the clock – I think that is impressive.
according to plan. treated equally regardless of gender, sexual orientation,
ethnicity or other grounds of discrimination. Being an
HIGH VOLUMES AND STRONG INDUSTRY attractive, safe and responsible workplace, with satisfied
In 2017, Swedish industry suffered from the labour employees, is a prerequisite for achieving our ambitions
market conflict in the container terminal sector. The to grow and strengthen Sweden’s port for the world.
Gothenburg Port Authority experienced the largest loss
in volume on the container side in the port’s history. Magnus Kårestedt, CEO, Gothenburg Port Authority

Gateway to the world Direct route


The Port of Gothenburg

is much more than just
a port. The port is
Sweden’s largest and most
important freight hub, which,
due to its unique geographical
location and high capacity, plays a
crucial role in Swedish imports and
exports. At the Port Authority we work
on safe port calls, maintaining infrastructure,
managing properties, and marketing
the port’s freight hub. We’re also building as the
harbour develops and are constantly working
on different investments to develop the port,
with the goal of contributing positively to
smart and efficient transports for Swedish goods.

The shipping lines are expanding their

networks from Gothenburg across Europe,
between Sweden and the world.

For the city and Swedish industry In February 2018, the town hall proposed a new owner’s
directive for the Gothenburg Port Authority. The proposed
directive is clear and forward-thinking, not least in the
The Gothenburg Port Authority has a mission to create the conditions for a strong, efficient area of sustainability, and clarifies the Port Authority’s
and sustainable Scandinavian freight hub. We are owned by the City of Gothenburg and responsibilities regarding energy, cruising and logistics
operations. A key statement reads: “The Gothenburg Port
contribute – directly and indirectly – to the creation of many jobs. Authority shall be responsible for building, owning and
managing/leasing logistics properties for port-related
We also engage in regional development issues and activities.” The owner’s directive is valid as of March 2019.
work to establish the Port of Gothenburg as a national
logistics centre and an obvious hub in Sweden.
The Port of Gothenburg shall be the obvious
The actual handling of the freights is managed by
freight hub for sea transports in Scandinavia.
specialised terminal operators. The Gothenburg Port
MISSION Authority has an active subsidiary, Scandinavian
Distripoint AB, with limited operations focused on
Our core values
The Gothenburg Port Authority creates
conditions for a strong, efficient and sustainable logistics establishments. 
Scandinavian freight hub. Cooperation
PART OF THE CITY OF GOTHENBURG Logistics is not a single-player game – we cooperate by
The Gothenburg Port Authority is part of the City of building networks and developing partnerships to produce
customer value. By linking up with customers and other
Gothenburg. Göteborgs Stadshus AB is our parent partners, we generate energy both in-house and beyond.
company and exercises formal ownership of the
BROAD-BASED MISSION Port Authority which is exerted, for example, through Sustainability
The Gothenburg Port Authority’s main mission is to representation at the annual general meeting. The City The port has existed for 400 years and will be around
for another 400. This generates sustainable perspectives
strengthen the business sector and create competitive of Gothenburg city council selects board members, – and entails considerable responsibility. We’re taking
benefits for Nordic industry. Our main tasks are to lay auditors and auditors for the company and its responsibility for future generations.
maintain land, quays and other infrastructure at the subsidiaries. The local council also determines remun­
port, and to implement new construction operations to eration of the Board and auditors. The Port Authority’s Innovation
keep up with the harbour’s development. We are also Board is headed by Ulrica Messing, former Minister We are open to new ideas and dare to challenge tradition.
In order to create new and better opportunities, we have
responsible for operating the Energy Port, and ensuring for Infrastructure. to change old patterns of behaviour. Find new paths.
that vessel calls are as safe, efficient and as environ­ The local council’s standpoint shall be obtained Dare to test uncharted waters. Dare to succeed.
mentally friendly as possible. before any decisions of major significance are made
The Port Authority owns the port area, grants space to within the business remit. The reasons for municipal Reliability
A long history and solid expertise form the springboard
actors and manages the freight hub. We are respons­ible ownership of the company are set forth in the articles to success in our work. As a result, our services are efficient
for developing the Port of Gothenburg brand, and of association. The owner’s directive, established by and secure, making us a reliable partner.
marketing it globally to persuade more import/export Gothenburg’s city council, contains binding instructions
companies to use our worldwide transportation routes. for the company’s Board and CEO.

Social requirements have
We are a been set for
company 80 %
of all framework agreements
self-financed company, owned by
the City of Gothenburg
/longer-term contracts
Our railway shuttle concept

contributes annually to
a reduction of 60,000 tonnes We can receive the
of carbon dioxide
world’s largest vessels
million in all our active segments
Investments 2018: tonnes of goods per year

SEK travel via the Port of Gothenburg

Unique collaboration:
Joint Security for four
terminal companies
70 freight trains to and from
the harbour every day

The Port of Gothenburg

was founded in

1620 70% Revenue:

the Port is almost

400 years old! of the Nordic’s industry is within

a 500 km radius

Our value chain

Rickard Bergqvist
Goods flow through the Port of Gothenburg as an import good, export good PROFESSOR OF LOGISTICS
or for transhipment. There are many actors responsible for segments of this chain, AT THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS,
and each actor determines its efficiency. Goods flow continuously to the harbour UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG

from land, out on ships and vice versa. It is the actors’ job to maintain a strong,
efficient and sustainable flow. The Gothenburg Port Authority is the
“Access to reliable and sustainable
only company involved in every step and with responsibility for
transportation is an integral part
ensuring that the entire value chain runs smoothly.
of an efficient value chain.”
CUSTOMER “For Swedish industry and commerce, a
SATISFACTION well-functioning value chain is extremely
A well-functioning important to ensure quality and competitiveness
value chain offers the A well-functioning value
at home and internationally. The Port of
following benefits: LOWER chain allows goods to reach
ENVIRONMENTAL the end consumer quickly
Gothenburg contributes to efficient access to
and efficiently. international markets, and takes responsibility
for a sustainable transportation system. This is
Efficient logistics, high degree
done through many projects, such as the network
of occupancy, large vessels and
EFFICIENT of railway shuttles that operate the harbour.”
a high proportion of railroad
LOGISTICS transports offer large
A well-functioning value chain environmental benefits.
through the harbour strengthens
Swedish industry. Efficient logistics
is a prerequisite for Sweden’s The harbour and logistics
small export-oriented economy clusters that are connected
to remain competitive. to the Port of Gothenburg
generate many direct and
indirect jobs. The harbour is like a constantly pumping
heart with two chambers, one for import
and one for export. Getting this heart to
pump strongly, efficiently and sustainably
is the Port Authority’s mission.

EXPORTS from Sweden

IMPORTS to Sweden

Cargo owners, freight The goods are transported Goods are stored before The terminals receive the Collaboration takes place Cargo owners, freight
forwarders and shipping by road, railway or pipeline being exported/imported goods and load/unload between many actors in forwarders and shipping
lines choose harbour vessels the harbour cluster lines choose harbour

Key issues in the value chain:

Total price 
Capacity Proximity to the harbour Reliability 
Efficiency Total price
Total quality 
Reliability Infrastructure Efficiency 
Security Total quality
Fairway depth Range of services Value for money 
Environment Fairway depth
Liner services/frequency 
Maritime services Liner services/frequency
Environment Environment

Gothenburg Port Authority’s role:

Market the harbour nationally Plan port development 
Plan port development Plan port development Create conditions for Market the harbour nationally
and internationally Politically influence 
Build and rent out ware­- Be landlord to terminal efficient and sustainable and internationally

Develop new business important harbour issues houses and logistics areas operators and tenants calls – responsibility for Develop new business
coordination and quay

Contribute to competitive Develop railway shuttles 
Operate detailed plans Offer efficient and sustainable planning Contribute to competitive
pricing in the value chain and help actors invest in infrastructure – maintenance pricing in the value chain
the vicinity of the harbour and new construction Take official responsibility
for the harbour area in
Manage the operation of an accordance with the Port
efficient and sustainable Ordinance
Energy Port
Politically influence
important harbour issues

How we contribute to the UN Sustainability Goals

As Sweden’s largest freight hub, we have
an important role to play in implementing
Agenda 2030, both at home and
At the UN summit meeting in September 2015, world
leaders adopted 17 global goals to eradicate extreme
poverty, reduce inequality and injustice, and solve
environmental challenges. From 2016 to 2030, Member
States have committed to creating a sustainable and
just future – Agenda 2030. The Gothenburg Port
Authority has the means and the will to contribute to
this important work.

After reviewing all the targets and sub-goals,

the conclusions are as follows:
• 14 of the 17 goals are relevant for our operations
(not goals 1, 2 and 9)
• 40 of the 169 sub-goals are relevant
• Our company already works with most of
the sub-goals in some capacity
Each section of the sustainability report highlights
which goals the business impacts and contributes to.

More information on the UN Sustainability

Goals can be found here:

Some important
Appointed by the vessels were given
events in 2018 European Commission an environmental
discount in 2018
– among top 8 ports

with the best security of all vessel calls were
given an environmental
Sample planting of NEW DIGITAL
EELGRASS in the Energy Port
has been conducted Inauguration of
new intermodal
VOLVO terminal and new
cruise terminal
Construction has OCEAN RACE
started on a new port – stop in the Port of
terminal in Arendal – Gothenburg
the largest construction Partnership
project in 40 years Re-certified with Miljöbron
management ISO ISO OHSAS in order to
9001 14001 18001
system attract interns

Liquefied biogas

is bunkered for the
- focus on physical and psychosocial
The number of cars,
ro-ro units and energy
products increased to
first time at the Energy Port health for all employees
record volumes

Long-term relations Stakeholder Channel for dialogue Expectation/main issue

The Gothenburg Port Authority’s operations affect and Owners Bureau meetings, board Create conditions for growth, employ-
meetings, owner dialogue, ment and sustainable development in
are influenced by a range of stakeholders – everything from reporting to the city via Stratsys. Gothenburg. Be the obvious freight hub
owners and employees to customers, suppliers and public for maritime transports in Scandinavia.

agencies. By listening to our stakeholders, we become better Employees Development talks, workplace Responsible business. Safe and secure
at understanding what issues are important, how to meetings, ESI, work committees,
work environment committee,
working environment. Good employment
and pay conditions. Work-life balance.
prioritise them, and what we need to develop. employee day, intranet. Opportunities for development and
career progression.

In the Port Authority, we collaborate and communicate with Terminal CSI, regular meetings relating Adequate infrastructure in and to/from
operators/ to security, environmental the harbour. Long-term prerequisites
our stakeholders on a regular basis through different
terminals infrastructure, marketing and for conducting port operations. Stable
channels. More information about our stakeholders, communication. and large volume base. Market the port.
channels for dialogue, as well as stakeholder
questions and expectations can be found Customers CSI, the Port Day, the Energy Effective full-service harbour. Wide
in the table to the right. In addition Owners Port Day, customer visits, bunker range of lines. Stable and large volume
forums, trade organisations, base. Market the port. Cost efficiency.
to the ongoing dialogue, an
website, newsletter, trade shows. Environmental management linked
extensive stakeholder dialogue Society to the international index.
was conducted in the spring and general Customers*
of 2015 for the sustainability Suppliers Start meetings for new frame- Responsible, reliable and competent
reporting process. This is work agreements, follow-up client with high business ethics.
meetings. Sustainable procurement and future
described on page 42.
GOTHENBURG technology choices.
Public AUTHORITY Employees
Public Regular meetings and dialogue Abide by laws, permits and conditions.
agencies agencies with authorities and ports at Communicate long-term plans. Develop
local, regional, national and efficient infrastructure. Trustworthy
international levels. and reliable partner. Contribute to
society’s various challenges.

Terminal Society and Trade organisations, study visits, Reliable and responsible actor. Contri-
Suppliers general meetings, trade shows (for both bute to society’s various challenges.
OUR STAKEHOLDERS community industry and labour market), Quiet and clean environment. Create
* Shipping lines, freight forwarders, social media, email, telephone, job opportunities.
cargo owners, railway operators, tenants. website, media contacts.
** The local community, local residents,
trade organisations, politicians, media.

What our customers think How has the collaboration with

Gothenburg Port Authority
One of the Port Authority’s overarching goals is to further satisfy customers. worked during the year?
Customers are the starting point for all operations and by retaining customers
and attracting new ones, we create conditions for continued growth. Andersson
In 2018, priority areas for improvement included customer support, better LOGISTICS MANAGER,
management of strategic and long-term requirements at the company level,
and increased affordability for calls at the Port of Gothenburg.
“Gothenburg Port Authority’s contact with us is
extremely good and professional. What distinguishes
the Port Authority’s personnel in the Energy
LONG-TERM CUSTOMER FOCUS needs. Customers are the starting point for all we
Port is that they are knowledgeable, friendly and
The Port Authority’s customers consist of actors that do, and by retaining customers and attracting new
manage and/or control freight and cargo flows, such ones, we create conditions for continued growth.
as terminal operators, shipowners, merchants, freight
forwarders, refineries, storage customers, leaseholders CONTINUED HIGH CUSTOMER SATISFACTION
and other tenants. The Gothenburg Port Authority has IN THE ENERGY PORT
carried out the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) for In 2017, 83 per cent of the Energy Port’s customers Wilhelmina Lund
several years. No CSI was conducted in 2018, as the gave the port a good or very good rating, which is an VICE PRESIDENT, FREIGHTMAN AB

surveys are done every other year to let us work more increase of seven per cent since 2016. Although no
in-depth and long-term with results. In 2017, the CSI fell CSI was conducted in 2018, there are clear indications
“The collaboration with Gothenburg Port Authority has
from 63 to 49. The overall assessment of the harbour of continued high customer satisfaction in the Energy
worked very well during the year. They are responsive
also fell, and one reason for this was the container Port since we continue to meet with customers regularly,
and customer-oriented and we have good contacts with
terminal conflict. In 2018, the trade union conflict maintain a close dialogue and raise issues directly
several people within the company, both management
regarding collective agreements in the terminals did when they are voiced. Increased satisfaction was also
and operational staff. As a relatively small shipping
not led to any action, and thus the impact on operations noted among customers in Logent Ports & Terminals
agent, we can make our voice heard and participate in
has been less than in previous years. Gothenburg, both with regard to the Gothenburg Port
both political round tables and information seminars,
The 2017 CSI influenced which focus areas were Authority and the harbour as a whole. Areas that also
as well as personal meetings with the management.
given priority in the 2018 business plan, namely: market received high marks in the 2017 CSI were the Port
In order to restore confidence in the freight hub after
and customer, employees and society, environment Authority’s work on the environment, technical manage-
the trade union conflict in the container terminal, it is
and finances. We also strive to be a market-oriented ment, maritime services, marketing and port security.
important that the Port Authority also informs all
company that bases operational plans on customer
stakeholders about the situation in the harbour.”

Material sustainability topics and objectives 2025

Based on the results of a previously conducted stakeholder dialogue (see section on Sustainability management approach) and the
expectations and requirements set by our owners, public agencies, our management system and social trends, the material sustainability
topics for the company have been identified. The management approach of sustainability issues is linked to the company’s most important
goal – sustainable growth. The table below presents the material sustainability topics together with the company’s long-term goals.

Sustainability areas Material sustainability topics Goals 2025

• A market-oriented company that creates the conditions for

Satisfied customers
Our financial Development of the freight hub*
above-average volume growth.
• A strong freight hub with the largest selection of lines in Scandinavia.
responsibility Stable economy
Strong business ethics • A company with good financial viability that delivers a stable and
sustainable profit to its owners.

Our environmental Biodiversity
• A respected innovator in sustainable transport concepts. The port’s
environmental impact will be reduced to the extent required to contribute
responsibility Air emissions
Resource efficiency
to the city’s local environmental targets.

Work environment, health and safety

• A skills-driven company with employees who drive our development
Our social Diversity and equality**
towards being a sustainable port

responsibility Skills development

• An attractive workplace that takes social responsibility, makes a difference
for local employment, and works against exclusion in Gothenburg.
Reduced exclusion***

* O wn-defined sustainability topic important to ensure success in achieving our mission. **These sustainability topics are within *** Own-defined sustainability topic linked to challenges in the local region and the aim of contributing
See Key figures section on pages 44-46, indirect economic impact, production, line supply and volumes. the framework for the human rights area. to a socially sustainable Gothenburg. See key figures section on page 44, indirect economic impact.

Targets and results 2018

Here we have reached our target
Here we have almost reached our target
Here we did not reach our target

The table below presents the status of the 2018 overarching goals in the current business plan.
For more detailed information, see the comment field and the key figures section on pages 44–52.

Area Target Result Status Comment

Finances A return on fixed assets of at least 7 % 9 % Return on the Gothenburg Port Authority and Scandinavian Distripoint
AB has a result that exceeds the target of 7 %.

Finances An operating profit of at least SEK 200 million 245 Profit for the Gothenburg Port Authority totals to SEK 245 million,
compared to SEK 214 million in 2017.

Environment Reduce the port’s climate impact See page 48 Includes results from the Gothenburg Port Authority’s greenhouse gas
emissions and greenhouse gas emissions from the Port of Gothenburg.
Here, the company’s goals have been reached, but the vessels’
emissions remain at approximately the same level as in previous years.

Environment Reduce the port’s local environmental impact See page 48 Includes results from the vessels’ emissions of sulphur dioxide,
nitrogen dioxide, particles and VOC from the Energy Port. Here, the
targets have been partially reached, but the vessels’ emissions are at
the same levels as in previous years.

Environment Have an efficient use of resources See pages Includes results from the Gothenburg Port Authority’s energy efficiency
47, 49 in buildings, chemical products containing phase-out substances,
and combustible waste. Here, all goals have been reached.

Customer Have a Satisfied Customer Index N/A No customer survey was conducted in 2018 as they are carried out every
of at least 65 two years. In 2017, the Satisfied Customer Index for the Gothenburg Port
Authority fell from 63 to 49, so the target of 65 was therefore not reached.

Employee Have an Employee Satisfaction Index N/A No employee survey was conducted in 2018 because they are carried
of at least 65 out every two years. In 2017 our Employee Satisfaction Index rose from
61 to 62 but did not reach the target of 65.

The table below presents the results of the business area targets. Here we will most likely reach our target
For more detailed information, see the comment field and the key figures section on pages 44–52. Here we will almost reach our target
Here there is a risk that we will not reach our target


Area Target Status Comment

Energy Increase profitability through lower costs and Additional business/volumes and focus on more efficient operations
increased revenues and maintenance will contribute to increased profitability. However,
profitability is lowered due to direct depreciation during the year.

Energy Have a facility that meets increased demand for Continued large reinvestment and maintenance programs, and
safe production increased degree of automation contribute to a safer production.
Extensive work has been done with pressurised devices, see page 33.

Cruises Have 50 calls +/- 15 calls a year Result of 43 calls in 2019. New terminal established which increased
interest in the destination. In coming years, calls will increase
to exceed the target.

Containers Market share of 59 % (same as in 2011) in the container The market share for the container segment ended at 46 % in 2018,
segment by 2020 which is not in line with the target.

Ro-ro Vessel traffic increases by 15 % compared to 2015 measured In 2018, volumes measured in total GT increased by 20 %
and cars in total GT (ro-ro and car carriers) compared to 2015.

Ferries Maintained frequency with increased cargo volume Maintained frequency with some variation in volume development
(baseline year 2016) between destinations and type of goods.

Logistics Completed two new business deals for logistics The business area will be staffed and developed in 2019, which will
property establishments with signed contracts create the conditions for reaching the target.

Our financial responsibility

The Gothenburg Port Authority has a financial responsibility to develop
Scandinavia’s largest freight hub in a long-term and sustainable way.
The Port Authority shall ensure stable economic development and create a
space that enables long-term action. The company’s finances are managed
with a long-term perspective, with well-considered decisions which balance
market-based conditions with the need for long-term action. A strong cash
flow from operations is crucial to enable the company’s investment
programme and create conditions for sustainable growth.


1. The Port Authority shall work continuously to improve and clarify
financial management in order to focus on profitable business and long-term
sustainable financial development.
2. The focus is on developing a model, as well as targets and indicators that
ensure that we continue to work cost-effectively. Due to lack of resources,
this activity is postponed until 2019.

Our work with financial

sustainability contributes
to 6 of the UN’s 17
Sustainability Goals.


The Gothenburg Port Authority is a self-financed company
and receives no financial support from its owner, the City of
Gothenburg. The company pays group contributions to its
A stable economy and good profitability allow the Gothenburg Port Authority to owner provided this does not entail any major restrictions on
maintain and develop the harbour’s facilities for the benefit of customers, owners our ability to make essential investments or fulfil our mission.

and Swedish industry. The Port Authority operates on a competitive international FINANCIAL PROFITS FOR THE YEAR
market. Delivering good value and competitive services is crucial to further The Gothenburg Port Authority’s profits totalled SEK 245
million in 2018, compared to SEK 214 million in 2017.
develop Gothenburg as a freight hub. Net sales increased by 0.3 per cent to SEK 754 million
and the profit is one of the best in a long time. High
volumes in all segments result in high revenues. The
company’s main costs are operation and maintenance of
Commission charges from the harbour infrastructure, personnel costs, and deprecia-
Charges from customers and partners tion. The port tariffs in 2018 were unchanged owing to
Revenues from
rents and leases energy goods continued cost-efficiency measures.
Port charges

The harbour’s operations are capital-intensive and long-
term financial governance is very important. Every year, a
ten-year investment plan is drawn up, which is reported to
the owner. Planned investments for the coming ten-years
Gothenburg Port Authority total SEK 8 billion*. There will also be additional invest-
Revenues and how they are spent ments, which are currently in the research stage.
The main investments 2018:
Responsibility for the calling Environmental safety
process, traffic information efforts, climate-smart • Construction of Arken Intermodal Terminal which is
and surveillance transport concepts now completed and in operation
• Field trial New Arendal has been carried out and

preparatory work on stage 1 has started
Pipelines and marine • Reinvestments in the Stigberg quay have been completed
Maintenance and Dredging of the
loading arms
Developments of • Completion of the America Cruise Terminal
investments in harbour Road and rail Marketing the logistics land / • Work on making the logistics park ready for development
quays/terminals infrastructure in the Port of Gothenburg’s the logistics centre
vicinity of the harbour freight hub • New terminal areas for storage of goods within the
harbour area
• Projection and procurement of the Svea Terminal
For description of revenues and expenses linked to the value chain, see page 9. *Including Scandinavian Distripoint AB.

Development of Gothenburg as a freight hub Did you know?

In addition to Volvo’s exports,
cars from 14 other manu-
Sweden is a small, export-oriented economy whose prosperity relies on successful industry facturers are also imported,
including Nissan, Mini,
with a market beyond state borders. Given Sweden’s geography, freight traffic via Renault, Tesla, Opel,
Mazda and Ford.
shipping is crucial. As Scandinavia’s largest harbour, Gothenburg offers direct and
frequent vessel calls within Europe and globally. A top-rate infrastructure to and from
the harbour by railway and road means that the Port of Gothenburg can serve all of CONTINUED HIGH VOLUMES IN RO-RO,
Sweden’s, and parts of Norway’s, business sector. FERRIES AND CARS
In 2018, the number of units handled decreased slightly,
compared to the previous year, to 584,000 units. The
INCREASE IN CONTAINER AND RAIL TRAFFIC 2018. One reason for the recovery in volumes is that handling of new cars also decreased in 2018, to 290,000.
When trading with countries outside of Europe, the the labour market conflict has had less of an impact, Volumes are roughly the same as in 2017 but, compared
goods are usually shipped on container vessels. and confidence in the Port of Gothenburg has thus to 2016, a sharp increase is seen. In early 2018, the
In the Port of Gothenburg, 753,000 containers (20-foot increased. Railway volumes are measured in number direct route to the US was discontinued. However, other
containers) were handled in 2018. In 2018 we have seen of transported containers, which includes goods that direct calls have compensated for this loss, and efforts
a total increase in containers (17 per cent) but also in have been reloaded onto containers in the vicinity to increase the number of routes, both at sea and on
containers traveling by rail (13 per cent). The proportion of the harbour. the land, continues.
of containers transported by rail was 59 per cent in
Half of all crude oil enters Sweden via the Port of
VOLUME DEVELOPMENT IN THE PORT OF GOTHENBURG Gothenburg. Here you will also find Sweden’s largest
depot operations, which supply all of western Sweden
2018 2017 2016 COMPARED IN %
with diesel and gasoline. This year has seen high
Number of 20-foot containers 753,000 644,000 798,000 + 17 volumes – not least in the refineries – despite a subdued
storage market. For the third consecutive year, the
Number of ro-ro units 584,000 593,000 538,000 - 1
volumes of energy products are at high levels. In 2018,
Number of new cars 290,000 295,000 246,000 - 1 this has meant 23.4 million tonnes, which is about the
Energy products, million tonnes 23.4 23.5 23.7 - 1 same level as last year. Great efforts have been made
to increase cost-efficiency with a focus on the extensive
Passengers 1,680,000 1,733,000 1,708,000 - 3
maintenance and reinvestment programme. The focus
Cruise calls 43 40 34 + 8 for 2019 is to continue to increase cost-efficiency within
the business sphere, and to collaborate with our
Total, in million tonnes 40.5 40.8 40.9 - 1
customers in order to strengthen Gothenburg as an
energy hub and enable new volumes in the future.

FOCUS ON CRUISING AND MARKETING industry, and has more suitable road infrastructure.
FOR MORE CALLS It also means more efficient transports since the trucks
With two cruise quays, and two more quays with capacity no longer have to drive through central Gothenburg.
to dock the largest vessels, the Port of Gothenburg is
well prepared to receive cruise ships of all sizes. The DEVELOPMENT OF THE PORT TERMINAL
cruise season in Gothenburg extends all year since the – NEW ARENDAL
harbour is always ice-free. In 2018, the harbour received In 2018, the Port Authority began the first stage of a
43 cruise calls from 18 different shipping lines. In 2019, new port terminal west of the present ro-ro terminal
the Port Authority will continue to focus on marketing at Arendal. Today’s outer ports were built in the 1960s
to encourage more calls. and 1970s and, since then, volumes have grown sign-
ificantly. To create space for future freight volumes,
INAUGURATION OF THE ARKEN a new port terminal is being built in Arendal. The
INTERMODAL TERMINAL construction, which is divided into several stages, is
Joakim Grenmarker and Eduardo Epifanio
The new intermodal terminal was inaugurated in early scheduled to take place 2016–2025. Until March 2017,
are project leaders for New Arendal.
2018 and has worked very well during the year. More a pilot project was underway to test technology for
goods can now be reloaded from truck to train in stabilizing and solidifying Contaminated dredged
Gothenburg for further transport to Sweden and Europe. materials. The first stage will be completed in September One challenge is that, according to the environmental
The move from Gullbergvass in central Gothenburg 2019, and involves the construction of rock embank­ permit, the works in water must take place during
to the outer harbour has many advantages. The new ments to close the Arendal bay, including blasting works the winter months. We know, however, that weather
terminal has a higher capacity, is located closer to the and piling. During the first stage, our contracted work conditions can impact the work, so planning must take
includes piling work to build rock embankments and place on a daily basis. Cooperation between the owner
closing the Arendal bay for a later stage. This entails (Gothenburg Port Authority) and the Contractor, as well
blasting work at Lilla Aspholmen, and piling work as communication with various stakeholders, benefits
in the water. the project and creates good relations.

Excerpt from the speech given by the

Director-General at the inauguration of the Arken
Intermodal Terminal on February 7, 2018
“A new intermodal terminal in this location, so close to
the industry and port, offers opportunities for a more
efficient flow between railway, truck and shipping.
Another positive effect will be that the traffic situation
in central Gothenburg will be calmer as heavy
truck traffic can be redirected.”

Lena Erixon, Director-General, Swedish Transport Administration. Piling work is underway in New Arendal.

THE AMERICA CRUISE TERMINAL INAUGURATED CONTINUED DEVELOPMENT OF THE developing its part of the logistics park by laying the
An important event during the year was the completion LOGISTICS PARK groundwork and other infrastructure, before beginning
and inauguration of the America Cruise Terminal, in There has been a high demand for logistics space the construction work, which will be completed in the
time for the 2018 season. Gothenburg has now regained near the Port of Gothenburg for many years. A larger first quarter of 2019.
a key cruising location at the Stigberg quay in Mast­ area in an attractive location close to the harbour, with During the year, the Gothenburg Port Authority’s
hugget, which contributes to lively sea traffic in the 1,000,000 square metres of land, has been available owners decided that the company will construct and
inner harbour. This was where the Swedish-America for logistics establishments for some years. own logistics properties for leasing to operators. The
Line’s ships departed to New York, from 1915 to the 70s. The Gothenburg Port Authority owns 400,000 square focus for 2019 will be to set up an organisation and get
In 2018, the prestigious America Cruise Terminal once metres of the area through its subsidiary Scandinavian started with marketing and rentals. The expectation is
again welcomed over 60,000 international cruise Distripoint AB. The other 600,000 square metres are that the logistics park will create over 2,000 new jobs
passengers to Gothenburg, who spent approximately owned and run by private actors. In 2018, this area when finished.
SEK 30 million in the city. has largely been developed. The Port Authority is
The port railway has long been single-tracked, and
One of the many cruise ships that visited freighted goods to and from the Port of Gothenburg.
the America Cruise Terminal over the summer. To cope with the increased need for freight transports
by rail, parts of the track are being built to accommodate
a double track. Work on the port railway has continued
during the year and expansion has been carried out
by the Swedish Transport Administration with support
from EU funding.

The project consists of three sub-stages:

• Kville railway yard has been renovated and
opened for traffic
• The Pölsebo-Skandia Harbour line is being
expanded with another track
• The Eriksberg-Pölsebo line gets a new route
where double tracks are laid out through a tunnel

Two of the three agreed sections of the port railway

are completed, and the Port Authority is now building
the Svea Terminal, a railway-connected forest terminal
that will be completed in 2019.


In the past 10 years container ships have grown Deepen and widen the fairway and turning basin
almost twice as large. Large, ocean-going vessels, with
Deepen and reinforce quays
capacity of over 19,000 containers, regularly arrive at
the Port of Gothenburg, but cannot enter fully loaded.



“By deepening and broadening CONTAINER


fairways in the Port of Gothenburg,

further direct shipping into
Sweden and Swedish business
sector is made possible.”
Turning basin
Claes Sundmark, Vice President, Container, Ro-Ro and Rail,
The Gothenburg Port Authority
Gothenburg centre

The OECD, the Swedish Maritime Administration, the Here the deepening of the fairway is visualised.
Swedish Transport Administration and Transport
Analysis (TRAFA) have recommended deepening and
broadening the fairway into the Port of Gothenburg. The THE PROJECT the deepening and broadening in detail and producing
Swedish Transport Administration has also expressed In 2018, the state included the fairway deepening as a detailed cost calculations. The Port Authority is also
that the focus for developing freight traffic should be named project in its national infrastructure plan, and investigating how the work can be set up without
placed on strong lines and nodes like the Port of will be allocating partial funding to the project. With interfering in the production and operations of the port.
Gothenburg. By centralising cargo volumes, economies a deeper fairway, the Port of Gothenburg can receive This will continue in 2019. Construction on the fairway
of scale can be utilised through larger vessels, longer the next generation of ships. The Swedish Transport is scheduled for 2024–2029.
trains and longer trucks. The vessels can also arrive Administration and the Swedish Maritime Administra-
with more cargo per vessel, leading to higher efficiency, tion’s study on choice of measures indicates a net
better logistics system stability and lower transport present value ratio of 3.04, so for every invested krona,
costs for carriers and cargo owners. From a social society gets SEK 4 back.
perspective, consolidating freight volumes takes In 2018, the company appointed an organisation with
advantage of existing infrastructure and generates a a steering group and a project manager. Together with Do you want to read more about
higher investment benefit for new infrastructure, while the Swedish Transport Administration and the Swedish the fairway deepening?
strengthening the Swedish export industry’s competitive Maritime Administration, the technical conditions for the
advantages. project are being examined. This includes describing

Safety threats and information dissemination are increasing

exponentially and thus so are the risks. Work is ongoing
to ensure necessary compliance with the Data Protection
A complex service company, like the Gothenburg Port Authority, must have reliable Regulation GDPR. The NIS Directive came into force in
Sweden in 2018 and places demands on security in net-
and well-functioning routines so that safety is taken into account internally and work and information systems. The rules cover suppliers
externally. Efficient, business-adapted and systematic security is also a prerequisite of important services and certain digital services in both
the private and public sectors. To fulfil the requirements,
for the Port Authority to be able to conduct international port operations. systematic information security measures are needed
according to new legislation based on the EU directive,
PORT PROTECTION FOR OUR CUSTOMERS increase the levels of protection in consultation with where systematic information security measures are
AND SWEDEN’S INDUSTRY the Transport Agency. a prerequisite to being approved by the supervisory
In the Gothenburg Port Authority, expensive goods are The security measures implemented must protect authority.
handled, and we do our utmost to protect customers’ people, information, property and the brand. Security
property. When large valuables are stored and transported also entails the need to anticipate events and work MAJOR SECURITY INITIATIVES 2018
to and from the harbour, there is always a risk. The port on preventive measures, routines and instructions to In 2018, the Gothenburg Port Authority carried out a
also has significant strategic importance for society. reduce the risk of various threats. If an attack occurs, security exercise in accordance with EU Dir 65/2005.
Sabotage or terrorist attacks may target key industries the effects of damage caused should be minimal. All facilities that are part of port security participated in
and infrastructure. A threat analysis of port- and maritime the exercise, which was led by the port security manager.
security is determined by the Swedish Security Police, IMPORTANT INFORMATION MUST BE PROTECTED During the year, the Port Authority has also carried out
which provides the National Operational Department Information in the form of documentation and systems a security protection analysis in anticipation of the up-
(NOA) with a basis for making a decision on whether to is an important asset, and the foundation of all our work coming security legislation. In 2018, we also focused on
in the harbour. Our employees and other stakeholders method development and efficiency improvement regard-
are dependent on the information being available, ing Port Security’s ability to lead operational security
accurate and secure. There is currently a focus on initiatives. During the year, work of change has also been
mapping, classifying and correcting gaps to prevent implemented on the ability to provide investigators with
risks and increase security. These efforts are part of material regarding violations of the new Protection Act
ongoing changes and tightening of existing legislation. that came into effect on 1 July 2018.
The reason for such tightening measures is that cyber Focus 2019:
• Feedback from the Swedish Security Police and
follow-up on the security protection analysis
• Implementation of a management system to meet
the requirements of the NIS Directive
Having dogs with person-search and explosives-
search capabilities around the clock is incredibly • Continued method development – operational ability
important for the security of the harbour. of Port Security

Our environmental responsibility

The Gothenburg Port Authority works actively and with a long-term
perspective to minimize the environmental impact of its operations and
within the shipping industry. By proactively developing measures in
collaboration with our customers - terminals, shipping lines, landlords
and land transporters – we contribute to more sustainable transports.


1. Contribute to achieving the goals of the City of Gothenburg’s joint
environmental programme, primarily by promoting more onshore power
connections and promoting an effective environmental discount for ships.
Read more on page 29.
2. Reduce the impact of significant environmental aspects within our
own operations, with a focus on construction, civil engineering and
development projects in the freight hub. Read more on pages 25 and 30.

Our environmental work

contributes to 10 of the UN’s 17
Sustainability Goals.

Focus on the environmental CERTIFICATE

management system in 2018

This is to certify that

Göteborgs Hamn AB
Göteborg, Sweden
has established and applied a
management system according

ISO 9001:2015
ISO 14001:2015
The Gothenburg Port Authority’s efforts to minimize its environmental impact are structured OHSAS 18001:2007

around its management system. The management system is key to identifying what is important, Provision of infrastructure, coordi
nation of port issues and
create conditions for sustainable
and efficient
vessel calls. Marketing of the
developing goals and measures, and ensuring working methods in the company in order to
entire port,
nationally and internationally.
The certificate is valid provided
that Qvalify AB:s certification
rules are fulfilled.

meet environmental requirements. In 2018, the company’s environmental work was reviewed Jönköping 2018-08-22
Certificates of Origin issued:
ISO 9001 1996-12-03

in internal and external audits, as well as inspections of the Energy Port. Carina Björsell
On behalf of Qvalify AB
ISO 14001
OHSAS 18001

OUR ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN environmental aspects was introduced. The model Cert no. 1884
Valid until 2021-03-12

The Gothenburg Port Authority’s annual environmental incorporates a life-cycle perspective and stakeholder
plan includes three overarching goals: limited climate evaluations into pre-established assessment factors, In August, the company received an updated certificate
impact, reduced local environmental impact and such as impact on environment, durability and distribu- for the environmental management system.
reduced consumption of resources. The 2018 environ- tion. This approach allows the company to identify
mental plan contains an action plan with activities in which activities generate the greatest impact and are
which all employees are involved in reducing the thus important to manage by objectives.
company’s environmental impact. The environmental In another new initiative, the environmental aspects THE COMPANY’S KEY ENVIRONMENTAL
goals are followed up three times a year by various key were process-oriented, meaning that the work was ASPECTS 2018:
figures. Progress on the action plan is monitored based around the company’s processes. Each environ-
consistently. mental aspect was given a symbol for the activity • Vessel operations in the port area
resulting in the actual environmental impact. This • Bunkering within the port area
UPDATE OF THE COMPANY’S generated 44 environmental aspects, of which seven • Port operations in the inner ports
ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS are significant. These have been important tools for • Port operations in the dry cargo ports
Following the external audit in May, the company’s employees tasked with developing business plans that • Pumping of product to vessel
environmental management system was re-certified, contribute to the environmental goals. The company’s • Pumping of product from vessel
in accordance with the new standard ISO 14001:2015. work on environmental aspects received top marks • Pumping in pipes, from depot to depot
As part of this, a new model for assessing the company’s in the external audit.

Handling noise from ships noise from the cruise ship is considerably lower. The
measurements taken in September showed increased
noise levels, due to the fact that the bunkering vessel
Operations within the Port of Gothenburg requires environmental permits, was older and larger than normal.
On one occasion during the 2018 cruise season, an
which regulate noise levels. In the outer ports, only noise from handling goods older cruise ship stayed overnight in the America Cruise
in the terminals is regulated, but in the inner port noise from the vessels is regulated. Terminal, which was noted by local residents and led to
a dialogue with the Port Authority. This cruise ship will
Measurements taken in the outer terminals in 2017 showed that the port had a not operate in the America Cruise Terminal in the future.
relatively low noise impact on surroundings in relation to the activities performed. After the first cruise season at the America Cruise
In 2018, measurements were carried out to map the impact of vessels in Terminal, the company now has a thorough material for
minimizing noise for future operations.
the new cruise terminal.
NOISE MEASUREMENTS AT THE For two years, the Port Authority has been included
AMERICA CRUISE TERMINAL in the international collaboration project NEPTUNES,
In 2018, the America Cruise Terminal at the Stigberg which investigates options for reducing the noise from
quay was inaugurated, which is the port’s new cruise ships that visit ports. The project involves agreeing on
terminal. The terminal offers a central quay position common measurement methods so that effective noise
for cruise ships and is thus closer to residential areas, reduction measures can be implemented, but also
compared to the previous location. In order to investigate exchanging knowledge and experience between the
the noise levels from the cruise ships, measurements ports. Other ports around the world face problems
were performed during a vessel call in June, and with reducing noise and can receive up to thousands of
additional measurements were performed during the complaints a year. In the Port of Gothenburg, we have
bunkering of a cruise ship in September. received fewer than ten complaints in the past three
The measurements in June were carried out during years. The Port Authority’s noise measurements from
the day on one of the larger cruise ships, and the result 2018 have been contributed to the project. The result
showed that the noise levels passed the company’s will be presented at a conference in the spring of 2019.
environmental permit requirements with a good margin.
When compared to estimated traffic noise levels affecting
homes around the quay, it was found that additional
Would you like to read more about the
This year’s noise measurements were carried out by
NEPTUNES noise project?
Brekke & Strand Akustik AB, with sound measurements
taken on board the cruise vessel and through measurements
at various noise sources.

Reduction of environmental impact from

truck traffic – an area of development
The City of Gothenburg’s budget for 2018, and the new owner’s directive proposal, increase understanding of how harbour charges can
be designed to give shipping lines, hauliers and train
include a mission to reduce the local environmental impact from heavy traffic to and operators clear incentives for environmental improvement
from the port. During the year, the company has begun identifying which activities measures. The aim is also to increase understanding
have an effect on surrounding traffic, and what opportunities exist for improvement of individual charges and effects of incentives on air
emissions, congestion and energy use, and to clarify
on these issues. The environmental impact of heavy traffic mainly consists of which international, regional and national rules and
emissions of nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide and particles. regulations the fees must be compatible with. The
conclusions show that all measures are difficult to
implement and the effects are problematic to predict.

IMPACT OF HEAVY TRAFFIC TO AND Ports of Sweden, a working group has been set up
FROM THE PORT AREA to work on the transfer of goods to shipping, which
The Port Authority is working to reduce the environmental involves the Port Authority. In addition, we support
impact from heavy traffic to and from the port in different measures that increase maritime transports via barge
Erik Fridell
ways. Together with the terminal operators, we are traffic as well as short- and near-shipping, enable
streamlining the entrances to the port area to reduce increased ro-ro traffic through the expansion of the
queues. The construction of the Arken Intermodal entrance to the Älvsborg Harbour, and construct more “The project demonstrates that
Terminal, inaugurated in 2018, has meant that 140,000 railway terminals. it is important to gain control over
truck transports per year have been redirected from truck transports to and from the port,
central Gothenburg to the outer port area. For over ten PARTICIPATION IN RESEARCH PROJECT to improve air quality and reduce congestion. Many
years, efforts to promote the transport of goods by rail In order to obtain a clearer understanding and a better ports around the world have different forms of fees
instead of trucks have been spearheaded by the concept overall picture of environmental management incentives, or discounts for land transports. Possible charges for
Railport Scandinavia. the company supports the research project “Environmental trucks aim to encourage higher degrees of occupancy
We are working with the Swedish Transport Adminis- management fees and incentives for ports”. The project is and cleaner vehicles, routes outside of urban areas, or
tration to achieve more efficient maintenance and run by IVL together with the University of Gothenburg, VTI railway/shipping. There are, however, legal challenges
expansion of the bottlenecks that exist in the railway and the ports in Gothenburg, Stockholm and Trelleborg. in designing fee systems. It is also important that
network. Several projects have been completed in For two years the project has been investigating how several ports are engaged with these issues and share
a common focus to avoid the transfer of goods to
recent years, which contribute to a higher percentage of differentiated environmental charges and incentives can
other nearby ports.”
electrified tracks, more double tracks and more efficient reduce the environmental impact of the different types
planning of traffic. Within the employers’ organisation of traffic that operate in the ports. The project aims to

New regulatory framework for

waste management is expected
The port is constantly working to reduce waste from both its own operations
and from the visiting vessels. The efforts primarily aim to reduce the amount
of waste, and in the next step, to ensure efficient sorting of the waste. Measures
are continuously being implemented to improve and enable more efficient
waste management within the company’s operations. Within the port, there are various waste stations where
the waste can be sorted directly at the quay.

LEAVING WASTE IN THE PORT OF GOTHENBURG REQUIREMENTS FOR RECEIVING WASTE discharged. The cost must be the same for all vessels
The Port Authority’s work with ship-generated waste is FROM THE VESSELS and is therefore included in the port tariff.
primarily focused on making it easier for the ships to be The port is obliged to receive waste from every ship. It is important to ensure that all ports concerned
able to do the right thing, and to offer smooth handling Within the EU, the main principle is that, at each port interpret and apply the regulations in the same way.
of ship-generated waste at the quay. To enable efficient visit, ships should leave ashore the ship-generated This would allow the reception of waste to take place at
waste management, there are reception facilities for waste that may not be discharged. This is regulated in all ports and ensure that the handling and subsequent
black/grey water, a sludge boat, and recycling stations the port reception facilities directive (the PRF directive). cost is equal. An update of the PRF directive is expected
at the quays. The port’s operating regulations contain In some cases, a ship may retain the waste on board shortly and, in preparation for this, the company is
guidelines on the type of waste that can be received. for the next port call. For ships coming from harbours proposing increased clarity and that the same rules to
outside Europe, there are no rules for how much they apply throughout Europe. This is mainly done through
should have left ashore in a previous port. Within involvement in ESPO and through holding the Presidency
Sweden and the Baltic Sea area, there are stricter in its Sustainability committee.
requirements for leaving waste ashore than in the rest
Quantities of received sludge in tonnes from vessels
to all parts of the harbour
of the EU area, all ship-generated waste that cannot be
discharged must be left ashore at each port call. This
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 means that the Port of Gothenburg can receive all the The European Sea Ports
6,100 7,100 8,000 7,400 7,600 waste that ships have produced on journeys between Organization.
ports in other countries. In addition, the port may
not charge extra fees based on the quantities being

Air emissions remain These prevent large emissions of particles, nitrogen

oxides and sulphur dioxide. The study will also investigate

a major challenge whether these systems could include carbon capture,

which would greatly impact climate emissions. The
investigation takes place from a technological, business
and environmental perspective, with the goal of determi-
Reducing carbon dioxide emissions, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide and particles ning whether alternatives to onshore power supply could
is an important element of the port’s environmental work. While sulphur dioxide be used in a Swedish port environment. The project has
emissions have decreased, nitrogen dioxide is still a major problem for Gothenburg, been granted support from the Swedish Environmental
Protection Agency and will be completed in April 2019.
and the port and shipping industry need to contribute to reducing this pollutant
as well as other climate-impacting emissions. INCENTIVE FOR IMPROVED ENVIRONMENTAL
The Port Authority is rewarding the vessels with high
working on creating a new connection for onshore environmental performance with a port tariff discount
power supply in the ro-ro terminal. In 2018, the project and, in 2018, 156 vessels received such a discount.
was granted funding from the Swedish Environmental The development of this initiative mainly occurs through
Protection Agency’s initiative the ‘Climate Step’, and involvement in the international indices, which are used
planning is underway. A project to establish 32 charging as the basis for the environmental differentiation of
posts for electric cars was carried out during the year, the port tax, the Environmental Ship Index (ESI) and
which means 74 charging points will be available in total the Clean Shipping Index (CSI). Nearly 7,000 vessels are
– this initiative also received support via ‘Climate Step’. registered with ESI, which serves as a useful tool for
many ports around the world.
The Gothenburg Port Authority and the Ports of

Stockholm, together with the research institute RISE,
have begun investigating alternative technology for of vessel calls had the
opportunity to connect
The Port of Los Angeles has a mobile cleaning system – connected vessels that cannot be connected to the power grid. This to the onshore power
directly to the vessel's funnel with the help of a bonnet. includes new technology for vessels that are designed supply during 2018
to meet challenges associated with air quality at
HIGHER PERCENTAGE OF ONSHORE POWER harbours embedded in urban environments.

SUPPLY FOR VESSELS AND VEHICLES One alternative is mobile cleaning systems, currently
In 2018, efforts to reach a higher percentage of onshore used in Port of Los Angeles. These are mobile platforms of ship calls received
power supply for vessels and vehicles continued. equipped with a scrubbing system, which is connected an environmental
Together with DFDS Seaways, the Port Authority is directly to a vessels funnel with the help of a bonnet. discount in 2018

The wetland generates

biological diversity in Torsviken
From the 1970s to 2009, the Port of Gothenburg has deposited polluted dredged
material at Torsviken on Hisingen. The bay is classified as a Natura 2000 area
and the Port Authority has been helping to preserve its wildlife. Clean material
from the Swedish Transport Administration’s construction of the Marieholm
tunnel has been used to cover the area and build ramparts and islands.
In 2018, the work was completed. It is hoped that, among others, more mallard ducks
will nest in the wetland.


The establishment of the wetland is a voluntary
undertaking as compensation for the harbour’s
expansion in the immediate area. The project has Magnus Persson “The two habitat types are expected
identified important measures and, in collaboration
with the Gothenburg Ornithological Association,
to have a significant impact on the
has created a habitable wetland environment. decline of biodiversity in the area.”
The aim is to promote biodiversity by creating a
successful habitat for local bird life and other wildlife.
A starting point for the project has been to eventually
“We expect that wading birds, such as ringed plovers, redshanks and sandpipers, will nest in the
reach conservation status for various bird species
wetland. The hope is that the pied avocet, black-headed gull, tern, mallard, gadwall, teal, shelduck,
and prioritise species that warrant special protection.
The flat beaches are meant to attract mainly wader
and possibly the sandwich tern, will also nest. Species expected to breed include all of our migratory
birds by providing shallow food habitats for waders species in Scandinavia and the Arctic. The wetland’s outer shore is relatively steep and will accommo-
that walk on the shoreline. They get their food by date ducks and geese when it is ice-free. It will also, to a limited extent, attract wading birds during
catching insects and small animals in the water or migration seasons. Beyond the wetland shore, the surface becomes uneven which is perfect for insects
by gathering them from the bottom sediment. and amphibians. This supplies the wetland’s rich groundwater with ephemeral water, that is,
small shallow water collections that dry out between rainfall.”

Our social responsibility

As the spider at the centre of the port cluster, it is important that we take
social responsibility, both locally in Gothenburg and globally. Through
competent and creative employees, we are able to drive development and
operations forward, and achieve the goals and results that we aim for.
The Gothenburg Port Authority shall continue to be an attractive workplace,
characterised by a positive, safe and evolving work environment. We will
also be involved in contributing to the City of Gothenburg’s goal of socially
sustainable Gothenburg.


1. Actively work on keeping the company’s values alive.
Read more on page 35.
2. An increased focus on health issues at our workplace.
Read more on page 34.
3. Intensify and systematise collaboration with academia.
Read more on page 34.

Our work with social

sustainability contributes
to 6 of the UN’s 17
Sustainability Goals.

Work environment, safety and health

The Gothenburg Port Authority should be characterised by a positive and safe work 135 people work in the
environment. Employees, customers and partners should be comfortable with the way Gothenburg Port Authority
– 92 men and 42 women
we manage our work environment. Our primary focus is employee health.


The Gothenburg Port Authority has outlined its work The deviation management system and its investiga-
environment initiatives in a work environment plan, tions are important for analysing undesirable events,
consisting of overarching goals, sub-goals and an action but also for detecting systematic deviations. In order to Thomas Crogård
plan. The overarching goals have been developed to ensure the quality of the investigations in the deviation PRINCIPAL SAFETY
help achieve the short- and long-term goals in the system, progress meetings are held in the Energy Port
company’s business plan focus area, Employees and every week, where the responsible supervisor, safety AUTHORITY
Society. They include: systematic work environment representative and specialists participate. The number
measures and improvements, ensuring employees of reported deviations has increased somewhat during
experience a positive work environment, and reducing the year to 354. In 2018 we had ten work-related injuries “We should focus more
work environment risks. that did not result in sick leave, reported to the deviation
management system.
on the operational world.”
WORK ENVIRONMENT INITIATIVES AND AUDITS “An important work environment issue in the
The Gothenburg Port Authority works systematically SECURITY MEASURES IN THE ENERGY PORT Energy Port and the Port of Gothenburg is
to improve the work environment and the company In the Energy Port, many flammable products, such
the synchronisation between production and
is certified in accordance with the work environment as gasoline and heavy oil, are transported and stored.
operation; between those who build and
standard OHSAS 18001:2007. In 2018, an internal and This, along with vessel calls and operators working in
external audit was conducted. The trend shows that small spaces, entails major risks. In order to secure
maintain our facilities, and those who operate
the number of deviations is decreasing. This year’s a safe Energy Port, equipment quality and reliability them. Communication and regular feedback
audits indicated that five deviations were reported to is regularly risk-assessed and improved. In 2018, all such as, coordination projects and project
the Swedish Work Environment Authority, which were protective clothing was replaced to include flame coordination meetings, is key. However, there
associated with two cases: fallen pipes, and emissions retardants, anti-static treatments and warning colours. tend to be too many meetings, which can be
of nitrogen gas. The Swedish Work Environment The Energy Port will be the first harbour in Sweden to stressful. We should focus more on the operational
Authority has approved the company’s management introduce sobriety checks on vehicle drivers in 2019. world, be out in the field more and get closer
of these deviations. The project started in 2018 as part of a government to the business, instead of sitting in meetings
initiative and is being conducted in consultation with and talking about how things should be done.”
the Swedish Transport Administration.

continuous supervision, and that particularly hazardous

devices (class A or B) have written procedures for super-
vision. In addition, the supervision must be reported on,
Sandra Persson and an annual audit of supervision routines must be
carried out.
It is important for us to know what our employees
“All pressurised devices think about their workplace and work situation and we
therefore conduct regular employee surveys. The latest
in the company have been employee survey was conducted in late autumn 2017 In 2018, the Port Authority’s employees completed a CPR training.
risk-assessed in order to identify and will be implemented every two years from this year
onwards. In 2018, the Port Authority worked extensively
potential risks.” with the results from the 2017 survey. For example, all
“The work has identified barriers that exist or managers have been offered support with interpreting
the results and engaging with the results in their Martina Wessberg
need to be introduced in order to reduce the risks, TRAFFIC COORDINATOR,
respective groups. One reason for this support, was that
and what kind of continuous supervision the PORT CONTROL, GOTHENBURG
all departments or groups received their own results PORT AUTHORITY
devices require. Follow-ups of incidents and from the survey. In addition, it has been mandatory for
accidents (TRIA), as well as fault reports and all managers to work with an action plan and to develop
refurbishments of the facility ensure that we
work systematically on the risks that exist
individual action plans for their group to be delivered “Internal mobility is
to the HR department.
with our pressurised devices.” something that can be developed
COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT further, so that we really take
Development talks are conducted with all staff and the
HR department ensures that each employee receives a
advantage of all the skills that
COMPREHENSIVE WORK WITH development plan. Several trainings were conducted in exist within the Port Authority.”
PRESSURISED DEVICES 2018, on individual, departmental and company levels.
During the year, the Port Authority has done extensive During the year, all employees in the Port Authority “It's great that you can work in other parts of the
work on pressurised devices, since we own and manage attended a CPR training, which is now compulsory company for a bit. The advantage is that you get
a large number of pipelines, pressurised vessels and every two years. Another aspect of the company’s work a better overall picture of what the company does,
a few cisterns in the Energy Port. These facilities fall on competence development is its promotion and and you get to know colleagues in other depart-
under the requirements of the Swedish Work Environ­- support of internal mobility, which makes it possible for ments. I did not really understand how extensive
ment Authority’s regulation AFS 2017:3 “Use and Control employees to try out another role in the Port Authority the work at Port Control was before I had the
of Pressurised Devices”. The requirements demand, for a short period – for example as a substitute – and opportunity to try working there.”
among other things, that all pressurised devices are at the same time retain their regular position. We have
risk assessed in order to determine whether they need seen several examples of this during the year.

INCREASED FOCUS ON HEALTH An increased focus on health issues was a prioritised

Sick leave decreased during the year, compared to the improvement area in the 2018 business plan, which
previous year, from 4.5 per cent in 2017, to 4 per cent in resulted in various activities throughout the year. At the
2018. During the year, efforts related to rehabilitation beginning of the year, a survey was conducted, in which
continued, which included investments aimed at employees were asked to rank what they deemed the Modern brain research
preventing employees from falling ill. All staff in the most important among psychosocial, physical and shows that exercise and
Gothenburg Port Authority are offered the opportunity mental health. The result indicated an equal weighting training have entirely unimaginable
effects on the brain, something that
to take a health profile assessment at the company’s among the issues and a demand for more activities that
lecturer Anders Hansen developed in his
occupational health care centre every two years. This offer opportunities for socialising and meeting people talk “Brain-Strong” – an appreciated
was last carried out in 2017, and the next time will be beyond departmental boundaries. This was used as activity arranged by the Health group.
in 2019. The purpose is to raise awareness of each a basis for the health challenge, where several teams
individual’s current health situation, and to identify were formed with employees from different depart-
possible need for lifestyle changes. ments. A large number of employees participated in the
health challenge during which they engaged in activities
and accumulated points over a 10-week period. Behind
the challenge and work on health in 2018 is a health Inga-Lill Hallberg
group consisting of employees and managers from SYSTEM MANAGER API PRO AND
different departments of the company. GOTHENBURG PORT AUTHORITY


It is important to share our time and knowledge to “During the past six
give young people and adults an opportunity to get in
touch with, and get into, the workforce. This is done by, months, the health group has
among other things, collaborating with the Gothenburg tried to highlight health in a
region on “Cooperation between school and work life”,
holding lectures, receiving study visits from schools
broad sense.”
and universities, offering internships and summer
“Focus has been placed on physical activity
jobs and providing opportunities for work training. The
and diet, as well as psychosocial aspects. The
Port Authority is also an active partner in the Future
transports project, which is aimed at students in grades
health challenge’s message has been that health
7 and 8 and encourages engagement with technology. is so much more than just physical exercise, and
As part of the project, the students get to create their we have tried to convey that good relationships
own transportation solutions and, at the same time, in the workplace are very important for good
influence their present and future. We also establish health. The Health group’s work will continue
Students participating in Future transports, a project that aims
contacts with universities and receive, for example, next year.”
to encourage engagement with technology and a sustainable future. many good proposals for improvements through dissertation work.

Inclusive workplace
The Gothenburg Port Authority should be an inclusive workplace where
equality and diversity prevail, and where there is no discrimination or abuse.
A workplace that takes advantage of different experiences and skills. Human rights
must permeate our entire company. Our code of conduct, based on our core values
– collaboration, sustainability, innovation and reliability – guides us.

ACTIVE EQUALITY WORK no unjustified wage gaps between women and men. A Word cloud from employee day 2018 with words such as ’dare’,
The equal treatment group has, during the year, diversity perspective is taken for each new recruitment 'co-operation’, ’clarity’ and ’courage’. Employee responses to
deve­loped activities linked to focus areas in the City of process. However, diversity is not increasing at the the question “What do I consider to be a good working climate
and how do I contribute to it?”
Gothenburg’s budget and the Discrimination Act, such as desired rate since there is a limited recruitment pool
human rights, equality, and gender equality. One activity in certain occupational categories. In 2018, the Port
included a critical review of recruitment ads with a Authority also focused on UN theme days and the equal The HR department has also reported on the company’s
focus on discriminatory word selection, where the result treatment group informed about this on the company’s work against infringement throughout the company,
showed that discrimination was not present. Further­ intranet, arranged quizzes around gender issues and and all managers took part in a workshop on this theme
more, the annual wage survey showed that there are served rainbow cake during West Pride. in the spring of 2018. The work against harassment
continues in 2019.
The employee survey conducted in 2017 indicated that APPRECIATED EMPLOYEE DAY
the amount of harassment had increased compared to One aspect of being an attractive workplace is the annual
the previous year. The results showed that little of the employee day. This year’s employee day was about the
infringement was linked to grounds for discrimination importance of treating one another with respect and
and sexual harassment, while most of it was linked giving positive feedback, as well as demonstrating how
to having felt unkindly treated in words or actions, easily negative comments can have an impact. The
for example through unwanted jokes or withheld employees were asked to discuss their views on what
information. One counter-measure that the company makes a good working climate and how they can contribute
has implemented is the introduction of harassment as to it. The comments were compiled and will be referred to
a focus issue for competence development talks in 2018. when the code of conduct is revised in 2019. An evaluation
showed that the day was appreciated as an important
The Port Authority drew attention to West Pride in August forum where employees from all parts of the company
2018 by, among other things, flying the rainbow flag. could meet.

Through collaboration and conscious

purchasing, we make a difference
We shall do what we can to be part of the solution regarding the challenges facing our procurement. In 2018, the goal was to apply social
considerations to at least 55 per cent of all framework
society, both locally in Gothenburg and globally. It is important for us to contribute procurement contracts or longer contracts (> three
to a more socially sustainable Gothenburg with lower levels of exclusion, and narrower months) – a goal which we achieved with a wide margin
gaps in living conditions and health, as well as good working conditions. How well (80 per cent).
One example of how we apply social considerations to
we succeed and what we do influences many people in society. framework contracts for procurement, is that suppliers
are required to adopt chosen challenges in CSR West
CONTRIBUTE TO GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS the requirements, as well as clauses regarding anti- Sweden Society’s three responsibility-related initiatives:
The Port Authority is a publicly owned company and corruption and anti-discrimination. We also discuss Decent workplace, Social responsibility, and Environ­
is thus subject to the Procurement Act on the supply the company’s core values during follow-up meetings mental responsibility. The Port Authority’s aim is to
sectors. There are a lot of demands on controls, such with our suppliers. So far, we have not encountered any continuously improve and develop the methods and
as excluding suppliers from procurement if they are deviations linked to violations in this area. We also try models used to apply social considerations to
convicted of crimes in the field of human rights. The Port to minimize the number of suppliers in our contracts procurement contracts, and we will continue
Authority mainly buys services and the majority are in order to increase general control and reduce the risk to focus on this important issue in
from Swedish suppliers with employed staff in Sweden. of rogue suppliers who violate both global guidelines future procurements.
We strive to be a fair customer and endeavour to only in this area and current tax legislation.
work with serious suppliers who take good care of
their work environment, tax issues and legislation. DEMANDS ON SOCIAL CONSIDERATIONS
This is achieved through, among other things, the Port IN PROCUREMENT
Authority’s cooperation with the Swedish Tax Agency, In the City of Gothenburg’s 2018 budget, a priority goal is
Since 2014, the Port
which verifies our tenderers against their register. In our to “increase the proportion of sustainable procurement”. of Gothenburg supports
procurement we require, where relevant, that the goods This means that 50 per cent of the city’s total service Gothenburg’s Rescue
and services purchased be produced in accordance with contracts take social considerations into account. Mission, which helps
the ILO’s core conventions and UN conventions on human Working with this model, developed by the City of many different vulnerable
rights. Several of the purchases are also made through Gothenburg, will promote employment opportunities groups in our society. One of the activities
the framework agreements that the City of Gothenburg for people who are far removed from the labour market, that our employees can assist with is serving
demands and procures. In most of our procurements, as well as stimulate social integration, equal opportuni-
breakfast to the homeless.
where the agreements extend over a longer period, we ties and social rights. For the past six years, the Port
also include the company’s code of conduct as part of Authority has developed and made social demands for

management approach
The Port Authority is governed through a business plan. When the business
plan is being developed and revised, owner directives, the Board’s goals and
focus documents, external environment analysis, future predictions, customer
demands and wishes, as well as business needs and employee development,
are all taken into account.
The business plan is broken down into operational plans and activity plans
for individual employees. The purpose is to encourage participation and clarify
governance throughout the company, which leads to goal achievement. The goals
in the 2018 business plan are presented on pages 15–16. Different business
areas are governed by supplementary plans, such as the environmental plan,
work environment plan and equal treatment plan.
The company has a direct impact on all identified significant sustainability
issues through our role in the freight hub and via relationships with our
stake­holders. In several areas, such as the environment, we exercise control
over both direct and indirect impacts. With the owner’s directive supporting us
in our mission, we operate through goals, plans, guidelines and agreements,
with the aim of becoming the evident freight hub for maritime transports in
Scandinavia and having a leading role in the development of the Gothenburg
region as a national logistics centre.

We contribute to UN’s sub-goal 16:5, which refers

to reducing all forms of corruption and bribery.

Our work with material sustainability topics and their governance is central to being able to deliver to our customers and comply with our mission as outlined
to the company’s owner’s directive. Evaluation and deviations are handled within the framework of the company’s management system. Developmental work is
carried out using the PlanDoCheckAct method and through continuous improvement. All material sustainability topics listed below are covered by legislation.
The legislation is available in the business and is followed up on an ongoing basis.

Material sustainability topics Governing policies Review procedures and responsibilities*

Satisfied customers • The Gothenburg Port Authority’s code of conduct. • The CEO is responsible for the management process Lead and manage
Development of the freight hub • Quality policy. operations, and the core process Marketing and sales.
Stable finances • Bye-Laws for the Port of Gothenburg. • The quality officer at the Business Support department is responsible
Strong business ethics for the support process Ensuring good quality.
• Financial policies and financial guidelines for
the City of Gothenburg. • The Harbour Master is responsible for the core process Coordinating
sustainable and efficient vessel calls.
• Security policy for the City of Gothenburg.
• The head of the Port Development department is responsible for
• Guidelines for information security in the City of
the core process Long-term port development planning.
Gothenburg Policy and guidelines for the use of
information technology within the City of Gothenburg. • The head of the Infrastructure department is responsible for the
core process Managing efficient and sustainable infrastructure.
• The Gothenburg Port Authority’s supplementary
security policy and information security policy. • The operative manager is responsible for the core process Ensuring
the operation of a safe, efficient and sustainable Energy Port.
• Privacy policy.
• The CFO is responsible for the support process Ensuring a good economy.
• Policy and guideline against bribes for the
City of Gothenburg. • The security manager is responsible for the work pertaining to
Port Security and information security.
• Policy and guidelines for representation.
• The head of the Business Support department is responsible for
the internal anti-corruption measures.

Climate • Environmental policy for the City of Gothenburg. • The environmental manager of the Port Development department is
Biodiversity • The Gothenburg Port Authority’s code of conduct. responsible for the support process Ensuring a good environment.
Air emissions
Efficiency of resource use

Work environment, • The Gothenburg Port Authority’s code of conduct. • The head of the Business Support department is responsible
safety and health • Employee and work environment policy for the for the support process Ensuring a good working environment;
Diversity and equality City of Gothenburg. the operations manager is responsible for the safety measures
Non-discrimination at the Energy Port.
• The Gothenburg Port Authority’s alcohol and drug policy
Competence development guideline for systematic fire protection work (SBA). • The purchasing manager is responsible for our work on an equal
Reduced exclusion treatment plan and for support process Purchase.
• Gender equality policy for the City of Gothenburg.
• City of Gothenburg’s procurement and purchasing policy.

*More about the company’s processes can be found on the next page.

Quality assurance with

a focus on customer value
In 2018, we re-certified the company’s management system to apply the updated Susanne Boy
standards for environment and quality. In 2017, an internal project was set up to ENVIRONMENT AND WORK
oversee the transition to the new requirements. The external audit in May resulted
in five minor deviations and 37 improvement proposals, which were handled
during the year via our deviation management system. The company received new “The challenge ahead
certificates for ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001:2007 in August 2018. will be to ensure that the work
progresses. The management
must demand results and make
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM An important part of the transition to the new quality sure the work is followed up.”
In 2018, we re-certified the company’s management standard 9001:2015 was the company’s process
system to apply the updated standards for environment development. In 2018, the staff were trained in process “ The company’s journey with introducing
and quality. In 2017, an internal project was set up to development and the management decided on an process orientation has been going on for a few
oversee the transition to the new requirements. The updated main process map. Intensive work was done, years, but it was not until the audit in May
external audit in May resulted in five minor deviations where employees had to draw up the operational 2018 that there was a clear process control.
and 37 improvement proposals, which were handled processes and clarify how the company lives up to Everyone in the company had a greater under-
during the year via our deviation management system. stakeholder demands. This also highlighted which
standing of what process work entails and
The company received new certificates for ISO critical interfaces within the company require increased
the management showed an obvious sense of
9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007 in collaboration. To this end, adjustments were made to
August 2018. the management system’s technical tools. The content
ownership over the processes. A paradigm shift
has been clarified, and a stakeholder list, drawn-out within the company could be noted.
processes and documentation have been linked together.  The improvement work should continue to
Process development has been included as a new target be driven through processes. All new employees
ISO ISO OHSAS area in the business plan for coming years, and has must gain an understanding and knowledge
9001 14001 18001 been recognised as a key tool for increasing efficiency. of process orientation, for example during
organisational changes.”
Certified in quality (ISO 9001), environment (ISO 14001)
and work environment (OHSAS 18001).

Extensive work on risks

and strong business ethics are replaced by liquid renewable fuel. Risks identified in
connection with the fairway depth include, for example,
that the harbour is unable to meet the need for relevant
depth in the long-term and that further financing for the
All business activities are associated with risks. Well managed risks can generate value deepening is needed.
and new opportunities, while poorly managed risks can lead to damage and losses. The
ability to identify, evaluate and manage risks is an important part of the Port Authority’s
In the environmental area, an overall risk is the difficulty
management and control system. The ambition is to achieve the company’s goals through of meeting the increased demands from authorities
balanced risk-taking, where certain risks can be reduced or completely avoided by and the outside world to reduce environmental impacts.
This underlines the importance of continuously improv­ing
prioritising and implementing effective and well-adapted measures and controls. and developing environmental measures to remain pro-­
active. One environmental risk is the high pollution levels
of the bottom sediments in the harbour’s immediate
The Gothenburg Port Authority has worked structurally Prior to 2019, there are 36 risks on an operational level vicinity, which results in the handling of contaminated
with risk management and internal control for several within different categories. In the Gothenburg Port dredging spoil in the recurrent maintenance dredges
years and the area is constantly developing. Risk Authority’s business plan, which was determined by becoming more extensive and costly.
management is an integral part of the governance and the Board, a description of the risks is included, as well
management of the company and is a natural part of as the risk-reducing measures/controls that have been
decision-making on different levels within the company introduced to reduce the risks, and which new measures
when prioritising and choosing between ways of achiev- will be taken during the year. Some of the most prio­
ing business goals, or ensuring the company is able to ritised risks are described below.
carry out its mission.
In connection with the preparation of the budget/ BUSINESS RELATED RISKS
business plan, the risk management for different risk The risks associated with the Port Authority’s business
areas is compiled into a combined risk profile for the relations, products and services include, for example,
company as a whole. The overall risk profile describes espionage, sabotage and terrorist attacks, as well as
which mitigation measures/controls have been introdu- information security. Another risk is the quay shortage
ced to reduce the risk and what measures will be taken in the outer ports when the ferry operations are
(action plan). Based on the overall risk profile, and as part relocated from the inner ports, and the expansion of the
of improvement efforts, a number of areas/processes Energy Port operations. Disturbances in the freight hub
will be selected for careful examination in the coming due to labour law conflicts that can damage the brand
fiscal year to verify that the risk-reducing measures/ is another risk. Fossil fuels are an identified risk area During the re-certification of the company’s management system,
controls function satisfactorily (internal control plan). that is primarily linked to whether or not fossil volumes all processes were risk-assessed.


57˚ 42’ N 11˚

56’ E

SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY RISKS read our code of conduct. Each manager is responsible
In the area of social relations and personnel, identified for ensuring that the content of our code of conduct is
Code of Conduc
risks include accidents, availability of necessary skills or known and applied to employees and hired personnel. t
lack of personnel, lack of contractors and consultancy
dependency. In the Port Authority’s operations, the main The code of conduct includes guidelines in
work environment risks can be linked to workload, the following areas:
limited opportunity for recovery, and lifestyle and health The code of conduct
issues. There are a number of operational risks in the
• Relationship with customers and partners provides guidelines for
Energy Port, such as fire and explosion in the event of  We shall be a responsible, independent, neutral how everyone in the Port
and reliable partner. We see marketing and Authority should behave.
product leakage, personal injuries concerning mooring
equipment and collision with quay equipment. Trip and representation as a natural part of developing
slip risks, ergonomics and the use of machine equipment relationships and collaboration. The starting
are other identified risks in the ongoing work in the point for all representation is that it should be
Energy Port. Risks in the area of human rights can be characterised by moderation.
In 2018, few company-wide specific initiatives related to
linked to violation of one or more grounds of discrimina- • Relationship with suppliers business ethics and corruption were implemented due
tion, if, for example, the Port Authority does not recruit  We shall be a responsible, reliable and competent to internal resource shortages. However, discussions
based on competence and with a focus on diversity and client, with high business ethics. As a public about the importance of doing and ensuring that the
gender equality. Other risks include company employees actor, our operations are governed by the Public right thing is done, is a natural part of everyday opera-
and other visitors being subjected to abuse and harass- Procurement Act. Unhealthy business relation- tions. It is important to keep the code of conduct alive
ment, or unacceptable wage gaps between men and ships must not occur. and to make sure that every part of the company
women. discusses how the code can and should be applied in
• Bribes and corruption daily work. During the year, several internal training
CORRUPTION AND CODE OF CONDUCT  The Gothenburg Port Authority’s managers, courses on the company’s clear rules for procurement
Treating customers and partners equally without employees and others acting on behalf of the have been carried out for various personnel groups.
favouritism and adhering to signed contracts and company must not offer, pay out or receive bribes. Continued improvement is planned for 2019, including
business agreements is of great importance to the work on governance and internal control of risk areas
Port Authority. The City of Gothenburg has a whistle-blower function that were identified in 2017 and 2018. A review and
It is also important that no bribes, irregularities, that all staff can make use of in case they suspect a update of the current code of conduct will be carried out
disloyal behaviour or corruption occur in connection serious irregularity within the company. This is an in 2019, which is made possible by, among other things,
with our operations. The Port Authority’s code of important function because there may be suspicions the addition of more resources in February 2019.
conduct from 2012 provides guidelines for how the that can be difficult to address with a manager or the
Board, management, employees and hired staff should company’s management. A description of how to
act in their daily work. Current legislation and the City proceed is written in the code of conduct. The City of
of Gothenburg’s ambitions constitute the minimum level, Gothenburg’s City Executive Office is also engaged with If you want to know more, you can read
and if anything in the code of conduct conflicts with these anti-corruption work, which includes the Port Authority. our entire code of conduct at:
regulations, they supersede the code. All new employees
and hired personnel must sign to confirm that they have

About our sustainability report RESULTS AFTER STEPS 1 AND 2:

New material sustainability topics*:
The Gothenburg Port Authority has published an annual sustainability report, Biodiversity, Security, Diversity and equality, Non-
Sustainable Port, since 2012. This is the fourth year that we are reporting in accordance discrimination, Skills development, Strong business ethics.

with the international guidelines for reporting sustainability information, the Global Cancelled material sustainability topics*:
Contribute to local and regional employment.
Reporting Initiative (GRI). This sustainability report constitutes the Group’s and New names for material sustainability topics*:
the company’s statutory sustainability report and is part of the administration report ‘Reduced exclusion’ instead of ‘Be a part of the solution
to society's challenges’; ‘Satisfied customers’ instead of
for the Gothenburg Port Authority with corporate identity number 556008-2553. ‘Customer in focus’; ‘Stable economy’ instead of ‘Have a
The year’s sustainability report refers to the 2018 fiscal year. good financial strength’.

* Based on previously defined sustainability topics.

METHOD FOR IDENTIFYING MATERIAL employment terms and skills development, diversity
SUSTAINABILITY TOPICS and non-discrimination, market the freight hub.
The method for defining the material topics follows
GRI G4 guidelines and consists of identification, STEP 2: PRIORITISATION TOPICS GIVEN TOP PRIORITY IN
prioritisation and validation. The update of this year’s This list was then shown to a wide variety of relevant
report, to comply with GRI Standards guidelines, has groups to establish priorities for what was most

not resulted in any changes related to this earlier important (see the figure). Based on the results of the
methodology. stakeholder dialogues, with expectations and demands • Reduce emissions
of our owner, public authorities, our environmental • Reduced resource to the air
STEP 1: IDENTIFICATION management system, work environment, quality and • Good partner with
• Reduce local strong business ethics

and terminal operators

Initially, a comprehensive list featuring 17 material social trends as a starting point, two internal workshops

Customers, suppliers,
impact • Cooperation with

public authorities
topics was drawn up, based on driving forces in society, were held to identify the most material sustainability customers

competitors, GRI’s content, owner directives, and so topics, discuss their impact – internally and in the value
on: Reduce air emissions, sustainability demands on chain – and pick relevant indicators in accordance
• Safety
suppliers, good partner with strong business ethics, with GRI (see the GRI index). • Market the freight hub
cooperation with customers, handling complains for • Protection of local
flora and fauna • Employee health and
local society, create local and regional jobs and growth, STEP 3: VALIDATION work environment

reduced resource consumption, reduce local environ- The result of the previous steps was then agreed on • Develop the freight hub
mental impact, protection of local flora and fauna, and determined by the Gothenburg Port Authority’s
safety (for the population of Gothenburg, employees, top management. A new stakeholder dialogue will
Board, employees and VERY
contractors), stable finances, develop the freight hub, be conducted to ensure that the Gothenburg Port trade union IMPORTANT

human rights, employee health and work environment, Authority’s priorities remain relevant.

Key figures and GRI content index

The following summary presents the information that the Gothenburg Port
Authority has deemed relevant on the basis of our material topics, such as
key figures and GRI disclosures.
First, the key figures are reported. Current GRI disclosure is indicated
in the left column. Measurements and calculation methodology and notes
can be found in the right column. The years that features are 2014 to 2018.
The base year for the calculations of the key figures is 2010, as the company
was restructured at that time. In addition to relevant GRI disclosures, a number
of additional key figures, which we considered interesting to highlight and
feature, are also presented. Unless otherwise stated, key figures refer to the
Gothenburg Port Authority, as the subsidiary Scandinavian Distripoint AB’s
operations within the Group are limited.
Thereafter, changes compared to last years’ sustainability report are
reported. Finally, the Port Authority’s GRI content index, which is prepared in
accordance with GRI Standards 2016, is presented. It contains page references
to all disclosures that the Gothenburg Port Authority reports on, as well as
comments and information on omissions.

GRI disclosure 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Measurement and calculation method/notes

Financial key figures

201-1 Net turnover, SEK million 754 751 742 706 661

201-1 Profit/loss after financial items, SEK million 245 214 218 206 274

Operating profit, SEK million 276 248 255 245 192

102-7 Balance sheet total, SEK million 3,167 3,221 3,016 2,932 2 848

102-7 Equity, SEK million 1,446 1,357 1,273 1,146 1,113

102-7 Liabilities, SEK million 1,721 1,864 1,743 1,785 1,735

102-7 Return on total assets, % 8.7 8.0 8.6 8.5 7.1 Calculated from the profit/loss, excluding items affecting comparability.

Solidity, % 53.3 49.1 49.4 46.3 45.4

Investments, SEK million 244 349 228 260 392 Investments for 2018 excluding grants of 89 million.

Cash flow from operating activities, 284 394 347 290 230
SEK million

201-4 Financial assistance received from 14 90.3 0 - 0.6 0,6 In 2018 the Gothenburg Port Authority has received a financial grant from the Swedish
government, SEK million Transport Administration for the construction of the Arken intermodal terminal.
More information can be found in the company's annual report.

201-1 Economic value generated, SEK million:

Customers 788 772 758 715 667 The financial values in the table show the impacts of "cash flows" in the company.
These therefore do not include recorded depreciations and the like. Nor does the table
Economic value distributed, SEK million: include any possible VAT impacts.
Suppliers -186 -237 -222 -243 -234
Employees -70 -69 -65 -64 -65
Lenders -31 -34 -36 -39 -45
Government (tax written off and national -76 -46 -47 -45 -22
insurance contributions)
Shareholders -104 -108 -71 -102 -49
Economic value retained, SEK million: 322 278 317 223 251

Indirect economic impact

203-1 Investments, SEK million 244 349 228 260 392
Number of degree project placements/ 13 12 17 20 16
interns/labour market policy programme

GRI disclosure 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Measurement and calculation method/notes

Indirect economic impact, cont’d

Social requirements for service 80 60 60 50 50 Relates to all longer contracts (longer than three months) and all framework agreements.
procurements, %

Planned maintenance, SEK million 95 120 160 97 104

Range of lines
203-1 Number of vessel calls 6,600 6,600 6,200 5,900 6,000 Vessel calls are defined as vessels that issue a notification and receive call numbers.
This means that passing vessels, vessels for anchorage only and vessels shifting berths,
are excluded. 2016 and previous key figures used another definition of calling.

203-1 Number of direct vessel calls to other parts 3 5 8 7 6 Information concerning traffic routes from the shipping lines that call at
of the world, automotive and container the Port of Gothenburg (websites).

203-1 Number of shipping lines calling at 17 20 20 24 18 Information on calls from the terminals, reported every month. Excluding tankers.
the port in line traffic

203-1 Number of train operators in Railport 7 8 8 7 8 Information from terminals concerning railway operators, reported every month.

203-1 Number of cruise vessels calling 43 40 34 50 73 Information retrieved from the port call system.

203-1 Containers, TEU* 753,000 644,000 798,000 820,000 837,000 Official figures for the Port of Gothenburg, which are based on data submitted by the terminals.

203-1 Million tonnes of cargo in total 40.5 40.8 40.9 38.2 37.1 See above.

203-1 Ro-ro (rolling goods), units 584,000 593,000 539,000 527,000 541,000 See above.

203-1 New cars, units 290,000 295,000 246,000 214,000 166,000 See above.

203-1 Energy, million tonnes 23.4 23.5 23.7 21.1 19.2 See above.

203-1 Passengers, millions 1.68 1.73 1.71 1.75 1.82 See above.

203-1 Containers by rail, TEU 398,000 351,000 447,000 430,000 458,000 Official figures for the Port of Gothenburg, which are based on data submitted by the terminals.
Numbers adjusted due to new definition of the key figure.

Share of containers via rail, % 59 63 62 58 60 Container goods by rail in relation to handled containers on container vessels.
Revision of 2017 as a result of updated documentation.

Share of total import/export respectively, 48/52 51/49 49/51 46/53 47/53 Official figures for the Port of Gothenburg, which are based on data submitted by the terminals.
full containers, %

* TEU = converted to 20-foot containers


GRI disclosure 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Measurement and calculation method/notes

Volumes, cont’d
Swedish market share containers, % 46 41 52 56 57 Based on data from January – September. Data concerning the Port of Gothenburg based
on official figures from the port company. Information concerning the remaining ports is
based on data from Ports of Sweden. Corrected market share in 2017 after the entire
year's data was presented.

Swedish market share ro-ro, % 18 18 18 18 20 See above.

Swedish market share cars, % 32 353 29 27 23 See above. Corrected market share 2017 after the entire year's data was presented.

Satisfied customers
102-43 Our customers’ overall assessment of N/A 49 63 61 N/A Based on the customer survey, Satisfied Customer Index (SCI). Results from 2018 are
102-44 Gothenburg Port Authority, % missing because this is carried out every two years as of 2017. Read more on page 13.

Strong business ethics

205-2 Communication and training on anti- 1 14 0 0 0 Employees have participated in a workshop on anti-corruption at Stadshus AB.
corruption policies and procedures,
number of employees

205-3 Confirmed cases of corruption, number 0 0 0 0 0

GRI disclosure 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Measurement and calculation method /notes

302-1 Electricity, MWh 5,600 5,900 6,100 6,100 6,600 Indirect energy consumption per primary energy source. The electricity used is
environmentally labeled and is supplied by Göteborg Energi.

302-1 District heating, MWh 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 900 Indirect energy consumption per primary energy source. The district heating has been
environmentally labeled since 1 July 2014 for buildings 036 and 035 and is supplied by
Göteborg Energi.

302-1 Pipe heating, MWh 1,700 2,100 2,700 2,000 2,000 Indirect energy consumption per primary energy source. The energy production for the
heating of pipes has mixed in biogas since 1 July 2015 and is supplied by Göteborg Energi.

302-1 Building heating by natural gas, MWh 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,100 1,000 Direct energy consumption per primary energy source. Biogas has been used since
1 January 2015 and is supplied by Göteborg Energi.

302-3 Energy efficiency in buildings, kWh/m2 135 139 139 142 140 Calculated by compiling electricity, district heating and gas heating over the area of the
following buildings: 036, 053, 055, 148, 501, 505, 510, 551, 601, 616, 642, 646 and 660.
Buildings where tenants have their own energy contracts are not included.

GRI disclosure 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Measurement and calculation method /notes

Energy, cont’d
302-1 Fuel, litres 46,000 54,600 48,000 53,600 52,000 Includes biodiesel, diesel and petrol for production vehicles, working vessels
and fire pumps. The figures are compiled from supplier documentation from:
Gothenburg Ro/Ro Terminal AB, Gatubolaget, Preem, OKQ8.

302-1 Fuel, nm3 8,800 8,900 11,000 8,800 9,900 Comprises vehicle gas for production vehicles, which since 2014 consists of biogas.
The figures are compiled from supplier documentation from: Gatubolaget and Fordonsgas.

305-1 Gothenburg Port Authority’s total emission 220* 240 220 160 380 Reporting of Scope 1 in accordance with the GHG protocol. Includes working vessels,
of greenhouse gases – direct tonnes of production vehicles, heating of buildings and fire pumps in Torshamnen. The data is based
on consumption figures and emissions factors for fuels and gas heating, obtained from the
carbon dioxide equivalents
suppliers (see above section on energy). Emissions from base year 2010 were 590 tonnes.

305-2 Gothenburg Port Authority’s total emission 22* 20 35 170 200 Reporting of Scope 2 in accordance with the GHG protocol. Includes electricity and district
of greenhouse gases – indirect energy, heating used in buildings, street lights and the heating of pipes in the Energy Port. The data
is based on consumption figures and emissions factors provided by Göteborg Energi
tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents
(see above section on energy). Emissions from base year 2010 were 150 tonnes.

305-3 The Port of Gothenburg's emissions of 178,000 177,000 187,000 169,000 N/A Reporting of Scope 3 in accordance of the GHG protocol. Includes commercial vessel
greenhouse gases – other indirect, operations within Gothenburg municipality, terminal companies: APM Terminals Gothenburg AB,
Gothenburg Ro/Ro Terminal AB, and Logent Ports & Terminals AB as well as loading of petrol
tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents
to vessels in the Energy Port and Gothenburg Port Authority’s business travel. The terminal
companies show emissions for Scope 1+2 in accordence with the GHG protocol. The information
on business travel is provided by the company's travel agency. Emissions from air travel
are calculated from 2017 using the tool Atmosfair. Emissions from shipping are calculated
by IVL based on call statistics. IVL's calculation model was updated in 2018 with improved
methodology and 2017-2015 have been recalculated for comparability. These therefore differ
from key figures reported in previous sustainability reports. Since 2014 has not been
recalculated, no figures are reported.

305-1 Gothenburg Port Authority’s total 330* 360 360 475 710 Reporting of Scope 1, 2 and 3 (for business travel) in accordance with the GHG protocol.
305-2 emissions of greenhouse gases, Emissions from base year 2010 were 900 tonnes.
305-3 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents

305-7 Sulphur dioxide, tonnes 99 99 110 93 N/A Relates to emissions from shipping and is calculated by IVL based on port call statistics.
IVL's calculation model was updated in 2018 with improved methodology and 2017–2015
has been recalculated for comparability. These therefore differ from key figures reported in
previous sustainability reports. Since 2014 has not been recalculated, no figures are reported.

305-7 Nitrogen dioxide, tonnes 1,900 1,900 2,200 1,900 N/A See above.

305-7 Particles, tonnes 42 42 46 39 N/A See above.

305-3 Carbon dioxide, tonnes 160,000 160,000 180,000 150,000 N/A See above.

305-7 Hydrocarbons, tonnes 91 90 97 81 N/A See above.

*These figures will be updated in Feb-March 2019, when the final data is received.

GRI disclosure 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Measurement and calculation method /notes

Emissions, cont’d
305-7 VOC emissions in the Energy Port, tonnes 1,400 1,500 1,500 1,700 1,600 Measurements are carried out by FluxSense AB in the Energy Port and include leak detection
and qualification of emissions based on identified leaks.

305-5 Share of vessel calls that receive an 31 34 29 28 N/A The percentage is determined using port call statistics for vessels that have been declared
305-7 environmental discount on port tariffs, % eligible for an environmental discount. There was a new environmental discount in 2015 so
information on previous years can not be provided. The result for 2017 has been adjusted
from previous sustainability reports, following the adjustments in call statistics.

305-7 Share of vessel calls that can connect to 34 35 35 32 37 The percentage is determined using calling statistics for vessels equipped for quayside
onshore power supply, % onshore power supply, and that call at quaysides where an onshore power supply exists.
The result for 2017 has been adjusted from previous sustainability reports, following the
adjustments in port call statistics.

306-2 Hazardous waste, tonnes 6,380 7,240 7,480 7,680 N/A Includes waste from primarily vessel calls, but also Gothenburg Port Authority's operations,
tenants and contractors. Includes hazardous waste from 32 fractions, 2018. Amounts per
sorting fraction are reported on in detail for all years in the company's environmental reports.
In 2018, 6,355 tonnes were taken care of by Stena Recycling and 24 tons by Renova, they
have provided the statistics. 2014 is not reported on since the basis differs from other years.
Below is a breakdown of treatment methods for the waste from Stena Recycling, this
information is not provided by Renova.

Recycling, % 2 1 1 1 N/A Presents the percentage distribution of the amount of hazardous waste from Stena Recycling
Energy recovery, % 98 99 99 99 N/A that is recycled, energy-recovered and deposited. The share that is deposited in a landfill
is below 0.5 % and is therefore reported as 0.
Landfill, % 0 0 0 0 N/A
306-2 Polluted soil, tonnes 10,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A A compilation of amount of soil that has been classified in accordance with definitions for
sensitive land use, less sensitive land use and hazardous waste and has been handled by
a licensed carrier. The data comes from the carriers. For the years 2014–2017, the amounts
are compiled per project and not in total for the company and is therefore not presented.

306-2 Sludge, tonnes 6,100 7,100 8,000 7,400 7,600 Includes sludge from ships in all parts of the port. Waste quantity figures provided by
Stena Recycling.

306-2 General waste, tonnes 800 935 770 760 790 Includes waste from the Gothenburg Port Authority's operations, tenants and contractors,
as well as vessels. Includes the following waste fractions; fine and coarse combustible waste,
waste for sorting, office paper, glass packaging, corrugated board, hard and soft plastic,
paper packaging, metal packaging, food waste as well as residual and mixed waste.
Combustible waste was 455 tonnes in 2018, which is guided by the resource plan objective in
the environmental plan. Other amounts per sorting fraction are reported in detail for all years
in the operations' environmental reports. The data is provided by Renova and Kretslopp och
Vatten, which handle the waste. Below is a breakdown of treatment methods for the waste.
Waste for general treatment is less than 1% and is therefore not reported.

Energy recovery, % 59 55 56 53 54 Presents the percentage of the total amount of general waste that is energy recovered,
Recycling, % 15 19 22 16 15 recycled, sorted and biologically treated.
Sorting, % 26 25 21 30 30
Biological treatment, % 1 1 1 1 1

GRI disclosure 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Measurement and calculation method /notes

Waste, cont’d
306-3 Spill to ground outside of safety systems 10 11 5 7 5 “Safety systems” relates to reinforced areas linked to the water treatment systems.
and surrounding water, number Covers mainly Gothenburg Port Authority’s operations, however, water spills are within
the entire port area. Amounts per spill vary and are documented, none reported for 2018
were significant in scope. Based on reporting to the deviation management system.

Chemical products containing phase-out 6 9 26 9 6 Calculated based on the number of products that contain phase-out substances in the
substances, number Gothenburg Port Authority's chemical register.

304-3 Protected areas, acreage in hectares 162 162 N/A N/A N/A Includes Torsviken, protected as a Natura 2000 area, and Rya Skog, protected as a nature
reserve. Torsviken's conservation status is determined by the County Administrative Board
and Rya Skog is monitored by the City of Gothenburg.

304-3 Restored areas, acreage in hectares 104 104 N/A N/A N/A Measures have been taken to promote biodiversity and different animal species, such as
salamanders, copperheads and lesser spotted woodpeckers. These include, for example,
harvesting and clearing overgrown areas, creating dead wood, water areas and two
salamander hotels. The measures have been implemented in areas close to the port and
will be followed up in 2020.

GRI disclosure 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Measurement and calculation method /notes

102-8 Total number of employees 135 126 129 122 130 Data received from the personnel system, Hogia Personal. For some previous years,
of which men 92 83 84 80 89 key figures cannot be presented, due to the transition from GRI G4 to GRI Standards, and
the previous key figures have not been recalculated based on the new the requirements.
of which women 43 43 45 42 41

102-8 Number of permanent employees 131 121 121 115 124 See above.
of which men 89 80 N/A N/A N/A
of which women 42 37 N/A N/A N/A

102-8 Number of temporary employees 4 6 8 7 6 See above.

of which men 3 4 N/A N/A N/A
of which women 1 2 N/A N/A N/A

102-8 Number of full-time employees 129 N/A N/A N/A N/A Data received from the personnel system, Hogia Personal. The company hires summer
of which men 88 N/A N/A N/A N/A workers but these are not included in the statistics concerning the number of employees.
For some previous years, key figures cannot be presented, due to the transition from
of which women 41 N/A N/A N/A N/A
GRI G4 to GRI Standards and the previous key figures have not been recalculated based
on new the requirements.

GRI disclosure 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Measurement and calculation method /notes

Employment, cont’d
102-8 Number of part-time employees 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A Data received from the personnel system, Hogia Personal. The company only offers
of which men 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A full-time employment. Those who have part-time employment have requested such a
contract for personal reasons. For some previous years, key figures cannot be presented,
of which women 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A
due to the transition from GRI G4 to GRI Standards and the previous key figures have not
been recalculated based on new the requirements.

401-1 Total number who were hired 18 N/A N/A N/A N/A Data received from the personnel system, Hogia Personal. For some previous years,
of which men 13 N/A N/A N/A N/A key figures cannot be presented, due to the transition from GRI G4 to GRI Standards
and the previous key figures have not been recalculated based on new the requirements.
of which women 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
401-1 Total number who resigned 7 16 9 15 12 Data received from the personnel system, Hogia Personal.
of which men 4 9 5 13 10
of which women 3 7 4 2 2
Employee turnover, % 5.6 12.3 7.6 7.9 6.3
401-2 Employee benefits: Those who have a temporary employment (substitutes) are employed via a staffing agency and
Insurance thus do not receive company benefits. However, we do not differ between full-time and part-time
employees in terms of benefits. The company pays the occupational pension according to the
provisions of the collective agreement. All employees are offered an optional group insurance
Access to health care through Skandia, where life insurance is also available. Life insurance is also included in the
Parental leave collective agreement. The company's health care is available when needed. The company has a
Other collective-contracted occupational injury insurance which also includes work injuries that lead to
disablement or disability. Parental leave is a statutory right and we pay the parental allowance
for longer parental leaves. In addition to the aforementioned benefits, there are the following:
health insurance,career readjustment agreement insurance, health profile assessment, grant
for wellness activities, sponsorship of sports event starting fees, bicycle subsidy, salary
supplement for childcare, salary compensation for business travel and mileage, fruit, bicycle
service, bicycle leasing, subsidised public transport and parking, subsidised lunch, grant for
glasses and free eye examination, and the opportunity to be a company volunteer.

401-2 Employee benefits, health care and health, Through company health services, our employees are offered the chance to check their health
number of employees who used benefits: and fitness. The next health assessment will be in 2019. Employees may spend up to SEK
1,500 per year for health-related activities. Two sports event start fees of SEK 1,400 per year
Health profile assessment 0 74 0 78 53
are subsidised by the employer. The bicycle subsidy and subsidised public transport is part
Wellness Contribution 51 73 56 57 41 of our climate compensation introduced in 2013.
Sponsorship of sports event starting fees 8 17 7 10 7
Cycle subsidy 11 7 0 2 1
Subsidised public transport 25 37 44 33 47
Employee Satisfaction Index N/A 62 61 63 65 The first ESI survey in the new company was conducted in 2013. As of 2016, the survey is
carried out in accordance with the City of Gothenburg’s standardised method. Since 2016, the
result is a weighted rating for managers and staff. As of 2017, the survey will be carried out
every other year, hence the 2018 results are missing.

Employee health and safety

403-2 Total sick leave, % 4 4.5 3.8 4.3 4.1 Gender distribution 2018: men were 4.2%, women were 3.5 %. Sick leave is measured in hours and
is counted as % of regular working hours. The data is collected from the salary system Hogia Lön Plus.

GRI disclosure 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Measurement and calculation method /notes

Employee health and safety, cont’d

403-2 Occupational injuries, number 10 6 7 7 9 Gender distribution 2018: men were 10, women were 0. The data is collected from TRIA.
Occupational injuries due to physical or psychosocial work environment. We had a total
of 10 work injuries, of which 3 were external consultants.

403-2 Occupational illnesses, number 0 0 0 0 0 Gender distribution 2018: men were 0, women were 0. The data is collected from
the HR department. Illness investigated by doctors and classified as occupational illness.

403-2 Fatalities, number 0 0 0 0 0 Gender distribution 2018: men were 0, women were 0. The data was collected from
the HR department.

403-3 Employees with a high risk of illness, 20 21 18 19 N/A According to research from recent years, shift workers run a greater risk of suffering
number from stress and stress-related illnesses. We have 20 employees who work shift schedules.
These measurements were introduced in 2015. The data is collected from Hogia Personal.

Skills development for employees

404-3 Share of employees receiving regular 100 100 100 100 100 All employees have performance and career development reviews and an individual
performance reviews, % competence development plan.

Diversity and equality

405-1 Diversity indicators among the Board,
management and employees:
Women / men, % 32 / 68 34 / 66 35 / 65 34 / 66 33 / 67 Age distribution 2018: Women: 5 % were under 30 years old, 53 % were 30-50 years old
and 42 % were over 50 years old. Men: 4% were under 30 years old, 57 % were 30-50 years old
and 39 % were over 50 years old. The data is collected from Hogia Personal and calculated
from the total number of employees.

Women / men managers, % 36 / 64 46 / 54 42 / 58 44 / 56 40 / 60 Age distribution 2018: Women: 0 % were under 30 years old, 33 % were 30-50 years old
and 67 % were over 50 years old. Men: 0% were under 30 years old, 25 % were 30-50 years old
and 75 % were over 50 years old. The data is collected from Hogia Personal.

Women / men executives, % 50 / 50 43 / 57 50 / 50 50 / 50 44 / 56 The data is collected from Hogia Personal.

Women / men Board, % 29 / 71 31 / 69 40 /60 47 / 53 38 / 62 The data is collected from the intranet.

Equal pay for women and men

405-2 Conditions for basic pay and remunerations *  *   *  *  *  *  Our employees’ basic salaries are set by collective agreement and pay is the same for both
between women and men genders. We apply individual salaries for other categories of personnel. The salary survey
carried out in accordance with the Swedish Discrimination Act shows that there are no
differences in salary due to gender.

406-1 Cases of discrimination and measures 0 0 0 0 0 We have no reported cases of discrimination between 2014 and 2018.
taken, number

Changes compared to previously presented infromation in the 'Key figures' section

GRI disclosure Description Notes

305-1 Greenhouse gas emissions Split up: This information is presented in divided form as opposed to previous year where they
305-2 are presented on an aggregated level.

G4-EN23 The Port of Gothenburg, combustible operational waste, tonnes Discontinued: As a result of the transition to GRI Standards, other waste indicators are reported.
The result for this disclosure is, however, stated in the notes for GRI disclosure 306-2.

306-2 Hazardous waste New: Added as a result of the reporting requirements in GRI Standards.
Energy recovery

306-2 Polluted masses New: Added as a result of the reporting requirements in GRI Standards.

306-2 General waste New: Added as a result of the reporting requirements in GRI Standards.
Energy recovery
Biological treatment

102-8 Number of full-time employees New: Broken down by gender.

Number of part-time employees

G4-10 Age structure of permanent employees Discontinued: Discontinued since the reporting requirement was removed in the transition
to GRI Standards.

G4-10 Average age Discontinued: Discontinued since the reporting requirement was removed in the transition
to GRI Standards.

401-1 Number who were hired New: Added as a result of the reporting requirements in GRI Standards.

401-1 Number who resigned New: The age structure is broken down by gender.

401-2 Employee benefits New: Employee benefits also include information about pensions, access to health care,
parental leave, and more.

405-1 Diversity and equality New: The breakdown of diversity indicators by gender is also divided by age.

GRI CONTENT INDEX / General disclosures

GRI disclosure Description Notes Page

102-1 Name of organisation Gothenburg Port Authority, corporate ID no. 556008-2553.

102-2 Activities, brands, products and services 5–6, 19–21

102-3 Location of headquarters Amerikaskjulet, Emigrantvägen 2b, Gothenburg, Sweden.

102-4 Location of operations Sweden

102-5 Ownership and legal form Göteborgs Hamn AB is a wholly owned subsidiary of Göteborgs Stadshus AB, corporate ID no. 556537-0888. 6

102-6 Markets served The company is based in Gothenburg, but is active in the national and international markets with 6
the goal of developing Scandinavia’s largest freight hub.

102-7 Scale of the organisation 18, 44–45, 49

102-8 Information on employees and other workers The disclosure follows the City of Gothenburg's calculation method and differs in the calculation 49–50, 52
method for ordinary working hours against the Annual Accounts Act. The Gothenburg Port Authority
is a project-based organisation with a large number of hired consultants who work on assignments for
a limited time. We hire project managers mainly from the community-building and process industry,
but also from property and IT. The company also uses staffing companies to replace the vacancies
that arise when ordinary staff take longer leave. The port company only has operations in Gothenburg
and therefore does not report on information broken down by region.

102-9 Supply chain The port company's most important suppliers are in the construction and process industry (technical 8–9
consultants and companies within concrete, construction, pipes, welding and diving), as most of the
company's purchasing costs relate to the construction and maintenance of our infrastructure.

102-10 Significant changes to the organisation and its supply chain No significant organisational changes.

102-11 Precautionary principle or approach The Gothenburg Port Authority works to prevent and minimize risk of sustainability topics. 40
The company's decision shall, as far as possible, be supported by established facts.

102-12 External initiatives IAPH – World Ports Climate Declaration; Calls for a fossil-independent Västra Götaland 2030; CSR West 10, 36
Sweden's initiative within Reko workplace, Environmental responsibility and Social responsibility.

102-13 Membership of associations Aleforsstiftelsen, the Bohus coast's water care association, Cruise Baltic, Cruise Europe, CSR West Sweden,
European Seaports Organisation, GAME, Göta älvs vattenvårdsförbund, Hafen Hamburg Marketing e.V.,
International Association of Ports and Harbours, International Harbour Masters' Association, Logistics &
Transports, Miljöbron, Nätverket för Transporter och Miljö, The World Association for Waterborne Transport
Infrastructure, Society of Marine Gas fuel Sjöfartsforum, Sweden China Trade Council, Sweden-India
Business Council, Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, Svenskt Näringsliv, Ports of Sweden,
the German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce, West Sweden's Chamber of Commerce, West Sweden's
Environmental rights association, Clean Shipping Index, Environmental Ship Index.
Strategy and analysis
102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker 3–4

GRI disclosure Description Notes Page

Ethics and integrity

102-16 Values, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour The Gothenburg Port Authority has a code of conduct since 2012. 6, 38, 41
For other relevant policy documents, see the section Sustainability management approach.
102-18 Governance structure 6, 37–39

Stakeholder engagement
102-40 List of stakeholder groups 12

102-41 Collective bargaining agreements All employees except the CEO are covered by collective agreements.

102-42 Identifying and selecting stakeholders 12, 42

102-43 Approach to stakeholder engagement 12, 42

102-44 Key topics and concerns raised 12, 14, 42

Reporting practice
102-45 Entities included in the consolidates financial statements See Gothenburg Port Authority's Annual Report 2018, 18

102-46 Defining report content and topic boundaries 12, 42

102-47 List of material topics 14, 42

102-48 Restatements of information Transition from GRI G4 to GRI Standards has entailed a few changes. See the full list of these on page 52. 52

102-49 Changes in reporting See the column on measurement and calculation methods in the Key figures section. 44–51, 52

102-50 Reporting period 2018 calendar year. 42

102-51 Date of most recent report February 20, 2018.

102-52 Reporting cycle 1 time per year. 42

102-53 Contact point for questions regarding the report

102-54 Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option.
Previous sustainability reports were prepared in accordance with GRI G4.

102-55 GRI content index 53–56

102-56 External assurance This year's sustainability report has not been audited by a third party. The auditor's statement
regarding the statutory sustainability report can be found on page 57.

GRI CONTENT INDEX / Topic specific disclosures

Material GRI
Description Notes/omission Page
sutainability topics disclosure
Economic standards
Economic 103-1, 2, 3 Management approach 18, 37–39
201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed 44

201-4 Financial assistance received from government 44

Indirect economic 103-1, 2, 3 Management approach 18, 37–39, 42

203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supported 18, 22, 44–45

203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts 6, 44

Anti-corruption 103-1, 2, 3 Management approach 37–39, 40–42

205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption The Port Authority only has operations in Gothenburg and therefore does not 46
policies and procedures disclose information broken down by region.

205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken 46

Environmental standards
Energy 103-1, 2, 3 Management approach 15, 25, 37–39, 42

302-1 Energy consumption within the organisation Omission: Report on energy use is not divided by renewable and non-renewable 46
energy, which is due to the structuring of available data. The company intends to
adjust this for future sustainability reports.

302-3 Energy intensity 46

Biodiversity 103-1, 2, 3 Management approach 30, 42, 49

304-3 Habitats protected or restored Omission: Does not include information about collaborations, annual evaluation 30, 49
of habitat status and methods for evaluating habitat status. This is because the
company's activities do not require this type of follow-up and since other actors
have this responsibility.

Emissions 103-1, 2, 3 Management approach 15, 25, 37–39, 42

305-1 Direct GHG emissions (scope 1) 29, 47, 52

305-2 Indirect GHG emissions (scope 2) 29, 47, 52

305-3 Other indirect GHG emissions (scope 3) Omission: IVL's calculation model was updated in 2018 with improved methodology 29, 47, 52
and therefore 2017-2015 have been recalculated for comparability. Emissions from
baseline year 2010 have not been recalculated and can not be reported. The
recalculated baseline year will be reported in the following sustainability reports.

Material GRI
Description Notes/omission Page
sutainability topics disclosure
Environmental standards, cont’d
Emissions 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions 29, 47

305-7 NOx, SOx and other significant air emissions 27, 29, 47–48

Effluents and waste 103-1, 2, 3 Management approach 15, 25, 28, 37–39, 42

306-2 Waste by type and disposal method Omission: The treatment method cannot be specified for all hazardous waste, 48, 52
since one supplier does not specify this information in available data.

306-3 Significant spills 48–49

Social standards
Employment 103-1, 2, 3 Management approach 15, 37–39, 41–42

401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover The Port Authority only has operations in Gothenburg and therefore does not 49–50, 52
disclose the information broken down by region. Omission: The age structure cannot
be reported for new employee hires and employee turnover. This is because the
data is not available from Hogia Personal.

401-2 Benefits provided 50

Occupational 103-1, 2, 3 Management approach 15, 32, 37–39, 41–42

health and safety
403-2 Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational The Port Authority only has operations in Gothenburg and therefore does not 32, 51
diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of disclose information broken down by region.
work-related fatalities
403-3 Workers with high incidence or high risk of diseases 51
related to their occupation
Training and 103-1, 2, 3 Management approach 15, 33, 37–39, 41–42
404-3 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance 51
and career development reviews
Diversity and 103-1, 2, 3 Management approach 15, 35, 37–39, 41–42
405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees We do not disclose other diversity information due to discrimination legislation 51–52
and GDPR. Omission: The age structure for the management group and the Board
cannot be provided by Hogia Personal since the age structure cannot be broken
down into these groups.

405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men 51

Icke-diskriminering 103-1, 2, 3 Management approach 15, 35, 37–39, 41–42

406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken 51

Certified in quality (ISO 9001), environment (ISO 14001)
9001 14001 18001 and work environment (OHSAS 18001).

Valentin Experience • February 2019

Port of Gothenburg, SE-403 38 Gothenburg, Sweden. Phone +46 31 368 75 00.

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