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Activity 1: Question and Answer

1.What is Chapter 1 of the research paper and its sections that


 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND. This chapter includes the introduction,

theoretical framework, statement of the problem, hypothesis, scope and limitation,
conceptual framework, significance of the study and the definition of terms used.The
first section in chapter 1 is the background of the study,it is an overview of the
factors which have led to the problem ,comprise the problem and historical
significance relative to the problem.In the background of the study,there should be a
general statement of the whole problem followed by the specific questions or sub
problems into which the general problem is broken up.We have also scope and
delimitations,the scope and delimitations should include the ff. ;(1) A brief statement
of the general purpose of the study,(2)The subject matter and topics studied and
discussed (3)The locate of the study,where the data were gathered or the entity to
which the data belong.Lastly, Significance of the study shoud show The
rationale,timeliness and/or relvance of the study,Possible solutions to the existing
problems or improvement to unsatisfactory conditions.

2.What is the difference between a research problem and research


 A research problem is a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be

improved, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly
literature, in theory, or in practice that points to the need for meaningful
understanding and deliberate investigation. In some social science disciplines the
research problem is typically posed in the form of a question. A research
problem does not state how to do something, offer a vague or broad proposition, or
present a value question.

3.What are the guidelines in writing statement of the problem?

 Guidelines in Writing the Statement of the Problem (According to Calderon

& Gonzales, 1993) 
1. The general statement of the problem and the research questions
should be formulated first before conducting the research. 
2. Research questions should be stated in the interrogative and each
should be clear to avoid confusion. 
3. Each research question should be researchable separately from the
other questions and must be based upon known facts and
phenomena which is accessible to the researcher.
4. Answers to each research question can be interpreted apart from the
answers to the other specific questions and must contribute to the
development of the whole research study. 
5. The summary of the answers to all the specific questions will give a
complete development of the entire study. 
6. The number of research questions should be enough to cover the
development of the whole research study.

Synthesize your ideas and create a caption on

the picture below.

 “Accuracy to the target variable”

1.What is your interpretation of the picture ? What does the

target board mean relative to research?

 For me,the picture represents the research and by that we should be

accurate to the target/topic to avoid doing it again and again with same
results.We should also be focus and have no distraction to hit the
objective of the study and it is should be accompanied by the
information,facts,research studies,etc,,just like in the archering,we
should know the proper stance,how to aim the target,right place of the
hands when holding the bow and arrow,and timing.In short,we need
foundations to have an exact,precise and detailed action to hit the
target successfully.

2.What is the difference between a research problem and research


 A research problem is a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be

improved, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in
scholarly literature, in theory, or in practice that points to the need for meaningful
understanding and deliberate investigation. In some social science disciplines the
research problem is typically posed in the form of a question. A research
problem does not state how to do something, offer a vague or broad proposition,
or present a value question.
3.Think of your preferred research topic.Explain why is it
significant to your respondents(students)

 I will choose The Impact of Online Class to the Self-Regulation of the Selected
Senior Highschool Students of HSL Braille College Inc. S.Y 2020-2021. In the
Online Class,there are two possible outcomes which are; Being independent and
Still dependent,I know many braillians that have excelled in online class setting
rather than the face-to-face setting and Brallians have low academic
performance compared to their face-to-face setting.It is significant to my
respondents because they can answer my questions and surveys honestly
because they are also experiencing no help from others by lack of
communication to his/her classmates.My respondents will be a mixed of students
with good academic performace and students with low academic performance to
easily determine the effects of self-regulation to online class.

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