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Jumat, 06 November 2020

Samuel Kristofelando Pratama Munte

NIM : 5203131006

Pendidikan Teknik Elektro - B





Praise to the One God for His blessing and grace I was able to complete this
paper task to fulfill one of the assignments in this course. Thank you also to the
teaching lecturer who has given me time so that I can finish this paper.
In writing this paper, I feel there are still many shortcomings in both writing
techniques and materials, given the ability I have as a writer. Therefore, criticism
and advice from all parties is very helpful, I hope for the improvement of the
creation of this paper, hopefully can give advice.

Medan, 06 November 2020


Samuel Kristofelando Pratama Munte

NIM : 5203131006
Make a paragraph for each the word

1. Electrical generator
The power generator generates a power source with mechanical or
movement power. Generators can be said to be power plants, which usually
use electromagnetic induction. The generator pushes the electric charge to
move through the external electrical circuit, but the generator does not
create the electricity that is already inside the winding cable. Generators are
usually used in river water or lakes where moving water is converted into
electrical energy.
2. Step Up Transformer
Step Up Transformer is a type of transformer that is useful for raising
the power voltage back and forth (AC). In step up transformers, the number
of secondary coil coils is more than the primary coil. In electronics, this
object is found in one example of television. Step up transformers are also
referred to as voltage penick traffic. Step up transformers can be found on
the network – power generation network.
3. Transmission Network
Transmission is a process of channeling large-scale electricity from
one power plant to another. Interconnected lines between one transmission
are called power transmission lines. The combination of the transmission
network and the distribution of electricity is called the electrical system.
Transmission is different from the distribution of electricity from the main
substation to the user, commonly called electric power
4. Step Down Transformer
Step Down Transformer is a type of transformer that boils down to
alternating electrical voltage (AC). In increasing the transformer, the
number of primary coil coils is more than the coil. In electronics, especially
in electronic circuits that have low supply. Transformer down is also a good
name for voltage lowering. Reverse transformers can be found in the
network - power grid generators.
5. Primary Distribution Network
The primary distribution network is a network located before the
distribution substation and serves to deliver medium voltage electricity
(amounting to: 6 kV or 20 kV). The delivery wire can be an in-ground cable
or an air channel/wire connecting the main substation (secondary
transformer) with a distribution substation or connecting substation that is
the primary side of the attribution transformer.

6. Secondary Distribution Network

Secondary distribution network in the form of a network located after
the distribution substation, which serves to channel low voltage electricity
by: 220 V/380 V. The delivery wire is a ground cable or air wire connecting
from the distribution substation which is the secondary side of the
distribution transformer to consumers/ customers or users such as: industrial
and or home.
7. Electrical load
Electricity load is everything borne by a power plant or voltage source
or can also be referred to as everything that requires electrical energy for the
benefit of the day- to day. E.g. the use of a fan to generate wind . electrical
load can also be said to be an electrical barrier, due to its properties which
reduces the electrical current from existing voltage sources.
8. Electrical equipment
Electrical equipment is a tool used in the installation of electrical
objects so that they can function properly and properly. Examples of power
tools are:
a. Bargainser
The bargainser function on electrical installations is to limit
electrical power, measure power usage, and break the flow of listic.
For its restrictions, it is usually adjusted to the installation contract.
b. Fuse
Fuse is an electrical safety device that functions to break the flow of
electricity, i.e. when there is excess electrical power and short-
The main component is a wire that can break when too much current
flows through it. So that the fuse automatically disconnects the flow
of electricity and does not cause damage to the other components.
c. Switch
A switch is a tool that functions to turn the power on and off.
Basically, the switch is an electric connection device when used (on)
and an electric circuit breaker when not in use (off).
d. Power Outlet
A power outlet is the place to connect the current with electrical
equipment. The tool has a hole that is the place where the plug is
inserted. Outlets generally have 2 types, namely inbow and outbow.
Inbow is a power outlet that can be planted into the wall. While the
outbow is a power outlet mounted on the outside of the wall.
e. Cable
Cables are tools that function as electrical delivery. Cables consist of
insulators and conductors. Insulators are materials used to wrap
wires, usually made from thermoplastics or thermoset polymers.
Conductors are made of copper or aluminum.
9. Electrical Protection System
The protection of the electrical power system is one way in the safety
system which is electrical equipment, which is on the electrical power
system. For example protection from shortcircing, which voltage is
separated or which voltage, over charge, catalytic system down /up, etc.
10. The Efficiency Electrical Usage
The efficiency of electricity use is a way to use electricity efficiently.
Electrical efficiency is an attempt to reduce or conserve the energy needed,
in using electrical devices or related energy systems. For example, the
efficiency of electrical energy in the fan is not used. Future utilization of
energy will depend heavily on the total energy generated and the total cost
The two basic factors can group energy into several forms of group,
namely Sustainable (Positive Income and positive energy research), research
( negative income and positive energy favorable), profitable, and failure .

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