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Psychiatry Research 288 (2020) 112959

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Review article

Vitamin D deficiency and Schizophrenia in Adults: A Systematic Review and T

Meta-analysis of Observational Studies

Jia-lian Zhua, Wen-wen Luoa, Xuan Chenga, Yun Lia, Qi-zhi Zhanga, Wen-xing Penga,b,
Department of Pharmacy, the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410011, China
Institute of Clinical Pharmacy, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410011, China


Schizophrenia is a heterogeneous disorder in which there is an interaction between genetic and environmental factors. Accumulating data show that there may be an
association between vitamin D deficiency and schizophrenia. We conducted an updated meta-analysis to investigate the relationship between schizophrenia and
blood vitamin D level. All published observational articles have been searched from five databases until September 2019. In total, 36 articles with a total of 12528
participants were included in this study. Patients with schizophrenia have significantly lower levels of vitamin D than controls. The subgroup analyses based on study
design, hospitalization status, quality score, type of biomarker [25-hydroxyvitamin D or 25-hydroxyvitamin D3], and the country did not explain between-study
heterogeneity; however, meta-regression on match factors indicted that match of BMI could account for some degree of heterogeneity. No significant differences in
publication bias were observed. Also, subjects with schizophrenia were more likely to have vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency compared to controls. In conclusion,
our analyses are consistent with the hypothesis that vitamin D deficiency is associated with schizophrenia. More well-designed randomized control trials are needed
to determine whether this association is causal.

1. Background also recognized as a ‘‘neurodevelopmental’’ disorder (Mackay-

Sim et al., 2004) and numerous pieces of epidemiological evidence
Vitamin D (Vit D) is an important hormone that is widely known for implicate low levels of maternal Vit D as a potential risk factor for
its essential role in calcium absorption and bone health (Wacker and schizophrenia. Firstly, data on different geographical regions suggest
Holick, 2013). Data support a role for Vit D within the central nervous that for those born in late winter and early spring in those final ge-
system as a neuroprotective and dopamine modulating steroid stations was during the winter months have an increased risk of de-
(Kesby et al., 2011). However, Vit D deficiency is becoming a common veloping schizophrenia later in life (Miller, 2013; Torrey et al., 1997;
problem in many countries. It is estimated that 1 billion people have Vit Wang and Zhang, 2017) and this risk is larger at high latitudes that
D deficiency or insufficiency worldwide (Holick, 2007). Many studies feature greater seasonal fluctuations (Davies et al., 2003). Based on
have highlighted hypovitaminosis D as a potential environmental risk clues from maternal sera, low prenatal Vit D also has been proposed to
factor for various conditions such as multiple sclerosis, asthma, cardi- increase the risk of schizophrenia (McGrath et al., 2003). Secondly, the
ovascular diseases, and, more recently, psychiatric disorders incidence of schizophrenia is significantly higher for those living in
(Ebers et al., 2004; Kocovska et al., 2017). A large study recently im- urban compared to those in rural (Marcelis et al., 1999). Finally, there
plicated vitamin D status related to the risk of brain disorders including is a greatly increased risk of schizophrenia for the children of dark-
schizophrenia or psychosis (Cui et al., 2015). Patients with schizo- skinned migrants who move to cold climates(Cantor-Graae and
phrenia, in particular, are more likely to be deficient than individuals Selten, 2005). Moreover, studies from the Netherlands (Selten et al.,
with other psychiatric disorders (Belvederi Murri et al., 2013; 2001), Denmark (Cantor-Graae et al., 2003), and Sweden
Berg et al., 2010). Incidence of Vit D deficiency was found both in- (Zolkowska et al., 2001) have shown an increased risk of schizophrenia
creased in animal models (e.g., the litter of vitamin-D depleted preg- in migrants, especially those with dark skin.
nant female rats) and in humans with developing schizophrenia For hypovitaminosis D is more prominent during winter and spring,
(McGrath et al., 2010a). at high latitudes, in the urban environment, and individuals with dark
Evidence from epidemiology suggests that the etiology of schizo- skin, there is an infer that Vit D plays a vital role in schizophrenia. For
phrenia is associated with both the influence of genetic factors specific the production of Vit D is strongly and consistently associated with the
to the individual and the impact of the environment. Schizophrenia is duration of the photoperiod, which is affected by latitude and season

Corresponding author: Department of Pharmacy, the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, #139, Middle Renmin Road, Changsha, Hunan 410011,
P.R. China
E-mail address: (W.-x. Peng).
Received 4 January 2020; Received in revised form 25 March 2020; Accepted 27 March 2020
Available online 18 April 2020
0165-1781/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.-l. Zhu, et al. Psychiatry Research 288 (2020) 112959

(Holick, 1995; Webb et al., 1988). In the city, exposure to sunlight has that had measured only 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D were excluded from
been reduced in built environment compared to the country that could the systematic review (Kishimoto et al., 2008). Three studies with the
increase the risk of Vit D deficiency (Mackay-Sim et al., 2004). Besides, cutoff point of 8.16 (Eyles et al., 2018), 10 (Nefzi et al., 2018) or 12 ng/
deficits in nutrients and vitamin D in long-term schizophrenia were mL (Shukurova et al., 2015) and seven studies had no cutoff point of
observed from illness onset and were associated with worse sympto- VDD or lack of relevant data (Berg et al., 2010; Boerman et al., 2013;
mology (Firth et al., 2018). A review conducted on the relationship Hummer et al., 2005; McGrath et al., 2010b; Rylander and
between schizophrenia and prenatal nutrition deficiency, which include Verhulst, 2013; Wyszogrodzka-Kucharska and Rabe-Jablonska, 2006;
Vit D, lends weight to this candidate (Brown and Susser, 2008). Adults Yoo et al., 2018) was excluded from this meta-analysis. We also found
with schizophrenia also have been found to have lower serum Vit D two other abstracts that seemed to have overlapped sample sizes
levels than the general population (Berg et al., 2010; Crews et al., (Agarwal, 2013a, b); therefore, we included only the one with a larger
2013). sample size (Agarwal, 2013a). One study compared the difference be-
A study conducted Vit D status on neonatal and risk of schizo- tween highland and lowland of Vit D of patients who lived in Tanah
phrenia demonstrated that low Vit D concentrations had a significantly Karo also excluded(Akbar et al., 2018).
increased risk of schizophrenia (up to twofold) compared to neonates
with concentrations ranging between 40.5 and 50.9 nmol/L. 2.3. Data extraction and Outcomes
Interestingly, neonates with excessive concentrations of Vit D also had
an elevated risk for this disorder (McGrath et al., 2010b). While most of Data extraction was independently performed by two reviewers (JL
the epidemiological data or systematic review only reported that hy- Z and WW L) and any discrepancies between the reviewers were re-
povitaminosis D is associated with schizophrenia (Eserian and solved by intercessor until consensus was reached. The remaining ar-
Kalleian, 2013; McGrath et al., 2010a; Valipour et al., 2014). Another ticles were browsed full text to determine whether they met the in-
study in the neonatal population found that Vit D supplementation clusion criteria or not. Required items of information were extracted
during the first year of life was associated with reduced risk of schi- from the published papers (Tables 1 and 2). The primary outcome of the
zophrenia in males but not females (McGrath et al., 2004a). Some even study was the mean concentration of 25(OH)D. For consistency, Vit D
have failed to find a significant association between Vit D and schizo- present in nmol/L were converted to ng/mL by using the conversion
phrenia (Norelli et al., 2010). The conclusion on the prevalence of factor (1 ng/mL = 2.5 nmol/L). Three studies reported medians and the
schizophrenia between males and females was also inconsistent interquartile range of Vit D levels(Abdullah et al., 2012; Humble et al.,
(Aleman et al., 2003; McGrath et al., 2004b; Saha et al., 2005). Cur- 2010; Yuksel et al., 2014), we calculated the mean and SD using re-
rently, there is a disparity between the causality tests for genetic risk of quired formulas (Hozo et al., 2005). One study (Partti et al., 2010)
schizophrenia and lowers serum Vit D (Taylor et al., 2016) and recent reported mean and 95% CI instead of SD, or means and SD of two
clinical evidence for Vit D supplementation in schizophrenia groups such as male and female (Rey-Sánchez et al., 2009), respec-
(Krivoy et al., 2017). Vit D supplementation may improve to some tively, we converted them to mean and SD according to the Cochrane
extent the cognitive performance in schizophrenia patients. However, Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. The secondary
further studies are needed to confirm the preventive effect on reducing outcomes were the number of samples positive or ORs for VDD or VDI
the incidence of schizophrenia using a larger sample and larger doses of and differences between sex of serum Vit D in schizophrenic patients.
vitamin D supplementation. Therefore, we undertook an updated sys- VDD was defined as a serum 25(OH)D, a stable marker of Vit D status,
tematic review and meta-analysis to investigate whether Vit D defi- the concentration of ≤ 20 ng/mL, which has been widely used in re-
ciency is associated with schizophrenia. lative studies as the cut-off point for VDD (Bouillon et al., 2007). VDI
was defined as a concentration of 25(OH)D ≤ 30 ng/mL based on most
2. Methods of the included studies.

2.1. Search strategy 2.4. Quality assessment of studies

Systematic research on all published articles was retrieved by In the current analysis, the Newcastle-Ottawa scale (Stang, 2010)
searching PubMed, the Cochrane Library, Embase, ISI (Web of Science) was used to examine the quality of case-control studies. A maximum of
and Scopus databases using the following combination of descriptors: nine scores can be awarded to each study included in this meta-ana-
(schizophrenia OR psychotic disorders OR mental disorders OR psy- lysis. The quality score of greater than 6 as high-quality studies and
chiatric) AND (vitamin D OR 25-hydroxyvitamin D OR calcidiol OR those with a score of 6 or fewer points were considered as low-quality
cholecalciferol OR hydroxycholecalciferols OR ergocalciferols OR 25- studies.
hydroxyvitamin D2 OR dihydrotachysterol OR calcifediol OR dihy- For cross-section studies included in this meta-analysis, we used an
droxycholecalciferols OR calcitriol) from inception to April 2019. The 11-item checklist which was recommended by the Agency for
references list of retrieved articles was also manually reviewed to Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) (Hu et al., 2015). An item
identify relevant studies missed by the search strategy. would be scored “0” if it was answered “NO” or “UNCLEAR”; if it was
answered “YES”, then the item scored “1”. Article quality was assessed
2.2. Inclusion and Exclusion criteria as follows: low quality = 0-3; moderate quality = 4-7; high
quality = 8-11.
The eligible studies must meet the following inclusion criteria: (1)
original studies to evaluate the association between 25-hydroxyvitamin 2.5. Statistical analysis
D [25(OH)D] or 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 [25(OH)D3] status and the risk
of schizophrenia; (2) observational studies conducted on humans and Stata, version 14.0 (Stata Corp) were applied to collect relevant data
had measured the peripheral blood Vit D levels of schizophrenic pa- and analysis in this meta-analysis. For outcomes, we chose weighted
tients and control or prevalence of Vit D deficiency or insufficiency mean difference (WMD) to assess continuous variables (i.e. periphery
(VDD or VDI) of subjects. Studies conducted on the animal, pregnant blood levels of vitamin D), while risk difference (RD) or odds ratio to
women, review and Randomized Controlled Trials which explored the evaluate dichotomous outcomes such as VDD or VDI. Each numerical
association between the use of Vit D supplements and the incidence of outcome value was presented with a 95% confidence interval (95% CI)
schizophrenia were excluded. None restrictions of study design, bio- as well. The standard error (SE) of the incidence of VDD or VDI was
markers of Vit D status, ethnicity, disease stage or severity. One study calculated for meta-analysis of the prevalence of VDD and VDI. Of note,

J.-l. Zhu, et al.

Table 1
Baseline Characteristics for Case-control Studies and Cohort studies included in Meta-analysis
Study ID Number of Cases (%male) Age (mean in/out Diagnosis Ethnicity or Biomarkers Of Measurement of Categories of VDD and VDD or VDI Mean level of VD (ng/ml) Matching
SZ C or range) patient tool Country VD VD VDI (ng/ml) SZ C SZ C factors

Higuchi-1987 12(42%) 5(100%) 18-57 in Japan 25(OH)D3 HPLC CPBA 12.6 ± 2.2 22.3 ± 1.4 ①
Schneider-2000 34(56%) 31(61%) 21-81 in DSM-III-R Germany 25(OH)D3 IA 35.1 ± 26.1 45.9 ± 19.8
Bergemann- 72(0%) 71(0%) 20-46 in DSM-IV Germany 25(OH)D 16.3 ± 7.9 24.6 ± 11.5 ①
2008 ICD-10
Rey-Sánchez- 73(66%) 73(66%) 61 in DSM-IV Spain 25(OH)D3 RIA deficient:<15 F:19 F:20.42 ± 26.05 F:33.12 ± 19.42 ①,④,⑥
2009 CIE-10 M:33 M:15.12 ± 11.96 M:18.13 ± 15.43
Norelli-2010 40 20 18-65 in DSM-IV White 25(OH)D deficient:<20 23 9 19.5 ± 9.3 22.7 ± 13.0 ①,②,③,④
Black insufficient:<30 33 16
Cha-2011 14 32 DSM-IV South Korea 25(OH)D RIA deficient:<20 2 0
insufficient:<30 5 1
Clelland-2014 64(48%) 90(49%) 18-65 in DSM IV African- 25(OH)D CLIA insufficient:<30 44 42 31.63 ± 22.64 37.06 ± 22.7 ③,④,⑦
Bogers-2016 80 29 42 both Caucasian 25(OH)D3 deficient:<20 63 17
Itzhaky-2012 50(68%) 50(26%) 19-65 in PANSS Israel 25(OH)D CLIA deficient:<15 28 12 15.0 ± 7.3 20.2 ± 7.8 ①
insufficient:<30 20 31

Yuksel-2014 41(65.9%) 40(48%) 17-66 in DSM-IV-TR Turkey 25(OH)D EI deficient:<10 35 12 7.92 ± 2.89 14.94 ± 4.95 ①,②
40(50%) out insufficient:<20 40 22 14.99 ± 4.89
Graham-2015 20(60%) 20(60%) 17-33 Out SCID Caucasian 25(OH)D CLIA deficient:<30 11 28.2 ± 12.6 29.9 ± 14.3 ①,②,③
Zhu-2015 93(44%) 93(56%) 18-65 out DSM-IV Yellow 25(OH)D RIA 10.55 ± 5.32 17.48 ± 6.08 ①,②,④
Bulut-2016 80(53%) 74(53%) 18-55 out DSM-IV TR Turkey 25(OH)D EI deficient:<10 20 6 23.46 ± 13.98 23.69 ± 9.61 ①,②
insufficient:<20 11 21
Akinlade-2017 60 30 19-55 in DSM-IV Ibadan 25(OH)D ELISA deficient:<20 35 2 19.75 ± 5.19 28.06 ± 5.63 ①
ICD-10 insufficient:<30 24 17
Kulaksizoglu- 64(56%) 54(57%) 18-65 out DSM-IV-TR Turkey 25(OH)D CLIA 10.06 ± 2.64 10.86 ± 3.45
Yazici, AB-2019 189 109 41.4 in DSM-Ⅴ Turkey 25(OH)D ELFA deficient:<20 126 56 F:15.44 ± 8.8 F:17.78 ± 7.35 ①
insufficient:<30 41 38 M:19.41 ± 10.04 M:23.97 ± 12.51
sufficient:>30 22 15 17.52 ± 9.65 21.26 ± 10.9
Yazici, E-2019 in:30 28 19-65 both DSM-IV Turkey 25(OH)D ELISA in:16.20 ± 17.93 13.69 ± 4.91
0ut:30 DSM-Ⅴ out:11.37 ± 4.58
Malik-2019 80 40 18-65 both DSM-IV-TR Pakistan 25(OH)D deficient:<10 35 12 ①,②
insufficient:<20 29 20
sufficient:>20 6 8

①age; ②gender; ③ethnicity; ④BMI; ⑤education served; ⑥gonadal status; ⑦season of recruitment; R: Cohort Study
SZ, schizophrenia; C, control; VD, Vitamin D; VDD, Vitamin D deficient; VDI, Vitamin D insufficient; CPBA, competitive protein-binding assay; IA, Immunoassay; RIA, Radioimmunoassay; CLIA, Chemiluminescence
immunoassay; RLM, Routine laboratory methods; EI, Electroluminescence; LC-MS/MS, Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry; NM, not mentioned; ELFA, Enzyme-linked fluorescent immunoassay
Psychiatry Research 288 (2020) 112959
J.-l. Zhu, et al.

Table 2
Baseline Characteristics for Cross-section studies included in Meta-analysis
Study ID Number of Cases (%male) Age (mean or in/outpatient Diagnosis tool Country Outcomes Measurement of Categories of VDD and Number of VDD or Mean level of VD (ng/ml)
range) VD VDI VDI
SZ C (ng/ml) SZ C SZ C

Humber-2010 20(40%) 97(54%) 43.7 out ICD-10 USA 25(OH)D RIA 14.6 ± 5.1 19.7 ± 5.9
Partti-2010 48(42%) 6193(45%) 52 out SCID Finland 25(OH)D RIA 15.6 ± 12.4 17.5 ± 13.2
Doknic-2011 26(46%) 35(31%) 32 out DSM-IV Serbia 25(OH)D CLIA 9.22 ± 1.12 28.76 ± 3.32
Abdullah-2012 185 105 40 in ICD-9 codes Russia/ Whites and 25(OH)D CLIA low:<32 164 97 21.2 ± 9.4 20.2 ± 11.0
295 nonwhites
Menkes-2012 49 53 18-65 in New Zealand 25(OH)D3 ECLIA deficient:<10 13 6 14.6 ± 5.8 23.8 ± 11.1
insufficient:<20 29 27
Murie-2012 25 8 19-69 in Chinese 25(OH)D LC-MS/MS deficient:<10 14 5
insufficient:<20 9 3
Agarwal, 63 out USA 25(OH)D deficient:<10 10
2013a insufficient:<20 22
sufficient:<30 14
Jamilian-2013 100(68%) 100(50%) 35.5 in DSM-4-TR Iran 25(OH)D RLM 18.8 ± 4.56 21.32 ± 4.18
Cieslak-2014 22(59%) both USA 25(OH)D insufficient:<30 20 17.3 ± 8.9
Grados-2015 13 17 In Spain 25(OH)D CLIA deficient:<20 12.87 ± 17.2 21.45 ± 17.2

Bazzano-2016 61 52 18-65 in USA 25(OH)D deficient:<20 19 32 21.8 ± 11.9 23.5 ± 10.2
insufficient:<30 13 28
Boerman-2016 202 118 out DSM-IV Holland 25(OH)D CLIA deficient:<12 70 27 17.8 ± 11.0 21.18 ± 11.3
insufficient:<20 65 37
sufficient:<30 45 30
optimum:>30 22 24
Lally-2016 324(60%) 96 43.8 out ICD-10 UK/Black; White Asian; 25(OH)D CLIA deficient:<10 11.5 ± 6.7 14.3 ± 8.1
Mixed insufficient:<20
Salavert-2017 22(73%) 22(27%) 18-65 in DSM-IV European 25(OH)D CLIA deficient:<20 19 8 13.14 ± 5.96 22.63 ± 7.65
Bruins-2018 1531 309 45 out Netherlands 25(OH)D LC-MS insufficient:<20 972 182
Patel-2018 18 61 40.6 in ICD-10 UK/Black; White Asian; 25(OH)D CLIA deficient:<12 11.8 ± 10.3 13.0 ± 13.4
(18-79) Mixed insufficient:<20
Yoo-2018 302(56%) 40.7 in Korea 25(OH)D insufficient:<20 236 15.5 ± 6.4
(18-82) sufficient:>20 66
Zoghbi-2019 196(60%) DSM-Ⅴ Lebanon 25(OH)D CLIA deficient:<10 22
insufficient:<20 89
sufficient>20 85

T, total; SZ, schizophrenia; CLIA, Chemiluminescence immunoassay; ECLIA: electrochemiluminescence immunoassay; RIA, Radioimmunoassay; RDM: the Roche Diagnostic method
Psychiatry Research 288 (2020) 112959
J.-l. Zhu, et al. Psychiatry Research 288 (2020) 112959

Figure 1. Flow chart of literature searching

when the incidence of VDD obeys normal distribution, and n*P, n*(1-P) software.
were both bigger than 5, RD was used for evaluating, otherwise we used
odds ratio (OR) to assess the prevalence of VDD or VDI. Differences in
the prevalence of VDD and VDI between schizophrenia and controls 3. Results
were assessed by odds ratio. Summary estimates with their corre-
sponding SDs were derived by the method of Der Simonian and Laird by 3.1. Study characteristics
using a random-effects model, which incorporates between-study
variability. Heterogeneity across studies was assessed using the Q-sta- The detailed steps of the literature search flow and screening pro-
tistic. Meta-regression and subgroup analyses were performed to find cess were depicted in Figure 1. A total of 16869 articles were identified
the source of heterogeneity using a random-effects model. Publication via a primary search of the aforementioned literature databases, from
bias was detected by Egger's test and Begg's test, P<0.05 was con- which 2359 citations were removed because of duplication. Screening
sidered a significant publication bias. In addition, the sensitivity ana- of article title and abstract by separate two researchers (JL Zhu and WW
lysis was conducted to test the stability of results by Stata 12.0 Luo), 14395 citations were removed due not to meet the inclusion
criteria and 112 potential related articles were reminded

J.-l. Zhu, et al. Psychiatry Research 288 (2020) 112959

approximately. Further assessment of full text and abstract, 36 articles study design, quality score, country, type of biomarker and hospitali-
did not match on the schizophrenic patients, 15 articles conducted on zation status could not account for some degree of between-study het-
capable of Vit D supplementation to schizophrenia, 10 articles without erogeneity.
full text or abstract, and 11 articles lack outcomes or relevant data. A meta-regression on matching factors (conducted on age, gender,
Ultimately, a total of 36 articles included 18 case-control (17 full-text ethnicity and body mass index (BMI) of controls) revealed that match of
articles and one abstracts) and 18 cross-section studies (16 full-text BMI could explain the between-study heterogeneity (P=0.018, I2 re-
articles and two abstracts) were considered in this meta-analysis. sidual=91.68%). After introducing it into the meta-regression analysis
Studies characteristics were summarized in Table 1-2. Sample sizes model, the variance component between-study decreased from 38.46 to
of included studies ranged from 17 to 6193 persons, and in total 12528 14.29, indicating that 62.8% of the sources of heterogeneity can be
participants. The age span is from 17 to 79. These papers were pub- explained. Findings from sensitivity analysis revealed that no individual
lished between 1987 and 2019; most of the diagnosis tools of schizo- studies significantly affected the mean concentration of Vit D, which
phrenia were DSM-IV and ICD-10. No matter measured 25(OH)D or indicated statistically robust results. Publication bias was examined
25(OH)D3 and their measurements. Quality assessment of studies both qualitatively (funnel-plot asymmetry) and quantitatively (Begg's
showed that 6 of case-control studies (Bergemann et al., 2008; test [z=1.95, P=0.342>0.05] and Egger's test [t=0.95,
Bogers et al., 2016; Cha et al., 2011; Higuchi et al., 1987; P=0.352>0.10]). Overall, no evidence of publication bias was ob-
Kulaksizoglu and Kulaksizoglu, 2017; Schneider et al., 2000) were served.
considered as low-quality and the rest (Akinlade et al., 2017;
Bulut et al., 2016; Clelland et al., 2014; Graham et al., 2015; 3.3. Prevalence of VDD or VDI in schizophrenic patients
Itzhaky et al., 2012; Malik et al., 2019; Norelli et al., 2010; Rey-
Sánchez et al., 2009; Yazici et al., 2019a; Yazici et al., 2019b; The definition of Vit D deficiency in schizophrenia patients was
Yuksel et al., 2014; Zhu et al., 2015)were high-quality studies. The different among studies. For these differences, we did a subgroup
quality score of cross-section studies showed that 7 of 18 were high- analysis. Fifteen studies with the VDD defined as lower than 20 ng/mL
quality(Abdullah et al., 2012; Doknic et al., 2011; Humble et al., 2010; (Agarwal, 2013a; Akinlade et al., 2017; Bazzano et al., 2016;
Jamilian et al., 2013; Partti et al., 2010; Patel and Minajagi, 2018; Boerman et al., 2016; Bogers et al., 2016; Bruins et al., 2018;
Zoghbi et al., 2019), and the rest of the studies (Agarwal, 2013a; Bulut et al., 2016; Malik et al., 2019; Menkes et al., 2012; Norelli et al.,
Bazzano et al., 2016; Boerman et al., 2016; Bruins et al., 2018; 2010; Salavert et al., 2017; Yazici et al., 2019a; Yoo et al., 2018;
Cieslak et al., 2014 ; Grados et al., 2015; Lally et al., 2016; Yuksel et al., 2014; Zoghbi et al., 2019) and nine studies with the VDI
Menkes et al., 2012; Murie et al., 2012; Salavert et al., 2017; Yoo et al., defined as lower than 30 ng/mL(Abdullah et al., 2012; Agarwal, 2013a;
2018) were moderate-quality. Bazzano et al., 2016; Bogers et al., 2016; Cha et al., 2011; Graham et al.,
2015; Norelli et al., 2010; Yazici et al., 2019a; Yuksel et al., 2014) were
3.2. Mean concentration of Vit D and schizophrenia included in this meta-analysis. One study had considered the cutoff
point of 32 ng/mL for VDD, and we summarized it into a group of VDI
Twenty-seven study populations from 31 studies (Abdullah et al., (Abdullah et al., 2012). Of note, one citation has the result of all
2012; Akinlade et al., 2017; Bazzano et al., 2016; Bergemann et al., schizophrenic patients have the VDI (lower than 30 ng/mL), which
2008; Boerman et al., 2016; Bulut et al., 2016; Clelland et al., 2014; could not include in the comparison (Nefzi et al., 2018). Results implied
Doknic et al., 2011; Grados et al., 2015; Graham et al., 2015; that the overall prevalence of VDD and VDI in schizophrenic patients
Higuchi et al., 1987; Humble et al., 2010; Itzhaky et al., 2012; was 68% (95%CI [58%–77%]) and 76% (95%CI [68%, 83%])
Jamilian et al., 2013; Kulaksizoglu and Kulaksizoglu, 2017; Lally et al., (Figure 3), respectively. Heterogeneity between study was significant
2016; Menkes et al., 2012; Norelli et al., 2010; Partti et al., 2010; (Q test, P <0.001; I2=97.3% and 86.8%) and heterogeneity between
Patel and Minajagi, 2018; Rey-Sánchez et al., 2009; Salavert et al., subgroup wasn't significant (Q test, P=0.24; I2=26.7%).
2017; Schneider et al., 2000; Yazici et al., 2019a; Yazici et al., 2019b;
Yuksel et al., 2014; Zhu et al., 2015) were included in the meta-analysis 3.4. Odds Ratios from meta-analysis
of the mean level of 25(OH)D. As shown in Figure 2, the results in-
dicated that there were statistically significant differences in the mean To further investigate the differences of the prevalence of VDD or
concentration of 25(OH)D between schizophrenia and control group VDI between schizophrenia and controls, we calculated the OR of
(WMD= -4.68, 95% CI [-7.02, -2.35], P<0.001). However, between thirteen studies on VDD (Akinlade et al., 2017; Bazzano et al., 2016;
study-heterogeneity was significant (Q test, P<0.0001, I2=96.1%). Of Boerman et al., 2016; Bogers et al., 2016; Bruins et al., 2018;
note, the control group in the case-control and cohort studies consisted Bulut et al., 2016; Cha et al., 2011; Menkes et al., 2012; Murie et al.,
of healthy subjects with no history of psychiatric disorders while in the 2012; Norelli et al., 2010; Salavert et al., 2017; Yazici et al., 2019a;
cross-sectional studies, psychiatric patients but non-schizophrenic were Yuksel et al., 2014) and nine studies on VDI (Abdullah et al., 2012;
considered to be the control group. Consequently, we were able to Akinlade et al., 2017; Bazzano et al., 2016; Boerman et al., 2016;
conclude that, compared with healthy subjects or other psychiatric Cha et al., 2011; Clelland et al., 2014; Itzhaky et al., 2012; Norelli et al.,
patients, peripheral blood mean level of 25(OH)D achieved inferior in 2010; Yazici et al., 2019a), respectively. The meta-analysis demon-
schizophrenia patients. strated that the odds ratio of VDD and VDI was 2.09, 95%CI [1.48,
To explore the source of heterogeneity, subgroup analysis (based on 2.95] and 2.43, 95%CI [1.40, 4.23], respectively (Figure 4 and 5).
study design, country, biomarker, quality score and hospitalized status) Heterogeneity was significant (I2=59%, P=0.004 or I2=62%,
was conducted. As shown in Table 3, we found that the mean con- P=0.006). Subgroup analysis revealed that study design could not ex-
centration of Vit D between schizophrenia and controls was significant plain the between-study heterogeneity (I2=0% and 41.4%). Meta-re-
in case-control studies, European and non-European countries and gression on odds ratio of VDD and VDI also provided that the study
studies that included inpatients. The mean difference of blood levels of design could not explain the between-study heterogeneity (P=0.771,
Vit D between schizophrenic patients and the control group was not I2=58.87% and P=0.323, I2=65.05%).
significant in cross-sectional studies and those that included out-
patients. The subgroup analysis on biomarkers of Vit D [25(OH)D vs. 4. Discussion
25(OH)D3], quality score (high, moderate and low-quality) revealed
that the mean difference of Vit D was significantly different between In the present meta-analysis, the authors discussed the correlations
schizophrenia and controls. The subgroup differences showed that between schizophrenia and Vit D. No matter type of schizophrenia and

J.-l. Zhu, et al. Psychiatry Research 288 (2020) 112959

Figure 2. Forest plot of Mean Difference of 25(OH)D in schizophrenic patients vs. control participants
(1), (3): Females; (2), (4): Males; (5): inpatient; (6): outpatient; (7): remission schizophrenia; (8): acute episode schizophrenia

stage of schizophrenia, mean concentration of Vit D in individuals P<0.0001). The odds ratio showed that subjects with schizophrenia
unveiled that significant reductions in mean among people with schi- were increased risk of VDD 2.09 times and 2.21 times of VDI compared
zophrenia than controls (WMD=-4.68,95%CI [-7.02, -2.35], to controls.
P<0.0001). Our findings on the prevalence of deficiency (<20 ng/ml) There are four case-control studies included in this meta-analysis
and insufficiency (<30 ng/ml) both indicated that hypovitaminosis D discussed the gender difference of 25(OH)D between schizophrenic
was quite common in schizophrenia (70%, 95%CI [63%, 78%], patients and healthy subjects. Three of them reported females have

Table 3
Subgroup analysis on mean serum level of vitamin D and schizophrenia
Subgroup Number of Studies Participants, n Heterogeneity Subtotal [95% CI] Subgroup Differences

Study design 31 3652 P<0.01, I2=96.1% -4.68 [-7.02, -2.35] P=0.86, I2=0%
Case-control Study 19 1841 P<0.01, I2=87.3% -4.47 [-6.34, -2.59]
Cross-section Study 12 1811 P<0.01, I2=98.1% -4.95 [-9.92, 0.03]
Hospitalization status P=0.81, I2=0%
Out 7 697 P<0.01, I2=98.6% -5.23 [-12.27, 1.80]
In 24 2955 P<0.01, I2=84.4% -4.33 [-5.84, -2.82]
Country P=0.16, I2=50.2%
European 12 1529 P<0.01, I2=97.1% -7.19 [-12.15, -2.22]
Non-European 19 2123 P<0.01, I2=87.3% -3.41 [-5.03, -1.78]
Biomarker of vitamin D P=0.19, I2=42.0%
25(OH)D 26 3322 P<0.01, I2=96.7% -4.22 [-6.83, -1.61]
25(OH)D3 5 330 P=0.022, I2=64.9% -7.18 [-10.74, -3.61]
Quality score P=0.72, I2=0%
High 21 2386 P<0.01, I2=96.9% -4.22[-7.44, -1.01]
moderate 6 923 P=0.056, I2=53.6% -4.27[-6.30, -2.24]
low 4 343 P<0.01, I2=96.3% -6.88[-12.96, -0.80]

J.-l. Zhu, et al. Psychiatry Research 288 (2020) 112959

Figure 3. Forest plot of Prevalence of VDD and VDI in schizophrenic patients

higher serum 25(OH)D concentration than males (Cieslak et al., 2014 ; disorders with unknown etiology. The neurodevelopmental hypothesis
Graham et al., 2015; Rey-Sánchez et al., 2009), only one was the op- informed that at the cellular level, schizophrenia is associated with
posite(Yazici et al., 2019a). Evidence from systematic review provided subtle abnormalities in the cytoarchitecture of different brain regions
a gender difference in the risk of developing schizophrenia (Piper et al., 2012). Schizophrenic patients show a clear dysfunction in
(Aleman et al., 2003; McGrath et al., 2004b), while Saha et al support dopamine (DA) systems is thought to be a key feature of schizophrenia.
that there was no significant difference between female and male Animal models on Vit D deficiency support that Vit D hormone prevents
(Saha et al., 2005). Meanwhile, Graham reported that Caucasian sub- abnormal dopaminergic phenotypes via its early neuroprotective ac-
jects had a significantly higher 25(OH)D levels compared with African tions on fetal DA neurons(Luan et al., 2018). Studies firmly established
American subjects (P<0.001)(Graham et al., 2015). For the different that Vit D deficiency affects brain cell proliferation, differentiation, and
components of schizophrenic patients of four case-control studies, we gross brain structure, it also produces long-lasting cellular changes and
discussed them separately on mean (Rey-Sánchez et al., 2009; alterations in behavior in the adult offspring(Kesby et al., 2013;
Yazici et al., 2019a; Yazici et al., 2019b; Yuksel et al., 2014). Subgroup Schoenrock and Tarantino, 2016). Patrick proposed a model that Vit D
analysis based on study design, country, hospitalization status, type of and the omega-3 fatty acids, in combination with genetic factors and at
biomarker and quality score indicated that they could not explain some key periods during development, would lead to dysfunctional serotonin
degree of heterogeneity. In our meta-regression based on matching activation and function and may be one underlying mechanism that
factors, such as age, gender, ethnicity, and BMI revealed that match of contributes to neuropsychiatric disorders including schizophrenia
BMI could explain the between-study heterogeneity (P=0.018, I2 re- (Patrick and Ames, 2015).
sidual=91.68%). In observational studies, one of the primary sources In the database, there is one systemic review examined the asso-
of bias is confounding. Potential confounders in Vit D studies are the ciation of Vit D deficiency with schizophrenia, which was published in
season of birth, latitude and the geographical location (Chiang et al., 2014, contained 8 cross-section studies and 10 case-control studies
2016), as they are factors that will affect the duration and intensity of (Valipour et al., 2014). To conducted an updated meta-analysis, we
sunlight exposure. Other factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, smoking formulated a more stringent inclusion strategy and data was unified
status, alcohol use, and BMI could also influence the blood concentra- with a standard algorithm. In comparison, our study has compared the
tion of Vit D. same outcomes as the previous research except we explored the asso-
Evidence from both epidemiological and pre-clinical studies to in- ciation of gender with blood level of 25(OH)D. For gender differences in
dicate that Vit D deficiency might be an important risk factor for the risk of a particular disorder can yield important clues regarding its
schizophrenia. However, schizophrenia is a heterogeneous group of pathogenesis and evidence. In addition, the quality of studies included

J.-l. Zhu, et al. Psychiatry Research 288 (2020) 112959

Figure 4. Forest plot of Odds Ratio of VDD in Schizophrenia vs. Controls

Figure 5. Forest plot of Odds Ratio of VDI in Schizophrenia vs. Controls

J.-l. Zhu, et al. Psychiatry Research 288 (2020) 112959

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