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Name : Mahasri Sobahiya

NIM : 183221062
Class : 6B
Design of Qualitative Research
Before designing qualitative research, at least, there are five important questions to be answered
by the researchers as suggested by Mason (2002). The questions are as follows.
1.The social reality (Ontological perspective), what is the nature of phenomena or social reality I
want to investigate?
2.Knowledge and evidence (Epistemological perspective), what might represent knowledge and
evidence of social reality I wish to investigate?
3.Broad research area, what topic or substantive area is the research concerned with?

National Seminar Proceeding|344.Intellectual puzzles and research questions, what do I wish to

explain it to explore? What are my research questions? 5.The aims and purpose, what is the
purpose of my research? What am I doing it for? Having answered the questions, they might
come to write the research design. Some scholars (Berg, 2002; Mason, 2002, Creswell, 2009)
have discussed different procedures or steps. One of them is, proposed by Berg (1995), the
following steps as seen in this diagram. Idea Theory Design Data Collection Analysis Findings
or Idea Design Theory Data Collection Analysis Findings.

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