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Arhitektura kao

otvoreno djelo
Architecture as
the Open Work
arhitekt napisao
architect written by

Maroje Mrduljaš

fotografije photographs by Arhiva Arhitektonski fakultet

u Zagrebu / Archive Faculty of
Architecture, Zagreb (af)
Arhiva / Archive Ivan Crnković (ic)
Bojan Mrđenović (bm)
Ivan Crnković portret portrait Mio Vesović

¶ Na naslovnoj stranici časopisa Čovjek i prostor iz veljače 1975. ¶ On the cover page of the February 1975 issue of the Man
reproducirana je aksonometrija koja simulira balonsku per- and Space magazine an axonometry is reproduced that simu-
spektivu Dječjeg vrtića Grigor Vitez u Samoboru Ivana Crnko- lates a balloon perspective of the Grigor Vitez kindergarten
vića (1971. – 1974.). Uz nacrt, Crnković je upisao dobro poznatu in Samobor by Ivan Crnković (1971–74). On the side of the
misao Alda van Eycka: Stablo je list i list je stablo – kuća je plan, Crnković wrote a well-known thought of Aldo van Eyck.
grad i grad je kuća – stablo je stablo, ali je također i veliki list Tree is leaf and leaf is tree—house is city and city is house—
– list je list, ali je također i malo stablo – grad nije grad ako a tree is a tree but is also a huge leaf—a leaf is a leaf but is
nije također i velika kuća – kuća je kuća jedino ako je također also a tiny tree—a city is not a city unless it is also a huge (ic)

(ic) i maleni grad. ¶ No, veze projekta vrtića u Samoboru i radova house—a house is a house only if it is also a tiny city. ¶ But precizno detektira promjenu arhitektonske paradigme koju su reflected.1 French sociologist Jean-Louis Violeau accurately presjeci, neizvedena
Van Eycka i nizozemskih strukturalista su složenije. Projekt the relations of the design of the kindergarten in Samobor zagovarali revizionisti modernizma: Dok je obitelj bila (...) detects the change of architectural paradigm advocated by
vrtića uklapa se u narativ kritičkog razvoja poslijeratnog and works by Van Eyck and the Dutch structuralists are more ključni pojam za arhitekte Modernog pokreta (racionalisti, the revisionists of modernism, Whereas the family was… a sections, unbuilt
modernizma koji su u internacionalnom diskursu artikulirali complex. The kindergarten design fits into the narrative of produktivisti i ostali), Team X je pokrenuo semantički preokret landmark notion to the architects of the Modern movement version
pripadnici grupe Team X, no koji je imao i svoje specifične, the critical development of post-war modernism, which was prema pojmu zajednice, shvaćene kao lokus razmjene i uzaja- (rationalists, productivists, etc.), Team X induced a semantic
individualne zastupnike poput Crnkovića. Jezgru te kritike articulated in the international discourse by the members of mnosti... Rečeno jednostavnije, to je zaokret od biološke prema shift towards the notion of the community, understood as
sažeo je Theodor Adorno u obraćanju njemačkom Werkbundu the Team X group, but which also had its own specific, indi- socioantropološkoj dimenziji2. ¶ I dok su neke od vodećih tema the locus of exchange and reciprocity… Put more simply, this
1965. kada je oštro kritizirao funkcionalističku arhitekturu, vidual agents like Crnković. The core of this criticism was napuštanja funkcionalističke paradigme bile flesksibilnost i is a shift from a biological dimension to a socio-anthropo-
smatrajući da je u njoj odnos ljudskog subjekta i arhitekton- summed up by Theodor Adorno in his 1965 address to the promjenjivost prostora, i Van Eyck i Crnković, zasebno i iz vla- logical one.2 ¶ And while some of the leading issues of leaving
skog objekta previše sličan – objekt je postao zrcalo u kojem German Werkbund, when he sharply criticized the function- stitih pravaca istražuju potencijal apstraktne arhitektonske
se subjekt ogleda1. Francuski sociolog Jean-Louis Violeau alist architecture, deeming that, in it, the relationship of the forme za stvaranje antropološki smislenih situacija, obojica na 1 Fogle, Nikolaus: Beautiful Places in Adorno’s Esthetics.
Vol_15/Authenticity/Authenticity_Fogle.htm [accessed on 9 April 2017]
1 Fogle, Nikolaus: Beautiful Places in Adorno’s Esthetics human subject and architectural object was too similar— 2 Violeau, Jean-Louis: Team 10 and structuralism: analogies and discrepanices, u 2 Violeau, Jean-Louis, Team 10 and structuralism: analogies and discrepancies, u
Vol_15/Authenticity/Authenticity_Fogle.htm (pristupljeno 9. 4. 2017.) the object became a mirror in which the subject was Rissalda, Max, Team 10: In search of a Utopia of a Present, str. 283 Rissalda, Max, ‘Team 10: In search of a Utopia of a Present’, p. 283.

96 oris, broj 104, godina 2017. oris, number 104, year 2017 IVAN CRNKOVIĆ, Dječji vrtić, Samobor IVAN CRNKOVIĆ, Kindergarten, Samobor 97
Prema Umbertu Ecu, umjetničko According to Umberto Eco, an
djelo dovršava recipijent, kroz artwork is completed by the
čin čitanja i doživljaja, a koji recipient, through the act of reading
ovisi o njegovim ili njezinim and experience, which depends on
predispozicijama i afinitetima their predispositions and preferences

povodom projekta Sirotišta Amstelveenseweg u Amsterdamu has the capacity for a variety of readings and experiences if
(1955. – 60.): Projekt kuće započinje i podržava uzorak života it is designed as a multifaceted, open system. ¶ Aldo van Eyck
određenog dana i razvijen je za njezine štićenike. Fleksibilnost was skeptical about the possibility of total transformability
ili adaptabilnost kuće (…) dozvoljava razvoj točno tog uzorka of space and sought the correct relationship between spatial
te ne može jednako podržati uzorak dnevnog života ili struk- form and social institutions. He elaborated on this search in
ture grupe koja se fundamentalno razlikuje od one na kojoj je the theoretical text written on the occasion of the design of
kuća bazirana. Ekstremna fleksibilnost takve vrste značila bi the Amstelveenseweg orphanage in Amsterdam (1955–60).
lažnu neutralnost poput rukavice koja ne pristaje nijednoj ruci The design of the house starts and supports a pattern of life
jer pristaje svima... Projekt nastoji pružiti izgrađeni konceptu- on a certain day and has been developed for its wards. The
alni okvir – postaviti pozornicu – za dvojni fenomen indivi- flexibility and adaptability of the house... allows the develop-
dualnosti i kolektivnosti bez pribjegavanja proizvoljnom ment of exactly this pattern, and cannot support equally the
akcentuiranju bilo kojeg na račun drugog, bez prikrivanja zna- pattern of daily life or the structures of the group which is
čenja bilo kojeg od dvaju. Nijedan osnovni dvojni fenomen ne fundamentally different from the one on which the house is
može biti sveden na inkompatibilne polarnosti jer će takva based. The extreme flexibility of this kind would mean a false
podjela naškoditi onome za što se dvojni fenomeni zauzimaju3. neutrality like a glove that does not fit any hand because it
Za koncept dvojnih fenomena treba naći ispravnu mjeru (right- fits them all... The design seeks to provide a built conceptual
size): Ono što je prava mjera jest istovremeno veliko i malo, framework—set the stage—for a dual phenomenon of (ic)
nekoliko i mnogo, blizu i daleko, jednostavno i kompleksno,
otvoreno i zatvoreno4. Van Eyck smatra da projekt ne može
afirmirati značaj dvojnih fenomena ako je nedeterminiran,
neodređen ili arhitektonski nedovoljno artikuliran kako bi
zadovoljio imperativ potpune fleksibilnosti. Takav projekt
ispražnjen je od značenja i svoje egzistencijalne uloge. Učinite
dobrodošlicu od svakih vrata i prizor od svakog prozora,
(ic) tragu koncepta otvorenog djela (opera aperta) Umberta Eca. the functionalist paradigm were flexibility and variability of učinite od njih mjesto, zato što se područje ljudske udomaće-
Prema Ecu, umjetničko djelo dovršava recipijent, kroz čin space, both Van Eyck and Crnković, individually and from nosti nalazi u tom području ‘između’ (‘in between’). Upravo to
čitanja i doživljaja, a koji ovisi o njegovim ili njezinim predis- their own directions investigate the potential of abstract područje arhitektura nastoji artikulirati. Kada to govorim,
pozicijama i afinitetima. No, ta raznolika čitanja i različiti učinci architectural form for creating anthropologically meaningful intencija mi je ponovno razotkrivanje pogrešnih značenja kako
uvijek ovise o izvornoj strukturi djela. Tako i precizno defini- situations, both on the trail of the concept of open work bih smisao mjere ispunio onim što ‘ispravna mjera’ (‘right-size’)
rana, jasna, egzaktna arhitektonska forma ima kapacitet za (opera aperta) by Umberto Eco. According to Eco, an art- implicira. Čim se uravnotežujući utjecaj područja ‘između’ (…)
raznolika čitanja i doživljaje ako je projektirana kao višeznačan, work is completed by the recipient, through the act of read- manifestira u razumljivo artikuliranoj konfiguraciji, zasigurno
otvoreni sustav. ¶ Aldo van Eyck bio je skeptičan prema ing and experience, which depends on their predispositions će se povećati prilika da se izmire zastrašujući polariteti koji
mogućnosti potpune transformabilnosti prostora i tražio je and preferences. However, this varied readings and different
3 Van Eyck, Aldo: The Medicine of Reciprocity Tentatively Illustrated, u Ligtelijn,
ispravnu vezu između prostorne forme i društvenih institucija. effects always depend on the original structure of the work. Vincent (urednik): Aldo van Eyck Works, Birkahuser, 1999., str. 88
To traženje argumentira u teorijskom tekstu napisanom Such precisely defined, clear, exact architectural form also 4 Van Eyck, Aldo: Steps towards a configurative discipline, Forum, 1962., br 2, str. 81

98 oris, broj 104, godina 2017. oris, number 104, year 2017 IVAN CRNKOVIĆ, Dječji vrtić, Samobor IVAN CRNKOVIĆ, Kindergarten, Samobor 99
su do sada kontinuirano uznemiravali ljudsku istinsku priseb- individuality and collectivity without resorting to arbitrary
nost5. ¶ Udruženi koncepti in between i dvojni fenomeni upu- accentuation of any one at the expense of the other, without
ćuju na uzajamnost i višestrukost odnosa koji se odvijaju unu- hiding the meaning of either. Not one basic dual phenome-
tar arhitektonskog okvira. Ti odnosi uspostavljaju se na non can be reduced to an incompatible polarity, because such
društvenom planu, no ohrabreni su samom arhitekturom. U a division will harm what the dual phenomena advocate.3
duhu Ecova poziva na otvoreno djelo, arhitektonske konfigu- For the dual phenomena concept a right-size needs to be
racije trebale bi poticati pojedinca i kolektiv na kreativno otkri- found: What the right-size is is both great and small, a few
vanje potencijala prostora. Arhitektonski elementi mogu i and many, near and far, simple and complex, open and
trebaju biti formalno apstraktni, ali moraju imati pravu mjeru closed.4 Van Eyck argues that the design cannot affirm the
koja potiče performativnost prostora i njegove kapacitete za importance of dual phenomena if it is undetermined, vague,
stvaranje događaja. Van Eyck je vjerodostojno pokazao poten- or architecturally insufficiently articulated to satisfy the
cijal apstraktnih geometrijskih formi za raznoliku i imagina- imperative of complete flexibility. Such a design is emptied
tivnu interpretaciju pojedinca i zajednice u nekoliko stotina of meaning and its existential role. Do welcome from every
realiziranih dječjih igrališta u Amsterdamu. Djeca su se brzo door and a scene of every window, make a place of them,
prilagođavala jednostavnim geometrijskim oblicima i razvijala because the area of human domestication is located in the
svoju maštu prilikom otkrivanja načina na koje ti elementi area ‘in between.’ It is this area that architecture seeks to
mogu biti korišteni i doživljeni. ¶ Dječji vrtić u Samoboru pro- articulate. When I say this, my intention is to expose once
jektiran je analogno tim postavkama. Crnković definira skup again the false meanings in order that the sense of measure
pravila prema kojima arhitektonski elementi formiraju pro- be fulfilled with what the right-size implies. As soon as the
storne odnose, a mutacijama tih pravila nastaje cjelina. Zgrada balancing influence of the area ‘in between’… manifests itself
je organizirana u vidu niza paralelno postavljenih izduženih in the understandably articulated configuration, the oppor-
traka i strukturirana je sukladno konceptu Louisa Kahna slu- tunity to reconcile frightening polarities that have so far
ženog (served) i služećeg (servant) prostora. Služeni prostori continuously disturbed people’s true presence of mind will
su otvorene i zatvorene sobe, služeći prostori su garderobe i surely increase.5 ¶ The associated in between and dual phe-
sanitarije. Međutim, ta podjela je relativizirana uvođenjem nomena concepts refer to the reciprocity and multiplicity of
uskih i dugačkih zenitalno osvijetljenih poteza ispod lanterni. relationships that take place within an architectural frame-
Ti međuprostori, potezi intenzivnog svjetla, istovremeno su work. These relations are established on the social level, but
kopča i razdjelnica između služećih i služenih prostora. U gusto are encouraged by the architecture itself. In the spirit of Eco’s
tkanoj strukturi vrtića služeći i služeni prostori nisu binarni
elementi, nego dio dvojnog fenomena u koji je uključen i in 3 van Eyck, Aldo: The Medicine of Reciprocity Tentatively Illustrated, u Ligtelijn,
Vincent (editor): Aldo van Eyck Works, Birkahuser, 1999, p. 88.
4 van Eyck, Aldo: Steps towards a configurative discipline, Forum, 1962, No. 2, p. 81. between potez ispod lanterni. Igra dvojnih fenomena čita se u call for the open work, architectural configurations should (ic)

(bm) 5 Ibid., str. 82 5 Ibid, p. 82. različitim mjerilima i u različitim sustavima. Potezi ispod lan- encourage the individual and the collective to creative
(bm) terni su ambivalentni arhitektonski elementi čije kontinuirano detection of the potential of spaces. Architectural elements
protezanje kroz čitav organizam vrtića može zavarati. Ti can and should be formally abstract, but they must have the
potezi jesu prostori kretanja i organizacije vrtića, ali oni tako- right-size that encourages the performativity of space and
đer prodiru i u sklopove vrtićkih jedinica, protežu se kroz its capacities to create events. Van Eyck credibly showed the
terase u eksterijer gdje sudjeluju u formiranju potprostora i potential of abstract geometric forms for a diverse and
prostornih sklopova. Formalno uvijek isti potezi ispod lanterni imaginative interpretation of the individual and the com-
dobivaju različita značenja i uloge u ovisnosti o poziciji unutar munity in several hundred realized playgrounds in Amster-
sustava. Nadalje, iste prostorne konfiguracije primijenjene su dam. The children quickly adapted to simple geometric
i na sklopovima vrtićkih jedinica i na terasama, sobama na shapes and developed their imaginations when discovering
otvorenom, čineći i od odnosa unutarnje-vanjsko dvojni feno- ways in which these elements could be used and experi-
men. Kopče terasa i soba su mali metalni mostovi, a između enced. ¶ The kindergarten in Samobor was designed analog
terasa i okoliša su stubišta – prostori između koji artikuliraju to those settings. Crnković defines a set of rules according
prijelaz. ¶ Doživljava se nedvojbena prisutnost arhitektonskog to which the architectural elements form spatial relation-
reda, ali on se čita kroz niz zasebnih segmenata koji su derivat ships, and through mutations of these rules is created a
cjeline. Osjećaj cjeline ovisi o čitanju i razumijevanju niza whole. The building is organized in the form of a series of

100 oris, broj 104, godina 2017. oris, number 104, year 2017 IVAN CRNKOVIĆ, Dječji vrtić, Samobor IVAN CRNKOVIĆ, Kindergarten, Samobor 101
fragmenata i obrnuto, što je također dvojni fenomen: grad je parallelly placed elongated strips, and structured according tlocrt, izvedena i
neizvedena faza
kuća i kuća je grad. Precizna formalna disciplina uređivanja to Louis Kahn’s concept of served and servant spaces. Served
prostora u strukturne paralelne trake usporediva je s Kimbell spaces are open and closed rooms, servant spaces are chang- floor plan, built and
Art Museumom (1967. – 72.) Louisa Kahna, s kojim projekt ing rooms and sanitary facilities. However, this division is unbuilt phase
vrtića dijeli model varijacije osnovne strukturne matrice. No, relativized by introducing narrow and long, stretches of
na razini urbanizma, strukturne trake u vrtiću u Samoboru su zenithal light under the lanterns. These interspaces, the stre-
međusobno pomaknute, a javljaju se i pomaci koji se prilago- ches of intense light, are both the clasp and the dividing line
đavaju lokalnim uvjetima i potrebama za ispravnom mjerom, between the servant and served spaces. In the densely woven
a prostor odlikuje labirintska jasnoća. Otvaraju se pogledi i structure of the kindergarten, the served and servant spaces
kontakti prema susjednim sobama, ali ne i dalje od njih, pa are not binary elements, but part of the dual phenomenon
cjelina prostornog sustava nije smjesta saglediva. Također, iako in which the in between stretch under the lanterns is also
se čini da je organizacija prostora usmjerena longitudinalno uz included. The play of dual phenomena is read in different
poteze ispod lanterni, glavni ulaz i sekvenca javnih soba – hall, scales and in different systems. The stretches under the lan-
prostor višenamjenski, blagovaonica – postavljeni su pod pra- terns are ambivalent architectural elements whose continu-
vim kutom u odnosu na tu mrežu. Upravo je ta formalno ispre- ous expansion through the entire organism of the kinder-
(ic) kidana sekvenca značenjska jezgra inače nehijerarhijski garten can be deceiving. These stretches are the areas of

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movement and organization of the kindergarten, but they

also penetrate into the assemblies of kindergarten units,
extend through the terraces into the exterior where they
participate in forming sub-spaces and spatial assemblies.
Formally always the same stretches under the lanterns get
different meanings and roles depending on their position
within the system. Furthermore, the same spatial configura-
tions were used for both the assemblies of kindergarten units
and terraces, the rooms in the open, making a dual phenom-
enon of the inside-out relationship too. The clasps of the
terraces and rooms are small metal bridges, and between the
terraces and the environment of the stairs: the spaces
between that articulate the event of crossing. ¶ The undeni-
able presence of architectural order is experienced, but it is
read through a number of separate segments which are the
derivative of the whole. The feeling of the whole depends
on the reading and understanding of a series of fragments,
and vice versa, which is also a dual phenomenon: city is house
and house is city. The precision formal discipline of arranging
the spaces in structural parallel strips is comparable with the
Kimbell Art Museum (1967–72) by Louis Kahn, with which
the design of the kindergarten shares the model of variation

104 oris, broj 104, godina 2017. oris, number 104, year 2017 IVAN CRNKOVIĆ, Dječji vrtić, Samobor IVAN CRNKOVIĆ, Kindergarten, Samobor 105
of the basic structural matrix. But at the level of urban plan- (ic)

ning, the structural strips in the kindergarten in Samobor are

mutually shifted, and there are also shifts that are adapted
to local conditions and needs for the right- size, and the
space is characterized by a labyrinthine clarity. Views of the
adjacent rooms and contacts to them open up, but not fur-
ther from them, so the whole of the spatial system is not
immediately perceptible. Also, although it seems that the
organization of space is oriented longitudinally along the
stretches under the lanterns, the main entrance and the
sequence of public rooms—the hall, multiple-purpose room
for, dining room—are placed at right angle to that grid. It
is this formally broken sequence that is the semantic core of
the otherwise non-hierarchically organized system. The con-
cept of parallel strips potentially offers further growth and
propagation of the kindergarten, either through further
sequencing of parallel strips, or through their prolongation
because the outside rooms function as atria. Abolished is the
concept of composing in favor of the systematic develop-
ment of mathematical logical structure, and architecture
does not build the object, but prepares a framework for cre-
ating situations. So is the relationship of the architectural
framework and the performances of space, in the spirit of
Eco’s open work, in moving. ¶ All building elements have a
clear role in defining spatial units or their connections. In the
vertical plan, the spatial form is described with solid walls
that never form angles, but are free-standing, massive
square pillars, parapet walls, and their upper complement:
wall-beams. In the horizontal plan, the spatial units are
determined by the floor treatment and the ceiling in which
syncopations happen too—gaps and the changes in height.
However, parapets and wall-beams are also part of the hori-
zontal definition of the connected-separated spaces, for
example, the links of the living room to the interspace under
the lantern, or the edges of the dining room. Spaces are thus
open, but always clearly defined. The organism of the kin-
dergarten is not liquid space, but a series of connected-
separated places or rooms. While the construction elements
are abstract, the rooms are specifically defined. ¶ The ground
plan proportions of the room are either square or tend to be
(ic) organiziranog sustava. Koncept paralelnih traka potencijalno square in order for their organization to be non-hierarchical
nudi daljnji rast i prostiranje vrtića, bilo daljnjim nizanjem para- and open. Crnković handles the height as an element of iden-
lelnih traka ili njihovim produživanjem, jer vanjske sobe funk- tification or right-size so the openings inside the interior and
cioniraju kao atriji. Ukinuta je koncepcija komponiranja u korist the glass walls towards the exterior follow the same height
sistemskog razvoja matematički logične strukture, a arhitek- of 212 cm, with the vertical horizon adjusted to children’s
tura ne gradi objekt nego priprema okvir za stvaranje situacija. age. While this right-size is continuous, the ceiling heights
Tako je odnos arhitektonskog okvira i performansi prostora, u of served and servant spaces vary in proportion to the

106 oris, broj 104, godina 2017. oris, number 104, year 2017 IVAN CRNKOVIĆ, Dječji vrtić, Samobor IVAN CRNKOVIĆ, Kindergarten, Samobor 107
Zidovi se ne spajaju na uglu nego The walls are not connected in the
ostaju otvoreni i sugeriraju sastav- corner, but stay open and suggest a
ljenost cjeline od zasebnih gradbenih whole assembled of individual con-
elemenata, a ne od volumena struction elements, not of volumes

(ic) (ic)

duhu Ecova otvorenog djela, u kretanju. ¶ Svi gradbeni ele- ground plan area or the significance of each space. Vladimir
menti imaju jasnu ulogu definiranja prostornih jedinica ili nji- Bedenko explains the concept of varying scale: The main
hovih veza. U vertikalnom planu prostorna forma je opisana problem in the design of the kindergarten is the problem of
punim zidovima koji nikada ne formiraju uglove nego su slo- the scale and dimensions of space for adults and children ...
bodnostojeći, masivnim četvrtastim stupovima, parapetnim Spatial values of Crnković’s kindergarten are the result of the
zidovima te njihovim gornjim komplementom: zidovima-gre- handling harmonized and contrasting scale relations.6
dama. U horizontalnom planu prostorne jedinice su određene Bedenko also explains the experiential qualities of spatial
tretmanom poda te stropom u kojem se također događaju segments, By framing the terrace with pillars and partial
sinkope – procjepi i promjene u visini. No, parapeti i zidovi- covering, the outer space is fenced and protected, a place of
grede također su dio su i horizontalne definicije povezano- 6 Bedenko, Vladimir: Dječji vrtić u Samoboru, Čovjek i prostor, No. 263, February
(af) odijeljenih prostora: na primjer, veze sobe za boravak s 1975., Publishing activity of the Croatian Association of Architects, Zagreb, p. 8.

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(bm) međuprostorom ispod lanterne ili rubova blagovaonice. Uto- security and belonging. The glass wall is not... an unwelcome (bm) je prostor ograđen i zaštićen, mjesto sigurnosti i pripadanja. identification with different elements of architecture—from (bm)

liko su prostori otvoreni, ali uvijek i jasno definirani. Organizam barrier to complete spreading, but a fence between the outer Staklena stijena ipak nije (...) nepoželjna barijera do potpunog understanding the logic of living rooms and their boundary
vrtića nije tekući prostor nego niz povezano-odijeljenih mjesta and inner living room, of partial and full protection.7 ¶ Archi- prostiranja, nego ograda između vanjskog i unutarnjeg and servant spaces, through learning about relationships of
ili soba. Dok su gradbeni elementi apstraktni, sobe su kon- tectural order is potentiated by the materiality of walls and boravka, djelomične i potpune zaštićenosti7. ¶ Arhitektonski the interior, exterior and the environment, to looking at the
kretno definirane. ¶ Tlocrtne proporcije sobe su ili kvadratne columns coated with bricks. The walls are never connected red potenciran je materijalnošću zidova i stupova obloženih u whole. The configuration of the kindergarten thus becomes
ili teže kvadratu kako bi njihova organizacija bila nehijerarhij- in the corner, but stay open and suggest a whole assembled opeku. Zidovi se nikada ne spajaju na uglu nego ostaju otvoreni a pedagogical instrument through which the child masters
ska i otvorena. Crnković barata visinom kao elementom iden- of individual construction elements, not of volumes. The i sugeriraju sastavljenost cjeline od zasebnih gradbenih ele- the creation of active relationships to both spatiality and the
tifikacije ili ispravne mjere pa otvori unutar interijera i staklene corners thus form a negative sub-space that admits side light menata, a ne od volumena. Tako uglovi formiraju negativni social life that this space hosts. Although there are no mov-
stijene prema eksterijeru slijede istu kotu od 212 cm, vertikalni in a manner that is complementary to the area under the potprostor koji propušta bočno svjetlo na način koji je kom- ing elements or undetermined spaces, the architecture of
horizont usklađen s dječjim uzrastom. Dok je ta ispravna mjera lantern. The tectonic relationship of bearing and born is plementaran prostoru ispod lanterne. Tektonički odnos nosi- the kindergarten is open. ¶ Crnković’s kindergarten is per-
kontinuirana, visine stropova služećih i služenih prostora se always clear, so the metal profile on the floating beams sup- vog i nošenog uvijek je jasan, pa metalni profil na lebdećim suasive as both an autonomous, programmed architectural
mijenjaju u proporciji s tlocrtnom površinom ili značajem poje- ports the lining of bricks. ¶ A difficult requirement is placed gredama pridržava oblogu od opeke. ¶ Pred arhitekturu insti- form, and as a space that supports the pattern it is designed
dinog prostora. Vladimir Bedenko objašnjava koncepciju vari- before the architecture of the institution of the kindergar- tucije vrtića postavlja se težak zahtjev – slijediti odrastanje for. Adopting the experiences of different cultural sources,
ranja mjerila: Osnovni problem kod projektiranja vrtića pro- ten—to follow the growing up of children. Therefore the djece. Zato arhitektura vrtića ne bi trebala biti odmah razu- from Van Eyck to Louis Kahn to Umberto Eco, Crnković
blem je mjerila i dimenzija prostora za odrasle i djecu... architecture of the kindergarten should not be immediately mljiva, nego biti dovoljno kompleksna i otvorena za promje- designed an entirely authentic, even enigmatic work, an
Prostorne vrijednosti Crnkovićeva vrtića proizlaze iz baratanja understandable, but be sufficiently complex and open to the njive doživljaje i kontinuirano učenje logike prostorne forme, architecture that contributes performatively rather than
usklađenim i kontrastnim odnosima mjerila6. Također, Bedenko changing experiences and continuous learning of the logic ali i logike društvenih odnosa. Konfiguracija Crnkovićeva pro- declaratively to the development of emancipated, open soci-
objašnjava i doživljajne kvalitete prostornih segmenata: Uokvi- of spatial form, and also the logic of social relations. The jekta omogućuje postupnu identifikaciju s različitim elemen- ety. ¶ At the opening of the partially realized kindergarten,
rivanjem terase stupovima i djelomičnim natkrivanjem vanjski configuration of Crnković’s design enables gradual tima arhitekture – od razumijevanja logike soba za boravak i Juro Bujan, the president of the Self-management Commu-
6 Bedenko, Vladimir: Dječji vrtić u Samoboru, Čovjek i prostor, br. 263, veljača 1975., nity of Interests for Pre-School and Primary Education
Izdavačka djelatnost Saveza arhitekata Hrvatske, Zagreb, str. 8 7 Ibid, p. 8. 7 Ibid., str. 8 emphasized the beauty and functionality, but also

110 oris, broj 104, godina 2017. oris, number 104, year 2017 IVAN CRNKOVIĆ, Dječji vrtić, Samobor IVAN CRNKOVIĆ, Kindergarten, Samobor 111
Crnkovićev vrtić je uvjerljiv i Crnković’s kindergarten is (ic)

kao autonomna, programirana persuasive as both an autonomous,

arhitektonska forma i kao prostor programmed architectural form, and
koji podržava uzorak za koji as a space that supports the pattern
je projektiran it is designed for

njihovih rubnih i služećih prostora, preko učenja o odnosima mentioned the emphasized issues and dilemmas about
interijera, eksterijera i okolice, do sagledavanja cjeline. Konfi- whether such costly construction was necessary or the same
guracija vrtića tako postaje pedagoški instrument putem kojeg effect could have been achieved with lesser resources, and
dijete svladava stvaranje aktivnog odnosa i prema prostornosti that the issue should have been be self-critically dealt with.8
i prema društvenom životu koji taj prostor udomljava. Iako Meanwhile, the kindergarten has been improvised and
nema pomičnih elemenata ili nedeterminiranih prostora, arhi- cheaply rebuilt, and today looks like a favela. The original
tektura vrtića je otvorena. ¶ Crnkovićev vrtić je uvjerljiv i kao configuration is resistant and still looms, but some environ-
autonomna, programirana arhitektonska forma i kao prostor ments look miserable. Crnković, at least as is known to the
koji podržava uzorak za koji je projektiran. Usvajajući iskustva author of this text, showed no special sentiment towards
različitih kulturnih izvora, od Van Eycka i Louisa Kahna do the fate of the kindergarten. According to his view, once
Umberta Eca, Crnković projektira sasvim autentično, pa i eni- completed, the house is left to the users to use it the best
gmatično djelo, arhitekturu koja performativno, a ne deklara- they know how.
tivno doprinosi razvoju emancipiranog, otvorenog društva.
¶ Na otvaranju djelomično realiziranog vrtića predsjednik 8 ‘Zahvaljujemo radnim ljudim..’, Samoborske novine, 15. September 1975, p. 4.
Samoupravne interesne zajednice za predškolski odgoj i
osnovno obrazovanje, Juro Bujan, istaknuo je ljepotu i funkci-
onalnost, ali se osvrnuo i na isticana pitanja i dileme je li tako
skupa izgradnja bila potrebna ili bi se i uz manja sredstva
mogao postići isti efekt, te da bi se trebalo samokritički odno-
siti prema tom pitanju8. Vrtić je u međuvremenu improvizirano
i jeftino pregrađivan i danas nalikuje na favelu. Izvorna konfi-
guracija je rezistentna i dalje se nazire, no pojedini ambijenti
djeluju očajno. Crnković, barem koliko je autoru ovog teksta
poznato, nije pokazivao posebni sentiment prema sudbini
vrtića. Prema njegovu stavu, jednom dovršena kuća prepu-
štena je korisnicima da je koriste najbolje što znaju.

8 Zahvaljujemo radnim ljudima..., Samoborske novine, 15. rujna 1975., str. 4

112 oris, broj 104, godina 2017. oris, number 104, year 2017 IVAN CRNKOVIĆ, Dječji vrtić, Samobor IVAN CRNKOVIĆ, Kindergarten, Samobor 113

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