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Vocabulary: Appearance

Do these exercises to help you learn words to describe people’s appearance.

1. Check your vocabulary: picture matching

Write the correct words in the boxes below the pictures.

beautiful handsome old young tall short

fat slim thin blond hair ginger hair dark hair

Vocabulary: Appearance

2. Check your vocabulary: gap fill

Complete the sentences with words from the previous page.

1. _______________ is the opposite of short.

2. If you eat lots of junk food, you will get _______________.

3. _______________ people are below average height.

4. _______________ is the opposite of old.

5. You are _______________ when you are 50 or 60 years old.

6. _______________ is the opposite of fat.

7. A good-looking woman is _______________.

8. _______________ is similar to thin.

9. You have _______________ if your hair is a yellow colour.

10. A good-looking man is _______________.


Which of these words describe you or your friends?

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