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Process Safety and Environmental Protection 137 (2020) 149–157

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Treatment of real pharmaceutical wastewater using different

processes based on ultrasound in combination with oxidants
Shubham Chandak, Pushpito K. Ghosh, Parag R. Gogate ∗
Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai 40019, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The discharge of effluent from the pharmaceutical industries is a major source of environmental pollu-
Received 12 November 2019 tion due to the toxic and at times carcinogenic nature of contaminants. The current work investigates
Received in revised form 18 February 2020 the treatment of pharmaceutical industry effluent (PIE) using ultrasonic horn, operated individually and
Accepted 19 February 2020
in combination with oxidants. Under controlled operating conditions, the effect of addition of hydrogen
Available online 20 February 2020
peroxide (ratio of COD of PIE: H2 O2 varied over the range from 1:1 to 1:10), ozone (flow rate of 400 mg/h)
and Fenton’s reagent (FeSO4 :H2 O2 ratio of 3:5) was investigated as a possible process intensification
strategy. The combined approach of ultrasound, ozone and CuO catalyst (0.3 g/L) as well as US + H2 O2
Pharmaceutical industry effluent
+ Ozone was also studied. The combined operation of US with H2 O2 and Ozone resulted in a 73 % COD
Fenton reduction, whereas the combination of the US, ozone and CuO catalyst gave maximum COD reduction
Hydrogen peroxide of 92 %. The study also focused on identification of intermediate products formed during the PIE treat-
Process intensification ment. The component analysis of PIE before and after treatment was carried out by high-resolution liquid
chromatography–mass spectroscopy (HR-LCMS). The research work has clearly established that cavita-
tion in combination with other AOPs can be effectively used for the treatment of PIE with a significant
increase in the extent of COD reduction for the combination approach.
© 2020 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction creates additional stress on water availability. The problem is

severe in the case of pharmaceuticals sector due to development of
Contamination of freshwater bodies and increasing demand for new molecules at regular frequency, which also cannot be treated
clean water is leading to significant problems for mankind due to effectively using conventional approaches. The mutagenic and car-
reduced availability of fresh water. The drastic increase in con- cinogenic properties of the pharmaceutical effluent has made its
tamination of freshwater bodies and water consumption without treatment a priority for pollution control (Meili and Soletti, 2019).
proper treatment has led to the death of thousands of people In the past, many researchers have tried different conventional
all around the world. Due to increased industrialization, a huge methods for wastewater treatment such as biological oxidation,
quantity of polluted water is also produced every year based on carbon bed adsorption, coagulation/flocculation, membrane sepa-
processing in various industries like pharmaceutical (Farhadi et al., ration, electrochemical treatment and oxidation using chlorination
2012) (Boroski et al., 2009), heavy metals (Aziz et al., 2016), food and ozonation (Sakumoto and Miyata, 1984). But the reduction in
processing (Pocostales et al., 2012), textile (Zheng et al., 2012), the level of toxicity using these methods were not as per the lim-
biotechnological (Gengec et al., 2012), distilleries, pulp and paper, its of the environmental regulations and also the time required
petrochemical, etc. Typically the effluent from these industries was much longer, especially for the complex effluents. In addition,
contain hazardous substances like complex and toxic aromatic some methods mainly converted the pollutants from one phase
compounds, nitrogen, phosphorous and sulphur containing com- to another rather than complete removal (Rajoriya et al., 2017).
pounds, heavy metals, pharmaceutical drugs and intermediates Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have been considered as a
as well as other emerging and harmful substances (Kerc et al., good alternative for efficient removal of organic pollutants from
2003). The limitations of conventional methods for effective treat- wastewater (Andreozzi et al., 1999). In AOPs such as photocatalytic
ment have meant that this wastewater cannot be recycled, which oxidation, cavitation, ozonation combined with hydrogen peroxide
and Fenton’s chemistry, the generation of highly oxidising hydroxyl

( OH) radicals takes place at conditions of ambient temperature

∗ Corresponding author. and pressure. The OH radicals are short lived and highly reac-
E-mail address: (P.R. Gogate). tive that attack the random molecular positions in the pollutants,
0957-5820/© 2020 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
150 S. Chandak et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 137 (2020) 149–157

efficiently break the bonds and ultimately can oxidise pollutants Table 1
Characterization of PIE samples obtained from different locations in plant.
into non-toxic products like CO2 , H2 O and inorganic salts (An et al.,
2010). Sample No. Processing Stages COD pH
Cavitational effects such as generation of highly reactive oxidis- Sample A Equalization tank 6000-7500 6.5 ± 0.5
ing species, conditions of high temperature and pressure, intense Sample B Surface aeration 5000-6500 6.5 ± 0.5
turbulence and liquid circulation can be particularly useful for Sample C Diffused aeration 2000-3000 6.5 ± 0.5
degradation of organic pollutants both in individual operations and Sample D Diffuser 300-500 6.5 ± 0.5

in combination approaches involving external oxidants/catalysts

(Gogate and Pandit, 2004; Jawale and Gogate, 2018). The chemical ing conditions such as pH, initial COD (based on dilution of the
effects of ultrasound typically do not come from direct coupling of obtained wastewater) and use of different additives for intensifi-
the acoustic field with a chemical component on a molecular level. cation. It was clearly demonstrated that the combined approach
Instead, formation, growth and implosive collapse of bubbles in of ultrasound with carbon tetrachloride or activated carbon gave
liquids exposed to high-intensity ultrasound drives different cavi- effective treatment as compared to the only sonication.
tational effects (Dash et al., 2009). The present work focuses on the Considering that previous work on real wastewater treat-
application of cavitation generated using ultrasound for effective ment focused on other sectors than pharmaceutical industries, the
treatment of PIE. present work focuses on the treatment of real PIE applying differ-
Industrial effluents containing higher concentration of pharma- ent approaches based on ultrasound. The main novelty of present
ceutical compounds should ideally be treated at source. If these work which illustrates the combination of ultrasonic cavitation
effluents are mixed with other sources of wastewater that con- with H2 O2 , Fenton’s reagent and CuO for treatment of real PIE is
tains biodegradable substrates, before being discharged to drain, evidently emphasized. The study also reports the use of effluents
the bacteria in a treatment plant will metabolize the latter and from different sections in the plant with different levels of initial
the toxic pharmaceutical pollutants will pass through unchanged COD for the first time (the earlier reported study dealt with diluting
as ‘Hard COD’. Many of the concentrated streams of PIE exhibits original effluent) and hence expected to give important information
high concentration of salts (up to 20 % w/v) and carried-over cat- in the applicability of distributed treatment schemes, as an alterna-
alysts/solid additives which inhibits microbial growth. Thus it is tive to the more commonly followed practice of central treatment
imperative to study the treatment aspects of PIE in order to estab- facility.
lish effective combination strategies. Majority of the past work has
typically utilised synthetic effluents obtained by dissolving a spe- 2. Materials and methods
cific contaminant in water. For example, Barik and Gogate (2017)
studied the degradation of 2, 4-dichlorophenol using AOPs such as 2.1. Chemicals
US, US + O3 and US + O3 + CuO. The maximum extent of degrada-
tion for the combined operation of US + O3 (flow rate of 400 mg/h) Hydrogen peroxide (30 % w/v), ferrous sulphate (FeSO4 ),
+ CuO (loading of 0.08 g/L) was reported as 97.03 % (Barik and potassium dichromate (K2 Cr2 O7 ), mercuric sulphate (HgSO4 ) and
Gogate, 2017). Another study reported that the treatment of imida- sulphuric acid (H2 SO4 ) were procured from S.D. Fine Chem. Pvt.
cloprid containing wastewater can be effectively performed using Ltd. Mumbai and used without further purification (all chemi-
the combination of US and Fenton’s reagent, leading to a maxi- cals were of analytical reagent grade). Chemicals were diluted to
mum degradation of imidacloprid as 96.5 % in treatment time of required concentrations using distilled water (typical resistivity of
120 min at an optimum pH of 5 (Patil et al., 2014). Thanekar et al. 500,000 ) obtained from laboratory unit for experimental studies
(2018) investigated the degradation of carbamazepine using a com- as required. H2 SO4 aqueous solution was used for the adjustment
bined approach involving hydrodynamic cavitation (HC), UV, H2 O2 of pH. All the required laboratory glassware were procured from
and O3 at an optimized pressure and operating pH. The extent of J.T. Baker Chem. Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai, India.
degradation achieved for the combined approach of HC + UV, HC +
H2 O2 , HC + O3 and HC + H2 O2 + O3 were 52.9 %, 58.3 %, 91.4 % and 2.2. Characterization of PIE
100 % respectively. The present work focuses on treatment of real
effluent that is considered very tough to degrade as it contains dif- Four samples A, B, C and D of PIE with initial COD of 7500, 6500,
ferent types of toxic compounds, solvents and components which 3000 and 500 ppm were taken from different processing stages in
act as radical scavengers (Chakinala et al., 2008) at different levels. the effluent treatment plant with various properties as enlisted in
We now present a brief overview of different studies dealing with Table 1. Typically the pH was maintained around neutral condi-
treatment of real wastewater using cavitation based approaches so tions (actual observed value of 6.5 ± 0.5) across all the stages as per
as to establish the novelty of the current work. the regulations in India. Along with the typical characteristics men-
Joshi and Gogate (2019) studied treatment of real industrial tioned in the Table 1, it is important to note that the color of PIE
wastewater obtained from petrochemical sector using HC in com- appeared blackish to transparent with solids present in the form
bination with other AOPs at 70 L capacity. Combined operation of particulate matter (variable degrees depending on the source of
of HC + Fenton + O2 at H2 O2 loading of 15 g/L and Fenton molar effluent). The samples contain same set of pollutants albeit to dif-
ratio of 1:20 was reported to result in 63 % COD reduction dur- ferent concentration levels though the exact quantification could
ing 180 min of treatment (Joshi and Gogate, 2019). Balcioglu and not be done. The concentration of other constituents like salts or
Ötker (2003) studied ozonation for treatment of wastewater con- inorganic compounds is likely to change depending on the pro-
taminated with antibiotics such as b-lactams. It was stated that cessing stage. As per the regulations in India, the efficacy was only
although high removal efficiencies were achieved by ozonation monitored with respect to COD as the discharge limitations typ-
(COD removals > 50 %), the degree of mineralization was very less ically rely on the values of COD rather than individual pollutant
(≈ 20 %), even for long treatment time. It was also reported that concentration.
degradation rates increased with an increase in pH as a result of
enhanced ozone decomposition rates into free radicals. Sivakumar 2.3. Experimental setup
and Muthukumar (2011) investigated the ultrasonic treatment of
pharmaceutical wastewater with extent of treatment characterized The experimental setup for treatment comprised of ultrasonic
in terms of COD. The study dealt with effect of different operat- horn and 250 mL beaker containing the PIE sample. The titanium
S. Chandak et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 137 (2020) 149–157 151

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of experimental setup based on only ultrasound (A) and ultrasonic horn/ozone combination (B).

horn with 2.1 cm tip diameter operates at a frequency of 22 kHz, tion of ultrasound with hydrogen peroxide (varioud loadings of 1:1,
maximum power output of 250 W, and was fitted with single PZT 1:5, 1:10), ozone (fixed flow rate of 400 mg/h), CuO catalyst (fixed
transducer at the tip of the horn. The power used in the study was loading as 0.3 g/L) and Fenton’s reagent (fixed oxidant molar ratio
200 W and as per the observed calorimetric efficiency, the actual of 3:5). Dilution of the PIE was implemented for convenience in the
power transmitted into the solution was 15.3 W. The tip of the experimental investigation. The PIE sample of volume 100 ml used
probe was dipped to a certain depth (typically 2 mm) below the for study was prepared by mixing 50 ml of PIE with 50 ml of distilled
surface level of PIE sample in the beaker. The beaker was kept in water. The prepared PIE sample was treated using an ultrasonic
water bath with ice pellet introduction at regular interval so as horn for a period of 120 min, which has been considered as base
to maintain constant temperature of PIE sample throughout the time for comparison of different treatment approaches. The initial
experimental study. The schematic diagram of the experimental pH of the PIE sample was found to be 6.5 ± 0.5 and was adjusted to
setup used in the work is shown in Fig. 1A for the case of only 2.5 ± 0.5 for the actual study as acidic conditions are better for treat-
ultrasound and in Fig. 1B for the case of combination of horn and ment using ultrasound based approaches (Saharan et al., 2011). The
ozone. PIE sample was taken in a beaker used as simple reactor, which was
kept in water bath. Ice pellets were introduced at regular interval
2.4. Methodology of time to maintain constant temperature throughout experiment.
The PIE sample was also treated with ozonator with and with-
Different approaches were applied for the treatment of wastew- out the combination of ultrasonic horn for 120 min. To maintain
ater as single approach is typically not effective for wastewater constant dispersion of ozone throughout the reactor, a ceramic
treatment (Boczkaj et al., 2018). To quantify the basic efficacy, stud- sparger was connected to the supply line. Proper measures were
ies involving individual approaches were also performed initially. taken to prevent the leakage of ozone while using ozone generator
The different combinations studied in the work involved combina- and in addition experiments were conducted inside fume hood to
152 S. Chandak et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 137 (2020) 149–157

Fig. 2. Ultrasound treatment of PIE samples with varying initial COD (ppm). Fig. 3. Combined ultrasound and hydrogen peroxide treatment of PIE sample A at
Experimental conditions: operating volume =100 mL, operation time = 120 min, various H2 O2 loadings with respect to initial COD. Experimental conditions: oper-
pH = 2 ± 0.5, T = 30 ± 2 ◦ C. ating volume =100 mL, operation time = 120 min, pH = 2 ± 0.5, T = 30 ± 2 ◦ C.

10. It is important to note here that the dilution plays an impor-

prevent inhalation by the people. The ozonator (model: DOZ400)
tant role in the COD reduction but it must be optimized as dilution
was procured from Eltech Engineers Mumbai. All the experiments
increases the quantum of the effluent to be treated (Chakinala et al.,
were carried out at ambient temperature and pressure. During the
2008). Also the net COD reduction is different compared to the rel-
experimental runs, samples were collected at regular intervals and
ative COD reduction usually discussed everywhere. In the present
used for COD analysis. All the experiments were also repeated to
work as well, the net COD reduction is infact more for the high COD
check the reproducibility and the observed variation was typically
effluent (715 ppm) compared to the low COD effluent (70 ppm). The
between ± 2% of the reported average values, confirming the sat-
importance of the current work is thus clearly established as it also
isfactory trends.
illustrates the importance of the net COD reduction in addition to
the more commonly used relative or percentage COD reduction.
2.5. Analysis
3.2. Effect of ultrasound combination with hydrogen peroxide
The presence of pollutants in the PIE was quantified in terms
of COD determined using a COD analyser obtained from HANNA Hydrogen peroxide dissociates into hydroxyl radicals in the
instruments (model: HI83399). The PIE samples were diluted as presence of ultrasonic irradiation and hence can be used to increase
per convenience for COD analysis and the exact value of the CODs the extent of degradation of pollutants and hence the mineraliza-
were obtained after multiplying the obtained COD values in the tion (Gogate and Patil, 2015). The COD reduction of PIE at different
diluted samples with their dilution factor. Characterization of the loadings of H2 O2 with respect to initial COD of the effluent (1:1, 1:5
components present in the PIE samples was also done using HRLC- and 1:10) has been studied using ultrasonic horn. It was noticed that
MS (1290 Infinity UHPLC System, 1260 infinity Nano HPLC with formation of sticky blackish residue occurs at the end of experiment
Chipcube, 6550 iFunnel Q-TOFs; Agilent Technologies, USA) avail- for samples A, B, C and D which can be the due to the formation of
able at the Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility of Indian inorganic salts. The effect of various loadings of H2 O2 on the extent
Institute of Technology - Bombay, Mumbai, India. of COD reduction for Sample A has been shown in Fig. 3. The max-
imum COD reduction (29 %) was obtained at an optimum loading
3. Results and discussion of H2 O2 with respect to COD of 1:5, which was later utilised to
investigate the effect of addition of H2 O2 on the extent of COD
3.1. Effect of only ultrasound reduction in all other samples. Lower extents of COD reduction
were observed at the other ratios of 1:1 (15 %) and 1:10 (27.5 %) used
The effect of the initial COD of PIE sample on the extent of COD in the work. Ghodbane and Hamdaoui (2009) also reported that
reduction was evaluated using only ultrasonic horn for a period of the rate of degradation increased by 2.4, 1.7 and 1.5 times with the
2 h. The COD reduction of PIE obtained for different samples A, B, addition of 386, 1157 and 1928 mg L−1 of H2 O2 , respectively. It was
C and D with initial COD of 7500 ppm, 6500 ppm, 3000 ppm and reported that beyond the loading of 386 mg L−1 of H2 O2 , decrease
500 ppm were 9%, 11 %, 13 % and 14 % respectively as depicted in the extent of COD reduction was noticed, attributed to the scav-

in Fig. 2. From the figure it can be concluded that COD reduction enging effect of excess H2 O2 on the OH radicals (Ghauch et al.,
is inversely proportional to the initial concentration, though the 2011) as represented by the following equation.
effect is marginal. The COD reduction is expected to be dependent • •
H2 O2 + OH → H2 O+ O2 H (1)
on the quantity of ˙OH radicals and on the concentration of con-

taminant molecules present at the interface of cavitation bubble. The formed O2 H offer lower oxidation potential as compared
The lower extent of COD reduction at higher initial COD values can to the hydroxyl radicals and hence lower oxidation effects are
be attributed to the fact that number of contaminant molecules observed. It is again important to understand that the optimum
increases with an increase in COD values whereas the quantity of dosage would specifically depend on the type of effluent and
˙OH radicals remains constant based on fixed condition of ultra- also the subsequent usage (any residual H2 O2 would inhibit the
sound (Jawale and Gogate, 2018). Joshi et al. (2019) reported that microorganisms if a downstream biological oxidation is planned),
50 % dilution resulted in 6.1 % of COD reduction as compared to 4.2 clearly directing the need for detailed investigation into the effect
% and 3% in the case of 25 % dilution and no-dilution respectively of operating loading of hydrogen peroxide.
(Joshi and Gogate, 2019). Chakinala et al. (2008) also reported that The obtained results for the effect of hydrogen peroxide addition
the extent of COD reduction is inversely proportional to the initial in the case of other samples used in the work have been shown in
COD of the effluent as a COD reduction of 73 % was observed for a Fig. 4. It can be seen that a maximum COD reduction of 29 %, 31 %, 33
dilution ratio of 50 as compared to 42 % for a dilution ratio of only %, and 36 % was obtained for PIE samples A, B, C and D respectively
S. Chandak et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 137 (2020) 149–157 153

Fig. 6. Combined ozone and hydrogen peroxide treatment of PIE samples with
varying initial COD (ppm). Experimental conditions: operating volume =100 mL,
Fig. 4. Combined ultrasound and hydrogen peroxide treatment of PIE samples with operation time = 120 min, pH = 2 ± 0.5, T = 30 ± 2 ◦ C, ozone gas (400 mg/h), H2 O2
varying initial COD (ppm). Experimental conditions: operating volume =100 mL, loading = 1:5.
operation time = 120 min, pH = 2 ± 0.5, T = 30 ± 2 ◦ C, H2 O2 loading = 1:5.

% of TOC removal in 90 min. The increase in TOC reduction was

attributed to increase in the mass transfer of ozone by the ultra-
sound (Kıdak and Doğan, 2018). The higher COD reduction obtained
for the combined treatment of ultrasound and ozone as compared
to only ultrasound is also attributed to the enhanced generation of
˙OH radicals and additional oxidants as nascent oxygen by cavita-
tion induced decomposition of ozone (Gogate and Patil, 2015).

3.4. Effect of combination of ozone and hydrogen peroxide

The reaction of ozone and hydrogen peroxide also gives ˙OH rad-

icals which can be utilized for the effective COD reduction. The OH
radical generation by reaction of ozone and hydrogen peroxide is
given as follows.

Fig. 5. Combined ultrasound and ozone treatment of PIE samples with varying ini-
H2 O2 +O3 → HO• 2 + OH + O2 (4)
tial COD (ppm). Experimental conditions: operating volume =100 mL, operation
time = 120 min, pH = 2 ± 0.5, T = 30 ± 2 ◦ C, ozone gas (400 mg/h). In order to investigate the efficacy of combined operation of
ozone and hydrogen peroxide on COD reduction, hydrogen perox-
at the optimum loading. Comparing the effect of addition of H2 O2 , it ide was added to the PIE sample at optimized loading of 1:5 (COD
can be confirmed that using optimum H2 O2 has shown best results to oxidant ratio) and at the same time ozone gas (400 mg/h) was
for sample D with the extent of COD reduction as 36 % compared purged with treatment continued for 2 h. It was observed that the
to only 14 % with the use of only ultrasound. hybrid treatment method led to COD reduction of 62 %, 64 %, 63 %
and 66 % for the PIE samples A, B, C and D respectively as shown in
3.3. Effect of ultrasound combination with ozone Fig. 6. The obtained COD reduction was higher as compared to that
observed with only use of ozone or hydrogen peroxide.
The characteristics possessed by ozone of being non-specific Kepa et al. (2008) studied the efficiency of H2 O2 + O3 process
and having high oxidation potential (E0 = 2.07 eV) makes it highly for removal of cyanide from water. It was reported that the elimi-
effective for treatment of wastewater containing complex organic nation of cyanides from water to the permissible level of drinking
pollutants. The combination of ozone (O3 ) with ultrasound can play water could be achieved with the combination involving optimum

a significant role in the enhanced formation of OH radicals which loadings of H2 O2 and Ozone (Kepa et al., 2008). Rosal et al. (2009)
can lead to improved effect in COD reduction of PIE. In the pres- studied the effect of O3 + H2 O2 on the effluent from secondary clar-

ence of ultrasound, ozone dissociates to form OH radicals as per ifier of an urban sewage treatment plant. It was reported that high
the following mechanism (Ternes et al., 2003). removal efficiencies could be obtained for most of the pharmaceu-

ticals found in wastewater. The elimination of organic compounds
O3 +H2 O → 2 OH + O2 (2) increased by adding periodic pulses of H2 O2 loading and nearly
• • complete mineralization was obtained in reaction time of 1 h (Rosal
O3 +HO 2 → OH + 2O2 (3)
et al., 2009). Hey et al. (2014) also confirmed that combination
During the treatment, in the presence of ultrasound, ozone gas of H2 O2 with ozone was beneficial. Comparison with literature
(400 mg/h) was purged into the reaction mixture and the treat- revealed that better efficacy of combined operation is obtained for
ment continued for two hours for investigating the efficacy of most effluents though the quantitative trends in terms of extent of
combined operation. The combination of ultrasound and ozone increase is different for specific cases as also demonstrated in the
resulted in enhanced COD reduction as 30 %, 33 %, 35 % and 37 present work.
% for PIE samples A, B, C and D respectively as shown in Fig. 5.
Olson et al. (1994) oxidised natural organic matter using the com- 3.5. Effect of combination of Fenton’s reagent and ultrasound
bination of ultrasound (55 W, 22 kHz) and ozone leading to a 91 %
of TOC reduction in 60 min of treatment time (Olson and Barbier, The combination of Fenton with ultrasound (Sono-Fenton or
1994). Kidak and Dogan (2018) reported degradation of Amoxi- US/Fenton) was also applied with an objective to increase the
cillin using ultrasound simultaneously with ozone leading to 45 degradation efficiency. Fenton process is based on the production
154 S. Chandak et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 137 (2020) 149–157

Fig. 7. Combined ultrasound and Fenton’s reagent treatment of PIE samples with
varying initial COD (ppm). Experimental conditions: operating volume =100 mL,
Fig. 8. Combined ultrasound, ozone, and hydrogen peroxide treatment of PIE sam-
operation time = 120 min, pH = 2 ± 0.5, T = 30 ± 2 ◦ C, Ozone gas (400 mg/h), Fenton’s
ples with varying initial COD (ppm). Experimental conditions: operating volume
reagent ratio = 3:5.
=100 mL, operation time = 120 min, pH = 2 ± 0.5, T = 30 ± 2 ◦ C, ozone gas (400 mg/h),
H2 O2 loading = 1:5.
of highly reactive ˙OH radicals using combination of Ferrous sulfate
(FeSO4 ) and H2 O2 which is typically effective under acidic condi-
tions (Zhang et al., 2005). Use of ultrasound in combination can
increase rate constant for the reaction of ferrous ion Fe(II) with
H2 O2 to get oxidized into Fe(III) and result in enhanced generation
of ˙OH radicals as per the following reaction (Cesaro et al., 2013):

Fe2+ +H2 O2 → Fe3+ +−OH+ OH (5)

The breakage of complex formed in the Fenton mechanism due

to ultrasound effects also help in regeneration of Fe (II) giving
higher generation of oxidizing species.
In the current work, the ratio of FeSO4 to H2 O2 was kept con-
stant at 3:5 at an acidic pH of 2.5 ± 0.5. The initial color of the PIE
sample was dark blue and it was observed during the treatment
that the color changed to black and at the end of the treatment a
black residue was also formed. The COD reduction was found to
be 67 %, 69 %, 72 % and 73 % for PIE samples A, B, C and D respec- Fig. 9. Combined ultrasound, Ozone and CuO treatment of PIE samples with varying
tively as shown in Fig. 7. It can be clearly noticed here that the initial COD (ppm). Experimental conditions: operating volume =100 mL, operation
time = 120 min, pH = 2 ± 0.5, T = 30 ± 2 ◦ C, ozone gas (400 mg/h), CuO loading =0.3 g/L.
maximum COD reduction obtained using US + H2 O2 + FeSO4 is 73
% as compared to only 37 %, 36 %, 14 % using US + O3 , US+ H2 O2
and US respectively for the specific case of sample D. Jawale and the potential of oxidizing most organic pollutants. The increased

Gogate (2008) also studied the effect of Fenton’s reagent in combi- rate of generation of OH radicals can also be due to the fact that
nation with ultrasound at different Triazophos:FeSO4 :H2 O2 ratios ultrasonic irradiations result in turbulence which further increased
and reported that the extent of degradation increases as the load- the mass transfer rate of O3 and hence its utilization (Von Gunten,
ings of FeSO4 and H2 O2 are increased (generally higher degradation 2003). Effective degradation of Reactive red 198 at 200 mg/L ini-
was reported as compared to individual operations or combina- tial concentration at an optimum H2 O2 loading of 0.03 M was also
tion with only hydrogen peroxide). It was also reported that in reported by Karami et al. (2016) with extents of decolorization and
90 min of reaction time, minimum ratio of (1:1:1) and maximum COD reduction as 100 % and 69 % respectively in 40 min of operat-
of (1:2:4) gave 62.7 % and 92.2 % degradation of Triazophos respec- ing time at 125 W operating power of ultrasound in the presence of
tively (Jawale and Gogate, 2018). ozone (Karami et al., 2016). The reported illustration confirms the
beneficial contribution of adding hydrogen peroxide and ozone to
3.6. Effect of combination of ultrasound, ozone and hydrogen give enhanced quantum of hydroxyl radicals.
3.7. Effect of using combination of ultrasound, ozone and cupric
In order to study the efficacy of the combined operation of ultra- oxide (CuO)
sound, ozone and hydrogen peroxide on the COD removal of PIE,
H2 O2 (at ratio of COD to H2 O2 as 1:5) was added to the PIE sample The main objective of this combined approach was to establish
and at the same time, ozone gas (400 mg/h) was purged into the the extent of COD reduction of PIE by using a catalyst in combination
PIE sample in the presence of ultrasound. The treatment was con- with ultrasound and ozone. CuO provides a catalytic action for the
tinued for two hours and it was observed that the hybrid treatment dissociation of ozone and hence was utilized in the present work.
method gave a COD reduction of 66 %, 68 %, 70 % and 73 % for PIE In order to study the application of combined approach of ultra-
samples A, B, C and D respectively as per the data shown in Fig. 8. sound, ozone and CuO for the COD removal of PIE, cupric oxide in
The increase in the extent of COD reduction in combined oper- quantity of 0.3 g/L was added in the PIE and treated with ozone gas
ation of ultrasound, O3 and H2 O2 as compared to combination of (fixed flow rate of 400 mg/h) and ultrasound for 2 h. The combined
ultrasound with only O3 /H2 O2 is due to the combined effect of O3 treatment resulted in the COD reduction of 86 %, 89 %, 90 % and 92
and H2 O2 . The introduction of H2 O2 increases the probability of % for PIE samples A, B, C and D respectively as shown in Fig. 9. It can

reaction of O3 with H2 O2 to generate OH radicals. As discussed be noticed that a maximum of 92 % COD reduction was obtained as
in the earlier section, ˙OH radicals are powerful oxidants and have compared to only 37 % using US + O3 which can due to the presence
S. Chandak et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 137 (2020) 149–157 155

Fig. 10. Comparison of different approaches for COD reduction of various PIE samples.

of CuO giving enhancement in active sites for the reaction to take which can be due to the enhancement in generation OH radicals
place or increased nucleation sites for cavity generation leading to with a complimentary effect of ozone and CuO catalyst. Ozone in
enhanced cavitational intensity. combination with only ultrasound gives only 37 % COD reduction,
Li et al. (2010) and Jiang et al. (2013) proposed two different but when ozone and ultrasound are used in combination with a
mechanisms for enhanced mineralization based on heterogeneous catalyst which provides more specific surface area for oxidation
catalytic ozonation: 1) The first mechanism explains that the oxi- of pollutants, much higher extent of COD reduction i.e., 92 % is

dation of an organic compound by ozone or OH takes place on the obtained. US + O3 + CuO resulted in the maximum COD reduction
surface of the catalyst which generates oxidation by-products and of 92 % as compared to only US, US + H2 O2 , US + O3 , O3 + H2 O2 ,
then the by-products desorbed in the solution are further oxidized US + O3 + H2 O2 and US + Fenton which resulted in 14 %, 36 %, 37 %,
by ozone or ˙OH radicals with higher ease. 2) The second mechanism 66 %, 73 % and 73 % respectively as the COD reduction. The above
states that the adsorbed organic pollutant on the oxidized catalyst results give insight into the fact that the effectiveness of differ-
is involved in the electron-transfer (metallic catalyst) reaction to ent combinations of AOPs depends on the type of effluents to be
form organic radical species which are desorbed from the catalyst treated.

and then get successively oxidized by OH or O3 in the bulk solu- Typically the COD reduction of PIE varied with chemical char-
tion along with the formed intermediates, again with higher ease acteristics, especially in terms of initial COD and salt contents.
(Li et al., 2010) (Jiang et al., 2013). Moreover, the combination approach also affected the degree of
A similar study of combined treatment of ultrasound, ozone and mineralization. For example, US + O3 resulted in slightly better
catalyst (ZnO and CuO) was reported by Barik and Gogate (2017) treatment efficacy as compared to US + H2 O2 for removal of phar-
where the treatment was carried out at various ozone loadings of maceutical compounds from the PIE in the present work.
100, 200, 300 and 400 mg/h. The other fixed conditions applied
were 20 ppm initial concentration of 2, 4-DCP (2, 4- dichlorophe-
3.9. Intermediate analysis
nol), pH of 7, temperature of 30 ± 2 ◦ C and continuous US power
dissipation of 150 W. It was reported that US + O3 + ZnO treatment
The intermediate analysis was based on HRLC-MS and done
at an optimum loading of ZnO as 0.1 g/L and US + O3 + CuO treatment
for the best treatment approach of combination of ultrasound
at an optimum loading of CuO as 0.08 g/L gave 95.66 % and 97.03 %
with ozone (400 mg/h) and CuO at an optimum loading of CuO
degradation of 2, 4-DCP respectively. The obtained results in their
(0.3 g/L) for which the maximum COD reduction was achieved.
work also established that the combination treatment approach
Two samples were analysed, one was without any treatment
of US + O3 (flow rate of 400 mg/h) + CuO (loading of 0.08 g/L) was
and the second sample was after treatment by the combined
the most effective treatment approach, with significantly intensi-
approach of ultrasound, ozone and CuO. The compounds detected
fied extent of degradation when compared to US alone (Barik and
in the non- treated PIE sample were Gatifloxacin (molecular mass
Gogate, 2017). Liu et al. (2009) studied the degradation of phenol
of 375.4 g), Meperidine acid (molecular mass of 219.3 g), Barbi-
using US/O3 /coal ash and reported that with the increased dosage
turic acid (molecular mass of 128.1 g), Normeperidine (molecular
of coal ash from 0.2 to 0.6, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 g/L, the kinetics constant
mass of 233.3 g), l-Methamphetamine (molecular mass of 149.2 g),
(k) increased from 5.5 × 10−3 to 6.6 × 10−3 , 7.9 × 10−3 , 8.6 × 10−3 ,
Atenolol (molecular mass of 266.3 g), Warfarin (molecular mass of
and 9.5 × 10−3 min−1 , respectively. It is important to note that the
308.3 g), Proglumide (molecular mass of 334.4 g), Cetirizine (molec-
observed intensification depends on the type of catalyst as well
ular mass of 388.9 g), Losartan (molecular mass of 422.9 g) and
as the pollutant in question directing the importance of detailed
Sulfamethazine (molecular mass of 278.3 g). The obtained peaks
investigation elucidated in the present work.
for the main pollutants in the untreated PIE sample are depicted
in Fig. 11. The by-products/intermediates detected in treated PIE
3.8. Comparison of different approaches sample were 4-(2-hydroxy-3- isopropyl aminopropyl) benzoic acid
(molecular mass of 253 g), 9-amino-nonanoic acid (molecular mass
Comparative data presented in Fig. 10 for different approaches of 173.2 g), Barbituric acid (molecular mass of 128.1 g) and Phyllo-
suggests that the hybrid approach for the treatment of PIE resulted quinone (Vitamin K1, molecular mass of 450.7 g) as shown in Fig. 12.
in the higher amount of COD reduction. Ultrasound in combination The compounds present in the treated PIE sample were derivatives
with Fenton’s reagent and in combination with ozone and cata- of carboxylic acid and mainly lower molecular weight compounds
lyst (CuO) resulted in COD reduction of 73 % and 92 % respectively as compared to the different compounds present initially. The con-
156 S. Chandak et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 137 (2020) 149–157

Fig. 11. Identification of main pollutants in PIE sample by HR-LCMS before treatment. (a) Gatifloxacin, (b) Meperidinic acid, (c) Barbituric acid, (d) Normeperidine, (e)
l-Methamphetamine and (f) Atenolol.

Fig. 12. Identification of pollutants in PIE sample by HR-LCMS after combined treatment of US+H2 O2 +CuO. (a) 4-(2-hydroxy-3- isopropyl aminopropyl) benzoic acid, (b)
9-amino-nonanoic acid, (c) Barbituric acid and (d) Phylloquinone (Vitamin K1).

version of the initial complex nature of the compounds to simple tant requirement considering the possible application of AOPs as
lower chain compounds also clearly mean that the offered toxicity pretreatment to biological oxidation. It can be thus concluded that
to the microorganism will be considerably reduced, a very impor- the combination of US + O3 + H2 O2 can be effectively utilized for
S. Chandak et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 137 (2020) 149–157 157

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