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Neuroscience 164 (2009) 1477–1483


J. G. DE MOOIJ-VAN MALSEN,a K. L. YU,a Key words: motor activity levels, motor neuron anatomy, ven-
H. VELDMAN,b H. OPPELAAR,a L. H. VAN DEN BERG,b tral roots, mouse, home cage, chromosome substitution strain.
B. OLIVIERa,c,d AND M. J. H. KASa*
Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience, Department of Neuro-
For many years, differences in motor activity levels be-
science and Pharmacology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utre-
cht, The Netherlands tween inbred strains of mice have been subject to research
(Bothe et al., 2005; Cabib et al., 2002; Mhyre et al., 2005;
Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience, Department of Neurology,
University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands Tang et al., 2002). As locomotor activity is required for
many complex behavioral tasks, variation in activity non-
Department of Psychopharmacology, Utrecht Institute for Pharma-
ceutical Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
specifically affects performance in many behavioral tests
and can even function as a confounding factor (Kas et al.,
Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, New
Haven, USA
2004). The question rises to what extend this naturally
occurring variation in motor activity levels is caused by
changes on the (neuro⫺) anatomical level, emotional level
Abstract—Locomotion is a complex behavior affected by or, most likely, a combination of these two, and what this
many different brain- and spinal cord systems, as well as by implies for the validity of behavioural tests.
variations in the peripheral nervous system. Recently, we
In a forward genetic screen using chromosome substi-
found increased gene expression for EphA4, a gene intri-
cately involved in motor neuron development, between high-
tution strains (CSS) on mouse behavioural traits, we re-
active parental strain C57BL/6J and the low-active chromo- cently identified a quantitative trait loci (QTL) on chromo-
some substitution strain 1 (CSS1). CSS1 mice carry chromo- some 1 regulating motor activity levels in mice (Kas et al.,
some 1 from A/J mice in a C57BL/6J genetic background, 2009). CSS mice allow systematic testing of single chro-
allowing localization of quantitative trait loci (QTL) on chro- mosomes (here from A/J mice) in a controlled genetic
mosome 1. To find out whether differences in motor neuron background (here from C57BL/6J) for their contribution
anatomy, possibly related to the changes in EphA4 expres- to complex traits. Genome-wide microarray gene expres-
sion, are involved in the motor activity differences observed sion profiling in brains of F2-individuals resulting from a
in these strains, motor performance in various behavioral
cross between C57BL/6J and chromosome substitution
paradigms and anatomical differences in the ventral roots
were investigated. To correlate the behavioral profiles to the strain 1 (CSS1) showed a significant upregulation of
spinal motor neuron morphology, not only CSS1 and its pa- EphA4 mRNA levels in the hippocampus of low active
rental strains C57BL/6J (host) and A/J (donor) were exam- F2-individuals. Further genetic analysis showed that
ined, but also a set of other mouse inbred strains (AKR/J, EphA4 may be an important signaling molecule in the
129ⴛ1/SvJ and DBA/2J). Significant differences were found regulation of motor activity levels. This has also been
between inbred strains on home cage motor activity levels, supported in recent studies using EphA4 mutant mice.
the beam balance test, grip test performance, and on alter- Locomotion is a complex behavior affected by many dif-
nating versus synchronous hind limb movement (hind limb
ferent brain- and spinal cord systems, as well as by variations
hopping). Also, considerable differences were found in spinal
in the peripheral nervous system (Lemon, 2008; Lemon and
motor neuron morphology, with A/J and CSS1 showing
smaller, possibly less developed, motor neuron axons com- Griffiths, 2005). However, the exact underlying mechanisms
pared to all other inbred strains. For CSS1 and C57BL/6J, in which molecular and developmental changes within the
only genetically different for chromosome 1, a correlation cortico-spinal tract affect behavior are largely unknown due to
was found between motor activity levels, synchronous hind its composite nature. For example, nitric oxide has been
limb movement and neuro-anatomical differences in spinal found to modulate motor behavior both in essential brain
motor neurons. Inclusion of the other inbred strains, how- systems involved in emotion and locomotion (e.g. by interfer-
ever, did not show this direct correlation. These data verifies ing with neurotransmission in the striatum (Del Bel et al.,
the complex nature of the mammalian motor system that may
2005)), as well as by influencing the molecular maturation of
be further dissected using genetic mapping populations de-
rived from these inbred strains. © 2009 IBRO. Published by
motor neurons in the spinal cord (Kalb and Agostini, 1993).
Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This indicates that effects on the cortico-spinal tract should be
taken into account when examining the effect of, for instance,
*Corresponding author. Tel: ⫹31-88-756-8179; fax: ⫹31-88-756-9032. genetic variations involved in motor activity levels. For exam-
E-mail address: (M. J. H. Kas).
Abbreviations: CSS, chromosome substitution strains; PFA, parafor- ple, EphA4 has been found to be a crucial component in the
maldehyde; QTL, quantitative trait loci. neuronal circuitry controlling movement due to its regulating
0306-4522/09 $ - see front matter © 2009 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1478 J. G. de Mooij-van Malsen et al. / Neuroscience 164 (2009) 1477–1483

function in axon guidance and cell migration in the developing European regulations (Guideline 86/609/EEC). In the design of
(central) nervous system (Coonan et al., 2001; Kullander et our experiments we have tried to minimize the number of animals
al., 2001). Additionally, EphA4-positive neurons are found to used and their suffering.
be key components of the mammalian central pattern gener-
Home cage environment
ators (Kullander et al., 2003) central pattern generators
(CPGs; the local circuits in the spinal cord responsible for For a description of the home cage environment dimensions, please
coordinated bilateral control over the normal limb alternation see Kas et al (2008). One hour prior to the start of the dark phase,
that underlies walking). Also, Dottori et al., 1998 showed that mice were weighed and placed individually in a home cage environ-
mice with a null mutation in the EphA4 gene displayed major ment for 73 h. No experimenter interference took place during these
3 days. The distance moved, enter frequency and duration spent in
disruptions of the cortico-spinal tract. Consequently, homozy- the shelter and on the two feeding platforms were obtained using the
gous EphA4 knock out mice display extreme motor dysfunc- video-tracking system (PhenoTyper® PT10S/P/N Version 1.01, Nol-
tions, resulting in reduced and uncoordinated locomotor per- dus Information Technology, Wageningen, The Netherlands). The
formance (Kullander et al., 2003; Dottori et al., 1998; Helm- PhenoTyper is a video-based observation system for automated
bacher et al., 2000). Even though the CSS1 strain in general monitoring of rodent behavior. Integrated with the Ethovision® (Nol-
displays a normal walking pattern, this does raise the ques- dus Information Technology, Wageningen, The Netherlands) video
tracking system, mice can be monitored automatically for several
tion whether this genetic background, possibly exerting its
consecutive days (de Visser et al., 2006). The top-unit contains an
effects on the nervous system during development as well as infrared-sensitive CMOS camera and an array of infrared light-emit-
adulthood, could contribute to the reduced motor activity lev- ting diodes and is connected to a computer running the EthoVision®
els displayed by this strain and/or other inbred strains of mice. 3.0 video-tracking software. Infrared sensors placed in front of the
To find out whether differences in motor neuron anat- food and water supplies registered the frequency and duration of
omy, possibly related to the changes found in EphA4 ex- feeding and drinking. Data were analyzed for the first hour of testing
(novelty) and for the following days per 24 h.
pression between CSS1 and C57BL/6J, are associated
with locomotor behavior differences observed in these
Beam balance
strains, motor performance in various behavioral para-
digms and anatomical differences in the ventral roots were The beam balance task is designed to analyze the vestibular-
investigated. To correlate the behavioral profiles to the motor coordination of the mice. The beam-balance apparatus is
spinal motor neuron morphology, not only CSS1 and its composed of a circular platform (7 cm in diameter) and a narrow
beam (1.5 cm in width; 27.5 cm in length) which is connected to a
parental strains C57BL/6J (host) and A/J (donor) were
box (12.7⫻11.2⫻10 cm3). Lighting was provided by a desk light
examined, but also a set of other mouse inbred strains (illumination level at 400 lux). The task was performed during the
(AKR/J, 129⫻1/SvJ and DBA/2J). The animals were dark phase of the circadian cycle. Mice were adapted to the test
tested in a home cage environment allowing automated room 15 min prior to the task. Animals were allowed to train once
longitudinal monitoring of motor activity levels (Kas et al., a day for 4 days, followed by a test day. The maximum trial duration
2008). Additionally, the animals were trained to perform on was set to 10 min. At the start of each session the mouse was placed
at the circular platform. The latencies of exploring on the start plat-
a beam balance and grip test to examine muscle strength
form and crossing the beam to reach the covered box were recorded.
and motor coordination. Further, the ventral roots of these Between sessions, the apparatus was cleaned with 70% ethanol.
animals, containing motor neuron axons, were studied to
identify neuro-anatomical changes in this part of the motor- Grip test
circuitry as a function of genetic background.
The grip test was used to determine the muscle strength of the limbs
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES of the mice. Mice were tested on a grid (22⫻28.5 cm2) with a gap
width of 1 cm. The task was performed during the dark phase of the
Animals and husbandry circadian cycle. Animals were allowed to train once a day for 4 days,
followed by a test day. The task consisted of 5 min of testing, during
Male C57BL/6J (n⫽8), DBA/2J (n⫽8), AKR/J (n⫽8), 129⫻1/SvJ which the animal was hanging on the inverted grid with its fore-limbs
(n⫽8), C57BL/6J-Chr1A/NaJ (simplified to CSS1) (n⫽7) and A/J and hind-limbs (illumination level 130 lux). Mice that were able to hold
(n⫽6) mice were used. AKR/J and 129⫻1/SvJ males were obtained on for 5 min were considered to have passed the test. In between test
from The Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME, USA). For C57BL/6J, sessions, the grid was cleaned with 70% ethanol. On the test day, the
DBA/2J, A/J and CSS1, initial breeding pairs were obtained from The motor performance of each mouse was recorded on videotape and
Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME, USA) and animals bred from further analyzed using Observer® (version 3.0, Noldus Information
our internal breeding program were tested. Mice were group housed Technology, The Netherlands). The frequencies of alternating hind
(2– 4 animals/cage; Macrolon type II; no. 1284 L) with food and water limb movement and hopping (synchronous) hind limb movement
available ad libitum, in a room maintained on a 12:12 h dark–light were analyzed.
cycle (white light on: 2:00 –14:00) and room temperature was main-
tained at 22.0⫾2.0 °C. Experiments were conducted when the mice Tissue processing
were aged 5–7 months old. Behavioral tests were conducted in a set
order (home cage environment; beam balance; grip test), with a Male mice of 7– 8 months old were anesthetized with pentobarbital
minimum of 1 week between tests. intra-peritoneally. Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with heparin was
For the eight mouse strains comparison for horizontal dis- infused intra-cardially. The animals were then perfused with freshly
tance moved in the home cage, the data for the CSS1 and prepared 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA; pH 7.30) and post fixed over-
C57BL/6J strain was derived from a subgroup of a previous study night in 0.4% PFA at 4 °C until dissection. The ventral roots (left and
(Kas et al., 2009). All experiments were approved by the Animal right) exiting the spinal cord at L4 were isolated. The ventral roots,
Ethics Committee of Utrecht University and were conducted in composed of axons originating from the motor neurons in the L4
agreement with Dutch laws (Wet op de Dierproeven, 1996) and spinal cord, were stored in 0.4% PFA, and then post fixed in 2%
J. G. de Mooij-van Malsen et al. / Neuroscience 164 (2009) 1477–1483 1479

osmium tetroxide, dehydrated in serially increasing concentration of a significant difference with P⬍0.05); rank order for syn-
acetone and in Epon-acetone mixture overnight. Finally the ventral chronous movement percentage A/J, 129⫻1/SvJ,
roots were embedded in Epon resin, cut into 1 ␮m-thick sections with C57BL/6J⬍AKR/J, CSS1, DBA2J (with ⬍ indicating a sig-
a pyramitome (LKB. Ltd, Sweden) and stained with Toluidine Blue for
nificant difference with P⬍0.05).
light microscopic examination. Per ventral root, three—four sections
were examined. Total root size was examined with a 10x magnifica-
tion; close-up analysis was performed by taking three randomly Ventral root neuro-anatomy
chosen, non-overlapping fields within the root (Fig. 3A) with a 100x
In Fig. 2, representative pictures for close-up analysis of
magnification. Micrographs were taken with a digital camera, the size
and number of myelinated fibers was analyzed with ImageJ (http:// the ventral roots are shown (randomly chosen field within; developed by Wayne Rasband, National Institute of the ventral root). Clear differences are seen between the
Mental Health, Bethesda, MD, USA). inbred strains on axon morphology. Noteworthy is that
129⫻1/SvJ shows quite a different picture than the other
Statistical analysis strains. As all ventral roots of all 129⫻1/SvJ animals
All data are expressed as mean⫾ standard error of means (SEM) showed this phenotype, this is unlikely to be a fixation
unless indicated differently. Data were analyzed using SPSS 12 effect. When examining the distributions of axon size
for Windows. Behavioral measurements and ventral root data within the ventral roots (Fig. 2), it is clear that CSS1 and
were analyzed using a one-way analysis of variance with Bonfer- A/J mice show a distribution very different from the other
roni post hoc analysis. strains. No axons larger than 80 ␮m2 are present within the
CSS1 and A/J ventral roots. For analysis, all axon sizes
RESULTS were divided into bins of 50 ␮m2 (Fig. 3E). Significant
effects between strains were found for all bins (Bin0-50,
Home cage environment
df⫽5; F⫽21.0; P⬍0.001; Bin50-100, df⫽5; F⫽11.4; P⬍
Home cage motor activity levels (horizontal distance moved) 0.001; Bin100-150, df⫽5; F⫽34.6; P⬍0.001).
(Fig. 1A, B) differed between inbred strains both during
baseline conditions (3rd day of testing; df⫽5; F⫽22.1; Total root size
P⬍0.001), as well as under novelty conditions (first hour of Due to technical issues DBA/2J images of the total roots
testing; df⫽5; F⫽23.0; P⬍0.001). Rank order (from low to were of insufficient quality to be included in this analysis.
high active) for distance moved baseline CSS1, 129⫻1/ Differences were found in the total size (cross section,
SvJ⬍C57BL/6J⬍A/J, DBA/2J, AKR/J; rank order (from low square micrometre) of the ventral roots (Fig. 3B; df⫽4;
to high active) for novelty-induced distance moved A/J, F⫽18.3; P⬍0.001). Rank order for total ventral root size
129⫻1/SvJ⬍CSS1, AKR/J, DBA/2J, C57BL/6J (with ⬍ 129⫻1/SvJ, A/J, CSS1, AKR/J⬍C57BL/6J (with ⬍ indicating
indicating a significant strain difference with P⬍0.05). a significant difference with P⬍0.05).
Beam balance Number of axons per root
All inbred strains were able to perform the beam balance The number of axons per close-up picture were deter-
task (Fig. 1C). Traveling time across the beam was log- mined and multiplied by the total root area to calculate the
transformed to fit a normal distribution. There was a sig- number of axons per root (Fig. 3C). A significant difference
nificant effect on traveling time (seconds) across the beam was found in the total number of axons per ventral root
(df⫽5; F⫽3.5; P⫽0.013). Post hoc analysis showed a (df⫽4; F⫽7.0; P⫽0.001). Rank order for number of axons
significant strain difference between C57BL/6J and 129⫻1/ per root C57BL/6J, AKR/J, 129⫻1/SvJ⬍CSS1, A/J (with ⬍
SvJ on travel duration (P⫽0.015). indicating a significant difference with P⬍0.05).
Grip test Axon size
A significant difference in grip duration was found (df⫽5; A significant difference was found in the median axon size
F⫽6.2; P⬍0.001), with A/J, AKR/J and DBA/2J mice not between the inbred strains (Fig. 3D; df⫽5; F⫽26,1;
able to hold on the grid for the full 5 min of testing (Fig. 1D). P⬍0.001). Rank order for median axon size 129⫻1/SvJ,
Rank order for grip duration is AKR/J, DBA/2J⬍A/J, DBA/2J, A/J⬍CSS1, AKR/J⬍C57BL/6J (with ⬍ indicating
C57BL/6J, CSS1, 129⫻1/SvJ (with ⬍ indicating a signifi- a significant difference with P⬍0.05).
cant difference with P⬍0.05).
During the test, animals were initially hanging on the
inverted grid, but after some time started moving around
the grid. During this movement, significant differences in In a forward genetic screen using CSS of mice, combined
the absolute frequency (df⫽5; F⫽12.0; P⬍0.001; Fig. 1E) with microarray expression data, we recently identified
and percentage (df⫽5; F⫽13.0; P⬍0.001; Fig. 1F) of syn- EphA4 as a possible downstream target influencing loco-
chronous hind limb movement (hind limb hopping) were motor activity levels. This is consistent with the known
found, with CSS1 showing significant increase in hind limb function of this gene in the development of the neuronal
hopping frequency compared to the other strains. Rank circuitry that controls locomotor behavior (Coonan et al.,
order for synchronous movement frequency A/J, 129⫻1/ 2001; Kullander et al., 2001, 2003; Dottori et al., 1998;
SvJ, C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, AKR/J⬍CSS1 (with ⬍ indicating Goldshmit et al., 2004). In the present study, further motor
1480 J. G. de Mooij-van Malsen et al. / Neuroscience 164 (2009) 1477–1483

Fig. 1. Behavioral measurements for the inbred strains in the home cage environment, beam balance and grip test. Please see text for statistical
analysis. (A) Baseline motor activity levels on the third day of testing in the home cage environment. (B) Novelty induced motor activity levels during
the first hour of testing in the home cage environment. (C) Beam balance performance of inbred strains; average traveling time (s) across the beam
to reach the covered box. (D) Grip test performance of inbred strains; duration (s) the animals were able to hold on to the grid without falling (maximum
duration 300 s). (E) Frequency of synchronous (hind limb hopping) and alternating hind limbmovementlimb movement during the grip test of inbred
strains. (F) Percentage of synchronous (hind limb hopping) and alternating hind limb movement during the grip test of inbred strains.

functioning and neuro-anatomical data were collected on differences were found between the inbred strains on mo-
several inbred strains to explore possible correlations be- tor activity levels (horizontal distance moved), beam bal-
tween these parameters. Significant locomotor behavior ance and grip test performance, as well as on alternating
J. G. de Mooij-van Malsen et al. / Neuroscience 164 (2009) 1477–1483 1481

Fig. 2. Inbred strains show morphological differences in L4 ventral roots anatomy. Representative images of semi-thin sections of the ventral root (A–F) are
shown for different inbred strains of mice. The number of axons (y-axis) per size-bin (␮m2; x-axis) are is displayed. Microscope images (100x) of ventral roots:
bar⫽10 ␮m. For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.

versus synchronous hind limb movement. Also, significant days of testing. This may be explained by the way that home
differences in the neuro-anatomy of motor neuron ventral cage motor activity levels were measured over several con-
root axons were found. However, no direct correlations secutive days. In the present study, motor activity levels were
between locomotor behavior and ventral root neuro-anat- assessed continuously over three consecutive days,
omy were identified using a range of inbred strains. whereas Mhyre et al. (2005) performed separate measure-
When tested in the home cage environment, the selected ments for 45 min on three subsequent days; thus placing the
inbred strains show significant differences in motor activity animals in the home cage on three occasions. As we find that
levels. Interestingly, under baseline conditions C57BL/6J C57BL/6J expressed very high levels of novelty-induced mo-
males show lower activity levels (horizontal distance moved) tor activity levels, the procedural difference between the two
than A/J. In a recent report on home cage distance moved studies (continuous home cage measurements vs. three sep-
assessment across inbred strains of mice, Mhyre and co- arate cage exposures) may explain the rank order position in
workers (2005) found the same rank order of motor activity the two studies for C57BL/6J.
levels within these strains as in the present study. However, In all behavioral tests, 129⫻1/SvJ consistently exhibited
in contrast to the present study, Mhyre et al. (2005) found that the lowest motor activity levels. Even though this strain is able
C57BL/6J showed the highest motor activity levels after 3 to perform the grip test, it shows the lowest level of movement
1482 J. G. de Mooij-van Malsen et al. / Neuroscience 164 (2009) 1477–1483

Fig. 3. Significant neuro-anatomical differences in ventral root and axon morphology. Please see text for statistical analysis. (A) A representative
image of ventral root with location of close-up images used for analysis shown in grey boxes. (B) Total size of the ventral root for several inbred strains.
(C) Number of axons present per ventral root for several inbred strains. (D) Median axon size in ventral root for several inbred strains. (E) Percentage
of axons per size-bin (␮m2) show significant differences between inbred strains. For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the Web version of this article.

on the grid during the test. CSS1, AKR/J and DBA/2J display for which it is indicated to be a form of uncoordinated move-
a high level of synchronous “hopping” hind limb movement. ment. Under baseline conditions, CSS1 does not display this
The alternated or “hopping” movement pattern of these synchronous movement pattern. Possibly, this is due to a
strains does not directly correlate with the ability to perform subtle dysfunction within this system which only behaviorally
the grip test, as CSS1, contrary to AKR/J and DBA/2J, is able expresses itself when higher workload is applied to the
to finish the grip test for 5 min. Interestingly, this high-hopping muscles.
phenotype of CSS1 compared to C57BL/6J is consistent with Interestingly, CSS 1 mice showed a different behavioral
that observed in EphA4 knock out mice (Akay et al., 2006), phenotype when compared to both founder strains A/J and
J. G. de Mooij-van Malsen et al. / Neuroscience 164 (2009) 1477–1483 1483

C57BL/6J. This suggests the presence of transgressive seg- Coonan JR, Greferath U, Messenger J, Hartley L, Murphy M, Boyd
regation across the progeny, a phenomenon characterized AW, Dottori M, Galea MP, Bartlett PF (2001) Development and
by the emergence of new or extreme phenotypes in segre- reorganization of corticospinal projections in EphA4 deficient mice.
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parental strain (Rieseberg et al., 1999). In such a case, there regation in an interspecific tomato cross. Genetics 134:585–596.
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Novel approach to the behavioural characterization of inbred mice: au-
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gence of transgressive phenotypes (Rieseberg et al., 1999). Dottori M, Hartley L, Galea M, Paxinos G, Polizzotto M, Kilpatrick T,
To further obtain insights into the neuron anatomy, ven- Bartlett PF, Murphy M, Köntgen F, Boyd AW (1998) EphA4 (Sek1)
tral roots from the L4 spinal region were collected and exam- receptor tyrosine kinase is required for the development of the
ined for differences in axon-anatomy. These studies demon- corticospinal tract. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 95(22):13248 –13253.
strate large differences in the morphology of the ventral roots Goldshmit Y, Galea MP, Wise G, Bartlett PF, Turnley AM (2004)
between different inbred strains, both in size and number of Axonal regeneration and lack of astrocytic gliosis in EphA4-defi-
cient mice. J Neurosci 24:10064 –10073.
axons present. Intriguingly, CSS1 and AJ appear to have
Hanson MG, Landmesser LT (2004) Normal patterns of spontaneous
smaller axons than C57BL/6J and the other inbred strains activity are required for correct motor axon guidance and the
examined. No large axons (⬎100 ␮m2) are present in these expression of specific guidance molecules. Neuron 43:687–701.
strains, whereas the number of small axons (0 –50 ␮m2) and Helmbacher F, Schneider-Maunoury S, Topilko P, Tiret L, Charnay P
total number of axons per ventral root is larger in CSS1 and (2000) Targeting of the EphA4 tyrosine kinase receptor affects dorsal/
A/J. Also, as there is no evidence for either degeneration, for ventral pathfinding of limb motor axons. Development 127:3313–3324.
example no myelin debris remaining after axonal degenera- Kalb RG, Agostini J (1993) Molecular evidence for nitric oxide-medi-
ated motor neuron development. Neuroscience 57:1– 8.
tion, nor regeneration, as the thickness of the myelin sheets
Kas MJ, de Mooij-van Malsen JG, de Krom M, van Gassen KL, van Lith
is in proportion with the diameter of the axons. This implies a HA, Olivier B, Oppelaar H, Hendriks J, de Wit M, Groot Koerkamp
shift to smaller, less developed axons. As EphA4 is intricately MJ, Holstege FC, van Oost BA, de Graan PN (2009) High resolu-
involved in the development of the neuronal circuitry that tion genetic mapping of mammalian motor activity levels in mice.
controls locomotor behavior, the possible involvement of dif- Genes Brain Behav 8(1):13–22.
ferential regulation of this gene, as found for C57BL/6J and Kas MJ, de Mooij-van Malsen AJ, Olivier B, Spruijt BM, Van Ree JM
CSS1, in these findings is fascinating. Since EphA4 is ex- (2008) Differential genetic regulation of motor activity and anxiety-
related behaviors in mice using an automated home cage task.
pressed on motor neurons during development (Ohta et al.,
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there appears to be a good correlation between the decrease Kullander K, Butt SJ, Lebret JM, Lundfald L, Restrepo CE, Rydström A,
Klein R, Kiehn O (2003) Role of EphA4 and EphrinB3 in local neuro-
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nal circuits that control walking. Science 299(5614):1889 –1892.
ment and the size distribution pattern of the axons within the Lemon RN (2008) Descending pathways in motor control. Annu Rev
ventral roots. However, the additional inbred strains tested Neurosci 31:195–218.
show that the relationship between these parameters is much Lemon RN, Griffiths J (2005) Comparing the function of the cortico-
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(Accepted 2 September 2009)

(Available online 22 September 2009)

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