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Mid-term Revision Sheet
Term 2
Grade 5

Name : ______________________
Grade: ______________ Sec: ____________

Question 1: Choose the correct answer.
1. ___________refers to the correct behavior or the rules of conduct by
which people become socially acceptable members.
o Listening
o Etiquette
2. Etiquette starts with ___________
o privacy
o respect
3. ___________ by using words like hello, thank you, and goodbye.
o Greeting
o Courteous
4. The Arab countries in The Horn of Africa is Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and
o Kenya
o Ethiopia
5. The African Horn consists mainly of ______________ and arid lowlands.
o grasslands
o mountainous regions
6. The Horn of Africa was occupied in the past by different countries such
as ______________.
o France
o Finland
7. The natural disasters that the Horn of Africa faces are _____________
o hurricanes and floods
o drought and floods
8. ____________ refers to the lack of enough nutrients in the body.
o Poverty
o Malnutrition
9. Millions of people dies in the Horn of Africa because of ___________.
o war and famine
o trade and traveling
10. The capital city of Djibouti is __________
o Somalia
o Djibouti

11. Djibouti used to trade animal skin for perfumes or __________.
o milk
o spices
12. The ___________ were the first to domesticate the camel.
o Kenyan
o Somalis
13. The capital city of Somalia is ____________.
o Madagascar
o Mogadishu
14. ______________ are where people don’t like or repel from living in.
o Areas of repulsion
o Areas of attraction
15. ____________ don’t offer any of people’s daily need.
o Tropical forests
o Deserts
16. _____________ have difficult paths.
o High mountains
o Cold areas
17. ______________areas that are covered with snow all year round.
o Tropical forests
o Cold areas
18. _____________ are usually very hot and humid.
o Tropical forests
o Deserts
19. Tropical forests can be found in ______________
o Malaysia
o China
20. People tend to live away from countries that are at __________.
o celebration
o war
21. The Horn of Africa was once called _____________
o The Land of Brave
o The Land of Berbers

Question 2: Put “ True” or “False”.
1. Tourism is an important factor for the growth of the economy of a country.

2. Trade is an important factor the growth of any civilization. (…………)

3. The areas of repulsion do not affect the economy of a country. (……….)

4. Tropical forests are areas of attraction. (……..)

5. Never look through another person’s possessions is a respect of privacy.

6. It is the cleaner responsibility to clean your mess. (………)

7. You should enter first in the lift without waiting for the people inside to exit.

8. Dial the number correctly is a phone etiquette. (………)

9. It is ok to talk in a loud voice in public as long as you are comfortable. (……..)

10. North Pole is an area of attraction. (……….)

11. Most of Horn receives much rain. (………)

12. The Horn of Africa used to be occupied by Britain. (……..)

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