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WEB 20302 Professional English 2

Semester July 2020

Topic: Magazine Article

Group Members:

5 MOHD ZAHID BIN HALIM 54213119193



By: Muhammad Firdaus Bin Bahadur, Muhammad Na’im Bin Idrus,Muhammad Zulaizad Bin
Zahrul, Muhammad Hamizan Bin Rosmi & Mohd Zahid Bin Halim

On September 16, 2020, we meet Mr.Megat to interview about his experience in industry
for 25 years and we want him to be an inspiration for everyone. Everyone who succeeds gets
their own story. Success is the result of key determination and concentration while moving
ahead in the path of workings. The story from Mr Megat attracted our attention to interview him.
His personalities are enough to build an everlasting potential towards reaching the goal of
success. But Mr Megat Rizal Bin Megat Aziz 45 years old, the situation is the opposite. His
journey start with school at SK Stowell Bukit Mertajam and then he going to High School Bukit
Mertajam after that he continued study in Diploma Electrical and Electronics at University Kuala
Lumpur British Malaysian Institute (UNIKL BMI). Anyway, Mr Megat said that his first job was for
5 years at Penang Seagate, and he continued his profession to Silterra Malaysia in Kulim for 8
years as a Senior Technician and then he get promoted as a senior technician for process
engineering and development. During that time, he goes for furthers study, Mr Megat mean that
his part-time study bachelor’s in management. From that day, he took a one-year rest and then
his continue study master’s in management at Asia e University as well. After finishing his
Master’s, he was offered to work at First Solar Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. After 8 years of gaining
experience he then moved to Jabil and work they for another 2 months, then get new offer at
Schott Glass which I join in 2018 until now as a senior manufacturing supervisor. He proved that
the support of those around him was very important. Behind the success is a family and his
friend behind him.

Drawing on his own experiences at industry, he put forward the view that a successful engineer
requires not only technical know-how but also an awareness of the political, social, and
business concerns central to any significant engineering challenge. “If your actions inspire
others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

Before we know more in detail about Mr. Megat, we should know first why he choose the
profession in engineering? Based on what Mr. Megat told us, it is because when he in
secondary school he always helps his teacher in innovation. His teacher Mr Riduan was a
teacher for subject Kemahiran Hidup, and active in joining competition for innovation.
Furthermore, he began to gain more interest on engineering once he started to step on the
innovation competition held in his school age. So, the journey to choose profession in
engineering was started from his secondary school.

From our interview, Mr. Megat have share with us a tips on how to handle communication
problem that occur in works between his boss or colleague. Before we tell the tips, first we
would like to tell about what are the communication problem that always occur in works based
on Mr. Megat. The common communication problem that occur in work are the instruction given
are not clear. For an example, if our boss asks us to do a task and we understand others thing,
so there will be a problem when completing the task. Moreover, the language we use to speak
when delivering the instruction also the common mistake that occur in communication. This is
because sometime there are people that speak in English but the person that receive the
instruction do not understand English much, so the instruction that given would be
misunderstand by the receiver. We should know that communication is how we transfer
information from one to another that can be understand by the both sides. If there are problem
in transferring the information, then we will get a different result. How do we solve the problem
that occur in communication? Here are the tips that we get from Mr. Megat on how to handle
communication problem with boss or colleague at work. Firstly, we must know what the problem
statement are and what we want to achieve, or objective based on data. From the data given by
our superior we can discuss with our team members so that they also know what our objective
to get the same result and avoid misunderstanding. Secondly, we should make sure that we get
a clear instruction from our superior so that we can get the same result. Lastly, make timeline or
list the work that to be done. Then we can settle the problem one by one if there are problem in

Mr. Megat said Industrial engineering was born since ancient times at that time, humans used
stone and bone as their work tools. The tools used are periodically improved, thus increasing
productivity at the time of production. This has happened to this day. Industrial engineering was
actually deeply rooted during the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution has dramatically
changed the manufacturing process and helped the birth of the concepts of knowledge in the

Mr. Megat said how he motivated when come to work? Mr. Megat said, this field of engineering
helps him a lot in the motivation to continue to succeed in the future and can help many people
directly and indirectly. However, excellent achievement in the academic field, for example, is not
only influenced by learning style factors only. In fact, it is also influenced by other factors
including motivation. Motivation is said to be the impetus and motivator for something to

Mr. Megat said how have any difficulties in work situation and how he overcome it? Mr. Megat
said there's a lot of experience difficulties during performing he job. difficulties that make work
slow and what is the problem statement. why he mentioned because we work in a team, we
cannot work by ourselves because if we work in a team, we can solve the problem. For
example, we get a problem such as machine break down or we develop problem we must know
what result we want. And then, we can list the problems that occur, and we talk to a teammate.
after that, we will create a timeline which is when we have to complete because in every job, we
do there must be a timeline.

Furthermore, Mr. Megat said communicate with a partner then we will make a decision to solve
problem solving. Being able to communicate effectively is perhaps the most important of all life
skills. It is what enables her to pass information to other people, and to understand what is said.
For example, fish born chart and more. Lastly, from there we can list and discuss Insha’Allah
and Alhamdulillah can always solve problems.

Talking about problem solving, Mr. Megat tends to play his role as a team player. For him,
problems cannot be dragged as it will cost more time consuming and less productive in solving
problems, producing more expenses to the company. In addition, he believes that ideas are vital
as give and take of ideas may consists solutions, based on the experience throughout the ideas
given. He feels that ideas often came from unique experiences. He mentioned that, through the
selection of ideas, the best option can be analysed and then executed to perform the solutions.

When he was asked about the difficulties of getting along with others, his answer was the
interaction among the employees and the employer sometimes get troublesome. He added that
idea is neutral, means no ideas are wrong and right. Ideas can turn into a problem when it is
opposing each other’s, and in worse case is when the employee defends their ideas, neglecting
the other ideas or even not considering the company goals. To overcome the confusion of
ideas, he firmly attached to the goals set by the company. “That is our guidance.” he said.

For him, his priority must stack to the company’s goals. All the ideas are noted, analysed,
compared, decided and implemented. All this process was done only to find the meeting point of
the ideas and the goals of the company. He added that, in order to solve the problems, we must
stay low and put aside our ego, have a good communication by being a good listener to the
employee neither or to the employer and try to feel as we are in their shoes. For him, everyone
should work together as a team to achieve the same target, solving problems as soon as
possible, and to generate a positive working environment, achieving a mutual success.

Mr. Megat a person who is positive about every aspect of life. There are many things he likes to
do, to see, and to experience. So, he can apply the positives vibes and his experience to be a
leader in a team. For him, leader is to show by example or lead by examples. Positions of
leaders play a part in leadership, but the appointment may not always weigh heavily on
important leadership criteria, such as defining the vision, mission, goals, and objectives.
Likewise, to direct, motivate, teach, listen, encourage, participate, mentor, and reward their
subordinate. As a leader, you cannot be too bossy which is just give an instruction, but you did
not know the problems of subordinate. So, you must sure you know the problems first. Effective
communication and listening skills have seen leaders become even greater leaders. He will
communicate clearly and be a good listener to his subordinate. "The success of you as a leader
relies heavily on effective communication".

Furthermore, leadership is about the exercise of "civic duty" undergirded by "moral duty". As a
Leaders, Mr. Megat provide good service to those subordinates without consider human factors
such as colour, race, culture, language, religion, nationality, and social and economic existence.
With that’s attitude, everyone of workers will work together to achieve the "Vision and Mission"
set by the company perfectly. Mr. Megat also want to success in his career past in the future. In
his plan, Mr. Megat would like to continue his study until a PhD or doctorate. He wants to move
at a higher level for the comfort of his life family.

In conclusion, Mr. Megat wish all the best for our future. Then for one more, make sure when we
are success. Do not be too bossy. The importance is everybody must be a leader. You must
lead. We must learn how to lead a team. Because one day, everybody will lead own's family.
Make this knowledge useful. So that, we can help people in directly and indirectly. Hope will
success in all course are you in. Do not stop at the middles on the crossroad. So, after degree
maybe can continue study till PhD. Because studied is not a destination, it is a journey. That’s
all from me Mr. Megat.

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