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[AC] Announcement - UPDATED! IMPORTANT!

18 comments  7 months ago


As some of you know Nagyzee is running for president as well. After considering and re-
considering things I decide to step back. Any who shall vot for me now feel free to support
whoever sees fit for Presidency

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Greetings to all eMalaysian citizen!

Hereby I want to announce that I run for Country Presidency.

I came from eHungary. Was two term top 5 party president there (Polgari Platform), party
president (Exterminatus), was Minister of Education and congressman too. Organized several
elections for my party and then to HHH a new party able to reach top5 position in eHungary
within 10 days from starting. Here I participated in politics with half-steam although I was
congressman and firstly dMoD then co-Mod.

About goals:

I think eMalaysia still need recovery from last days events. We defend ourselves but with a
heavy price. Definitely we have to construct an other hospital to keep in reserve should any kind
of unforeseen event occur. Maybe we have to re-think the training companies structures and
numbers. The main goal should be the stockpiling of gold for emergency situations.

Foreign policy and military:

We have to forge an even stronger alliance based on Sol nations. We have to search for other
countries able and willing to join a heavily defensive-like Alliance. We must maintain our
neutrality (means: we have to stay out of E/F and ex-PEACE conflicts) as much as possible.
However the organizing of Sol games shall become a priority again.
And some words for eIndonesia. I don't think we have to be close friends but maintaining a
benevolent neutral status based on mutual respect shall (and can) be achieved.
The TDM now clearly shows its strengths and weaknesses. I think the leading of the military
need to be divorced into two, well separated part. The first part is organizing, running, and
readying the TDM which shall be done by a "soldier" eg. we need a military Chief of Staff who
is not connected to any government but trusted by the members of the Army. Maybe he/she can
be supported by two or three expert to make tactical plans based on the order of the President /
MoD. In this new lineup the duty of the MoD is to maintain military coordination with allies, co-
operate with other members of the cabinet, advise the President in issues related to military and
to represent the interests of TDM to the Government.
(For example is Mr. Presindent want to attack eSvaziland he ordered his/her MoD to make plans
for that. The MoD discussed the matter with allies and MoF and finally when he/she got the
basics in term of funds, available allied troops and so, order the Chief of Staff to make the
detailed plans for the attack including which units to use what funds to give them and so on)

Domestic policy:
We have to re-think about the Social Office , Immigration Office and Educational facilities. I
suggest we need one Ministry of Domescit Affairs with Department of social care, education
programs and demographic issues (like baby-boom or immigration)

And last but not least some major changes in governmental structures:
I realized that the structure used by most eRepublik countries is rigid and ineffective most of the
time. What do I mean? To create ministries and filled them with ministers, deputy ministers and
like is nice but here thing changing very quickly and more often than not the key element of
success is comes with speed. So I want to mostly team and task-based government. So: basically
every ministry has a minister and have to do the "routine" tasks, but in any new issue arise we
creating a team to deal with from the currently available people from the congress and from
It will work fine during Xmas and so where everybody got busy with RL so no one have to stay
here just because he/she is the minister and if anything going to happen it must be

Berst regards:

Party president of Adeptus Custodes
Leader of OmniCorp

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[AC] Presentations for our candidates

[AC] Disappointing news and moves


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Carr De Vaux 7 months ago

good luck Fragreg.

THis is getting interesting. i wonder whether you will split votes from DAP/DCM now..and
ultimately lead to FUP win.

Your military structure is good - but to completely separate MoD/President from the military
structure may be redundant but that's something i have in mind. MoD should be more military-
based -and hopefully non-partisan. D:

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Carr De Vaux 7 months ago


OMG OMG OMG............

OMG OMG OMG............

OMG OMG OMG............

OMG OMG OMG............


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seanlam 7 months ago

I support your domestic policy cum team-based cooperation governmental structure! Keep up the
good works! Good luck! :)

By the way, who is ur running mate for Vice-President? :)


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eHero 7 months ago


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Adzhadi B. Adzman 7 months ago

Your military policy sounds promising. Having a military staff loyal but unconnected with the
government is exciting.

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Katkis 7 months ago

Consilio et animis!

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TomoOrg/gmbh 7 months ago


Please one minute of your time.

Player andreey is a fraud! Here you have a picture of our communication.[..]html
He deceived me for 1.5 GOLD

I ask all to ignore it in the game because the player is not fair!



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Badlands17 7 months ago

GO GO GO FRAGREG! :D Good luck.

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ww88 7 months ago

Good Luck!!

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surveybeta 7 months ago

I came from eHungary.

Was?!!?! Ist das Ihr Ernst??!!?! Nächste!!


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ZIGPlox 7 months ago

i like your goal for new hospital! where u think it should be? Sarawak?

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AlienSK 7 months ago

I still think we should buy a q5 defense system for Penisular Malaysia ...

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munafix 7 months ago

gl :)
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1 Malaysia 7 months ago

q5 defense system for peninsular malaysia..

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cerasus 7 months ago

OMG indeed. Wondered what an Adeptus Custodes article might be in the top 5 for. Didn't
expect *this.*


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OmniCorp Holding 7 months ago

cerasus: all Adeptus Custodes article ends up in TOP 3 didn't you realized it?:P


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Carr De Vaux 7 months ago

fragreg - can i make a deal. make my articles top3, and i pay u monthly service fee. :D

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Katkis 7 months ago

Don't think stepping back is a good idea but it is definitely your choice.

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