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’  is a board game first released during
the mid 1970s in arcades and has maintained
popularity since then, becoming something
of a classic. After it became the standard pre-
loaded game on Nokia phones in 1998,
Snake found a massive audience.

The player controls a long, thin creature,

resembling a snake, which roams around on a
bordered plane, picking up food (or some
other item), trying to avoid hitting its own
tail or the "walls" that surround the playing ’  on a TRS-80
area. Each time the snake eats a piece of
food, its tail grows longer, making the game
increasingly difficult. The user controls the
direction of the snake's head (up, down, left,
or right), and the snake's body follows. The
player cannot stop the snake from moving
while the game is in progress, and cannot
make the snake go in reverse. However,
Snake has had many variations since its
release, depending on the game's platform.
These variations involve the modification of
’  on a computer with Color Graphics Adapter
certain rules e.g. the lethality of contact with


c 1 History
c ü Snake on the BBC Micro
c  Snake on Nokia phones
c * Snake Embedded on Websites
P *.1 Snake on YouTube
P *.ü Snake on Gmail
c † Variants by platform
c ´ References
c 7 External links
The ’  variety of games originated with the arcade game , released by Gremlin
Industries in 197´Î1]. In 1977, Atari, Inc. released, as an unofficial port, the first home console
version of the  concept, titled ’


  was one of the nine Atari ü´00

(VCS) launch titles, and was also sold by Sears under the name .

The first known personal computer version of Snake, titled 

, was programmed in 1978 by
Peter Trefonas from the USA on the TRS-80 computer, and published by CLOAD magazine in
the same year. This was followed shortly afterwards with versions from the same author for the
Commodore PET and Apple II computers. A microcomputer port of   was first written by
Peter Trefonas in 1979 and published by CLOAD magazineÎü]. This was later released by Milton
Bradley for the TI-99/*A in 1980Î].

Some better-known versions include the Neopets example, which is known as "
Its revised version is known as "
 ". A variant called  was included with
MS-DOS for a period of time as a QBasic sample program.

c Π 

The goal is to score points and pass levels by having the snake eat magic berries
while avoiding losing all the snake's lives. The higher the level you are playing on,
the more points you have to score to get to the next level.

c Π  Π 

Your snake dies if its head collides with its body, with a rock or with another snake
(in the two player mode). After a collision, your new snake restarts with five units
long and is able to travel through the rocks for 2 seconds without losing an additional
life. When all the snake's lives are gone, the game is over.

c H              
The snake has 3 lives to at the start and earns 1 extra life for each 5000 points you
score. For example, you earn one extra life when you get to 5000 points and another
extra life when you get to 10000 points.

c Π      

Each time your snake eats a berry, you earn at least five points. With some types of
magic active, you earn bonus points for each berry eaten. For each berry eaten, your
snake grows one unit longer. Every time a berry is eaten, a new berry, which can be
of any of the five basic berry colors, drops into the pond.

c Π      

The snake's heart can't support more than 24 units of length. If it eats enough
berries to get to be 25 units long, it saves itself by shedding 20 units. The units that
are shed turn into rocks that must be avoided by the snake as it travels around the

c Π    

All the berries disappear from the pond but all the rocks remain. Your snake comes
to a stop. New level starts and five new berries drop into the pond. Restart the snake
in the same way you restart after a collision. Your new goal appears on the scoring
progress bar.

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