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Khilji Dynasty
Uploaded by nik on Feb 14, 2019 
this article is about the Khliji dynasty, what are
the changes brought by this dynasty in India

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Not Giving a F*c… History of… Memoir by the
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Khilji dynasty is the second dynasty whoSearch

ruled over India. Khilji dynasty

 North part of India more than 25 years. Khilji dynasty ruled over large part o

 was Slave dynasty who ruledSearch
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After the slave

came in the power. The dynasty is known for their faithlessness and ferocity.
in the Khilji dynasty. The Ghazani's and Ghori's invasions, and Mongol press
had pushed them into India.
The Subtle Art of Sapiens: A Brief Shoe Dog: A Never Split the Yes Please Devil in the G
Not Giving a F*c… History of… Khilji overthrew
Jalal-ud-din Memoir by the… Difference:…
Balban’s successors and founded theThurgood…
Khilji Dy
was founded by Jalal ud din Firuz Khilji. He was ruler of Delhi sultanate from
important ruler of Khilji dynasty were Alauddin Khilji and Qutub ad-D

Alauddin Khilji was the second ruler of Khilji dynasty. He was the main r
Alauddin 0Khilji ruled from 1296 to 1316. The last ruler of Khilji dynast
Mubarak Khilji who ruled from 1316 to 1320. The Ruler of Khilji dynasty w
ruler to captured South India. The Khilji rulers was got the credit of expel
India. Khilji dynasty. During the Khilji dynasty, Mongol invade from centra
times. During the Khilji dynasty, some of Mongol people settled near Delh
This people known as ‘New Muslim’ in India. During the Khilji dynasty, Kh
an effective market regulation in India.

Rulers of this dynasty was fond in architecture. He made many monuments

time in sultanate capital Delhi half of the population were slave and workin
dynasty ruler’s introduced a healthy and systematic administrative policy in
rule. The court languages of the Khilji’s  were Persian,  followed by Arab
women was not good in that time. The position of women in the Indian socie

deteriorating during the Khilji times. Religion like Jainism and Buddhism co
the Khilji dynasty and other dynasty1.


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The Subtle Art of Sapiens: A Brief Shoe Dog: A Never Split the Yes Please Devil in the G
Not Giving a F*c…In this topic
History of… researcher would
Memoir understand
by the… the dynasty who
Difference:… ruled over India a
architecture of any particular dynasty.


This research is based on doctrinal research. Researcher would be doing

collected from secondary sources which will include materials available on th
available in the library. The research will be deductive in nature and the footn
 per the established standard of the University. 


The reason behind selecting this topic is that to know about a particu
achievements. This topic is clearly based on History.


This topic tends to study of various achievement of Ruler of Khilji dynasty a


A.L. Srivastava, “The Sultanate of Delhi” in this book the author stated that
Khilji dynasty and how the ruler of Khilji dynasty implemented his policy. Ja
was the founder of Khiliji dynasty. They introduced an effective market reg
ud din khilji comes with economic and military reform in his ruling p
discrimination against society.

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The Subtle Art of Sapiens: A Brief Shoe Dog: A Never Split the Yes Please Devil in the G
Not Giving a F*c… History of… Memoir by the… Difference:… Thurgood…


Khilji was not an “Afghan” were actually a “truks”. His ancestors, after h
Turkistan, had lived for over 200 years in the Helmand valley and Lamghan
called Garmasir or the hot region, they lived for a longer period in Afgha
Afghani culture and customs. There for their coming to the thrown of De
revulsions. Khilji lived in Afghanistan for a long time and they created a conf
about his origin.

The term ‘Khilji’ meaning in Turkish language is ‘Swordsman’. The nam

afghan village or town known as Qalat-e-Khilji. This town or village was al
Khilji. Sometimes they treated by other as ethnic of afghan due to adopted
manner. Firoz’s family had migrated to India and taken up the service under


There were three important ruler of this dynasty who ruled over Delhi. They
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(1) J l l d di Fi Khilji 5/35
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(1) Jalal ud-din Firoz Khilji
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(2) Alauddin Khilji
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Jalal ud-din Khilji was the first Turkish ruler of Delhi Sultanate. The real
The Subtle Art of Sapiens: A Brief Shoe Dog: A Never Split the Yes Please Devil in the G
Not Giving a F*c… History
Khilji wasof…
Firoz Memoir
khan. Hebywas
the… an able
governor and soldier. JalalThurgood…
ud-din w
 because he refused to sit on the throne of Balban, the ruler of Slave dynasty b
stood in front of throne as a servant and he made a new throne for him. He ha
his kingdom so he did not took more expedition toward Hindu rulers. H
Turkish officer who were in the court of Balban’s dynasty in his position, h
officer. Jalal ud-din was a heartily person

Early Career: 

Jalal ud-din Firoz Khilji was the founder of Khilji Dynasty. He was known as Firoz
taken up the service under ‘Turkish sultan of Delhi’. He hold a good position in s
 position under Delhi sultanate was ‘sar -i-jandar’ that is head of royal bodyguar
subsequently, appointed as ‘Governor of Samana’. He was a very able soldier and as
of frontier province of Samana, had fought a number of engagements against the Mong
and repelled them. He got the title of ‘Shaista khan’ for his ability. He had acquired re
a successful soldier and administration. After the death of Malik Tuzaki, he was prom
high office of army minister by Kaiqubad. Being a minister at the court of Delhi, Firo
the head of the large Khilji clan whose members were scattered all over Hindustan2. A
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of his promotion to ministerships, he was probably the most experienced and power 6/35
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nobleman in Delhi3. 
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His Accession:
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headed by Malik Aitemar (Kachhan) and Malik Surkha, who held the important posts
hajib and barbak and wielded supreme power at Delhi.

Kachhan was put to death, his partisans were terrorised and Malik Firoz set himself up
The Subtle Art of Sapiens: A Brief Shoe Dog: A Never Split the Yes Please Devil in the G
of theHistory
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king, Kumars. The
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the… stepDifference:…
was to put both Kaiqubad and Kumars to deat
 power. Firoz ascended the Throne at kilo Khari, the palace build by Kaiqubad, in Marc

assumed the title of ‘Sultan Jalal-ud-din Firoz’. 

His Unpopularity: 

When he was made king his age was 70 years. Jalal ud-din Khilji was unpopular among
and the people of Delhi. The main cause of his unpopularity with the proud Tur
erroneous belief that the Khilji’s were non-Turks and hence not entitled to share pow
Turks. The other reason of his unpopularity that Jalal-ud-din Firoz was an old ma
therefore, some peculiarities due to age. He was known to be very mild and generous
 possess that dignity and grace which were supposed to be indispensable in a monarch


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reason of his unpopularity was that not Firoz himself, at least his followers, particularly 7/35
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Khilji’s, were known to be highly ambitious. They were looked at with suspicion. The
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followed the policy of minimum interference with the administrative arrangements a
older officers to remain in possession of their posts and emoluments. Young Khilji wa
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were looking forward to be appointed to top-ranking positions carrying power, p
remuneration, felt disgusted. His own nephew and son-in-law, Alauddin, became the le
disgruntled party.

Domestic Policy:
The Subtle Art of Sapiens: A Brief Shoe Dog: A Never Split the Yes Please Devil in the G
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Jalal ud-din Khilji was not brought any change in administrative personnel of his gove
conformed the Turkish nobles in the office that they held during the last region. H

governorship of Kara Manikpur to Malik chhajju who was the nephew of Balban and so
of latter’s family. Malik Fakir-ud-din was confirmed as the kotwal of Delhi.

He gave high position in the office to his sons. The eldest, Mahmud, was given the titl
i-Khan’. The second became ‘Arkali Khan’ and the third was entitled ‘Qadr Khan’. Yag
who was the younger brother of sultan Jalal ud-din Khilji was appointed as army mini
‘Ariz-i-mamalik ’. He appointed his near relative ‘Malik Ahmad Chap’ as an ‘Amir-i-ha
master of ceremonies. He also similarly rewarded his both nephew Ala-ud-din and Alm

Jalal ud-din Khilji internal policy was one of conciliation. He tried merciful, pea
wanted to rule without any bloodshed.

Malik Chhajju who was nephew of Balban started a revolt at the Kara Manikpur in the s
of Firoz’s reign and assumed the title of sultan. Hatim khan, governor of Awadh, joine
Chhajju in his revolt. Both Hatim khan and Malik Chhajju armies proceed toward Delh
it. Arkali khan, the son of Jalal ud-din Khilji, with advanced guard of his army encou
Badaun and defeated them and make his prisoner. Jalal ud-din Khilji ordered Malik C
his followers to release. He openly praised Chhajju followers for their loyalty to the o
their deceased master, Balban. Arkali was appointed as governor of Multan. Ala-ud-d
nephew, was appointed as governor of Kara Manikpur.

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