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A newsletter of events and

MONTAUK PULSE A Chronicle of Time
circumstances concerning
“The Montauk Project”
New Year’s Day 2005 No. 1-A

Montauk Pulse Celebrates Twelve Year

Anniversary with Two New Books
We are proud to report that the untapped portions of the mind and attempt such endeavors. The story
Montauk Pulse has now been in amplifying them artificially of the Montauk Project is, however,
print for twelve full years without through the use of electronics. The quite unique in its theories and ap-
interruption. Beginning with Issue initial legends and electronic rev- proach to understanding the phe-
Number One (Winter, 1993), the elations of what was done at nomena of time itself.
Pulse has not only sought to Montauk are a result of Preston The German cartel which put
chronicle the extraordinary events Nichols attempting to retrieve frag- together I.G. Farben, of which the
and related tangents surrounding mented and obscured memories Nazi Party was only one particular
the circumstances depicted in The from his role in this secret project. offshoot, has long been involved in
Montauk Project: Experiments in If it were not for Preston, there attempts to exploit these untapped
Time but to unravel the mysteries would be no story. Preston, how- portions of the mind.
of time itself. ever, would be the first to tell you Besides that is the role of the
The Montauk Project itself was that the Montauk Project was nei- ancient mystery schools which,
based upon exploring the hidden or ther the first nor only project to (continued on page 2)

Montauk Native Americans Regroup

There have been some stunning pany” (CIA) sending in various fac- ily, but they were never able to re-
developments in the saga of the tions to either seduce some of them solve their disputes.
Montauk tribe attempting to regain with the prospect of gambling ca- In the meantime, many of the
their homeland, the most sacred sinos or to otherwise disrupt what Montauks, about 200 in total, tired
part of which includes the grounds might be a coordinated efforted to of the quarrels and decided to em-
of Camp Hero. reclaim their ancient land and heri- ploy the democratic ideals that the
When Pyramids of Montauk tage. None of this was helped by original Algonquin Nation was
was released in 1995, it brought the fact that the Montauks split into based upon. They voted in Robert
international attention to the two camps, one head by former Redfeather Stevenson as a new
Montauks situation. Unfortunately, East Hampton Town Councilman chief before changing his title to
it did not solve the problem of their Robert Cooper and the other Rob- trustee and declaring other trustees
having been declared extinct by the ert Pharoah. Both Cooper and as well. There are now three sepa-
New York State Supreme Court. Pharoah have legitimate claims to rate factions of the Montauk tribe.
Instead, it resulted in the “Com- the royal blood of the Pharoah fam- (continued on page 3)
As many of you already know, The same German cartel, in-
Twelfth Anniversary... I became involved in a movement cluding former Nazis, who had le-
(continued from page 1) in the 1970’s which was making galized death camps even before
depending on who was in charge, tangible results in reversing this they had Hitler into power. Hitler
sought to either illuminate indi- domination of the spirit. That was only signed the laws into being as
viduals or to control and manipu- Scientology where people cas- Chancellor.
late them in both a spiritual and cul- caded out of their bodies on a rou- Although it is not a very well
tural context. Deeply entrenched tine basis, often regaining remark- known story, not even by
within the context of this German able abilities along the way. These Scientologists, Hubbard’s tech-
faction were a group of psychia- techniques were the brainchild of niques were so successful that a
trists that sprouted from the teach- L. Ron Hubbard, who got the first full scale effort was put forth by
ings of Dr. Wilhelm Wundt, a Ger- glimmer of them in an out-of-body the German cartel to not only take
man psychiatrist. In the 1880’s, near death experience he had in over the legal copyrights and trade-
Wundt made the University of 1938 where he encountered a marks of Scientology, but to se-
Leipzig the Mecca for a new breed “gateway” of information that quester and use the techniques for
of mental science, one that was solved all the riddles to the ques- themselves. This gave rise to the
dedicated to the proposition that tions which had always plagued Government’s remote viewing pro-
man was an animal. In truth, this and perplexed Mankind. gram. The Montauk Project was,
was a degradation of both the sub- Although it is not that well at least in part, a mammoth opera-
ject of psychiatry and animals be- known or appreciated, Hubbard tion designed to counter the posi-
cause the word psychiatry comes tried to open this gate a second time tive effects resulting from thousand
from psyche which means spirit, when he participated in the of freed spirits who had gone
and the word animal comes from Babalon Working with Jack Par- through various Scientology pro-
animus which also means spirit. In sons in 1946. At first glance, this cesses. In actuality, this was an old
essence, whether on purpose or by did not appear too successful. In- game being played out in a new
the dictates of a superior force, stead, he returned to the notes he time as stifling spiritual beings is
Wundt’s work became the modus had taken from the near death ex- an even older profession that pros-
operundi of modern psychiatry. It perience which he had hastily put titution.
was a war against the spirituality together in a manuscript entitled Quite ironically, one of my
of man. Excalibur. From these notes and first assignments in the Sea Org
When one asks the question concepts, which contained the key (the elite management arm of
“why?” it can be answered by the components to solve all riddles and Scientology) was in Morocco, the
fact that the spiritual potential of human dillemmas, he put together land of the Moors. At that time, I
mankind is infinite and enormous. Dianetics and offered techniques to was only a new crew member
If it were unfettered or allowed not rid people of psycho-somatic ills. aboard the Sea Org yacht Apollo,
to be dormant, it would overturn the At that point, he was careful not to but we had made some inroads to
existing power structure on Earth mention the word spirit until he had the King’s Palace and Morocco
which seeks to sequester and obtained widespread public sup- was literally on the verge of be-
vampirize spiritual energy, also port. That led to Scientology which coming Scientology’s first “safe
known as prana in the Hindu system. included techniques designed to country.” When we invited and
The planet Earth has always precipitate a “Disneyland” of the entertained Morocco’s Princess
maintained a powerful contingent human spirit. If you study the press aboard the ship, however, there
seeking to dominate the population clippings about Hubbard, you will was a severe backlash. Immdiately
and reduce the actual spiritual po- find that he was portrayed as an afterwards, there was an assassi-
tential and general freedom and affable adventure hero up to the point nation attempt made on the King
well being of Mankind. In recent he released Dianetics with workable who escaped and then had his De-
Earth history, the legend of Christ techniques to improve the spiritual fense Minister killed. The latter
and what ensued afterwards is a condition of human being. Only happened to be our most important
great example of such domination then was he villified and attacked. advocate on the governmental to
and abuse of power. By who? (continued on page 3)

Montauk Natives... Moors. Dark skin coloration only Twelvth Anniversary
(continued from page 1) strengthens the case. (continued from page 2)
We would not know any of the The Moors had an incredibly tem pole so we consequently found
above save for the fact that Joe strong presence in America long ourselves very unwanted in Mo-
Matheny and myself received a before the colonists came here. rocco. The intelligence agencies
mysterious package from Ong’s America was known by the name in Morocco were in abundance and
Hat that turned out to be from the of Al Maurikanos, meaning “El this included M16, the Mossad, the
Moorish Science Temple. The Morocco” or “Land of the Moors.” CIA, and the French. Although this
Moorish Science Temple was said It has even been honorably re- is just one story that is elaborated
to be a mysterious sponsor of the ported that the flag of that period upon in The Montauk Book of the
legendary experiments conducted was known as “Old Glory” and Dead, it sets the tone for what is
at Ong’s Hat. This package in- was one and the same of that of arguably one of the most compel-
cluded a letter telling us about the the country of Morocco which at ling intelligence sagas in the his-
development with the Montauks one time included all of America tory of Mankind: the struggle to
but also asking for our endorse- and major parts of Africa and Asia. control the souls of man through
ment in helping them to obtain in- Arabic place names like the Church of Scientology.
ternational recognition. As a re- Algonquin and Allegheny both de- I begin the book with my own
sult, I have been engaged with dif- rive from the Arabic word Al or story and how I became involved
ferent members of the Moorish “the” and Alabama derives from with a group that offered the most
Science Temple and I have been “Ali Baba.” The most obvious exquisite spiritual “candy” ever put
exposed to an entire new look at Arabic word of all is sharif which forth before the public. My own
history that not only reflects on the we know as sherrif. narrative continues with a behind
Montauks but the Moors as well. This is a complex and devel- the scenes look at Hubbard and the
The exact relationship between oping story that has not only been Church which you will not find on
the Moors and Montauks is prov- explored in the new Montauk Book the internet or elsewhere as there
ing to be very interesting. Part of of the Dead but will also be is no rancor or false enthusiasm. In
what earned me my contacted with journaled in upcoming issues of the end, you will understand ex-
the Moorish Science Temple was the Pulse. Of particular note in actly how I became involved in
my observation in Synchronicity regard to this is that some of the revealing the Montauk Project and
and the Seventh Seal that the most hotly disputed land near the what the current elements are that
Montauks not only originated from Dome of the Rock was long ago we are up against as citizens of
Delaware but that it was also the willed to the Moors. It is neither Earth.
very same colony where the word the legal property of either the Pal- In addition to The Montauk
“Moor” first appeared in the estinians nor Israelis. This is why Book of the Dead, Sky Books is
American lexicon. When you con- the entrance to this area is called also offering Volume II of the
sider that the pyramids at Montauk the Moors Gate. No matter which Montauk Pulse which includes the
were coupled with an Egyptian way you look, the Moors have years 1999-2004.
sounding royal family like been indelibly imprinted upon the With more developments than
“Pharoah,” it becomes obvious that sub strata of consciousness. There I can keep up with, 2005 looks to
the Montauks descended from the is a lot more to anticipate. ■ be the most exciting year yet. ■

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To subscribe to The Pulse, send $15.00 (plus $4.00 s/h for U.S. and Name:
$9.00 for foreign countries) to “Sky Books” and receive a $5.00
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• ORDER 7 BY OCT 31ST, 2005 AND PAY ONLY $25.00

A t age 27, L. Ron Hubbard clinically “died” only to discover that

he could “remote view.” From this state of consciousness, which
would later be called “exterior,” he was able to access what he
termed the answers to all of the questions that had ever puzzled
philosophers or the minds of men. Transcribing this into a work
entitled Excalibur, still under lock and key to this day, he devel-
oped one of the most controversial movements in history: Dianetics
and Scientology. The truth and import of the above can only be
evaluated by the all out war which was waged by governmental
forces and spy agencies to obtain the legally construed rights to
this work and all of the developments and techniques that ensued
RETAIL PRICE $29.95 from it. The Montauk Book of the Dead is the personal story of
ISBN 978-0-9678162-3-4 Peter Moon which not only pierces the mystery of death but gives
456 PAGES an unbiased behind-the-scenes look at one of the most controver-
sial figures in history and the bizarre legacy of his death. You will
learn more than you ever thought possible.


For twelve years the Montauk Pulse has been available to fans of
The Montauk Project who wish to keep up-to-date with the various
and always exciting permutations of the Montauk investigation. Now,
the second six years of the Pulse have been compiled into a comb-
bound volume. If you have been an intermittent subscriber to the
Pulse over the last decade, you can now be fully up-to-date by
ordering Volume 2 and/or Volume 1 which is also available. If you
have been a subscriber since the beginning, you can order this volume
as a ready-reference or if you have misplaced or damage issues.
Besides the regular surveillance of Camp Hero and related issues,
Volume I covered the the arresting and incarceration of John Ford, the
UFO investigator from Long Island who was jailed and put away per-
manently without ever having received a trial. Volume 2 begins with
the arrest of John Ford’s primary adversary (the power behind the power
who put Ford behind bars) and the eventual conviction. Only the
Montauk Pulse covered the full story of this intense and dramatic saga.
Other subjects covered in Volume 2 include irregular deer mutilations
and the strange presence of the Parsons Corporation at Camp Hero.

The Montauk Pulse - Volume I (1993-1998)......................................$29.95

The Montauk Pulse - Volume 2 (1999-1994)......................................$29.95 3
A newsletter of events and
PULSE A Chronicle
circumstances concerning
“The Montauk Project”
Winter 2005, Volume 3, No. 1
A ChronicleofofTime

Moorish Science Temple John Dee’s

Makes Contact Scrying Crystal
In November, I received a strange and Incunabula Papers and Ong’s Hat
unusual package that was addressed Travel Brochure which can now be
to Joe Matheny and myself. Upon re- found in the book Ong’s Hat: The Be- Just as this issue of the Pulse was
ceiving it, I took immediate notice of ginning. The photocopied letter ap- being put together, it was reported
the return address as it was in the heart parently had a message for both Joe from multiple media sources in En-
of the Ong’s Hat area. For those of and myself. gland that the notorious magic crystal
you who are not familiar, Ong’s Hat Joe’s part in the letter seems pri- ball of Queen Elizabeth’s court magi-
is a real but somewhat non-descript marily concerned with the very fact cian, John Dee, was stolen from the
area of South Central New Jersey that that it was photocopied. I, not hav- Science Museum in London at 4:30
has served as a hot-spot for many ing been part of that subculture, p.m. on December 9th.
strange legends, including the New would not have picked up the signifi- It was reported that a man dressed
Jersey Devil. It was also the area cance but at least noticed this irregu- in a long leather coat smashed a dis-
where a contingent of dissident physi- larity and commented on it to him play case on the fifth floor and ran
cists, hippies and Sufis had allegedly over the phone. Joe immediately said down flights of stairs and out of the
concocted a biofeedback egg for trav- that I (actually, he was, too) had been museum before he could be appre-
elling to other dimensions. These leg- contacted by the cult. By cult, he was hended. Although the wire services
ends and mysteries were reported on referring to the theory in did not state it, there is a major omis-
in the book Ong’s Hat: The Beginning. Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal (a sion in this reporting. London is noto-
Upon receiving this package, I as- theory which was, by the way, delib- rious for its spy cameras that are known
sumed, incorrectly, that it was from erately understated in that book) that to cover virtually ever square inch of
the Ong’s Hat chapter of the Moorish the Ong’s Hat ashram (at least the one the city streets. This has been very
Orthodox Church as I knew they have that actually existed — we do know successful in monitoring the behavior
a diocese there. Upon opening the that it actually existed by reason of of criminals. No mention was made
package, there was a letter to Joe and the kids who grew up there) repre- of spy cameras although they did men-
myself, but it was a most peculiar let- sented the outer tier of a time-travel tion reviewing closed circuit TV that
ter because it was a photocopy of a cult. In other words, an outer tier is a part of the museum’s security
letter and not an original, yet it was serves as a depot or real world locale system. Even if the thief obscured his
clearly addressed to us. When I called to serve the function of an inner cult own face, he could be traced to a
Joe and told him about this, he imme- which actually travels between di- building at the very least. We have to
diately recognized it as a signal that mensions. An idealized version of consider the idea that this crime might
was part of a subculture he once par- this is given in Ong’s Hat. There is have been allowed to have occurred.
ticipated quite heavily in. That is the also a middle tier which serves to tie The scrying crystal was reported to
fringe subculture of what he calls together certain loose ends between be worth £50,000, but I think it would
“crackpot xeroxed literature” which the inner cult and civilization, usually fetch at least a million on the black
included some of the most far-out, if through the tier of the outer cult. Joe market. Besides the crystal, the thief
not advanced, thinking on the planet has been able to piece this together also stole accompanying instructions
during the 1980’s. It is this very same from various members of the cult and on the use of the crystal that were writ-
literature which the mysterious Emory has pretty much concluded that he is ten in the hand of pharmacist Nicholas
Cranston featured in the now famous (continued on page 2) (continued on page 3)
the first things I asked him about was why he sent us a pho-
Moors and Montauks... tocopy of a letter instead of the actual letter itself. He an-
(continued from page 1)
swered in so many words that he was caught by the mo-
a part of this intermediary tier. It is all rather mysterious, ment and that is seemed the appropriate thing to do. While
even to Joe. I have not had any reason to believe this was anything less
The contents of the letter seemed to primarily concern than a sincere response, it is certainly not an ordinary re-
my own past research. It was written on behalf of the Montauk sponse. When I pressed him a little bit more, I received a
Tribe of Long Island and was seeking my/our endorsement reply that was even more vague. At that point, I asked him
for them establishing International Recognition on behalf of if he was being purposely vague, and he smiled and ac-
“Chief Robert Redfeather,” a newly elected tribal leader of knowledged such. We had a great time together, but I must
the Montauks. It seemed most odd that it was coming from admit that for the entire twenty-fours I spent with him, it
the Ong’s Hat area. seemed as if I was receiving a Sufi initiation. It was a won-
Before answering the letter, I spoke to the Shaman of the derful and eye-opening experience which will probably be
Montauks and confirmed that the data about Robert Redfeather expounded upon in the years ahead.
was accurate. This did not, however, explain why the letter The time travel aspect to all of this is intriguing, but the
was coming from Ong’s Hat. When I contact the author of situation with the Montauks getting their land back and re-
the letter, Dr. Ellias Bey, I learned that he was not associated ceiving proper recognition as a tribe is more important and
with the Moorish Orothodox Church but with the Moorish long been overdue. I have spoken with Robert Redfeather
Science Temple. The two organizations are distinctly differ- and I hope to meet with him soon. Some of the problems
ent. The Moorish Science Temple, an organization founded with the Montauks has been blamed on the fact that the tribe
by Noble Drew Ali in the early 1900’s, split into two separate factions headed by
was the original Islamic Moorish move- Robert Cooper and Robert Pharoah. Many
ment in the United States but was snuffed of the tribe became so dissatisfied with the
out when Drew Ali died (apparently unresolved hostilities between the two lead-
killed as the result of a police beating). “the Ong’s Hat ers that they realized action had to be taken.
In the wake of Ali’s death, the Black
Muslims emerged, first under the tutelage
ashram So, in accordance with democratic prin-
ciples that are a long standing tradition with
of Wali Fard and then Elijah Muhammed, represented the Native Americans, approximately two hun-
and co-opted the movement while taking dred Montauks took a vote and elected
the “Moorish issue” out of the equation. outer tier of a Robert Redfeather Stevenson as chief in
The Moorish Orthodox Church emerged August of last year. A subsequent meeting
in the 1960’s in an alleged attempt to re- time-travel cult” later suggested that he and others should
prise the missing role of the Moorish Sci- serve as “trustees” as they feel that term is
ence Temple which was “believed” to more appropriate than “chief” which has
have vanished after the death of Drew Ali. been the source of controversy amongst the
We now know, however, that this is not true. The Moorish tribe. It should be mentioned, however, that both Robert
Science Temple has many branches and has been seeking to Cooper and Robert Pharoah have maintained at least a por-
recover from the obliteration it suffered in 1929. The story is tion of their factions and are reported not to be happy at all
too deep and complex to go into detail here. about this new development. I did offer my support to this
Dr. Bey has stressed that Moorish Science should not be new faction with the proviso that I think both Cooper and
confused with a church and that science and religion should not Pharoah have important contributions to make to this effort.
be mixed in this respect. Besides his comment, I am aware that Robert Redfeather is currently working, with the back-
the Moorish Orthodox Church had a presence at Dr. Timothy ing of the Moorish Science Temple, to achieve international
Leary’s LSD ashram in Millbrook, New York during the 1960’s recognition via the Sovereign Earth Alliance. Amongst other
and has sometimes been, like Leary, associated with the CIA. functions, the S.E.A. instructs people on how to assert and
My phone conversation with Dr. Bey went well, but it obtain their own sovereignty within the nefarious political
was also a few days before a holiday party that Preston and I entanglements that modern society has used against dis-
had planned on Long Island in order to close out and say good- placed peoples.
bye to our Montauk Night gathering which used to meet We will now consider why the Moorish Science Temple
monthly at the house of Lorry Salluzzi. It turned into a fairly is involved with the Montauks. In Seventh Seal, it was de-
sizable party and I invited Dr. Bey to attend as our guest of scribed how the Montauks derived from the Leni Lenape of
honor. I got a chance to talk at length with Dr. Bey, but one of (continued on page 5)
Eternal Sunshine — A Montauk Movie
Earlier this year, comedian Jim Carey starred in a movie an affair. Soon after, her memory of him is erased and he
about the Montauk Project that is entitled Eternal Sunshine becomes quite frustrated. He is then informed by a com-
of the Spotless Mind. Although it was listed as a comedy, it pany letter that she requested to have her memory of him
is anything but that. Reviewers and Carey fans were harsh erased and that he should leave her alone. Arriving at the
on the famous comedian because it was not a typical role for company, Carey chooses to have his mind erased of her and
him. It is said, however, that Carey has a passion for con- the “fun” begins. It is actually pretty hard to follow the plot
spiracy and subjects like Montauk. He also starred in The and all the intricacies and incestuous tie-ins between the char-
Truman Show which was very critical of modern media. acters who all seem to be one weird and perverted Montauk
Eternal Sunshine bombed in the cineplexes and did not “family.”
show for more than a few weeks at most, but it has had an While the movie is a virtual rip-off of the Montauk
extremely popular life in video rentals, and we are quite sure Project story in some respects, it has its own variations and
that the producers made their money back and more. Also seems to have steered at least somewhat clear of copyright
in the movie were Elijah Wood, better known as Frodo violations. It has nothing about time travel.
Baggins in Lord of the Rings and Kate Winslet of Titanic The movie was shot on location at Montauk and several
fame. Watching the movie, it was very curious why these scenes are familiar. The movie crew tried to rent Camp Hero
big stars would choose to be in a movie that was marginal for a few days, but I am told they were given a very hard
and doomed for failure at the regular box office. Although time by the Park Superintendent. They were going to pay
Carey took the most flak, it could not be viewed as an image $10,000 to shoot and then he suddenly wanted $20,000. I
builder for any of them. heard the whole affair was rather petty, and the crew said to
The movie itself begins with Carey waiting for the Long hell with his greediness. The “greediness” makes no sense
Island Railroad to take him to work when he has a sudden as it is state money. As virtually no one is ever out there, it
urge to leave everything behind and take the next train to would not have been an inconvenience either.
Montauk. Montauk is like a memory jam. Something hap- If you want to rent the movie from Blockbuster, I sug-
pened to him out there, but he’s not sure what. Returning gest you be prepared to watch it at least twice if you hope to
home to Rockville Center via the Long Island Railroad, he figure out exactly what is going on. Even then, you will
meets a girl, also returning from Montauk, and they begin probably be left wondering. ■

Dee’s Crystal Stolen... (continued from page 1) between Montauk Point and Ong’s Hat. In that book, it was
Culpepper who wrote his comments in the mid-1600’s. The stated that Dee’s crystal had a sister crystal. When the two
theft occurred in broad daylight during operating hours of were placed in the vicinity of each other, they would create
the museum. The display case that was smashed was made a resonant field, forming a three-dimensional vesica pisces
of glass. The two items are owned by the museum’s effect and thereby open a dimensional door. Ironically, it
Wellcome Trust. It was reported that detectives are inves- said the two crystals would make efforts to “find” each other,
tigating whether the items were stolen to order. no matter by what distance they were separated. It now
For those of you who have not read Synchronicity and seems that Mercury, the archetypal thief and purveyor of
the Seventh Seal or are otherwise familiar, John Dee is one esoteric information, has taken a role in making something
of the most important names in occultism as well as regular like this happen. The description of the thief indicates he
history. He has, however, been blackballed in regular was wearing the garb that a chaos magician might wear.
history books even though most academic scholarship in One internet poster also pointed out that Enochian is a
modern universities can be traced back to him. For some language that excites the subconscious trance that we all live
occult reason, he is omitted from bibliographies where he under. If this person (or two as the detectives say) was versed
should be credited just for academic reasons alone. in Enochian, Dee’s angels might have invoked this activity
What is particularly timely about this theft is that it is and the robbery might have occurred spontaneously.
right on the heals of the release of my book Synchronicity While I cannot say that stealing is good, the crystal will
and the Seventh Seal which is just starting to get significant certainly have a more intriguing life than if it had remained
attention. In that book, I highlighted Dee’s crystal in the in the museum. This story is likely to have a sequel.
format of “The Magick Theater” where I used creative My personal intuition tells me that the Tar Baby (as
writing in an attempt to reconcile the mysterious connection depicted in Seventh Seal) was somehow involved. ■

Montauk Book of From the Editor
A Trip To Montauk
I made a trip to Montauk in late Octo- the Dead Nearing C ongratulations to all of you as
ber as I had received a report that there well as myself upon the 13th anni-
were more deer mutilations at Camp Completion versary of the Montauk Pulse. It is
Hero. The report came from my friend The manuscript for my new book, The a rather remarkable accomplish-
who had alerted me to the earlier ones. Montauk Book of the Dead, will be ment to keep any newsletter going
By the time I arrived, the mutilated deer finished by the time you receive this for this long, and I certainly could
had been removed. This is probably a copy of the Pulse. It will, however, have not done it without you. Sup-
result of me bringing it to the attention have to be taken into production (this port for our efforts has always been
of the park rangers. Previously, the means proofreading, typesetting, and rather slim, but it is present and is
policy was to “let nature take its course” other miscellaneous steps in the manu- the oil that makes things work.
but these mutilations are not nature and facturing process, including the cover). Thank you very much!
they are potentially dangerous. I expect to send it to the printer no later This issue of the Pulse begins
There were two oddities to report, than February 1st, and it is possible it Volume III. In celebration of our
however. At Camp Hero, the mysteri- could even be sent earlier. Therefore, it 13th anniversary, we are happy to
ous charcoal could still be seen near the should be returned from the printer announce the release of Volume II
“Boy’s Bunker, east of the transmitter sometime in March. of the Montauk Pulse which is now
building. Burnt charcoal is strewn about The book is going to retail for available for $29.95 in bound form
in a clumped circular arrangement as if $29.95 but all current Pulse subscribers and includes the second six years
there were a “camp fire” on the grass are being offered the prepublication (24 issues, from Winter 1999
but the grass is neither singed nor burnt. sales price of $20.00 plus $5.00 ship- through Fall 2004) of the Pulse.
There is no complete or even partial ping and handling if you send in your Volume I (24 issues, from Winter
explanation for what this is about. order and it is postmarked by February 1993 through Fall 1998) is also
The other point of intrigue con- 15th. Allowances will be made for available for $29.95. Be sure to
cerns the old water pump house located foreigners and on a case by case basis. include $5.00 s/h for one or both.
on Edison Drive. The specific location You will also be getting a sell sheet and This December has featured a
can be reached by turning north on Special Edition of the Pulse that is surprise conversation with the mys-
Cleveland Drive (not far from Gurney’s being sent to the general public to whom terious David Anderson, the pro-
Inn) and following it to the end where the prepublication price will be $22.00 prietor of the Time Travel Research
you will meet Edison Drive. That pump plus $5.00 s/h. It will give a fuller Center. He hopes to meet with me
house was witnessed to have an under- description of the book. right after Christmas and says
ground elevator according to local resi- The Montauk Book of the Dead hello to all he knows.
dents. It is erected in a hilly area which starts off by telling how I ended up Happy New Year to all of
would be perfect for an underground aboard L. Ron Hubbard’s mystery ship you!
installation. There is also a large air
vent mysteriously protruding out of one
known as the Apollo at the age of nine-
teen as well as how various
Peter Moon
of the small mounds or hills. The synchronicities concerning death, in-
power going into the pump house is far cluding that of my parents when I was
in excess of what would be needed to age 21, played a role in my life and led THE MONTAUK PULSE
pump water. me to the unraveling of many personal
What I discovered was that there is mysteries, all of which led to the rev- Editor: PETER MOON
Writer: Peter Moon
now an entirely new building being elation of the significance of Montauk
constructed behind the original pump Point. This book also gives a com- PUBLISHED BY SKY BOOKS
PO BOX 769, WESTBURY, NY 11590
house. It appears to be a pump house, pletely candid and hidden look into the
too, but the air vent is right next to it. behind the scenes affairs of L. Ron © by Preston Nichols & Peter Moon
Why you would need two such build- Hubbard as well as Scientology’s battles No part of this publication may be
ings is a mystery. with global intelligence agencies which
I was also once told by a former included a struggle to takeover Mo-
photocopied or used without permission
from the publisher.

military employee that this location was rocco, the land of the Moors. If you For a subscription to the Pulse
(4 issues annually) send $15.00 plus
a hidden satellite tracking station used have liked my other work, you should $4.00 S/H (outside U.S. add $9.00 S/H).
for pure military purposes. ■ like this book as well. ■

Moors and Montauks... der the most powerful and workable system of government
known at that time. It was based upon the idea that thinking
(continued from page 2)
should rule as opposed to force or violence. The Iroquois
Delaware, the same region where the word Moor first ap- were a matriarchal culture where the women chose the men
pears in the American lexicon during a court case. The im- who would serve as council leaders. The above is accept-
plication was obvious. The early Moors in this country, who able to historians, but the Moors are a missing link in how
derived their heritage from Egyptian Masonry, were integral the above played into our current culture.
in building pyramids and this gives a very plausible expla- The birth of the nation is considered to be 1776 yet
nation for the pyramids that were not only erected at Montauk George Washington is considered to be the first president.
but were obliterated. When you consider that the Moors set There were actually some seven presidents until 1781 when
up cities across the country and named them after Egyptian the Articles of Confederation were adopted. There were then
names (such as Cairo, IL and Memphis, TN — there are many eight more until the Constitution was adopted and Washing-
more examples), the truth becomes a little clearer. When ton elected. This period in history has been deliberately ob-
you consider that the Montauks were declared extinct by Jus- scured because several of these early presidents had Moorish
tice Abel Blackmar, on the grounds that they were too black blood and were part and parcel of not only winning the revo-
to be Indians, a very clear pattern emerges. The Montauks lution but also of setting up our current form of government
were Moors! In the early 1900’s, when that decision was under the U.S. Constitution. Besides the obfuscation, there
made, the insidious political effort to destroy the Moorish have also been outright lies. Under the Articles, the first
civilization had succeeded. The moral cli- president was unanimously chosen to be
mate was such that one could completely John Hanson, a man who was said to be the
libel not only people of color but of the most most active person involved in as well as
noble and civilized culture western civili- the focal point of the revolution and who
zation has known: the Moors. “The Moors, not
had appointed George Washington as Gen-
As was said, it is a complex subject, incorrectly, can eral of the Army. Although Hanson is well
but much of the Great Deception and ob- trace back their documented as having existed, he is also
fuscation concerning the Moors was per- one of the most obscured and mythical fig-
petrated by Columbus and the Catholic history on the ures in American history. No matter what
Church. The Moors, not incorrectly, can American continents side you take in these myths, you will find
trace back their history on the American
continents to thousands of years before Co-
to thousands of that there is probably no other little men-
tioned character in history who has been
lumbus in what was an ancient civilization years before lied about so much. Why? Because he is
that included the Olmecs and virtually ev- Columbus” also an integral part of what we know to be
ery other mound or pyramids builders in Moorish history in the Americas. You have
the Americas. The Americas were part of to be careful about the information circu-
Amexem, a region which also included lating about him so please do not jump to
Africa and parts of Asia. This data is in the Vatican Archives any rash conclusions. We do know that he is from Mary-
and elsewhere, but most of the languages the manuscripts land, a Moorish stronghold. He was also very familiar with
are written in are only known to scholars and most of them the political principles of the Iroquois Nation. This knowl-
have not read even a healthy minority of what is in there. It edge made him an instrumental part of putting together and
is a matter of conspiracy but even more a case of ignorance negotiating what eventually became the U.S. Constitution,
of data that is “in plain sight.” certain aspects of which he determinedly rejected.
Another interesting aspect of the Moors has to do with Common history tells us that the U.S. Constitution was
their influence upon the early white settlers with the ruling based upon highly civilized principles of the Iroquois Na-
parties that already existed in America. At the time of the tion, but we are not told that these were based upon an even
“Indian Nations,” those peoples had long had their own sys- more ancient Moorish doctrine which is known as Isonomi.
tem of checks and balances in place. Historians generally While I cannot give complete justice to Isonomi in a brief
accept the Iroqouis Nation as having derived the template article, we can begin by recognizing that the etymology of
by which the colonists formed our current Constitution. The Isonomi is derived from Iso + Nomos, meaning “right law.”
Iroquois, a named believed to have been derived from iriki The essential fundamental principle of Isonomi refers to the
or “real adder” (an adder being a poisonous snake), were not spiritual nature of justice and peace as it applies to the social
a race of people per se but consisted of several different tribes order or governmental political society in which it is adapted
and clans which spoke the same language and operated un- (continued on page 6)
Montauk harmonizes very well with a now being asked to take on the burden
Moors and Montauks... definition of “supreme leader of the of a people who are even more op-
(continued from page 5) highest point.” pressed. The Montauks were declared
and enforced. Isonomi is the guide- Thus, we find ourselves in a di- extinct, but at least they were not writ-
point or foundation from which juris- lemma when we consider the current ten out of the history books!
prudence or “positive law” is derived. plight of the Montauk tribe. The As I have been putting this article
A system of laws designed on such prin- Montauks are the ONLY known people together, I have also been finishing The
ciples will not only have checks and bal- on the Earth who are in a position to Montauk Book of the Dead and have
ances but is meant to act as a thinking claim an active Pharoahship. The come across a very relevant piece of
and sensitive system which is not prone Montauks were, remember, the royal Egyptian theocracy. It is said that when
to prejudice or corruption. tribe of Long Island, and their power the Pharoah dies, Ma’at is lost to the
Justice, however, is just one of what was also traditionally said to have ex- world. Ma’at is the female consort of
are known as the five principles of ceeded far beyond Long Island. In the Tahuti or Thoth, and she is the goddess
Isonomi. The others are Love, Truth, New York court case that declared them of balance, justice and morality. In the
Peace, and Freedom, the symbol for extinct because they were falsely de- Babalonian Zodiac, she is Lady Justice
which is the “Compass and Square.” clared as being “too black,” there was or Libra. The Egyptians say that only a
You might recognize these as symbols an even more sinister element at work new Pharoah can restore Ma’at to the
of Freemasonry, but the modern day than any of us suspected. The “black” world. This would therefore be the con-
Freemasons learned them from the factor was the Moorish influence. The siderable challenge that awaits anyone
Moors. While I will not go further into pyramids were a direct influence from returning the Montauks to their right-
these interesting principles at this time, the Masonic building principles of ful place on the grid.
I hope it will illustrate for you that the Moorish Science. My personal solution for this at this
Moors, who also carried the knowledge The U.S. Government and New time is to do my part in initiating the
of geometry from ancient Egypt, were York State could have acted and settled process. In other words, the Montauks
not only present in North America at that this case years ago when it was brought themselves need to be initiated into the
time but were also an integral part of it. to their attention. There is now, how- role of their ancestors, particularly as it
I cannot go into all of the documenta- ever, a much bigger issue at stake and relates to Moorish Science and their
tion at this time, primarily because I that is the destruction of the Moorish Egyptian heritage. It is also an initia-
have not studied it all, but I can assure Nation which was known as Societas tion process for me as I am learning,
you that there is plenty of it. History Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos which but I will also write down the key points
desecrated the Moors and wrote them translates as The Al Maurikan Repub- of what I find and will publish it and
out of any significant role. lic Society. At the time of the found- pass it on to those who are interested.
It was the Moors and not the ing of this country, America was called You will be reading more of that in
Jefferson/Washington group of Freema- Al Maurikan because it was a part of future issues of this newsletter.
sons that came up with the Great Seal, the Moroccan Empire known as Those of you who want to donate
symbols we see on the dollar bill and Amexem. It was transliterated into to the effort of the Montauks can con-
are incorrectly thought to be symbols of America by the colonists and eventu- tact Sky Books by email at
the conspiratorial “Illuminati.” The ally a story was made up that America or otherwise and
group referred to as the Illuminati co- was named after Amerigo Vespucci, a we will put you in contact with either
opted these symbols from the Moors. navigator. Any history teacher I ever the Moorish Science Temple or the
A long and developing pattern has had who mentioned Vespucci always Montauks. In any case, do not make
now emerged that began with my dis- commented how it made no sense to out checks to me or Sky Books for this
covery of pyramids of Montauk and that name America after a seemingly insig- purpose. Communicate first, and we
the ruling royal family were known as nificant navigator. We now realize that will direct you.
the Pharaohs of Montauk. Ironically, the there was a significant motive to hide This is the first installment of what
native chiefs of the Delaware area, or the history of what had transpired. I have learned from my new associa-
“Supreme Emperors” as they were I have been told that there has been tion with the Moorish Science Temple.
sometimes called, were known as a considerable reluctance on the part How the theme interweaves with the
“tuacks,” a tuack being a name for a of some of the Montauk Natives to ac- more exotic aspects of time travel, I
supreme leader. When you consider that cept a Moorish heritage. This is cer- cannot say, but we are obviously deal-
“Mon” means “highest point” or “moun- tainly understandable in that they are ing with the deconstruction of false
tain” (as well as supreme God), the word already an oppressed people and are paradigms. Stay tuned. ■

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