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HARI/TGL : SELASA, 15-12-2020
WAKTU : 13.30-15.30

Mahasiswa yang pada saat UAS terbukti melakukan kecurangan (copy paste)/ jawaban
persis sama, maka peserta ujian yang jawabannya sama tersebut akan dikenakan sanksi
berupa: pembatalan mata kuliah yang bersangkutan (nilai FR), nama mahasiswa tersebut
akan dicantumkan pada papan pengumuman dan majalah kampus NewsLetter.

Read the following text carefully.


All over the world, libraries have begun the Herculean task of masking faithful digital copies of the
book, images and recordings that preserves the intellectual effort of humankind. For armchair scholars,
the work promises to bring such a wealth of information to the desktop that the present Internet may
seem amateurish in retrospect.

Librarians see three clear benefits to going digital. First, it helps them preserve rare and fragile objects
without denying access to those who wish to study them. The British library, for example holds the only
medieval manuscript of Beowulf in London. Only qualified scholars were allowed to see it until Kevin
S. Kiernan of the University of Kentucky scanned the manuscript with three different lights sources
(revealing details not normally apparent to the naked eye) and put the images up on the Internet for
anyone to peruse. Tokyo’s National Diet Library is similarly creating highly detailed digital photographs
of 1,236 woodblock prints, scrolls and other materials it considers national treasures so that the
researchers can scrutinise them without handling the originals.

A second benefit is convenience. Once books are converted to digital form, patrons can retrieve them in
second rather than minutes. Several people simultaneously read the same book or view the same picture.
Clerks are spared the chore of reshelving. And libraries could conceivably use the internet to lend their
virtual collections to those who are unable to visit in person.

The third advantage of electronic copies is that they occupy millimeters of space on a magnectic disk
rather than meters on a shelf. Expanding library buildings is increasingly costly. The University of
California at Berkeley recently spent $46 million on an underground addition to house 1.5 million books-
an average cost of $30 per volume. The price of disk storage, in contrast has fallen to about $2 per 300
-page publication and continues to drop.
A. Read the text above and answer these questions (15%)
1. What is the main idea in the first paragraph?
2. Which paragraphs in the text offer further explanation of the message?
3. Which words in the second paragraph help you identify the supporting points?
4. How easy would it be to write a summary of the text? Why?
5. What are the benefits to go going digital?

B. State the sentences whether true (T) or false (F) (10%)

1. Going digital helps librarians preserve rare and fragile objects without denying access to those
who wish to study them.
2. The British library holds the only medieval manuscript of Beowulf in England.
3. The University of Kentucky scanned the manuscript with three similar light.
4. Being cozy is one of the benefit to going digital.
5. Expanding library buildings is very expensive.

II. Vocabulary

Complete the sentences using the words givens on the list. (20%)

Credit card room table room service luggage

Internet access reservation breakfast wake-up call door

1. I have a ......................... for tonight.

2. Can I see your................. , please?
3. Your ............ is on the fifth floor.
4. What time is ................... served?
5. Do I need to book a .................... ?
6. This is Mr Rudi in room 201. Can I have a ................ ?
7. Do the rooms have .................... ? I can log on
8. I’d also like to have dinner in my room. Do you have .................... ?
9. Could you help me to bring my................ ?
10. Open the ......... , please.

III. Structure
Correct the form of words between brackets (20%)
1. Let’s go by bus. It’s (cheap).
2. I like to sing and (dancing).
3. Indonesia is the (friendly) country.
4. Thanks for the package! Please leave (them) on the table.
5. He drives so (careless) that I’m sure he’ll have an accident.
6. “Rudy is at home”. John said that Rudy (be) at home.
7. “Are you happy”. She asked him if he (be) happy.
8. The school provides all its students (for) books.
9. How much money do you spend (at) food each week?
10. She keeps (hope) they will come.

IV. Dialogue

Complete the conversation and match them with the answers below. (20%)

1. A. .................................... some water?

B. Yes, please that would be nice
2. A. Would you like to join us to the party?
B ................................... invitation, but I have to call my mom.
3. A. Would you like me to find out what’s on the theatre?
B. Yes, please. That’s .................... you
4. A. Would you ................. fax you the agenda?
B. Yes, please. That’s very kind of you
5. A. Shall I call you a taxi?
B. No, .................... walk.
6. I am sorry to inform you that ……….
7. I’ll call you when I ……………
8. It was very kind of you …………….
9. I’d like to thank you for…………….
10. I look forward to………………

- all your help

- Thank you for
- to invite me
- like me to
- Would you like to have
- am going to be in London
- hearing all your news
- That’s very kind of you
- Thank you. I am going to
- Would you like to come
- Nice to see you again
- I’ll be out of the office next week
V. Writing
Create a paragraph of about 150 words about your most interesting activities (15%)

-------------------------------------- Good Luck ----------------------------------------------

Pengusul Pengesahan
Dosen Koordinator Kaprodi/Sekprodi

Dra. Retno Sari Murtiningsih, MM Dr. Sri Vandayuli Riorini, MM

8 Desember 2020 9 Desember 2020

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