Zhukov, Kuzmin (IPSE 2020)

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ISSN 1069-3513, Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 2020, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 470–480.

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2020.

Russian Text © The Author(s), 2020, published in Fizika Zemli, 2020, No. 4, pp. 39–50.

The Influence of Fracturing of the Rocks and Model Materials

on P-Wave Propagation Velocity: Experimental Studies
V. S. Zhukova and Yu. O. Kuzminb, *
OOO Gazprom-VNIIGAZ, Moscow, 142717 Russia
bSchmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 123242 Russia
*e-mail: kuzmin@ifz.ru
Received October 7, 2019; revised January 10, 2020; accepted January 27, 2020

It is shown that rigidity of the medium is a more strain-sensitive parameter than rock density for the elastic
wave velocity with the increase in the depth. For assessing the effect of intergrain and fracture porosity, the
ratio (in percent) of the measured P-wave velocity in the rock to the velocity in the solid matrix—the “nor-
malized velocity”—is used. The results of the experimental studies have shown that the effect of fractures
(faults, rock joints) and intergrain porosity on the propagation velocity of the elastic P-waves is different. The
increase in fracture porosity more strongly reduces the P-wave velocity than the increase in intergrain poros-
ity of identical magnitude. It is shown that the propagation velocity of the elastic P-waves in the rocks and
model materials depends on the presence and number of cracks (fractures). The possibility of selective assess-
ment of intergrain and fracture porosity in reservoir rocks of the oil and gas fields during their development
is demonstrated.

Keywords: elastic wave velocity, rock, porosity, fractures, reservoir conditions, effective pressure
DOI: 10.1134/S1069351320040102

INTRODUCTION sometimes act as antipodes. It happens when the phe-

nomenon of increased velocities of seismic waves with
Wide distribution of various kinds of fracturing depth is studied. For example, in the onedimensional
(from microcracks to regional tectonic faults) makes a case of the P-wave velocity equation the rigidity of
significant impact on physical properties of rocks and medium (Е) is in the numerator and density (ρ) is in
largely defines tectonophysical conditions of forma- the denominator (V = √Е/ρ). An increase in rigidity
tion of regional geodynamic regimes. Hydrocarbon results in an increase in velocity of seismic waves and
deposits often coincide or are compounded with fault an increase in density leads, respectively, to its
tectonics, which creates a fractured structure of reser- decrease. This is in full accordance with the estab-
voirs. Moreover, fault zones of petroliferous sedimen- lished phenomenological model in physics, in which a
tary basins are characterized with intense temporal medium is represented by a set of balls with density ρ
variations of the local stress-strain state (Kuzmin, and elastic springs with rigidity E. Naturally, more
1999; 2015; 2016; 2018; 2019; Kuzmin and Zhukov, rigid springs transmit oscillations faster and heavier
2004). However, despite the wide use of seismological balls obstruct this transmission. It may seem that this
and seismic prospecting data for investigating geolog- situation contradicts experimental data as it has been
ical composition of media various aspects of the determined that seismic wave velocity and the density
impact of fracturing on the velocities of elastic P-wave of a medium increase with depth. However, it is cor-
propagation have been studied insufficiently even on rect if rock rigidity is presumed not to change with
the laboratory level. depth. In reality, rock rigidity and density increase
It is important to note that many researchers use with depth, but an increase in rigidity (elastic modu-
the term “less dense” to describe the increase in the lus) with depth appears to be significantly higher than
degree of fracturing in a medium. It is understandable, in density. Thus, rock rigidity is a more strain-sensitive
as in geological and geophysical literature this term— parameter than density for the value of seismic wave
“less dense” often means “softening” and vice versa. velocity. This is the why using the term softening is
Indeed, in many cases denser rocks have higher rigid- more appropriate to describe processes of fracturing
ity (strength). However, it would be a mistake to dis- (Kuzmin, 1999; 2013; 2015). Unfortunately, in seismic
miss the fact that the density of granite is almost four prospecting correlational dependence of velocity on
times less than that of mercury. Thus, the terms “den- density is often considered, which limits the capacity
sity” and “rigidity” are not identical in meaning and for interpreting seismic exploration data.


The dependence of elastic P-wave velocity on Vp = 100 − 22.0m fr . (4)

porosity (Riznichenko, 1949) or the Wyllie interval
mean time equation (Wyllie, 1956) is widely used in At simultaneous presence of intergrain pores and
geophysics. It is based on representing a rock medium fractures the equation for normalized velocity will be (5):
as a set of grains between which a fluid circulates. It is
well known that the volume of pore space in a rock Vp = 100 − 1.6mig − 22.0m fr . (5)
medium consists of the volume of intergrain space and Dependences (3) and (4) are given in Fig. 1 as
the volume of fractures. Thus, when conducting slanting lines (dotted lines for intergrain porosity and
experiments to investigate the impact of porosity on dashed lines for fracture porosity).
elastic P-wave propagation velocity, researchers assess
the integral manifestation of this parameter. At the To form chaotically oriented fractures, Tourenq
same time, the assessment of the impact of fractures et al. (1994) heated to 450–600°С samples of Louvigne-
on elastic P-wave velocities is insufficiently studied. du-Desert granite (marked with crosses) and Carrara
marble (marked with tilted crosses) with no intergrain
There are papers that discuss the impact of frac- porosity. Chaotic cracking was also induced through
tures on P-wave velocity, which determine that exis- heating samples of Fontainebleau sandstone with
tence of cracks or ruptures reduces the velocity of the intergrain porosity 6.6% (marked with unfilled circles)
P-wave and the amplitude of oscillations recorded by and limestone with intergrain porosity 20% (marked
piezoelectric and other sensors (Anderson, 1974; with filled circles). Obtained values of porosity and
Young et al., 1985; Sassa and Watanabe, 1995; Kahra- velocity of the elastic P-wave were used to calculate
man, 2001; Kurtulus et al., 2011; Azhari et al., 2013; normalized velocity in these samples (Fig. 1) depend-
Altindag and Guney, 2005; et al.). ing on porosity.
Additionally, a series of theoretical and experimen-
tal studies (Nur, 1971; Nur and Simmons, 1969; Sassa Thus, based on analysis of experimental results
and Watanabe, 1995; Walsh, 1965; Walsh and Brace, Tourenq et al. (1994) showed that intergrain and frac-
1966; Wyllie et al., 1962; Wyllie and Gregory, 1956; ture porosity differ in their impact on the P-wave
Young et al., 1985; Bayuk and Ryzhkov, 2010; Zobak, velocity.
2007; Tiab and Donaldson, 2004; Inkov et al., 2005; We substantiate the assumption that there is a pos-
Zhukov et al., 2018) show that inhomogeneity in com- sibility of separate determination of the value of two
position and disturbance of rock structure, e.g. frac- components of porosity (intergrain mig and fracture mfr)
tures, have a strong influence on P-wave velocity. by measuring total porosity m and the velocity of prop-
Tourenq et al. (1994) considered the effects of frac- agation of the P-wave in rocks Vp using its known value
tures on P-wave and S-wave velocities. The highest in a solid matrix Vpm.
plausibility of data was achieved in experiments with Given that total porosity consists of these two com-
P-waves as they can be measured rather simply with a ponents (2), equation (5) yielded expression (6) (Zhu-
high accuracy. Tourenq et al., (1994) suggested to kov, 2012) for calculating, for example, the value of
employ a percentage Q-factor for assessment of rock fracture porosity using the dependence of normalized
inhomogeneities. The authors introduce the term velocity on total porosity:
“normalized velocity” Ṽр as a ratio between a mea-
sured value of P-wave velocity Vp and the velocity in a  Vp 
m fr = 100 − 1.6m − 100 × 20.4 . (6)
solid matrix of a rock medium Vpm (1), in which  Vpm 
absence of intergrain porosity and fractures in
assumed. The resulting value characterizes the general To provide evidence for this approach, we general-
impact of all boundaries on measured P-wave velocity: ize empirically results of a large volume of laboratory
experiments on rock samples and model materials
Vp = 100 . (1) investigating patterns of elastic P-wave propagation
Vpm velocities in fracture-porous rocks. The main goals
were to experimentally check empirical correlations
It is known that intergrain pores and cracks obtained in (Tourenq et al., 1994), to determine the
together form general or total porosity m (2): dependence of the P-wave propagation velocity on
m = mig + m fr , (2) fractures by studying a range of model materials and
compound rock samples, and to develop a technique
where: m—total porosity; mig—intergrain or intergran- for selective assessment of values of intergrain and
ular porosity; mfr—fracture porosity. fracture porosity for rocks that act as collectors of oil
In (Tourenq et al., 1994) it is shown that for rocks and gas deposits. For this, we conducted a study of
with intergrain porosity the dependence of normalized fracture models made of steel and titanium discs,
velocity on porosity is (3): models of intergrain porosity made of a mixture of
lead balls with varied diameters, and materials of stud-
Vp = 100 − 1.6mig , (3)
ies of rock sample and core extracted from a number of
and for fractured rocks it is (4): oil and gas deposits.



mig = 0% Granite Marble

Sandstone Limestone
mig = 10% Intergrain Fracture
80 porosity

Normalized velocity Vp, %

mig = 20%
mig = 30%

40 mig = 40%

mfr = 1% mfr = 0%
mfr = 2%
20 mfr = 3%
mfr = 4%

0 10 20 30 30 50
Porosity m, %

Fig. 1. Normalized P-wave velocity depending on porosity for various rocks.

Our approach to determining fracture porosity allowed to calculate such dynamic elastic parameters
allowed to make an assessment of the contribution of as shear modulus and bulk modulus of studied objects.
changes in porosity structure as a factor in formation At the next stage, values of all investigate parame-
of the medium’s response to changes in a current stress ters (porosity, density, P-wave velocity, elastic param-
state, in particular, during exploration of oil and gas eters) under current values of effective pressure were
fields (Zhukov et al., 2002; 2017; 2018). normalized by values of corresponding parameters
under effective pressure 2.0 MPa and their relative
METHOD OF EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES changes under increasing effective pressure, which
imitated an increase in depth of the rock (Fig. 3), were
Determination of P-wave propagation velocities obtained.
was performed by sounding using a PUMA-650 auto- The highest relative increase—by 40.5%–was
mated device for modeling rock media conditions and obtained for the bulk modulus K. The P-wave velocity
the technique provided in (Zhukov and Lugay, 2016). Vp increased by 11.7%. Density increased by only 0.8%,
The technique allows direct determination of changes and porosity decreased by 11.4% from the initial value.
in the volume of pore space, velocities of P-wave and Going back to the problem of dependence of P-wave
S-wave propagation, and other petrophysical parame- velocity on elastic modules and density that was men-
ters of rock samples and model materials under mod- tioned in the Introduction and analyzing Fig. 3, it can
eled rock medium conditions, in a wide range of input be noted that the main factor that influences the
values of pressures and temperatures. increase of velocity with the increase of effective pres-
Rock samples were placed in a high-pressure sure (or the depth of the rock medium) is the increase
chamber. Then the confining pressure was increased in elastic modules, i.e. rigidity of rock. Concurrent
gradually to 15.0 MPa and pore pressure to 13.0 MPa, elevation of density only partially reduces the impact
which allowed to reach the initial effective pressure at of elastic module growth. Thus, higher strain-sensitiv-
Рef = 2.0 MPa. Then the value of confining pressure ity of rigidity parameters is confirmed compared to
was gradually increased to match the rock medium density of rocks that are used in the equation for calcu-
pressure (50.0 MPa), while keeping pore pressure con- lating elastic P-wave velocities.
stant at 13.0 MPa, which elevated effective pressure to
37.0 MPa. Relative error for measurements of confin-
ing and pore pressures was ±0.25% (Fig. 2). RESULTS OF MODEL EXPERIMENTAL
Obtained experimental data on changes in porosity
enabled us to calculate changes in density of samples Basic models of rocks used within the elastic theory
and compressibility of their pore space. The results of consist of balls (with uniform or varied sizes) packed
measuring elastic P-wave and S-wave velocities into containers (cubic, hexagonal, etc.). However, the



Pump 1

Pump 2
Fluid Сore
М1 holder
of collecting

Fig. 2. Basic hydraulic structure and the PUMA-650 (EKOPLAST) device.

actual influence of pressure on elastic parameters is P-wave velocity was experimentally studied on model
produced by a more complex structure of sedimentary materials and rock samples. The results of our own
rocks which are inhomogeneous contrary to what is experiments and data obtained by other authors were
assumed in simple elastic rock models. Thus, the used in this study.
influence of intergrain porosity and fractures on
Models of Intergrain Porosity
For experimental verification of the above equa-
Relative changes, % tion (3) we conducted a series of experiments using a
50 model of intergrain porosity—a mixture of lead balls of
varied sizes. In addition, we used published data from
30 (Plona, 1980) on the dependence of P-wave velocity
on the porosity of a material consisting of glass balls
30 with diameters of 0.21 and 0.29 mm.
For modeling intergrain porosity we used lead balls
20 with diameters of 2.40 and 6.93 mm. Samples of mix-
tures containing varied amounts of balls of both sizes.
10 Porosity of each mixture was determined using an
Ultra Pore porosimeter by a go volumetric method,
with porosity of mixtures determined at 45.70;
0 40.95 and 35.23%. Elastic P-wave velocity of the lead
balls was 2.50 km/s. Comparisons of the dependence
–10 of P-wave velocity on porosity for mixtures of lead
balls and mixtures of glass balls are given in Fig. 4.
–20 The dependence of velocity on total porosity for
0 10 20 30 40
mixtures of lead balls (Fig. 4a) with a high degree of
Effective pressure, MPa
accuracy (R2 = 0.998) is approximated by linear equa-
К—bulk modulus Vp—P-wave velocity tion (7):
G—shear modulus Density Vp = −0.040m + 2.494. (7)
In this equation the second component (2.494),
Fig. 3. Relative changes of elastic parameters, density, and
signifying the velocity in the material of the balls under
porosity of a rock sample with an increase in effective pres- zero porosity almost coincides with the measured
sure. value (2.50 km/s).



(а) (b)
8 120
P-wave velocity Vp, km/s

velocity Vp, %

4 60
1 Glass balls (J. Plona, 1980) Glass balls (J. Plona, 1980)
Lead balls d = 6.93 and 2.40 mm Lead balls d = 6.93 and 2.40 mm

0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Porosity m, % Porosity m, %

Fig. 4. Dependences of (а) elastic wave velocity and (b) normalized velocity on total porosity of mixtures of glass balls (according
to (Plona, 1980)) and mixtures of lead balls with diameters 6.93 and 2.40 mm.

The dependence of normalized velocity on total Thus, using intergrain porosity models made of
porosity for models composed of lead ball mixtures lead and glass balls we confirmed that normalized
(Fig. 4b) is approximated with high accuracy with lin- velocity depends on intergrain porosity according to
ear equation (8): equation (3).
Vp = −1.605m + 99.8. (8)
Fracture Modeling
For glass balls the value of P-wave velocity in glass
(5.69 km/s) given in (Plona, 1980) differs significantly For experimental proof of dependence (4) for frac-
from glass window given in other sources. Thus, in ture porosity the velocity of ultrasound propagation
(NDT, 2001–2014) the glass window is at 6.79 km/s through cylindrical metal samples (steel and titanium)
which we accepted for further calculations of normal- of varied lengths and compound rock samples
ized velocity. (Moroccan and Turkish marble).
The dependence of P-wave velocity on total poros- The study of influence of fractures on P-wave
ity (Fig. 4a) for glass ball models is well approximated velocities was conducted using compound cylinders
(R2 = 0.961) with linear equation (9): with lengths of 10, 15, and 30 mm made of the same
block of metal. P-wave velocity in steel was identical
Vp = −0.0911m + 6.532. (9) and equaled 5.556 km/s. The model for one fracture
In this equation the second component (6.532) was a 30 mm long sample consisting of two 15 mm sec-
representing the velocity in the material of glass balls tions. Two fractures were modeled by joints between
under zero porosity is quite close in value to the value three 10 mm sections with overall length of 30 mm.
of 6.79 km/s that we adopted from (NDT, 2001– Similar studies were conducted on titanium samples.
2014). Total porosity of each compound sample was also
The obtained dependence of normalized velocity measured by the gas volumetric method using an Ultra
on total porosity for glass balls (Fig. 4b) is approxi- Pore porosimeter as a difference between volumes of
mated with a high degree of accuracy (R2 = 0.940) with compound and uniform samples of similar lengths.
linear equation (10): The volume of each fracture was 0.09–0.11% of the
total sample volume. Dependences of changes in
Vp = −1.505m + 100.0. (10) P-wave velocity and normalized velocity on total
porosity are given in Fig. 5.
It is shown that the obtained dependences of nor-
malized velocity on total porosity (8) and (10) are sim- Dependence of velocity on total porosity for com-
ilar in structure to equation (3) proposed in (Tourenq pound titanium samples (Fig. 5a) has a high degree of
et al., 1994) for intergrain porosity. The coefficient at accuracy (R2 = 0.99):
total porosity in all three equations–(3), (8) and Vp = −1.507m + 6.004, (11)
(10)—appeared to be close to value 1.6 (1.605 for the
mixture of lead balls and 1.505 for the mixture of glass and the measured velocity in titanium almost matches
balls), which bears evidence to the intergrain nature of the approximation (6.004) obtained with linear equa-
total porosity. tion (11).



6.0 (а) 100 (b)

Normalized velocity Vp, %

P-wave velocity Vp, km/s



5.6 97
5.4 95
5.2 Compound titanium samples Compound titanium samples
Compound steel samples 93 Compound steel samples

5.0 92
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
Porosity m, % Porosity m, %

Fig. 5. Dependence of (а) P-wave velocity and (b) normalized velocity on total porosity of compound steel and titanium samples.

Dependence of velocity on total porosity for com- joints). The value of matrix’s velocity in the studied mar-
pound steel samples (Fig. 5a) can also be successfully ble was accepted as 6.628 km/s. Using equation (1)
approximated (R2 = 0.96) with linear equation (12): values of normalized velocity were calculated and its
linear dependences on the value of total porosity for
Vp = −1.137m + 5.511. (12) fluid saturated (15) and dry (16) marble were obtained
Measured velocity in steel (5.55 km/s) is close to (R2 = 0.98 and R2 = 0.97 respectively). At that inter-
value (5.51 km/s), obtained with Eq. (12). grain porosity in marble blocks remains constant at
Dependences of normalized velocity on total 0.365%, and fracture porosity created artificially as
porosity for titanium fracture models (13) and steel block joints changes from 0.5 to 4.0% with increasing
fracture models (14) can be well approximated with the number of joints from 1 to 8 (Fig. 6b).
linear dependences (R2 = 0.99 and R2 = 0.96 respec-
tively). They are given in Fig. 5b: Vp = −20.23m + 100.0, (15)

Vp = −20.548m + 99.92, (13) Vp = −20.61m + 88.5. (16)

Vp = −20.636m + 100.07. (14) In approximation equations with linear depen-
dence of normalized velocity on total porosity (15) and
In equations (13) and (14) the coefficient under
(16), coefficients at porosity equal 20.23 (fluid satu-
total porosity appeared to equal 20.636 for steel sam-
rated sample) and 20.61 (dry sample) close to the
ples, on which the influence of one to three fractures
22.0 value, which supports our assumption about pos-
was modeled, and 20.548 for titanium samples, which
sible use of equation (4) for calculating fracture poros-
modeled one and two fractures. Its small difference
ity. In case of complete absence of intergrain porosity
from 22.0 obtained with equation (4) for fracture
we would have obtained a value for this 22.0 coeffi-
porosity may be connected with the fact that the tran-
cient according to equation (4). The obtained result
sition between the side and the face surfaces on all
confirms experimentally that P-wave propagation
cylindrical samples was somewhat smoothed. Thus,
velocity normalized by the velocity in the sample
using steel and titanium models of fracture porosity we
matrix reflects the presence of fracture porosity.
confirmed experimentally that normalized velocity
depends on fracture porosity according to equation (4). Data from another paper (Kurtulus et al., 2011)
El Azhari et al. (2013) study samples of dry and investigating the dependence of P-wave propagation
fluid saturated Moroccan marble with porosity from velocity on the number of artificially created fractures
0.28 to 0.45% (we accept a mean value of 0.365%), (block joints) on different samples—dry marble from
consisting of blocks with dimensions 5 × 5 × 20 cm. Turkey (Fig. 7a)—were also used to justify the use of
Using the approach to determining fracture porosity equation (4) for calculating fracture porosity. Block
developed in the paper, we obtained dependences of dimensions were 6 × 6 × 30 cm and accepting that
P-wave propagation velocity and normalized velocity opening artificial fractures (joints) is 1mm, it becomes
on the number of artificially created cracks (block possible to calculate fracture porosity at the value of
joints). 0.333% for each fracture (joint).
If we accept that the opening of artificial cracks The values of normalized velocity were calculated
(joints) equals 1 mm, we can determine fracture using equation (1). Further, using the value of velocity
porosity at the value of 0.5% for each crack (block in a solid matrix of studied marble 6.54 km/s, linear



7 (a) 120 (b)

Normalized velocity Vp, %

P-wave velocity Vp, km/s
6 100

5 80
1 Water-saturated marble 20 Water-saturated marble
Dry marble Dry marble

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 1 2 3 4 5
Number fracture Nfr Porosity m, %

Fig. 6. Dependence of (a) P-wave velocity and normalized velocity (b) on total porosity of compound blocks of dry and fluid sat-
urated marble sample based on data from (El Azhari et al., 2013).

7 (a) (b)

Normalized velocity (V~p), %

P-wave velocity Vp, km/s

6 100

5 80
Intergrain Vpm = 6.7 km/s
1 20 Fracture Vpm = 6.7 km/s
Dry marble
Marble Vpm = 6.54 km/s

0 2 4 6 8 0 1 2 3 4
Number fracture Nfr Porosity (intergrain + fracture) m, %

Fig. 7. Dependence of P-wave velocity on the number of ruptures (a) and normalized velocity on porosity (b) of a dry compound
marble sample based on data from (Kurtulus et al., 2011).

dependence (R2 = 0.92) of normalized velocity velocity of P-wave propagation in the matrix based on
(Fig.7b) on the value of total porosity was ontained (17): known data on marble blocks was adopted as 6.70 km/s.
In this case the dependence of the normalized
Vp = −24.32m + 94.70. (17) velocity on porosity (18) in the porosity range from
0.0% (solid rock matrix) to 1.49% corresponding to a
In this case we accepted that there was no inter- marble block with no joints but with intergrain poros-
grain porosity and fracture porosity changes from ity of 1.49% (non-filled circles in Fig. 7b) an absolute
0.333 to 2.00% with the increase of artificial cracks linear dependence was obtained (R2 = 1.00) that cor-
(joints) from 1 to 6 (filled circles in Fig. 7b). The responds to equation (3):
obtained value of the coefficient at porosity (–24.32)
in equation (17) is significantly higher than 22.0 value Vp = −1.60m + 100.0. (18)
typical for presence of only fracture porosity (4). The interval of total porosity from 1.49 to 3.49%
(1.49 + 2.0) will correspond to a change in only fracture
For a more accurate construction of the depen- porosity of a compound marble block (filled triangles in
dence of normalized velocity on porosity an assess- Fig. 7b), and the linear dependence (R2 = 0.94) on nor-
ment of the structure of marble based on data from malized velocity is described by equation (19):
(Kurtulus et al., 2011) was performed. It allowed to assess
probable intergrain porosity of marble blocks, 1.5%. The Vp = −20.66m + 123.65. (19)



n = 240 Peff = 2.0 MPa
90 n = 240 Peff = 37 MPa
Increase Peff from 2.0 to 37 MPa

Normalized velocity Vp, %

mfr = 0%



mig = 0%
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Porosity m, %

Fig. 8. Dependences of normalized velocity of studied rock samples on total porosity under effective pressure increasing from 2.0
to 37.0 MPa.

In equation (18) the obtained value of the coeffi- and gas deposits in depletion mode or under a
cient at porosity equals –1.60, which means presence decrease of fluid pressure in the formation.
of only intergrain porosity. In equation (19) this coef- It is well known that velocities of P-waves in rocks
ficient equals –20.66, which reflects a change in only increase under increasing confining pressure (Nur,
fracture (artificial) porosity. 1965; Nur and Simmons, 1966; Zhukov et al., 1991;
The above data from our experimental studies and 2018; Kuzmin and Zhukov, 2004; Ryzhov et al., 2008;
from research of others support our assumption of Sheriff and Geldart, 1983; Zobak, 2007; Tiab and
possibility of experimental determination of both Donaldson, 2004; Mavko et al., 2009; Zhukov and
intergrain (equation (3)) and fracture porosity (equa- Ivanov, 2015). It happens, first, as a result of increased
tions (4) and (6)). packing of grains in terrigenous sedimentary rocks,
and, second, due to closing of some of the existing
APPLICATION OF NORMALIZED VELOCITY Experimental data on the value of porosity and
TO ASSESSMENT OF CHANGES P-wave velocity on each sample were obtained under
IN INTERGRAIN AND FRACTURE an increase in effective pressure from 2.0 to 37.0 MPa.
POROSITY OF RESERVOIRS Then we determined the value of P-wave velocity in a
The authors of this paper applied the approach solid matrix of rocks Vpm, which appeared to equal
above to studying changes in the structure of pore 5.656 km/s, and calculated normalized velocity for
space in the Daghinsky reservoirs on the Sakhalin each sample studied under the effective pressures of
shelf. (Zhukov et al., 2017; 2018). Reservoirs are 2.0 and 37.0 MPa (Fig. 8).
formed by medium-grained, fine-grained, and aleu- Figure 8 shows dependences of normalized velocity
ritic sandstones, sandy and argillaceous aleurolites of studied rock samples on total porosity and their
with total porosity in atmospheric conditions 2.9– mean values for effective pressures of 2.0 and 37.0
28.5%. 240 samples were studied, in which the mean MPa. The same figure provides lines and equations for
value of porosity in atmospheric conditions is 22.2%. dependences of changes in normalized velocity on
Detailed lithological investigations showed that 37 out total porosity for two extreme cases: for assumed pres-
of 60 sections manifest chaotically oriented microc- ence of only intergrain porosity (mfr = 0.0%) and pres-
racks gravitating toward cleavage surfaces of materials. ence of only fracture porosity (mig = 0.0%).
The most interesting is the prediction of changes in The equations for the dependence of normalized
porous space—changes in intergrain and fracture velocity on total porosity (R2 = 0.50 and R2 = 0.63 respec-
porosity—under increased effective pressure. It is tively) differ at effective pressures of 2.0 and 37.0 MPa (21):
explained by a practical necessity to integrate these
changes that accompany the process of exploring oil Vp = −2.26m + 100.0, (20)



–2.5 mfr, %
mig, %
Changes of porosity, abs. %


n = 20 n = 31 n = 29 n = 10 n = 43 n = 43 n = 54 n = 10



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Numbers of wells

Fig. 9. Changes in total porosity and its two components (intergrain and fracture) with effective pressure increase from 2.0 to
37.0 MPa (n—number of studied samples from each borehole).

Vp = −1.84m + 100.0. (21) and fracture components of porosity for each of 240
samples of the reservoir (from eight boreholes) under
Analysis of these equations shows that the coeffi- the increase of effective pressure from to 37.0 MPa
cient at porosity equals –2.26 under effective pressure (Fig. 9).
of 2.0 MPa and –1.84 under effective pressure of Experiment results show (Figs. 8 and 9) that an
37.0 MPa. This signifies, first, a decrease in the value increase in effective pressure is synchronized with a
of fracture porosity with the increase in effective pres- 0.254–2.164% decrease in the value of total porosity
sure by 35.0 MPa, as at the value of this coefficient at for different samples. The mean value of total porosity
–1.6 fracture porosity is completely absent. Second, of all studied samples decreased from 22.22 to 20.95%,
that the main factor that influences the value of total i.e. by 1.28%. The values of both components of total
porosity in both cases is intergrain porosity, as the val- porosity—intergrain and fracture—also decreased but
ues of these coefficients (–2.26 and –1.84) are far at various degrees. Thus, the decrease in the value of
removed from –22.0 which is typical for rocks with intergrain porosity for different samples was from
only fracture porosity. The value of fracture porosity at 0.037 to 1.65%, with the average of 0.779%. Relative to
2.0 MPa effective pressure is somewhat higher than at the initial value (under effective pressure 2.0 MPa)
37.0 MPa effective pressure and is conditional upon intergrain porosity decreased by 3.67%. The decrease
microcracks in samples closing under increased effec- in the value of fracture porosity in different samples
tive pressure. was from 0.145 to 0.762%, with an average of 0.493%
Mean values of total porosity and normalized (Fig. 9). Relative to the initial value, fracture porosity
velocity on all samples (marked with red squares in decreased by 65.5%. Thus, fracture porosity of rock
Fig. 8) under effective pressure at 2.0 and 37.0 MPa samples undergoes stronger changes under an increase
allowed to obtain a linear dependence of changes in in effective pressure compared to intergrain porosity.
normalized velocity on changes in total porosity
(Eq. (22)) under an increase in effective pressure to
Vp = −9.43m + 258.9. (22) Results of experimental studies show that the
impact of fractures (ruptures in junctions of rocks) and
This shows that an increase in effective pressure of intetrgrain porosity on the velocity of propagation
decreases both intergrain and fracture porosity: the of P-waves are radically different. It is demonstrated
coefficient at porosity equals –9.43. Notably, at the that an increase in fracture porosity reduces the veloc-
value of the coefficient equaling –22.0 the value of ity of P-wave propagation more significantly than an
intergrain porosity will remain the same and all increase in intergrain porosity of identical value.
changes will ensue from fracture porosity. At the value Based on this fact and considering that total poros-
of the coefficient equaling –1.6 all changes will ensue ity consists of two components (intergrain and frac-
from intergrain porosity. ture (2)) it is shown that the introduced equation (6)
Thus, using the above mentioned approach for allows to assess the value of fracture porosity of rocks.
determining fracture porosity (equations (3)–(6)) This is demonstrated using various materials and rocks
allowed to obtain variations of the value of intergrain which modelled intergrain and fracture porosity. The



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