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Read Module 3 and 4 of ED 3210 Course Study Guide.

A. Write your perspective on this statement of current DepEd Secretary regarding financial
literacy. Research some financial issues that hounds the teaching profession through the
years and relate it to the statement of Sec. Briones.


How would the different characteristic types react towards a sale advertisement?

According to an article, public schools teachers in the Philippines have been plagued by
borrowings over the past decades. Most notable was in 2016 when more than 26,000 teachers
failed to avail of their retirement benefits due to unpaid loans. With this kind of issue in the teaching
profession, how would you advocate for financial literacy?

Performance Task:
Create a short advocacy video about Financial Literacy. The video slip should be at least 2-3
minutes long.
For online and hybrid, upload it in the FILE tab folder “FINANCIAL LITERACY ADVOCACY”.
For offline/modular, upload your video in the ED 3210 Facebook Group.
(Prizes awaits to exceptional works)

D. Lesson Planning
Instructions: Create a Lesson Plan that promotes Financial Literacy among learners. You can
select any topic from the different K-12 Curriculum Guide preferably in your respective major.
Follow the template provided below.

School Grade Level

Teacher Learning Area
Time & Dates Quarter

A. Content Standards

B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Competencies /
Write the LC code for each

Subject Matter


A. References

B. Materials
(____ minutes). This is an
interactive strategy to elicit learner’s
prior learning experience. It serves as
a springboard for new learning. It
illustrates the principle that learning
starts where the learners are.

Analysis (____ minutes).

Essential questions are included to
serve as a guide for the teacher in
clarifying key understandings about
the topic at hand. Critical points are
organized to structure the
discussions allowing the learners to
maximize interactions and sharing of
ideas and opinions about expected
issues. Affective questions are
included to elicit the feelings of the
learners about the activity or the

(____ minutes). This outlines
the key concepts, important skills
that should be enhanced, and the
proper attitude that should be
emphasized. This is organized as a
lecturette that summarizes the
learning emphasized from the
activity, analysis and new inputs in
this part of the lesson.
(____ minutes). This part is
structured to ensure the
commitment of the learners to do
something to apply their new
learning in their own environment.

Assessment (___ minutes).

For the Teacher to:
a) Assess whether learning objectives
have been met for a specified
b) Remediate and/or enrich with
appropriate strategies as needed,
and c) Evaluate whether learning
intentions and success criteria have
been met.

(____ minutes). Fill-in below any of
the four purposes
 Reinforcing / strengthening
the day’s lesson
 Enriching / inspiring the
day’s lesson
Enhancing / improving the day’s
LESSON PLAN RUBRIC (points possible: 100)
Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Does Not Meet Points
Expectations Earned
Purpose-Goals Matched and clearly Matched but not clearly Not adequately matched Not matched or
connected to KS Standards; connected to KS standards; or connected to KS connected to KS
Major concepts and Most concepts and Standards; Concepts and Standards; Concepts
assumptions of learning are assumptions of learning are assumptions of learning and assumptions of
developmentally appropriate developmentally are sometimes not clear or learning are not clear
10 points (10-9 points) appropriate not listed or not listed
(8-6) (5-3) (2-0)
Objectives * Objectives are obviously Objectives are somewhat Objectives are either not Objectives are not
Subject matter observable and measurable; observable and measurable observable or not observable and also
knowledge, Clearly stated application of ; Stated application of measurable; Minimal are not measurable;
skills and subject matter knowledge subject matter knowledge application of subject Application of subject
application and skills; Includes the three and skills; matter knowledge and matter knowledge and
domains; cognitive, Some domains are skills; Domains and levels skills not evident;
Reasoning affective, psychomotor – included, but not all three are addressed limitedly Domains and levels
ability across all reasoning levels; or not across all levels are not addressed
lower, middle, high (17-15) (14-8) (14-0)
20 points (20-19 points)
Anticipatory Lesson is creatively opened Some attempt to open Limited attempt to tap Does not tap interest &
Set by tapping interest & prior lesson by tapping interest & interest & prior prior knowledge, and
knowledge, and procedures prior knowledge, and knowledge, and describe describe procedures
are described describe procedures procedures (0)
5 points (5-4 points) (3-2) (1)
Procedures Detailed all content and Detailed some content Limited details provided Details are not
resources required for required for instruction; to teach content; Teaching provided to teach
instruction; Includes a Some teaching strategies strategy not clear or MI content; Teaching
variety of teaching strategies included with use of MI theory not evident; strategy not clear or
using Multiple; Intelligences theory; Some methods of Limited methods of MI theory not evident;
theory; Used multiple student inquiry listed; some student inquiry used; Methods of student
methods or inquiry for open ended questions lower level questioning; inquiry not evident;
20 points student learning included; appropriate use of some use of technology lower level
incorporating Bloom’s technology questioning; limited
taxonomy; effective use of (17-15) (14-12) use of technology
technology (11-0)
(20-18 points)
Special Specific strategies designed Strategies designed to allow Some strategies not Strategies not specific
Accommodati to promote success for all success for most students specific enough to support enough to support
ons students based on Time- based on Time- student learning based on student learning based
Circumstances, Tasks, Circumstances, Tasks, Time-Circumstances, on Time-
Communication, Response Communication, Response Tasks, Communication, Circumstances, Tasks,
Modes; Differentiated Modes; Some Response Modes; Limited Communication,
Instruction clearly evident Differentiated Instruction evidence of Differentiated Response Modes; No
20 points (20-18 points) evident Instruction evidence of
(17-15) Differentiated
(14-12) Instruction
Closure Summary provided to Some summary provided to Limited use of summary Summary not evident
reinforce learning and link to reinforce learning to reinforce learning or does not reinforce
5 points future learning (3-2) (1) learning
(5-4 points) (0)
Assessment Appropriate and connected Appropriate; connected to Connected to objectives to Not connected to
to all objectives some objectives; Plans for a limited degree; Plans for objectives or not
20 points Specific description of both both formative and either formative or appropriate; Does not
formative and summative summative assessment; summative assessment; include plans for either
assessments; Details at least States at least two different States one way to formative or
two different ways to ways to represent learning; represent learning; e.g. summative
represent learning; e.g. e.g. concept map, quiz, concept map, quiz, assessment; Does not
concept map, quiz, reflective reflective response reflective response include any ways to
response (17-15) (14-12) represent learning
(20-18 points) (11-0)

*Objectives are evaluated in each education course as specific to requirement and content. Total Points Earned:

A. Picture Accent Process:

Directions: Search for pictures of the different new media available in the market.
Paste them in the boxes below and give a few descriptions about the pictures.

Description: Description: Description:

B. Check Your Understanding

Instructions: In your own opinion answer the following questions:

1. What is media literacy and why is it important in the context of education?

2. What are the example of media and information literacy?

3. What is the purpose of media information literacy?

4. How do you define information literacy?

C. Lesson Planning

Instructions: Create a Lesson Plan that promotes Media Literacy among learners. You can
select any topic from the different K-12 Curriculum Guide preferably in your respective major.
Follow the template provided below.

School Grade Level

Teacher Learning Area
Time & Dates Quarter

A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies
/ Objectives.
Write the LC code for each

Subject Matter


A. References

B. Materials

(____ minutes). This is an
interactive strategy to elicit
learner’s prior learning experience.
It serves as a springboard for new
learning. It illustrates the principle
that learning starts where the
learners are.
Analysis (____ minutes).
Essential questions are included to
serve as a guide for the teacher in
clarifying key understandings about
the topic at hand. Critical points are
organized to structure the
discussions allowing the learners to
maximize interactions and sharing
of ideas and opinions about
expected issues. Affective questions
are included to elicit the feelings of
the learners about the activity or
the topic.

(____ minutes). This outlines
the key concepts, important skills
that should be enhanced, and the
proper attitude that should be
emphasized. This is organized as a
lecturette that summarizes the
learning emphasized from the
activity, analysis and new inputs in
this part of the lesson.

(____ minutes). This part is
structured to ensure the
commitment of the learners to do
something to apply their new
learning in their own environment.
Assessment (___ minutes).
For the Teacher to:
a) Assess whether learning
objectives have been met for a
specified duration,
b) Remediate and/or enrich with
appropriate strategies as needed,
and c) Evaluate whether learning
intentions and success criteria have
been met.

(____ minutes). Fill-in below any
of the four purposes
 Reinforcing /
strengthening the day’s
 Enriching / inspiring the
day’s lesson
Enhancing / improving the day’s
LESSON PLAN RUBRIC (points possible: 100)
Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Does Not Meet Points
Expectations Earned
Purpose-Goals Matched and clearly Matched but not clearly Not adequately matched Not matched or
connected to KS Standards; connected to KS standards; or connected to KS connected to KS
Major concepts and Most concepts and Standards; Concepts and Standards; Concepts
assumptions of learning are assumptions of learning are assumptions of learning and assumptions of
developmentally appropriate developmentally are sometimes not clear or learning are not clear
10 points (10-9 points) appropriate not listed or not listed
(8-6) (5-3) (2-0)
Objectives * Objectives are obviously Objectives are somewhat Objectives are either not Objectives are not
Subject matter observable and measurable; observable and measurable observable or not observable and also
knowledge, Clearly stated application of ; Stated application of measurable; Minimal are not measurable;
skills and subject matter knowledge subject matter knowledge application of subject Application of subject
application and skills; Includes the three and skills; matter knowledge and matter knowledge and
domains; cognitive, Some domains are skills; Domains and levels skills not evident;
Reasoning affective, psychomotor – included, but not all three are addressed limitedly Domains and levels
ability across all reasoning levels; or not across all levels are not addressed
lower, middle, high (17-15) (14-8) (14-0)
20 points (20-19 points)
Anticipatory Lesson is creatively opened Some attempt to open Limited attempt to tap Does not tap interest &
Set by tapping interest & prior lesson by tapping interest & interest & prior prior knowledge, and
knowledge, and procedures prior knowledge, and knowledge, and describe describe procedures
are described describe procedures procedures (0)
5 points (5-4 points) (3-2) (1)
Procedures Detailed all content and Detailed some content Limited details provided Details are not
resources required for required for instruction; to teach content; Teaching provided to teach
instruction; Includes a Some teaching strategies strategy not clear or MI content; Teaching
variety of teaching strategies included with use of MI theory not evident; strategy not clear or
using Multiple; Intelligences theory; Some methods of Limited methods of MI theory not evident;
theory; Used multiple student inquiry listed; some student inquiry used; Methods of student
methods or inquiry for open ended questions lower level questioning; inquiry not evident;
20 points student learning included; appropriate use of some use of technology lower level
incorporating Bloom’s technology questioning; limited
taxonomy; effective use of (17-15) (14-12) use of technology
technology (11-0)
(20-18 points)
Special Specific strategies designed Strategies designed to allow Some strategies not Strategies not specific
Accommodati to promote success for all success for most students specific enough to support enough to support
ons students based on Time- based on Time- student learning based on student learning based
Circumstances, Tasks, Circumstances, Tasks, Time-Circumstances, on Time-
Communication, Response Communication, Response Tasks, Communication, Circumstances, Tasks,
Modes; Differentiated Modes; Some Response Modes; Limited Communication,
Instruction clearly evident Differentiated Instruction evidence of Differentiated Response Modes; No
20 points (20-18 points) evident Instruction evidence of
(17-15) Differentiated
(14-12) Instruction
Closure Summary provided to Some summary provided to Limited use of summary Summary not evident
reinforce learning and link to reinforce learning to reinforce learning or does not reinforce
5 points future learning (3-2) (1) learning
(5-4 points) (0)
Assessment Appropriate and connected Appropriate; connected to Connected to objectives to Not connected to
to all objectives some objectives; Plans for a limited degree; Plans for objectives or not
20 points Specific description of both both formative and either formative or appropriate; Does not
formative and summative summative assessment; summative assessment; include plans for either
assessments; Details at least States at least two different States one way to formative or
two different ways to ways to represent learning; represent learning; e.g. summative
represent learning; e.g. e.g. concept map, quiz, concept map, quiz, assessment; Does not
concept map, quiz, reflective reflective response reflective response include any ways to
response (17-15) (14-12) represent learning
(20-18 points) (11-0)

*Objectives are evaluated in each education course as specific to requirement and content. Total Points Earned:

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